With the. That afternoon to the r.c.a. Listeners this is the all over the map show this is your host the Nomad. And kick things off today we started with a little bit of Les Claypool from his album oils and whoa. The 1st one was called back off Turkey. And after that we heard a song about burnin the company man. What a great song anyway very inspiring should listen to the lyrics to that one check it out on You Tube brilliant anyway. So you know I had some New Zealand music that I was getting all set to play it even started right down on the play list for today and then into last minute I changed it up and I started with the Les Claypool because that's what I do that's why I call the all over the map show because I get ready do one thing and then I change it up on you and do something else and being unpredictable like I said in the past is a good thing so I. See what we have next Ok One of the reasons I cited to play those 2 to start out with was because when I came in to get ready for the show I was listening to Fresh Air I believe it was and they had a programme on about somebody that was raising turkeys or something and I didn't catch it all because I was kind of preoccupied by that. Reminded me of this. You Tube video I had once seen called My Life as a turkey you should look that one up it's about a guy that found a bunch of eggs incubated him and spent the next 2 years of his life just nonstop caring for these birds who saw him as their mama or their dad or whatever. I think mother but anyway that bonded they had between us human was amazing it was really interesting documentary. And so then the reason I played the 2nd song burn in the company man which I have played on this program in the past because I was thinking about it and you know my friend Hollywood has given me a lot of good advice on how to how to be a d.j. And what what I should do and one of things he did was to tell me I needed to handle which is why I decided on the Nomad. But on this one here only started on my own. It was my birthday 2 or 3 days ago and it was pretty uneventful 61 not a big reason to be depressed or to celebrate but. I searched think about it you know what anyone else I decided the need for the show. Was Ok I watched a movie Office Space from a birthday my cousin David came over and watched it with me and I decided what this program needs is a mission statement. So I've been working on that and a lot of the songs I'm going to play today have to do with the concept of the mission statement for my program so I'll announce that a little bit later on when I when I get that role and little bit more here. So let me see Ok I guess we've got another this one here all kind of fit with the with the theme to I guess this song is a song by Billy Bragg in the bloke's and it's called. I'm working on a Monday and Tuesday they had to make sure that's the start of my week. So. I guess you could say that maybe I have the same model. Here where you go. Thank. Less strong we heard was by the band midnight oil from Australia. Led by Peter Garrett who I believe turned politician I think he was elected prime minister something down there very popular figure very good man very passionate about his music and today and I'm sure he's a same way about what he's doing now but a good role model for people. So anyway let's get down to business here we got. Papers of all you are listening to the 88.7 f.m. From Alamosa Colorado New Mexico 98.7 f.m. And so watch Colorado and streaming online at www dot org connecting cultures along the upper real ground. To mention before we. Heard Middaugh we heard a song by Billy Bragg in a blog spot not working on Monday and. That was from the record English England half English and then of course we started out with Les Claypool company man Vernon the company man and back off Turkey. So let's go ahead do some underwriting here. Ok this program is sponsored in part by sports print plus specializing in athletic printing custom silkscreening and embroidery sports print plus is located at 518 lobby to Avenue in Alamosa Colorado next to light shine music more information at 719589. 8471 or sports p p at Go Jade dot org. And if you have a hard time finding it it's kind of by a laundromat on the other side of the Safeway store on the other side of the street . Next to lights on music has mentioned and that's another good store. To patronize are those are 2 businesses that aren't trying to over over take the world in and run everything they're just trying to make a living and they're going to do good job of what they do so given some business please folks. All right. We've got a lot of. Community calendar events to to get to today we're kind of behind on all of that so I may go ahead and include. One of the community calendar things and we might get to quite a few have move see how many we can get some of them and in the next day or so. Ok the Alamosa farmer's market is looking for vendors for the 2100 seats in the market is located at the corner of 6th and state in downtown almost and runs on Saturdays from 832130. 221000 season starts on July 6th and wraps up on October 5th. This will be nearly 20 years since the market moved through the downtown can. No the market is thinking vendors. To sell local and regional parm fresh products and handcrafted goods no mass produced or flea market crap so loud. Vendors can pay for a booth space on weekly abscission all season basis vendors need to register with the market before coming to the market vendors who show up without checking with market stab maybe turn away more information and Elmo so farmer's market g. Mail dot com several online portal 4365 or Alamosa former Farmer's Market dot org. Ok. You can post more music on here. Goes I wasn't finished with the midnight all we're going to actually play one more song from that band from that. Album earth them Sun and mon. Kill. Lied that was not Midnight Oil That was Billy Bragg. Song About the Union Jack. I am. a political world and that was on his album called All mercy one of his best and that particular song had a really really amazing video depicting a bunch of a and a gun type young roles and politicians and other hangers on you know. Looking for that good life in our nation's capital. And as really a well done video and a really terrific song I highly recommend looking at that You Tube video. I'll be your guide for the good youtube videos Ok how's that. Alright. Missy we got another community counter thing here I guess that we have a bunch to read in honor of our nation's independence the Rio Grande club and Resort in South Fork is hosting a special flag tournaments on July 4th to benefit folds of honor a nonprofit that provides educational scholarships. And to spouses and children of America's fallen and disabled service members Here's how it works Each golfer will receive a mini USA flag in a stroke quota. I don't know how much of a. Mind once a golfer reaches his or her stroke quota. They