Aleem e's on the ground in Venezuela and you know we see so many things from afar and I worry about you so how are you you know one way dog South nominated himself as president of an asylum dispensary my father called me the next morning and he was very upset and he was saying please come home I don't want you in to meet all of the civil war or anything and I think that's really interesting because when you go to the streets of kayakers there is best Luis some tension some focus up by a lens people are very worried about what could happen there nationally I mean is that United States going to what 2nd are busy or cologne there in the streets we are not on the brink of civil war there as some level of normality going on you know I remember 2002 the coup in 20032016 definitely the right was fomenting a lot of violence are you saying that same level of violence there are some violence for example a couple of days ago a young man from the government r.t. In the base he was shot and then he got his body bar and by some people of the opposition but we are not seeing the same levels of violence in the streets as to tell them to to tell 13 to sell them 16 was we are seeing though is that it's kind of to mark plan that focus of violence for example in 2016 the violence war in wealth neighborhoods here in Cuttack up by just moment there outside needa I mean not being what they call the by the u.s. You know the popular Mayberg has here in Cuttack at but now it happens in the way that it's really interesting everything's Ok all of the sudden like 5 or 10 people . Oh come along barn tires Frank sack supermarkets are pharmacist and then kids appear fighting popular neighborhoods so you kind of get a sense that well trained the people aiming to create some kind of division in the base but they're not catching fire and spreading and that's another thing that is interesting because in 2016 if parted like that but then there was a huge amount in some things bigger and now they are not even the protest that pays foco advances that are being called by the opposition you don't see a lot of people you see that they lost a lot of power of mobility sation things to 1016 on n.b.c. They showed that there were 200000 people in the opposition in the streets on the 24th there was a huge mobilization but let's have these the mobilization was out not for that by a lot yesterday there was one mobilization of in support of the government against the coup because the co its own growing rightist t.-o. Happening there was a huge move it in the nation in the state of Vargas and you don't see it is anywhere on the $23.00 for example that some of the stuff they gather around check out the same place that or the opposition at the March at all to wait solely ery as though it it would mean like a thousands and thousands of people you know them seem it's as up that anywhere especially in mainstream media obviously we're talking about 2 different views of what's happening inside and what we hear outside one of the things we hear from the outside is that majority is an illegitimate leader of Venezuela and that he's a dictator what can you save. That. Well 1st of all I think it's returning for them for us to remember. People who have certain words that are concepts very loosely like human Terran krises dictatorship the refugees we need to be careful of how we applied them to think the 5th came up and as well when they say that man who wrote is the dictator they are compasses deliberates must see for the left presidential elections that were held in March 2018 it's important for us to kind of roll back and remember how that elections took place so in the end just to tell them 17 and beginning up 2018 the government and the opposition held serious dialogue that or mediated by the government of the minicom Brett the Blake in those talks they reached agreement that the government should call for early presidential elections Saavik early for then show elections I held in December here in Qatar Acca and that elections would have been to national overview the government agreed when they were reaching that bridge when they were read it to sign it that the position got a call from I think it was Mike Pence but I'm not a suspect wish it but someone from the high hang up from government the opposition got a call from that or some and call and then to those help. From then on own I think part of part of the opposition the one that has more in Smashed the mo contacts boycotted the elections called for dividends well and people of not getting out to vote that followed by the refusal of the un to send electoral observers despite several invitations but I think government also the us government said before hand months before the elections took place that it wouldn't recognize the results no matter who won it so you have elections people went out to vote the candidate that got in 2nd place he recognized the results there were any team around reevaluating the results and all of them the candidate that works in the 2nd place recognize that elections and then the international community refuses to recognize it I mean the United States keep calling for democracy in Venezuela and the chess game to fall call which is that come to date that got the 2nd place in the presidential elections but sanctions were there any answers of that election yes there was at the Legation mouth international observers including some people from the United States the blood of then is a lawyer in human rights activist the bank of Alec who has been writing a lot of you know the legitimacy of the process how the electoral process hearings and as well as a series of safeguards that prevent any bring the elections with the system that they have here even cart her and her former president in car to recognize the them as well and electoral systems and one of the best in the world. A note here that Carter Center has expressed that their views have been misrepresented by the Venezuelan government they did indeed help Venezuela build a very secure electoral system in the early 202018 international electoral observers