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On the internet this is coast to coast am with George Noory up next we're going to be talking with an ordained Exorcist minister Reverend Sean Whittington whether it's his latest book is called God ghosts in the paranormal ministry a supernatural and spiritual autobiography this could scare you because we're going to be talking about some demonic forces as well I just want to warn you. So much news these days what's happening do you believe can you turn to Newsmax t.v. To try and not show Bill O'Reilly for example for his take on everything that's going on Mark your calendar because Newsmax t.v. During the week and every Saturday night millions of people are watching Newsmax t.v. These days it's the real conservative news channel for those that and that's interesting because the balance is there since 70000000 homes each week you can see Mike Huckabee Michele Patrick Buchanan Bill O'Reilly so many more Newsmax t.v. Gives you the facts straight. Direct t.v. Channel 349 dish to 16 x. 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And welcome back to coast to coast George Norry with you a couple hours that could scare the living daylights out of you but Reverend Sean p. Whittington is with us and our Dana Exorcist the liver and some minister Ghostbuster lecturer a teacher a paranormal studies at a Bible College and theological seminary Chon and his wife Sharon who is also as you know Dana Lutheran minister and intuitive are both survivors of extreme demonic attacks we'll find out what happened and together they have more than 40 years of field experience they have founded and operate what is called Ghost be dash their ghost be Dawn which is a spiritual warfare service based in Las Vegas Nevada assisting with paranormal issues of various types and superiority and Robin welcome to the program 1st time for you I understand. Mr Murray I know I can retire now that there's never going to get better for me even though I understand you did some Navy stands to yes I did. 9 years for me very good I get one for your tour when I was actually celebrated my 21st birthday out at sea. My father was a 25 year retired Master Chief in the Navy. Served both World War 2 Korea naval intelligence all of that good stuff so Navy family for sure that's great you know my dad was in the Army World War 2 I never saw any action while I was there for my 9 years but I had fun and not a lot of great guys well we ever have another generation like the greatest generation I don't know now I don't think so no I don't I don't think so it had and I guess my father he didn't have it right now but oh my gosh. You know it is what it is an interview with an exorcist at midnight on Coast to Coast that you and I have written a better script it's perfect and we're getting closer to Halloween so it's perfect How did you get involved in this. Kicking and Screaming. Literally Yeah well you know before we start I wouldn't be doing you know this interview tonight is a direct result of divine intervention probably That's right I prayed to be on your show I'm here and I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't at least offer an opening prayer of protection and if you're up for the act we are going to have to talk about some dark subjects there are going to be things listening that will not want you and I did discuss these topics if you want me to start the show with the protection prayer over you in your studio but I will if you're not comfortable with that that's Ok too long is it just like in time it is just it's very quick 30 seconds do it before but it's pray Lord Jesus Christ in the I name I actually need to bind and silence all powers and forces that do not accept the as Lord and King in the air in the water in the ground the netherworld and nature and the spiritual world I actually need to bind all demonic action and demonic communication Lord seal this whole place all of us here and all our intentions of the precious blood of Jesus Christ Mary we asked you to surround us with a mantle of protection and crush Satan's power in our lives fame Michael the Archangel we ask you and all your guardian angels to defend us and battle against Satan and the powers of darkness a man that is not supposed to do force reverence that if a prayer of authority were letting these things know that it doesn't matter what they try to do to silence us tonight and they'll try again with yes some way the message we will make sure it will get out one way or another and and to not. Follow you home or any of your staff oh murder or hang out here after the show in my home which is active enough as it is I'm living on it all. I'm so if they get to take authority over all of that and in terms of attachment of these demons why does it seem like they're able to do it you would think that we could fight them off so easily. And you're absolutely right unfortunately people have lost their faith. In life and they don't know how to fight these things so they're easy targets and once the Athenians get their talents sunk into their victims it's very hard to get. Them to release their victims especially if the victim has no religious belief system in place and doesn't know how to fight them back doesn't know how to reach out for people like me and doesn't know when to allow someone like me to help them and do the types of things I require from them to help me help them next time I get the biggest We need to get together oh my gosh absolutely my wife and I we work a lot working we're working cases