Of Democrats if we wanted to get anything done with Ukraine it was apparent to us we needed to talk to Rudy Sunland says Giuliani spoke for the president but conceded he will Heigho Republican Mike Turner It was a presumption linking those investigations with Ukrainian security aide in what made up testimony is made up testimony when I just presume that someone testified that Ukrainian pressure campaign was led by Giuliani but senior officials including Secretary of State Mike Pompei o were aware logs Jarrett helper of the State Department staffer who says he overheard a phone call between the president and a basket or sublet and among today's witnesses Republicans have renewed their request to subpoena the whistleblower and Hunter Biden for closed door testimony but Committee chairman Adam Schiff is again require object of the requests at the Democrats' debate last night former Vice President Joe Biden says watched some of the hearings I learned something about these interest rate trials I learned number one that doesn't want me to be the nominee while you Congressman Tulsi Gabbert attacking your own party our Democratic Party unfortunately is not the party that is of by and for the people that a part is a party that has been continues to be influenced by the foreign policy establishment in Washington represented by Hillary Clinton and others foreign policy by the military industrial complex and other greedy corporate interests the debate in Atlanta last night aired on m s n b c new clashes reported between police and anti-government protesters in Baghdad 3 of them have been killed stocks closing Thursday lower futures down about 60 points America is listening to Fox News. I'm training from Fox Business my 1st investment baseball cards at the age of 7 and now I am on the front lines of all orders now through December 3rd Happy holidays from Fox News to. A police officer has been shot and killed in Detroit's trying to arrest a home invasion suspect police chief James Cregg says 2 officers were shot in the hall one of them in the leg the 2nd officer a teen you're a veteran sustain a single gunshot wound to his neck because it was a high powered rifle and the round traverse stopped in the rear of his skull with a bow the police officer then later died from his injuries at the hospital the other officer is in serious condition as is the suspect who was also shot United Auto Workers union president Gary Jones abruptly resigned yesterday shortly after the u.a.w. International executive board filed the paperwork to expel him and regional director Vance Pearson from the union over allegations of corruption and General Motors has filed a lawsuit accusing FIA Chrysler of bribing union officials to get more favorable contract terms from the u.a.w. Fee Chrysler denies the charges the president trumped today will award prestigious medals to well known. A well known American actor a singer and a writer among the yarn is being honored by the president today for their contributions to the arts or the humanities Oscar winning actor Jon Voight singer and musician Allison Krauss mystery writer James Patterson and philanthropist Sharon Percy Rockefeller each will receive the National Medal of the Arts the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities solicit candidates for the medals and compile proposed winners these are along the 1st recipients of prestigious national medals since President Trump took office at the White House John Decker Fox News Salt Lake City is to leave you can of charged with lewdness after her kids walked in and saw her topless she says she'll defend herself with a recent federal court decision in Colorado but declared ordinances against toplessness to be unconstitutional. This is Fox News. To make a difference and I don't expect to change the world just one change me I want to know want to be somebody in the end and my kids and my grandchildren are proud to say that was my grandmother. My grandfather stood near to him he lost his job he lost his business he lost his friends but he stood because he believed it was like watch your family and your grandchildren to say that about you. Our talk 967 and am 1400. Ryan Seacrest for it read over 300 people in this country are killed every week by a drunk driver. 747 plane crashes every single week and the problem isn't going away unless we all do our part to stop it so if you see someone who's about to drive after drinking get the keys don't leave it up to anyone else Friends don't let friends drive drunk a public service announcement at the National Association of Broadcasters and Ad Council hours. 1400. Is the plane. There's no. Space to. Try. To talk to George Norry the wildcard line at 818-501-4109 the 1st time caller line is 818-501-4721 extension 2 talk toll free from east of the Rockies call 808255033 from west of the Rockies toll free 806-188-2552 reach George via Skype use Skype name George 97313 send George a text message any time at 818-298-6521 from the gateway to the west this is coast to coast am with George Noory. Our dear or Gilbert as we talk about prophecy we were. I'll take your calls with them when we come back on coast to coast am lots of things are uncertain on this planet and one of the scariest things about the uncertainty is what happens to the people you care about in the event that something happens to you and when it comes to getting life insurance lot of people just don't want to deal with the hassle and that's why there's ether e.