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Very soon. Find that out we should history event in political watched be the most fox 10 news at 9 00 starts now. So when you try to act holier than thou, it really doesnt work. It really doesnt. Donald thinks that Climate Change is a hoax, perpetrated by the chinese. I think its i did not. I do not say that. The science is real and they are off, donald trump and Hillary Clinton meeting facetoface for the first of three president ial debates, leading up to the november election. And this debate is historical, the first time a woman has taken the stage in a president ial general election debate, plus this debate could be the most watched event in political history. Soon. Hello and thank you for welcoming us for continuing coverage of tonights debate. John, you mentioned earlier that you dont think voters really learned anything new tonight. I dont, kristy, i really dont. I think there was a lot of americans out there who were looking at each other and this thing and going, what was that all about . I dont know. What was that all about . I think there was a fair amount of that out there tonight because there was a lot of sniping, and that part i guess is we learn a lot more, and for the small percentage, about 8 in the country that dont know who they were going to for, did either candidate sway them . This debate was frankly somewhat of a letdown. I expected more. Hillary clinton and donald trump got into it right off the bat when donald trump said he would been an issue, when hillary releases all of her emails. I will release my tax returns, against my lawyers wishes, when she releases her 33,000 emails that have been deleted. As soon as she releases them, i will release my tax returns. Well, i think you have just seen another example of bait and switch here. For 40 years, everyone running for president has released their tax returns. Reporter so there you have it, the sniping back and forth, but americans are kind of left saying, okay, well, these are old fights and we are still there. Then they battled, believe it or not, over the genesis of who started the Birther Movement with obama, the birth certificate. Who was questioning whether president obama was an american. Donald trump says it was the Hillary Clinton folks who started floating that stuff back in 08. She says, nonsense, you have he has really started his political activity based on this racist lie that our first black president was not an american citizen. Got to watch in preparing for this some of your debates against barrack obama. You treated him with terrible disrespect. Reporter so that wasnt exactly a denial, but they backed into that issue. And then we got into this issue of whether Hillary Clinton the stamina to be president. This is kind of a line that Donald Trumps been using out on the stump, and it ended up in the debate tonight. She doesnt have the look. She doesnt have the stamina. I said she doesnt have the stamina, and i dont believe she does have the stamina. To be president of this country, you need tremendous stamina. As soon as he travels to 112 countries and negotiates a peace dissidents, an opening of new opportunities in nations around the world, or even spends 11 hours testifying in front of a congressional committee, he can talk to me about stamina. Reporter okay. So the stamina issue. Now, who kind of got the best of this debate tonight . I think if people were sizing it up on whos got the gravitas to be commander in chief, i think you have to give Hillary Clinton a little bit of an edge tonight because she had a better command of her facts than donald trump had of his. The question is if you like donald trump, you come away from this feeling, you know, i like him. He attacked her. He went after her on things that im angry about. Same with Hillary Clinton. Now, donald trump appeared in the spin room, and i think this is a very telling thing. When the candidate appears in the spin room, thats kind of an admission, a tacit admission, that maybe you lost the debate. So there was donald trump in the spin room tonight, trying to kind of undo maybe a little bit tonight, to try to convince everybody hed won after it was over. I dont know if thats going to work, but whenever you see one of the candidates in the spin room afterwards, sometimes that tells you a lot about how they felt about their performance. Hillary clinton wasnt there. She walked away. Trump was in the spin room spinning. So make what you will of that. Rudy giuliani, who has had a long history with clinton. He was going to challenge her for senate out of new york. All. Rudy giuliani really went after her in the spin room. It actually shocked me that she knows so little about the economy that she thinks by taxing people more, they are going to stay, that by taxing businesses more they are going to create jobs. And then you have david pluff, the architect for