found that system still functioning well however other government actions have sidelined the National Assembly and some opposition leaders have been jailed for various reasons or fled in 2019 the Carter Center called on all Venice Wayland's to quote work urgently toward a peaceful political solution with a clear roadmap to restore legitimate democratic governance they added that quote the crisis can only be resolved through the leadership and courage of Venezuelans themselves now back to Code Pink's interview with analyst and law professor Eileen e.p.a. Back in Caracas. And another thing that we hear is that the matter of government violates human rights. When created man it is about a country you need to create the Allemands to support that so you cannot say you have a dictator that are actually beating houses for underprivileged people are bringing in a vertical health care and things like that when the United States is starving posing Thanks sions it aggravated an economic crisis that war aimed at making hear him tell them to our team to tell them foresting I think it was there was a serious very very serious food charted in the country and people retired to import training that as if it was the government's fault and not you know a consequence of the sanctions that are basically strangling the country's economy it goes and that line said we have the repression here or that the government it's killing its own people of a starvation but actually much more complex than that. So what human rights do you think I'm a Duro don't pay attention to housing I live in the United States for 40 years they're living in Washington d.c. And your saw their walking on the streets how housing is a movie or problem I know how to think these basic human rights it's have conditions to leave a dignify it life and helping me is one of them went to heaven came into power trip I'm 5000000 families did not have good decent puff leaving our did not have a how that all know they have 2500000 houses it's something that changes a lot the life of a person if you can have you know what a roof under your head if you can buy subsidized food we have here a basic or basket of food that the government sells its costs about 1.5 dollars and has greying macaroni you know basic goods for the people and also health care universal health care you live in the United States you know people will go bankrupt for months and but it's important also to note and I'm sorry that I keep coming back to that those are achievements that are now under trapped by the sanctions it's very hard to buy for example went biopics here because the government depends only in court to get those goods in the country and it's getting harder and harder to do so. So if they were there they would be distributed to everyone exactly what about education what's happening there we have free and universal education then there is a set of programs here that I think it's very interesting I'll have safe enough in Europe universes are all free you're going to have to pay but well that I like the most is the music program that they have it's a program that is started and now over $1.00 medium you would join have asked through it and it came to the opportunity for underprivileged she was trying to get music education when you talk about you know good leave and then just kind of call it the of life bringing music to those households it's very important Fried's the conductor of the Los Angeles Philharmonic came to that program and he's a Chevy Thesz imagine that. On wings you are listening to excerpts from a live streamed interview between Code Pink co-founder Jodie Evans and Brazilian foreign relations and list Eleni Peabody who is now a law professor in Venezuela they are about to discuss one quite dull who is being proclaimed by many countries as president of Venezuela why dope who studied public administration in Washington d.c. Leads a small opposition party he was elected president of the National Assembly on January 5th 2019 for a one year term his party popular will was one of 3 that boycotted the 2017 mayoral elections and within banned from contesting for president in 2018 this installed president by the United States government how many people Imodium 80 percent of the people here never heard of him he got a little what tension in one of the protests against the government because he brought down his hands and part showing his and out yeah so all of the said them that heard certain is the self-proclaimed met President of Venezuela and the United States recognized him and Brazil recognizes him and a rogue recognizes him and they expect of them as well you both to those. It's a whole new level was mad Googling in internal what starts. We hear a little bit about the military being split what's happening there what are your concerns are the high Henk of the military here stood out and said they continue loyal to Magruder so far there is only one he was military at that shit at them to stay in Washington d.c. He has being actually far quite feel weird there has not been acted with the military base he was the only one who proclaim it boyo Teac So why don't the military remain loyal to the government you see a lot of origin the base people who talk about finance Well if they overestimate the risk and meant that in the xylem people has over the hardship and under stress the resentment at the been as well and people as with international meddling we're talking about a people who are very well with you Kate and who has high level political understanding you cannot just assume that because the United States said that they have a new president they were does follow suit for a certain. So what we're seeing is that this is being attempted and the outside and the inside aren't behaving probably how Trump expected inside just this last couple of days made it pretty clear that they don't have the internal port to carry out the coup the way they thought this could be and I think they thought that strangling the economy and putting the government and the very heart the sun would make Venezuelans switch