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Yesterday in exchange for the death penalty not case. But his right to a jury trial and his right to file all state and federal appeals if he is found guilty. And says. Police in Watsonville are holding a 13 year old boy they say is responsible for a shooting threat David Coursey has more on that story investigators said the threat was made against a middle school the threat involved a shooting that was supposed to take place this morning investigators said the 13 year old was the only person involved in the threat he was booked into juvenile hall and a search of his home found no weapon David Coursey. Closing arguments began Monday and deliberations began yesterday in a double murder case Michael Escobar is accused of killing 4 year old. And known gang member Ramon Rendon during a shootout at a Watsonville restaurant if convicted of 1st degree murder Escobar would receive a life sentence without the possibility of parole when a man accused of shooting and killing a Fresno teenager and injuring the boy's brother on Monday night was arrested in Salinas yesterday afternoon 36 year old Hillah better. Jr will be transported back to Fresno County anyone with information about this case is encouraged to contact the Fresno County Sheriff's Department said a cruise City Council has approved an additional $803000.02 pay for fire department over time spent battling wild land fires that money will come from unfilled positions and underspending by other city departments fire officials say that when firefighters are sent to large mutual aid fires those personnel expenses are reimbursed by the state in fiscal year 2018 that. Mounted to $900000.00. Well mobile license plate readers are expected to be deployed in Salinas as soon as next summer some people have said that they are concerned about their privacy once that takes place Salinas police department public information officer Miguel Cabrera told news this information be shared by. Went on to say that those devices can be used to alert the authorities about stolen vehicles and vehicles used in crimes Well a man who died in an industrial accident in Salinas on Monday has been identified as 42 year old Jose Luis Castro from solar that Castro was working on a semi truck when it came off a jack stand and fell on top of him. The ongoing brush removal project dubbed fire save 17 is continuing and it's causing delays on Highway 17 the project requires a single lane closure on northbound Highway 17 between the hours of 9 am and 3 pm Monday through Thursday weather permitting delays have reportedly ranged from 20 minutes to over an hour. And finally in the news today under a recent agreement 160 acre cinnamon ranch on Highway 129 has been protected from development both the Martinelli and Silliman families own the ranch and John Maher Nellie said that the deal with the Land Trust of Santa Cruz County reflects his family's 6 generation heritage and its commitment to farming in the power of Valley Stephen Slade with the Land Trust told that it's these kinds of agreements that will make sure that at least some of the local agricultural land will never ever be paved over. Special. Family. Only just. Incredibly. Slade went on to say we really grateful. Funding for these men acquisition came from private donations to the lands trusts farmland protection program that's the latest news from the Casio Newsroom I'm Bill Graff keeping you in the know. And let's bring you up to date on the traffic now as we roll on through. The afternoon and get ready for the Charles Friedman radio program there's been a traffic collision no injury to tell you about but this is on 17 mile drive where it intersects with Crespi Lamie in Monterey County and it is backing traffic up there's also a traffic hazard being reported right now on Paul Avenue in Monterey County the traffic has it appears to be a vehicle that's blocking the roadway there it's not blocking traffic significantly but it is slowing things down in that neighborhood let's take a quick look at traffic on highway well Highway one northbound is a little slow and go as you come through apt us in the northbound direction actually it's it's slow for quite a few miles right around 41st Avenue so give yourself some time there also Highway 17 northbound near the summit and as you come past the summit in both directions there because of that tree trimming work we've been telling you about in the news and in the traffic reports all day long Give yourself a little extra time through that area you will need it as they are working on the roadways. Well the weather forecast does call for some off and on clouding as throughout the afternoon and we're looking for. The marine weather forecast to include. A weak high pressure system off the California coast extending across California and into the Great Basin winds will be light Southwest and Thursday night they will switch to Northwest large Northwest swells with long periods will build on Thursday and will continue through Saturday so if you're headed to by the beach watch out for those of waves as you. That is the latest news traffic and weather from the k.f.c. The newsroom it's time now for who else could charm. Radio program. For a couple of hours every week. When you. Join the program I urge you to do. 4791080 if you're out of our local calling every 3147 will work if the operator says number please it's Greenwood 