-t. H. O. S. 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Well decided it would tell against his his a directive it appears that the rebellion that took place that's described in Genesis Chapter 6 and in the book of 1st Enoch which we call the book of the Giants was to create their own type of lesser being Bible tells us that humans are created a little lower than the angels and it appears that these Fallen Angels try to create a race of their own by tinkering with or creating a hybrid race not only enjoy a fully human. And these Fallen Angels of course what has become of them now they're still there still walking around now the angels who committed the sin of Genesis Chapter 6 The angels who sinned as Peter called them in 2nd Peter chapter 2 they were cast down to Tartarus the 1st 4 of 2nd Peter to says that they were cast down to Hell that's how it's translated into English but the Greek word is. Which means literally thrust down to Tartarus and he chose that were deliberate deliberately That's the only place in the Bible where it's used Tartarus was not Hades Hades is hell Tartarus in Greek religion was this far below Hades as the earth is below heaven it appears that these rebels that those who sit descended the Mount Hermon and created their agreed to to work together to corrupt humanity have been put into a special place reserved for a supernatural threat to God's Divine Order now when we are dealing with demons of course are they the same demons that possessed people absolutely. And these have been known for for thousands and thousands of years demons were not created by Christians as a way to. Just scare people into behaving well demons were plaguing people in ancient Mesopotamia they knew about these things just as they knew about the fallen angels as well they just call them a different name but the origin was the same place I mean the ancient Greeks understood that demons came from the spirits of the men who lived during the golden age when Kronos ruled in heaven the Kronos was the king of the Titans and like the angels who sinned of 2nd Peter the Titans when they were overthrown were confined to Tartarus. These daimones as the Greek call them the Greeks call them were believed to be kindly spirits but the point of the story is that if they had the same origin the people who lived the hybrid demi gods who lived during that golden age that so-called Golden Age when the flood swept over and destroyed them their spirits became these demons Let's take some calls here for you Derek as they're lining up j.t. Is in Indianapolis to get us started Hi Judy. Hi Mr Laurie thank you for taking my call or walk on my question for your guest there Mr Gilbert is in his opinion if all of the u.f.o. And all of the interdimensional are all of them in his opinion or all of them bad and all and if that's so he can the good guy make something good out of something bad and I'll take my question off the air Ok Are they bad all of them well it's a good question I think the the answer comes from the apostle John you know test the spirits now when I think of unidentified flying objects of spirits not every unidentified light in the sky Georges you know is interdimensional lot of these things are experimental craft that the government just want to know about but those that can't be identified. And classified that way. Yet we've got to consider the possibility that the coming from another dimension now of the only way to determine whether they're good or not is what they are what message they're trying to convey what are they trying to communicate. And I think that's the that's the test can God take something bad and make something good out of it well yeah that's essentially what the whole Bible is about for his reasons he chose to create all of us human an angel with free will knowing that there'd be a whole bunch of us who would choose to misbehave that's just an interesting take on all of the cinches since you've been studying this and you've been studying this Derek for how long now. Really intensely for about the last 4 years and again it grew out of the real interest for this weird aspect of Christian theology biblical theology once we begin to understand that this was not unique to the Christian Bible but Moses for example didn't invent the ref I mean to demonize the neighbors the people who occupied the land of Canaan to give Israel an excuse to push them out of the land that the neighbors of ancient Israel knew who the refining were and this is been documented now by archaeologists mainly within the last 50 years or so . Then it became Ok what did the pagan neighbors of ancient Israel know about these entities where did they come from can we trace this back to ancient Mesopotamia What is the Mesopotamians believe about these guys and how does this fit into what we read in the Bible and when you start putting these pieces of the puzzle together the picture becomes a lot more clear than what most of us were taught in Sunday school is kind of fascinating isn't it well it really is because we begin to understand a lot of the