aside and that he did not and and that comes to what worries me the most with no the there is a u.s. Involvement the New York Times published last year that the u.s. Government or helping conversations with coke or just a couple of days ago all Associated Press published that one way door was actually in d.c. In Bogota and Ingrid's the never holding conversations what worries me there is that knowing that they don't have internal support are being we leaving to go back to a more traditional ways for regimen change and me are we going to see aggression are we are going to see something like happening leave because of some of those attacks that they took in Lipa they are actually taking away for them while us are we on the brink of that level of aggression. So when you say some of those steps could you define them one of them is China the economy try to install a parallel government it's actually hard to believe that it's at a cartel members of the Supreme Court that actually move it to Florida Kroger label and they are sending resolutions from Coral Bay both there is some part of the self-proclaimed government in the a while that are sending resolutions from Bogota from saying so it's serious but doesn't rest and I with the Venezuelan people in Maine there was this guy he was the mayor of it was enough of the richest neighborhood here in Cuttack us and he recorded the video from d.c. Metro like yes been is a lot of people I had to come here to finish my masters but you know how do we really best to restore democracy has been as well as it was left to go and the people actually made a lot of that they are following the same sad not recognizing the elections calling method or what the state are doing a media attack the humanizing him the human I think the people humanizing the suffering of the people under stressing the sanctions and the come to quench his off the sanctions so I think those are kind of warring sides and trying to keep the threat to the u.s. Government want to rule out a military intervention in Venezuela. Then what is mature Odu ing to help instill peace instead of violence and the government is calling the opposition for dialogue and the u.n. Security Council all the best Can government and the government will go by they said they would work as a mediator or those talks the government is calling for international organizations to be part of but they have to legitimize the process but the people here are asking for a they up of these to go back to the democratic path I mean do you want to change the government run for the elections bring positions you know show to people that you are actually a viable alternative because I think there's a lot of people that would like to have a real opposition that can hold accountable the government that could do what you know what a sink or stands for at the mucker see what makes a democracy a good thing but the up of the nation and the United States government other governments in the region they have shown time and time again that they prefer a coup that could actually bring violence and a lot of that and for that to try and run free and fair elections. So what about the claim of corruption that we hear thrown around a lot there was a firm embassador of an asylum the best of their industry and he used it to say that corruption was like bringing a pizza to a party doesn't cost anything and pleases everyone you know corruption this ice topical problem not only lacking in America but throughout the world but unless the American is a concept you know he says Tariq Ok we have that is part of our political culture it's not good but it's true but what we're seeing in the past few years is that they are actually using corruption as an excuse for a regiment change but zeal is a good case in point corruption that throughout the political spectrum and there is no political party no almost anyone who is not corrupt that they're probably do members f. Was the only president that was actually not corrupted in any level and they took part down in the eighty's was the war on drugs and the how is the war on corruption and the problem there is they try to use the same only institutions the very on this 2 sense that are all stuff the democratic right to undermine it they try to do it here and as well it's not a Boric but it works at the members' a.o. It or cutting them to does it work at them Parekh why ever Are there places what about the claims we hear that there are 3000000 refugees from Venezuela can you shed some light on that this is a huge difference between arrested decries us and them I grant cause if we are thinking for example there from the NGOs and get me the several places. There are actually a refugee crisis because those people who are fleeing for their life what we're seeing hearing from is well a some migrant crisis you know when it is special rapporteur are offered saya came to this conclusion he presented at the panel and un in Geneva is stating that you are actually leaving the country in search of better autumn and better life in conditions I Ming it's not a secret that the sections are actually called being a lot of hardship here but it's not a wreckage a car is this and also their ease over just may show some of those numbers because what happens is that someone crosses the border at Colombia and end up in Argentina or across of the border Imber Vito goes to cheaply and then the thing the road those people are being counted one to 20 times over again the rural a lot of accounts of Santa fall big attacks against bin as well and in for the o. In Peru Ecuador and the Cockrum and actually started the program to help those people people who want to come back to open as well and did not had the means to come back here and several pals and often as well and have come back to the country. You've mentioned the sanctions of it and a lot of people don't understand what the u.s. Government is doing give us a little bit of overview of what's happening there let me look at the 14 countries which the largest oil reserves in the world they were either in vain that they are sanctioned