91080. Today I begin my program with. A public service announcement I have a list there. Shares my enjoyment of old radio programs and I have a fairly large collection of these right now but this one is it's on reel to reel tape for those of you who understand what reel to reel tape requires a a tape recorder but these are available it's not like it's they're made of unobtainium But here's the point this fellow has a collection of 1200 real. Radio programs everything from comedy shows to Western cop and robber shows to dramatise you name it they're there. And each really each reel to reel me extend an inch real has 6 or 8 shows on and recorded both directions as you well know what that means Ok you're asking why am I bothering to mention this. My friend needs to be nice to get rid of these he's doing a remodel project and they are in the way. So he's not. He's willing to give them away. If I give them away to somebody I make out twice 1st of all somebody gets them and 2nd of all I don't have to pay a dump to take them out to the dump now for these reel to reel tapes of radio hit the dump would be a shame. So anybody any radio audience is listening me right now if you think to yourself you know I've always kind of wish I had a collection of all radio it's just that I've never had the time or the energy to put one together well here's what all done already for you all you have to do is say yes if you're interested send me an email I'm not going to put my buddies information out there but my email is a matter of public record it's Charlie at k.s.c. 0 dot com So send an e-mail to Charlie at k.s.c. L. Dot com If you are interested in this collection of about 1200 reel to reel tapes filled with classic vintage radio. And that is our public service announcement of the program Ok at 10 minutes past we have well a lot going on today it's funny the newspapers. Of course as you know I get the chronicle of Wall Street Journal and The Chronicle is funny today. It really is the front page huge headline Democrats' Trump betrayed nation and a big picture at all costs kind of stuff if you pick up the Wall Street Journal is also a big headline picture on the front page but the headline is Trump Democrats reached a deal on North American trade pact. So while the Democrats continue to waste time on this impeachment. Finally and the thresher build up remember I told you the other week that the San Francisco Chronicle had finally run an editorial urging their. Congresswoman basis Pelosi we please pass the damn trade deal already. The editorial was of inflammatory language about how awful Donald Trump is but nevertheless it was interesting to me to see that even the Chronicle was finally saying. It's time to pass the damn trade and I don't know whether it was the Chronicle After all it's her hometown paper its biggest paper in Northern California. And the Chronicle doesn't just speak for itself it is literally the voice of the Democratic Party. In the Chronicle editorializes and instructs a Democrat to do something that's just a bunch of people sitting around a boardroom at the Chronicle building that's the Democratic Party establishment talking. So for one reason or another Mrs Pelosi has finally decided to move the new u.s. Mexico Canada trade agreement which is good news. We can complain a lot about how they've held it up for a year while they have held it up for a year which is a shame but there's an old phrase that hangs out because it's good for a better late than never and this is a very good application for that So today President Trump enjoys a legislative triumph. Even as the Democrats are. Forced marching themselves over a cliff. It's a funny day it's a great day to be a radio talk show host I'll tell you 84791080 s. The telephone number here is 1213. And that's time for me to remind you all that Ellis at the airport is open for lunch. When Well right now as a matter of fact there luncheon hours are 12 11 o'clock until 230 so that's a nice wide 3 and a half hour window any day except Monday of course when they're closed any day in the day you can look at your watch you just about any time and say hey you know l. It's a good place to go for a bite and of course when you do you get there delightful atmosphere you get there great service you also get beverages of your choice from a full bar alcoholic or otherwise anything you want it's a wonderful way to enjoy a truly genteel lunch great way to break up your day. Ella's is serving lunch right now dinner is served from 5 o'clock until 9 o'clock tonight this is Wednesday this is rigged night the baby pork ribs are already in the smoker they'll be ready at 5 and remember there's only so many of them so if you've got a yen for those ribs you might even want to call and make a reservation 728-3282 is the number and of course that's also the number you call if you want them to cater your event this is a Christmas season a lot of people are planning work events family events whatever that are always and hence by the presence of great food Well if you really want great true call at 37283 Ju 82 and have them cater your event if you will not believe the improvement 72832 h. Is the number for Ellis at the airport where they serve lunches and dinners every day except Monday at the Watsonville airport it's easy enough to get to head for Watsonville take the Airport Boulevard exit half a mile get in aviation way hang a left when you see the airport building