Our news in Washington I'm Janine Herbst bipartisan border security negotiations broke down in Washington today ahead of a Friday deadline to reach a spending agreement to avoid another partial government shutdown lawmakers and the White House clashed over whether to limit the number of migrants authorities can detain along with the restrictions on border funding N.P.R.'s Mara Liasson has more for the president the big dilemma is what's best for him politically you heard him give a State of the Union address last week which was really the 1st speech of his re-election campaign he's going down to the southern border this week that could be considered his 1st 2020 election rally he's going to have a rally in El Paso so the president has to decide is it better for him to compromise with Congress or is he concerned that the amount of money for border security that he'd have to agree to is so small that his base would think he has wimped out on the wall. N.P.R.'s Mara Liasson Trump's rally in El Paso is tomorrow night Virginia's embattled Democratic leaders are standing firm despite a nearly unanimous call by politicians in and out of the state to step down the public's reaction though is more divided as N.P.R.'s Cheryl Corley reports from Richmond the 3 men in the center of this political crisis are Bridge in your governor Ralph Northam attorney general Mark Herring both criticized for appearing in black face years ago and lieutenant governor just in bare fact who says sexual assault charges leveled against him are not true although there have been mounting calls where all 3 to step down the patrons at Mama J's restaurant in Richmond had much more of a wait and see attitude about the lieutenant governor and 55 year old Chuck Small says Governor Northam should remain in office the walnuts a black face Ok well I got to have some forgiveness right you know the bibles that the governor says he plans on using the turmoil here as a tool to promote racial reconciliation Cheryl Corley n.p.r. News Richmond teachers in Denver plan to strike tomorrow over pay N.P.R.'s clearly Bardot reports bargaining fell apart last night after months of negotiations with Denver Public Schools after district leaders introduced a new proposal union leaders ended negotiations saying the district was playing games they indicated they'd be open to resuming bargaining on Tuesday the union is pressing for changes to teacher pay especially to the system of bonuses that some educators receive the $2.00 groups have been negotiating for over a gear about $70000.00 students in Denver schools will be affected by the strike the district hopes to chemo schools open with help from substitutes the preschools will be closed due to staffing acquirements Clare on Marto n.p.r. News snow is piling up in the Pacific Northwest from a powerful storm that's left several motorists in eastern Washington state stranded in heavy drifts and many highways are closed several people say they had to abandon their cars on the roads and authorities say at least a dozen had to be rescued drivers are being asked to stay off the roads you're listening to n.p.r. News from Washington. The city of Paris is suing air b.n. B. In what has been a long contentious battle over regulating vacation rentals takes again a row reports the lawsuit could cost the rental platform up to $12.00 and a half 1000000 euros a new Paris housing law requires vacation rentals be registered with City Hall It also limits rentals to $120.00 days a year the city recently found at least a 1000 unregistered properties on air b.n. B. Each illegal listing risks the fun of more than 12000 euros pairs may or any Delgo told French media she doesn't have anything against people trying to make a little extra cash she wants to shut down property owners who only ring to tourists and who keep out locals in a city already short on housing since 2011 Paris has lost $12000.00 inhabitants a year the Paris mayor assigns a heavy amounts of blame to rental companies like air b.n. B. According to media reports air b.n. B. Alleges Paris has rules violate European Union standards and says the city's regulations are overly burdensome for n.p.r. News I'm 6 again and Paris at the weekend box office the Lego movie to the 2nd part easily took the top spot with $35000000.00 An estimated ticket sales the animated sequel have been forecast to draw around $50000000.00 tragedy Henson's what men want it's a lose remake of the 2000 Mel Gibson comedy debuted with $1000000.00 in 3rd place lying it's a cold pursuit debuted with $10000000.00 in line with expectations despite the controversy that surrounded its star Liam Neeson in the weeks leading up to the film's release I'm Janine Herbst And you're listening to n.p.r. News from Washington support for n.p.r. Comes from n.p.r. Stations other contributors include the Wildlife Foundation fostering improvements in learning and enrichment for disadvantaged children and the vitality of the arts for everyone ideas at wireless Foundation dot org and the listeners who support this n.p.r. Station. This is. 88.7 f.m. . This is All Things Considered from n.p.r. News I'm Michel Martin we're going to start the program again in Virginia where Governor Ralph Northam continues to reject calls to resign after racist photos were discovered on his medical school yearbook page this morning in an interview that aired on C.B.S.'s Face the Nation he said he isn't going anywhere right now or Ginny's someone that. There's no better person to do that than a doctor or Jenny Also I need someone who is strong who has empathy who has courage and who has a moral compass and that's why I'm not going anywhere I have learned from this I have a lot more to learn as you probably know by now the Democratic leadership of his state is in crisis over admissions that govern Northam and Virginia attorney general Mark Herring had worn black face in the past lieutenant governor Justin Fairfax is also being pressured to resign over allegations by 2 different women that he sexually assaulted them he denies that many state and national political leaders have been pressing Northam to step aside but now there's new information about what Virginia voters think from a new poll conducted by The Washington Post and the shore a school of policy and government at George Mason University It finds that Virginians are split but in ways