Excellent. Area. At least half an hour of their. Touch more is going to start just. Right when you hit the water at the reservoir to get. Completely clear. To San Jose. Highway 9 right now is also going to be at the limit for pretty much the whole stretch you are going to be at the limit as well if you're on Highway $101.00 on the northbound side we have a little bit of. Just before you hit. Otherwise how we want to when we're all the way down. As it is. If you're coming out. And if you're headed further down south towards Big Sur. Expect. You're cruising if you're on the air on the roads right now weather wise we are looking at a beautiful day. Should be gradually clearing so we should get some sunshine maybe r.t.r. . Right now temperatures are going to top out around 70 degrees. For the next couple days we are expecting it to be much sunnier tomorrow and Monday Tuesday as well it's going to start clearing out. As we look at Night expect in the . Fifty's maybe upper forty's and again that is going to continue. For the next couple of days as we move forward throughout the week. Our Right now we're beginning the 2nd hour of the Saturday special with Mr. Zwerling. And we have back. For him for for. Help me out here I'm sorry I didn't write it down before when you told me. There. I we totted up Alex because I'm not hearing Zach. Yeah now I hear you Ok yeah he did a good argument for you did say that and what's wrong with my brain you know. I didn't write it down for f o r he is and then quote I mean quote printers He's a jolly good know. K. Now. We we used the entire 1st hour of the Saturday special to hear your story and I'm sure you know there's a lot more to it but the Cuz we're a. You know a talk radio program I want to open up the phone lines for pretty much the entire 2nd hour but I do want to ask you some. Basic question it's almost like a devil's advocate question Ok. You're bringing this to light just to bring it to light or do you think there are some. Something needs to be done to this to this company I mean if they are a private company and they're a very big and powerful private company are they doing anything at private companies can do what they want can't they I mean it's not like they're a public utility right where their aura or public university one of my. Super pet peeves has always been that the university is intentionally hire politically left of center people to the tune of you know 80 or 90 percent. Kids' heads with their political propaganda and it shouldn't be that way or they should be but can't Google really do whatever it wants to do with it wants to be platform people let them be platform people they want to silence conservatives to try to influence the people. Libro is not a right for them to do that or. Not according to sex until 30 of the Communications Decency Act which classified it as a complex chair which exercises editorial control and can be sued for defamation or a platform for lawsuits related to defamation and doesn't apply at a total control of the things that are included on its website Google for decades. Has claimed that it is a platform and the earn from last year related to the content hosted on its systems and used that to grow into a giant monopoly now all of a sudden the siding to apply censorship and clinical control over the entire information landscape This means that they are no longer a form they are now a publisher yet they are acting like either when it suits them and neither when it doesn't and this is wrong and needs to be corrected How should it be how should it be corrected corrected. Soundbites. If anybody and you can. And there kind can be sued for defamation to be able to receive defamation as well they're intentionally boosting misinformation and slander that it is going to Google search results in order to control the narrative and when that information is untrue and actually accurate they need to be held account they're claiming that they cynically how the counts because they are a part yet this is not true they need to have their legal immunity certain way and they should be held to account under Rico Sherman Antitrust and also the decision. Wow Ok great force of a 980 Than area 831 is the phone number to call you can also e-mail m z k s e o dot com If you want to participate in today's discussion with Dave with Zack here and we've got a number of callers already let's go to a speaker 1st call of the Terry in the capital of Terry I welcome to the Saturday special with. Emiko. You know who I am but. Yes. If anybody wants to confirm their weight you search results in American inventors into the search term for Google. Comes up it's 40 acres of American inventors 35 in the black you know there are white There's nothing wrong with them for that many fine black inventors and then one of the people who wait they listed it as an important event is Marjorie Joyner and he invented a character trait airport but I'm sure that's an important invention but they did this or of all the web or write they didn't miss. Brettan of writing with any of the transistor they did miss and I could go on and on and on and on and so clearly they have a critical agenda they decide they can skew the search results and maybe it's well intended they did I will maybe not in well represented in it and then in rank they don't get the credit they should we get we need to promote people who invented a hair strainer right at the right rear of the airplane reparations as it were. A search engine and by the way Michel of all this so that was until in the last year or 2 it's the number one this is amazing that somebody somebody needs to take control over Google that they need to be in I used Now I like you. Use Google and it's pretty good for exams in and if they don't they don't do anything and I think that they really need to Brock Akil and I agree with your caller they think to lose their exemption form they need to get sued for libel and slander like any other publication would like to slander it and then you start cutting the money . Ok yes Cherry I mean Zach do you have anything kind to say to Terry for supporting or for me saying such nice things about you. I do it and Google is doing it's really creepy you know he talked about American and then turned that also good for America. And Americans are are prevented and the majority of Americans thank you America. You can also try to think things you know a white woman and White House and let the children in and search we're going to guess you're going to get almost exclusively next rate cut and that's cool like I've nothing wrong with mixed race. And that is that look at. The gender error to have a mixed race sort of like particle correct just just like just like what do you call that you know affirmative action you know that affirmative action you know Michel you know that I'm in a mixed race marriage and not you know crime with that you know it's but that doesn't make any racist Terry. There was it was a show on I'll get a quick remark with Mark within Sunday so. There is a professor on from Harvard psychologist and in a ballad liberal. Leaning supports Hillary Edwards cetera but here. Analyzed. The influence that Google has on information as they did the river of information that we all got and on and. And they do it so much that they can skew people I think about any number of things and here's the latest on recruits now look at the Harvard professor credential guy he believes that they have the ability. If. In the next election I mean search results 15000000 votes this is a monster. Robert Epstein Right. Yes yes at the guy in fact if you have it if you have Google and Yahoo or something like that I encourage anybody listening look at it and carry it what you're telling us. Are to scary things scary actually my part of my disclosure with the help. Professor is like Robert at staying at. The forefront of death and slandered as a conspiracy theorist despite the fact that he was the editor in chief of Psychology Today and a Harvard trained psychologist professor and Google has been finding him and by and . For calling out exactly what they were doing and running experiments proving that Google is hiding search results in order to election and my my just turned Robert Epstein conspiracy theory in quotes into conspiracy back. Wow Yeah and it made her can think it was a left leaning guy who would order you can't eat a little but he got a little kind of you know going to the locals are you good at we all. In there explained ring him now that we're going to camp and how they could be explained or if I prefer what they say about him all right so that brings to mind somewhere along in my research before doing this this interview with Zach. I came across the claim that Google is a pharmaceutical company and pharmaceutical companies can't be sued any more than. Other platforms can't be sued I guess and I'm learning something in the I'm learning a lot in this program myself said it isn't it true that that pharmaceutical companies can't be sued they they put billions of money into a fund then you see all these commercials on television at least saying if you have gotten cancer and you've been exposed to such and such or you took. You know a particular drug or whatever you may be entitled to substantial compensation without even going to court. Oh God I mean this is really I'm air is being curled on my entire body with what I'm learning today. We did several years ago Saturday special with a guy who had written a book I was I found it in my i Phone at not not the whole thing but but just the promo that I preach I'm going to play it right out of sound a little tinny that I want to hear it I just want to hear I want to. Get my nose. No no no no here it is and I'm not kidding I know. These are just wonderful I'm not just talking about the Internet search engine that is called All the others I'm speaking of value for value will tell you book services that. Gives away for free you know things like email I don't like since 2006 is documented in search of. The Web photos for storing and managing all your photos online for you website creation of site in my personal favorite Google Voice the brilliant generous actually give you a free phone number that you can use month after month for free it will ring all your phone simultaneously take voice messages an e-mail them to you converse. College trade struggle messages and much more for free if you hear me 3. Things. Even. Find out why next here's your special this Saturday. Your things may not always be what they seem radio able to tell you. I don't even know when that was but it was 5 or 6 or 7 years ago you know and how the discussion today has prompted me to look for that or indeed I found it all right Terry novelist and yet a new model is to plenty available there just like you would love to make a right great Ok thanks for hanging in there or not don't be able to do the right thing if you know that they know that that that you know evil was. Not attainable anymore. Ok Terry thank you for your call Here's David in San Francisco David your i k s e o exactly mc. Well hurry Michael pretty good haven't heard from you know while you're in. A low time ago 10 years ago it was the same with the problems and. Up to 40000000 albums were lost to these crooked banks right. At the very moment we could have stopped. Acorn which was training. For foreclosures and Floyd being ripped off by crooked lenders corn was devastated by a project right so I have no respect for projects. They helped. That we have in America right now because they've ruined a clearance reputation and Acorn had contracts with all 50 states to provide lawyers to people if they were being ripped off by crooked lenders and it was very moment now let me be clear acorn now because they were getting tax and by on how to hide income under age. Ok 1st of all that's a lie and 2nd of all that was and they needed to be brought to justice no that was a big lie they call it was an edited tape. An edited tape they had dinner segments meet your You're taking what