Price. Org. For. Answers but they. Place. The. Cast of a previously recorded program. When you'll be able to. Questions You can also e-mail your questions any time to. Straight. Good afternoon and welcome back to another straight from the Bible where here we have a radio program to take in your life Bible a Bible questions and you can call those questions as for some of course of you're calling from. You'll have to dial the number 323-111-3323 extension 1113 before we get to today's program we would like to ask you please join us in a little prayer we thank you heaven for giving us this time. And it's to do so because we learned so many wonderful things and especially we get to know you more. As we go into today's program in Jesus' Name Well my name is. Specialist my office and in the studio with me is Mr Stephen k.b. Hello Stephen Hello nice to be here as good as have you once more filling in for Pastor tours of course who is off island of the present time but we would like to ask are you going calling your Bible questions at any time during this time. Straight from the Bible you may call in your question and if you would like to e-mail your question then please do so it asks from the Bible at Juno dot com once more that is essays I'm straight from the Bible at g. Mail dot com for 7 to 1111 go ahead and let those phones ring and well once upon a time as phones rang now they kind of bleep or rooster call what they do all sorts of things but we're looking forward to hearing from you as you call in your Bible question well Mr to be today we have a kind of like a. Fanatic study that we would like to look into in the Scriptures That's right and that is the whole idea of what how the Bible uses the imagery of clothing nakedness to teach a very very wonderful spiritual truth we're going to see the role of clothing in salvation that's right and we're going to see how it all started we're going to see what went wrong we're going to see how it was made right and we're going to see how it's all going to end up on this earth and I think that we really need study for everybody who's listening to a man so why don't we go all the way back to the beginning and we're going to take a look at the situation of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden right now Adam and Eve and Genesis chapter one it says that they were created and in God's image and that is found in Genesis chapter one that's right read from verse 27 or 27 Sure Bible says God created man in his own image in the image of God He created him male and female he created them right so we see that there is this though we know that man was not created to be God nor can never become God He bore his. Image That's right and one thing that we know reading in Genesis chapter 2 verse 25 in the perfect world before sin the Bible says they were both naked the man and his wife and they were not ashamed they weren't shamed right Ok so it seems as if Adam and Eve and we've seen the artist's rendition we have seen films where it seems as if Adam and Eve are basically going around in their birthday suits Yeah yeah but if we were creating God's image yeah yeah typically we find that conveniently placed leaves or whatever to cover them and we always have this picture of our understanding of nakedness today right but we're going to find out what the Bible says about their clothing in the garden today now if if they were creating God's image then basically they were created to reflect to God So whatever our whatever our concept or whatever the Bible however it describes God Himself and I think what is he clothed with then we can say that Adam and Eve were clothed the same way and we're going to discover that answer in Psalm 104 and verse 2 right so we're going right to the middle of our Bibles and were given an insight into the very covering of God Now it might surprise many of the listeners to know that God actually does have a covering right and the Bible tells us in Psalm 104 Verse 2 speaking of the Lord God you cover yourself with light as with a garment who stretches the heavens like a curtain God has garments Wow Look at that the Bible does tell us that he covers him self with garments and it's like a light right Ok so we see that God is covered with light but before we go on in this discussion we would like to go to the phones and I believe we have a caller who is waiting we're going to put this person on the air yes hello welcome to straight from the Bible you're on the air oh are you there Ok I'll try this button once more yes welcome to stray from the Bible you're on the air. Well yes hello ma'am Carol Ok Carolyn Yeah Ok Carolyn what's your question. Right. Guy what is a child of God You know that's a very very important question Ok so we're going to be going to a few verses That's right we're going to help you out with that one Carolyn That's an awesome question because it's very important the Christian understand their identity in fact the very 1st thing that Satan said to Jesus after the father had said at his baptism this is my beloved son the very 1st thing that Satan brought before Jesus was if you were the son of God So it's very important to understand our identity and we can find one answer to that in John chapter one and verse 12 you still with us Carolyn so in John chapter one verse 12 you want to write this no reference down the Bible tells us John speaking as many as received him. To them he gave the right to become children of God to those who believe in his name and did you catch that we see that there is the necessity that we receive Him into our life we invite him in and the Bible says to those who believe in his name that he will give the right that is it is a right of the child of God bestowed by God Himself that we will be called the Children of God right when we receive him into the life and believe on Him Now we need to understand of course that sometimes even the best child on