or if they are u.s. Allies it's not the whole picture but it's actually an important hearing happens well of Chavez decided that the revenues us oil exporting nation should go to improve people's lives and then what he did it was that he these privatize it so a lot of the reserves that were gave to private companies are now back to being in the hands of the state so that revenue could actually go to the people of the u.s. Government deeded they try it everything so regimen change here it's a kind of put back a government that was a line into things for the one thing that is the most important thing to note specially for a u.s. Audience is that the president he's as individuals I'm sure and so we are not sanctioning the country we're sectioning these individuals because they are either corrupt that are involved in drug trafficking or they are involved with Paris but let's take a step back and look at the people who are sanctioned if the president as the vice president is the minister of finance a high Henk militaries what this sanctions how to the international committee that this is a country under sanction and then the u.s. Treasury Department issued a statement saying that that is well i'm money. It's probably connected at the with America traffic and terrorism just business with them as your own like how we are not for itself about all of what could happen to you they are not calling the a blockade that they are not calling they is a sanction on the country but the effect you know that actually a consequence is that we are under effective blockade much the same as they did the Brits Cuba we actually need more people in the United States to come and say to their government please stop meddling don't start a war they let in America what are the consequences of that we cannot take politics as if it was a football game. Any people a Brazilian international relations analyst and law professor in Venezuela speaking with Jody Evans co-founder of the woman lead peace organization Code Pink on January 27th 2019 as of February 16th Cuban sources report that u.s. Special forces troops are being staged in various parts of the Caribbean possibly with intent to support a Venezuela cool. This edition of wings was edited and scripted by Sarah Newton and me Frida Worden to hear wings programs again email wings that Wings dot org Thanks to our supporters including your local community radio station says that Cullen and Genevieve on editor of the book Women and the gift economy the wings sounds local as family bond as album a circle is cast this is the women's international news gathering service Good evening welcome to Asa la So tell your half hour of local and regional news features weather and other information on Michael Clifford. There are 4 basic ingredients in beer barley hops yeast and water but according to a new report there may be a 1st increase it it did encounter and one that might make you rethink the brands you buy a 2 hour radio has the details stopping off with friends for a beer after work or sipping a glass of wine with dinner doesn't usually raise concerns about pesticides but a new study shows that your favorite beverage may contain the main ingredient in the weed killer Roundup a lot of us you know when we're having a beer or glass of wine we're not really thinking of the stuff have potentially toxic us to fight and we're having a good time right that's Kara cook Schultz toxics director for the u.s. Public Interest Research Group or perk She's the author of a new report that toasted 14 beers at sight her and 5 wines right off the shelf to see if they had the pesticide glycine in them the beers included well known brands like cores like Budweiser Fat Tire and I'm a can and the wines they tested were recognized names like Sutter Home and Berenger and the results there is significant amounts of places fade and beer and wine of the beers and wines tested only one peak beer brewed in Maine had no glasses 8 even the organic brands had it however there is good news the amounts that you would drink on an everyday basis a probably not going to harm you but what we're trying to. Across the people is if you have ground up in your beer and wine and you have it in your cereal in the morning and you have it and you know your ice cream at night and all that you're eating and you sprain it in the garden that you are exposing yourself to I don't lot of like it on an everyday basis the toxicity of life as it is uncertain at best the World Health Organization's cancer arm found in 2015 that it was a probable carcinogen 2 years later California listed it as the same then a new report by the World Health Organization said that it was unlikely to be harmful nevertheless France banned a form of round up earlier this year and this month the city of Lodi California immediately stopped its use on playgrounds over persistent concerns about the product safety wine is produced in Lodi which is east of the famous Napa Valley where glyphosate is commonly used in vineyards in a 5 year period ending in 2012 Napa County was among the top in California for rates of kids with cancer so how does life a say get into beer and wine even organic brands when it comes to why chronometer can acquire in their brain and between the vines because they're trying to get rid of weeds that are near the vying for beer some growers Sprague life a seat right on the barley used to brew that actually will find its Roundup to kill down barley and in other words kill it quickly so that they can dry it out and use that I'm all for the beer life estate shows up in organic beverages too but at levels lower than non-organic varieties cook Schulte suspects life estate was in the soil before the farm went organic or it's in the water used to irrigate crops in case you're not a beer drinker generally it's made from 4 basic ingredients barley hops yeast and water the Brewers Association said in a statement that they don't want clever state use on any raw brewing material and noted that the burley grower organizations are strongly against its use it's disappointing and makes