Administer qualm clinic can help you I clinic is now open on Sundays from 8 am to 12 pm on the 1st Sunday of each month and from 8 am to 1 pm the following Sunday's Sunday hours are available by appointment only the clinic accept select care stay well not care and Shrike care insurance is call now to schedule an appointment 646-8881 our stop by the clinic today on 388 e.p.l. Road Tom Mooney at the 7th Day Adventist clinic your health is our mission. Well. You're now listening to another edition of the more abundant life Adrian Westmead Jr Here is your host I'm so happy to welcome you today to our program so glad that you've joined us today we're going to have another one of those situations where the message is so long that we need to decide between message and music and today we're going to decide on message spoken word so we're going to get into this so we can get all of it in one broadcast today humble yourself before the Lord presented by Dr White leaderships. I hope that you'll enjoy today's message here now is widely fits and I'll be back after the message to share some information with you you know with verse 12 the book of Isaiah Chapter 41st 12. Bible says how the fallen from heaven over Lucifer son of the morning how are cut down to the ground which gets weak in the nations for thou hast said in the wind high I will ascend into heaven I will exult my throne above the stars of God I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation in the sides of the north I will ascend above the heights of the clouds the whole lot I up and here I will be like whom the most high. And verse 15 yet shall be brought down to Hell to the sides of the pit they that see the shell narrowly look upon the and consider the saying is this the man that made the earth to tremble that did shake kingdoms that made the world as a wilderness and destroyed the cities thereof that open not the house of his prisoners God had a blessing to the reading His word today it has become increasingly clear to me that outside of the Word of God There are no practical explanations for the origin of sin when we consider the many mysteries of sin its power its penalties we are struck by how much we do not know about sin there's a lot we don't know about sin but here is what we do know we know that Solomon told us that righteousness exultant the nation but sin is a reproach to any people we know that John said that whosoever committed sin is the servant of sin. We know that Roman Paul tells us that the wages of sin is death we know that since the transgression of the law and we know that all sinners have a heart problem I said we know that all sinners have a heart problem because sin is a problem of the heart Solomon said in Proverbs 29 who can say I have made my heart clean I am pure from my sin no one can we know said Jeremiah that the hot is deceitful above some things up above all things and desperately wicked not just wicked but desperately wicked not to be in a room with someone who's wicked is one thing but to be in that room with someone who's desperately wicked is another and Jeremiah tells us either lot search the hard I try the rains Now here's what we do know we know that since started with an angel who next to Jesus was the one most honored by the father that mighty angels name was Lucifer and before iniquity was found in his heart Lucifer found his purest and greatest delight in reflecting the glory of God that was Lucifer's job his job was to stand near God and reflect the glory of God for Lucifer his highest jaw it was found in fulfilling the high purpose of his creator but somewhere in that perfect heaven a change began to take place in the heart of he who was 1st among the characters'. A change began to take place in the heart of this money angel who was holy and undefiled Boy I tell you you really have to stay on your knees because if one who is holy and undefiled can be brought to that base level who we see every day every day of his life Lucifer stood in the presence of the Creator every day of his life Lucifer pass in the streaming light of God's on reflected glory don't miss that word on refracted it just simply means that there was nothing that shielded him from the glory of God every day the light of God's eternal Majesty left and indescribable radiance upon Lucifer's face he was call son of the morning but even though God was the source of all this glory this mighty angel began to feel that the light that illuminated his countenance originated from within himself Lucifer began to believe that his beauty was something he could take credit for it reminds me of that woodpecker who was picking on the trunk of a dead tree when suddenly it like Ming struck the tree and splintered it the woodpecker flew away on harm but looking back to where the dead tree had stood that proud woodpecker exclaim Wow Look where that is. The devil looked at his beauty Lucifer looked at his beauty and said wow look at me . Look how beautiful I am look how in television I am and he refused to give God the glory began taking personal credit for what God had created him to be and that's why in his e.q. Chapter 28 verse 12 God says to Lucifer Thus saith the Lord God See this up the sum full of wisdom and perfect and beauty God called him perfect indeedy thou hast been eaten the god in the god every precious stone was your covering you are the anointed cherub. The unknowing share of that coverage and I have set the so da lost upon the holy mountain of God down has walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire Dollhouse was perfect in the ways from the day that I was created till iniquity was found in the but I. Was lifted up because of what beauty Mike his heart was lifted up because of what his what his beauty that our Hass corrupted by wisdom by reason of the brightness in other words Lucifer's wisdom became corrupted because he was so bright and beautiful he lost his mom he lost his ability to read and spiritually read a story one day after a minister had preached to so searching sermon a woman who had heard to some and waited upon him and told him that she was deeply convicted by the message and in much distress sir said the lady I would like to confess to you a great sin I have committed the minister asked her what the sin was she answered the sin of pride for I sat for an hour before my mirror some days ago just admiring my beauty. All dear sister said the minister that was not a sin of pride that was a sin of imagination. Lucifer was deceived by you with me today he felt he was worthy of being in the same room with God. Speaking Lucifer that has said in the heart I will it's all my throne about the stars of God I will be like the Most High Church we do not know what madness possessed moves afoot to believe that he was worthy of the praise and on a given to God It was insanity it was insanity for Lucifer to think that he had the same right to exercise the Parag octaves of divinity insane even the angels as they listened to his pet peeves and his faulty reasoning they could tell that he was on a slippery slope headed for destruction they urged him to change is call his course and he wouldn't do it they implored him not to disturb the peace of heaven finally God the Father in a bold preemptive preventive strike called the Heavenly Host together and he said he is My Son Jesus is my son whatever I am he is wherever he is it is as though I am there whatever he says I have said it whatever he does I've done it. Lucifer went out trying to win over the loyalty and allegiance of some of the angels and he tried he was some oh slick he tried to make it appear that he was just trying to win back to God the loyalty of disaffected angels you gotta understand what he was doing here he was trying to make it see that these angels were going astray and he was trying to bring them back when in actuality he was being deceptive It's called deception it's called subterfuge he even made it appear that his purpose was to promote loyalty to God and preserve the harmony and peace of heaven but in reality he was secretly engineering and fomenting a dangerous form of discord dissension and division I want you to know that Lucifer is alive and well in too many churches today because in too many churches there are people who go around trying to appear like they have the best good of the church at heart but it is subterfuge it is deception they are fomenting a dangerous form of discord and dissension and deficient and God will judge them. Just like he judged Lucifer into many churches you know the Lord told me something that at Shipley one day and I still when I think about it I am shaken by it Jesus told me that his church has grown more by division discord and deception then by evangelists if you think about it you go to any city and you will see 1st Baptist 2nd Baptist 3rd Baptist they didn't then implant those churches. You you go look at our denomination and you going to see churches here churches there they didn't grow out of love and if. They grew out of this core dissension and division there are so many today who like Lucifer they have been seduced by the presumptious miss of their chosen ness they think just because they've been chosen by God and they know the truth that they can carry on God's work any way they want to the truth is Lucifer felt that it was his right listen carefully to be included in the secret deliberations of the Trinity the Bible said Pride goeth before destruction and a holy spirit before a fall the Bible tells us that a man's pride will bring him low John the Baptist said a man can receive nothing except it be given him from heaven and what did you do and what do you have that you did not receive Now if you did indeed receive it why do you glory as if you didn't receive it did you miss that John said whatever you got God gave it why don't you act like you received in Pride is the very essence of sin be aware of pride one poets some of proud of their lace and what they wear others a proud of their race others of their play this you know you know folks come I was born in. I am from others of their face well. I have even met people who are proud of their humility I heard a preacher one say of his church when it comes to humility where tops. Proud of their humility spiritual pride is a most dangerous kind of pride. And God says addressed this today spiritual pride is a dangerous kind of pride one pastor told of how a member of his church came to him with an air of pride and said I've been through the Bible 5 times this year the pastor looked at him and said How often has the Bible been through. Spiritual pride it's a dangerous kind of pride one rabbi said the pride and envy with which even the pious among us seem infected form the greatest menace to our spiritual integrity prot pride is the only disease known to man that makes everybody is sick of you while you don't even realize you have it. I use that term it it was pride that turned Lucifer into Satan it was pride that Satan used to tempt Eve he said Eve you'll be like God The British scholar William Barclay wrote Pride is