the media is saying at face value research. And let's pretend there was an accurate. Do you write the reputation of an entire organization that was dealing with 50 states you took one person statement even though it was taken out of context you know you help me or you're out of hell everything I do in workplaces all gay pacts and by on how to high income under age prostitution and they didn't hear such a liar by your saying. That you were not going to we're not going to get anywhere with a label on you to know when. I'm. I want the program to deteriorate into you know we'll show you a shouting match Lucas and so we're there you're on here. You can see there. I'm here. Colonel Carey I think I was kind of it wasn't Colonel Terry it was David in San Francisco go ahead they were going to go completely wrong. Garrick was all about. To fight back but man that I'm not very timeless you're talking not very sure talking about. You know the early going Acorn right. And I'm sorry and this whole business Well 1st 1st thing that caught my attention Larry if that 40000000 there is no way I'm in construction have been 45 years that had not happened so anyway it's 5 point. So my thing is is that now you have to and I'm. Sure I know all the whatever building homes going to go at the big participation in our new program on our computer Ok which ever been like. I did not like. To give out my personal information to Google. And yesterday I didn't like that at all because I guess what part company. First of all I think Google is like that and it's trying to get into a lot of ways to get in people's homes so that you. Have them. Second of all. What it was called that. Right bar their own or 1st start. Right art and you cry part well sure Jane you keep helping me get started I believe the time. Before he got a chance and he did arsenic poisoning. My thing is there are a couple different stories on there's x. The scene in your song The lying here couple different stories but one of the main stories what. I know story came out is that one day in the stocking was only 40 years old and one day you were starving and he had a heart. I always question whole thing is given me and jogging lefty learned I think he's trying to keep things safe. And for you 5 years old he just had a heart attack and meanwhile because he was working with O'Keefe. I thought it was a very strange because Opie and gripe are our effort when actually finding our rather different things through. Going and doing investigations on Democrats. One day I get that there are very strained. Ok. It might sound on by the way. He just thought it was me talking I think the caller thought that I was that it was me when it was you talking. Back and you Breitbart was. Something along the lines that I was upon so that people don't know that. I can't write and then I was like one of those last week when he died and. He died of arsenic poisoning and then the autopsy guy. Doing the. Part also ended up dying of arsenic poisoning it's a wild story and what we've got to realize is that the criminals have been in charge her very long time and now with Donald Trump they're. Coming to you and I believe. You're right because the bottom line is. When President went into office before he with even a. Word for I'm going to drain a swath and for Democrat. For Democrat. And yours and and that it's actually final trying very desperately. But he has every 535 members and they all 535 members out there are coming down on him who are worth millions those people. They only make I have $57000.00 a year. Unless they would do a lot of favors a lot. Now look my big. And I'm sorry Google is a big part of it I've been hearing for months now Google is creating a lot of problems for anyone who is in the Republican Party and if Democrats see that then they are really I'm sorry. Well this is never Ok thank you Lucas appreciate your call the force of a 980 Here's Marianne in Salinas go ahead Marianne you're on. I know. I know when I did. Well. It might add an. Article. And and I didn't want. To marry and it sounds like you're on a speakerphone or something any chance of you getting on channel really echoing echoing the hard to understand we want to hear what you have to say. And I had. Just just talk lotion to the microphone that's all you can do I guess I don't know the co-head we can hear. Folks. When he. And other. Want. And well you know. That. I. Heard it yet if you bet on a computer. When I need. To. Go. Someone is trying to get you so you're here let's see our next caller will be Shelly in Monterey about Bible prophecies. Hope we're going to stay on the subject your show. Yeah yeah really the on it bringing back on it pretty brave of the ailing. I think man. On the dinero I'm sure you had moments where I think the big. One and I could take on that. And I don't know you think pretty intelligent but I'm sure you can you know by when you're in there. How do you think you're going to make it different when all of it in the Bible that's all that well and that. I want to market. And. Thank you. So I didn't you know reviewing sort of the New World Order and what I realized is that it can't script and how to build a one world government and in order for them to build the world well one world government they have to get our acquiescence we have to send them reeling over us. The way that we defeat that we just have to become aware and awake and it is the recognition and once it become aware that we become activated and then if we add it people don't accept what it is that they're going to spotlight to what they're doing then they need it and what will happen and that it will collapse will regroup and then try again this is not a one time thing this is a cycle and the cycle repeats throughout history and the only thing that we have to do in order to live each and every time they're awake and call them out. Why don't I hear any response to that. Well I'm here. Now and we I heard you Shelly is still on she was going to take her there but she didn't hang up so she heard