So maybe they knew each other I don't know the details we don't know how but so we had 2 callers one yes was the challenge match Yes and that person wanted a free shirt and a plane might have got a premium gift I don't know yeah but the important thing is she called yes it is 589-8844 pledge her support not only to community radio but to the blue show because she is actually listening now to you so say hi to their. Thank you very much for calling in this evening now. You. Know there are verses in there by the telephone to be like Elaine you almost a 3rd time yeah but I didn't did I come across this desk. Yeah so this is a great opportunity and we're doing just fine thank you thanks to you 98844 That's area code 719 And you can request a song and also you can request a premium I know yes for people that are calling support cares here because they love it but you can also get a shirt and wear around town that's another way to support the radio station Yes You know we have those travel mugs you can walk around with a carries a travel mug people know that you support radio and we used to have those little you know those little bumper stickers that you could put on your car I thought you could say potholders I don't want to hear about your potholders. I have a pot holder you know color my pot holder have a joke of a pot holder too it's called the roach. You're a deaf person and that was not pets to. Their listening is that was not me but I certainly concur sounds wonderful So what you want to know a color potholder is yes it's red brace red it's very nice it's thick and it says k.r.s. E.a.a. . Connecting cultures ice ice it's very nice and that's what our a connecting cultures was or that was our old tagline was no it still isn't the new one you know relevant radio relevant radio I always liked that one too and it's good yeah relevant radio because we are relevant Yeah and it's a person we play the blues I mean this is relevant music it's relevant. Yeah and quality in-depth news world class journalism. From National Public Radio can't say enough about it. 30 years ago when when we signed on with n.p.r. It was like what it is like a huge advance and just and so many people were thrilled that we could finally get it on the air Well we're still there and we're an n.p.r. Sounds even better now than they ever have before they do so many great programs I love that program if you get a chance tomorrow morning. And you might be listening to Morning Edition and then you can listen to. All right after there is this new program that we've gotten from n.p.r. Called All Songs Considered and it's great it's new music and in a way it's something else to listen to you know because there is so much good new music out there and I have to say that our our music director Andrew he plays all kinds of new music yeah he's every kind yeah yeah and speaking of music so we had a request not for training for cream. That's our bag blame it on tonight that's. Ok so. Play cream eventually Yeah we were in memory of Ginger Baker Yes that's right in memory of Ginger Baker What a fabulous wild man he was you know a renaissance man when I was a renaissance man roller loved and really followed his passion eventually and played jazz and played jazz right so was he a jazz drummer did he play other instruments besides percussion that's a good question I don't know I don't think he played anything. Was fantastic Yeah all right so you can call up and support us support the radio station by calling 589-8844 we have a challenge or waiting for one or 2 more callers love to hear from you. The to What are we listening to here. Blues man that's British blues with a feeling if you if you were employed here I'd fire you but I guess I protect that cross-road song you know where that comes from right Robert Robert Johnson I mean you made a deal with the devil there you know you know. That is a that is a smoking immersion and how that song and it's like really short but that came from the cd we heard crossroads Roland in Temple and also by green Dalton Reed gave us read read me my rights and a great instrumental Diddy by Albert Collins another classic set for Austin. Music you know not anyone you genre blues is Chicago West Side it's California blues like you mentioned it's soul it's rhythm and blues it's her who's rock all the shades of blue tonight all right thanks for that Pat you know absolutely if that's your real name. And I want to thank all the people who have called in this evening and encourage you to make that call right now we we have more music for you we have more programming for you and we'd love to hear from you just take a moment of your time and give us a call 589-8844 that's local if you're down in northern New Mexico you have to use the area code 719589844 we would appreciate a couple more calls we do have a challenge match and if anybody called during that last set of music they're all waiting for a couple more callers to match that money that is as Deb would say sitting on the table right. Doubling your nickels and dimes and quarters and. Dollars in investment in this radio station business in the community. We are a community funded raised his family are of course a non profit means nobody around here is making money God knows. We do this for you for the listener