strange things that took place. In the Bible at that on a standalone basis just don't make any sense why did god part the Red Sea Well if you understand Canaanite religion and you understand that the King of their pantheon veil was had become the king of the Pantheon the king of the gods by defeating the sea god in hand to hand combat then you understand what historians and archaeologists know about the history of Egypt that during the time of the Israelites sojourn in Egypt northern Egypt was under the control of Canaanites not Egyptians so the king of the gods of Egypt while because relights where there was this god bail Well when you read Exodus Chapter 14 you find out that God said Ok I want you guys to turn around 1st of all and then camp at this place called bail is a fun. Ok what's Bayle doing any just well Ok Egypt was under the control of the Canaanites What's the Fun Well let's name a bale of holy mountain up there in Turkey that I mentioned in the previous segment why did god part the Red Sea as a message to this fallen angel fail you think you're all that but watch this boom and then when the bell worshippers and their chariots tried to follow the Israelites and then God destroyed them there are a lot of episodes like that in the Bible George that don't make sense unless you understand what the pagans around ancient Israel believed they were specific messages from God to these fallen angels Let's go to Cornelius in Alexandria Louisiana Hello there Cornelius a George I got to tell you got to Archangel name Michael work and gave Tommy the night shift a great job I'll be back tomorrow Ok Hey Mr Derrick I watch you every week on Sky Watch t.v. On the days town so I really enjoy the show thank you. I wanted to ask you and I told Michael this this show colleague who comes on Thursday night from 9 to 10 on c.b.s. Do you think it's pretty strong What did these demons are doing and not a question for you I don't know if you saw a person of interest this guy was a computer expert that and been an artificial intelligence and now he's on this show called evil ways an evil demon possessed psi characters and encouraging his clients to do evil things and so that's one question God bless your George and very corny go ahead Cornelius it's a great question having watched the show on c.b.s. I can't speak to that but my wife Sharon and I watched every episode of person of interest and we have speculated that. As the human body the human brain is really a bio electrical device you know our thoughts are transmitted inside the neural transmitters are basically electrical impulses flashing back and forth through our minds and we understand that those can be overwhelmed by an external entity a demon Why couldn't the same thing happen to a computer system. In fact Sharon has written some about this and she's given presentations at conferences about this. It's conceivable that an artificial super intelligence and autonomous a.s.i. Could become the means by which the image of the beast is created Tell me about the tie in Derek between enough Alim the biblical definitely name and the methodology of the Greeks. Well again the Greeks understood that the spirits of the demi gods the men who lived during the Golden Age ruled by Kronos like Zeus and things like that right the Olympians when they rebelled against the Titans but we're talking about like Herrick like Hercules Perseus the easiest Valera fun those demi gods who were the the sons of. The sons of gods and or sons and daughters of God and like her to Liza was the son of Zeus right exactly right. They their spirits when they died became the the daimones that the Greeks believed were with kindly or at least could be kindly there was cult worship that was offered to these the demi gods but a scholar by the name of them are on the stone and he's done some amazing research here just over the last 20 years and he shows conclusively that the Greeks and their concept of these demi gods these heroes originated with the tane Anite understanding of the ref I mean in other words you trace it back and you come back to the incident described in Genesis Chapter 6 verses one through 4 these demigod mighty men who were of old that was the origin of the demi god the myths of the demi gods of the Greeks and Romans might have been extraterrestrials. Well those gods I would say interdimensional rather than extraterrestrial there isn't any myth from the ancient realm the ancient world that suggests that they came from off planet and I know that there's a belief out there that the un Inaki of this Marion's were actually time or space travelers but when you really understand the Samarian. And Dr Michael has written some great work on the oiling kind of debunking as highs or debunk secularize such an For sure yes. No I would say no they were there interdimensional not extraterrestrial and your definition of inner dimensional would be what that these angels can move in and out of human perception because they've got access to more dimensions than we humans are limited to I mean we see in 3 fourths you count time these angels. You know who knows how many dimensions they move in the some theories that there may be 11 or 12 our colleague Josh Peck call believes that there's 12 dimensions the late Dr Chuck Missler