about your jelly Thank you know that really helped me. Get on it and you know all of that. And thank you for taking on the. Fight and don't get assassinated so let's see Bob in Carmel sends an e-mail every time I search on Google for anything political the 1st several pages are almost all liberal sources. Ok. Thank you. Are next hour says leftist Ok fine. Your next caller is 0. You know what it says Don't answer I guess is someone who's listening on hold or something I want I can put I Can he was along when. It says Do not answer so I did. I saw that I read that after I had answered for I think that someone might have been it's only because I want to wake you and everybody rushes. And I. Want to if you're not you know I do what I can think. Michael by just want to tell him and Mike Yeah m.z. Me I am very very Jewish and very. Very very Zionist Yes So I just want to tell you a happy Iraq and all the business people I deal with in this county the same thing right Ok thank you and everything Ok thank you. And I am I supposed to hang up on you or do you need to listen Ok. I can hang up and go to does the guest have a website whoever that is who wants to do. A lot of Yeah you're on yes. I have one question for your guest and that's all I'd like to provide. You have any need or are you seeking any public support for your efforts if that is the case. How we can provide them. Public support Charolais or public I mean so that the best way that the public can to part me it's like going to my Twitter which has potential maniac or you can search or even. Google it. And if you look at some maniac you'll find me read follow me please read the things that I'm doing because I am fighting for your freedom and fighting to have a free and open society and. And they control the information and if people want to make a difference they don't have to get out there they don't have to all they have to do is retreat to think retreating because I am writing Google and that is the most important thing that we can do right now for America because. You control the information and control the past and they control the control the future. Thank you very much perhaps you could repeat that for the end of the so make sure everybody's got it that's all I thank you very much Ok here's Marianne on a much better line Go ahead Mary. Thank you very much better. Now I know what I'm doing out there so I don't understand what I want. When I see it it sounds we really. Got new quantum Harter 30 seconds to complete a task that would normally require 10000 years and a supercomputer and out of this if that they will have control. Then for Mason here 2022. And then flatly I'm going to mention here cryptocurrency encryption is a. Bit encryption with me now and they can get into country receipt crates. And I can add anything that Sam Raimi scenario to your thank you so so let me let me answer your question. Most of the Defend your porn and the reason why is because well 1st off. Computers can only do so certain types of problems extremely fast and attacks a very tiny subset one of the things that intelligence agency has been getting everybody to use it to use they encrypt and that is very weak against quantum computers and as a result which is called are saying corruption and they find it is safe they are Taiwan encryption or having actually a coin The thing is is that these types of encryption are quantum weak and anything that's quantum weak can be broken by the quantum computers and the intelligent agency has purposely did that using the quantum weak algorithms so that when did quantum computers and because you know the thing then all of our previous communications can be broken and 2nd and they can read it so there's a connection right now are going to be broken by quantum computers in the future however what's going to happen is that there are only a case and algorithms that are better quark and strong we're going to transition to that they coined kind of kind of this into that and it's not a large technical problem in order to do that you just either increase. The number of bits or you increase rate sensitive an algorithm the fact that they obviously had a huge quantum weak algorithm I believe is by design and right now the media is trying to make your grade because that's what they do next it's a bunch of clicks and if our control right. I pleasure so I what I have to say to you is don't worry that it's not a bad situation and some regards but they're not going to be able to crack anything or dab or it's just a bunch mostly misinformation and to make you afraid so don't be a Fran thank God. Thank you Marianne and thank you for calling in on a much better line and thank you for not being interrupted and losing your train of thought like what. State Chair hey that then we have a totally full board now for a while it was jam so if you want to call 83147980 and talk to Zack and M's he was a good time to do it so sack what's next for you or are you not allowed to talk about it. I really can't talk about it they think happening I'm really excited about it but I am now in acting and going to silence about the current happenings but people said they came to the news they said Follow me on Twitter apropos maniac and because I and the school I'm going to be disclosing all of it to Twitter and the stories are going to be generating an advantage that using the stories you're going to I'm going to report them 1st before the big media companies are going to be recording them and the more that people retreat the larger they get that that amplification out the more people are going to wake up to what exactly is happening with Google and that's a great thing because it's more freedom and opportunity for us and our children Ok let's let's talk about Alex Jones Ok Alex Jones was was. Ceremony I don't even know that word he was defeat was the platform from You Tube and Google and all that. And. I can't wait to hear your comments on that. Yeah so what's really telling at that expense is removed from all the social media. At