that might be surprising I'm joined now by Mark was dean of the sharks school is with us now Dean thanks so much for joining us thank you but you found that voters are essentially deadlocked with 47 percent wanting governor Northam to step aside and 47 percent wanting him to stay but the breakdowns are very interesting So who wants him to stay and who wants him to go the breakdowns indeed are very interesting because we are seeing that Republicans want the Democratic governor to step down not by a huge majority 56 to 42 percent but Democrats want him to stay and Independents are split just like the general public overall but I think the more important breakdown is on race. Yes African-Americans by a fairly sizable majority say that the governor should not step down 57 percent saying that well what do you make of that. It's complicated but I think a lot of people may believe that this was as the poll suggested an isolated incident and Ralph Northam has passed over 30 years ago so one of the questions on the poll was whether people believe what he did was an isolated incident or an indication of a broader racial prejudice on his part and a majority people said it's an isolated incident another interesting finding that I think is very important is whether people are willing to accept the governor's apology but again what's really interesting is the racial divide blacks are much more willing than whites in Virginia to say that they accept the governor's apology well to your point I mean shortly after the photo became public national figures. Quickly put out statements saying things like Governor Northam has lost all moral authority and should resign immediately that was from the former Vice President Joe Biden New Jersey Senator Cory Booker who is running for president course at the photo eroded all confidence in Governor North ability to lead but what you're telling us is that Virginia voters particularly African-American voters and Democratic voters in Virginia don't accept that. That's exactly right and I think one of the most interesting about the most interesting finding in this poll is that there is a huge chasm between the Democratic Party elites and their rank and file party identifiers in the public and we cannot know for sure of course in every case whether this was a sincere conviction or if it was based on some judgment that it was politically necessary to jump on this bandwagon and demand that the governor step down but whatever the case that is not the sentiment among Democratic Party voters I do want to ask you about lieutenant governor just in Fairfax as as we know he has been accused of sexual assault by 2 different women was there data on what people what did people say about that whether he should stay or he should go so here the difficulty is that the poll was being completed right before the 2nd accusation came out so we did have the polling data that reflected the 1st accusation against lieutenant governor just in Fairfax and most people in the survey said at that point they were willing to withhold judgment on the particular issue on the accusation so it was not a very strong indorsement for him but again at sort of the midway point of these 2 accusations the public largely was saying they wanted to take a wait and see attitude and you know before they made any particular judgment one way or the other so finally you know digging back into kind of the history here you also asked people if they had worn black face or knew someone who had tell us what you found and what do you make of the answer. Right a Levon percent of Virginia and said that either they themselves had done so or they knew someone who has done so in the past now in my network that's surprising I don't know anybody who's done that. I've heard other people say baby 11 percent is even to us you know that they they think that many more people at least know somebody else but this is always a problem surveys and we all know that it's right that when you have an uncomfortable question like that have you ever worn black face or know somebody who has done so I am sure that there are a good many people who are just not willing to admit to that to a pollster and we can all understand why that's Marc was out he's dean of the Shar School of Policy and government at George Mason University thank you so much for talking to us thank you the discovery of racist pictures on Governor Northam as your book page has students and faculty at campuses around the state combing through decades of old yearbooks to see if similar pictures are published in them the University of Virginia in Charlottesville is one of those campuses it turns out that the very name of their yearbook corks and curls has been identified as minstrel slang Cork for the burnt cork used to blacken faces and curls for the crew after wigs that were a key part of the costume the school's newspaper The Cavalier Daily has been looking into that as well as the content of the yearbooks the managing editor of The Daily Abby Clukey has been on that story and she's with us now from Charlottesville Virginia Abbie thanks so much for joining us thank you for having me and there's a history professor at Princeton Ray Lynn Barnes who's done extensive research into the history of black face and minstrelsy she wrote an op ed for The Washington Post and she said that the yearbook name corks and girls was itself a reference to blackface and I wondered if you'd ever heard that before or have you ever heard anybody on campus talking about that before I personally had never heard that before and from what I've gathered you got any idea. So corks across was 1st published in the 1900 s. What is your reporting tell you about the origin of the name. After we found out that through the Washington Post article that the name was a reference to blackface minstrelsy Island just on their website and on that website they had a page that if you did sue your books history and they said that an 888 when the 1st issue was published they came up with the name Question Carlson and they held a contest to determine the best rationalisation of that name and I spoke with the editor in chief of Cork synchros earlier this morning and she told me that this story came from a 2nd hand source so she took that down to replace it with the preface from the original It's an 80 edition What does that say it's about