what I work in cases where you're doing a number of other things we don't get I don't have much fun we are not downtown in Vegas gambling all the time doing that nonsense so apt my feelings would be truly heard if you swing through town and we don't at least meet up for a cup of coffee or I will definitely I don't drink coffee but I have a sauna or something like the book depends on what time it is maybe if it's later on have a glass of wine perfect to my wife my wife will join she she likes to nurse a every once in a while if the occasion is a big occasion to nurse a clue in milk Tysabri what happened to you and Sharon and you are both survivors of what they say are extreme demonic attacks Tell us what happened. Well when I 1st met my wife she was already an ordained certified Stephen Minister to her Lutheran Church sensitive intuitive near death experience survivor. People a times over. Passion for the paranormal irony was a ghost buster for many years since about the age of 10 and that was a passion for me too so we started go speak on that bit isn't just started basically ghost busting Cosentino ghost busting you name it and I made a very big mistake at a case which I didn't recognize at the time was a demonic case and I used to e.g. Board. Yeah I didn't know what I was doing probably the biggest mistake in my career and I truly believe that my ignorance there my extreme ignorance there opened the door and allowed something at this case which was very ugly was the newlyweds and they would that the wife was being basically raped by an unseen force while laying in bed next to her husband at night whenever he tried to intervene and he would come under attack and then attacks just progressed in severity when she was in the shower and she was entertaining at a party in her home sitting there just watching t.v. Or city on her back porch having a cell spoke it got really bad so at this case we used to be Gee bored and that very night. About 3 in the morning and it's always 3 in the morning and we're driving home and I don't what she time isn't it. Yet it is back east right now where is it fitting back east and the witching hour for us here but her feelings and there's we have caller id and I there's no number on her phone. I thought it might to be declined so I told her Sharon go ahead and answered so she did there was no one there. We came home and started that night with severe night terrors and we could envision a black cloud hovering over our bed like a stew like a lid an actual storm cloud in our master bedroom hovering over a bed swooping down on us will be back up to the ceiling swooping down and back and we ended up having a water main in the floor in that room 1st that night so it flooded us out of the master bedroom and we went to sleep on a California queen that we had to purchase in the living room we're still meant you know 8 years later we're still sleeping in that living room because we don't want the memories of that of what things that happened in the master bedroom are so awful that we don't want to go back and then why don't you just get out of the house. Well I'll tell you there's there's make a good ending to this story this is our home and one of the last things you want to do is allow these things their gangsters their bullies is to let them move you and your home you you need to fight back and listen to matter of life and death which a lot of times it is you need to fight back you need to get on your hands and knees and pray for Jesus Christ to come down intervene in your life at that moment and help you when you need to fight back that's what you really need to do sometimes does that work and and you know not work I should say in a person has to leave Absolutely it happens all the time but you should fight back well but you've been on your bedroom for how many years now well you know what we've got comfortable out there the dogs sleep with us guest bathroom is right there's the entertainment in Trek their kitchen is right there it's much quieter. The master bedroom is up near a street so it's quieter there and we just made that one of my wife's office she actually is an office manager and I mean the other items that's her office we turned it into it after using it for something absolutely but we didn't want to go back and sleep in there again and so it just escalated from there I couldn't go outside of my house they manipulate the environment I would have birds attacking me be the tacky media coverage cats attacking me I don't have children no ways of children playing in our garage I go out there to be no children out there and then it got ugly or it uglier and I reached out into the paranoia community for help as I had no clue what it was I was dealing with and I got introduced to my friend mentor who took me under her wing and walked me through how to fight this thing and we were we were in a battle for our lives literally for about 8 weeks and that's an intense. Well as soon as I got this thing out of the house My Lai comes home from work and she's talking to me like she's having a stroke and I asked her if there was something wrong and she goes Well I have my mouth hurts I said well go to the dentist you probably lost a felon or cracked a tooth or something the dentist immediately saw there was something else going on she ended up coming down the 3 very rare forms of cancer. Yeah she had a crew screen a cell carcinoma at the time she had Major Larry thyroid cancer which is the worse of the 2 It spreads there's no care through cancer and imaginary also