And dr. Sheila nolans an expert. Shes from the maria fareri Childrens Hospital at westchester medical center. So, why are ticks trouble . So, not all ticks are trouble. Certain ticks can carry diseases that they can transmit to people, and those are the ticks that are trouble. What sort of diseases can they carry . So, that depends on where you live. Certain ticks can cause diseases such as lyme disease. Another one is Rocky Mountain spotted fever. And theres lots of other diseases that you see throughout the country. Just depends on where you live. So, how can we avoid being bitten by ticks . So, ticks like to live in wooded areas, long, high grassy areas. When youre going into those areas, you should wear long sleeves, long pants. You should tuck your pants into your shoes and socks, and wear bug spray, spray bug spray, preferably one that has deet in it. And lightcolored clothing is also something good, so if the tick is on your clothing or starting to crawl, then you can easily identify it and pick it off. Okay, so we do all that. Are we done . No. The most important thing is to check yourself to see if any ticks have gotten on your skin. Ticks like to crawl on, and they bury themselves a little bit under, cause theyre looking for your blood and they want to feed on your blood, so the main thing to do is to look. If you see that a tick is just crawling, you can pick it off and remove it. Okay, so we find one of these bloodsuckers on us. What do we do . If you see that a tick has started to is attached and its not easy to take off, then what you need to do is get a tweezers and gently and slowly pick it at the body, the fattest part of it, and slowly remove it. So, how can you tell if you have a disease from a tick . So, tick illnesses can present in lots of different ways. Youll see rashes with some, fevers with others. The main thing to do is, if youve been bitten by a tick, if once youve removed the tick and you are concerned that its been on your skin for a long period of time because it takes time for the tick to be able to actually transmit a disease you can bring it to your doctor. You can call your doctor and let them know that you have a concern. If you do remove the tick and are gonna bring it to your doctor, put it in a ziplock plastic bag just in case perchance its still alive. [ chuckles ] you dont want it crawling away on you. But then the main thing to do is, if you feel ill, if you are concerned about certain symptoms is to give your doctor a call. So, are ticks such a problem that we should really be worried about going outdoors . No. You need to be able to go outdoors. And not all ticks will transmit diseases. But if you follow the good precautions and make sure you do tick checks, then you should be just fine. Well, ill keep all that in mind. Thank you, doctor. Youre welcome. So, before you go into a risky area, you might want to make a checklist of the doctors dos and donts and tick off each one. For teen kids news, im scott. This important messages is brought to you by the aclu because Constitution Day is every day. Some things in life we take for granted until we dont have them anymore. Eden has the story. Meet daria. Like lots of teens, she plays soccer. A musical instrument. And can text as fast as she can talk. But in one way, shes very different. Unlike everyone else in her family and unlike most kids, daria has had no hair since she was a very little girl. Well, when i was 14 months old, i was losing my hair, and we went to a doctor, and they told us to go to, like, a hair specialist, and they said that i had alopecia. Alopecia is a hairloss disease. Theres three different types of alopecia. Theres alopecia areata, theres alopecia totalis, and theres alopecia universalis. Daria has universalis, which is the most severe case of alopecia. That means a childhood, and possibly a lifetime, without hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes. And it means dealing with people who might think shes seriously ill. They associate hair loss with cancer treatments. Daria has learned to explain that she feels just fine. Alopecia doesnt really make a difference. Its just hair. People do have a tendency to look and stare and wonder what she has, so its good. Its good for her confidence, that shes able to get out there and do things. One of those things is working to promote a cause that has helped her a lot. Locks of love is the charity that encourages people to cut off their long hair and donate it to people who need wigs for medical reasons. You can go to any hairdresser, and if you have 10 to 12 inches, you just send it to locks of love. I actually heard about locks of love when she was very young. They had said that she was too young at that point to really be involved in the whole thing. So they later contacted us. I guess they kept us on file. Daria was 7 when she got her first wig from locks of love. The Organization Also gave her a platform arranging Television Appearances where she could explain her disease and the charity. That gave the confidence to talk to the toughest crowd of all her peers at a special assembly. We set up a powerpoint presentation, and she spoke, and it was fantastic. And that was just the beginning. She has a hair drive at the local high school every year where they bring in a salon, a whole bunch of stylists, and they cut peoples hair. She goes to another school where she speaks with the health classes, and then they also have hair drives. I think she handles it very well. I mean, she definitely has a tougher time than a lot of her friends, but she still plays sports, she still does Everything Else everyone does, and shes still happy. [ laughs ] happy to give back to the organization that not only provides her with hair but with the opportunity to make a difference. For more information on locks of love, check out our website. Im eden for teen kids news. Coming up, ill tell you how a hole in the tucson desert helped to keep our country safe from nuclear attack. Nuclear weapons put an end to world war ii. The bombs dropped on hiroshima and nagasaki caused terrible destruction and the surrender of japan. Nuclear weapons have never been used since, except as a threat to prevent further war, not with the japanese, but with the soviet