said 11. I think that they just have access to more realms than we can perceive with our natural senses and by doing that they appear to violate the laws of physics and there are those who will say well that's clearly a very advanced technology Ok but we can't prove that one way or the other. Even respected you follow just like Jack the Lay said you know these appear to be more interdimensional than extraterrestrial to go to Paul in Chicago 1st time Caller Hi Paul go ahead sir I do you do it's a pleasure to talk I thank you as enlisting will began with I bail way they're going away and this is your 1st call and it's my 1st call to Grace I'm gonna say about quality you know because. Sometimes I have things on my mind and I want to say it and then when I get ready to say it it it floats away but I do have a question but Derek I'd like to compliment you a lot of times we get hosts guests on the program and they don't act kick in late or enunciate and clearly and it's 5 vias you do and I really appreciate that because some of the. Narrative the dialogue comes over and I don't quite understand it because of the well you know people kind of garbled their words and yours is you speak so clearly and and I really appreciate and respect you for that well thank you I'll pass it along to my mother she worked at. The old broadcaster and you Derek said there's that yet. They there's always stories going around ever since I was little boy. About the Anti Christ and what this down Trump and the way he's met her eyes to all of these thousands and thousands of people that what support him even though he might kill somebody on 5th Avenue and all of the other weird behavior we used to have an old saying back when I was a little boy I'm 80 years old of the people we call them weasels back in the forty's and fifty's and now he has had weasel personality would you consider him. When he fall into that category as you described earlier on these entities walking around and he cries walking around floating around being about the world when he fall into that category because it seems to me is. That let me let me say my dad was was Paul from Chicago also in just about the same age so it's an honor to speak with you. He's come back. I would say it's entirely possible that we could basically point to any human on earth as a potential just as Satan entered into Judas at the Last Supper I think that's what we're looking at is at some point some human leader who is incredibly dynamic will be the one that the fallen realm chooses to embody the spirit of anti-Christ and I argue in my previous book last Clash Of The Titans which really shows the overlap between Greek mythology and Bible prophecy I argue that this will actually be the leviathan that is described several places in the Bible a spirit of chaos that will return to Earth. Whether it's any. Particular political leaders walking Earth now or not I can't say I argue that based on what we see in Daniel Chapter 11 the end of Jan Daniel 11 which describes the wars of anti-Christ that it's more likely we'll see somebody from the Middle East who emerges as this figure simply because he's a figure that will be accepted by Jews as their Messiah and he would crush multipath this would yes yes this is somebody who is going to have to be accepted by. Quite a few people not you know in and out of Israel but I don't see a reality in which somebody who's not from that. Not from Israel and I'm not saying that the I believe the Anti-Christ will be a Jew But I think he's one who will deceive the world or deceive Jews in particular because I think that's part of the endgame of the fallen realm to deceive God's chosen people into welcoming their man as the Messiah What about Vladimir Putin the president of China Kim Jong on labs in North Korea there are so many possibilities are dark there are but I think I think they're too obvious to be honest with you we're dealing with entities that are very very old and much more intelligent than we are and they never forget they're not omniscient like God but when they learn something they never forget and so I think the deception is going to be a lot more subtle so whether we we can point to well you know there are some who would say President Trump filled this role there are others who say Vladimir Putin or Kim Jong un when Barack Obama was president there were many who said well it's got to be him and they taught George Bush George Bush right so but again I think all of those choices regardless of where you fall on the political spectrum I think those are 2 obvious I think it's going to be much more devious and that much more insidious Nostrodamus predicted that the anti Christ would have voted some symbolism of Nabbous And you know who knows that could be the leader of Saudi Arabia that is possible Stan Dale has been pointing to Mohammed bin some of for that's right quite some time even before M.B.A.'s became the real power behind the throne. So true Derrick so true indeed where are going to take a little break in just a moment come back with a final phone calls fast segment what's your next project Eric walking on something connected to Gilgo refining in the Golan Heights that megalithic site that's older and bigger than Stonehenge That's an interesting take if you've been out there yes fascinating Oh absolutely absolutely we've been we've got a picture taken in the central core there inside the chamber breathtaking to I bet isn't it yeah right Dirk stair was there with us we're going to take a quick break his books are all available on his website of course and Amazon dot com as well we'll be back in a moment on coast to coast am the coast website is now streamlined for mobile devices great news if you're a coast insider or simply want to enjoy our website on your phone visit coast to coast am dot com on your i Phone or Android browser. Or. 7 and 1400. 