barrack man in many ways. He spoke in the spin room as well saying that she is much better prepared to be commander in chief. I dont think trump probably added anything. I would be decided if there was an undecided voter out there saying, ah, i have now seen from donald trump what im looking for. And that may be the issue. Donald trump, im starting to wonder if he didnt prepare as much as maybe he should have for this deba. Approach and said im going to go by feel and instinct, and maybe in Something Like this, thats this high wire and 90 minutes, maybe you have got to button it up a little bit more, and we may see that in the next debate when they meet again in st. Louis, clinton and trump. I think maybe Hillary Clinton got a little bit better of donald trump tonight in terms of having it together up there. Donald trump went off on a couple of tangents, and even if you like him, i know some of his saying, well, it wasnt the best, but he did pretty well. We got a little bit of that. Again, i dont think minds were changed tonight by this. I think it was a little bit of a letdown. Another thing we are seeing on social media, a lot of people giving lester holt flak for the way he moderated this. Its a tough position to be in. You cant fact check everything, but there was a lot of interrupting going on. Yeah, and then when he did kind of fact check, he really was pro donald trump as he was to Hillary Clinton. He challenged donald trump probably more than he challenged her, and thats a battle. I mean hes trying to stay out of it, but he ended up in it and then at times he vanished and let the thing kind of get away from him. Its a tough spot to be in. I dont envy him. Thats a really tough spot to be in. But again, the American People may be losers in this, if people were out there, i havent been paying attention, but tonight what did they get . I am not sure other than the rehashing and sniping that we have seen from the campaign trail for the last 18 months. Well check back in at 10 00. Thanks very much john, a great job as usual. Thanks, john, i look forward to seeing you back here in phoenix. And we took a poll on the pphoe you thought about the debate. Keep in mind this is not a scientific poll. 56 of those who have responded so far that donald trump won the deb debate. There is still time to cast your vote. Head over to our twitter account fox 10. Ty brennan is over at a. S. U. Talking to journalism students for their take. Well have that story coming up in a little bit. Tonight, Mother Nature reminding us that the monsoon day, overcast skies, a little bit cooler temperatures, even a little bit sticky, wind out there, and then the dust storm blew in this afternoon. Dave munsey with a look at what we had today and what we can expect. Just a few days left in the monsoon, but it is not going away. Its hanging around. You can see that moisture coming in from new mexico, and kind of taking an easterly westerly trip across the state out of the east, into the west. And as we get a look at it you can see theres still some moisture coming through. We have had a couple of light showers downtown already. Heres apache junction. Heres the Fountain Hills area. Lets watch it come in. You can see it streaming in here, coming right through or a little bit north of phoenix at this time. We take a closer look out east here, queen valley, queen creek area, apache junction, and you can see here that that quite a bit of moisture, still hanging around. We are seeing it fall apart a just a little bit, not all the way through. Take a look at what we are looking at though. We are going to have 72 degrees for tomorrow morning. Fall weather is with us, even though the monsoon just refuses to go away, and 90 degrees is what we are looking at as well for a high tomorrow. The norm for this time of year is 96, so this is a good thing. Well have a look at your National Weather coming up. Well, police are asking you to take a good look at this sketch. If it looks like someone you may know, polic you. Police say that someone who looks like this man is wanted in connection with a Sexual Assault that happened in glendale. The predator attacked a teenager while she was walking down the street. Nicole garcia has the latest in this case for us tonight. Police say a teenager was walking south on 91st avenue near bethany home road when a man driving a red sedan followed her, got out of the car, took her underneath a bridge, and raped her. The victim was just 19 years old. Glendale police say the suspect road when he saw her walking. Police say he had a gun, pointed it at her, forced her underneath a bridge, and thats where he sexually assaulted her. The rape took place in a popular walkway around 6 00 in the morning sunday. The victim did not know the attacker, but she was able to help police come up with a sketch. People who live in the area are shocked at the brazen act of violence. The women will have