spread to all these lymph nodes in her neck and that's my dentists are checking people like this all the time now yeah it's the attack with the attack was insidious and she was given a death sentence she was told she was going to make it through this church and so she had a feeding tube in for well over a year couldn't drink water at one point couldn't talk for many months and many nights I laid next turn bad oxygen I was going to wake up in the morning and she'd be dead that's how bad she was she went from like a 130 pounds like 90 pounds it was it was bad. So I took a page out of my mother's book which she taught me many many years ago while she was still alive you know you need God So if you crawl on your hands and knees in church and throw yourself on the altar and you beg for him to you know to intervene in your life and and you know help you which is what I did I would sneak out at night to an all night prayer chapel and I would throw my hands and knees in the front door to the altar and beg for my wife's life so just when I thought all all was lost a friend of mine back East he's an atheist came was actually moments away from dying he was had split danced colon cancer and he called me from his deathbed and he told me that he had just seen God and God told him to tell me she. And was going to live and that I needed to continue to fight those responsible . And so I was teetering on if I wanted to continue on the path to ordain what I wanted to get out of the field but that hit me like a bolt of lightning and I realized. If these are things that we could also discuss in the show but I realized for many many things that happened to me from being a young child and things my parents taught me that I was meant I was created for this I was meant to be on this path you were born Short Yes And so I think you know I got back into it but I don't think it was there were some very doubtful moments when I really thought that I wasn't going to be up for the task and how was your wife well 35 straight treatments of radiation or mouth 8 weeks of chemo which almost killed her several surgeries and I'm happy to report the last full body m.r.i. And c.t. Just recently performed show no metastasis anywhere of the disease in her body so God came through for me and now I know him and I have to I have to continue fighting his battle while I have a feeling that you know you have been supporting him for a long time and you know that's one of the reasons why he's taken care of you yeah yeah now these these people who come to you for help. What did they ask how did they even bring this up these topics well usually they sound like crazy people by the time they get to me God bless them because they're at pretty much at rock bottom they're scared to reach out to anybody for help for fear that somebody is going to think they're they're crazy not ridicule Absolutely and usually one of my 1st questions is do you have a religious belief system in place do you attend a church and the ones that do have a whether it's Christian or Catholic or one of the other religions and they belong to a church or frequent a church ask them Did you go there for help 1st and 99.9 percent of them say yes I did and nobody there will help me. So that's depressing why why is that I don't know but that's very depressing sure so I am especially when people reach out for that kind of assistance and how absolutely but there's a good there's usually that turns out to be a good case we may be battling something for quite some time depending on how the severity of the situation but at least now I know I have something to work with when I have people call me that no I don't believe in God but there's something going on here that's weird I need it I need it out of my house. That's probably another one of my. Many failures that I continue to try to get replies to all the time is there something that I never seen and I'm not able to connect with these people and get them to allow me to help them the way I need to do you have to heartbreak do you have to believe in God in order for you to be able to get this demon out of their place well at the very least they need to believe in some higher power something other than life that watches over us and protects us that is more powerful than this dark a low vibrational nasty face you know is trying to turn their life upside down and possibly you know break the family up for sure but perhaps kill someone or more than one person in the family and so yes that is at least a prerequisite that they have some belief in some type of Higher Power of Love and Light that is watching over us that we can reach to for help when we're at our you know. Most dire straits a place that may have some demonic spirits or the individual is now you know that attached what percent of them do you conduct exorcisms. Not. When I wake up every morning and I pray of course that I never have to perform another exorcism again it's dangerous and yes it's very dangerous and you can't get a lot of people to assist you and when you finally have a very close knit small group of people that you can trust to come and assist you in an exorcism there's so much involved in getting the family to sign off on it crossing all the t's and dotting all the I's and making sure everybody's on board and it is very dangerous you lose a lot more than you when and it's just a. It is a very scary situation I'm always human you know I have I still have fears I have a healthy fear and healthy respect if people can understand what I mean by that of these