me a little bit angry to be honest that's a long waltz. Corner of coalition brewing in Portland Oregon you know we work really really hard to. Use the best spring in gradients that we can it's frustrating to wall ski that farms that don't actively use the chemicals we still have quite a saint showing up in their crops there's an expectation and I think a really reasonable expectation and craft beer that may be using these high quality ingredients cook wants the e.p.a. F.d.a. And the Department of Agriculture to test beer and wine and band life estate until it's proven safe until then she recommends that consumers ask for Gannett beers and wines to lower their exposure you can also talk to your Brewer and let them know that this is a concern for you thinking of comparing to the birds I think actually could really affect the industry pergi is asking for growers to stop spraying glyphosate on or near their fields and for brewers inventors to test their own products Well this study is not a full scientific review of the beverage industry it does alert the public that beer and wine may have more in them than refreshment to see the full program port go to our website at h 2 a radio dot org from Denver I'm Jamie suppler Wang ping wanted to go to Tibet to bless the world but to do that she had to risk her own safety it's another example of human nature is that if they stop you and since they have to go to Boston and I said well if they shoot me. From Wyoming Public mediate this it's human nature real stories where humans and our habitat meet I'm Caroline down Larry this time we'll hear about a woman who risked her own safety to blast the world. Wang ping lives near the banks of the Mississippi River her whole life has played out near rivers ever since she was a little girl growing up at the mouth of the young sea river in China something about water has always attracted her and I didn't realize that until after I started rowing you can find the river you have to go is the river. The rivers is so powerful the water is to so powerful and I was also Korea having China I was very familiar was the 1000 I was for years the key adamant and the foundation for all fall. The 1st thing that 1000 talks about the weather is the water seems the weakest but it is. The strongest adamant and also the gentlest and the most beautiful and the water is us you know we are made of water 75 percent at least. Wanted to bring the young sea and Mississippi 2 of the most culturally important rivers in the world together to reverse you know like Sister Cities and she wanted to accomplish this through to Baton prayer flags these are brightly colored clots attached to string found throughout the Himalayas there inscribed with the wishes of the people who create them and when the wind blows the flags it's thought that the prayers spread throughout the land blessing it paying love to this idea so her thought was to travel along the Mississippi and young sea rivers having people make their own prayer flags with wishes for clean rivers air and mountains then she would bring the flags to Tibet so their wishes could be sent from the roof of the world the final destination is Everest and. What where by go I think how them their flocks will go what have all the way to the avarice and their wishes will. Gratz from the roof of the wall. Coming and people just respond it's so overwhelmingly to this idea I'm just snowballed. This part is that another me at all is a ball to bring all the people together like the rivers bring all the water together and bring all the water to the sea. Those for last carry the blessing. All the places I've traveled through. Also. A blessing of the people and that. The kinship of rivers project she started working on it in 2011 and in 2013 she prepared to travel to China. And ultimately Tibet and Everest it was going to be a long expensive and even dangerous trip so she raised money and formed the total group of people is $5.00. Myself and a filmmaker a photographer a musician and and a journalist the photographer was Ping's teenage son and in summer of 2013 the team flew to Shanghai at the mouth of the young sea river to begin the journey to address. We have to take the train from city to city then once we get to the city sometimes I have to take car sometimes who I have to take buses sometimes we have to take boats. Along the way we met was so many people the Chinese people would. Just love the idea. That Chinese authority is pretty intense. And the cons of activities we find the spots with a lot of people will open our flags and people just gather and the band I would give them the fabric and mockers and they would just make their flats on the train that's a bit tricky because train has a lot of cops here and the conductor is all cops so we'll open the flags and people look at other and say what is this in the way it's playing and then we gave up the fabric and then the cops will come running they said no you cannot do that whether the way so would pull the other way and people or they understood the story so they when back to their own compartments and start making their own flags and then after that we will gather I brought a really great musician and we would start singing and jamming and I'll play music together even though it's heavy Ca The by cops you know they can't gather us 247 and I was spending many days and nights on the train. So I was saying a lot of my Mississippi moves and they just love that and the Chinese musicians you know what teach us Chinese fall songs sometimes the cops what joined us was all singing and tell us all kinds of stories because you know almost human right after they take off their uniform they're just like us they knew how silly the policy is you know they knew it was only just trying to share you know good stories from the Mississippi River and the bring people's stories from the young to to the Mississippi and some of them after they even made their own flat set. By now painted collected thousands of flags that represented the wishes of all different kinds of people for a better world and environment