the ground in which all the other sins grow it is the parent from which all the other sins come allow me to ask pray tell what does a sinful person have to be really proud of you can show can be proud of your ancestry you know yesterday I was I was blown away in Portland Oregon last night a lady came up to me a Caucasian lady in tears and she said to me I have a dear friend who is a. An African-American sister and she said and she gave me her name and her last name was Newton she said I'm a descendant of John and she said and I've had this friend for 25 years and we just decided that we were going to trace our backgrounds and wouldn't you know what she said We traced her family to the very ship that mom I this fall father John Newton Captain pays. One fought one man set off father was Adam we don't have a lot to be proud of you know that when we go back we see a whole lot a mess in our background. So you can come here looking as respect to Bullen but you and I know that if you go just a couple of generations back you're going to find some of the worse vices and problems in your family and in my family this preacher said Ah father was Adam what do you expect our grandfather was does and our great grandfather was nothing. Did you hear that you missed that think about that for a minute off father was Adam a grandfather was just a not great grandfather was nothing so much for that family tree. Martin Luther said it this way he said it this way caught created the world out of nothing and as long as we are nothing he can make something out of. Sin entered the world because of pride and and in. It is a source of iniquity jerm I said God Behold I was made to heaven and the earth by your power when he opens the door God is an awesome powerful God you know that when he opens a door nobody can shut it amen but I want to share with you today on this problem of pride pride always leads to backsliding you may be ship wrecked while docks safely in the harbor if pride is your cargo. Did you hear me today you can be lost like Lots wife holding the angels hand if pride is in your heart. Pride always results from over valuing your self and under valuing others when you truly understand who Christ is your pride and self-importance will melt away because there is an inherent in compatibility between arahant and the presence of God in your heart the proud person depends upon himself rather than on God and that causes God's guiding influence to leave his light when God's presence is welcomed on the other hand there is no room for pride because he makes you aware of who you really are God lets you see yourself the way you really are and you can't walk around with your head up in the in the sky pride undermines our faith you see Jesus could have done great Americans in Nazareth where he was from but he chose not to because of the people's pride they missed out on the miracles of Jesus because they were too proud to go where and I said Jesus looked elsewhere and that's where a friend a friend of mine taught me go where you're celebrated not where you're tolerated Amen that's the that's the message here go where you're celebrated not where you're tolerated pride can cut us off from God pride got Tell me take my time because sometimes I feel like I want to rush but losses slow down. Pride distorts our view of ourselves makes us think that we are normal. And we take another step further it makes us think that we are not just normal but normative that means that we are the standard for this your 1st problem is thinking that you're normal. None of us are born in sin shapen in iniquity we are not normal neither are we normative for others pride distorts our view of ourselves and others yes pride makes you look down on other people it distorts your view of other people pride blinds you to your own faults and it magnifies the faults of others the Bible warns that pride is the surest route to self destruction it was pride that led Lucifer down that road and was pride that kept him there long after he knew he was wrong the son the law tells us this week this is carefully she says it was too great a sacrifice for Lucifer who had been so highly honored to confess that he had been wrong pride can Lucifer from confessing that he was wrong a compassionate Creator in yearning pity for Lucifer and his followers was seeking to draw him back away from the abyss of ruin into which they were about to plunge but the mercy of God was misinterpreted remember pride causes you to misinterpret other people it calls Lucifer to misinterpret God don't mess that Lucifer the Son of God says pointed to God's long suffering as evidence of Lucifer his own superiority over God and as a sign that God are weakened by the strength of Lucifer his arguments would finally yield to Lucifer's terms. And I'm talking about it today dry because Lucifer to think that God was just a week. When all God was doing was being patient try cause Lucifer to see guts patience as a sign of God giving him and capitulating to his demands and careful today Lucifer tricked the angels who stood with him I tell you here is a terrible terrible dude calls the trick the angels you know what So the law tells us that he went to them and said you know you've already decided to come with me and God is not going forgive you for that listen and listen some law tells us that so far as Satan was concerned it was true that he had gone too far to return but not so with those who had been blinded by his deceptions Listen had they heeded the warning they might have broken away from