earth even though they're at the child of their parents sometimes they go astray but we need to understand when we believe on Him and receive Him into our lives we become children of God write another verse for you Caroline. Romans chapter 8 verse 14 it says for as many as are led by the Spirit. God they are the sons of God So those who are true true children of God They are the ones who are led by God's Spirit God's Spirit is leading them he is changing them he has given them a new birth a new life and so the Spirit of God at work and a person and the person following the spirit of God Following God's voice his convictions these are people who God counts as his children. Ok so I hope that helps a little with your question Ok Well Carolyn I would just like to thank you for calling and we do have a gift for you here and it's called the desire of age it's a wonderful book about the Son of God Jesus Christ. You know it's all about Jesus and so this book is a wonderful book we want you to have it all you have to do Carolyn is come over to joy if m. And pick it up it's yours Ok Yeah Ok thank you very much for your call Ok Ok you know as Carolyn was to ask that question another verse popped into my mind if he's in Chapter one The Bible says verse 3 blessid be the God and Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing and he places in Christ just as he chose him just as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and without blame before him in love having predestined us to adoption sons by Jesus Christ to himself according to the good pleasure of his will that is to say it was God's on unchanging will though we were belly is to acknowledge his back into his family and to give us the title as sons and daughters of God and as a result we have a heavenly inheritance awareness Amen Ok we have another question and this question is from Manny and Manny is asking how can we thank God truthfully give some Bible verses for your answer Ok so he he's asking a question about thanking God but especially how can we thank God you know in truth you know truthfully Ok Well well I think 1st of all the above reverse that I can turn to 1st while you're also flipping through your pages is in Romans Chapter one Verse 21 Romans Chapter one Verse 21 says because of that when they knew God they glorified him not as a god neither were thankful but became vain in their Mammon and their imaginations and their full. Heart was darkened so here we see that. Thankfulness has in it also and added to the of willing to be obedient to God. You know if if if I am not obedient to God If I'm not following his his ways if I'm not following his commandments and I give thankfulness well then really my thankfulness is a very very poor substitute for obedience so I would like to think that. Being thankful to God. Means that you are you are if you want to truly be great for what you want to truly be thankful then show this by by keeping this commandment Yeah the Bible does say if you love me keep my commandments and right or think it is to me very practical ways and soon thank God. He asks us for instance to give a certain portion of our increased costs are high that's right and we can thank God for being the one who has given us power and wisdom and talents to be supplied through you know through the finances that we earn and not by returning not tied that 10 percent to Him We can thank him by giving him our time on his holy day the Sabbath we can thank him by practically you know giving him the time that he so deserves because he's our father because he created us because he gave us 6 days in which to work we can thank him on the 7th and there's many practical ways that we can thank god right amen Ok so man we certainly hope that helps with your question and if you if any of you out there would like to ask some additional questions and here's a number to do that at 1st 7 to 1111 and if you're living in the scene of my Those 3 to 31113 where you may e-mail your question and s. From the Bible at G.-Mail dot com Ok So going back to our original discussion while we're waiting for some calls to come in we have some lines open we encourage you to do. Yep but going back to Ok so so God has a cover it and it says that he covers themself with the light is not interested it is very interesting and of Hebrews in chapter 12 tells us that our God is actually a consuming fire consuming fire every often when you see God in the scriptures you see this imagery of fire you know I'm talking about Daniel Chapter 7 for instance you'll see the same what we're going to do now is we're going to go back to the Garden of Eden because we find something happens so we're going to go back to Genesis Chapter 3 Ok Now the Bible tells us after this well known story of the man's descent into sin and separation from God And then when God comes looking for Adam in the cool of the day he asks this wonderful question which I believe he's asking to every one of his children where are you where are you dear child not as if God is that nobody gives us a chance to be honest and real about where we're at with him and Adam says I heard your voice in verse 10 in the garden and I was afraid because I was and there was that word naked take it and I hid myself we asked the question wasn't he always the Bible says they were naked and not ashamed Well something has happened here because now he's ashamed and now he's hiding because of his nakedness and right and we're going to study that out further Now the Bible tells us because of that nakedness going down to the end of chapter 3 we're told in verse 21. Because Adam and Eve were naked because they were alienated from God God had to step in and he had to do something right because they couldn't do it themselves now Pastor my office just to enlighten some people who may not be familiar with the story what did Adam and Eve try to do to solve this dilemma of their nakedness well when