she and her team continued to travel up the young sea river farther into the continent than they reach Tibet it's arid with massive snow capped mountains ranges the tallest mountains in the world the Himalayas tower more than 6000 meters above sea level 20000 feet the 1st they were entered to we had to drive like 14 hours to get to the 1st hotel. Along the way there was not a single show single hotel to bat is an odd place to travel there are tensions over its political status dating back hundreds of years many see it as its own distinct region that should be its own country but China still governs it and the Chinese government keeps a watchful eye there so if you travel to Tibet as a foreigner it required to have multiple permits for different parts of the region and someone to act as a travel guide his name is Tashi. The 1st. It was a permit. The permit was really really difficult to get in the Tibet chain her area is one called the permit to enter lab so we need another kind of permit so the all the documents were fine and that we showed him that permit that the Tibetan The last guy had said well I need to get you the Prometa enter Everest but that's where the problem began That's because you need at least 3 different kinds of permits to visit Everest a Tibet travel permit in Alien travel permit and a Tibet border pass but ping couldn't get one of the permits which meant the flags and all her hard work might not make it to Everest so we start as clambering looking for all kinds of like true backdoor bribe or a even see if we can get a permit for me because all my other American teammates got it already and I couldn't so the Tibetan guy said well if they want to go I cannot guarantee you to enter because this year they seem to be very very strict and this is. Well you make that shot. And your team started making their way up the mountain and immediately there were problems we got the flat higher because the potholes. And the way it was just in the car I was jumped like a full tide this kind of thing and the rocks are very sharp and so fine that a car just back and the we have to stop and change the tire and because it's just one cop. So we stop all the cars behind us so we're trying our best people which would cause them to be bent honk at us we just give them kind of a middle finger is what can we do right. But that's also where we discovered the Say course. And the people from India from Nepal from neighboring countries they would travel you know every year to fetch the water for purification full festivals or full rituals and then the Chinese troops sealed it up with concrete and that oh you know it's it's a very strategic pathway and they don't want people to come you know gather that every. And old car broke down right there so I don't know whether that you know if there's coincidence or not so we feel that all our Like all those containers in the was that sacred water including that meadow water bottle. And then we continue. To enter that the 1st day the press posture and then we have to go through to be checkpoints 3 processes. The 1st part was just really really intense and so many people just a mess just like you can't get through people to draw just long enough robbing mob trogs and cars and in the interests lined up like 2 or 3 miles long and waiting to have their permit verified and then they could go get through so my guides took me there to the checkpoint and then he took me straight to the other so that Asad of the checkpoint then he said paying to go the checkpoint is an office also that offers is the gate where the cars and trucks can get through and they were like both sides they were heavily guarded by troops and he was asking me to walk by the troops without a permit but myself and no other was walking and as a young kid in me he said no. If they stop he'll just say you have to go to bathroom and I said what if they shoot me they could shoot because they were carrying like heavy shotguns for a in a they were like fully armed and then he said Well do you want to go to Everest or not. So I start the walking. And know what they seem to see me Ok. My heart was in my throat and this about oh my god I just kept praying my like Don't shoot me go shoot me and I just walked past them and just kept walking along the highway and I had to walk like 2 or 3 mottoes and everybody from the check on the could see me as I was walking along the highway and I don't see now why not a single soldier would see me. And then my cough on the way my guy just picked me up in their car. And I was just so I almost passing out because the so it hydrated was really hot it was still quite slow because that's the 1st checkpoint then the 2nd checkpoint the same thing pain got out and walked right through. But the most difficult was the base camp there that was structured and the verification because it's so close to it's like after this checkpoint we are in the base camp so it's a really literally destroy the most heavily guarded area as people again who are waiting to be verified was their promise my guys took me this time is not a building but it's a tent he just walked me through the tent to the other end and said Just walking and I said no I can't just my legs were just collapsing right and said this is true scary because the troops it was like before the 1st and 2nd checkpoint it's much bigger and a lot of destruction and also a lot of because the heat wave there was a lot of like Mirage and I could almost like blending into the Mirage and here it's so cold and so spas and not a single tree there was nothing but just me and I was pretty and was the guy that said this time they were really going to shoot me. And he said just take off your jacket he said take it off take off your hat. Give me a camera Give me your purse then he also handed me a bottle of water which he was from the secrets bring said this was and I said I'd really can't go on you know it was as good a terrifying and then he said ping sometimes the most dangerous place is the safest place. And I swear Ok if I don't do this boy all with this one nothing so