Season system is what we are dealing with and you can see on satellite here. It is dropping down from the coast of alaska and ushering in some cool air appeared it is a wet start to the week end and we will have a chance of thunderstorms this morning in north bay appeared we are expecting clear skies tonight and it would get pretty cold. Well take a look at that later in the forecast. As the bart contract negotiations drag on the Transit Agency is already teaching managers how to operate trains in the event of a strike appeared the training is taking place inside a vallejo warehouse appeared where bart managers have been learning or in some cases relearning how to operate trains appeared barred union says again today they are strongly opposed to the plan appeared it is reckless and dangerous. Theyre taken very likely what a train operator does spirit alive management would need final approval from above bart board of directors before managers cant run trains. Meanwhile negotiations will resume on monday appeared to align the cooling off period is expected to expire on a protest appeared Golden Gate Bridge authorities have given the goahead for a mobile barry on the bridge. It will replace the plastic cones that are currently used to separate oncoming lanes on traffic appeared kron 4 g jeff bush explains what the barry will do and spoke with a chp officer about how the burial will affect the safety on the bridge. Bridge officials are calling the barrier a safety and has appeared the safe there in hazin the e similar to when you see on your screen appeared most of the accidents on the bridge are minor fender benders involving cars going in the same direction. He is glad there will be improved safety on the bridge. The bulk of the funding for this barrier came from the metropolitan transportation division. It could then 20 million for the bay area and the remaining 6 billion came from collecting tolls here at the break gate. Kron4 reached out to bay area drivers to see what they thought about the new Golden Gate Bridge barry appeared so if somebody is texan on the phone you can get into a headon collision at any time. Not sure i would need to see what looks like some states one that appeared as long as it is Cost Effective it will not raise our taxes. I think it is reasonable way sensible and will prevent potential head on collisions by people are testing doyle their makeup or shaving and should be planted to the role appeared in other news the oakland as are closer to becoming champions appeared the as won over the Minnesota Twins last night that as magic number dropped to two with an 11 01 over the Minnesota Twins last night but heres the deal pays have to win today and the rangers have to lose. If the as beat the twins this afternoon there will have to sit and wait several hours to see what happens with the rangers will play a night game in kansas city pier it will be an interesting day for the as fans today appeared that as take on the twins in oakland with the first pitch at 1 05. Just as the niners are getting ready to take on the indiana coast mar 49 as linebacker aldon smith is in trouble again. Smith was arrested for possession of marijuana and was released after posting six to 300 bail charges are still pending appeared smith has had previous run in with police before appeared in january 2012 he was arrested in miami for a deal i appeared and last year in jail smith was an allegedly flying gulls ed teammates appeared the shots reportedly heard a man appeared just last week that victim filed a lawsuit against men. And then on friday morning smith was arrested after colliding colliding with someone in san jose appeared now lets look outside the san mateo bridge this weekend with cloudy conditions. We are tracking the rain for you this one will have that we come back from the brake on kron4 news weekend. Google, what is glossophobia . Glossophobia, is the fear of public speaking. The only thing we have to fear is. Fear itself. E nodrow clatin ery daduri yon focontuouse18ays dayof ctinus reef. Livelarin clr. Ery y. Thousands of californians are heading to the beach today, all to trade in the b stock for a bucket today is California Coastal cleanup day appeared the states largest volunteer events appeared kron 4 news mike pelton is at ocean beach where the cleanup begins later this morning appeared last your volunteers removed 730,000 lbs. Of trash from the areas beaches and waterways. The trash is incredible it kills birds it endangers our economy about ecology. Mix the beach but we appear the cleanup begins at 9 00 this morning and if you want to volunteer you will need to bring your own pair of gloves and bucket. You also need to sign a waiver that to consign all. They also give a 100 for the most unusual piece of debris that is found appeared back to you it appeared that of the way. Baggataway. Lines and tempers dont mix some fighting in pasadena where people were lining up to buy the new iphone appeared three people were arrested and more than 80 people were brought ian just a whole place is in line for one man who resells the iphone appeared apple heard about this scheme and limited the number falls gigabyte appeared here in the bay area when hundreds of people waited to get their hands on the new iphone. But many people could not get the new iphone test model and the color they wanted and the company is experiencing a serious shortage. We are tracking some rain on this kron4 morning news. Alleged no ha long the rain will last one we come back from the brake on kron 4 news weekend. That headband looks ridiculous. Your dog is ug. Nice tail, ler. When you dont have a good breakfast, it makes you grumpy. Thats why ive got warm and flaky croissant sandwiches made with fresh egg and melting cheese choose supreme or sausage. Right now theyre 2 for just 3. 50. Thats a great value thatll put anyone in a good md. Get off my lawn, clown you sir, have excellent water pressure in california say it could take months even years to rebuild from the devastating floods in the state appeared a number of people on account of four has dropped to rte. 80 and the death toll remains at seven. Fema has approved 8 million in aid for homeowners in colorado because of a floating pier now will have a look at the forecast appeared as take a look outside the Golden Gate Bridge carries you concede some low clouds and spotty showers this morning. It is a little bit cool outside this morning with a chance of thunderstorms in the north bay appeared at stone trochophore we can see some showers in the north the bay. By 10 00 a. M. Today the rain will be widespread in the north bay appeared by 2 00 p. M. In oakland it would be a downpour of rain and widespread in the south bay. Temperatures will be a little bit chilly this afternoon appeared low seventies through pleasanton and livermore appeared at about mid60s for downtown San Francisco this afternoon. The first day of fall will be a dry one tomorrow on sunday appeared back to you if the first you dont succeed try try again for more than 40 times as how many time House Republicans have passed a measure to deFund Obama Care appeared this is what the potential for a Government Shutdown that could force federal workers including members of the military to go without pay and shut me out if its not most for offices and programs. Shannon trevors reports friday republicans passed a short talk term plan that sets up the possibility of a government shut down if lawmakers cannot make an agreement by september 30th if there president obama talk about this situation. He states that they are not focused on you they are focused on politics. They are focused on trying to mess with me just to make sure that tens of millions of midamerica is continued to a not have health care appeared the bill will be dead on arrival says some politicians fear the United States senate will not repeal or deFund Obama Care appeared why did House Republicans passed this bill that will likely never become law . They are afraid of people within their own party. They feel like they have to take this vote. In washington shannon tram spirit a hotel and rhode island is shedding new light on the Washington Navy yard shooter aaron alexis. Police interviewed alexas on august 7th a resident in milton after getting reports of harassment. Police said alexis told them he thought three people were following him. He also said he was hearing voices and had to change hotels twice with the voices followed him. Investigators still try to determine alexises motive for gunning down 12 people at the Washington Navy yard last monday appeared before it is in chicago shirked searching for those the response before shooting that injured 13 people including a toddler. 