to start looking over their shoulder, or men too, for look for strangers. The rape suspect is described as a white man in his fifties. Hes described as 56, 145 pounds. Hes bald with a very large bushy white mustache. Anybody with information is asked to call glendale police. Im nicole garcia, fox 10 news. Coming up on fox news at 9 00, tesla rolling out a new feature that it hopes will save kids and pets locked inside of hot cars. But first, the big question a lot of people are asking, what happened to the Arizona Cardinals on the road in new york . An embarrassing loss on the road to the bills. Jude lacava is here after the break with what head coach bruce ohalleran i had some really tough cases as a police detective. But the problem in washington is as clear as day we cant trust our politicians to work for us. Tom ohalleran has a plan to hold the politicians accountable no pay for congress if they dont pass a budget, reduce the influence of big money and special interests, and no more firstclass travel paid for by taxpayers. Well, a tough weekend for the Arizona Cardinals and their fans, the cards following to the Buffalo Bills on the road in new york. And if you watched it, most of you did, the loss was not pretty. The final score 3318 jude lacava joins us with what coach bruce arians is saying about it. Jude, i know a lot of fans are saying, lets just forget about this game, but its kind of important to talk about it, with what bruce arians is saying. Fans, media, team all buy into the story that this years team is special, and then they trip starting out 22, so questions come fast and furious, conference with the media. Getting gashed by the bills running game, special team disasters, and a quarterback in Carson Palmer that was pummelled all afternoon. Even head coach bruce arians today searching for answers to a highly touted cards team that is now 12. It was a good fashioned butt kicking, and we took it. The biggest thing for me right now is figuring out why so poor coming out of halftime. Three weeks in a row, we have not played the first five minutes of the Third Quarter like we talked about it coming out of the locker room. Identifying it is one thing, finding is solution is another. Tomorrow, on the day off, they will try out punters and you saw the long snap that went over the head of the holder. When we come back in sports, what happened with the high powered offense of Carson Palmer. An emotional day for the Miami Marlins and their fans mourning the loss of pitcher jose fernandez. The Team Cancelled sundays game, and there were tributes today all over the stadium, the players wore number fernandezs journey number, in his honor. It was what happened when the game started that really brought tears to peoples eyes. Dee gordon took the first pitch righthanded to honor fernandez and wore his helmet. Then he hit a home run, visibly the nation is looking like a little moisture has found its way in. Well take a look, identify the hot spots and well be back in well, its fall, and our temperatures are starting to cool down. But out in california, they are dealing with a heat wave. Yeah, both in northern and southern california, many parts of the state baking this triple digits today, and iwa sweltering in coastal areas that usually get a little bit of a break from the ocean breeze and that heat is causing restrictions on public transportation, and also some schools either cancelled classes or let out early, many people dealing with Power Outages because of that heat. People in cedar rapids iowa forced to leave their homes because of all of the flooding, the cedar resisting over flowing after very heavy rain for to crest tomorrow at 23 feet, the second highest level ever, the flood stage is at 16 feet. Volunteers spent the day getting sandbags ready. Your exclusive accuweather forecast with dave munsey on fox 10 news. Well, hi, folks. Lets take a look at whats going on around the country here. In california, it is the heat. Windy conditions, the santa ana winds just kind of twirling around, picking up that warmer air and then dropping down those mountain sides. Picking up a little bit of warm, warm air los angeles today at 102, san diego came in at 100. Flooding in iowa, the cedar river is flooding out there. They have had several inches of rain over the weekend, so theyre dealing with those problems all day long. More flooding near charlotte, charlotte picking up over three inches of rain in a very short amount of time, so we are seeing flooding not only in charlotte, portions all over north carolina, South Carolina picking up a lot of moisture as well, and the warm weather continues in the east as well. Its just a very small slice of it here that that warm weather is staying around in. Encroachment of cooler air is coming in from the north. Take a look at that. Yeah, 3. 