they saw that they were naked. They were ashamed and so they did try to cover themselves that's right and it says in Genesis Chapter 3 and verse 7 it says the eyes of both of them were opened and they knew that they were naked and they sewed figleaves together and made themselves aprons Yeah when it you know we know what an apron looks like it's kind of like a spaghetti strap backless minister and so they they they put together these basically these mini skirts trying to be trying to cover themselves but it's really interesting that even with that kind of covering they still felt an adequate to appear before a holy God So what you're saying is you know it's not I couldn't work right now back then and I don't they don't work too well certainly is a make over and back then or even today and so so God saw that there was still this shame element in his children he wanted to remove that that's right and I think we see something very important here when it comes to. The clothing that we need right we cannot initiate We cannot perfect or supply the clothing that's required it has to be initiated by God because the Bible tells us in Isaiah 591 and 2. But the Lord wants to save us but our sins separate us from him and right as if it's another as a result God stepped in verse $21.00 tells us for Adam and his wife the Lord God made tunics of skin and he clothed them so a term like your coat is a lot different from an apron this has leaves it was at least being you know if you were a coat you know we don't really have coats because unless you stay in the air conditioner all the time but a coat you know Kelly drops down below the knee and it's meant to cover sometimes the neck even so it's kind of high you know there's no there's no plunging neckline on a coat so it's pretty much and then they could appear before God without any shame and what we see here is something very important is that as the 1st. God initiated. Means to clothe his people it required something and it required making tunics of skin now we can easily look over that but it's it's kind of a fact of. Biology when a mammal loses its skin it doesn't have a long time to live you know what we see here then is we see an animal dying sacrificially so that mankind could be reconciled to God to be clothed and their shame and wickedness do not appear and that should get the end Tena of the Christian way up right when we read of an animal dying innocently for the sake of man right Wow So this is where the study gets pretty interesting. Because we see already here foreshadowed the work of Christ in covering our sins in the Book of Revelation Chapter 13 it speaks about the Lambs and the Lamb slain me from the foundation of the world that's right which means that even before there was there was provision for a Savior come here was not a plan that's right here was this provision symbolize and this sacrifice How did Jesus Christ wanted to cover the sense of mankind even way back then at the fall so it is wonderful that you know where we can we can we can put 2 and 2 together and say that there in the Garden of Eden a lamb died that's right a lamb died and it was for the sake of man's reconciliation to God we can study that 1st and 2nd Corinthians actually elaborates on this I think 2nd Corinthians and it's the end of chapter 55 verse 21 and verse 21 by reverently my favorite bible verse by the awesome verse awesome verse verse 18 tells us that God has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ and has given us the ministry of reconciliation and in verse $21.00 tells us how was this achieved the Bible tells us that he that is God made him that is Christ who knew no sin to be sin for us that we might become the righteousness of God in him. That is wonderful you know whenever I read that verse I always like to like to comment doesn't say the righteousness of an angel the righteousness of a man but we might have the righteousness of God Himself beautiful and I'm trying you know it trying to wrap my mind around that you know if I were to try to measure the righteousness of God you know a scale of one to 10 or any number actually there's this little symbol that looks like I'm an 8 lying down it's called infinity you know if you were to ask me how righteousness is as hell right just as God There is no limit and this verse a 2nd credit fancified 21 tells us all of that is given to us because of what Christ did Yes Wow And the greatest miracle that God could ever perform is restoring us sinful man back to an unbroken relationship with him or he can look upon us as one who is righteous and that is the miracle of God It sure is that's definitely we can't add to that we can't modify that in any way it is it is God initiated it is perfected by God and it's offered by God freely to all those who believe it is amazing Yeah you know this this whole this whole transaction of being naked in the clutches of the enemy and being clothed is actually kind of nicely drawn out in the in the story that we find in March up to 5 about a man who was demon possessed Absolutely yes you know we can take a look at that story for our listeners and Mark Chapter 5 we see. This very drama played out we could say we've got an a man with an unclean spirit or many of them many of unclean spirits dwelling in the Tombs no one could bind him he was in chains he was wrecked wretch of a man. It says in verse 6 when he saw Jesus from afar he ran and worshipped him and he cried with a loud voice and said What have I to do with you Jesus son of the most high God I implore you by God that you do not torment me but we need to understand that Jesus is not a tormentor he was either to come out of the man unclean spirit and he asked him What is your name he answered say my name is legion for we are many so it goes on to say in verse 13 at once Jesus gave them permission to leave the unclean spirits left and to the swine they ran down the steep into the