the same time what I mean by think I mean within 5 minutes of each other Twitter You Tube. Other places she was kicked off and I'd entry and. And when you you know said a few weeks ago that they aren't open it up but any thank. Of it or words that I know that they keep and I'm just create my worst channel again but then like 48 hours there Santa was gone and so what I think there is that. At You know one side of the face Google is saying that they are an open platform but on the other side they are a censorship regime and Alex a won't want. Clear is a clear Trump supporter right I mean there's no there's no doubt about that he's a lot of other things too but he's a clear Trump supporter what do you think that's the main reason that he's been the platform besides the fact that he's he's so popular at least has been so popular I think he's more poppy might be more popular now than ever. I don't know I don't know what to think about that what do you think I mean I had cats and I've heard some rumors out there that they are that they're funded by an intelligence operation but it makes sense because it's back and they think they're still very well funded and able to continue on and even though they've got a large reach the now are you are you talking about your talk you're talking about in force. Right and now you were saying how hard it was. To stay on the air when he had full access so you 2 and then they could come on but he had really seen the slowdown you don't really see on the content and and so there's a theory out there that he suspended by. Operation. That I don't know for sure and I don't necessarily believe it or not believe that I'm just saying that that is a rumor that exists out there so you know people say use logic and reasoning come to their own conclusions. Ok well. You you there's no question that there's censorship involved you know in forming him right . Yes that's right and regard I'm not asking you for a value judgment on Alex Jones and his theories and so forth but I am asking you. And I think I know your answer to comment on his death the platforming. Divinity is you know part of intelligence that works you know we are an open society and people have the right and the freedom of speech to talk in a public sector and I support you know you know places that are backed by different you know by different entities like Russia Today it's funded by the Russian government a very important things from time to time and in fact every day you know there I had might be the same you know they have their open quite if you know and appreciate open society that what we've accepted as acceptable everyone should be able to speak and the fact is is that they are having a concerted effort to keep people out of the public forums it's absolutely atrocious and against everything that we stand for in America. Right Ok we have a caller I think it's Eileen in Santa Cruz about right Bart go ahead. And I think I'm trying to turn my radio. In the background. I'm sorry. Yes Great Well my very interesting. Thing and Breitbart I am he he was very close friend on my journalism Peter who is Stranahan do you know anything about Lee. Leap from all lines Yeah yeah he started could have been going to let them go which was Andrew. You know he kind of read on. That dream and then. Tell you if you believe that he was killed arsenic poisoning. You know what would be really interesting is if I could get you know and lead to gather and do up program on that. That would be fascinating because. If. We didn't do it but I would like to do that and the story needs to be told he had that if I could meet with you are you still in California or have you. Have you moved out of state. I'm still in California and I'm not currently in California it's a day or for the 1st half of this week I'm being how fine a letter happened this week. Ok I would let me get my contact information to end reading and. Connect with him and I think we've got him on Porton. You can also connect with made through Twitter. And how do you that down might explain great great. Thanks for calling for 780 where we do have lines open but here's Richard in Salinas which are drawn. People bet against Alex Jones program for years there were times when he came up with various things like your fortune situation I don't know if you want to reflect that is to teach him to trust him so maybe it's just a rumor that somebody else has started on that. The other thing is Google of your original action the trump one when they thought he wasn't going to win so they get involved heavily in that or they just assumed he was going to lose. They are involved not about the net Yeah what they do is they crave then their data lake and . A bunch of information related to extensive criminal history. Michael and body count which is a devastating collection of people that have died around. That and her day they removed that information and. They did they take that sort of a temperance and wondered why the way they answered it it's not just when the Google results when you're typing and search queries there is a feature called Other suggest which try to protect the words that you're typing and this is one of the way that people figure out what other people are thinking because it's supposed to be generated by what the users are actually searching for so if you type then couldn't body count then as you type in the 1st letter and the last word count or see a complete you really searching for now what they did is they removed s. And the problem about that is that. They like certain parts of your cognition where things will end consciously only and you don't really have your filters on and so the other thing just stickers 100 times because you don't expect that to be happy but that's actually one of the mechanisms that they used and this is what Dr rather abstain former editor in chief Psychology Today has been pointing out in a study is that this is going to become a target for Google to use to manipulate so that people are prevented from pining on Hillary