10 adults, two teenagers and a threeyear old war were shot in the attack. Police believe the shooting in a park on the citys south side was gang related. Threeyearold the vaunted power is in serious but stable condition after being shot in the face. The toddlers mother describes her car when she saw her son. Authorities in chicago say and insults our rifle with a highcapacity magazine is used in thursday nights shooting appeared there have been more than 1600 shootings in chicago this your loan and 315 people have died so far appeared u. S. Secretary perry state of john kerry met friday with Dutch Foreign minister franz temins at the state department appeared the two leaders discussed efforts to disarm syrria for chemical weapons. Carey said he also spoke with his russian counterpart early in the day. I like to mention this morning, i had a fairly long conversation with foreign minister lev roy and talking about the cooperation, which we both agree to continue to provide, not only toward the adoption of the open sea w rules and regulations, but also a resolution that is firm and strong with you and. We will continue to work on that. In peer careys comments made ahead of next weeks General Assembly meeting of the united nations. Meanwhile the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons said friday that syria has some of an initial disclosure of its chemical weapons program. Governor jerry brown signs legislation on friday in rules for California Oil drillers. Will have more we come back on kron4 morning news. At Kaiser Permanente weve reduced serious heart attacks by 62 , which makes days with grandpa jack 100 more possible. Join us at kp. Org and thrive. Extra curricular activities help provide a sense of identity and a path to success. Joining the soccer team. Getting help with math. Going to prom. I want to learn to swim. Its hard to feel normal, when you cant do the normal things. To help, sleep train is collecting donations for the extra activities that, for most kids, are a normal part of growing up. Not everyone can be a foster parent. But anyone can help a foster child. Iphone 5 and the iphone sea went on sale yesterday morning and they both sold out fast here at 7 59 a. M. There were 244 people in line waiting to buy the foam. The first person was in line at 6 00 a. M. Thursday morning. Some fans slat on the streets for days and from the palo alto store of apple appeared yet it is lame and dorky to wait in line for fong but this time it turned out to be the right move appeared apple in pollees cheered and greeted the first people in line had after that the crime realize there was nothing really to come out about appeared employees walked aligned with their inventories and broke the bad news right off the bat the first people to lie could not get the five as a model that they wanted the color of the size carrier because they were out of stock if they want to walk away with an iphone they had to be flexible. Youve heard it right this guy was second in line and there were only three gold 16 gig i phones when the store open and he got the team mobile 1 appeared this guy paid extra for the go. This guy paid extra for the gold won. Apple is in trouble because they do not have enough apple iphone esses because people want the high end model and there is a serious shortage of the bold iphone spirit unless you are willing to pay that are hundreds of cell on ebay right now starting at 1,000. Allow the people are paying 1,000 for new iphone. This gabe slate with your tech report. Back after a break. Unbelievable. Shhhhh in our day, we didnt have uverse high speed internet. Yeah, our babysitter didnt have a million ways to serve mom up on a silver platter. We had to count sheep to fall asleep. And i always worried that i was creating an overcrowded sheep farm. In my head. Never looked like that farmer took proper care of those sheep. Too much . A little. [ male announcer ] connect all your wifienabled devices with uverse high speed internet. Rethink possible. Pperajalapes, bon,oms, matond avocado. Ernet. I ca it,the avoca da nci. Crea youomlartith dennys ild ur o omette menu. Negotiations contract continue bart managers have been training or relearning how to operate trains appeared bards union said again today that they are strongly opposed to this plan appeared we have about a dozen non represented employees who are certified to operate the trains and we are training some of the people who had past experience in making sure that they are able to get a train operator certifications if necessary in case of a bart strike appeared to bar union says they are not taken seriously the training needed pierre management when the final approval before managers can run trains. Meanwhile negotiations will resume on monday and a cooling off period will end on october 10th. Kron4 jeffs bush will explain about the barriers on the bridge and how it would affect the safety of the bridge pier the Golden Gate Bridge officials insist that it is safe for drivers. They just want to make it safer appeared the district approved a 26 milliondollar removable barrier that will be installed next year appeared theyre calling the barrier a safety and has appeared currently drivers going in a Different Directions only have a small piece of plastic that was separate them. The new barrier will be made of steel at and concrete. Chp officer controls the bridge every day and he says that most of the accidents on the bridge are minor fender benders involving cars going in the same directions and the burial will do nothing to prevent those accidents. But he is glad that there will be improved safety on the bridge. The barrier will avoid head on collisions at the big concrete barrier is put in place pierre the bulk of the cost of the barrier 26 million came from a fund the balance of the 26 million came from collecting funds at the toll bridge pier if someone is testing on the phone while driving over the big bridge you can get into a head on collision states one of the drivers. I think the bear is reasonably sensible and it will prevent a potential head on collision by people who are testing, due on their makeup or shaving when it should be paid attention to the road appeared now is take a look outside this morning we are tracking some rain this morning appeared the satellite and radar shows that we see a cooling system dropping down from alaska. Storm trackers shows in the north bay right now rain which will grow more widespread throughout the day appeared this morning we are dealing with some low clouds out there this morning and this evening we are expecting rain perry it will cool off and drive off in the 7 day forecast. Will have the full report coming up in just a bit scared this just in to the kron 4 news in kenya 22 people were killed and 50 wounded in a shootout between police and the gunman in an upscale Shopping Center in nairobi. Police are trying to negotiate their release appeared the attackers appeared to be a somali appeared to pit bull attack a 10 year old martina as boy last month. Thats according to a staff report released by the city of antioch. And reports say the dog owners son was also been in the attack. Hunter kill border was visiting a friend in antioch on august 11th. When the reports says the two dogs named jules and duke attacked him. Initially the dollar on is told investigators, on one of the dolls was involved in the attack appeared kill born suffered major injuries to his face and body requiring multiple surgeries. On friday he was invited to watch this his Favorite Team the oakland as. Take batting practice and watch them square off against the Minnesota Twins. His mother says he was he has the report and believes both dog should be euthanize. The mother goes on to say that the dog owners have not reached out to her or her son since the attack appeared both dogs are currently under quarantine. The two families are scheduled to appear in a hearing next week to determine whether or not the dogs should be euthanize the staff report recommends the dogs be put to rest here oakland as as used Oakland Raiders cornerback ty 1 joneses abroad and get a pit bull mauled investigation. Authoritys said to pit bull mixes belong to jones killed a neighbor saw what our this week. The neighbor says she was walking her 12 year olds to wall on the to pick bulls mix is accompanied by jones is charged in her dog jones said the dogs have another attack humans or other animals before appeared as the dogs and now being quarantined pending the investigation. Will have people behaving badly with Stanley Roberts to become back from the break. Mine was earned in djibouti, africa. 