sea and drowned in the sea and then it goes on to say in verse 15 after this man was healed of these demons the people of the town came to see Jesus and saw this what was called the demoniac who had been demon possessed and had to lead and sitting and clothed and in his right mind. So him there we see a man who was basically a victim of Satan. Who was naked and I'm trying to imagine if I spent any amount of my life naked in the cemeteries and everybody knowing about this I don't know how I'm going to look anybody in the eye yes but to hear he is after Christ I delivered him in his right mind and clothed is right mind and I can and you know that is just what Jesus does and that's the work that he's trying to accomplish in all of us he takes a life that was a wretch and then he dignifies the person and he removes the shame and the most people in their right mind a man I don't know right right you might say actually it reminds me of the. Parable of the Good Samaritan there was and left naked for dead That's right and it's good Samaritan came by and he took him many bound him up he he helped him with his wounds and he brought him to the inn made sure that he provision was made for to him to be taken care of and ensured that this man would find healing so much like the work that Christ does for us in finding us you know at the hands of thieves the enemy that in fact Satan is called the thief. Left for Dead left naked but Christ comes and restores man and one thing I would like to I thought we could bring out also is that there is one other person who became naked and it was none other than Jesus himself and that's right when he was trying to imagine the God of the whole universe up in heaven receiving the adoration of angels and he is clothed in a consuming fire you know as we read in someone for verse 2 clothed then light and then he comes and what kind of a death would he choose I wonder but he chooses to be naked at his death of all things. It was. For one it was shameful he died as a really. You know as a criminal Yes You know he died shamefully Shanghai and the cross was the most shameful death it was a public death it was a slow death and very often it was the case with Christ it was a naked ignominious death that's true and it's interesting you know how I think you know when we talk about this through really can contemplate the death of Christ we see that you know Jesus could have I'm sure justly chosen to die in many ways Oh yes why in such a public way. Why in such a fashion such as a shameful fashion I believe it really helps us understand just how rotten sin and the devil are all right you know how they would put him up on the cross how they would mock him how they would scorn him and shame him right you know I believe there's a verse in kolache Inza talks how at the cross Jesus actually made a public display of the enemy because as he hung there it was a testimony to this is this is where Satan and his government will get you this is what he will do if he is left to rule things this is the Spirit that He will rule by and I believe that in in the cross forever in the minds of the on Fallen Angels and forever in the minds of the saints we will see that sin is never worth it that sin is never justified never sin is never pretty and never offers what it promises right and I love the how Jesus Christ as He hung there naked he makes the 2nd Cranfield 521 transaction so you know so so very practical where he says I'm willing to take your nakedness I'm willing to take your share Yeah I'll take away all that you know there isn't a person on earth who doesn't have a few skeletons in his or her closet right we all have some things that we would love to keep secret forever Well that's what's the cross is all about Jesus to say I'll take all that away so that you have nothing to show him to be sure. We'll continue this discussion below for a few minutes we'll be right back after this break. As children of God We are known by many names we are broken but transformed kind listeners disciples and teachers self controlled and basters Why is an honorable followers of Jesus obedient loving and set apart if that doesn't describe you that's probably because it never fully describes any of us the one thing not mentioned it is that we are imperfect developing the character of Christ is a process and God's Spirit always does the most work on our flaws will always get in the way but Forgiveness allows us to get out for the Hearts held high in worship because we let God have control over what we say do and think the perfection of the God we serve will always be stronger than our greatest weakness his forgiveness will always outpace our setbacks and when tomorrow comes he will invite his to walk with him once more joy f.m. Family friendly radio joy f.m. Radio dot net. It's an ice skater alone it's a water skier needs the help of others lead there's a lesson in getting there maybe you're like an ice skater financially up on top of the ice and able to give freely on your own deciding in any amount of swish and span or maybe like a water stand financially you feel like you're being pulled alone at an interim you don't know exactly where you're throwing and sometimes you're in over your head up no matter if you're a skier or a skater you need to remember that God provides the water and that your financial season could change no matter what you should always find the means in your heart to consistently give. It seems that when you do he tends to keep your water smooth or your ice strong and you learn to trust him no matter what changes may come because they will come and the difference between an ice skater and a water skier is only a few degrees learn to trust a given here and. Radio joy of them radio. Welcome back to the 2nd half of straight from the Bible today's program is a rebroadcast of a previously recorded program and is now off why don't miss a live program Mondays