remember airport offices are to the left Ellis at the airport to the right make that 1st drink orders you pass the bar on the way in. Ok it's 1215 Let's take a break and be right back open line is right here right now for 7980 s. The number. Successfully from that moment market where a family owned and operated full favorites market Albany and your family offering old fashioned department would knowledgeable. A full service carry with homemade hot and cold quality for breakfast lunch and dinner freshly baked. Bread a long way to welcome a bank for milk for those looking for a special dietary needs spring or sugar free we have a full week for. You know an organic fruits and vegetable gardening. Local wine we also do catering Eggert small social or corporate Millstreet catering and take care of all of your food preparation local people welcome products a family tradition since 2946 thank you for shopping with us and woman market. Well folks. Early these days spending a lot more time indoors watching t.v. Surfing the net working out the shop in general using up a lot of electricity so let's as Christian. Indoor time. We do spend a lot more time indoors in winter and the more time we. Put on the electrical circuits throughout our homes it's really important. Because if they are not well. How can we know if our electrical circuits are up to. First. After they answered. Have a good idea about how they should feel. And be sure and tell them to. Let this segment of the Charles Friedman radio program is brought to you by the airport fresh food always tastes good at the airport restaurant and lunches dinners Sunday brunch and airplanes always at the Watsonville Municipal Airport enjoy. Their cook at. The Missourian work. Somebody's got a great idea putting another in front of them that was Cab Calloway. No that's right next door as. Cab took over this 1930 years. And he was and they needed orchestra behind him. Putting them together. This is their version of some of these days a tender romantic ballad. Never saying it like this. That's Cab Calloway and. In his very early days you can tell of course because the quality of his voice like any other vocal performer over the years and can't have very long career. And became. A wild tenor and he comes up with. You can. Hear it. And today I got to admit I had to laugh at at night at my newspaper particularly it's just such an abject on the Democratic Party and this is not a newspaper this is a propaganda document and it was made very clear today in several ways 1st of all I already mentioned the. Democrats betrayed nation that's the big black headline right. I mean. And then below that a picture of the. Individuals franking Nancy Pelosi. It's demoralizing to look at them when you realize this is the House Democratic leadership anyway. The story about the trade agreement ratification let me see where to find it only. Here we are on page 6. If you bother open your paper White House Democrats forge a new free trade deal of course is the u.s. Mexico Canada Greenland and. This is the replacement that President Trump promised for the old now after agreement which I believe expired and he ready for sure this is something that has to be there has to be renewed and now Mrs Pelosi has finally permitted it past the house. And this hung hung hung fire for about a year. We simply sitting on it for political reasons she didn't want to give Donald Trump. The legislative we had during her speakership but this the pressure on her from economic interests I mentioned from the establishment of her party finally became so great that she understood Well it's time to get out of the way and allow this legislation which had the vote. That's never been in doubt though are Republicans and Democrats ready to vote for this new trade agreement. He had to do was put the damn thing on the calendar let it come to the floor that's what she was huge to do. Well that's not going to happen the Senate is all ready to pass it and has been for some time then president trample signed it and the benefits of this free trade agreement will flow to the citizens of 3 great North American republics Canada the United States and Mexico that's a good thing that's a good thing so whenever you're hearing about the inflation and all of this other demoralizing nonsense there is as Gabriel here used to say I guess there's good news today real good substantive good news and a far more lasting impact than any of this impeachment nonsense which of course is all going to presently go away. It will vanish. Now I mention other reasons why the Chronicle amused me today get a load of this this will give you a chuckle I already mentioned that there's a huge Democrats betrayed nation and underneath that there's an article here President charged with obstruction and abuse of power and then there's another article below that and it says. Swing seats House of Representatives seat narrows scope could help vulnerable moderates in stake now this is a new narrative I had never heard this before this is new today what we're being treated to here is an impeachment of narrow scope. Now what does that mean why do they say that well it appears that the House Judiciary. The House Judiciary Committee. Has drafted impeachment resolution containing 2 articles 2 articles of impeachment against President Trump. And we're told or at least the San Francisco Chronicle seems to have somehow convinced themselves that this constitutes