004. Vietnam in 1972. [ all ] fort benning, georgia in 1999. [ male announcer usaa Auto Insurance is often handed down from generation to generati. Because it offers a superior level of protectn and because usaas commitnt to serve military members, veterans, and their familis is without equal. Begin your legacy, get an Auto Insurance que. Usaa. We know what it means to see. T wh theesehoes stt huing, i ve ttakethemff. Unl i unddr. Holl foher. Ppy et. Thiss haines soiveot ergy d ste all y. Drschos r he. Ppy et. Thiss haines r hes d fls. M a liev. This truck there is something going on something that happens all too often on the streets of San Francisco. Dont point that can read us in. No its not to people schilling behind a truck in the south of market area it is this one is shooting up in broad daylight no clear return with the camera and yes it is disturbing. And what happens next is even more disturbing affleck she finishes shooting up she gathers her stuff and goes on about her business. The problem outside of the fact that she is shooting up is what she left behind, the used syringe, a needle attached not one but two. Over all the other side of town at the lower sparked they have a similar problem people are living used syringes lying around, some of capp like this one lying near this concrete walking path is capped, but still would you want your child to find is even at the childrens pet playground in has to be cleaned out just about every morning because used syringes are being discarded sometimes in the sandbox pier is amazing how like a wall around the city in 5 syringe is simply lying in the street saw on capp some not. Some city streets cleaners have these biohazard containers so if they happen across a syringe in can be reported late properly disposed of. Ok heres what i get really nasty i spoke to a person who says that some of these discarded needles reused what frustrates me the most is that i was able to fight all these needles not a few days for a few hours 3 to be exact. And to the one shooting up. This is so disturbing also minerals in San Francisco stutterers kron4 news appeared welcome back time now 746 a. M. Appeared we are seeing some areas of rain right now we have john do with the forecast here we are dealing with some shower activity mainly in the north bay. Why did spread this afternoon and a chance of thunderstorms spawned some are in the north bay appeared futurecast 4 shows us that late morning the shower activity will pick up. It will be widespread in the north bay and the peninsula. Rain will taper off in the evening hours today appeared the afternoon highs will be chile today, only getting into the low 70s appear upper seventies in the san jose and oakland appeared low 70s in napa this afternoon appeared this is a wet last day of summit today with a dry daystar lamar as the first day of fall begins appeared the oakland as can clinch their second consecutive title as they beat the twins last night appeared gary radnich had those sports stories next appear minnesota is blount out levenson nothing appeared in other news. We will be back after the break on kron4 news week ended. [ phone ringing ] [ daughter ] hi mom. Hey honey, the trips great, very relaxing. Are you sure you cant make it . But you come every year you could be playing bingo right now woooo and theres movie night you love movies [ laughs ] sorry honey, cant hear you bad connection. Love you [ laughs ] [ female announcer ] find progresso heart healthy soup on sale now at your local safeway store. Fans wait for all year and it is here in full force. Football season. Heres todays health minute. Tailgating can be a lot of fun but the most important thing you must do is the best offense is is the best defense when it comes to protecting the food peer one in six people get sick from some sort of fool borne illness every year appeared you have to have some way to wash your hands when in Public Places where food is served here this is sense that they will not work with jerry brock hiring any more because of the failure of the movie alone ranger appeared there will be a balloon race or 80,000 people are expecting to see the balloon glow which kicks off the race of the cities every year. A fireworks display followed the light show appeared they say this is the largest one day balloon race in the country. Kron4 news will continue after the break. Here is a look outside at the camera and it looks funny from here but we do have some areas, of rain that we are tracking this saturday morning. It is the last day of summer and we will be right back on kron4 news weekend. Topps stars will fallen on this saturday september 21st we are watching bay area weather this morning as we could be seeing some rain today appeared will have your forecast coming up appeared and the as magic number is now too. They could clinch the Al West Division title tonight. Will have the details and the large Coastal Cleanup in the california is taking place today appeared will have reports from just one of the many ocean volunteers acclaim up today appeared good morning. Allied with that we want to start off in the Weather Center this morning because were seeing rain and the forecast here is at his to do peer we are dealing with an early season system dropping down from the gulf of alaska brigade in some cooler temperatures appeared it is one to be wet for the last day of summer today appeared started out this morning we are in the 60s. We are expecting the sours to grow more widespread and a chance of thunderstorms in the north the bay this afternoon appeared we are expecting dry conditions to maar and will get pretty chilly tonight appeared to have the extended forecast we come up later in the broadcast appeared thousands of californians are heading to the beaches today, all to trade in the beach towel for a bucket. Today is California Coastal cleanup day. The states largest voluntary event appeared kron4 is mike pelton is lighted ocean beach where the cleanup begins later this morning. Good morning my appeared more than 70,000 people are expected to take part today not just in ocean beach but many locations across california and the bay area taking part in todays Coastal Cleanup day. Were talking about items like plastic bags or bottles here you can see the cleanup efforts from last year as volunteers in the east bay pick up trash pit 70,000 people are expected to partaken the clean up today. The event started in 1985 and last year over 700,000 lbs. Of trash were removed from the beasties and war to waves. When debris gets out into the ocean it kills all wild life and hundreds of thousands of marine animals and birds around the world because they come in contact with the breed. Plastic degree will get out into the ocean it is very damaging to the entire ecosystem. It affects their economies and the pride of our people appeared cigarette but account for 40 percent of all debate the breed that is found on the beaches appeared if you want to volunteer bring your own supplies bring on a bucket and a pair of gloves. This just into kron 4 news Kenya Red Cross says at least 22 people were killed and 50 were injured as Police Police did to shoot people who were Holding People hostage. Witnesses said the attackers threw grenades into a mall which was hosting a childrens day event appeared kenyan government and western diplomatic people say the attackers seem to be from somali appeared as the bart contract aggressions drag on the Transit Agency is already teaching managers how to operate trains appeared in the event of a strike. The training is taking place inside a vallejo warehouse where bart managers have been learning or in some cases relearning how to operate trains. Barts union say again today they are strongly opposed to the plan appeared quotation from a bart manager. Is that stranded dangers and reckless to lead a non train driver operates train peer management would need final approval from bart board of directors before managers could run trains appeared me why negotiations