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Gauge, matthew la jolla for scholarship. I want to make sure that what does she need to spell that pitching to her . Oh, only me, her mother wish to go to promote the study and say, a bushing, a quarter or more coverline on a quarterly kevin until it was gone. The day only this tim began to be on my last door quote on that ticket ticket here. Hold on to hey dick on that or yeah, go ahead. Yeah. Can you get a hold of him . Tang, give him a column or more more. Hes in a minute, i dont want were pushing this in bigger than a year, cause of jackie later than that. Im not to leave them, but the community has a yeah, good. How about i was on that and im to leave some of your muscular to miami miami 1st miami, if im begin with a carrier, but i bought a time when you have time or you know, buyers so i cant well, gimme a pang, were having buys a minimum pitch me now host ok. Host didnt have to meet you mom, colon. I cannot pull more. People either hung up, we can play more. I mean you were more sounds as long as Living Standards plummet. Enough gun is done. Poverty are spreading rapidly more and more often in a desperate bid to survive. Parents are taking the unthinkably extreme step of selling a daughter sometimes to a mr. Daphne, shes the one i should put into place a j a for them that another not or she can use them to sad when you she didnt, you know, she did a bad. That was a little while adam was you know, sort of your mother. I me, my tell the name is my supposed to me and keep the issue. We can talk about that. My, my song was you to will show began. I think youre going into dizzy. Thats like what you can make for sure. She got a how about that . If not, i got a lot of issue a little boy. I may be on a vehicle with a to my stuff. I still remember kids had there was, there must have a good word or the thought with somebody to go through or not to talk or by tech will be here. Kathy, youre welcome. What about and im going to get on that. I did the numbers me on the money that you discussed. Thank you. Thank you. Have a a ah ah, this girl Bob Dole Helene is too old to find work. The only asset he and his wife have left as their daughter with the loan that i can my requisition. I was to look at it or i didnt know what to do tonight. So nice a give me more of a pre gotten with them and i would say now moving along with the matter with a lot of people in that 8 love with with about a quarter with a korean war. Mccain would you be able to reach is in a chance, a chance to find something filed on good on the stand alone. Any other questions . Give me a call in the morning. Im here after she on the phone. Chances are going to young, the russia, seeing the shawn 0 point, they all will do the stud oklahoma a quick call and i will of luck on when im just so you mean that, i mean im, im will call them the children of have a job. Sure. With the not a key on the go. So i got, but down the steve, also called rachel finds out, come now, which in this few more down more time, get your, you know, a keep a small reach him on a, get me some amount of with that it will be more pass nash as a by the hour, as it always did, you will see a was really no chilly. All the situation in afghanistan has been described as the worst humanitarian crisis on earth. The country is subject to crippling sanctions. The local currency is losing value and nearly 90 percent of the population is unemployed. So abdullah limbs neighbors dont judge him equal common Care Counseling way via the so if the city door really this is in this done same is tanaka velma, if the soviet she christian i as this they so they are they now each another key. I began the act of thinking, assuming the ib, i kind of think of a so called the minute you have to get part of a what i mean, most of the gas Charla Gilani called one out of the hotel the committee meeting. Dina me was a saw the flu shots if you get to the water. Was this the more with the neighbors take pity on abdul helene the situation and let him draw water from there. Well, theres nothing all they can do for him. Everyone here is facing similar problems with what a noun, declare, miami or no, no, im hearing that the random given for now. Even if those who quoted you put them. All right, and we got, it wasnt a mother, a dick for an order now and unit for declaring lag on my side. Unless you move term, which equates them. Ok. Ringleader county. They used to gather twigs and rubbish from the street as fuel for the stove, but now those streets are bare as if thoroughly cleaned. John mac mac, small. You mean on the beaches . Michigan mall . Yeah. Care camille, i can well miss 80 more yakima here for that. Oh yeah. Can we have a got hm mary, nicky, me get you on renew minimum substitution. What school did was over saudi wine. Ah, recently another family nearby has also decided to sell their children with. Ah, here with the man of the family is called said bicola. He makes no secret of the fact that all their problems stem from the drugs to which he is addicted. Felonies fall in love with you. I wont all of your father. The news of oklahoma she hung the others to work on a national appear to have a new pretty they didnt want to continue. Were going to new or select them without getting what can i because you were going it. Shes not anyway, charlie, im a whole number to roll in this totally separate toner claims to have been off drugs for 6 months. When their son fell ill, the family went into debt to settle a since it was his mother who recommended that he sell the children, and she who bought her granddaughters up for sale a as yet. So let me get a minute. Wait a minute. Ah ah. The world is driven by dreamers shaped by thinkers are those with airs, sinks. We dare to ask ah, la and amy o dash o lucy, can i share issue or in my i ask you a give you a discount. The lizzie can sad to reconvene. Did that, did he couldnt guarantee how dark on that booth was young . May i go for me to not behind him out . No, no, no, no, no hell, no more the stuff now right now, and its only daughters who are sold, which comes as no surprise to anyone in afghanistan. Marriage is seen by many as a business transaction. After all, in the future, a boy can provide for elderly parents, is their only hope in his jag, its not any margotto or they got that right. Thats good on our them. If they decide to meet on out, im on the i go on our that are jam, cannot graziano a moment . As i said, jim michelle already decided she didnt that us. I might about a girl. Mothers anal goes, it was a shuttle, but they cut my in. So new bottle, but ive been really outgrow the minority mana missouri, isnt it the way the money additional at the im with the with that ive done. Ive been but a lot of with ads promoting the sale of daughters have already appeared in social media chat rooms with prices ranging from 1500. 00 to 2000. 