Ill have a report from the front lines. They are three little letters, but they can spell the difference between life and death cpr. Ill explain what they stand for. A huggable egg from outer space, and thats just for starters here at this Amazing Museum of art. And theres lots more ahead, so stay with us. Welcome to teen kids news. Im mwanzaa. And im livia. Heres this weeks top story. Their slogan is do a good turn daily, and theyve been doing that for more than 100 years. Lauren reports that girl scouts are celebrating the beginning of a new century of girl power. When you think of girl scouts, what do you think of . Cookies. Cookies. Thin mints. I think of, like, little girls and i think of cookies. Well, how about robots . Or writing letters of appreciation to those serving in our military . Or chemistry experiments . Were making gak for girl scouts so they can learn about polymers. It felt really squishy. This is just one of the many celebrations across the country for scoutings 100th anniversary. There are activities for the littlest daisies and brownie scouts, up through juniors and cadets, to seniors and ambassadors. So, you can learn about different things, and you can kind of change the world in your own way. Girl scouts have been changing the world ever since they got started in savannah, georgia, in 1912. Back then, the first troop had just 18 girls. Today, there are more than 2 million scouts. Our founder, Juliette Gordon low, believed that girls needed to take charge, and she wanted to teach girls how to be secure, how to be confident, how to look after themselves, how to have a career. When girl scouting began, women were not even allowed to vote. But thanks to the leadership training girls get in scouting, women have come a long way. Today, two out of three women serving in congress were once girl scouts. So were 80 of all the women who now run their own businesses. To prepare the leaders of tomorrow, the girl scouts of america is a partner in the national s. T. E. M. Project. S. T. E. M. Stands for science, technology, engineering, and math. I actually started in fifth grade with the younger robotics team, and i have now moved up to this team. So, its a great way to get girls into s. T. E. M. , and this gets them interested in the field. Scouting also has a long tradition of service. To help other people is in the first line of the girl scout pledge. I taught boys and girls how to pitch a tent, how to build a fire, and how to tie knots, and all the camping skills. My project was entitled dover kids say boo to bullying. It was an antibullying program that i implemented at the local elementary school. Those are just some of the many Service Projects that earned these 200 scouts a gold award. The gold award is the highest level of achievement that a girl can receive in girl scouting. It is the girl who has put in the most service hours, who has dedicated themselves to creating a project that is not just to get them into college, but a project thats gonna make a difference in their world and their community, and they did it themselves. Nowadays, girl scouting also emphasizes personal growth. You can earn badges for a journey of selfdiscovery. And guess what can help selling those cookies. You learn about finance. You learn about how to set a goal, how to budget. And you learn those things by doing this experience. And the cookies help support all the other great things that girl scouts do. And, yes, dakota fanning, secretary of state clinton, venus williams, sheryl crow, and mariah carey were all girl scouts. For tkn, im lauren. Well be back with more teen kids news in just a few moments. Stick with us. In a tale of two cities, Charles Dickens wrote, it was the best of times, it was the worst of times. He could have been describing middle school. No question, middle school can be a challenge, and the challenges are different for guys than they are for girls. This week, scott reports on surviving middle school from the boys perspective. Middle school is lifechanging. Middle school is competitive. Annoying. Confusing. Its stressful. Middle school is a circus juggling act. Those comments dont surprise dr. Michael thompson, a psychologist and an author. He spent a lot of time studying the issues boys face in school. Boys are not as wired as well for school as girls are. Its a harder fit for them, and it is right to middle school, because theyre so much more physically active, theyre so much more impulsive, and they want to be outside running around. And boys are more likely than girls to drop out before finishing high school. But schoolwork isnt the only challenge boys face in middle school. I really appreciate you coming to talk to me. To help us with this report, dr. Thompson agreed to guide a discussion with some students from the Masters School in dobbs ferry, new york. You guys are all in sixth, seventh, and eighth grade, right . All yeah. All right. Do you think of middle school as being a pretty tough time in your life . Tougher than elementary . I feel that, during the middleschool years, socially, it gets a lot harder, but at the same time, its getting academically harder, which puts more stress on you than youve had in your, like, elementary years. You start to become more aware aware of your actions, what people think of you. You have academic worries, you have social worries. Yes, josh. I do find middle school a little harder, and not just because of the fact that school gets harder every year as you go on. As you get older, sometimes, for some people, it gets better because they strengthen and they get faster at stuff, but, like, for certain people like me, i dont, like, strengthen and stuff, and it gets worse. Youre saying you got to get more athletic, or else yeah. It gets worse for you. Why, josh . Does everybody have do all boys have to be a good athlete in middle school . I mean, i dont think that, but i feel that a lot of people do. And its definitely something that i found really hard, because i wasnt the fastest, i wasnt the strongest, i wasnt the best at sports. I think, in sixth grade, like, whos taller, whos faster, whos stronger. How many boys here have ever had the wish that you were growing faster . Ive noticed situations where in, like, sports or gym class, the teacher will be like, all boys on this side, all girls