he just stripped me and everything except that water ball though was the water from the sacred spring and just pushed into the into the field which I had to walk through. The temple to get to the safe place. And I went there and there was. The longest and most difficult feel that half of Crohn's in my think it was just really scary and because also the air was so thin every step just. Stop and the breathing just gossiping. And I was actually got caught by a soldier. And I was just terrified because he was pointing his gun that me and what I doing right there was your permit and then my guide told me if you got caught just say. You already got through and in the temple and the you would just you know came out to use awesome so at that moment I realized why my God just just everything from me because I thin I have a person I did not have a camera. I think I have my habit and I have my cold and then his saw the water bottle which is in them a kind of metal What about though that looks like a bomb and then the card said What's this and I just like oh my god he thinks it's a bomb and I just handed to him No no no it's just water bottle and actually it's the water from that sacred spring down there and his eyes just months without said Well can I have a taste. And he just grabbed the water bottle and opened the and this tranq the water from the bother then he handed back to me said try it this is really special. And we started sharing the bottle of I people are like. Oh whatever in the cigarettes all we need and. And we started packing and the guy turned out to be a Tibetan soldier and he came from the town I actually visited there and his name also is called passion the same name as was my was much a better guide then he told me all about the sacred whether or why it's sacred. And the weather means to him and the why he is here. And it's literally this time it's the water that dissolves all the conflict all that they injure connects us and we became friends through their father off so he could water spring water. And then the sun came out. Miraculously because we went there in the monsoon season and we're not supposed to see the sunlight and the sun came out as we were talking and here. I have a son and look at me to say well this never happens you brought us like a miracle. Around. And then he let me go and I know like it's not too far the checkpoint because it's a whole relatively small place that the base camp so I know my son and my guide will watching me on the other end so after we finish they just came through the checkpoint and I got real neither was them and the ones where I am the other would check us. Some angels all sums birds like almost like blindfolded those troops I literally was walking under them those are walking by them on the bin those they just would not see and I and the only person who saw me became with became friends through the water and that my own came out because everything my son found that I woke up and he had been complaining to so difficult then all and no good food to eat and he was missing home let's listen but don't know. Why are we here when the pig revealed its face I can see the eyes just opened up. And he just Southern mages awake the next morning it was time for the purpose of their trip to open the flags on Everest the roof of the world. But because of the Chinese guards they still had to be careful. But opened a fair flags and sang a few songs and in the future aung san banned clothes that went up there from play against them open. And that was that the prayer is arranged over the land. I am. Then paying and her team packed up the flag pin decided then that she would come back to Everest but on the Nepal side so she could properly leave the flags where they were meant to be. And so cool 1016 I brought a team of 3 people who went up to the palm and then we tracked. 10 days all the way to the base camp at the hanging the flags along the way so we left half of the flags on the avarice. Hopefully they're still bothering them. The most difficult actor is leaving them behind because I know every story of the flag. They have trouble was me all these years I know every of fact maker and also that I would leave them behind and I'll never see them again. But also it teaches me life is never permanent. Live has all about constant changes and this is also the moment that teaches me to to detach to let go so new opportunities and new doors or open for me and always thus. Our storyteller was waiting paying she continues the kinship of rivers project to this day and has made it to rivers like the Amazon the Ganges and the Columbia River you can read more about her work at our website human nature podcast dot org . I'm here online Ballard the show is produced by ne. Our theme song in a ghost human nature is a production of Wyoming Public Media. Whether in north central New Mexico tonight and tomorrow partly cloudy lows in the lower twenty's highs in the upper forty's southwest winds 10 to 20 miles an hour tomorrow night breezy partly cloudy a slight chance of snow showers after midnight lows in the upper twenty's southwest winds 15 to 25 miles an hour and Friday in north central New Mexico partly cloudy with a slight chance of rain and snow showers in the upper forty's. In the Luis Valley weather tonight and tomorrow mostly cloudy close 12 to 2139 to 44 southwest winds up to 10 miles an hour tomorrow night mostly cloudy lows 21 to 28 southwest winds 10 to 15 miles an hour 10 percent chance of precipitation Friday in the San Luis Valley falsely cloudy highs in the lower to mid forty's. Thanks for being here for this evening clipper that I'll be back tomorrow evening at 730 with local and regional news features weather and and I'll be back tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock for. I hope you can join. Your listening to 88.7 f.m. Alamosa Colorado to Taos New Mexico 98.7 f.m. So watch Colorado and streaming online. Or connecting cultures along the. We're really expecting your several years 1971 year does headed into the boy.

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