Satan snare all those dangers that were thrown out it wasn't too late for their pride but why the same thing that got Lucifer and trouble was what got them in trouble what does it. What was it. Pride not God have to let sin run its course friends for all of us no matter how far we have gone in life we must never believe the Devil's a lie with God's mercy and forgiveness if you only hunger yourself. No matter how far you a fall and how yourself God says in Leviticus 26 1st 40 if they shall confess their iniquity and the iniquity of the fathers with their trespass which they trespassed against me and that also they have walked contrary unto me and that I also have walked contrary under them and have brought them into the land of their enemies if then their uncircumcised hearts be humble. And then they accept of the punishment of their iniquity Oh my did you hear that God says if you will not only humble yourself but humble yourself enough to accept the punishment of your in the gut says then. And that brings us to the end of the message for today and just about to the end of our program for today I hope that this message was beneficial to you I know that it's given all of us a lot to think about as do most of the messages and all the messages actually that Dr Phipps presents to us we had plenty to think about. If you would like to obtain information about what you've heard today here on the more abundant life please send an e-mail to us at the more abundant life radio at G.-Mail dot com The more abundant live radio at G.-Mail dot com Just for reference Today's message for today's program number 578 I hope you'll join us again for another program but until then Adrian West a junior saying goodbye for now and asking you to remember John Chapter 10 verse 10 those words of Jesus I came that you might have life and that that knife might be the more abundant life. Are you experiencing blurred vision the eye specialist at the 7th Day Adventists qualm clinic can help you I clinic is now open on Sundays from 8 am to 12 pm on the 1st Sunday of each month and from 8 am to 1 pm the following Sunday's Sunday hours are available by appointments only a clinic accept select care stay well Night care and Shrike care insurances call now to schedule an appointment 646-8881 or stop by the clinic today on 388 eep our road Tom Mooney. At the 7th Day Adventist clinic your health is our mission. Coming up next on the amazing thanks presents when the world began there were 2 brothers they both claim to worship the same God and the one who did it the wrong way persecuted the one who did it the right way that is going to be repeated in the last days. For over 40 years amazing facts it's been dedicated to sharing God's word through media this program features highlights from some of our best television broadcasts . Invited to sit back and enjoy this edition of a mazing facts prisons. Today's presentation is an excerpt from here we stand here. Now I like to start with an amazing fact I don't know if you've ever heard. This fella here you see it they were on the screen. Very interesting story he began as an attorney born in 1000 No 7 in Germany as the war broke out because of his intelligence they grabbed him and advanced him quickly through the German ranks but he was a bright man a religious man and he recognized that Hitler was insane and that he was destroying Germany and much of Europe he became part of the underground in the resistance and eventually they discovered where he stood he was captured he was tortured he would not tell them anything they took him to a Nazi court and had a mock trial they accused him of attempting to assassinate Hitler which may have been true they pronounced him guilty and as they were marching him out to be executed there was an air raid siren and before people could even go 'd to cover a bomb made a direct hit on the courthouse everybody involved in the trial was killed except Baron von shriven or he survived unhurt and he managed to survive the war beyond that that day everything turned around he came back and he served as a judge in the country that had condemned him to be executed lived until 980 talk about a reversal of fortune you know the Bible describes the day of the Lord I think you probably find 3035 times where this phrase or something similar is used in the Bible and it's used to describe that last day of the world's history when probation closes for planet Earth. And Jesus comes to rescue his people he comes at a moment when it looks like they're about to be annihilated but at the last moment the tables are totally turned and our enemies are destroyed and we are vindicated and rescued question number one what is the day of the Lord I've got another verse Isaiah chapter 2 verse 12 for the day of the Lord of Hosts shall come upon everything proud and lofty upon everything lifted up and it shall be brought low you see at the end there's going to be a war this day of the Lord is also synonymous with the battle of Armageddon and this battle of Armageddon is not of war between China and Russia and the u.s. And Iran or anything like that finally the whole world is going to be polarized into 2 groups those that believe in God and His Word and are willing to stand on the rock of truth and those who follow the beast and his image and are following this man made religion of traditions when the world began there were 2 brothers they both claim to worship the same God they did it differently one did it his way he was not accepted by the Lord one did it God's way he was