things they're all knowing they're older than talk and they're very powerful and just to simply say that they hate us if and I'm not adequately expressing in the words what they truly feel for us and if you could imagine the worst serial killer ever to walk the earth and how he felt towards human life trying to that by infinity and that's just one game and I mean I found the worst serial killer somebody who may have admitted to 90 deaths but we're going to come back in a moment Reverend talk more about exorcisms will take calls next on our show updates write your inbox for free with the letters sign up today at coast to coast am dot com. To. See. If. The song the selling . Please. Do you still think too is that the way things are going that the global elites still want to dominate the planet and that they might succeed Well I think they didn't dominate the place for a long time. Until $76.00 because the founding fathers decided to call a new form of government one and it would be wrong that we're eternal certain rights that people have that are unalienable the call of the people it rule the earth to cool they didn't like that so for 242 years they've been trying to get it back and we America as predicted and that the fight if we see going on right now doesn't it still feel out of kilter is going to you do something wrong there's a force out there that need not just want to capture the soul of the world but I don't think they're going to win I don't think they're going to win elegant until he can tell you a fresh gusher and today stipulate day is going to be what that she embraced him it this is the 20 Friday percentage of the ones that come to a point in the when when a supersonic almost like a watermelon saw. Him up the driveway at about one to 2 weeks. I mean that and this is it you want to get when you Biden and by the way you went venom we let you in you buy them simply make sure they're nice and sunny and nice and all in for an extended Greenpoint the next in green not brown or dried up when you bring them. Right it's one at the right minute beautifully when they wait to eat when you get to do is making him one of them and when you feel like they're ready to explode that's when the amount we want to end the relationship and load it with a traditional value an attorney can call your precious here in that your Tip of the day. Is anybody to do with. Tonight. As this year been a wild ride for you on George Norry in according to numerologist Glynis McCants you're not alone and you'll be our guest on our next program followed of course by Robert De. And man's evolution it's the. Talk radio host. Looking for the truth you'll find. Me ask you a question how do you determine what is a fake news story. Because the waters have. Actually. Exactly when there's a fine line between the fake news story that someone or the fake news story that is put out for entertainment and stuff like that and that's what we have to watch I. Am sure sounds great in the middle of the night but you don't have to be nocturnal to enjoy this amazing show inside or. To a normal life. Day You can wake up refreshed knowing that last night's show is waiting for you with. Listen on your way to work and again on your way home. From the past year. Is a must for all. Listeners visit am dot com today. Knowing you'll never miss your favorite topics ever again remember a one year. Only. Goes a. They. Were listening to. With George Noory come back to close the calls with Reverend Shannon wood in 10 his book God ghosts in the paranormal ministry we'll be talking more about the exorcisms that he has faced and had to do when well take your calls next hour here on coast to coast am I had a study earlier in our news portion that talked about some older adults are having problems finding friends that. 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Ok Welcome back to coast to coast George Norry with you along with the Reverend John Whittington as we talk about his work of God ghosts on the paranormal ministry Have you ever been hurt doing an exorcist Shawn. Physically I would have to say no a motion only. Absolutely. Scars and I'll probably be with me you know the rest of my life a lot of people don't understand that probably the most vicious attack by the demonic is the psychological attack and people in my line of work were under that attack all the time and once again we're only human I have no magic powers a lot of people that reach out to me I get the impression sometimes they expect me to just walk into their home and wave a magic wand and make it all better and that's just not the case I don't have any magic powers I've been blessed. To know that somehow this is all been arranged on the other side that I can be used as a vessel to allow the Holy Spirit and other angelic beings and Guardian Angels and warrior angels and things of that nature to come down through me during. A battle with a demonic attic at a location and so I'm blessed that way but I'm actually not doing anything but they will like I said they're gangsters and they always want to go after who you love so my gift of discernment is that I can see them and hear them and they're always in my ear telling me what they're going to do to share and. I show up some place a lot of. Deliverance ministers demonologists especially and and some exorcise not Catholic priests but other exorcise will perform what they call religious provocation I don't believe in that I know for a fact that me just showing up is provocation enough so why poke the bear just get in there