so the explanation is that a cork represents an unprepared student who was called upon in class by who remain silent like a cork up bottle and of her all means a student who performed very well in class into one patted on his head by his professor curl at his tail for delight there at Cuba not really. Ok though you've been poring over years of additions and what have you found so we went through basically all of the ones from the sixties seventies and eighties and we were marking ones that had instances of black race in under examples of appropriation as well and most of them weren't within the context of the tourney parties and things like that but we did find one that was more sinister it was what looked like to be staged lynching and it was a bunch of people all dressed in black cloaks holding shotguns and they are surrounding a tree where what looks like a mannequin was hanging and women can face was painted black. Well how have students faculty and the administration reacted to all these discoveries in the V.A.'s all of your books how are people responding to this so the night that we found that particular and sweet post about to our Twitter and people were quote tweeting and voicing their disgust to their horror and some saying that they really were not surprised at all that we found something of that nature in your books so professors have been voicing their opinions as well saying that most people don't really understand the history of minstrelsy and therefore black is just was very rampant during the Seventies and Eighties especially and students also especially students of color like want to interviewed said he just bought his graduation gown and in that picture that we posted it looks like they're wearing graduation gowns or something with was so that right at hand and what he was about to be doing graduating from the school that is deeply rooted in racism Well you know to that end though I mean Uva is founded by Thomas Jefferson who owned hundreds of human beings the universe was built by us in slave labor and then I think many people remember this very painful episode in 2017 where these neo nazis white supremacists were marching around in the area I'm just wondering how this all. Or does it you know fit into conversations that people have been having about all of this this history I think if I didn't see the conversation that you've all been having and then it really just goes to show that we need to be addressing our history and our really complicated past I understand that cork some calls folded in 2008 for reasons because a lot of students were buying it but that the alumni association relaunched it now that there is this discussion about the name is there a conversation about changing the name or what is the yearbook planning to do so as of right now they are so active as and they are still working on making the next issue for 2019 and I talked to her and she's And she said that there is conversation about changing the name she's been in contact with university officials about how did you so change will not be immediate that's Abby Clukey she is managing editor of the cavalier daily which is at the University of Virginia and she's with us now from Charlottesville every thanks so much for talking to us thank you so much for having me. From n.p.r. News. End of the week is the Cristo in poetry festival a gathering of poets from Colorado and New Mexico is taking place in Cristo on February 21st through 24th this 4 day celebration of the spoken word includes readings workshops open mike opportunities and lots of time for poets from around the region to get acquainted vent is intended to help grow and sustain a community of writers and lovers of literature in the mountains and high deserts of Colorado into Mexico. With these headlines Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar is now the 5th Democratic senator to launch a bid for the White House in 2020 she announced her candidacy on a snowy cold day in a Minneapolis park telling the crowd she would work to reform election laws and fight climate change in Spain red and yellow flags filled the center of Madrid today as tens of thousands demonstrated to oppose any concessions to pro independence parties in Catalonia and parts of the Pacific Northwest are dealing with an unusually heavy snowfall and forecasters say were still could be on the way flights have been grounded in Seattle and Portland and there are power outages heavy drifts closed major highways in eastern Washington state I'm Janine Herbst n.p.r. News in Washington. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from Capital One committed to reimagining banking offering savings and checking accounts that can be opened from anywhere Capital One what's in your wallet Capital One n.a. From Babel a European made language learning program babble teaches practical conversation in Spanish French German and other languages available in the app store or online it be a b b e l dot com and from the listeners who support this n.p.r. Station. This is All Things Considered from n.p.r. News I'm Michel Martin Congress has until Friday to reach a compromise on border security and avoid another government shutdown Senator Richard Shelby Republican chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee told Fox News that negotiations are stalled I'll say $5050.00 we get a deal hope and pray we do President Trump continues to insist on billions of dollars for a border wall and tomorrow he'll argue his case in El Paso Texas in his State of the Union speech the president falsely described El Paso as one of the nation's most dangerous cities before a border wall was built there as Monica Ortiz Uribe reports that remark prompted a backlash from local officials from both parties El Paso's Republican mayor tweeted that the city was never among America's most dangerous places the local sheriff called Trump's attempt to justify a border wall sad and El Paso's freshman congresswoman that only got Escobar told C.