will resume on monday. The cooling off period is set to expire on october 10th. Golden gate bridge authorities have been given the goahead for a movable barrier on the bridge. It will replace the plastic cones that are currently used to separate oncoming lanes of traffic. Kron4 as jeff bliss explains what the barry will do it and spoke with a c h p officer about how the barrier will affect the safety on the bridge. A 26 milliondollar removal bulgaria will be installed next year and they are calling this a safety enhancement. Allied currently drivers driving in a different direction all have a small piece of plastic dividing them from each other. The new barrier will be made of plastic and concrete. One officer that patrols the bridge and 101 says that most of the accidents on the bridge are minor fender benders involving cars driving in the same direction. The burial would do nothing to prevent those accidents appeared right now there is no barrier on the southbound lanes. A barrier will prevent headon collisions and peer the bulk of the money coming from the federal transportation association. The remaining 6 million came from the tolls that were collected here at the Golden Gate Bridge. The bush kron 4 news appeared kron4 also reached out to bay area drivers to see what they thought about the new Golden Gate Bridge barry appeared you do not know what to expect if someone is taking on their phone you can get into a head on collision in peer im not sure i need to see what it looks like added if it is better than what we have i am all for it if it does not raise taxes in peer i think it is reasonably sensible and will prevent potential head on collisions by people are taxpaying colorado and their makeup, or shaving when it should be paid attention to the road in. The 80s are closer to coming a l west champs. The oakland as are closer to becoming American League west champions as early as tonight. After texas lost to kansas city 21 as the magic number dropped to two with an 110 romp over the Minnesota Twins last night. But heres the deal appeared the as have to win today and the rangers have to lose. If the as beat the twins this afternoon there will have to sit and wait several hours to see what happens with the rangers will play a night game in kansas city appeared it will be an interesting day for as fans today appeared i love having a free checked bag with my united mileageplus explorer card. Ive saved 75 in checked bag fees. [ delavane ] priority boarding is really important to us. You can just get on the plane and relax. [ julian ] having a card that doesnt charge you foreign transaction fees saves me a ton of money. [ delavane ] we can go to any country and spend money the way we would in the u. S. When i spend money on this card, i can see brazil in my future. [ anthony ] i use the explorer card to earn miles in order to go visit my family, which means a lot to me. In order to go visit my family, which means a lot to me. D i d li this fourinch bands en iirstot shingles staed on my bk. At ce arnd to e frt of my body. Anthe pai intoe toausee more paini d not h i and st, st wait upn a ball antillt paed. Enduring. It would run on the most Affordable Energy source available. It would charge overnight. Every morning, youd wake up with a full tank, ready to go. If the car was invented today, it would be the 100 electric nissan leaf. With over 200 million gasfree miles driven and automatic hov lane access, the question isnt why electric . Its why gas . [ male announcer ] the 100 electric nissan leaf. Nissan. Innovation that excites. Now get a 2013 nissan leaf for 199 a month. San doesnt San Jose Police say to boys accused of shattering car windows on highway 101 earlier this week have come for appeared to concede the damage on one of the cars. The chp says, at least a dozen cars had their windows broken by either 8 bb or pellet gun appeared in happen wednesday night on southdown 101 near mckee he and and 11 year old boy were responsible for the damages. The District Attorneys Office will decide whether killed a pedestrian in oakland in happen last night close to 8 00 p. M. Police transport a man who was struck by car as he was pushing another car. The driver fled hitting the man ont school it happen at fox elementary sometime between wednesday and graffiti appeared this is just another school, complete a remodeling project over the summer. The costume graffiti has not been determined. Will be back after the break a 47 colorado say could take months even years to recover from devastating flooding and sexes of the state. And now for new spills have been discovered in the flooded out fields. The spills were found yesterday appeared they include 2400 gallons from make topple storage tank and 900 more gallons, from an unspecified source. The number of people unaccounted for in the flooding has dropped to around 80 and the death toll remains at seven appeared the federal Emergency Management agency has approved 8 million in aid for home owners. Possible Government Shutdown. Allied we are dealing with an early system dropping down from the gulf of alaska brinnin down showers and making temperatures cooler appeared widespread rain today in the areas today appeared the Golden Gate Bridge we can see the break of sun said shine and where do with plenty of low clouds and temperatures are in the 60s. This afternoon we do have a chance of thunderstorms in the north bay appeared to mark it will be dry clear and warm as we head into the work week appeared by 10 00 a. M. Widespread rain in the north bay today appeared by 2 00 p. M. There will be a downpour in Oakland Pierre the rain will taper off in the evening hours and we will start to see drier conditions into tomorrow appear are now it is low 60s in downtown San Francisco pier 65 in fremont. The afternoon highs today will be in the 60s and 70s in the south bay pierre 71 the high in the almaden valley. 74 in pittsburgh appeared downtown San Francisco high today of 64 degrees. 60s and 70s today in the north bay appeared 66 degrees is a high for petaluma today. This is an last day of summer wet and rein in the forecast today appeared if the first you dont succeed try try again for more than 40 times. A line thats how many times House Republicans have passed the measure to deFund Obama Care. This sets up the potential for a Government Shutdown that could force federal workers included members of the military to go without pay and shut down many if not most for offices and programs. At friday House Republicans approved. If lawmakers cannot reach a compromise by september 30th on the obama care government could possibly shut down appeared obama theyre not focused on you appeared theyll focus on politics. Their focus on tried to mess with me. That will make sure that tens of millions of americans continue to not have health care appear the bill will be dead all arrive for even some of the republicans acknowledge the obvious. The United States senate will not repeal of the Fund Obama Care and to think we can is not rational appeared so why did House Republicans passed this bill that would never become law . They are afraid of people with in their own party. In washington on Shannon Travis appeared a hotel in rome island is shedding new light on the watch to navy yards to the alexis. Police interviewed alexis on august 7th and a residence in in in middletown after getting reports of harassment. Police said alexis told them he thought three people were following him. He also said he was hearing voices and had changed hotels twice, but the voices followed him. Investigators still trying to determine alexises, motive for gunning down 12 people at the Washington Navy yard last monday appeared of farleys in chicago are searching for those responsible for shooting that injured 13 people including a taut appeared to an adult tonagers and if real bore were shot in the attack. Police believe the shooting in a park on the citys south side was gangrelated. Brieux the vaunted howard is serious but stable condition after being shot in the face. The toddlers mother describes her heart when she saw her son. Authorities in jakarta say an assault style rifle was a high capacity magazine was used in thursday nights shooting appeared there have been more than 1600 shootings in chicago does your log and 315 people have died so far appeared gabe slate will have the tech report we come back from the break. [ phone ringing ] [ daughter ] hi mom. Hey honey, the