russians. One of those threats was here in the arizona desert. Its now a fascinating museum. This site was built because it was in the 1960s during the cold war, where we were sort of at war with the former soviet union. So when the soviets aimed their Nuclear Missiles at the United States, we aimed missiles back at them, missiles called icbms. Icbm stands for intercontinental ballistic missile. That means it could fly from our continent to another continent carrying a Nuclear Warhead. One kind of icbm was the titan ii. It was a giant rocket kept armed and ready to launch in an underground chamber called a silo. In all, there were 54 silos spread across uninhabited areas of the u. S. Theyre no longer in use, but you can take a tour of one, thanks to the Arizona Aerospace foundation. Well, nicole, first of all, welcome to Launch Complex 5717. Thank you. Were gonna go underground. Whoohoo. Nuclear missiles are always kept underground because that is the safest place you can be in a nuclear war. That is true. So were gonna go down about 35 feet. Okay, watch your step here. As i followed chuck, he explained what it was like to visit the site when it was manned by the air force and fully operational. Visitors didnt just drop by. So, this little area that we just came through is called the entrapment cage. Were gonna keep everybody that comes in locked in this little cage until we figure out that they actually belong here, looking at them on a Closedcircuit Television camera. They got to read a special code to get in. Huh. Whats the s the special code changes with every person who comes on the complex. Its whats called a onetime code. Now that its a museum, we dont need a code, but we still need to get past these special doors. Theyre designed so that one door only opens after the other door closes. And the walls down here are superthick 4 feet of concrete. Chuck led us to the nerve center of the big underground complex. Well, this is the control center. And this is where the crew waited while they were waiting for the order to launch their missile. And lucky for us that they never got that far and were all still here to talk about it. So, the control centers pretty cool. The cool thing about the control center is that its a threestory building. So the crews quarters is right upstairs. Think about that its like a motel 2. And then downstairs is an equipment room. And the three floors are not attached to the walls. The entire structure is bolted together and suspended from 18 springs around the perimeter of the room. So, in response to a nuclear shock wave, we would just bounce up and down or sway from side to side, and wed be safe. So, really what all of this equipment is, all of this is just designed to keep the missile in a constant state of readiness and to let us launch it if we get the legitimate order to do that. Wow. When we return, i get to experience what it meant to be responsible for launching a titan ii Nuclear Missile. Music i want some more. Whats he doing . Please sir, i want some more. More . He has asked for. Thank you. Well he did say please. Yes he did. And thank you. Please and thank you. Pass it on. crowd of children thank you. Were in the command center at the Titan Missile museum near tucson, arizona. Chuck is running me through the complex procedure of launching a titan ii Nuclear Missile. So, nicole, im gonna ask you to have a seat in the commanders chair right there. Okay. And well talk about how whats the process for actually launching the missile. First of all, the only person in the United States who can authorize the use of Nuclear Weapons is. The president. President. Right. I knew you would know that. Its in all the movies, right . Wherever the president goes, hes followed around by this guy with a briefcase, and they often refer to that as the football. If the president were to open the briefcase and send the message to launch, itd set off a response like this at every missile silo around the country. [ alarm beeping ] alpha23charliehotelmike. So, you and i are gonna grab our decoder books and start writing down the message in these notebooks. Were gonna write every letter and number that we hear down in the spaces provided. And it goes on and on for like 35 characters. When were done copying the message, were gonna swap notebooks and check each others work. Theyll read the message for you again so you can kind of check your work. And if were convinced that weve copied the right message, then we have what is called a valid message and authorization to take our locks off this big, red safe. And there are two locks on the safe. Theres a lock for me and a lock for you, and we know our own combinations, but we dont know each others, so we both have to agree to open the safe. Out of the safe, were gonna take a couple different things. Were gonna take a group of authenticator cards, and they look Something Like this. So, in our secret message, they gave us a code word. And were gonna look at the first two letters of the code word. Say its q5, all right . And were gonna open this envelope up. And inside, theres the whole code word. And if that code word matches the code word in our radio message, then this is a legitimate order from the president of the United States. Attention crew. We have a valid launch order at this time. Would you acknowledge, please . [ indistinct talking ] all right. The next thing we take out of the safe is our launch keys. It takes two keys to fire the missile. You put a key in right here cause youre the commander. I put a key in way over here cause im the deputy. The keys need to be turned within two seconds of each other and held in the turn position for five seconds to start the launch. That guarantees that two people are required to do this. One person cant run back and forth, all right . What else . Also in our secret message, we get the time of launch. Write it with what amounts to a crayon right across the face of the clock so you dont forget. And last but not least, we get the secret unlock code for the missile. This next secret code will unlock valves to fuel the missile. It comes in with the launch order. The code is complex to make sure the launch is very deliberate. You need to accomplish four things to launch the missile, and they are