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And you can get them all for exceptional price to remember citizens were about and the u.s. Command center. And I are a great deal station. To talk to George Norry call the wildcard line 881-850-1410 extension 9 the 1st time caller line is 818-501-4721 extension 2 talk toll free from east of the Rockies call 808255033 from west of the Rockies toll free call 806-188-2552 reach George via Skype use named George 97313 send George a text message any time at 818-298-6521 This is coast to coast am with George Noory take advantage of the free issues of. 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Grand welcome back our final segment here Derek Gilbert with us George Norry here why do you say Derek that the demons will be babbling at Armageddon. Well this gets back to the reference in the book of Ezekiel Zakhele Chapter 39 verse 11 to the travelers and it will block the travelers that was a reference to an ancient Canaanite text that describes the spirits of the refine as warriors of bale or warriors of Satan if we accept that Jesus identity as Jesus identifying Bale as Satan in the New Testament. It's a cryptic reference that Bible scholars through the ages have never really understood but this ref I mean text found at this ancient Hammerite Kingdom has only been translated it was found like 1028 and the text only translated within the last 40 years so. I think that we've got good evidence that suggests that these so-called travelers these entities that will cross over from the spirit realm to the land of the living and have been doing for thousands of years will be part of this last push by the fallen angels to try to take the Mountain of God Zion his mount of assembly at the Armageddon All right back to the Calderon intentional venue to get us started Ronald go ahead Sir George Derek Good morning hi there morning I have a speech I have a specific question for there Rick but I'd 1st like to say George you have a consistent at disarming way of asking your guests pertinent questions without any presumption of your own answer Well thank you. You're a great host Jeremy you have spoken about that scene and so I mean that's constantly what you're doing. Or how they pervaded ancient peoples especially neighbors of Israel and as a way of modernizing this reality and connecting to George's last segment on Child Protective Services and I have a specific question after you know the opening question to you Derek is it possible that demons can identify a specific social services them taking over and retell on people. Like Child Protective Services Well I certainly think they go after the most vulnerable among us because if you can damage children when they're young they're broken adults and then. They're incapable of training up the raising of the next generation so I think that just makes sense from a strategic standpoint if you're trying to think like an evil enemy that would certainly be one of the areas you'd want to target not just child protective services but I think anything to do with children we see a number of organizations that focus on children or have been entrusted with the care of children where evil things are done to children the foster care system in general not to be smirched anybody or casting aspersions but the kids in foster care just statistically are far more likely to be drawn into prostitution drugs and so forth. If you had only makes sense if you're looking at it from the enemy standpoint that that's who they would try to target let's go back to Ron for his follow up go ahead Ron here's my specific you know follow up George it was this great 1st caller on David. You know preaching Taishan on you know I'm being taken yes as a lady called Fox I think that's right that's right said Santa Cruz she told the case worker a social worker that took her great her grandchild away from our 100 year old great grandmother caseworker from Hell I know at least a 100 people that describe their c.t.s. Workers as as as as as coming as bats out of hell so it's it's like a confirmation it's like a pervasion in this system this is system attracts to people like this and George if you ever have a a. I have a show on c.b.s. I've written a book on it I think Glad to be on with David and I'll send you an e-mail Oh definitely would love to see that thank you Ron for shit on the evil is everywhere isn't it Derek Well it absolutely is I mean the Christian worldview what we read in the Bible. Basically is an explanation of where it comes from God created human and Angel with free will knowing that we would exercise that free will to do bad things the only way to eliminate evil would be to eliminate