and do what you have to do and you know pray that someone is listening up stairs and will send some help down for you and you can take care of this issue without too much collateral damage but they're always in my ear. You know talking about what they're going to do to the client if I don't leave what they're going to do to my wife if I don't leave if I show up without my wife they ask about it or oh we'll go we'll go check on her so why didn't she bring channel will go check on her it's terrible I worked a case once my parents had just died both of them I flew a year apart and I was working a case where my parents appeared to me in the middle of the night sitting in ad in front of a fireplace. And they proceeded to talk to me about what a word a worthless piece basically p.c. You know what I don't. Know how they were great at having me and how I'm wasting my time here and I'm just going to cause a lot of harm in our day to this family out of. Obviously wasn't them you know but at the time after being there for a lot of hours and being in the pitch black and sitting in a demonic infested home and having them actually night long that was very scarring emotional and it hurts and you can't help it but that stuff to affect you to a certain degree so it's things like that people get into this field people ask me all the time you know I want to I want to take up a hobby and I decide I want to be a ghost hunter Do you have any you know Vice and I usually say don't do it because if I hear the word hobby it means you know something I haven't happened he would make you all of a sudden still think it's fun Absolutely and I advise them to get stodgy as usually something has happened to a person and it did leave them with more questions than answers and now they're hooked they've got the pen on the gun they want to find out what it was that happened to them so they search out other like minded people such as the self a people that have had paranormal experiences and then they start trying new. You know for their knowledge and then comes the paranormal investigation and they go spouting and hopefully helping people and many go into this field and without even thinking that they're going to help people. And I think that's sad too I think everybody that enters a spill should 1st enter knowing that they're going to do their very best to help people 1st pistis That's number one yes absolutely what is easier to cleanse somebody who's been possessed or to cleanse a house that's been haunted Oh absolutely the property in the houses is very easy and unless well now we're going to get. I would get into a completely different direction and let you get you know your fair share of the elementals attached to that property or you know that home has been built on you know Indian burial ground or an area of a great tragedy at one time that's a whole different ball of wax but once a person is possessed it's that's difficult and the scary thing is is that now we fear that there's another level to that that just an unclean spirit invading that human vessel and fighting the soul the initial soul that inhabits that vessel on trying to take it over get it out of there and take over that vessel and then we try to intervene in there somewhere and that we try to intervene and exercise the unclean spirit out. We fear now that if a possession goes on long enough and and no one really knows what's happening with this person and they haven't reached out for help and now it goes into another stage called complete integration and now this the original soul that inhabited that vessel completely gone and the whole vessel is taken over by this invading spirit and now you've got a walking talking normal looking person walking around that's actually. This demon that's inhabiting a special and now you have all and it is what I suspect is behind things like mass shootings I believe these people are possessed they're either completely beyond possession or they're under such demonic oppression that they're just being manipulated like they're a pop it in the demons above them strings true evil true yes absolutely. Now why remember William Blatty when he wrote the original exorcist in the book and then he will he wrote the screenplay for the movie it was a real life case a real case of a little boy in Baltimore Maryland and they ended up in St Louis where in the end the elections brothers hospital and there were 2 priests involved and I remember one of the priests who stayed in St Louis he died a few years ago did not like talking to the media but this changed his life forever and he was never the same ever absolutely here they were out and did out of curiosity the movie. With the little boy that the priest any even the little boy talked about saying Michael showed up you know he was saved in the end yeah that was a pretty incredible story out of what's interesting is that even the child saw say Michael he actually and that's very rare in the hospital which has since been closed down they sold off the front or a church that happened to be in that room the bed the dresser and stuff like that it was a hospital room and people who bought the furniture reported strange Fontaine's in their house where they put the furniture now that is weird. Pretty astonishing. Who would want that furniture I wouldn't. And any price. I don't get people maybe. People I don't mean to laugh but it's just it's just so you know it's just so mind that I you in that when you're doing the an exorcism are you there with a cross and holy water do you do you go that