38 inches at charlotte. You can see other areas picking up some. Almost a half an inch in miami. But over three inches, thats a big one. And theres the 100 degrees in san diego we were talking about, or excuse me san diego, yeah. San francisco at 93 today, 71 in washington, 68 in charlotte with all of that heavy rain, and then 89 in atlanta. We had 69 in bismarck. And as we look at the current temperatures right now, look at bismarck, all the way down to 49 degrees, 57 in minneapolis. Its 80 in miami, 66 in washington, d. C. In denver, 55 degrees right now. Northwest. Well take a look at more Arizona Weather and the tenday forecast, thats coming up. Thanks a lot, dave. Well, coming up in the next half hour of fox 10 news at 9 00, new glasses being rolled out by snapchat. Well explain. Plus a Wild Police Chase in southern california, and you wont believe how this one came to an end. First, all eyes were on the president ial debate in new york tonight, and how the valley watched the event and what a. S. U. Students had to say about shes got experience, but its bad experience, and this country cant afford to have another four years of that kind of experience. But this is man who has called women pigs, slobs, and dogs, and someone who has said pregnancy is an inconvenience to employers. I never said that. Who said that women dont deserve as good a job as men. I didnt say that. It certainly got heated at times. Many points. It is estimated as many as a hundred Million People tuned in for tonights president ial dmabt new york, many viewing parties in the valley. Many gathered in el portal to watch the event, while many republicans gathered at arizonas g. O. P. Headquarters, school, journalism students gathered. Were they as excited as the grownups at the parties . I think they were. As you mentioned, students majoring in journalism came out here to the campus to watch that. Take a look at the video. There were about 200 or so in attendance to watch the debates of donald trump and clinton with their peers. For many of the students, this will be the first time are voting in an election. We posed the question for them, who had the hardest job tonight. I think both of them had a tough job, because both of them are watched closely by segments of the population. Its clear though that clinton was more prepared and trump got more on edge as things went on. Of negativity towards him in the media. I think he had a lot of explaining to do. Theres a negative rep towards him, so he has to focus on his reputation and becoming more of a people person i guess. I would say that Hillary Clinton has a tougher job because she has a lot of issues with credibility right now, and the people that really dont believe her are the people that she needs to shift to her focus so she gains those voters that she actua now, notoriously a lot of young voters actually dont go out to the polls, and we asked a lot of these students tonight is that in fact the case this year, and they all told me that this is an election cycle that has been really hard to ignore, so they believe that this is going to be one of those years that we see those Younger Voters really come out in droves to come out and cast their vote. Reporting live in Downtown Phoenix tonight, ty brennan, fox 10 news. There were some people who debate. A group of people supporting libertarian candidate gary johnson gathered outside the State Capitol to boycott the debate because johnson wasnt allowed to take the stage alongside clinton and trump. Well, the next president ial debate is scheduled in st. Louis, missouri, for a town hall style deba maupin makes his first appearance before a judge after getting arrested at protest this morning. Maupin was one of several people who were arrested at that protest after police repeatedly asked them to be removed from the roadway. The group was marching across mill avenue bridge today to draw teengs a recent police shooting. Killed by tempe in july. The supporters and family are asking for transparency in the case. The Tempe Police Department says before he was shot, he robbed a walgreens. An officer was chasing him, and when hollins turned around, he thought he was going to shot. It turns out hollins was not armed, and the officers body camera was not turned on. The squeaky wheel gets the oil. Im dreading that its come to this, but if this is what we have to do to get attention, thats what we have to do. The officer who shot hollins is on paid administrative leave. Meanwhile, activist Jarrett Maupin released from jail on his own recognizance and will return to court next month. More than a third of calls made to the suicide hotline by to backup centers where people answering the phones have a lot less training. Hughes says the frontline employees who are supposed to take the calls often leave the office early and take less than five calls a today. Hughes left his post in june after revealing the information through emails. The va says it is increasing staff at the hot line in new york