on this side. Yeah. And people will be like, hey, soandso, go over to the girls side. No boy wants his masculinity attacked. In fact, these students say its common for middleschool boys to insult one another. Even if only a joke, it can still be pretty hurtful. You have to be able to take a hit sometimes. From whom . Bullies, or just, you know. Are boys hard on each other in middle school . They can be, and sometimes they dont know theyre being hard on each other, because, i mean, i do it sometimes, too. Thats how we play. Thats how we joke around. Well continue this special report on surviving middle school when we return. And well get some advice on how to deal with that alien species, girls. And i feel like a lot of people are sort of not conforming, but changing themselves to try to fit in. Were back at the Masters School with more discussion on surviving those difficult middleschool years. To describe his challenge, this student uses a term that comes from battlefield medical treatment triage. Well, i think one of the biggest worries that i have is not just finding a balance between Academic Work and my social life, but kind of triaging them and finding out which one is, like, more important to focus on right now. That is definitely a big challenge for me. Mmhmm. Triaging. That means sorting out what youre supposed to do and whats most important. Its like prioritizing . Yeah. Yeah. Then theres the issue of cliques and exclusion. So, kids in middle school want to fit in, and if the group excludes you, you know youve been pushed to the side. Yeah. Experts say a good way to deal with this is to take advantage of the different activities middle school offers. Sure, theres joining a sports team, but there are all kinds of social groups available, from the school paper, to music, art, chess, foreign language, the environment, and so on. Or start your own club. The point is to find a group where youll feel comfortable fitting in. Of course, if youre lucky enough to be in a group, the nicest thing you can do is reach out. My advice, as someone whos been in this a long time is be willing to reach out to those other kids who might be standing by or on that fringe. Welcome them into your circle. As for the next big challenge, you can sum it up in one word girls. Whats difficult about girls . You never really know what theyre thinking, so. Can the girls hurt your feelings more than other boys can . It can be both. Some girls, they can just be really mean. Some can just exclude you from things, and you dont know what youve done to them. Like, the big difference between, like, girl bullying and boy bullying is that boys are much more, like, open about it. Theyll say, i dont like you, and this is why. Right. But then girls are more like, im gonna speak behind your back, but in front of you, im gonna be, like, really nice to you. According to dr. Thompson, there is a real difference here between boys and girls. Boys use direct aggression. They insult each other to their face, generally. Girls use indirect, or relational, aggression. They go behind each others backs, or they attack each others friendships. So, how do girls survive middle school . Well explore that in a separate report. Meanwhile, heres some words of advice from our guys. If you get rejected, just get back up. Always be yourself, and never be someone youre not. You have to stay strong. But also be nice. Like, try to get along with everyone. Stay on top of your work. Just keep calm. Try not to let what others say affect you too much, because youll see, you know, later on in your life that it doesnt really matter as much. Just be yourself, because people who you want to hang out with will accept you for who you are, anyways. Heres my advice. Avoid middleschool drama. Its just not worth it. For tkn, im scott. One thing you can expect from life is the unexpected. Thats why knowing some basic first aid is important. What is cpr . Cpr stands for cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and thats a really big term that basically means cardio heart pulmonary lungs resuscitation try to bring back. We provide a combination of chest compressions and rescue breaths to manually circulate blood throughout somebodys body, because when theyre in cardiac arrest, it means their hearts not working, so we need to work for it. Is it something that we all can learn . Absolutely. In a real red cross course, when you take the full thing, you learn how to give breaths, but absolutely anybody can learn how to do handsonly cpr. And thats what were gonna practice today. Okay, im ready. What do we do first . Step one we want to make sure this person is actually unconscious, because they might be napping. I dont know. So, lets find out. Hello . Can you hear me . Are you okay . Hello . If they dont respond, thats a problem. So, im gonna tell somebody else to go call 911 please, this persons unconscious then come back to me. Then i need to see if theyre breathing. So, im gonna open the airway with a head tilt, chin lift. Get really close to their nose and mouth to feel for breath on my cheek. Look at the chest for any movement, and im gonna do this for 10 whole seconds, cause i want to make sure its normal breathing. If theyre not breathing, we begin handsonly cpr. Thats compressions, not breaths, okay . Now, i know im wearing these gloves right here, but in real life, you can do them with or without. In the red cross course, we advocate for gloves because they help prevent disease transmission. Okay, two hands right in the center of the chest. Your shoulders directly over your hands for support. Youre gonna press at least two inches deep for an adult, about two inches deep for a child, and about 1 1 2 inches for an infant, at a rate of 100 compressions per minute, over and over and over again till that ambulance gets here. Sounds tiring. It is. It is a little tiring. So, ill do a few. One and two and three and four and five and six and seven and eight and nine and 10 and 11 and 12, 13, 14. All right. So, we keep going over and over till the ambulance gets there. In real life, you might get tired, as you mentioned. And if that happens, i really dont want you to pass out next to the [chuckling] person, so please take a break. You know, shake it out, stand up, do whatever you need to, and when you can, go back to