route I do I always have on me for well I was baptized Catholic so I'm and I'm still. A devout Catholic but I was ordained through a Christian university I still have a lot of respect and belief in the power of the Roman right so I usually and it's like it's like a play if you will for lack of a better description I love to have a couple of prayer warriors in the room that will do nothing but sit at 2 different areas of the room and if I only have one prayer or yeah that's fine but this person is to no matter what they see or hear or what happens they're just to sit there and pray and they can just pray prayers out of a prayer book or they can pray read aloud from the Bible but never stop doing that I usually need a brave soul that's going to film it and document what happens and no matter what happens keep Rohan I need a couple of people to one or both sides of me in case I get hurt and someone needs to take authority over the exorcism Now if it's a woman we're working with if it is afflicted I'd like to have a couple of women with me because of cheating. During some of these you know 1st it always starts with a lot of what we call parlor tricks where you know at one point you maybe have every window every door every closet door every drawer in the home opening and slamming all at the same time and you see it in the movies real life it's horrifying and it's just noise can be deafening and you can even hear the person next to you what they're saying to you you've got to try to stay calm during this time usually do severe bouts of. Parlor tricks are followed by a manifestation through the body and after the person goes through that whatever whatever that ends up being they usually deaf Akkad urinate and throw up all over themselves and everybody else around so you don't want men taking a woman into the bathroom couple of women taking a woman into the bathroom and. It's a verse if you have a man and clean and bop and everything else yeah absolutely you want a couple of men to take the man and if that's if that's the case plus you know man can sometimes and women too but if a man if a bit large man gets big gets violent it's better to have a couple of other men with you have you ever had to call the police no but it given up to many locations where I've had the priest that called me in to help and the police that showed up because there was a lot of weird stuff going on in the neighborhood called and they're outside in the driveway wait for me to show up and they don't want to go back again are most exorcisms done in their house the individual's house or wherever they're living where you can yes most of the time if you can take them away from that I would I like to take them away from and get my Alec drowned preferably a church I like that would a church allow an exorcism inside if you know the right people in wanting to have some friends in high places and you can pull those trains but it's like tonight I'm going home from work early and I want to stop by one of my favorite churches here and count to go in and thank God for my opportunity to talk to you tonight and the church is closed down when they start doing that I thought churches were open 247 it depends on the area I guess I guess but that's that's another thing that's changed in and sad about the world and the world we live in nowadays I think we have so many homeless people Sean that you know some people will spawn asleep in the church sadly Yeah I agree. It's sad but I was I was depressed that I wasn't able to get in there so I actually got out of my car and got on my knees and said a prayer on the front lot and then I can tell you doing a great job. We're going to take calls with you next hour and maybe you can give people some advice too because you might get it you might get some calls from people who know people who are possessed Have you ever gotten a call from somebody who was possessed themselves and they knew it well it's had had. Demons manifest themselves to me right in the middle of conversations because I have some I have some trick questions and some trick comments that I can say that most the end have to respond to and I wouldn't want to say them you know out loud over the airwaves here but I will save them sometimes during a conversation and get the d.n.a. Manifest right there. But yeah I've I've actually had one case where the woman would get text messages from an unlimited unknown location in Latin weird inland and we took that phone to every phone place you could imagine to try and trace this call and they couldn't find. A place where it originated from so it's just you know that's why I have I have a lot of healthy fear of these things because we did I don't think we know just how powerful and knowledgeable if they can be where the people get the book got ghost on the paranormal mystery all 3 ways and one of the ways comes with a warning you can go to Amazon you can go to Kindle you can go to the ghost begon dot bids website purchase it for me direct I have some authors copies here also autograph it for you to ship it to you direct Now here's the thing with that book and I have to mention in a disclaimer disclaimer There's a picture of an entity in the book that I captured at a remote location down the middle of the desert and sent some of my readers every child out to me that purchased a book from me from my home who said after the book arrived in their home they saw that apparition in their own. So I am a little bit amazed at the possible attachment to some of these books that have left my home I find