-Span that the president had lied we were safe long before a wall was ever built f.b.i. Statistics show El Paso's crime rate declined sharply in the early 1990 s. The city didn't get a border wall at least not the high grade steel variety until 2008 even then got a 20 year veteran of the El Paso Police says the wall isn't solely responsible for the city's safety I always compare it to the fire sprinklers the smoke sensors that we have in our homes that's just a tool but it's going to stop the fire no it's not the border wall did reduce cross border thieves and drug mules who took advantage of densely urban areas where the u.s. And Mexico are separated by less than a quarter mile now most illegal drugs come through ports of entry that we need as a wall of law enforcement in the community working together to stand strong against crime that's a goal that on the Garcia director of the Border Network for Human Rights has been working toward for more than a decade his own. Ization hosts neighborhood forums with area cops and Border Patrol agents meant to spur dialogue and build trust in 2000 his organization collected 150 reports of abuse by local law enforcement by 2013 the number of abuse reports dropped to 20 I believe that this is up I mean port on park. Making the bustle safe before I could data a family going to report crime and I use in some feel fear and they don't feel fear about doing that for us that is them miter of success or Cea is afraid that Trump's aggressive enforcement policies could a road that progress instead of seeing grounds in those families cross members of our community and now agents or officers you start seeing them as a trip the president regularly highlights heinous crimes committed by undocumented immigrants but study after study shows that on average cities with large immigrant populations tend to be safer sociologists Christina Morales says that in El Paso a bilingual city with strong ties to Mexico the immigrant experience endures across multiple generations that immigrant memory is not a very far away memory for us it's constantly being revived and it's sort of I think it comes that's grounded a coalition of 40 local organizations opposed to Trump's border wall is hosting an event tomorrow night right across the street from the president's rally it will be led by a passer native and possible 2020 presidential candidate at the or Rourke for n.p.r. News I'm on a go at these would even in El Paso Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar are declared herself a Democratic candidate for president this afternoon in Minneapolis Minnesota Public Radio's Brian Baxter reports on quote Charles heartland pitch if Amy Klobuchar was going for a tribute to Harvey Midwesterners that's what she got fresh snow when the temperatures were undeniable features of a campaign launch along the Mississippi River clubbish our drew heavily on the imagery around the river that starts in Minnesota and travel south through middle America let us cross the river of our divides and walk across our sturdy bridge just higher ground. 50. She's had 3 blowout Senate victories the latest in November that's one of her selling points given that President Donald Trump marched to the upper Midwest in 2016 her national standing isn't as prominent as other Democrats in the race but Club sure seem to embrace that I don't come from money but what I do have is this I have grit even before her launch had to answer for complaints over her managerial style and high staff turnover it serves notice that the intense scrutiny of a presidential race is on its way she outlined a platform of fighting climate change expanding voter protections and tackling income inequality it is time to organize time to galvanize tang to take back our democracy. By America. Has a reputation as a moderate in our party and lately someone looking to put guardrails on big data companies like Facebook in the rally crowd was Karl bun day who says he left the Republican Party because of Donald Trump and says he thinks Khloe Bashar has the right stuff it's important you know to have people here that sensibility of the fly over country that actually tip selections rather than just the coasts the media gaze will be on a state just a bit down river shall make neighboring Iowa an early stop in her now official 2020 campaign for n.p.r. News I'm Brian back to Minneapolis as more and more people enter the 2020 presidential race their announcements have been followed almost immediately by negative or disturbing and suspicious tear downs on Twitter this activity has been noticed by those who keep an eye on the uglier side of social media so we're taking it to our regular series trolled. This is where we've been keeping track of cyber security attacks as well as the. Conspiracies being pushed by bots and trolls that's what Kelly Jones does as a news intelligence journalist for story that's a company that monitors social media content so we asked her to tell us what she's been seeing lately killing. Thanks so much for joining us thanks for having me so you were telling us that the trolls work fast What did you see around Senator Elizabeth Warren after she launched her exploratory committee we found roughly 65000 mentions about Warren herself or some of her more dubious nicknames like folk honest or Pocahontas one example of a claim that we found was that users could spot a black face all in the background of her Instagram when in fact it was a vase on top of our kitchen cabinet talk to me a little bit more about that if you would like how it moves into the mainstream. What happened was a poster shared on 4 chan which is an anonymous chap ward so we were not able to identify who this person was or what their motivation was it was amplified on a friend's news site and how we define a French news site is not something that's mainstream or cable news or your typical site that you would search it moved from there to being shared on mainstream networks like Twitter where conservative commentator Tony Lauren even picked up a claim and that was just within 3 days the fact that one poster could make this claim and it was amplified so quickly really says something you know it does have something you know Twitter recently suspended a couple of suspicious accounts that have been targeting Kaamelott Harris the California senator with false information that she is in eligible to run for president because her parents are foreign born which even if it was true would disqualify her from being president because she was born in the United States so what would raise a red flag and make a Twitter account seem suspicious what we consider suspicious in nature or if they have a nice Will Twitter handle if they read tweet or post