it. Okay. Want to give it a shot . Yeah, sure. Come on in. Mmhmm. Three, two, one, go. One and two and three and four and five and six and seven and eight, nine, and 10, 11. [ chuckling ] nice. See, so, it is really hard. You want to try and hear that click every single time, cause thats when you know youve hit two inches. And how do you know youre doing it hard enough on a real person . On a real person, the most common mistake people make is they dont actually compress deep enough. So, think hard and fast. Dont worry about the depth. You might have to go a little harder than you think you do. Thats the only thing i can say about that. All right . So, when would you stop those compressions, cause in real life, you dont stop after 12 . When do we stop . You just keep going . You keep going. [ chuckling ] thats right. You dont stop. When that ambulance gets there, theyll tell you when to stop so that they can take over. Again, if you get tired, you can stop. But other than that, that is what youre gonna be doing to keep blood circulating for this person. To find out more about cpr and first aid, theres a link to the American Red Cross on our website. For tkn, im alexa. This might surprise you. Our lungs are more exposed to the world around us than our skin is. An allergy doctor put it this way the average persons lungs have about the same surface area as a tennis court. So, when it comes to inhaling harmful chemicals from smoking, need i say more . When you think of an art museum, do you imagine a place thats as quiet as a church, with a lot of paintings hanging on walls . Well, carly says, think again. Baltimore is like Many American cities. It has big buildings, a baseball stadium, and all sorts of historic sites. But baltimore also boasts a rather unusual museum. Hi, carly. Hey, how are you . Good, welcome to the American Visionary Art Museum. Awesome. Why dont you show me around . Okay, great. Nick explained that all the art here is a celebration of imagination. So, whats this . This is actually a sculpture of icarus by artist andrew logan. Hes on a winch, so he goes up and down through our stairwell all throughout the day. Wow. Thats so cool. Yeah. In greek myth, icarus was the guy who ignored his fathers warnings and flew too close to the sun. He crashed. [ crash ] anyway, back to the museum. The exhibits are as unusual as they are colorful. For example, these pieces of art are made from beads the kind people wear at mardi gras celebrations. Our museum, carly, is dedicated to visionary art, and thats actually art made by selftaught artists. These artists were inspired by a voice or a vision that they had something that inspired them just to create. A fire inside of them. And some of these artists were inspired to create some pretty strange things. This certainly looks like a throne that would be any kings crowning glory, but look closer. Its made out of nothing more royal than bottle caps. Theres so much to see here, that we asked the founder of the museum to show us the top five things that you shouldnt miss. Okay, carly, this is our numberfive pick. This is a scale model of the famous boat, lusitania, by the visionary artist named wayne kusy. And its made out of guess what. What . 193,000 toothpicks. Wow. How long did it take him to make this . Well, it took him about 2 1 2 years. You can see all the effort. All right, so lets go to number four. Number four, youre gonna love. Number four is our giant pink poodle, fifi. Wow. Thats not just a giant sculpture. This can be pedaled, humanpowered, all around the city of baltimore for 15 miles. Fifi shares the gallery with other moveable sculptures. Once a year, they all take to the streets in a wild and wacky race. Our race starts the first saturday of may, and we get, like, 40 different sculpture vehicles, and then they have to be pedaled through mud pits and up and down hills, and then they have to float over the water. Well have more of the top things to see at the American Visionary Art Museum in baltimore when tkn returns. Were back at baltimores American Visionary Art Museum, and were getting a tour of its top five attractions. Number five was the toothpick ship. Number four was a giant poodle you can pedal. So, this is our number three, right . This is our cosmic galaxy egg, and it was made by andrew logan. And it has the reallife images from deep space of dying galaxies, which turn reddish before they pass away, and then infant stars. Its not often you get to hug an entire galaxy. Guess you can call this an intergalactic, interactive exhibit. And this is what you call a wind tower, or a whirligig. Its the creation of a North Carolina farmer named vollis simpson. He was 76 years old when he made this. Hes 93 and still making whirligigs. And he said, i had a lot of junk, and i had to do something with it. Its a moving monument to recycling, made from cutup street signs, parts from cars and bikes, and other strange things. Whats really cool is that the more you look, the more you see. People love it. It got baltimores most beloved piece of public sculpture. Well, i can see why people liked it. You want to go in at number one . Absolutely. Just turn right around, carly. I think this is b for bling for baltimore. This entire wall is a mosaic of broken mirrors and glass. And not just any glass. The blue glass is known as baltimore glass all around the world because bromoseltzer and noxzema were made here for over 100 years. But to get the full effect, you have to see the museum from a distance. No doubt, its unlike any other building youve ever seen. The outside is as much a work of art as any of the works displayed in its three buildings, and just as unique. So, what did you think about the art museum . I think the art museum was really cool. It had some cool art and very Creative Things inside it. My favorite part was the big, fluffy dog. I particularly liked the display with all the kinetic sculptures. Each sculpture is connected to a handle. When you turn it, you can make the sculpture move. Weird, funny, awesome. Those might not be adjectives you usually use to describe art, but they certainly apply here, because this art is visionary. For tkn, im carly. Thats teen kids news for now. Thanks for tuning in. Well be back next week. See you then

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