a narrow scope for impeachment that least they didn't file 4 or 5 articles of impeachment ladies and gentlemen you've all heard that old gag about the lady who shows up and she says well I'm just a little bit pregnant and of course the point being well this is one of those things were either you is or you with. Impeachment is the same thing either you is or you isn't impeached. There is no such thing as a little bit of impeachment. And once again I don't care which side of this you're on this is not a partisan matter to me this is not subject to to analysis this concept of a narrow scope for impeachment of a limited impeachment This is foolishness. This is this is specious. It is nonsense of the 1st water. But there is a considerable article here beginning on page one and continued on page 9 for God knows how long about how this narrow scope of impeachment is supposed to help Democrats who flip Republican House seats back in 2018 supposed to help them get reelected when Remember these Democratic candidates here in California and throughout the country went before voters said he liked me. I'm not going to Washington to impeach Donald Trump That's not my mind my brief you know we need better solutions for the problems that face the American people we need to. Get the country moving again we need this we need. These people and you know some of them they may be innocent victims it's all together possible I am willing to believe that there were and are Democratic members right now who actually believe what they were saying when they made those promises they were sincere they were honest but they didn't take into account with just how. Fanatical the resistance element in the Democratic Party was it points out something that we tend to lose sight of from time to time the Democratic Party is not monolithic it is not composed of millions of people who March in lockstep they don't anymore than we do Republicans are not monolithic either so shouldn't surprise us to learn that there are a number of Democrats and groups of Democrats who March to different drummers. It seems not only reasonable to me but inevitable Leticia should be the case. So there are Democrats in the house right now who are looking around at their fellow Democrats are scratching their heads and wonder where did the screaming meanies come from I didn't come here to be part of a resistance I came here to be a member of the House of Representatives of the United States which according to the Constitution of the United States is a law making body the supreme law making body land let's do our jobs. There are Democrats who think that way. Don't tell yourself there are there are. And this is what they're being offered by the resistance people who for better or worse are in the driver's seat these rational. Democrats the serious minded Democrats they're there but they're not a majority not a majority of the Democratic caucus at any rate. Now the Democratic caucus has many many more members who are resistance. Who are far more interested in doing political damage to Donald Trump and they are in addressing any public policy issue you could possibly name. The reason I say that is because I observe their behavior and this is the clear implication it's inescapable. And the other Democrats I've mentioned who would actually like to do their jobs I can feel sorry for them. And when they being offered now a narrow scope impeachment. I'm sure the members of Congress are going to have to go back and try to sell that to their constituents are really really grateful. For 7980 is my telephone number 471-1080 if you're out of our local calling area. Area code. Ingo. Am. Good at Real everyone I'm Bill Graham here's a look at your king of the hill traffic as we roll on through this afternoon there's been a traffic legend Fortunately no injuries this is reported on Highway 17 at the restaurant that's a course right at the summit there there are a couple of vehicles in the. Number one lane the fast lane there and they are causing some traffic slowdowns in both directions in that area. There's a traffic hazard being reported in the 400 block of Crazy Horse canyon road that's in Monterey County the traffic hazard is on the right hand shoulder but it's. Partially a blocking the roadway there we're not sure what this is exactly but it is causing a traffic slowdown and that area the weather forecast for today well that's pretty straight forward it's going to be a little damp although we're not experiencing a whole lot of rain or anything like that the weather forecast does call for a slight chance of rain today about 10 percent chance the slight chance of rain between about 4 o'clock this afternoon and about 5 o'clock this afternoon but it will remain cloudy and steady temperature about 58 degrees all day long with calm winds tonight cancer rain from 1 am to 4 am and patches of fog otherwise cloudy conditions with an overnight low only about 50 degrees your Thursday there's about a 20 percent chance of rain after 10 am in the morning and fog between 10 am and noon so keep that in mind as you make plans to travel tomorrow. Charles Freedman program will continue in just a moment attention men and women if you're one of the millions that suffer from discomfort with you need back a shoulder and it's becoming harder to enjoy simple things like working. Now to just going for a walk please listen carefully My name is Donna Taylor founder of c.b.d. Labs