systematically or irregularly say in large numbers or if they tag several handles using the same text so you know the examples that we've talked about so far the targets are women and there's been a lot of discussion recently about women being targeted on social media but there are men who have announced and are babying targeted in the same way we have seen certain automation and beams again being used for instance related to Cory Booker So we are definitely seeing both sides for male and female but is there any special attention being given to women or are there any special themes that are being directed at these women candidates I think what we're seeing a lot is the question of are these people fit to run are these women specifically fit to run and that is something that we're going to be seeing throughout. Until 2020 I feel Ok And you started doing this work during the 2016 election are you seeing any changing tactics I just want to how does how does what you're seeing now compare to what you saw during 2016 I think that the idea of automation or suspicious accounts is going to be an ongoing theme through the election obviously the idea of meaning is going to be a theme because people who are posting this content are creating these images to cause political discourse and in fact one poster we saw on our friends network claimed that they mean to combine the presidency Kelly Jones as a news intelligence journalist for story for Kelly thanks so much for talking to us thanks for having me essential question related to your rights may again be headed to the u.s. Supreme Court can businesses turn away customers because they object to what they were asking for like wedding invitations or a cake we have this story from Colorado Public Radio's Allison Sherry and will stone of member station. In Phoenix you probably remember the baker Jack Phillips he was the guy who declined to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple in Colorado several years ago and his case went all the way to the Supreme Court but the decision was narrow it only applies to the bigger in this case Jack Phillips and may not affect any future cases Phillips hasn't even restarted making wedding cakes but he is back in court fighting with the card a Civil Rights Commission officials found he again discriminated after he declined to bake a cake with the blue exteriors and the pink interior This time the cake was supposed to celebrate a gender transition I believe that God made male and female and we don't you to choose and we don't get a change or so Jack Phillips is suing the state again and it's wrong for the state to force me to create artistic products and Colorado isn't the only place where this legal fight is playing out. A crowd holding purple posters with the slogan create freely Joanna Duca and Brianna Kosky when name or. For the Arizona Supreme Court as Christians our faith guides everything we do that Stuka Sheehan Kosky run brush in new studio a Phoenix wedding invitation business the government should never be in the business of controlling how artists make creative decisions but you can says Phoenix's ordinance prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation does that by forcing her business to make invitations celebrating same sex weddings which is against her religious beliefs Here's how the Colorado and Arizona cases are similar there are pitting 1st Amendment protections of religious freedom and freedom of speech against a state or City's anti-discrimination laws that protect l.g.b. T.q. People but when does an invitation or a cake even qualify as free speech actually the u.s. Supreme Court's Colorado quick decision never answered that question only 2 justices would have held that the baking of a custom wedding cake is protected as speech by the 1st Amendment that's couple months or more who teaches law at Arizona State University the other justices refrained from commenting on the issue and just reserved that question for future decisions in other cases the case has divided powerful forces in Arizona the state's attorney general and Republican leadership are siding with the business major companies the city of Phoenix in the masterpiece cake ruling last year the justices never doubt any blows to Colorado's anti-discrimination law the state's new Democratic attorney general Phil Wiser is defending the law in the latest suit equality for all is something that we here in our community to the law will be enforced we will have to just play a few more endings before we win this game the same influential Christian group is challenging nondiscrimination protections in both states the Alliance Defending Freedom has been tremendously successful nationally with similar cases rocking 9 Supreme Court winds in just 7 years they argue these business owners are not. Discriminating they just can't be forced to convey a certain message Jonathan Scruggs an attorney with the alliance is representing the Phoenix wedding invitation business a Muslim artist shouldn't be forced to celebrate Easter because these messages violate their core convictions and then the Colorado case the Supreme Court did find that Colorado's Civil Rights Commission showed animist toward religion and the cake makers lawyers say that hasn't changed because they're going after him again in the gender transition Kate case but those who fought for these anti discrimination laws remember what life was like before they existed in Phoenix lawyer Brendan Mahoney says he'd routinely get calls from people fired from jobs or denied a room because of their sexuality all he could tell them your best solution is to get involved in change the law that eventually happened in 2013 when the City Council passed its ordinance and Mahoney says a central part of Phoenix his argument is that a court can't carve out an exemption for people and not at the same time open the door to people say well we won't serve blacks or we don't serve pregnant women or we don't serve Jews and whether it's a case about wedding invitations in Arizona gender transition cake in Colorado or a similar case somewhere else all of the parties involved believe that eventually the u.s. Supreme Court will take up the issue once again for n.p.r. News I'm Allison Sherry in Denver and I'm Will Stone in Phoenix. You're listening to n.p.r. News. The u.s. Supreme Court voted 5 to 4 last week to temporarily block Louisiana from enforcing a law that would have required physicians providing abortion services to have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles of wherever the procedure was performed supporters of the law say it's intended to safeguard the health of women opponents say it's yet another attempt to make abortions difficult if not impossible for women to obtain We want to look both at the current science and state of medical practice when it comes to abortion so we've called Dr Whitley Parker he is a board certified o.b.