and is also opening a new hub in atlanta. As crews work South Mountain extension, they are saving greenway along the way to save saguaros, ocatillo cacti and others along the road. They removed 400 saguaros from the loop 101 widening project in the east valley. We used to do freeway construction and remove all of lot of pride in this work. And the new South Mountain freeway will run from the 10 and the loop 202 in the east valley and will connect in the west valley 22 miles away at the i10 and 59th avenue. That project is expected to be done in 2019. And a. D. O. T. Is holding several upcoming meetings on that freeway construction. It will feature a look at updated design plans. All of these meetings will go from 6 00 p. M. Until 8 00 p. M. The first one is tomorrow at desert vista h phoenix. Caught on camera, a Wild Police Chase in southern california, and this one came to an end in a very unusual way. It did, but it started out like any other police chase, the driverover this black car wanted by police for stealing a vehicle, led a police chase for quite a while. This is in san bernadino, right before the 15 interchange, and this is when things took a very interesting turn here. The man gets out of the car. And then he just sits on the ledge of the overpass for a moment. So they thought he might be trying to jump. As an officer approaches him, he decides to stand in the middle of the road there, taunting him with a windshield wiper. Eventually he does go back to sitting on the ledge, and an officer snuck up, grabbed the guy, throwing him to the ground. Officers did eventually get him in handcuffs, and thats when the standoff was finally over. The books in california, one that aims to save pets who are locked in hot cars. Plus, the president ial election just around the corner, how doritos is helping people to across america tonight. Police are investigating a mass shooting in hous police are investigating a mass shooting in houston where a gunman randomly shot nine people driving by. And investigators say the suspect had two guns and more than 2000 rounds of ammunition during that attack. That shooting happened in a neighborhood right around sun rise. The man was reportedly wearing military style dress with nazi emblems on them and armed with a handgun and a tommy gun. Six person in critical condition, another in serious condition, but is expected to be okay. That suspect only identified as a disgruntled lawyer was shot and killed by police. At this point we believe he acted alone, but at this point, like i said, we are still processing where he lived and we are processing further evidence, so we wont close the door on anything, but right now we believe he acted alone. Still no word on a motive for that shooting. The man accused of shooting mall in washington makes his First Court Appearance today. Police say that arcane originally from turkey but is a legal permanent resident here in u. S. There were photos of irans i. S. I. S. On his blog. His parents say he had Mental Health issues. People in california are now allowed to free animals trapped inside hot cars without getting help from the police. The new law allows people to set cars trapped inside cars. Animal control officers say they believe this new law will save many animals lives, but the new doesnt come without limitations. You have to make sure that you just break a window. The bill was introduced after a series of incidents in which dogs died after being locked in hot cars on hot days. Tesla is releasing a new feature thats the first of its kind in the industry, called can overheat protection, and it keeps the temperature inside the vehicle below 105 degrees, by the air conditioner. The feature will stay on for 12 hours after the driver has left the car. Governor doug ducey heading to the border to promote business and trade between the u. S. And canada. Governor ducey will visit the first week of october. Members of the Phoenix Chamber of commerce will join the governor on his trip. Canadian businesses provide more arizona, and nearly 1 million canadians visit our state each year. The Housing Market cooling down as summer is winding down, new home sales slipping more than 7. 