and here's my story I was suffering with so much physical discomfort that I had to do something about it with c.b.d. Products popping up everywhere how do you know which product to use I was determined to create the most powerful c.b.d. Product available from the ham plant that contains no t.h.c. And we did it c.b.d. Labs is the highest concentrate full spectrum c.b.d. Tested in f.d.a. Labs because to work in just minutes and we guarantee it call now and find out how to get a free bottle of c.b.d. Labs and get our e-book on everything in anything c.b.d. As your free get to get your free bottle of c.b.d. Lab c.b.d. Oil call 868842 that's 865-8423 bottles for a limited time Call now 865842 that's 806058842. For. What might be the bigger power companies or Nations I'm George Noory and join us with Craig as we discuss corporatism and fascism later on astral travel right here on coast to coast am should be a fascinating program with Jim Wallace. Remember to the door to. Listen to coast to coast tonight beginning at 10 pm on. Repair restore regenerate I'm Dr Thomas and advanced medical here has to regenerate. Join me Saturday at the Explore how nature repairs for stores and regenerate the human body with. Stem cells in the body's way every generating tissue reducing pain and inflammation and balancing the immune system help your body fight everything from arthritis to memory loss without drugs Joining me Dr Thomas Saturday at 2 pm unregenerate for the healing power of stem cells. Merry Christmas at dairy. And. Meat. That you want. Your family. Members of the community. To be able to have a microphone in order to take Merry Christmas to you and that's simply. There is. No you have cats immediately recognize the St Louis Blues this particular version did everybody record the St Louis Blues I think the answer here this one is by Capt Calloway this is the 1st record ever made by Cab Calloway. And a years ago I got to see Chapter 30 something like that actually the record up and got to get autographs for me check out the way he sings a little. At the end there that strange noise he makes how do you do that you do it by inhaling Cab Calloway was a vocal gymnastics 2nd to none and even at this early date this is a 1st recording he already has this fantastic ability to just come up with vocal of facts scattered facts. No one ever dreamed of makes matching 35 c. Oh let's go from the sublime to the ridiculous from Cab Calloway to the impeachment silliness still is on the line says he or she has a question I can't wait to find out what it is. I mean that made my little hello Merry Christmas. Why are you trying to. I want to say that. I was watching. Me and I President John I did just that. All of them look like they're out of. They way they came to look. And. Now to our group that. Like. You know pretending to be macho now well I can't agree with it because obviously the emotion behind this impeachment is no cause it's not sorrow or anything it's it's. And the entire type of position wrought by anger sheer range so for these people to be pretending like they're in church is kind of funny I agree with you that was by look at them now that it was bad yes one day I don't know I am back anyway. And now they need to. Rid of. Me. That you. Can see it infiltrated and. Matt. Matt. Maybe a big bad at that at. My quest January lot what's going on now Mr Craig man President Tromp Oh Ok well I don't know. You know you listen fairly regularly we will talk about this so for the benefit of anybody who might have missed it here is what is going to happen. First of all the Democrats in the House are going to bring their impeachment motion and they're going to not we had a caller yesterday Krishna predicted that they would not take it to the Senate and I thought that was rather interesting asked her why not she said well she doesn't. She doesn't want them to have a trial in the Senate where all the information will be brought forward and there's some plausibility of that but the thing is I think that the in for a penny in for a pound mentality is more prevalent here and it would also tend to explain why the Democrats were looking so mournful because they may know what I'm about to tell you this goes to the Senate. The Senate conducts a trial as the constitution prescribes the president is not him is not convicted is not removed from office the vote is not even close I mean it takes 67 votes to remove the president they're not even going to get 57. They're not going to they're not going to get 50 I don't think so it's going to be a rather peremptory and humiliating defeat for the Democrats and if anything explains that that hangdog look that you described it's because they're every bit as capable of looking into the near future as I am and they see that this whole thing is going no where. That's right. I want to. Go. But I want to. Thank you very much for the phone call Thank. You to appreciate that very much. A great question from a cell how do you do you have something that you'd like to put before us 791080 is the telephone number here 479-1080 I have occasionally been. Well I don't know people say are you watching these hearings are you doing this and I've got to admit I'm not. I watched some of the hearings during the Clinton impeachment during the Nixon impeachment I was a fairly regular viewer of the proceedings that went on around that and I think the difference is whether it's to be taken seriously or