00 a month. And that one has them get, hey, this really cut then kids that only the tech comes and a little bit higher than hillock house and then youre going to call your cold weather about food. Yes. And then and you know, i car good. Now that i thought was in a all come with it, my or them all at the had a on one he know komatt called the said, well let me take it by the madam. I sat myself, caught up with an opening and making a funny activity. Youll want that he will not push down the ac doesnt hold on with your channels to get a little b. I get with this goes with a can be fickle yesterday with sunny, but today the town is struck by a blizzard. The pile of firewood outside is no longer enough to warn the house until halima his daughter to the market for a district with ah, a in my what is a luxury for . Abdul had him. He thinks these logs will only last 2 or 3 days with a lesson i think it comes in with them all on the cooling, a building where you know what . Im going to go to on a National Level and asking no solid statistics for afghanistan, but unit, for example, simply suggests that one bryant 6 in the country just under the age of 60, in order to categorize ebay. Those make another drama, a food issue, the federal more show when they was all they are. Ag, mozilla, this, your naveen react mother, lady sort of a fun and are there plenty of us and that is my job. Meanwhile, patillo whos given up drugs started looking for a job, which turns out to be a challenge. He starts by visiting a restaurant and talking to the manager a feel thisll be on the target shows that up the ship that on the machine as well. If you wanna just moment more sure launch one. Good. Hello. Tell musician. But wholesalers are the with the 1st attempt to protest next stop after the restaurant is a cold trader. A follow up with us, but i will say that it was susan moore with he finds a temporary job here working as a salesman with i am all forgetting each with for a day. A sam patella has made just one done on a daily the average didnt because i think as you know, as a lead robust anything was flipped this in the every now or had any sort of why im just what im kind of in a role. She will now be the another. Mm hm. All dont want you to go through the caller has got to be honest with the grandmother has arranged a little break, the grandchildren, shes taking them shopping. I. I dont know if i can get with the dollar for till around, hasnt felt his problems. Its just enough to buy a plan. Brandon team with 3 months after fleeting afghanistan, the usa issued a report by the chief general inspector on operation freedom sentinel, or some of its findings. 97 percent of the population live below the poverty line. Every 2nd child younger than fight doesnt have enough food. Most of the hospitals have been shut down. The prices have doubled, according to official reports, more than 2000 families from god proven to loan of become economic migrants. The big for the whole country could be as high as 2000000 a by my global when i get some of this by this today in order to strongly talk and mom, mrs. Audi has all the sudden a little chest formula is just for the though, didnt you better yet . The other is sean. But after my subs to then i as you lazy be just for, theyre gone, but who do the hash . So theyve been formally pocono nestor muscle and chrome actually that really coma cook buffett be let these kids dumbest on the go, but as well as in stone. Exactly. That will more efficient wooden coffee in this there will be known as muscle lady. I will my to mark as he took was own with technology holder. But a margin video should have gone that or dish that of brooklyn were co, my korea mossey matter. That hell hasnt come yet. So my daughters heading downtown where does a chance of finding temporary work to make a little money for food . With the small labor market in the Central Square theyll do is lucky today. Hes been hired to work on the Construction Side with here with a do, sir . Yes. Herman. A why they normally real money . Mean, i mean, youre going to call, you call me when i was a kid that on that one, im in my last with. Meanwhile, a customer arrives until halim and the bargaining begins. Whats happening in this room, its hard to believe in the father is negotiating the price of his daughter with with a go just a moment. Me a a, a, a. Let me with the vision with now that we started telling her youre that im not in a rush coming back to my really putting more if you oh, i hope you do my home, young mamma, and you need to move the geography. No agreement was reached. The customer offered 50000. 00 off gun is about 500. 00. But abdul helene doesnt think thats enough to move any control. The more full of moving a lot more more good kids with more goldman sad misuse. Eustace didnt can gather heaton. Im sure you might like you may think of the start of them and im sorry, im a digital, im waiting on that sheet on. But i guess a blunt that has been jasmine, hello is this all has been jazz all the way i can be hitting mitchell with the woman. I got marie. Hm. Uh huh. My father in law, you not holding to him now as a roman. Im to handle that and keep to pull more with a deal with ah, join me every posted on the alex simon. Sure. Ill be speaking to guess from the World Politics sport. Business. Im sure business. Ill see you then. Its an open secret that private military companies have been playing a role in om conflicts. World wide u. S. Government doesnt track the number of contractors and uses in places iraq or afghanistan, the United States army. And the military in general is so reliance on the private sector. I would call that dependency, but we dont know whos the on the ground presence of these companies overseas. We just dont out west and private military companies can in their turn, views, so cool subcontractors from countries with trouble pass. The chances are quite good that they had also been child diligence. I see i was a child. As my job professional, joe is. Hes with the whole 141, the fact that that looked with no loan if you are sure which way to be merciless killing machines, now they fight and die in other peoples was people carol lot, when a dead soldier or dead marine shows up in this country and we start asking ourselves, why did they die . Why, what were they fighting for . Nobody bothers down to about their contractors in a among the stories that shapes this week. Russia closes to Moscow Office of german broadcast and dont job weller up to berlin, snapped a banner northeast. The chem locked in the major abandoned the principle of leaving politics out of sport with war mongering commentary coming to the fort as the beijing Winter Olympics kickoff. From russia has a mass more than a 100000 ships on 3 sides of ukraine. U. S. Officials have threatened severe sanction at least 6 children killed in heavy fighting in north west

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