from 5 to 6 pm when you'll be able to call in your Bible questions you can e-mail your questions any time to us from the Bible she mailed dot com That's us from the Bible at General dot com Joining us now for the 2nd half of straight from the Bible. If. Hello and welcome back to our 2nd half Oh straight from the Bible where Stephen Kibbie is sitting here with me in the studio and we have been keeping Elfrida on the air for over the break and we're going to go back to Elfrida Hello afraid are you still there yes you are Ok so we're going to continue with your question and your question was 1st Samuel where it talks about God and how distressing spirit from the Lord came to Saul and so we see that God is not the one who terms people look at James Chapter one tells us this that God does not tend to anybody and so Stephen you had another text about that well there's another. I'm sorry I legit Acts Chapter 7 but I think we get a clear picture in Exodus I'm you'll recall the story Elfrida of the of the exodus of the children of Israel from Egypt do you remember that when God was setting his people free from Egypt Yes Yes Ok well there's some very interesting language that's used in the Book of Exodus Chapter 89 in Exodus Chapter 8 verse 15 we read after every plank about the the heart of Pharaoh being hardened. No x. Is Chapter 8 1st 15 we read this when Pharaoh saw that there was relief he hardened his heart and he did not heed them as the Lord had said and throw the book of Exodus as the plagues fall we find that after there's relief from them the Bible reads that Pharoah hardened his heart in other words his heart was still hard and he wasn't susceptible to God impressing him he wasn't susceptible to obeying God and letting the children of Israel go now it's very interesting though that the same writer Moses in chapter 9 goes on to write this after the 6 plague he writes the Lord heart in the heart of Pharaoh and he did not heed them just as the Lord had spoken to Moses so we actually find in the Book of Exodus in the situation of the Exodus that the language Pharoah hardened his heart and the Lord hardened Pharaoh's heart used interchangeably Now that's of course very clear indication I would say that it's not actually God that's not giving Pharaoh the possibility of choosing and just taking his heart and hardening it but rather Pharaoh through his own decisions and through his own disobedience is actually hardening his heart but this is something that the Lord is allowing to happen why it will because the Lord gives us the freedom to choose so though it may appear that when it says the Lord hardened his heart that the Lord is sending this to Pharaoh in some way not giving fair all the chance to even to obey it's actually Pharaoh through his own decisions that's right that has there has put himself in the situation where his heart is hard the same with Saul Saul had a distressing spirit why because Saul had continually disobeyed God and he had stepped outside the the bounds of God's protection we also see in the Book of Job where though especially as Satan himself is said to come from God. To harass to tempt job it is simply God allowing Satan to do this not commanding it or not being the author of it himself that's right I like to read that text for you Frieda in the Book of Job Chapter one Verse 12 where it says that you know the story and worse Satan was accusing job and he says God if you let me harass job you'll see that he will not be faithful any war and this was the Lord's answer to Satan and verse 12 and the Lord said to say it's and behold all that he has is in your power only do not lay a hand on his person and it says so Satan went out from the presence of the Lord. And we think that it's very very similar as how it happened to Saul it's not that God is commanding evil spirits to go to King Saul but we see that Saul was it was like being accused by by Satan and by on clean spirits and God because Saul has stepped out of God's protection and God allows it to happen and we see that this actually happens when Satan stands before the presence of God and accuses Saul and accuse as God's people and so there are times when the Lord allows things to happen he allows Satan to to do some limited things either through our own choice or simply to various tests yes but in no way does it mean that God is the one who is planning evil against us people that's not what the Bible is teaching and I have simply means that God allowed Satan to to our home to to work his basically work his plan with King Saul That's really what it means. Now Ok thank you very much operational and well as a final note tell Frieda it's just it's very I think it's very good to understand that there is something that's very big that's happening around us a real battle for you and me and God is doing all that he can to help and to help us and even the bad situations if God knows that it can be used to bring us closer to Him He will allow it close with the bible promise the Bible does tell us that all things work together for good to those who love God so remember even though the bad things may come and they don't come from the hand of God He may allow them because those situations and circumstances can be used to draw us nearer to him. Before we go we have a gift for you and that you that you have just by just for calling here a joy a family it's a book called Crisis object lessons and your name is on the book and all you have to do is coming get it Ok. Thank you very much for your call you know Bye bye. Ok we have another caller who's waiting on the air and so we're going to go to our our new guest Hello this is straight from the Bible you are on the air. Yes Well what is your question oh I'm sorry what is your name. Hello Jessica that's very nice to hear you have a lovely voice and I would like to ask what is your question ma'am. I don't. Know I have or want to. Thank on what. And I