>>reporter: catherine, there happen five or rests. five peop. as i mentioned, the police are saying that tense and and brutality are being threatened. >> you cannot have any permanent structure in a park in the san francisco. 10:00 p.m.-6:00 a.m. is not a time when annie overnight camping exists. they are infringing on the rights of others that have also gained lawful permit for those areas and waiting for months to use them. this will be a food is a situation will try to get it done as simple and as quickly as possible. >>reporter: this was getting a bit rowdy earlier yesterday. today are of the 99 percent, the march was all about 25 minutes. you can see the folks that have been coming down here. they say they are not going anywhere police have said that this is a park, like so many others in the city that closes at 10:00 p.m. for so far, we've not seen any arrests. if anything changes? will definitely let you know s soon as the happens on kron 4 news. reporting live, chairs dome, kron 4 news. >>catherine: the occupy oakland had three famous speakers. and alejandra cerball. >>reporter: the three americans, talked about how it was in solitary confienemnt. >> occupy oakland, we support you. >>reporter: josh pattal and shane beauer spoke to the crowd. >> occupy open, we support you. >>reporter: 150 supporters still on strike. also in an oakland. he is still surrounded by supporters of " occupy oakland to ". >> did not get to the point of my realization that it was a serious until i got home and saw this. >> sarah shroud found her freedom amazing. >> it is good to be home and it has been a long fight. i owe my life and i love my freedom, and my community more than i ever thought was possible. >>reporter: 5 want to show you this scene and occupy oakland. we are right in front of city hall. some of the and out of here for one month. jeff bush. >> 80 sea of tents and structure and frank aguaway plaza .. >> 5 daughter people sense noon. and probably 3000 more meals. the one the protesters of taken great care to keep the dishes clean to make sure that nobody gets dirty. >> we've ransom twice and then put them for a vinegar rinse. -- rancid these fictitious it twice. >> and also rinsing these dishes twice. >> also this is a portable electronic generator with this bicycle. >> also a makeshift synagogue. some people of chosen to bring their chauffeur in. toys, books, cross supplies are hints the protesters and denigrated job on keeping everything organized. the organizers and protesters have come a great job on kepkeeping everything organi. >>catherine: the 3 q profits are shown here. from bankamerica, and wells fargo. bank of america and wells fargo. banks are not making leaving easy. >> take a look it is you tube video protesters getting arrested to close their bank account with citibank. they are to no---showing that make of ama is showing that new fees are charging $5 per month for using your debit card. in addition, the housing crisis. there is a reporter future profits of people of lost their homes. while some customers have left, some credit unions are trying to cash in on disgruntled calkesha- customers. >>catherine: the police chief are commenting on the medical marijuana. >> charles clifford, i will have your full story of the officer assault. >>reporter: a double homicide coming up when kron 4 news, continues. >>catherine: it was still a robber gets $4,000 worth of jewelry. >>gabe: your cellphone overages my tech report. >>jacqueline: a great day of their but a cool down, coming up. . in the last 24 hours we have seen a 15 degree difference. the >>jacqueline: welcome back. with 8 degrees warmer in the san jose these warmer temperatures are not going to last. how much of a cool down expected to. >>gary: al davis .. al davis was being put caressed details on that, coming up. put to rest-- hey guys, what can i get for you? i would like a decaf 360 calories please. and for you? i'll have a triple iced 410 calories please. you want the 40 whipped calories on that? uh, you know what... i'll have this instead. [ female announcer ] swap one thing a day for a yoplait light. with 33 flavors all around a hundred calories, a swap a day adds up to amazing. now you can add some crunch to your creamy. yoplait light with granola. try it today. ♪ going to the bank without going to the bank... that's a step forward. with chase quickdeposit on your smartphone, you just snap a picture, hit send and done. chase quickdeposit. take a step forward and chase what matters. ♪ we just keep on keepin' on ♪ ♪ keep on >>reporter: we have new information from a noon yesterday, near the park side apartment complex. there was a shooting. this was also close to a empire gardens elementary school. three officers have been been placed on paid, administrative leave. one of the men shot and killed a case suspect. charles closto cliffors more. >>reporter: 11:52 sergio and phil responded to a shocall that shots had been fired at this apartment complex. >> paramedics were summoned to the scene. >> all three were placed on administrative leave. so far, no details of been released as far as why the use of lethal force was implemented. >> as many people have other policies if the threatened to officer felt that danger? something transpired. >>reporter: this is the sixth officer involved shooting so far, this year in oakland. and charles clifford, kron 4 news. >>catherine: this could be in another test for herman cain. if >>reporter: herman cain is insisting that his comments on the border did not really mean anything