trips great, very relaxing. Are you sure you cant make it . But you come every year you could be playing bingo right now woooo and theres movie night you love movies [ laughs ] sorry honey, cant hear you bad connection. Love you [ laughs ] [ female announcer ] find progresso heart healthy soup on sale now at your local safeway store. [ female announcer ] find progresso heart healthy soup thanks, olivia. Thank you. So you can make a payment from your cell to almost anyones phone or email. speaking french so you can express your gratitude. In the moment. Chase quickpay. So you can. New iphone c one on sale yesterday morning and sold out fast appeared there were 244 people in line and an ample store yesterday with the first person in line at six a m on thursday a empiric at the palo alto store one person stood in line for days. Apple employees cheered when the store opened and read the first allied with a warm welcome and after that there was nothing really to clap about peer employees walk the line with their file box of cards representing the inventory and broke the bad news right off the bat with the the first few people in line could not get the higher in iphone 5 as modern model that they won it in the color size and carrier. If they want to walk away with an iphone they had to be flexible. This guy was second in line and there were only freak gold 16 gig iphone available appeared there were a few 64 gig but paid extra for the gold. What apple is in trouble because they do not have enough apple iphone asses the higher end model. They also have a serious shortage of gold iphone spirit alleged you are willing to pay there are hundreds on sale for the bay selling for in the thousands of dollars. People are really paying over 1,000 for a gold iphone appeared time now a 28 will have more news and weather will we come back from the brake on kron4 news weekend. Unbelievable. Shhhhh in our day, we didnt have uverse high speed internet. Yeah, our babysitter didnt have a million ways to serve mom up on a silver platter. We had to count sheep to fall asleep. And i always worried that i was creating an overcrowded sheep farm. In my head. Never looked like that farmer took proper care of those sheep. Too much . A little. [ male announcer ] connect all your wifienabled devices with uverse high speed internet. Rethink possible. A. M. And we are starting with some areas of rain this morning. Still on track for shows that it is lead at in the north bay. We are expecting a wedtech last day of summer appeared we are expecting a wet last day of summer. We are expecting dry conditions starting to mar and a pretty chilly night in store for us. It is starting to feel like rockfall at around here appeared just as the niners are getting ready to take on the Indianapolis Colts to mar 49 is lot linebacker al the smith is in trouble again. Police arrested him on suspicion of driving under the influence appeared after his car crashed into a tree in san jose yesterday morning. The accident happened in the silver creek neighborhood. The older of the home where smith crashed his car describes what happened after she came outside appeared smith was also arrested for possession of marijuana appeared he was released after posting 5,200 bail and charges are still pending appeared to freeze has had previous one is with police appeared in january 2012 he was arrested in miami on suspicion of d u i. Pilaster in june smith was allegedly firing guns with former teammate the lanny walker doing a party at smiths house in san jose. The shots reportedly injured a man appeared and just last week that victim filed a lawsuit against meant a walker regarding the incident. Then we come to friday morning when smith was arrested on suspicion of dui i after colliding with a tree in san jose. And its not just a 49 year player who was in trouble Oakland Raiders quarterback ty one jones is involved in a deadly pick ball malling. Of course is set to pick picul mixes belong to jones killed a neighbor show why this week. The neighbor says she was walking her 12 year olds to walk when the to pit bull mixes accompanied by jos charged her dog. Jones says the dogs have never attack humans or other animals before appeared the dock to now being quarantined pending the investigation appeared to pit bulls attack a 10 year old boy martin s. By boy last month. Thats according to a staff report released by the city of antioch. And reports says the dog owners son was also did in the attack appeared hunter killed board was visiting a friend in antioch on august 11th when the report says the two dogs named jules and duke attacked him appeared initially the dog always told investigators only one of the dog was involved in the attack. Killed born suffered major injuries to his face and body regarding multiple injuries surgery appeared on friday he was invited to watch his Favorite Team the oakland as take batting practice and watched as or off against the Minnesota Twins. His mother says she has read the report and believes both dogs should be euthanize the mother goes on to say that dog owners have not reached out terror or had her son since the attack appeared both dogs are currently under quarantine. The two families are scheduled to appear at a hearing next week to determine whether not the dogs should be the ninth year the staff report recommends the dock to put to rest appeared san mateo countys former chief probation officer is now behind bars for possessing child pornography. On friday stored far as was sentenced to 10 months in county jail. He was also placed on three years probation and must register as a sex offender appear arts was found guilty of two counts of possession of child pornography back in july appeared he was arrested last december after the u. S. Postal Service Named him in a complaint alleging he had chopped corn on his computer appeared farce is spent 34 years as a probation officer in san the tail county appeared a science lab worker has been convicted of the possessing child porn on his work computer. The computer technician worked at the Lawrence Berkeley national lab laboratory. Steal de busby of richmond faces up to 20 years in prison. Investigators recovered more than 1400 top worn images that have been deleted from busbies computer appeared to be sentenced in december. Stateowne stay with us will be back after the break on kron4 news weekend. On the other side of this truck there is something going on something that happens all too often on the streets of San Francisco appeared no is not to people chilling behind a truck in the south of market area appeared its this one a shooting daye i returned with a camera and yes it is disturbing. And what happens next is even more disturbing after she finishes shooting up she gathers her stuff and goes on about her business. The problem outside of the fact that she is shooting up is that she left behind the two used syringes attached not one but two over on the other side of town and the lords park they have similar problems people are leaving used syringes lying around. Summer capp like this one line near the concrete walk the path it is capp and find this even at the childrens playground it has to be cleaned out just about every morning because it uses the rangers are been discarded sometimes in sandboxes appeared its amazing how i could walk around the city and pfizer ran just simply lying in the street some capp some not. Sun city street cleaners have these biohazard containers so if they happen across the rents it can be properly disposed of. Ok heres where it gets really nasty, i spoke to a person whos this says that some of these discarded needles reused what frustrates me the most is that i was able to find all these needles not in a few days but a few hours 3 to be exact. Including the one shooting up. This is disturbing on so many levels appeared is that the Cisco Stan Roberts for people behaving badly on kron4 news. We will be back after the break. Right now you can see showers are starting to move men in all areas of the bay today. We are dealing with spotty showers but a chance of sunshine will happen later this afternoon. Tomorrow it will be dry and a cold start to fall. We are expecting mild temperatures and dry conditions as we head into the work week. A route to peon would want to have some moderate downpour rain and the oakland area appeared by the evening hours rain will taper off and will be a dry evening appeared right now downtown San Francisco it is in the low 60s. The afternoon highs will be pretty cool upper 60s in Mountain View. 72 expected in los gatos. 