that's right it's for the community so we've done for 30 years and 30 years by the grace the good graces of the listeners that's right and as a Frank Scott says everybody puts their dollars together and we have an. I like that they're really it's just barely right well that goes right back to the. You said nonprofit You know I think it's more like anti profit you know well you know you know it would be nice to have a little something extra but and you mentioned that we've had to cut expenses almost in half Oh you must know years ago I mean we were streamlined back in the day and now we really are bare bones and I talk about that a lot here you know the poor heat poor. You know old carpet this is an old building we have to pay taxes on time now we have water bills we have all kinds of you know just normal expenses and on top of it we're a radio station for Hans a lot of money so we do continue to need financial support from listeners us why we have this fund drive right all nearly twice a year that's another thing it's pretty cool to try to not try much out of your time you know a couple weeks a year and I think you know from everything that I know and what I've heard we have pretty good have a pretty good management system here we watch all the nickels and dimes and dollars that we have for the station we're very careful about our spending in fact if anything I'd like to see us be able to spend more on our building right now yeah we have other priorities but. It continues to be you know you are. Listener to make sure that you're hearing a good sound and the way we do that of course is by making a major investment in a new transmitter and also here coming up very soon new antenna and those those things hopefully will make us sound better it will improve your listening experience because that's really what we want to do is we want to improve your listening experience but we can only do that if we one know about you in to hear from you are you saying people should call 589-8844 Pat. You are sure that's a possibility like the old rush rock n roll song a Gift beyond price almost free that was true back when ever they wrote that in the seventy's it was that Lord Tennyson was that Shakespeare. Good even he what the hell did he play with. And say was he with the sticks stick a member state of course. Yeah so is Rush that's the power trio out of can they don't normally play the blues oh no the rush guy plays on the new John Mayall album so he does and we should try to sneak that in Ok because we can but in the meantime we're going to be playing some more blues for you and so we need a couple callers because we do have a challenge Matt has helped us with a challenge match by calling 589-8844. Loop. The. Class. Let's. Get you. Through It. And. Move. Through. Oh and. Get some. Food. Lol. When it's so cold feet. Above. The field. Any luck. We can look. Good luck. And keep. The public. Polling. Done. You were. Lucky. Lucky. Lucky. Playing. . You're listening to blues with a feeling right here on k r z How cool is that song you know I can hear that anywhere I guarantee it well you could because a brain you know. That's a young 23 year old out of Georgia it's his debut album his 1st album ever only $23.00 seems. Writes music plays guitar amazing left my soul in Memphis you know classics like any 9 ve. As the name of the artist not Mike 9 volt I guess battery could be could be 3 years from Georgia that's really all I know yeah we just got in the mail it's hot off the presses cool . Very nice very nice before that Jimmy McCracken and Irma Thomas what a duo tomorrow and that is a soulful 2 classic and start out that's set with new rules from Paul Kelly here on blues for the feeling and some like rhythm and blues Pat rhythm and blues with a feeling it's all the same Yeah yeah pretty much so pretty much so here's John or of bending. It seriously John responding fancy talk Mr Fancy Pants right where I'm trying so hard here so hard this is this is some different music for me you know so you know you play a lot of soul yeah I try to play I don't play nuff I think that's kind of how I look at the time not going to complain you know how. You know how to murder I mean . You know there are so many programs I mean you were talking about classical music last week and told you I don't really listen to much classical music I listen to the whole classical show today and what did you think I love more I liked it yeah and you know can you remember in the music I remember they actually did play Beethoven they told him right and some other stuff I didn't recognize yeah oh I know what I heard who is real good you know very interesting and that is one kind of music that. We have always played here k.r.s. Since a very beginning and I would suggest to just goes way back and jazz classical music jazz music you know and music. But the net has also been on for ever. Where every Wednesday night is a staple right around here and sometimes I want to call it going on don't just say I don't understand a word or say Internet. What you like the music I do. Happy in a b. Oh yeah absolutely So we're moving right along here this evening time has gone by much faster than I had anticipated but that's good because we've been hearing from you all and we appreciate that and if you haven't