-g.y.n. The chair of the board of Physicians for Reproductive Health and he also supervises abortion care for women in Alabama at a clinic that draws patients from some 5 states Dr Parker thanks so much for talking with us thanks for having me so 1st can I just get your thoughts about the Supreme Court decision well well I celebrate the fact that women in Louisiana will still have access to care because the action of the Supreme Court it was a temporary fix what really needs to happen is the Supreme Court needs to hear the merits of the case and weigh the finitude way because these laws when they create barriers to women they deny them access to very necessary care Planned Parenthood has repeatedly called requirements like this a popular tactic to restrict or eliminate access using technicalities but the technicalities are really where the battle is being fought right now so 1st of all I want to ask you a basic question which many people may not know but what are admitting privileges Well I mean promises are arrangements that hospitals have with individual physicians saying that we will vary your credentials and we will say that you can bring your patients here so if I do outpatient care like an abortion procedure where complications are extremely rare I would never admit enough patients to the hospital to keep those privileges and so the hospital admitting privileges are not any acknowledgment of the quality of a physician service this is merely a contractual arrangement with the hospital. That certain physicians who have been vetted by that hospital couldn't get their patients there let's also talk about the issue that is very much under discussion in the conservative media right now which is matters that are being debated in New York and Virginia release were being because they've been taken off the table in Virginia that would have made it easier for women to obtain an abortion later in pregnancy as you know certainly critics are calling this opening the door to infanticide is it the late Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan said that everyone's entitled to their own opinion but nobody's into their own facts and the facts Michel web washing remains legal in this country those laws that were under consideration in Virginia and the ones that were passed in New York don't open the door to any services that women don't already have access to for example in New York it made it clear that no one can have an abortion beyond 24 weeks unless the fetus is not viable and so all the laws did were just clarify what was already on the books and Virginia they were taking away barriers that have delayed women from getting necessary care in later stages of pregnancy so neither of these laws would ever create the misrepresentation that the president stated in the state of the Union where a pregnancy can be terminated minutes or days before the due date what is this issue remain such a difficult one for the society to come to an understanding about the fact that we politicize this very important health care and we've made it also into a moral issue it means that people are wrestling with subject of understanding is like more reality and politics and projecting them onto totally object of needed care like abortion care that is Dr Willie Parker he's a board certified o.b.-g.y.n. Dr Parker thanks so much for talking to us thanks for having me this is n.p.r. News. Carmen Central was among those killed in last year's Parklane school shooting now her family has moved away I think it's just hard for them being like around so many reminders of her just needed to be away he adds but they have not moved on from pushing for change if we choose to wait there will just be more parents like us a year of grief anger and activism That's tomorrow on Morning Edition from n.p.r. News. I'm Janine Herbst with these headlines border security talks are reportedly at an impasse as lawmakers and the White House try to reach a spending agreement before the government runs out of money on Friday the White House is objecting to Democrats' demands for a cut in the number of beds at border detention facilities and restrictions on Barrier funding South Korea and the u.s. Have agreed to a new deal that would boost South Korea's contribution toward the cost of stationing u.s. Troops on the Peninsula State media say Seoul will pay 124000000 dollars this year but the country's parliament still has to approve and Lindsay Vonn has closed out her competitive skiing career in her final race today she won the bronze medal in the downhill at the Alpine World Championship in Sweden I'm Janine Herbst n.p.r. News in Washington. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from the n.p.r. Wine club where every bottle tells a story and n.p.r. Shows become wines like all grapes considered mall back available to adults 21 years or older and learn more at n.p.r. Wine Club dot org And from Babble an interactive language program the teachers travel business and casual conversation skills in a new language like Italian available in the app store or online at Babel be a b b e l dot com. This is All Things Considered from n.p.r. News I'm Michel Martin this Thursday it marks a year since a gunman killed 17 people at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland Florida and as the anniversary approaches a memorial wooden structure is being built in neighboring Coral Springs its creator calls it a temple of time that is meant to help the community heal N.P.R.'s Greg Allen reports that after 3 months it will be set on fire and destroyed. On an empty lot across the street from Coral Springs City Hall for chill weeks now the tower has slowly been taking shape. Sheets of beach plywood have been milled and intricate lace like designs the walls and ceiling of a nearly 40 foot tall