Clinton and it's not just in the United States election at the end than the Supreme Court of Brazil ruled that Google had colluded with. French president in order to bury information damaging information about his opponents. This is international Iraq and thank you it was participating and it's not just the United States. They also heard that they also participate in the midterm elections because I remember watching the election results and there was a number of Republican senators leading in the races all over the country and all of a sudden one by one that just fell before all that came in and then your door scouring all 6 Republicans down there in the area lost elections there basically a Republican area that you may remember that Google there and someone would search and California g.o.p. . That Google would return a result saying that they enter ideology but not them and and the reason why is because you know Google is ingesting look at p.d.i. Which is being analyzed by radical leftists and they put that and that ideology has not in them and now when you peer review and then Google. That on their page and the fact that they also have 2 to authoritative sources of information including the New York Times and The Washington Post and The Boss tree journal means that their agenda outcompete. Their attendants by artificial market manipulation and so yes they did they you know manipulate the election yes they get you know that and they did to bait a fact and and they're still doing it in a day because they're not reverse thing they're manipulating and they're actually doubling down. If you interview Google. You know what there. Is Don't interrupt the enemy while it's destroying itself and right now campaign and I'm doing I think it's a day on the sideline he was going to do an executive order and the executive order never got released and the reason for that I believe is. Because the executive order was going to be really I disclose all the damning information about. The decision and their manipulate and so what's happening at that I believe that the executive branch is just taking a wait and see approach to see what happens and then once the story runs its course then they'll act and I think it will act before the 2020 Lexan. Order comes out like thank you very much wow wow stairs of your totally free line so we have 10 minutes left the program so if you want to contact Zack now's the time to dial 831-479-1080 if you don't I got plenty of stuff to talk with about. The Google colluding with China there's there's a good amount of that in the news that somehow filtered through to us how did that filter through or just when. He thought. I do Sir Peter Thiel wrote in the or times that you know accusing Google or questioning whether they were creating tree then because they were working when their military you work on. Ai Manhattan Project Now if you remember the man the nuclear Manhattan Project. During World War 2 where the United States. I think all the scientists together to try to create a nuclear bomb. Please. And right now we've got a similar situation with the state of a I know it's deep mind to create nothing less than a God like a I system and they're doing it and China and the way that this works is that they collect all the information you know on the planetary databases around the world you know that exist publicly and privately and they aided in that Ai and able to be able to make returns like Amazon alexy except you know 1st into the world the Star Trak and this is the thing that they're working on with China and their and their military at the same time what Google has done is sabotage its relation step with the u.s. Military there was a project called Project maven that had agreed to work with us not well there's a series of operations within the company in order to raise awareness about the project and then he. Staged a protest and then Google used that. Technique then as a result of that they said well we need to have an ai group and a ethics group and then after that. Product after that I with the not. And they created an export and then they inserted according to what they did is that they had someone from the Heritage Foundation a minority person which seemed like it was a great fact but then what happened is that the activists the radical activists within the company staged a protest in the Heritage Foundation. And family and accusing them of bigotry and demanding back this person resign then responded saying well now we've got a cap. And they took it down and so now there's no way I have explored. Google a thing and there is no need for a I have Meanwhile they're creating an air super weapon within China's military that's the state of what Google is doing. Wow. Back to the phones downtown Al you're on with Zach and mc. Mike and back you know you tell a very gripping story and I'm wondering like how are you getting your information out there do you have an agent or something like that because it seems to me Twitter is you know not adequate you could be an interviewee on all 4 different shows. And I just wonder what you're doing about that term noting. You know you're. The information that was recently really said was you know an overwhelmed by competing. In a news cycle is the timing and I said that the timing is no try again. Right. And you know I'm wondering you know if anybody can be of help in any way because they have all these media connections you know you can Michael Harrison or somebody like that I'm just wondering what your doing because you do you do tell a very exciting tale an interesting tale and. I thought I would like to see that you have more this information out there because you know I think some of the problems with Google extend way beyond the political aspect some of it involves. The commercial aspect you know I don't find it as useful as I used to because. If you're looking for commercial energy in a lot of cases it's never paying in a most money gets you know promoted and that's not a useful you know information source