74 for pittsburg and 724 pleasanton appeared mid to upper 60s in the north a pair 64 degrees in downtown san for cisco for a high today appeared 71 for high in napa appeared as we head into market will be sunny and warmer as we head into the work week appeared now we want to have arts and entertainment jan appeared the landfill war has given us so much fear there are so many great topics subject in people and comedies and draw most unmusical and it all happens this year at the fifth annual latino Film Festival appeared now want to welcome the director luzhou an interview appeared were in our fifth season and it is a milestone for us. How do you find a movie sichuan paper . Pierre we look for films that might be on the festival circuit around the world appeared this film called so feel didnt really well last night. It is about a woman who decides a bore life and those of our own peril is one of those very quiet, these were the body language and facial expressions tells the story appeared was the people now see . We have failed cossacks love and sauce of was is a romantic film appeared we have a new film called sex love and salsa which is a romantic film that will be in the Film Festival this weekend appeared the second look imam it won the movie have as part of the festival. Here is feared this is a wonderful film titled bed and boxes appear it is a thriller. The San Francisco latino Film Festival starts now through september the 27th. Here are few movies that i recommend appeared the blank range appeared the blank range there will be back after the break a kron4 news weekend. There are so many things that we do on a daily basis. We run errands. We run to the grocery store. In fact, the average american drives fewer than 29 miles a day. The 100 electric nissan leaf goes twoandahalf times that on a single charge. Its a car. It just doesnt take gas. [ farrar ] so think about where you go in a day. Do you really need gas to get there . [ male announcer ] the 100 electric nissan leaf. Nissan. Innovation that excites. Now get a 2013 nissan leaf for 199 a month. Capsule caption welcome back longtime lost time castle buried by apples founder steve jobs was found. The to contained an eclectic mix of the lease the mouse for the computer appeared the walt disney co. Has announced it will in a partnership would produce a jerry brown time appeared the move comes after broad parameters of long range field at the summer box office. The 60 nit 9 yearold has produced his for the studio like parents of the caribbean and the National Treasure appeared business says it will continue to work with the broke timer on the fifth installment of the parts of the caribbean films. The skies over st. Louis will be filled with hot air balloons as we get an city hosts the annual great far as park balloon race. The last night the show was on the ground. 80,000 people were expected to come out to see the lights of the balloon glow which kicks off their race festivities every year appeared a fireworks display fall the light show. The actual rates happens to day organizers say is the largest one day balloon race in the country appeared apples new iphone boost a new hightech scanner thats all we all locks the phone if it recognized the users fingerprint appeared in apparent good if the feature is not specific to only humans appeared new one use the dry the skin on his dog and it worked. This minnesota man used his awa our hurley to see if it worked. You see here the scanner detects his fingerprint. The aldus said the phone to recognize his dogs paw appeared in the case you were wondering the scanner could only detect the pall that was program. Stay with us will be back on kron4 news appeared tracking their rain this morning on kron4 news here and as magic number is now to appear update click clinch the eightl West Division title tonight appeared will have the details. And the largest coastals clinics in california is taking place today appeared will have a report from just one of the many ocean volunteers are clean up today. Good morning. What is not off in the Weather Center this morning because we are seeing rain in the forecast appeared we are dealing with that early season systems dropping down from alaska ushering in cooler air appeared the afternoon highs will be pretty cool compared to yesterdays appeared as we head into tomorrow we are expecting dry Clear Conditions with sunny skies and a little bit warmer which will be the case brought the work week. This week thousands of californians are expected to head to the speeches today all to trade in the beach town for a bucket. Today is California Coastal cleanup day appeared the states largest volunteered dead appeared kron4 is mike pelton is live at the ocean. Some rain has moved in here to ocean beach and organizers are hoping that it would not affect the tar out because theyre expected that 70,000 people will remove millions of pounds of trash from californias coast like trash bags and bottles. Officials say that that trash and debris can pose real problems for the wildlife in the oceans appeared organizers hope to get less stress the issue appeared i am hoping that we get our to the bee stings in what ways we fine less stress than last year which will mean that were reducing the amount of trash that we are creating on our beaches appeared cigarette butts account for more than 40 percent of the debris that people throw on the beaches and waterways. The Coastal Commission will advise volunteers to bring all buckets and gloves appeared if youre looking to get involved today is starts at noon and even though it is raining you will be able to enjoy the beach later this afternoon here they are tried to make this fun but this is a lot of hard work and they are holding a contest for 100 if you find the unique id debris on the ocean. That was my glided ocean beach pier this just in to kron 4 news would kenyas red cross says at least 22 people were killed and 50 in a shootout between police and government at an upscale Shopping Mall in nairobi appeared a witness says that before attackers opened fire they told moos limbs to stand up and leave because only non moslems would be targeted. Witnesses also say that the attackers threw grenades into the mall which was hosting a childrens day that appeared kenyan government and western diplomatic sources say the attackers appeared to be of somali origin. As the bart contract negotiations drag on the Transit Agency is already teaching managers how to operate trains in the event of an strike appeared the training is taking place inside a vallejo warehouse where bart managers have been learning or in some cases are relearning how to operate trains. Barts union said again today they are strongly opposed to the plan appeared is directed and dangerous in appeared i think it is extremely dangerous and reckless and is taken very like what a train operator does appear when give extensive training to make sure our passengers are say in line appeared matt will need approval from the bart board of directors before managers could run trains. Meanwhile negotiations resume on monday appeared the cooling off period is set to expire on october 10th. The Golden Gate Bridge it will be installing new barriers and kron4 as mike pelton has news. Golden gate bridge officials insist that it is safe for drivers. The district approved a 26 1 2 Million Dollars removable barrier that will be installed sometime next year. Theyre calling the barrier a safety and has appeared currently drivers are going in Different Directions with only a small piece of plastic separating them appeared the new barrier will be made of plastic and concrete similar to the 1 uc on the screen appeared chp officer patrols the bridge and highway 101 and says that most of the accidents on the bridge are minor incidents where people are driving in Different Directions. He also states that the burial will be improved safety on the Golden Gate Bridge. A barrier will installed will create a more safe driving in bear appeared the bulk of the funding came from the metropolitan transportation who contribute 26 million and the remaining 6 million came from the toll bridge collection spirit kron4 also spoke with bay area drivers to see what they thought about the new Golden Gate Bridge barry appeared you do not know what to expect if someone is tested on their phone you