wooden structure the artist David Best calls a temple I could back up and say it looks like a Balinese or a bed or Hindu or of a gothic cathedral but I think more and more as I build them over the years it's more what they feel like than what they look like best who's from Northern California has been building temples like this since 2000 when he got started burning man the annual gathering in the Nevada desert his 1st memory to the death of a friend who died in a motorcycle accident the 2nd year he and his collaborators but a larger and more ornate structure remember those who'd taken their own lives and that year 500 people put names that people are taking alive and we burn it on Sunday one of best biggest projects was in Derry Northern Ireland in 2015 some 80000 people visited over the course of the week Paul Walker one of best regular crew members says visitors often leave behind photos or other mementos of loved ones you know our experience where we've done these the whole thing will be covered in rights and sort of. A medium for you to put these things in and eventually still come several months down the line this will go in flames. Structure best and his crew of volunteers are building and Coral Springs is intended to help the community commemorate those who died at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School but he says it's more than just a memorial of the temple that we're building here requires for this a patient it's not it's not a bronze memorial if someone's going to walk up to this community who suffered a tremendous one a loss it's coming here and parts interested in building Margaret McCord is one of them she lives in Park when she's busy grilling small wooden pieces to a large sheet birch plywood this is a. Sponsor for a part of the floor of the temple I believe and it's as you can see it's a good for Mosaic and there are 29 I think pieces like this nearly a year after the tragedy of course is the deaths that Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School or deep pain that still takes your breath away you know that. It's there's no getting over this we just have to acquire the tools to deal with this and if this gets people to us to deal with that this is a good thing Coral Springs Museum of Art brought David Best and his crew in with the help of Bloomberg philanthropies and a $1000000.00 grant the project grew out of an art therapy program the museum began for students after last year's tragedy less Gordon family therapist who works with students from Marjorie Stoneman Douglas is one of those helping build the temple the 1st anniversary of a trauma like this he says is especially painful some people choose not to go to school. To go out of town Other people just want a quiet day fishing some people want to be with other people go on a go to the garden or come here to this wonderful expressive artistic there are people that's going on this temple is intended to help the people of parkland in Coral Springs but always David Best says he would never call it a temple of healing he says he's not a healer I'm not capable. This is so temple it's on going to take a long time for this community to get over that it's experience the temple of time opens. Public Wednesday in Coral Springs and remains open until mid May at some point that month when the weather and fire marshal permits the temple along with whatever mementos visitors have left behind will go up in flames Greg Allen n.p.r. News Coral Springs Florida. And finally today the Grammys are tonight and if you decide to watch you'll see what the industry considers the biggest names in music instead of talking about that though we decided to focus on one of the freshest names in music she's been described as hypnotic transcendent and very smart Her name is known and I. Watched. Tonight. Born or no name 1st got mainstream attention when she appeared on chance the rapper's mixtape Acid Rap following the success of her self released 2060 Minutes taped telephone No-Name used the proceeds from that record to fund her debut studio album room $25.00 which was one of the most critically acclaimed records of 2018 noted for its sharp commentary on race identity sex and politics no name is currently in the middle of a tour but we managed to capture on a short break and she's with us now from n.p.r. West in Culver City California welcome thank you so much for joining us thank you for having me and I'm really excited to be here and what we are so excited to have you Ms Warner for to. It's a month it's a movement why no name if you don't mind my asking I wanted to come up with the really cool rap name when I was like 18 and I couldn't think of anything I thought was clever enough so I started going by the name in it kind of became this very corny way for me to the amount I did. Yes this nomadic weird off on guard person who is off the grid who can be anything and nothing all at once tell me a little bit more about the journey so far you're from Chicago I understand you started as a poet was I did you tell me tell me a little bit more about the transition to rap like how did it presents itself to you did you start to hear it in your head or how did that you know I would just got exposed to other types of art I don't really grew up listening to a lot of hip hop I listen to things like I listen to a car you just because of Chicago but I grew up with my grandparents so I ended up listening to a lot of what they listen to but doing poetry and Chicago I was able to go to a lot of different open mikes and meet a lot of other musicians and other people who are artistic and express through different mediums so I've met chance in a lot of other people ended up influencing me and helping me grow artistically and expand outside of just poetry you have a short film set to one of your songs it's called blaxploitation we're going to hear it in the in a little bit and I was reading some of the comments which can sometimes be dangerous because as you know some of the comments on You Tube can be less than kind and intelligent but a lot of the comments of yours said some similar things which is I had no idea what to expect but I love it and I wondered Interesting how do you feel about that I mean I know that artists especially you hate to be labeled that you hate the categories but how would you describe yourself I think I'm a. Young