anymore. Like they're completely destroying the nutraceutical and that's Ok I think how many Web sites that are out there. That eat people are on your attack and be alternative helpers on your taxes and schools now promoting websites like when and be that all they do is try to funnel people into doctors and. Western medicine and it's prescription better. Which is the only reason why they're being offered the American public and I believe they're being paid by that they could think they are mad that Wendy is being paid by big pharma and and and that this is the state of Google and Google is destroying the entire industry of nutraceuticals in order to take the pay out I just take from it is what I believe from the evidence and the articles that I've read I haven't actually seen that the deal that Google has made privy to that but it's clear that they are that they're just trying to tear industry and question is What other industries can they destroy at a moment's notice and it's part is where I get my information from. This is something that I've been doing for a very long time. And if you want to like star you can go on Twitter Twitter is that is the best open source intelligence thing that's going on right now but they're trying to buy it so that you can see the people so what I do is they tweet back I found the people that I want to follow and then I create. Are the people that are pushing out that information because I kind of Pacific people then I'm not relying on Twitter's algorithm to feed media information and so I'm able to look at their stories and then you start writing and. Picture. And then when you find information that you think will be deleted later archive it offline make sure that you've got it now that's what I did I just organize and make sense of that I have a collection and when I want to find something I can go back and and figure out where it is because you know as a lot of people know now that well that that used to be easy to find yesterday is almost impossible to find today and going to get worse. But back to my original point that act like I said you have the personality your own voice in your own. Words you tell a very gripping story and. You know it did I know 20 people on Twitter got banned for life for things like that that is not going to maybe you. Were or were going to work on it downtown and I would think Michel that you replay the show as much as possible and promote anything else because it is very important you're you're both doing everybody and anybody if there's. Anyone out there listening help me you know get connected because I'm fighting for your rights and I think the future of your children I can't make it on these programs and connect with me on Twitter you know because I'm going to do this story until it runs its full course. Downtown Now here's Jay and I am tossed real quick I got less than 2 minutes and there's a lot of Anthony there's a lot of campaigns taken off it used a nail in the old seats there were docs into the private and there you know that was property there and it is still you think. You know in any way or is that basically it is this is the Pope Catholic. I mean here's here's the thing every single time I try to lie in the sand and say Google is not going to go beyond the squad this line in the sand I realize it violated everything and I'm just point I'm undergoing what I call a Google detox which is I mean in my e-mail and I used the time now for my primary address I got rid of chrome and now use the break ground here which is an open source fork from the crumb browser I now use. And start page and dogpile for my searches and only when I absolutely have to do I use any Google services and what I found is that my access to information is now much better because just not filter in the same way that Google does and and it actually improves my internet experience and so for anyone else out there I suggest that you try a Google detox for one day. Breaking news this hour from townhall dot com And Keith reader president trip is returning to the u.s. After an unannounced trip to Afghanistan his 1st visit to the site of America's longest war Mr Trump told the troops America appreciates their efforts to keep the country secure and prosperous this Thanksgiving is a special Thanksgiving we're doing so well the country is the strongest economically it's ever been we have never done so well we have the greatest economy anywhere in the world so it's nice to know that you're fighting for something that is doing well as opposed to something that was not doing well just a number of years ago Mr Trump says there have been ongoing peace talks with the Taliban and he thinks they want to make a deal China's here yes with the United States after President Trump signed to Bill supporting human rights and pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong Beijing blasted the u.s. Describing the bill signings as extremely evil and dangerous moves President Trump had expressed concern that trade talks with trying them might be disrupted by supporting Hong Kong but he signed a few measures and said he was doing so out of respect for President China and the people of Hong Kong White House correspondent Greg clocks that the beloved balloons flew but lower than usual in a windy Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade After an anxious weather watch astronaut be a new version of a long time great favorite was among that young man inflated characters leading the line up he was barely off the ground certainly last week correspondent Julie Walker reporting wind had threatened to ground the giant inflated characters but officials announced less than an hour before Thursday start time that the balloons could fly if in a down to earth way as the parade continued even while City Emergency officials sent out a public alert about wind gusts handler struggled with some balloons and pulled them close to the ground more on these stories available at townhall dot com. 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