free will to make it impossible incapable of making those choices at the risk of shoehorning myself in your I just want to point out very quickly that that we've got a very special offer on the book veneration at Sky Watch t.v. Obviously it's available at all major booksellers but through the sky watch t.v. Store that's the Web site sky watch t.v. Store dot com We're offering veneration with several other books including Sharon's most recent novel where she uses the research that we put into veneration of this. Demon the worship of the ancient world and sets it in Victorian England she's got a series called The Red Wing saga that begins with the Jack the Ripper murders as a jumping off point you know what if the Ripper was never caught because he wasn't human and interesting but a special 2 action special offers one with the book plus a d.v.d. Of a recent tour of Israel showing the megalithic sites like Gogol Raf I am on the alter of Joshua and some interesting revelations about Petra. The d.v.d. Plus 3 books including generation insurance most recent novel for just $35.00 but a 2nd offer that includes all 6 of her novels in the Red Wing saga for $100.00 total and we have donated all of those novels to Sky Watch t.v. To finance the work at Whispering pony's ranch and this is the connection to your previous caller's question about Child Protective Services whispering ponies ranches Tom Horne's ministry where they use miniature horses as therapy animals for Yes that's right officers care and Tom's one of our guests next week you're here touching on everybody's going to be on our show. Well we we're honored to be colleagues of Tom's at the sky watch t.v. And that's one of the reasons that we donated all of Sharon's novels for this special author with the book veneration because we really believe in what Tom and me to Horn are doing it was playing pony's ranch we talked with Jaco billions who's an activist for. People who caught in sex trafficking and many many children are part of this so being able to make this part of the work that we do the research that we're doing into the nature of the spirit realm Sharon is telling a compelling story using that research and then if we can entertain people maybe educate people but then also support the work that is going to children whispering pony's ranch trying to heal them from this kind of abuse that your previous caller your last caller was talking about. You know that we were just honored to be a part of that So if you're interested they can pick and find those special offers that Sky Watch t.v. Stuart got east of the Rockies Dave's with us once Vilma Surrey Hi David. George it's a pleasure to talk to you longtime listener I think maybe I'm called in before so I can say 1st time caller mom introduced me to you back when I was a young teenager and you're still with us is show the show that is. Always have always enjoyed listening to things that go bump in the night love your shows when they stay political but hey that's the world we live in the day you've gotta keep up the good work you. Just keep doing what he was doing all right thanks for your guest there a question on the a comment 1st of all. A couple callers ago talking about Trump being anti-Christ that brought in other presidents and other leaders I think as Christians we need to keep in mind that as we go forward in future the leaders of the world are celebrities Ok so we need to keep in mind people that aren't necessarily national leaders. I hope I hope that Mr West is a legitimate but individuals like that that are preaching we need to make sure that they are preaching the truth and they are not false prophets which my Jeep my learning my education and. In the Bible is always taught me that he will be a false prophet he could be that's true. Now my question my original question was. As I'm studying my Bible Derek do you have any real suggestions on a good concordance a good reference or source to understand the original writings and I as I study more and more I'm finding that it's hard to trust. The wording and the translations and you help with that yeah it's an excellent point you make there by the way David I agree with you. We really recommend the works of Dr Michael Heizer his book The unseen realm helps to basically give the foundation for this understanding of the nature of these the fallen angels the small g. Gods that are referenced in the Bible his book reversing Hermana h b r m o n which is the mountain on which these watchers in Genesis 6 descended according the Book of Enoch and made a mutual pact to corrupt humanity shows how that's reflected all through the New Testament really what Sharon and I have been trying to do with veneration and with her fiction series The Redwing saga is show how. That the ology is manifest elsewhere in Scripture and we're also trying to draw in more of what the ancient world around Israel the Canaanites the Emirates the Babylonians the Hittites the Greeks what they believed and how that's reflected so I would recommend the unseen realm with nursing home on and Mike's got a forthcoming book coming out that is a commentary on The Book of Enoch which helps to understand that even. That's what the prophets and the Apostles knew the men who wrote the books of the Bible they