thank you but. What. I say Ok so your 1st question. But you do have a you do have a free gift and it's called the desire of ages and it's yours if you would like to come and call it collected Jessica. Thank you Ok so the 1st question is what do we mean when we're what we're saying here in the studio unclean spirit Ok in spirit Well what do you mean Stephen what we were talking about with Elfrida my Canadian coming out with the about. We were talking about this this great battle that goes on around us the Book of Revelation Chapter 12 does tell us that there was before there was even an earth a great battle a rebellion that took place and have been between Satan and between Christ Satan essentially accused God of many things but ultimately that his character was cruel in that he was commanding forcing the worship of his creatures Satan convinced a whole 3rd of the angels to join him in the rebellion and were told that he was cast to the earth and his angels were cast with him in Revelation Chapter 12 right where we see these unclean spirits show up most is actually in the Gospels and Jesus had a. Very very common tendency according to the scriptures of casting these unclean spirits out and it's most commonly believed that the young. I mean spirits are simply these the fallen angels all right that have now been confined to this work to this world and are really this sadistically making a living torturing and tormenting more and children of God Ok that's actually very very it's a it's really just talking about what we were speaking with Elfrida there is a hidden battle unseen to the human eye but very very very able to we're able to feel it about a spiritual battle for man's heart and those of the unclean spirits to which we are for him to you might call them devils and demons and definitely the Bible acknowledges reality but best news is we can overcome them by the blood of the Lamb now and as to her 2nd question what does it mean to test the spirits I would like to go to the text that she is referring to in 1st John chapter 4 so 1st John chapter 4 we're reading from verse one just reading from verse one this is what John writes Beloved do not believe every spirit but test the spirits whether they are of God because many false prophets have gone out into the world very interesting. It says test the spirits because there are many false prophets who have got out into the world well anyone who claims to be a prophet claims to have God's Holy Spirit right and that's that's that's a very fine claim there's nothing wrong with claiming to be to be speaking by God's Spirit basically every Christian should desire this. However we have to come with the reality that not everyone who claims to be speaking by the Holy Spirit is in fact doing so correct Matthew chapter 24 actually tells us that in the end of time in verse 11 many false prophets will rise up and then I think the reason Jesus commanding that we test the spirits is because of these next words and deceive deceive many That's what I really believe in the book of 1st John chapter 4 it's counsel that is needed now more than ever and when there are so many conflicting views of what is true and what is Biblical even or perhaps even especially in the Christian world it seems more than ever we have to be on our guard to test. Every every teaching every teacher and every claim and every claim you know and how do any test it anything that would anything that would seek to guide us on a spiritual path we need to be very responsible intelligent about it exactly and then we're told that the Bible is sharper than any 2 edged sword it is from here says the dividing asunder of soul and spirit in the joints and marrow and is discerner of the of thoughts in the intense of the heart if we want to test whether something is Biblical whether it is something as a lifestyle that we should adopt we should search the scriptures the phone and not only does it search out whether these things which are coming at us are true or not it actually also helps us understand whether our heart is right with God or not exactly true and for Jessica who we hope is still listening and all of that also others who are still listening Isaiah Chapter 8 verse 20 says to the law and to the testimony if they do not speak according to this word it is because there is no light in them and so to test the Spirit simply means make sure that any spirit that is trying to influence us through teaching through doctrine through impressions or whatever and maybe it has to be in fact very. It has to be genuinely tested by the Word of God Ok so we're going to the air now with our brother named Ron who is in Manila now oh my and so I 'd was like we have we've lost that one and I didn't see the question was up on the screen I didn't get it I didn't get it so I'm wondering if the people in the control room could ringing again. Ok All right so I'm sure we'll get that call back during this little moment of. Telephone silence Here's the in number to call 47211118 seems as if the phones are ringing off the hook everywhere which is great and we encourage you to keep them running for 7 to 1111 and you can. Call with your Bible question Ok I believe we're going back to Ron I hope and so here we are hello brother on are you on the air. Here are Ok So please what is your. I say what your question I have a question. For in 2. Tongues speaking in tongues. Every. Times. And reference to babbling or is it always referred to as a foreign language. Whatever Paul is saying in a New Testament. Using the word. Used always to a foreign language or they needed for instance a person with a gift. I just want to know if it was ever use that term babbling I'll just take my answer off the phone. And that's perfectly fine thank you very much for you for your call. Ok so the question is in Bible times the term tongues was always a incoherent type of speaking. And he used the word babbling or