could be in and head on collision at any time in i need to see what it looks like and if it is better than what we have i am all for it if it is Cost Effective and will not raise our taxes in peer i think it is reasonably sensible and it will prevent potential head on collision by people are testing, doing their makeup or shaving when they should be paid attention to the road in peer the oakland as are closer to becoming the American League champs after taxes lost to kansas city pier with the deal the as have to win today and the rangers have to lose. The as beat the twins this afternoon there will have to sit several hours and wait for the rangers to play night game in kansas city. The as take on the twins at 1 05 with the first pitch today appeared stay with us. To get out of the way theyre did i of the way in line friday approved deadline lies and simmering tempers do not mix appeared so fighting broke out in pasadena where people were lined up to buy the new iphone. It was bad enough that three people were eventually arrested pier when this is also say that more than 80 people were brought into hole places to live for one man who resells a foam appeared and he did even pay them as promised. Apple apparently heard about the scheme and restricted the number of false he could buy appear here in the bay area hundreds of people waited for hours to get their hands on the new icefall but many could not get a higher in iphone 5 sx model in the call is as a carrier they want to appear apple says more people showed up than expected and the company is not experiencing a severe shortage of the new eye falls were here from tech reported gabe slate and hear what he has to say a 7 30 a. M. Stay with us when we come back after the break on kron 4 news weekend. Google, what is glossophobia . Glossophobia, is the fear of public speaking. The only thing we have to fear is. Fear itself. News weekend were taking a look at the satellite where were looking at a cooler in two before summer weather appeared to that we have widespread showers in the bay area appeared San Francisco is now getting some showers as well as the pacifica pier we are also expecting a chance of thunderstorms in the north bay this afternoon. As for to market is one to be dry clear and cooler. The late morning afternoon hours we are expecting the showers to pick up and get a little bit more widespread by 2 00 p. M. Pierre if you are headed to the as game you should bring a raincoat and all umbrella for it would be a heavy shower pierre we are expecting a dry even later today. Right now 64 degrees in concord pier 63 in sunnyvale and the upper 60 in san jose appeared the afternoon highs are much cooler than yesterday upper 60s for Mountain View pier 72 expected for santa clara. Line 7 degrees for concord. 64 degrees as a downtown San Francisco high today perry 66 expected today in santa rosa appeared today is a wet last day of summer appeared next week we will have sunny skies and warm temperatures as to mar began as the first day of the fall season appeared joining us this morning is crisply. Now we will have an interview with crystal lee beard she is the motor of the mist california and will also have the first runner up from its california appeared crystal lee is a former intern at kron4 as well as ms. California and the first runner up for miss america. She is a bay area natives. Back after the break on kron 4 news weekend. Icefall 5 in the new iphone si went on sale yesterday appeared at 750 a m there were 244 people in line at one apple store appeared the first person who arrived in line at 6 00 p. M. On thursday night. This hardcore fan slept in front of the store for days in palo alto appear this time waiting in line with the right thing to do because apple employees cheered when the store open and greeted the first and after that the crowd realized that there was nothing to clap about appeared employees walked the line with file boxes representing the inventory and broke the bad news. Right off the backs the first few People Airline could not get the higher in iphone five best model the color size and carrier appeared if they want to walk away with an iphone they had to be flexible. 40 mobile verizon and at t there was one gold, iphone appeared this guy was second in line and there were only three gold 16 gig iphone is when the store opened and he bought the t mobil one appeared this guy wanted a 16 gig but paid extra for the gold. I had to pay 200 more states the guy. Apple is in trouble because they do not have enough iphone esses. People want the higher in model appeared there is a serious shortage for the iphone gold model appeared alleged you are not willing to pay there are hundreds on ebay right now selling for over 1,000. This is gabe slate kron 4 news. Unbelievable. Shhhhh in our day, we didnt have uverse high speed internet. Yeah, our babysitter didnt have a million ways to serve mom up on a silver platter. We had to count sheep to fall asleep. And i always worried that i was creating an overcrowded sheep farm. In my head. Never looked like that farmer took proper care of those sheep. Too much . A little. [ male announcer ] connect all your wifienabled devices with uverse high speed internet. Rethink possible. With uverse high speed internet. Were new to town. Ells. Welcome to monroe. So you can move more effortlessly. We want to open a new account checking and savings. Well we can help with that. We tend to do a lot of banking online. You play . Yeah discover a mobile app that lets you bank more freely. And feel at home more quickly. Chase. So you can. 930. Today thousands of people are volunteering for the California Coastal cleanup day appeared you could tell by the lens on the camera just how hard the rain is coming down the start about 510 minutes ago which is pounding ocean beach however you concede people are trying to clean up the coast appeared 850 could of sites would get up to 70,000 debt tears today to pick up trash and remove Million Pounds of trash today appeared the debris such as plastic bottles and bags once inside the ocean can pose a problem for wildlife. Today organizers hope that the clip will have a lasting message. What i love for people to recognize is that every piece of trash that they pick up is a potential piece of trash a plastic all of that is potential marine debris. In line cigarette but account for about 40 percent of all debris picked up on Coastal Cleanup days. The cleanup last until noon today and youll have to bring on bucket and a pair of gloves if you want to volunteer for the cleanup on the ocean beaches today appeared one person has found a small pitchfork. Even though its raining a lot of people are still committed to cleaning up the beach appeared now will have a look of the forecast appeared this is a view from our mount tam cam and you could see the raindrops on lynns appeared we have early systems heavy of today from alaska appeared to concede it is raining in the napa ave vallejo and other places. Downtown San Francisco is now getting some moderate showers. We are expecting widespread showers throughout the day. Afternoon highs will also be on local woodside and will be only seven days in the inland areas appeared upper 60s for those of you in san jose. A high today for downtown San Francisco 64 degrees. The rain will only last a day and into tomorrow and dry off this evening late appeared will take a look at extended forecast will become that appeared just as the niners are getting ready to take on the Indianapolis Colts lamar 49 as a linebacker aldon smith again appeared Police Arrested him on suspicion of driving under the influence. After his car crashed into a tree in a san jose yesterday morning. The accident happened in the civil creek neighborhood. The owner of the home were smith crashed his car described what happened after she came outside appeared smith was also arrested for possession of marijuana appeared he was released after posting 5,200 bill appeared charges are still pending. Smith has had previous run in what police. In january 2012 he was arrested in miami on suspicion of the yuletide spirit the last in joe smith was allegedly firing guns with former teammate the lady what occurred during a party at smiths house in san jose appeared the shots reported injured a man appeared and just last week the victim filed a lawsuit against the wall regarding the incident. Then we come to friday morning when smith was arrested on suspicion of dui