accepted and the one who did it the wrong way persecuted the one who did it the right way that is going to be repeated in the last days dragon was enraged with a woman Revelation 1217 and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus this is God's church in the last days there will be an all out war against those who stand for the truth I hope you're willing friends to stand on the rock of God's word and not be afraid because you will not stand alone Jesus will stand with you Revelation 137 it was granted him to make war with the Saints this is the last battle it's not a political war it's a spiritual war between those who worship God and follow His Word and those who don't Revelation 17 verse 13 and 14. These are of one mind and they will give their power and authority to the beast these will make war with the lamb so that whenever anyone makes war with God's children they're really making war with whom the lamb Jesus said whoever touches you touch is the apple of my eyes they'll make war with the lamb of the lamb will overcome them but in this meeting most Christians believe that Jesus is coming most Christians believe in the signs of the near miss of his coming but there is a lot of confusion in the world out there regarding how Jesus is coming and I'd like to take a moment and talk about that because if you do not only understand something about how he's coming if Christ began telling us about his coming by saying be aware of false Christs and false prophets he's telling us that there is going to be a major deception in the last days that will fool most of the world regarding his coming Satan is going to impersonate Christ coming so one way we can guard against being deceived in that way is to understand something about how he's coming here is a slide to quickly illustrates in the last days just prior to Christ coming they'll be a tribulation it'll be 2 sections it'll be a small time of trouble then probation closes big time of trouble that's when the plagues fall they'll be a death to create against God's people just like you had in the Book of Esther but at the moment when it looks like God's people are going to be destroyed the Lord comes to deliver us in the day of the Lord the wicked destroyed by the brightness of His coming we are caught up to meet the Lord in the air then we spend 1000 years living in reigning with Christ in the mansions he's prepared does that make sense he says I go to prepare a place for you he goes up I'll come receive you to myself we will be caught up to meet him in the air we go and live in reign with Him in eternity. And at the end of the 1000 years the New Jerusalem descends back down to earth the meek inherit the earth god punishes the wicked as the final judgment he creates a new heaven and a new Earth so this is I'm giving you a very quick overview of those things but especially in recent years a scenario that used to be the exception has now become prevalent because people do not study for themselves and folks want to believe whatever is sensational and popular this whole Left Behind scenario that has been made so popular by a series of books by Tim La Haye and Jerry Jenkins and made into a variety of movies has kind of taken the the generic Christian church by storm and because people are not really studying biblical theology chronology eschatology in depth they're not digging deep and putting their roots down on the rock the being caught up in these fantasies Now let me tell you why this is so dangerous it gives people the idea they can have a 2nd chance I've met people before who believe in the secret rapture theory and a husband for instance will say Well dear you know I know you're going to church and you tell me one of these days that you're just going to disappear and have you heard folks say this before planes are going to crash cars going to crash and and he said you know if you disappear I might have to go through that 7 years the tribulation but then at least I've got 7 years to get my act together and I've met a lot of people that think well I'm going to wait and see if this rapture thing really happens and if it happens well I'm not looking forward to the tribulation but at least I get another chance and the devil has developed this false theory because he loves it it makes people think I can just take it easy and wait and see the rapture happens you don't find Spurgeon in the West when Whitfield in the great reformers believe in this nonsense. Part me friends I don't want to be derogatory or unkind but I hate to see folks deceive and the devil is setting people up the tribulation happens 1st God does not save his church from tribulation he saves it through tribulation let me ask you this 10 aside the 7 last plagues are sort of a parallel for the 10 plagues that fell on ancient Egypt right were God's people the Israelites in Egypt when the plagues fell yeah they were there when the plagues fell didn't protect them during the plagues other word about the plagues not one bit only thing I worry about is will I be faithful I'm not worried about the plagues I know that if I'm on God's eye he'll take care of us he didn't save them from the plagues he saved them through the plagues Paul says it is through much tribulation we must enter the Kingdom of God God did not save Noel from the flood he saved him through the flood he's right in the middle of it he didn't save Daniel from the Lion's Den he saved him through it he saved Shadrack me shaking the bin to go through the fiery furnace he saved Joseph through as trials and job