5 in august after hitting a nearly nineyear high the month before. That is the largest one month drop since last september. And if you are looking to start a company, well, you may want to go west, a new study naming wyoming the best state to launch a business, thanks in part to low taxes and a strong survival record for startups. Alaska and nevada roundg the top three. In the meantime, stocks getting dragged down by sliding bank shares, all three major indexes sliding in part over worry of a german bank. 7eleven kicking off its day after dollar coffee, the deal on tuesdays, the Convenience Store selling extra large cups of java each day after the president ial agree on. Thats business, im charles payne. A valley soldier is reunited with his dog after more than a year. He had to leave the pup behind while he was deployed to the middle east. 15 months ago he had to leave his german shephard mix behind, so he left zeus behind with the foster parents today he was reunited with his owner. I couldnt give him up. Hes such a good dog. And when i did my research, i found his foster parents. Im a veteran too. I was in the air force. So doing this is great. Yeah, perry did his service for the country, and we are doing our service for him with this dog. Zeus was with them for 15 months, so i have a feeling they will be seeing him as well, baby sitting. Information, visit our website, fox10phoenix. Com, and just click on seen on tv. [cheers and applause] we are taking a look at a life sized bronze statue of the late musician glenn frye that was unveiled over the weekend in winslow, installed on standing on the corner park and joined the statue that many believe looks like jackson brown. Brown and frye cowrote the eagles song take it easy in 1982, which of course includes the lyrics standing on the corner in winslow arizona. And that has really become a tourist attraction in winslow. It has, people even getting married there, some of our own fox 10 employees in fact. Thats right. And after the break, dave is looking at your forecast. Plus, its one of the most popular social media apps, and now you can use it in more than just one way, snapchat rolling a new page of controversy for sheriff paul babeu. Sources tell us the fbi has subpoenaed records related to how babeus office used seized criminal money also known as rico funds. Critics have said pcsos use of the foundation is like money laundering. It may already be illegal campaigning with government resources. Or if theyre just being used to make the sheriff look good, as he runs for congress. Dccc is responsible for the content of this advertising. Your exclusive accuweather forecast on fox 10 news. Hi, folks. Its 77 degrees right now. The winds have died down, east southeast at 9 miles an hour. We have 77 degrees up at cave creek, 76 degrees in Fountain Hills. In chandler, 77 degrees. In glendale, it is 79 degrees right now. And you can see we have some take a look, a little bit left over in new mexico, kind of drying up on the back side of this, but still not that bad as far as the moisture is concerned. We have had a few sprinkles downtown in phoenix already, so theres still a little bit out there kind of hanging on. So well keep our eye on that. Theres your high on the day today, as we go to 91 degrees at sky harbor, other numbers we have got some nice looking 60s in the mountains. A few 80s showing up, and a lot of 70s showing up as well. And if you have got some plans for this weekend, how about sunday at the phoenix zoo for the walk for hope, try to cure womens cancer. 75 degrees, take a look at that, lots of sunshine for you. Overnight, 72 degrees, for tomorrow 90 degrees, and then well take a look at whats going on for the rest of the week here. We stay in the 90s, even produce a few 80s, but we may have some rain during those first three days. Watch your kids around water. Well, now its time to talk about whats trending tonight. Yeah, first up, some big changes coming to the social media app snapchat. I was just getting used to using it, and now we havegot changes coming. They are coming out with some new hardware, the smart glasses called spectacles, they shoot video clips that you can then transfer directly to the app. Instead of taking a bunch of selfies on snapchat, you can now take video from your perspective. They cost 130 bucks and will be available later this year. One thing that came up in the meeting, whenever i see snapchat posts, they are always selfies, but they are they will be taking it themselves. And you can be lazy and dont have to hold the phone. They will find it a way to make it a selfie. Exactly. In other changes coming to the social media app, the company is changing its name to more than one product, but the app itself will still be called snapchat. Tomorrow is National Voter registration day, and teaming up with rock vote the to encourage people to register so they can cast a ballot in the november election, doritos putting vending machines at College Campuses asking students if they are voting, and if they say they can get a silver bag of chips made of cardboard to punish them for not voting. I want my doritos, sign me up to vote. If it works for you, thats great. Sure. And we would love to hear your thoughts on what you think about these stories, or if you have thoughts to share, Marc Martinez fox 10. And mine is Kristy Siefkin fox 10. The cardinals giving up the big plays in the run game. Some of the key issues moving forward . And how about the sun devils, 40 start, doing it with defense. We check in with todd graham, youre watching fox 10 sports with jude lacava in hd. Day off of for the cardinals, but