by these comments. >> there is going to be a sign that says " it will kill you " warning. [laughter] >> mr. kane, that is insensitive. it is insensitive for them to be killing our citizens, kidding all or boarding agents. >>reporter: a conservative businessman the said that he was only kidding. it is not a serious plan. he got a big laugh but america needs to get a sense of humor. >> this is the education. he is learned the difference to be a minor canada is now being at the top of the heap. there are certain things that you cannot say when people are looking at you as a serious contender. >>reporter: this man, has been getting anti-immigration coverage worldwide. >> i am sure that he was serious based on a serious issue. >> this rhetoric has turned off hispanic voters in the past. the fact that he is trying to walk back his comments is that telling. >> vo: illegal sneaking over the border. >>reporter: the out reaching of this outrageous border message was about reaching latinos. >> mitt romney has peaked and the support among republicans. >> there is a natural ceiling in if you look of the race last time he ran into lnatural ceiling. >>catherine: present obama's was an north carolina, today. some have thought that he will try to reintroduce a number jobs bill to try to pass this one. >> much cooler with the fog returning into the bay area. temperatures in the '50s in the 60s. by noon acres back to the coast. by 4:00 p.m., temperatures are struggling. only 66 degrees in the san francisco and 80 in livermore. the reason for the return of that fog is this a system of joining with the jets' training. it is well to the north kicking up our jets strai set the jet s- >>jacqueline: also the fog starting in the san rafael and frenstarting all the way from te san francisco bay all the way to mountain view. we would take a look your neighborhood by neighborhood taverns coming up we will be right back, after this. neighborhood by neighborhood--temperatures. [ man ] it's big. responds in a moment's notice. supports in times of need. same with aladdin. aladdin became the biggest in bail by treating people right. no one has lower prices, is faster or more professional than aladdin. that's why more people turn to aladdin than anyone. aladdin bail bonds. bigger because we're better. aladdin bail bonds. at bank of america, we're lending and investing in the people and communities who call the bay area home. from funding that helped a local entrepreneur start a business... to providing grants to a nonprofit which offers job training and placement... and supporting an organization working to help the environment. because the more we do in the bay area, the more we help make opportunity possible. gabe slate's tech report their race nothing worse than understanding and realizing your cell phone bill is much more than expected. i've great news, because cellphone companies are going to start warning their customers. if they are exceeding their text messages or minutes. this is from the fcc, to stop over ridgeover-charges as a sur. in their monthly statement, i caught up with eric chan, from mobileslate >> some companies have tried to promote more access. he couldn't example is setting up bank alerts with your credit card. they've done a great job sending you alerts and why not the phone company? they should do the exact same thing. gabe slate's tech report >> the deadly 20 year old earthquake kron 4 take a look coming up after the break. it's gonna be a casual thing. [ male announcer ] the tight-turning, space-saving, eco-friendly smart. escape your stuff. ♪ >>catherine: tonight spic stories the occupy san francisco tonight-a-biggest stories. with police removing protesters tensnts. lesson has been pprohibited. these protesters have been warned of this violation on numerous occasions of overnight camping. also the three backpackers the recently freed have spoken to the occupy movement. also, a 22 year anniversary of the large earthquake. >> we have about a 9 percent chance, percent chance of a repeat >> the epicenter is unknown but history is showing that it might not matter. >> this strong in shipping is suggesting that it could be in a similar area of really anywhere in the bay area real we need to be prepared for stronger shaking. >>reporter: this area has a large earthquake potential every 20 years. right now, it is been one for three years. while the son of princess erupted more recently the sun andrea's fault has erupted. it has spent14it hs been 143 years since a very large earthquake. >> instead of 0 along this fault line, we have about one in seven chances. for >>reporter: smaller still hitting all of the time it this map showing that this earthquake that is showing that there is an actual earthquake almost every day. on the some skill. >> some were either too young or they have moved-skill--premise sights and sounds are unforgettable. the scale. >> october 17th, 1989 was a great day for baseball by the bay. the world series was well under way. nature came up to belt.came up to bat. >> a tremor in the santa cruz mountains sent shockwaves through out the. bay area. >> a bridge collapsed. a section of the bay bridge collapsed. 880 pancaked with dozens of drivers trapped. across the bait san francisco and panic. the marin district was experiencing a major fire. buildings were collapsing and >> hundreds of homeless. >> we have food, we need water, we cannot have been a toilet facilities. >>reporter: traffic had no traffic signals. >> the pacific garden mall was turned to rubble and this family felt the full force. >> reran out the door, and the house actually jumped up and over the foundation and then it sank like a quicksand. there is >>reporter: son. was no sign. their son that was sleeping. 