through as trials this whole idea that God loves the Church too much to allow her to endure and he's going to rapture her out before the tribulation comes sounds in attaining and we all like candy don't we it's all it is it's cotton candy it's not Biblical and by the way remember what I've been telling you whenever you're in doubt about what to do do it safe my view is safe or be ready for the tribulation if we all get raptured and we missed it I'll apologize but if you're thinking that you just can relax and you don't have anything to worry about you're not for the find your faith in your mind with the Word of God for this storm that's coming you're the one who is going to get swept away because your house is not rooted on the rock so what I'm saying we will be here the tribulation is coming before Jesus comes because he comes to rescue us he says the midnight of the world the darkest hour. The church is going to shine the brightest when the world is the darkest that's what makes it so glorious 1st us alone in survivors 2 and 3 for you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord remember that's their title so comes as a thief in the night for when they say peace and safety this whole seeker after scenarios all based on peace and safety when they say peace and safety then sudden destruction comes upon them as the labor pains remember he's quoting now Paul is quoting Isaiah what I just read you in chapter 13 as labor pains upon a pregnant woman they sell a lot of scape you know sometimes when I talk about the signs that precede the 2nd coming of Jesus people say Oh Pastor Doug has always been famine has always been war there's always been earthquakes that's no big deal well you know it's something like when a woman is going to have a baby this is the scenario the Bible uses and during her pregnancy she might get a few kicks here and there and a couple x. And pains Right and but then as you get closer to the delivery time pretty soon you have labor pains and what do you do you tell the doctor I'm having labor pains he says how far apart are they well over 20 minutes apart he says call me when they're 5 minutes apart I got to go golf. And the closer they get the more intense they get they come in quicker duration and more intensity then you've got a baby what's happening with the signs in the world today is they're coming in more rapid succession and with greater intensity and God is telling us wake up it's about to happen it says he's coming like a thief I just read that to you in Thessalonians and here it is again in 2nd Peter chapter 23 verse 10 but the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night stop right there please just We'll put that back up on the screen but I want you to listen to me a lot of preachers stop right there Jesus is coming like a thief we're going to be caught up to meet him and those left behind they don't read the whole verse. Let's find out what happens when Jesus comes like a thief to those that are left behind talking about the day of the Lord the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night in which in that day here's what happens in which the heavens pass away with a great noise the elements will melt with fervent heat both the Earth and the works that are in it will be burned up does it sound like life goes on for another 7 years after Jesus comes like a thief why does he say he's coming like a thief I used to be a thief and the whole idea was I didn't announce in advance I was coming I didn't want them to know why I was coming I was coming for what was precious and it was to be a surprise they knew after I came I came and response saying that he's going to come secretly leave books going to go you read in the newspaper the next day Jesus came reports are circulating rumors abound so I'm going to call you on the phone say did you hear that Jesus came It's not how it's going to happen friends everybody's going to know our God shall come and shall not keep silent it shall be very tempestuous round about him again 1st us alone and for 16 for the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel with a trumpet of God It's a trumpet he's going to shout It's the loudest thing in history Jeremiah 25 Verse 30 the Lord shall war from on high and this is in the context of his coming he will outer is voice from his holy habitation he shall mightily roar upon his habitation he will give a shout all through the Bibles the noisiest the event in the Bible is the 2nd coming of Jesus secret number 3 will the 2nd coming of Christ be visible to all men. Revelation one verse 7 says Behold He is coming with the clouds and how many every eye is going to see him and I get people asking me Pastor Doug how are people on the other side of the planet going to see him at the same time doesn't say simultaneously It means everybody alive in the world as he sweeps around the circuit of the earth and sort of vacuums up his saints they're all going to see him whole world going to know when he comes will be lightning going all the way around the world the world number 4 who will come with Jesus at the 2nd coming and why Matthew $2531.00 when the son of man shall come in his glory with all the holy angels with Him How many all the holy angels 2nd Thessalonians one verse 7 when the Lord Jesus shall 1 be revealed from heaven with is mighty angels he was caught up in the clouds clouds of angels receive them is coming in clouds of angels in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God number 5 what is the purpose for the 2nd coming of Jesus