black 20 something who's trying to like explore their identity through music and other things and I'm trying to be as honest also I think I don't know entirely how to describe myself I feel like that's what my music is kind of. But also you're starting. I don't know how I don't have. To describe it either I'm just a weirdo. Why don't we start talking about what we. Pay for. Album I think many people might remember the chance the rapper also declined to sign to a record label choosing to function as an independent artist Why is that so important to you I think it's important because it's possible and it's doable and I think ownership is in terms of just maintaining your integrity and how I feel as a woman of color I just. Don't want my art to be owned by a white man but I wish there were more nuanced than just me being stubborn in my own fight the man mentality but for me that's really what it boils down to you know if he's trying to hear my line and I am I go. But no I just I personally like the the role of an entrepreneur like I grew up in that framework because my mother owned her own book store my grandparents on their own landscaping company I guess I approach everything with like entrepreneurial spirit and mentality even though it's a lot of work and I have a very very slow rising career very slow but I'm like I'm grateful for it because I learned so much about myself through. You know. The Grammys is there any part of you that feels like you're missing out is that like I'd like to be invited to the party even if I don't want to go. To the Grammys . No I don't feel like I'm missing out I don't know I've been thinking about it a lot the Grammys and just the system of judging our in critiquing music some part of me still craves it like just because it's what we've taught ourselves is validation but I think I'm Ok I think I just am wanting to make better concent and to just keep growing artistically You know I've been thinking a lot about that too just because this whole question of what it is that we value what is it that the industry broadly defined promotes is something that I think a lot of people have been talking about I mean I'm thinking you know this has been a big year for female rappers and to think hard to be thinking about you lose my great year for you know rappers as being crazy and I was going to ask what does it look like from your point of view it looks amazing to me I feel like this is probably like one of the best times in hip hop for women right now we have such a beautiful variety of artists and there's like there's this very communal spirit between everyone the least of the women that I've met or talked to through social media everyone is very supportive of everyone and I also think that people's perspectives about women have changed and people are interested in women's opinions about things in the type of content and ideas that come from women so I'm really excited to see what the future has for these new art is coming up to you make you mention that you're all very supportive of each other it's interesting because the rap beef is so much a part of right yes but no matter you know what I'm saying it's like it's almost like a it's own thing is that yes I've really making Cardew you like I can't I can't really speak to that level of it but everyone who I've communicated with is very nice and sweet but it is I think they keep that sort of beast publicize whatever because it's a part of hip hop we're garlands or whether we like it or not like it is a part of hip hop and it entertains people it is interesting because there are well I'm thinking about Pusha t. And Drake of course that as well because I'm Times. Truthful things are said sometimes it just replicates some sides of the genre that a lot of people are worried about anywhere think about anywhere have some issues with anyway along those lines like the hypersexual ization of women of color particularly has been rife in popular culture you know imagery and ideas that many people consider my sergeant istic have also sort of been a part of it do you feel that you need to answer to that or answer that or have something to say about that do you feel like that's something you have a have to do or were not what do you think I think because of the there are that I make people expect me to be outspoken about it and also because of the way our present myself people are like well she is always wearing button up so she must be and side of the sexualization of women in the industry which I am if that's not what those women truly want for themselves but I think what I would like to see I don't know if I want myself to be the art is who is that or just something else in general but I would just like to see more of the variety I was talking about with women in hip hop on a larger scale like. Everyone knows. I would like to also exist in a world where like t.r. Lack would be as famous as credit or a debit at do you know what I mean so is there something to say so there's not 11 mano image of a woman and I think right now on the t.v. Scale of things on the red carpet that's what we're seeing and that kind of a common sense when there's only one of anything even if it just were only one of me that was like we need to exist in Malta to. Know Name her latest album is room 25. Out of band in months or a lot. Of is to. Africa for Sunday that's All Things Considered from n.p.r. News I'm Michel Martin you can follow us on Twitter at n.p.r. A.t.c. Thank you for listening we hope you have a great week support for n.p.r. 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And a daily weather forecast for Sunday the 10th of February 200-1000 in the same always Valley in South Central Colorado tonight partly cloudy close now almost a negative 77 so watch negative 2 and 12 tomorrow mostly sunny and breezy highs and almost 24 same always 24 so watch 19 and Crestone 27 in north central New Mexico tonight partly cloudy lows Intel 17 Red River 15 close almost 21 and Santa Fe 25 tomorrow a slight chance of snow showers highs Intel's 37 Red River 2535 and Santa Fe 38 thanks for listening to stay tuned for more weather updates. Jazz and Blues from radio Phoenix dot org. The Public Radio Exchange and Pacifica networks audio port distribution made possible with financial support. Good evening and welcome to blues with a feeling here on. It's 6 o'clock. To