that off the charts amazing and the investigation continues on that but if you want to perch. As an autographed copy for me direct Be forewarned it may come with a ghost but I don't believe it's anything to be fearful of. She added We've seen her here in the house many times she hasn't done anything. You haven't heard the animal hasn't done anything. Outwardly either to show us that there's anything to fear out of it but she usually appears after of all I'm probably sitting in the most haunted place in my home and at that my office staff my wife seasonals here all the time working away I'm so busy she doesn't want to disturb me she decides to walk away only to find the real mean another area of the home the kitchen the bathroom outside she'll say you're just out of you get out or you're just in the office and all that's not me and the students we realize she just saw my for lack of a better term doppelganger and I don't know what that is but I'm just thrown out after because I don't know what else term to use that apparition in that picture that's in the book usually walks out of the office then down our hallway across our living room and out our back door so it's interesting. This thing looks very solid I'm not sure if it's a young girl or Iana boy Cas its own shadow solid 3 dimensional figure like a real person and I just like I said the investigation goes on but I thought I should throw that out there if someone purchased the book from me Karen arson we're going to come back and take calls with you next Sean John Winston with us at the end the name of the book God ghosts and the paranormal ministry we will be back in a moment on coast to coast am find out more about tonight's guest log on to coast to coast am dot com. This is a very important public safety message from teaching me to all of our medical baseline customers to make sure you stay safe p.t. And he will be calling texting and e-mailing you to alert you to an important public safety power shut off update if you receive a text phone call or e-mail from p.g. Any Please respond so we know you are aware of current weather conditions we will continue to try and contact you until we hear a response for more information visit p.t.e. Dot com slash medical baseline p s p s there is no impeachment there just. Their campaign strategy impeachment Rush Limbaugh they want to get as much done. Public opinion before the whole thing becomes for what it is good impeachment. Showing that Trump is sticking up the president raising is a. Rush Limbaugh 90 days right here on Korea seal. And that ever happened to you Well the engineers as E.B.'s studios have designed the perfect solution for bad reception sleek compact and light weight. Is easy to see easy to use and it downloads in less than a minute just go to the App Store on your smartphone type the 0 into the search window and you'll start enjoying your favorite radio station in crystal clear digital sound no more bad reception download the free app I'm probably Ok have one more drink before I drive home. Ok open the window to stay alert. Step out of the car police. Probably. Probably Ok isn't Ok when it comes to drinking and driving if you see a warning for. A car. Driving is drunk driving and. 80 am 104.1. 0 at a cruise and $1340.00 k. O. M. Y. In a beach. Is this our brand townhall dot com I non-derogatory the Democratic lawmaker says the House has the power to jail witnesses who refused to testify as part of the ongoing impeachment inquiry Democrat John Garamendi of California told c.n.n. He thinks administration officials who refuse to testify should be considered in contempt of Congress and if they made their bed he said it's time to call the sergeant at arms and quote March the block to our local jail which we do happen to have capital website says the building no longer has a dedicated detention facility on site in the past however some rooms have been used to detain those suspected of committing crimes in the building and those held in contempt of Congress but Agnew reported Meanwhile President Trump says he has a good reason not to cooperate with the Democrat led impeachment inquiry they have a vis rated the rules they don't give us any. Any fair play it's a must unfair situation people are saying Pacific Gas and Electric has begun shutting off power to San Francisco Bay area adding more than 200000 customers to a sweeping blackout already that has left a 1000000 people in the dark late Wednesday detail he said Power was going out in the East Bay South Bay in Santa Cruz County state's largest utility pulled the plug to prevent a repeat of the past 2 years when wind blown power lines sparked deadly wildfires President Trump getting mixed reviews over his decision to withdraw troops from northern Syria Senator Lindsey Graham told Fox News the president's decision could be the worst mistake of his presidency contrast that with the president tweeting that the us going into the Middle East was the worst mistake ever the president also enjoys plenty of support fiscal hawks Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky labeling Grammont fellow truck critic representative Liz Cheney as the neo con worker as he calls President Trump the 1st president in his lifetime who understands what is and is not in the u.s. National interest by a new reporting news and analysis a townhall dot com. They parents of children with asthma is the breed Easy's with another one of your favorite it. Simple is making it. Easy to. Just keep.

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