understood what their neighbors believed and Mike's work and our work hopefully is helping to bring that understanding to to the church sounds like it's time to get Michael law back on the program here Dirk What do you think amen if you never go wrong with Mike let's go to Hayes who says in Fresno California walked into the program high Hazen's Good morning to. You there yeah I mean Ok Sure go ahead. My question was a. Lab. Is. Sort of some type of energy what happens Derek give a little refresher on that in your opinion in my opinion the Bible you know isn't explicitly clear but we're told that it is appointed unto a man once to die and then judgment so to be absent from the bodies to be present with the Lord so whatever that means I mean we were in his presence of some point but we're also told very explicitly 1st Corinthians 15 that at some point we will be literally physically resurrected into new bodies that will never wear out and I'm really looking forward to that so that's the ultimate And is that at some point the body that we have now will be brought back but in a better form we're all getting an upgrade as long as you're probably evil in Jesus Christ all 3 operated yes or not bad Let's go next to turn as it's Kyle in Missouri walk into the show Kyle go ahead I have to go Ok. So I just want to let you guys know that I was I was at the bar before this and I was and I was kind of speaking about the Nephilim and all this other crazy stuff to some friends and then some this girl that I know is like tuning the stations I hopped in the car and exactly everything. Everything what I said about that about the Nephilim about the bloodline and everything he just if verbatim and I was like this is this is prophetic this is what I need to hear this. From you so my question is I was raised in I was raised in the church my whole life and I'm very familiar with the Bible I'm very familiar with with everything I grew up playing drums in my my worship group but recently I've found that. That there. Basically I'm stuck on the neck when thing and it's significance to why I'm stuck on this Nephilim thing I've been I've been reading my Bible and racking my mind around tons of things that I can't get my mind around I can't get my mind off the following is their significance and the times that we're in now that I you know is a reason why I'm stuck on this this bloodline thing because when I keep what I keep coming or what I keep taking it down to is the blood you know. That's what that's what I just keep I keep figuring out what's happening to him or run out of time here dirt give it a shot or very briefly Kyle you're on the right track because the research that Sharon and I have done and put in the book veneration makes it clear that this is a key element of biblical theology this is from Genesis to Revelation the Nephilim are in their Isaiah 26 they are dead they will not live they are shades but the word is reffing which is the other term for they will not arise this is all about who is resurrected after the final battle it's in there all the way from Genesis to Revelation if you really understand scripture but it's this remember it's not what's in the blood that condemns you or saves you it's what's in the thing that pumps the blood what's in your heart where do you put your faith where is your trust if it's in Jesus Christ then you're going to be one of the ones raised up at the last trump the fact that he is and what is meant obsessed with enough Aleem what does that tell you. Well again it's like Sharon and me we just find this fascinating and I think it's because we understand instinctively there's more importance to this than what we've been taught. I wouldn't call it an obsession necessarily but we just understand that it's in the Bible and it's weird and credit again to Dr Michael Hayes or for telling us that if it's in the Bible and it's weird it's important and this is definitely weird give out those websites again Dirk Gilbert house dot org Gilbert house that a large and again for the special offer on the book generation plus a number of other specials including our d.v.d. Of our trip to the Holy Land featuring those make a list excites go to Sky Watch t.v. Stork dot com surprise one more time spell it out Sky Watch t.v. Store dot com or Gilbert house dot org You got it thank you Derek I was a pleasure talking to you it's been a fascinating year and a half with the work you've done to be sure for Dan belong to Michael Cohen c.e.o. Tom Dan Now you're Lisa Lyon Lex Sloan Hood Shaun law the source Stephanie Smith Chris Borel's Tim but all George Nappanee in pawn it I'm George Norry somewhere out there on coast to coast am We'll see you on our next edition until then be safe everyone. That technology credit union our mobile app is available everywhere your family needs us but John did you tell taxi you will be traveling I just notify them. Did you make your car payment I'm on it right now long do you think. Did you find an a.t.m. There is a block away from the hotel in Rolodex e.u. Savings reward promotion and earn up to $1000.00 go to Texas dot com slash save more. Pizza Hut now to pick up a large pizza for just 99 because the best place to pick up a pizza pizza in the name. 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