57 people died in that the earthquake most of the collapse of the oakland that cypress structure. the death toll could have been much higher traffic light because of the world series. >> today on the kron 4 facebook fan page the viewers were fit sharing memories on when and where they were. first of i was showing you what mr. roach. shee following. of what mr. wrot this fuehrer now writes. ...and ed was inonovato. he wrote to the following. up and down, everything was rolling, up and down. a >>catherine: thank you, can meet the anniversary comes three days before the biggest earthquake drill. it is the great california shake out on the thursday including earthquakes simulators, workshops, rations. it will happen in various bay area cities. for all the details ♪ >>jacqueline: . it was warm out there today but it is going to cool down, tomorrow. with a 75 in campbell. weaver in the upper 80s. tomorrow, upper 70's, low 80s. it is 81 expected in the san ramon. the east bayshore is going down to low 70's. 70's in oakland, 71 in hayward, 733 fremont. also 60s along the coast. that fog 73-in fremont-- >>jacqueline: off with the north bay temperatures are going to be widely in the '70s and '80s. >>catherine: a $2,000 gold chain it up. this is from a pawn shop in oakland. employes at the ec p pond saying that he gave his credit card to a clerk and then wanted to see a gold chain. we will have more on his store tonight at 11:00 p.m. also police are looking at three different murders. there was a shooting of a health clinic. the suspect was not inside. the suspect is still on the loose. >> on saturday, a man was shot on olive street at 3:00 a.m. later that same night to a man were shot outside of an apartment complex on mccarthy boulevard. it happened just hours after police announced a new public safety plan. and kron 4 spoke haazig madyun on how about will impact. third and the goal is to create safer questions? these plans will focus on resources targeting 100 blocks. that is for 90% of the crimes happen in the city. with three murders over the weekend one was a double homicide with in just hours of the public safety summit. it remains unclear if this plan can reduce these types of of violent crimes. in oakland, haazig madyun 4. kron 4 >>catherine: the medical marijuana battle hess law enforcement stunned. grant lotus? >> everybody is speaking about a sense the fed announced earlier they are cracking down on a certain matter what dispensaries. medical marijuana is getting new attention the california medical association is advocating legalizing marijuana. today, the california police chiefs association is speaking out against the mayor one of saying that the following. we are concerned and surprised. recommendations.. of marijuana. ....... the federal government agrees we applaud the receive decision to step up federal enforcement of legal illegal marijuana >>catherine: how does the public stand? >> we took a poll on our facebook kron 4 facebook fan page and many people support legalization of marijuana. 84 percent of the people responded that is of course a lot. some people definitely disagree. if you like to vote kron 4 facebook fan page also research in britain the suggests that an active ingredient in marijuana could help prevent the early onset of dementia/alzheimer's. >>catherine: interesting. >> a lot of points of view. >> coming up. >> holy mackerel! extreme delight in antioch following what she had to say on the next edition of people behaving badly. keurig has a wide variety of gourmet coffee and tea to choose from. keurig is the way to brew fresh, delicious coffee in under a minute. way to brew. so with keurig, every cup tastes like it's brewed just for you. because it is. extra curricular activities help provide a sense of identity and a path to success. joining the soccer team. getting help with math. going to prom. i want to learn to swim. it's hard to feel normal, when you can't do the normal things. to help, sleep train is collecting donations for the extra activities that, for most kids, are a normal part of growing up. not everyone can be a foster parent... but anyone can help a foster child. >> take a look at this check this out! a man of plunging a 7 7 ft. into a river in a west virginia where he did not have a parachute that open. the 27 year-old was among a servile base jumpers. this was an annual festival on saturday. he is in stable condition with injuries to his long and spine. >> this is a 9 year-old driver. as they left the gas station the. this american called 911. the father appeared to be intoxicated but did not want to take a breathalyzer. he is charging and facing an america. he is facing-child endangerment. >> you can see that this person fell in the swimming pool. no injuries reported. >> take a look at this is not your average eating contest. they had medic eschar cockroaches and georgia. anybody-madagascar arcockroache. spokespersons say that the public health officials assured them that these are safe to eat. catherine? >> thank you. >>catherine: the raiders having victory but kerrey is telling us what is--gary radnich is next talking about that handshake gone wrong! and over a million lives. we've done a good job. but even if you were born today, you'd still grow up in a world where tobacco kills more people... than aids, drugs, alcohol, murder