is it definitely a known language somewhere here on the planet now I know that when we look at the when we look at the New Testament teaching on tongues. It its peers to be uniform in all but one point we see in Acts chapter 2 for instance that the disciples preached on Pentecost and many were converted they heard Peter and learned fishermen preaching in their own tongue and though Peter was not a cretin or otherwise they could understand his speaking so the gift of tongues is being used we find other places in the Scriptures Romans 12 seasons for where tongues is listed with spiritual gifts like evangelism teaching in Apostles and healing and so forth the purpose of tongues was simply this tongues were a spiritual gift used to grow God's church very true thats it plain and simple if you want to clear look at what what were the purpose of the gifts of the Spirit they were to spread the gospel and write one of the great hindrances of the God of spreading the Gospels of course at the time was language. Where you travel there typically be a different. I wish it wasn't quite as cosmopolitanism Jesus Christ train 12 Heber's I really want to go to the world even if you know I my language the only language I have is English and if you ask me to go to the world I have a big problem I don't speak Swahili That's right and any other language and big hindrance is the one place that we find there to be somewhat of a challenge as to what the understanding of tongues is in 1st Corinthians chapter 14 and here we see in verse 2 Paul says it he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God and no one understands it however in the spirit he speaks mysteries we hear in 1st Corinthians 14 the idea of an unknown tongue an unknown time now based on the rest of the Scriptures We simply recognize this as a language that is on known to the hears of the here and therefore Paul counsels that if someone is going to speak with an known tongue that that person have a interpreter right so that the people hearing the message can actually be benefited because if there is no interpreter It does sound like babbling so if I were a Chinese person walking into an English speaking church yes and I'm hearing the sermon or the song for that matter or anything spoken out there may recur regarding the offerings more or whatever if it's all in the language that is unknown to me I need an interpreter so that I can understand the sermon and be benefited and praise the Lord yeah right and I think even maybe a clear pictures is a Chinese person showing up in an English speaking church and preaching the sermon while this would appear to those who are in the congregation such as myself. To be some kind of in perceptible babbling while because you simply can't understand it's an unknown dabbling it comes from the root means confusion that's where baby comes from their baby babbles that's where the word comes from is simply unknown it's confusing why because there's not an interpreter there to interpret. What appears to be babbling it actually is a language but it's not known to the hearers unless unless it's interpreted it's right. If Ron had the question is or does the Bible refer to. Tongues and a babbling way actually the only place where in history where you do find this practice of living in the spirit come in and an incoherent unknown I mean totally unknown to anybody on the planet type of language actually comes from the the Greek the Greek or coals of Delphi and this was basically young ladies who would breathe in intoxicating vapors and they would basically just out of their mouth would just come a whole lot of gurgling it's the only only the Holy People can interpret and those are called oracles and so this is this type of a practices definitely not found in Scripture and that type of concept of tongues is definitely not found in any any of God's or any of God's teachings that's right now we actually had Thanks so much for your I think I said Ron that was really good actually it helped us clarify a little bit call that was brought in a few weeks ago that's right we actually have another question that has come in through an alternate form of media the good old fashioned telegram way Ok if you like to read so here's this well here's a question I was given by a brother Manny can my brother earn treasure in heaven while he is dead if he gave money to build a church while he was alive. As we discussed this question previously in the break we definitely develop some we find sound biblical principles as to how to answer this question Jesus actually does admonished us he says line it up for yourself upon earth or mof and rest of the corrupt him with these breakthrough and steal but lay out for yourselves treasures in heaven where neither mof nor rust corrupt him or thieves do not break through or steal for where your treasure is there your heart will be also very very So I think when we answer this question we have to we have to really understand at the heart is at the heart of the matter now as we put this question apart I think that there are some things that we do need to address 1st. We need to address according to 1st our story the book of Hebrews and Chapter 9 and I believe its 1st 27 were told that he was 927 as it is appointed for men to die once but after this the judgment So Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many ultimately the picture that Scripture gives is that there is One Life to Live and then as we learn in the teaching of the parable of the rich man and Lazarus our destiny is determined by how we live on this earth that's right now there is a common misconception. When we make an offering or as. 10 percent of our income or an offering something that we give above and beyond out of our and I have our blessings from God that we're somehow earning something earning something with God or are paying God The Bible actually doesn't look at it like that and I