not tomorrow. You know what what happened with specials teams in yesterdays game with the Buffalo Bills. Word is the cards will be looking for a punter for injured punter, drew butler, and theres a good chance there may be auditions for a long snapping, no question, three weeks into the season the cards have more than a few issues to address. Tanner picks up the first down and more, tyrod taylor, still gog, of bounds at the cardinals 29yard line. Defensively, just a really poor job on the option play that we had practiced identically to that and had a problem with it in practices and went back and did it again, had it corrected. They ran the play later, we play it perfect, ty bats it down, and we dont get the fumble recovery. On the offensive side of the ball, Carson Palmer was quarterback hits, ten passes defected, four interceptions. He threw them all. They are all on him. He was expecting floyd to break into the guy on the flag routes, which he should have. He threw 25050 balls. Delay of game calls. First time, in the crowd noise, there were communication issues, a to the guy next to you, and you have to learn from that, especially with earll and d. J. Over there. Coach arians has been there before, how to address an underachieving team. You have to identify the problem, and you have to get it corrected. The first thing is to get a player to admit he has a problem. A lot of them will say, ill be back wednesday and it will be okay. Its not that way. We have to identify the problems and then have a positive way of fixing it. Thats what hopefully is going the sun devils, impressive. Thats all you can say about it. Defensively, they closed strong, especially in that fourth quarter, big interception return for the touchdown. A. S. U. Played best when it mattered most as they closed out cal and moved their record to 40. Now they get ready for a trip at usc, but todd graham staying more in the moment this year, keeping it low key, a little bit understated, but we need to play a complete game, you know what i mean . And i think we are Getting Better and we are working hard and the great thing is we have been able to learn and get better and be 40. Well, are you ready for this . The phoenix suns media day, the start of Training Camp on the way to flagstaff. Theres one of the top biggers, bender, of course len back, the veteran center still working on his game, the veteran chandler, youth movement, a team that will be built around the young forwards, and of course the depth at the guard position with the outstanding talent of booker, the veteran leadership of bledsoe, mcdonough and on Training Camp and this years season for the suns. We are excited to get up to Training Camp in flagstaff starting tomorrow morning. Well have some good positional battles in camp, and i think its one of the deepest teams we have had, the deepest we have had since i have been here, but so there will be some bumps along the way. Rain and a 20minute rain delay after the first pitch. How about this tonight, 144 over the to you about 10 30, sports night after dark. I know cards fans and nfl fans are chomping at the bit. Right now, its fox 10 news at 10 00 with Marc Martinez. Fox 10 news at 10 00 starts now. After a year, more than a year now, of taking jobs at each other off stage, president ial candidates donald trump and Hillary Clinton appearing together on stage for their very first president ial debate. Good evening, everybody. Thanks for joining us tonight at 10 00. Both candidates are neck and neck in the polls right now, and tonight they went toe to toe at Hostra University in new york, and fox 10s john hook was there. He joins us live with more on tonights debate. John, we are talking about it, a neck and neck race. These debates really could make a difference. Reporter they could, and now marc i am not sure they will, because i think tonight was kind of a draw. Hillary clinton might have gotten it a little bit on style points and substance, but that remains to be seen. Thats at least some of the early reviews coming out of this moved the needle all that much. The interesting thing about tonight marc was donald trump kind of had an opportunity here, because he had been gaining in the polls. He was coming into this debate as an underdog. If he could have separated from Hillary Clinton and really had a big, big performance, that might have caused that separation to get going. I think that wasnt the kind of that was evident in the spin room. Right off the bat, we got into the clinton emails. Donald trump talked about it and Hillary Clinton tried to defend it. Take a listen. I made a mistake using a private email. Thats for sure. And if i had to do it over again, i would obviously do it differently. But im not going to make any excuses, it was a mistake, and i take responsibility for that. Mr. Trump . That was more than a mistake

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