called yet once you just take a moment I'm going to play some more blues for you but we'd love to hear from you by calling 715898844 the Blues show is quickly coming to an end likes that said we would like a couple more callers dinette or as they say Operators are standing by I remember the old days when we were here all alone. So we're very thankful you have people answering the phones for your city pre-show barely do one thing at a time only can use a phone very complicated. There's a radio station but machines and all kinds of you can use the phone is complicated these days it's yes but the people at home know how to call 589-8844 support your. A great variety of music in-depth news culture and arts. We try to bring as much of that is we can to you plus information about concerts that are coming up people who are. Coming into the area whether they're musicians or poets different types of artists we we try to keep all of that information out there in the public to make sure that everyone's aware of it so we can all take advantage of it because it's fantastic not only Satori commuter intersections more to community support community nonprofits and so not just carers Yeah yeah and support the businesses that support cares and we work with an organisation here in Alamosa called Alamosa Live Music Association also known as almost and they bring great concerts very very fortunate here in Alamosa to have almost because they make it happen here for us. In a lot of different ways they really do. And that's one thing that we have to do even more of them we we try to support them as much as we possibly can and in turn they support us I mean you need to support them also oh yeah going to the events and also supporting them and go to the website you know Donna orgy you know they're also on Facebook go listen to some music that you've never heard before expand your horizon says right. And speaking of that music How's that sound. I'm speechless Pat called 594 for thank you. You. Want. To. Make it. Up to. Me. Thank. You. Rob. Arrow. Sleeves. How about that. Not too shabby that is classic Chicago west side blues Yeah that's Mr Phil guy from his cd and the title of the cd is say what you mean and we heard lonesome blues he's got good genes That's Buddy Guy's brother but he got his brother Out to Sherry Ham very nice new blues blues before that Champion Jack to preach. His. Favorite fantasy big leg emma so it was a little jazzy to me it did I like jazz isn't supposed to start tell 9. I got to be nice or you know one of the callers complained Yes it was mean to you or really yeah only one No that's not too bad no that's a yes it was last. Year people lots of people are. Yeah they're here they're just thinking at least she was sweet no doubt she's brave enough to call her I was a nice start out there so with music from home or in the howlers has a great blues tune to shake for me good stuff the name of that particular tune I love that. This is been great thank you. It's been a great story telling people they should turn off the radio at 9 o'clock no loftier No because it's final chapter jazz is coming up here that's one good reason that's and that's why you're here and she lives down in the closet I'm pretty sure her and that cat I always see sneaking around so. It's true though now what color cat is this a little white cat loves her so I think she feeds it on the sly Yeah but it doesn't really live in the closet downstairs notional think I mean there she has her own and. She just a semicolon to incidents or some stuff from well I want to take thank everybody who called in this evening and supported blues with a feeling I want to thank all the people who called in throughout the day to day. Whatever program you were listening to if you enjoyed it were happy yeah if you called in made a pledge were happy that's just how it goes and you can still call moving groove and yes you definitely can call 589-8844 easy to remember 719-589-8844 right and stay turn for a final chapter to call in a. Time right now you can call in and if you want to make a challenge match for final chapter jazz you can call and make a request I'm sure that Greg or Debbie one of the 2 of you might might be able to find Did I say something wrong no I didn't so we're going to we're going to just play a little something kind of from a Bob Dylan cd entitled modern times that's my favorite pair good well we're going to play to anyway. Plenty Plenty. Oh my I love that guitar. Bob Dylan from times to Dylan. And blues with a feeling he's really underappreciated I mean really think of how many decades he's been playing rock and blues and I mean he's another guy that spans the genre social he does yeah in every way and like you said that song you can actually understand him it's just yeah I love that. It's more like when he talks about Alicia Keys Yeah I wonder where the where she. Probably knows. Well thank you very much for listening that's all for blues with a feeling and you're listening to k r z a 88.7 f.m. Alamosa Tallis Lister supported community radio serving the song The East Valley and north central New Mexico you can also stream us on line and. Connecting cultures along the upper Rio Grande Day Stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned for final chapter jazz 90 night.