and the day of the Lord John 14 verse 3 he said I if I go and prepare a place for you I will come again to receive you to Myself that where I am you may be also he wants us to be with him that's what it's all about he loves us he's coming to rescue us Revelation 2212 and behold I come in my reward is with mean he's coming to give rewards according to every man has his work still being Number 6 what will happen to the righteous people when Jesus comes the 2nd time. Answer 1st us alone and for 16 We've looked at this verse for the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of an iron cage will and the trump of God and the dead in Christ will rise 1st they are caught up to meet him in the clouds as he comes then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds this is what you would might refer to as the Rapture but it is not a secret rapture you got that to meet the Lord in the air and they get glorified bodies you read about that in 1st Corinthians 1552 the dead shall be raised incorruptible all will be changed for this corruptible will put on incorruption these bodies or grow old and decompose and this mortal will put on immortality while all that will be something friends that day when Jesus comes and all the our loved ones are brought out of their graves number 7 what will happen to the wicked people when Jesus comes again we don't like to think about this but the Bible does tell us and then shall that wicked be revealed whom the Lord will consume with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy it with the brightness of His coming these were some of the somber verses that we read talking about the day of the Lord and again Revelation 615 through 17 and the kings of the earth and the great men and the rich man and the chief captains in the mighty men and every bond man and every free man they said to the rocks in the mountains fall on us and hide us from the face of him that sits upon the throne for the great day of His wrath is come and who will be able to stand now there are 2 kinds of people when Jesus comes his bride the ones who are ready they will say Lo This is our God we've waited for him but the majority of the tribes of the earth who have rejected Jesus will mourn and it will be a terrible terror a terrible and terrifying day for them number 8 How will cry 2nd coming affect the earth. Stay with me there's a point in all of these puzzle pieces I'm giving you I want you to have the clear scenario if you understand all these points you will not be confused by the false. Left behind scenarios of the 2nd coming revelation 16 verse 18 and there was a great earthquake such as was not since men were upon the earth so mighty an earthquake and so great every island and mountain is moved out of its place by this earthquake talk about 8.4 on the Richter scale they say the great earthquake there that day hit. The 1st time was 9 on the Richter scale picture if you will a 20 on the Richter scale earthquake I mean that's what it's going to be like when Jesus comes Furthermore it says in Revelation 1621 a great hail from the heavens fell upon men every hail stone about the weight of a talent Now sometimes we talk about the weather all the time we talk about the weather when there isn't any weather right can you imagine someone elbowing you and say Did you see the hail yesterday yeah hail 100 pound block you catch that on the news is the world is that a secret when that happens or is everybody going to know when you got Hill stones like that how may we know when we are in the last generation 2nd Peter 3 Verse 3 and 4 there shall come in the last days scoffers walking after their own lusts saying where is the promise of His coming for since the fathers fell asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning of the age. First of the 4 Verse one in the latter times some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seduce in spirits and doctrines of devils and our. People are so preoccupied now that even Christians spiritualism has permeated the church how should we respond to the near Innes of the day of the Lord in the battle of Armageddon how do we get ready for this. Answer Luke 21 verse 28 now when these things begin to happen look up and lift up your heads because your redemption is drawing near now doesn't mean you walk around like this until you get a crick in your neck it means you live in an attitude of expectancy of the eminent added to them so we need to wake up to the truth that we are right there on the borders of eternity right now I believe that this is the generation I really do how can I be certain I will not be deceived by Satan regarding the 2nd Coming of Christ Matthew 24 verse 26 Jesus said Wherefore if they say and you behold he is in the desert go not forced he's in secret chambers if Jesus is it is a secret suddenly someone says Turn Turn on the t.v. Jesus just appeared Jerusalem I would even turn it on frenzy be hypnotized go not force Jesus said in Matthew $2427.00 for as lightning comes out of the east and flashes to the west even social the coming of the Son of Man be how do we avoid being deceived Isaiah 820 according to the law in the testimony if they speak not according to this word it's because there is no light in him friends we've got to say this is where we stand Amen it's going to go by the Word of God It doesn't matter how popular or unpopular it is heaven on earth may pass away His Word does not pass away it is the rock that we are to trust and build on Now notice what we've just considered about the 2nd