not the Clinton impeachment was based on actual violations of the law perjury. Never Rose Gentle level of public outrage where it was. The president from office and really it's kind of funny Republicans actually saved Bill Clinton. During those those those times that 198-8998 when he was being impeached the economy of this country was humming along. Well as it is now. Jobs being created low unemployment and so on and so forth and a balanced federal budget for the 1st time in 30 years there was a lot of positive feeling in the country. And Bill Clinton benefited from it at that time his popularity was up in the 60 percent range. Area that Donald Trump has never even approached of course that big difference Donald Trump doesn't have. Bill Clinton engaging. Personality he's a different type of character altogether. Don't get me started on Bill Clinton. Very briefly I can remember going back to high school. The guys who were like Bill Clinton. They're the big. Isn't everything great and. That and the thing is they got away with murder. Just like Bill Clinton I saw this and I said my God I'm seeing these guys all over again he gets all the girls he gets away with with. That if I tried them I'd wind up be there. Maybe even incarcerated but it's always been a fact that there are certain people who have this charm. And the laws don't apply to them or at least not nearly the way they do the rest of us mortals and Bill Clinton is one of those people. I spotted that back in 1902. And of course the problem with. People is they have the capacity you terrible damage because they go out and do god awful things and behave themselves and God awful ways and then it becomes. More acceptable. Bill Clinton should never be. Nobody with the personal character of Bill Clinton should ever have been elected by the American people or the president in the past we have discovered scoundrels of this nature. We didn't like them. But on the day Bill Clinton's office we knew. The people who voted for him knew he was a scoundrel they voted for him anyway. And so 5 years later we're treated to the spectacle of a president conducting in appalling fashion with a 21 year old kid in the Oval Office using his position. And we aren't surprised that's the kind of thing this guy does we knew that. That's probably the biggest single reason why he wasn't impeached removed from office. Nobody was surprised when Bill Clinton turned out to be a scoundrel we already knew. The 980 telephone number. 44. Well well we'll take a break in a few moments I have Dave on the line from Hollister and it looks like he has a question that he wants to ask it concerns a great movie so let's listen to what he has to say. So you do it and we'll Merry Christmas I've got a little 2 part and I'll be real quick. You remember the movie called Mr Smith Goes to Washington with Jimmy Stewart certainly I do Frank Capra directed it. Claude rain Claude Rains Edward Arnold Oh yeah. And I'm not going to do I'm not going to tell the whole movie but what I'm saying is that I'm you know politically ignorant when it comes to you know the political part of it but what I find somebody what people down to watch that movie it will show exactly what's happening right now because all that you know you wanted was a little plot of land for them kids right I think Senator boy he had all the papers in his pocket and that old guy turned on him. They were just going to kick him out and all I remember he was standing in front of you bring em Lincoln and he was ready to go you practice back and actor and actress came down and said no if you can get on that floor you can you can hold it as long as you can stand there and if you watch the movie you finally see that old guy crack and say you know that he lied and he cheated and all that and I thought to myself you know that's what's happening right now Deb losing what made what 19473939 made in the great year the great honor among thousands in the best year ever for Hollywood it was part of that product and incidentally that little guy. Never use that term again that is Claude Rains all Quadri Adams. I know I know faces but I don't know a name I had that Claude Rains is one of the very greatest actors and he deserves to be remembered as something more than the old guy so used to your memory book Ok And my last part is what you said with Clinton now I remember when all this came out and he got on t.v. And he said I did not have sex without woman Ok I drive and I'm driving along and I was a construction worker and I could get on the radio I would because I was interested and not like my mother in law I was a die hard Democrat I mean I do you know I cheat see President Kennedy to death I mean he died but anyway the thing is I've been told that because he just lied about it but I didn't think it was an impeachable offense or what he did in the White House was it wrong was it morally wrong sure it was but the thing was is why you got it and teach the president. I mean you know and go to all that America I wrote to try to get Clinton out of there because he had some type of sex in the Oval Office and it was and it was consensual he didn't. And there were other incidents in the past when women had alleged that Clinton had strong arm them he didn't have to do that with Monica but after all these women came out of Arkansas and all that kind of stuff and said yeah that's what he did not but you know what I was a Democrat or Republican