i after colliding with a tree in san jose raiders get the pit boss attacked bin it is not just a forty niners player whos in trouble Oakland Raiders court back tie 1 gels is involved in a deadly pit bull mauling investigation appeared a 40 say two to pit bull mixes belong to jones killed a neighbor show why this week. The neighbors say she was walking her 12 year old show why will the to pit bulls accompanied by jones are tarred her dog. Dole says the dogs had neither never attack humans or other animals before appeared the dogs are being quarantined pending the investigation appeared to pit bulls attack 18 yearold margin as board last month. Thats according to a staff report released by the city of antioch. Merritt and report says the dogs all our son was also big in the attack. Hunter kill born was visiting a friend in antioch on a log august 11th. When reports say two dogs named jules and duke attacked him. Initially the dog owners told investigators only one of the dog was involved in the attack appeared killed born suffered major injuries to his face and body requiring multiple surgeries appeared on friday he was convicted invited to watch his Favorite Team in the oakland as take batting practice, and watch them score off against the Minnesota Twins appeared his mother says she has read the report and believes both the dogs should be euthanize the mother goes on to say that the dog owners have not reached out to her or her son since the attack appeared both dogs are currently under quarantine. The two families are scheduled to appear in a hearing next week to determine whether or not the dog should be euthanize. The staff report recommends the dogs be put to rest. Will have more on kron4 news we come back from the break. Golden gate bridge of cordis have given the go ahead for a removable barrier on the bridge pier the burial was separate both directions and will avoid head on collision spirit de bart countr unbelievable. Shhhhh in our day, we didnt have uverse high speed internet. Yeah, our babysitter didnt have a million ways to serve mom up on a silver platter. We had to count sheep to fall asleep. And i always worried that i was creating an overcrowded sheep farm. In my head. Never looked like that farmer took proper care of those sheep. Too much . A little. [ male announcer ] connect all your wifienabled devices with uverse high speed internet. Rethink possible. And take look at the weather here there is a new movie about sexual addiction and will be talking about that and what it is here also will look at the new exhibit that just opened today will have that tomorrow we come back from the break peer time now 941 and will be back after the break. Who found some people truck theres something going on something that happens all too often on the streets of San Francisco appeared i dont want deck camera at us no is not to people chilling behind a truck and the south of market area. It this woman shooting up in broad daylight local return with a camera as it is disturbing. And what happens next is even more disturbing after she finished shooting up she gathers her stuff and goes all about her business. The problem was out of the fact that she is shooting up is what she left behind, the use a syringe needle attached not one but to appear over on the other side of town at delors park that have a similar problem people are leaving used surrenders lying around appeared summer capp like this one line near this country what impact it is capp was still what you want your child to find this. Even at the childrens playground in has to be cleaned out just about every morning because it used surrenders are being discarded sometimes in the sandbox. It is amazing how i can walk around the city and find some ranges simply lying in the street some capp some not appeared some city streets claims have these biohazard containers so if they happen across a syringe in can be properly disposed of ok here is where it gets really nest i spoke to a person who said that some of the discarded needles are you reused what frustrates me the most is that i was able to fight all these needles not a few days but a few hours 3 to be exact including the one in shooting up this is disturbing on so many levels appeared in sent for cisco said roberts for kron 4 news. Right now napa vallejo and San Francisco is been rained on appeared we are expecting the showers to be more widespread later today. This is a view from the Golden Gate Bridge as you can see wet roads appeared as 4 to mark the system will clear it will have dry conditions in a little bit warmer tamara appeared by 10 00 a. M. To mark we are expecting dry conditions late this evening the rain will end. 63 per early in san mateo pier 65 at right now in pleasanton appeared 74 degrees today in pittsburgh appeared upper 60s expected in san leandro appeared 64 degrees for high in downtown San Francisco today appeared today is the last day of summer and it is a wet day however we will see plenty of sunshine tomorrow which begins the first day of the fall season appeared now jan wahl will join us with the winners and losers. For the next couple of weeks and there are very important move is about sexual dysfunction and sexual addiction. The movie called thanks for sharing is quite amazing. In the next two weeks graphically sexual moves will be coming out about sexual addiction appeared sexual addiction comes in many forms and movies to they are capturing those addictions in order to heal people from their addiction of sex. July theres a new movie coming out title the blame th the movie the b l i n g rair i n g is a new movie coming out that i suggest. It is a movie about teenagers whole rob entertainers homes feared the San Francisco opera has a new opera with the most beautiful costumes pierre that after a break of kron 4 news weekend. Google, what is glossophobia . Glossophobia, is the fear of public speaking. The only thing we have to fear is. Fear itself. License and registration please. Whats this . Uhh, its my Geico Insurance id card, sir. Its digital, uh, pretty cool right . Maybe. You know why i pulled you over today . Because im a pig driving a convertible . Tail lights out. Fix it. Digital insurance id cards. Just a click away with the geico mobile app. Will be filled with hot air balloons this weekend as the city holds its annual great farce park balloon race. The last night the show was on the ground appeared 80,000 people were expected come out to see the lights of the balloon glow which kicks off the race festivitys every appeared a fireworks displays all the lights appeared the apyrase happens today appeared organizers say is a large as one dead balloon race in the country appeared apples new iphone boost a new hightech scanners that only allows the phone if it recognizes the users fingerprint appeared and apparently the feature is not specific to only humans. When users try to the skin on his dog and it worked here this minnesota man uses his show our to see if it worked. You can see here the scanner detects but his fingerprints. The onset the phone to recognize the dogs paw appeared and in case you were wondering the scanner could only detect appalled that was program appeared again we have rain in the bay area today so take your boots and on broke with you if your head out today, things will clear later on this afternoon and tomorrow will be dry with clear skies. That is kron 4 news weekend that night. [ male announcer ] with at t, youre sure to get a better bundle. Just choose the two, three, even four services you want to build a bundle that works for you. [ female announcer ] call at t now. Choose a uverse tripleplay bundle for just 79 a month. Get the same great price for two years. Plus switch today and get a total home dvr included for life. [ male announcer ] with uverse high speed internet, connect all your wifienabled devices to your wireless gateway and save on smartphone and tablet data usage at home. And now, choose from internet speeds up to 45 megs our fastest speed ever. With uverse tv, you can record up to four shows at once with a total home dvr and play them back in any room. [ female announcer ] so call now to choose a uverse tripleplay bundle for just 79 a month. Get the same great price for two years. Plus switch and get a total home dvr included for life. Why wait . Call today. [ male announcer ] choose at t and build your bundle. Its whatever works for you

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