authenticate the message, right, install your keys, figure out the time of launch, enter the bvl combination. Once youve done that, you are good to go. All set, commander . All set. Now, first of all, lets just reiterate that this is a retaliatory weapon, so we would not be asked to launch this unless the enemy had already fired at us. So we can assume that topside, up there, Nuclear Bombs are going off someplace. So this is our cue to go. All right, commander, what you need to do is give me a countdown like 3, 2, 1, turn keys, all right . Oh, and by the way, crew always use their left hand to turn the key, okay . Oh, is there a reason for that . Yeah, there is. The reason the crew use their left hand is because if you use your right hand, you obscure your view of these lights. Its important to see when those lights come on. Okay, commander, give me the countdown, and well send this missile on its way. Okay. 3, 2, 1. Turn keys and hold. I see a light come on. Okay, you may release. Thats all there is to it. The little green light says launch enable. For all intents and purposes, that little light should say welcome to world war iii. Its comforting to point out that these missiles were only launched in drills like this one. Red alert, red alert, red alert. Lets have a comm check, please . Loud and clear. Roger. Initiate terminal count order has been received. Power house start locks only. Launch exercise checklist, please . Oh, and one more thing. The museum wants everyone to know the missile here is no longer armed and dangerous. This is the top of the silo. The structure right behind me is the silo door. Rides back and forth on Railroad Tracks like this. Weighs 760 tons can be fully opened in 20 seconds. The missile is right under that glass window. We put a glass window on there to satisfy the soviets so they can look down there with spy satellites and figure out that its not an active missile. In time of war, this is where the missile would come out and begin its flight. Well continue our tour of this Incredible Museum when teen kids news returns. Were below the surface of the arizona desert. Today, this is the Titan MissileNational Historic landmark, a museum. But for many years, this missile site was on constant alert. Just sitting in the commanders chair gives you the feeling of the tremendous responsibility these officers had. Yvonne morris used to sit in it for real i spent four years in this chair from 1980 to 1984 because i was a titan ii missile combat crew commander who was stationed at this site during that time. Now she helps run the museum. But back in the day, she was in the hot seat. I was in charge of the crew that would have launched the missile that was based here if we had been ordered to do so. How did it help keep us safe from attack . Well, the titan ii system, its job was peace through deterrence. That meant that we were supposed to show the former soviet union that if they ever launched their missiles against us, that we would launch titan ii missiles, among others, against them and that we would retaliate with such force that they would not be able to survive it. And thats called mutual assured destruction. Mutual assured destruction. Its mad, all right. And the memory of that tense time is the reason this museum exists. Well, we made it into a museum because you cant know what the future is gonna be or you cant influence the future if you dont understand where you came from. And so, in the future, people are gonna have to make some very important decisions about Nuclear Weapons and how theyre used, and they can get the information or at least some of the information that they need to know to make those decisions right here. Interesting as the control center was, there was still a lot more to see on our tour. Okay, nicole, lets head down toward the silo. And while were going, just kind of stop real quickly along the way. Theres something id like to show you. These are propellant handling suits. Wow. Propellant for titan ii is really toxic, and so if youre gonna be working with it, you got to wear these suits. Theyre like moon suits, but theyre not airconditioned. So if youre wearing one on the surface and its like 105 degrees, about 15 minutes is all you can stand. Oh, my gosh. Starkraving mad. You want to try the helmet on . Absolutely. Check this out. Go ahead. Oh, its heavy. Yeah, the whole suit everything, oxygen, everything weighs almost 50 pounds. To get to the silo, we need to walk through this large tunnel. Its called a cable way. A cable way is fully shockisolated. These are springs on both sides. And the reason is, its carrying electric power cables from the silo. Its carrying missile telemetry cables over here. Its carrying piping to the control center on this side. So the whole thing is shock resistant . Thats right. If we got a hit, itd all stay together. But it never got tested. It never got tested. Thats a good thing. All right, nicole. Were gonna go where we never take visitors. Ooh. Right this way. Wow so here it is. This is the missile, huh . This is the missile. This is titan ii. And the whole purpose the only purpose of this whole big missile is to deliver that Nuclear Warhead to a target on the other side of the world. Just that little bit of black at the top there . Just that little black cone at the top is the only part that actually makes it to the target. Everything else is thrown away in flight. For this huge missile. Oh, my gosh. How big is it . I will show you how big it is. Take a look over the edge. [ gasps ] wow it is 10 stories straight down. Its such a long way down that to visit the bottom of the missile, we had to take an elevator. All right. All righty. This is so cool. Youll love this. Wow look up. [ gasps ] oh, my goodness. Is that something . Whoa. Fortunately, america has never had to fire a Nuclear Missile in wartime and hopefully never will. For teen kids news, im nicole. Well, that wraps it up for this weeks teen kids news, but well be back next week, so see you then. Announcer brought to you by. For more than 40 years, working to preserve the world we share. Hanna theyre adorable. Theyre fuzzy. Theyre the International Symbol of australia. But here in the pilliga forest, theyre struggling to survive. [ african tribal music plays ]