but that stupid to. Keep somebody for Aben fellatio. You know he lived it yeah because there's young kids out there that are I want to be president why do we teach our kids don't lie about things why you know what makes you what I was I was in the classroom at that time and I can remember the particularly the young boys oh hey oral sex isn't sex I know they were overjoyed and incomers the girls were home well I guess this is the that had a very serious impact on the behavior of the people will never know how much and I know and I know what Mike they were young I had 3 boys but the thing was this what I was angry about just because he lied right but I didn't think it was an impeachable. Offense or if he didn't do it with the Russian spy. The information that would be out on the rationale of the congressional Republicans was that the sexual now gains was not a crime it was 2 consenting adults really nothing impeachable there it was just appalling what they should have done was bring forward a resolution of censure which would have passed virtually unanimously but when Clinton lied about it. The more extreme Republican said well wait a minute perjury that really is a criminal offense there's a law against perjury if you go to a proceeding you're under oath and you lie that is a crime and so on the basis of that crime which incidentally was proven. They launched impeachment against him but as you pointed out in the minds the Merican people lying about a sexual matter did not rise to the level of impeachable offense and there was never any public demand for the president's removal that would have resulted in a conviction didn't happen and like I said you know we said here I listen to Rush I listen to you every day I'm retired I'm 61 I try to keep my mouth shut but I had to call your program again this is my 2nd time and I'm glad that I got through but I wish people would sit down and watch that movie Mr Smith Goes to Washington because you'll see exactly what these do know how to do they got that newspapers in your pocket just like what you said with the San Francisco Chronicle You know Nancy Pelosi and those people they own those newspapers and they could slander this president. Why does it matter if it's true they don't care they know. What I'm upset about cricket. I mean in front of people's faces please tell me Charles that or there's a good mind it people out here in the United States now I'm stuck in this pic in California I want out so bad I was born and raised there I want out again I lived in Utah for 12 years I look back here now I want back out it now I want to back out here with cabin crew some you know it's just the politics makes me sick it really does. Well I can't say I'm blameless I gotta let you gone late for my drink now but thank you very much for the call. I'm so I can still I'd call your program again and I'm like oh yeah please do it's a pleasure to hear from you and your advice to see Mr Smith Goes to Washington well I said amen to that I hope people watch it I think you fight thank you place to get than a lot of other great movies Turner Classic Movies your t.v. Cable system their t.v. Provider doesn't die. Have Turner Classic Movies available make a change because that's the only channel that's worth watching on your television most of the time and they do show Mr Smith Goes to Washington with a reasonable degree of regularity it's 1251 c By we're ready to take our break now so let's go ahead and do that will be back presently for 7980 s. a Telephone number satisfy your hunger with a fresh prepared twice daily grab and go sushi 05 waiting for us market sprouts 2 blocks from the beach at 307th Avenue in Santa Cruz fresh delicious and so good. And I look forward to serving you had to get. There it's better. Tree. 50. P.g. Any. Power outages in your community p.g. Anyone should be prepared and. Sign up for outage alerts via text email or found at p.g. Dot com stash be prepared. Sooner or later everyone will need legal help when you need help call on the name. Attorney at Law and I will help you resolve your legal issue state planning divorce custody visitation disputes or for any other legal issue that comes your way I will help and if I can't help you I will help you find an attorney who can. Legal don't panic on the. 83. 36. There. On the Internet. Brawling monster it's called Trick aeration this it kind of thing cab was doing when. People think of Duke Ellington in connection with the Cotton Club which of course is right and proper at the dew point of the Cotton Club and I guess is $29.00 or so $928.00 and. Just. Fundamentally revolutionary in American music bringing entirely new sounds to the to the scene but Chad didn't stay at the Cotton Club forever 1933 to Cabo the Duke was on his way to England to do performances before before their Majesties the queen of the United Kingdom among other people whom they entertained while they were over there well of course it needed a new band and Cab Calloway and his guys were the ones who got the job so Chad Calloway became a headliner just as Duke Ellington and then of course different type of person Ellington his instrument was his piano and of course his orchestra Cab Calloway tremendously dynamic vocal performer and when I perform a performer I mean even just seeing his entire body was at work while he was entertaining. Gauging entertainer one of the one of those guys who he's just show business from top to toe. See