don't you know the Bible teaches that the cattle on a 1000 hills are God if he needed something he wouldn't need to ask us I think that by virtue of the fact that God spoke and made everything seen and unseen gives him more than a right to ownership of those things and gold silver diamonds he can speak into existence if you wanted to correct so when we are paying Todd that offering it actually really is more like returning to God what is already his that's right does God need our money no Does God need our heart yes and he gives us the opportunity and I call it a wonderful opportunity to pay tithes to make offerings because it allows us to center our our affections on him and his work above our own comforts our own possessions and our own pleasures so instead of earning anything from God or buying anything from God you know eternal life or anything else yes it's really a love response to what God has done correct a sense of duty also. You know this belongs to you and give me about to you right all of these things is really just of the act of worship correct So ultimately when God does judge the birth the book of 1st Samuel Chapter 16 and verse 7 tells us that man looks on the outward appearance but God looks on the heart when God makes our decision as to where our treasure will be at all it's going to be a matter of where our heart was on this earth was it with him or was it on ourselves and I think that Pastor Martens is found I think a nice concluding verse that really sums up the answer to this question quite well this is. From the book Revelation chapter from 14 Revelation 14 and I'm reading verse 13 then I heard a voice from heaven saying to me right bless it are the dead who die in the Lord from no one so this is talking about the people who died and it's specifically people who have died in the Lord yes says the Spirit and that they may rest from their labors and so that's the 1st point we can look at this verse they rest from their labors in death they are not earning anything they are not laying up treasure while they are dead yeah they're in there because of our understanding of the Bible what the Bible teaches that the dead are sleeping. When a person is dead they rest from their labors but the rest of the verse says and their works follow them and we see in Revelation chapter 22 were got and where Jesus is going to reward people according to their works but in other words. Should pass from office rest in the grave today tonight you know. In death I don't earn anything the things that I did during my life. They are they follow me in the judgment that's right and so when I am resurrected to the judgment like I say not like we spoke to our our 1st brother who talked about our When we get to Heaven my character remains unchanged it's the same character Christ gave to me and changed me into what I was here on Earth correct the things I did giving money to the poor all these other things. Though those also but are a part of the judgment as well in the Bible does actually teach that each man will be judged according to His works does that mean that we simply try to do more good things and that he doesn't know but the works are simply a natural outcome of what's happening in the heart that's right now we can do a lot of good things appear apparently good things but our heart be far from God But one thing we do know that a heart that has been converted to Christ will necessarily. Translate to good works and I think that there's good news for Manny knowing that his brother was willing to sacrifice his their earnings his materials his possessions for the Cause of God praise him for is this a positive thing absolutely will it dictate eternal. Destiny. God will weigh it but ultimately God will look upon the heart yes man he's dear deceased brother it's right and see will you enjoy just as you did in life will you enjoy spending eternity with me that's right and I think that ultimately Scripture shows how. Those who those who belong to Christ are those who are cries they never come into judgment the Bible says In other words they are not condemned Yeah and and scripture the gospel the one way how we come off in the judgement as if we have the blood of Jesus Christ in my cleansing us from all sin that's correct praise God for that and we have our closing music boy the time flies are what I look forward to next. Swete We really appreciate all of your calls and the wonderful questions it's good it's great to know now that the people of Guam are searching their Bibles and coming to up to questions that are hard to answer and by God's grace we did our best to to help alleviate some of those questions that's right and we're just so thankful that God's word speech truth and so as we are closing our program today we thank you so much for listening in and I'll be sure to tune in again for another exciting time of straight from the by well next week Monday at 55 o 5 to 6 o'clock pm be sure to get your Bible questions ready for that time we look forward to hearing from you thank you very much this is special Louis Marcus and Stephen Covey saying Have a great day. Thanks for listening to straight from the Bible today's program was prerecorded to hear the Life program and ask your own Bible freshens listen in Monday's from 5 to 6 pm You may also e-mail your questions anytime to as from the Bible at Chanel dot com That's us from the Bible at g. Mail dot com to receive free Bible studies or other Bible study materials through the mail call Joy f.m. And bomb at 47291111 you can also e-mail us at mail at Joy 92 Dot Net join us again next time for another edition of straight from the Bible. David Lane thanks for saying I am mainly used. Going a.j. You are listening to k s d a 91.9 and I get it and again you might want and final cast on again oh are you 89.9 and like the time is now 2 o'clock. The 7th Day Adventists go.

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