plant their flag in the ground where the ball comes to rest the goal is to have the furthest flag out on the course at the end of the day the course should be dotted with us a flags for more information at Rio Grande club and resort dot com or 719873997. And from what I've heard it is a beautiful golf resort. And I can't afford to play golf anymore and I really have other other priorities but that might be a fun one to get in on. His Own going to be about 100 things going on on the 4th of Mercy Stevie. Ok so what was I going to get you next. We need to get a little better vibe here I mean kind of a bad mood about the last 5 days because. The other night I was. At home working in my garden it was getting dark in a pickup pulled up now to help this fellow I didn't know who he was I thought maybe he was Joel Anderson I people stop and visit me in my yard you know so he comes up and goes are you the fellow the spin speed my dog. And I go he told me where I live Michael Well yeah I might be don't want can do it. Don't don't even stop at my gate. You do it again I'm going to knock the blank out of yes oh what a shock anyway. You know people really shouldn't fly off the handle like that when they don't know a person. Because I went to high school with this guy dead. I know a lot of us friendly they've always respected me. Turns out I was close family friends with a man he works for in a construction. So I yeah I've been a little bit here too irritated over that because I don't like being threatened with violence number one I'm 6 years old I'm disabled construction worker could put me in the hospital or cripple me and a just made me mad so I don't know what to do about it I want to talk to the guy maybe have a beer summit sip right don't drink but the irony is is his dad drove for u.p.s. For several years and gave out dog treats to the dogs on his route while I work in delivery and Pujol every mail delivery for about 12 years I guess I picked up the same kind of habit and really how it happened which is you know I'm a nast is a kind of town where the dogs run up and down the street. And sometimes I'll hand out a milk bone to it to a dog made friends with a lot of dogs and most owners don't object Well you know you gotta do is tell me hey please don't feed my dog you don't need to threaten me. But anyway you know maybe he should be to heck out of me because then I would sue him and I don't everything you've got because you don't assault a crippled old senior citizen when you're a construction worker. But maybe we'll have a chance to have that summit and discuss that with this guy because I I like his family I'd like to have a chance to you know hey can you you know that's why I kind of took up the habit of giving dog treats because it was just kind of a habit that stuck when I was doing delivery for a job and and as a matter of fact. There was a fellow that had a computer business in Monastir and he lived right next to this guy yard so I'd stop and I was giving him some work to repair one of my computers and his dog to come out of the r.t.c. Meet come and they want to come out and get their tree. So I made a mistake of not checking with this dude person I apologize to to that gentleman and I hope we get a chance to talk it over because you know you know really need no real need to spread in people and to escalate things just because you had a bad day maybe you better had a big fight with your wife maybe you had to work a 14 hour day I don't know I understand all of that I mean I am a human being too so I hope we get a chance to talk it over otherwise I might have to take my Buddy Holly Wood over to meet up with this guy the skin color with. So anyway let me see what we're going to get some more music here. You know like here we're going to lighten things up a little bit of a place from l.a. Musician named back it's a drop of an album called. It was kind of a Paul up album of his album and I had a lot of. Unusual mix ups of the songs from that 1st album and. You know. He can sing He's a good guitar player and he writes good lyrics really really a great. Great singer from the l.a. Area. This one is called I think it's called. I. Think. That's. I've got just a thing now. To listen to this from his album called Lord dreaming of. A. Long. Please. Please. Ok that was. Called. I'll tell you a little bit later. Eh Eh eh. I'm playing. Today just because I need to be cheered up. About. And it was right about the time my mom was getting ready to die. You know what. Your mom is more important than a damn concert so I'm glad I did the right thing course no choice but anyway. So. I'll get another chance to see Johnny more at least I hope I do I can't wait I really really admire that guy. So. I mean I don't know how anybody could be Johnny more not have the biggest head in the whole world but he seems to be a pretty down to earth friendly chap and I'd love to meet him one day maybe I'll get to. So we see Let's get to some more community calendar stuff here the Alamosa July 4th fireworks show sponsored by the San Luis Valley Federal Bank and the City of Alamosa will be held on July 4th beginning at 9 30 pm at the Alamo superior grounds the gates for seating in the grandstands will be open at 7 30 pm the show is free to the public in the event of bad weather the show will be moved to Friday night you can find at latest updates at s l b f b dot com slash 21000 power works or at the s.l. V Federal Bank at 719-589-6653. That's great somebody in a bank doing something for the community I love that thank you s o v Federal. I might go to that I have been to a fireworks show and stroll along. All right let me see. Well you know we're going to play Oh Ok yeah before I go on any further here. I promised a robot I was going to tell him about my. My new mission statement. Well I was really just pulling your leg I'm not and have no damn mission statement but. Anyway a lot of these. Songs that I. Am playing have have to do with. The working poor and the generally mistreated me unappreciated in the those that that have a hard time in life. So. And now if I forgot my doing reading glasses Let's see if I can get this on the right song here I just got this cd by Johnny Cash and I think you know I never really appreciated him as much as I should have here really was a great performer. That guy. Kind of succeeded in doing what you to do it he took a. If you listen to Johnny Cash music there's not that much story pieces free musicians a fairly simple resume and. Bass line and whatnot and. It's pretty simple music but he he be key became a worldwide phenomenon just like you 2 did with a fairly simple birth I think all of them got better over time anyway this is this is a song called. Man in Black but Johnny Cash. Well you wonder why I always print black and. White in the hearse the right color. And the light of my heroes how the reason. I wear the black and blue.

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