him. 5 minutes before the top of the hour I would love to spend some of that 5 minutes with you for 7910 telephone number we've been discussing the various ramifications of the 2 big can do. National events yesterday one of course was the the more important of the 2 of course was the agreement on the North American Trade Agreement which has been sitting in the House of Representatives waiting for Nancy Pelosi to come to the floor for just about a year and this is an example of really shameful conduct and again we talked earlier about the divisions in the Democratic Party those freshman Democratic congressman who got elected by telling voters in swing districts and in some districts that Mr Trump and Kerry look I'm not going to Washington to impeach Donald Trump I want to go to Washington to get things done. Well let's concede that they were telling the truth unfortunately they are being buffeted by forces greater than they. Are they are. Shall we say that they are sane voices in the Democratic congressional delegation but they're outnumbered by the screaming meemies of the resistance. And the fact that it's so incontrovertibly shown time after time this example of this trade agreement that should have been passed all she had to do was bring it to the floor that's all just put on the calendar. Can't do that and incidentally that covers one more point this is one of the reasons why it's so important to maintain a majority in the house for. Because if you have the majority you are like the speaker and the speaker controls the calendar why did this bill not get brought up for a vote because Nancy Pelosi didn't want to that's why he didn't they were for Didn't 30 for their members who wanted to vote on it she is the speaker and she's controls the calendar. If we still had Paul Ryan sitting in the Speaker's chair the should have been done last year Eugene is on the line from Monterey Hello Eugene how are you. Are You Doing great thank you. Like your are your history are moving very. Good and the good thing well I'm quite a movie buff. And I think. On your last. You're talking about what was done in the White House with Clinton but I think some people forget that Clinton forced a lot of military people out by doing the things. You know ministration. You know that they were engaged in extramarital sex or whatever or and there are one general I think he was from the. Theater that he did he did ministration. Yes. He did. But there's a lot of. Back Eugene I can remember at the time making the point to people Look if a corporate c.e.o. For example you use the military I'll go to the private sector if the c.e.o. Of a company had behaved himself the way President Clinton did he would be out of a job. The board of directors or stockholders would insist that this person be gone . In because of the way they conduct themselves and to cleanse the reputation of that company and make it clear that this company does not stand for this type of behavior. And that leads me to one of the other thing I know I remember around the world there were at that time as there are often demonstrations of foreigners and foreigners were be carrying signs depicting the president and states in gauge with some floozy and this was their way of depicting his conduct it was terribly embarrassing 1 o'clock Santa Cruz. Breaking news from tell. Us economy is one of the reasons why the Fed is leaving its benchmark interest rate unchanged our economic outlook remains a favorable one despite global developments and ongoing risks with our decisions through the course of the past year we believe that monetary policy is well positioned to serve the American people by supporting continued economic growth strong job market and inflation they are symmetric 2 percent goal the bottom line the Fed leaving the benchmark interest rate alone in the low range of one and a half to one and 3 quarters percent. At today's hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Lindsey Graham asked to go Jay's Inspector General Michael Horowitz and his report showed evidence of lying as one of the major flaws which is report uncovered Horowitz deferred saying that he would leave that conclusion to others Senator Graham and answered his own question concerning the origin of the F.B.I.'s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election it may have started it. Quick it came a criminal conspiracy to defraud the court then after decrying the unfairness which the process created campaign advisor Carter page Senator Graham went further to continue to surveil present trying. Somebody face a price for that inspector general Horowitz said concluded that the origin of the Russian investigation was not motivated by political bias or being cited more than a dozen major flaws in how the subsequent investigation was conducted and Wall Street stocks have been higher the Dow up 28 points the Nasdaq is up 37 more of the stories that tell the whole dot com. And see here to report how amazed I am that so many listeners have made beyond an integral part of their lives how many Plenty more than enough and growing every day hopefully this commercial will make those numbers swell even more now I don't know about you but I just. 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Says if the House continues down what he calls a destructive road and sends his body articles of impeachment. And the new.

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