coming it's not a secret His coming is literal it's personal it's visible it's all the while it's physical it's vitalizing it's glorious it's climatic we are living in the day that should prepare for the 2nd coming of the Lord. What is it going to look like just before Jesus comes it's going to look a lot like today over Pastor Doc Some things need to happen 1st you're right and the final events are going to be so rapid it will make your head spin friends of the best time to get ready for a test is not the day of the test it's before right if you want to get ready for storm you can't wait until the lightning starts to crack you've got to be ready now how can I be certain to be ready when Jesus comes Jesus says in John chapter 6 verse 37 he that comes to me I will in no wise cast out that's my appeal to you friends that you'll come to him just like you are John one verse 12 as many as received Him to them he gave power to become the sons of God God wants to give you that power that you can be a new creature that you can be ready for his coming you know there is there's been sort of a a seductive hypnotic paralyzing influence this dangerous idea that we can still love the world and be saved in our sins you can come to Jesus with your sins just like you are don't ever doubt that whoever you are wherever you are whatever your experience of the Holy Spirit is speaking to you you can come to Jesus right now as many as received Him He will then give you power to be sons of God Christianity is not just about the justification we will see when we come to Christ it's about then a thing to find power that will transform you give you a new mind you become a new creature he wants the feel you are without power where you walk with the Lord day by day and you live in the atmosphere of heaven if you thought that you might die tomorrow if you thought you might die in a week how serious would you be about your relationship with Jesus today how serious would you be about spiritual priorities. And by the way I don't want to make anyone nervous but there is nobody here that knows which day is your last day unless you're planning suicide so when's the best time to get ready right now and you know what when you do you can live moment by moment in the power of the Lord with that piece of the Holy Spirit in your life Matthew 24 verse 444 therefore be ready to live in a constant attitude of preparation it's not this idea of like filing your taxes the day before it's due you can prepare for Jesus like that and why would you want to give him the leftovers of your life come to him now given your strength in your heart be ready now. State you Pastor Doug will be right back with this week's special free offer. Sometimes you can go to church for years and not be born again . You may have been born in the church you may have position in the church you may have evidence of prosperity and God's blessings you got all of that but if you don't have a new heart you can't say. What Christ was talking about in the new birth is a new heart in the spirit the only way that you can get a new heart is as a creative act of the. World events have never been more unstable than today or as disasters bizarrely What does the Bible reveal about future events really amazing answer in this stunning documentary entitled The final events of Bible prophecy during this special broadcast you can get your very own copy of this gripping d.v.d. To play only 1599 for shipping and handling go to the poll and call the number on the screen Don't miss out on this special offer. If you've been encouraged by today's message and would like to know more of what God's word says to you today amazing facts invites you to visit our educational website at w w w dot Bible Universe dot com And by the universe you'll discover exciting truths the books fill you with peace and purpose the mysteries of the Bible The unfold for you with your own pace visit w w w dot by the Universe dot com today expand your universe. Friends the Old Testament foretold that God would send his son to come the 1st time as the world sacrifice and Savior Well he came right on time then Jesus promised before the world's destruction he would come again gloriously as King of Kings to rescue his children this will be the climax of Earth's history and God does not want you to be left behind. You can learn more about the 2nd Coming of Christ in the free study guide we've prepared for you in titled ultimate deliverance you won't want to miss out on what this study God reveals will happen when Jesus returns please call the toll free number on your screen and ask for offer number one o 5 or if you prefer you can simply write us an amazing fax offer number one of 5 p. O. Box 1058 Roseville California 95678 well that's all the time we have today for this edition of amazing facts present until we meet again remember the encouraging promise of Jesus if you continue in my word then you are my disciples indeed and you shall know the truth truth shall set you free. This is your last chance to take advantage of this week's special free offer there is no cost or obligation just call that a free number on your screen and be sure to note the author numbers when you make your request. Good morning my name is Complan noble No fundamentally does Baghdad and I didn't know any Nitish need to Joy f.n. . You're listening to. 91.9 f.m. And again in night school and family after 9891 night at camp and by the time now. It's been 2000 years since the glorious life of the cross illuminated the world in the darkness.