and car crashes... combined. we have a lot more work to do. what do you think of this one? really? what's this? this is a rose i made from a turnip. let's try together. perfect. two worlds that fit in one kitchen. come in today and save up to 20% on a kitchen from ikea. now here is stanley roberts who found some people behaving badly. >> this is the first time seeing it i've heard about it. they told me there were on top of it. i understand we're only having one person but this is ridiculous. what a revolt on banks! they're not handling what they're supposed to be doing it there is even a house back here? >> yes. >> look at this. >>stanley: i wanted you to hear exactly what she witnessed. if you're just hearing about this i told viewers that this had become a city dump. and in two weeks later in the auction got worse with 5 gal. drums of on unknown liquid. today, even more items now call rd ties. >> i really, really am taken aback by this mess. >>stanley: there were 11 code while leisure-no, we do not hava violator enforcers. wheat used to have fallen. >> this man was here to take samples. >> this is more than what i've pointed be able to help them with. >> in layman's terms this is bad! the huge cleanup will begin on wednesday. >> this is an emergency. we cannot let it go. >>stanley: will have more later, in antioch, kron 4. if you have a comment or story idea for stanley, email at ♪ >>jacqueline: to date a high temperatures were not cool . it was toasty with 80s. far above average for this time of year. we are four to degrees above average in oakland. and even a 11 degrees warmer in san jose and concord. we will see 70's for the most part. the upper 70's into the self a barely reaching '80s into the inland valleys. into the-south bay. with your cool down on tuesday, wednesday, a nice refund on 80s by the weekend. nice rebound-- ♪ >>gary: good evening of her body no fines or suspensions if you just returned from switzerland? the coaches excited harbough and shwartz and the the controversy continues. both of these guys are hot heads. but both franchises are victorious. they stored but here is the story. >> cannot show your emotions but i guess that is okay to do. if you are a football player, football coach? or a manager of was excited about the football victory. i was excited hoar players played. i got revved up. >> these guys are competitive and emotionally charged guys. i guess this just happened. coach is a competitor and we like that. i do not think that any of was hold that against that. >> he was just over emotion he is happy. and on one man that perhaps you thought that he was a player. >> the 49ers are off for one week. it two weeks from yesterday they are going to be back in action. and what are the rider is going to do for a quarterback? jason campbell. he has a broken collarbone. the worst case scenario is that he could be up for the rest of the season. he is going to go undergo surgery. it--the wall, the aaa got them eight touchdowns. 24-7 hanging on to win at 24-17. and you jackson? >> it is difficult because the work so hard. he spends so much time with his teammates but that is the nature of the scheme. the players understand that. nobody likes that. the nature of the- hakim this team is going into wind. the nature of the game. >>gary: forget about david garrard, he is have durinthe isr going surgery. also carson polym--carson plamer is still ur contract could be easier said than done. >> al davis a great ceremony at the oakland coliseum. john madden was there. he lit the torch. al davis was on the video screen for a out. players like gjim plunkett attendance. the raiders fans are able to pay his tribute right next to a musician, john lee hooker. monday night football, john gordon has a five-year extension. the stories of him going to coach will go silent. also a 100 yd interception. if you are looking to find a coach fired? 0-5. he could be going all the way, dolphins, with two different interceptions. three- 3. the dolphins are 0-5. catherine, as i mentioned let me show you this could keep you heads up. new orleans coach john payton had a broken to be on his left leg when a tap of a player rolled in to him. he will be out for six weeks. perhaps you will work up to the booth. something you have to look out for. and our producer, lindsay. >> to show you how precise she is. tell gary we are going to a to cut his time by one the second. no joke! that as how precise we are. >>catherine: maybe you should not be speaking to me? [laughter] >>gary: maybe she was kidding. we will be back. >>gary: sharks an enzyme at this hour. anaheim is leaving a san jose. two-one. and the fans, no basketball and the site perhaps until the first of the year. >> get ready for sharks. >> who will be back. >> jackie on cloud nine [laughter] >> [ female announcer ] starbucks via® is planted the same... ♪ ...harvested the same... ♪ ...and roasted the same as our other premium coffees. ♪ it only makes sense it would taste the same. so, try it for yourself. buy a pack of 100% natural starbucks via® ready brew. we promise you'll love it or we'll send you a bag of starbucks coffee. it's the starbucks via® taste promise. look for it at starbucks stores and where you buy groceries. i'm not crazy about these light fixtures. kitchen's too small. what's next? 607 franklin st. ♪ sea bass... ♪ ooohhh! ♪ i like it. yeah, i love the kitchen. [ male announcer ] the epa-estimated 42 mpg highway chevy cruze eco. perfect for finding your way home.

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