high tide, and the storm. and the wind, with 15-20 ft. waves along the coast. as we are coming out live you can see just the down pouring. through redwood city. and has been running very hard. and they have been dealing with a lot of accidents. they want men to be cautious because this is select. will pouring live in redwood city. reporting live. christine connolly. >>pam: a tree at 13, madison. this minivan got crushed. and haazig madyun? >>reporter: the east bay, this storm brought does cedar tree in oakland. this library parking lot 60-feet came down on this minivan. he was getting ready to take his daughter to school. >> some of all:, i am so glad we did not get into that car. some of alsandoval--c >> most of the oakland tree removal service took this out. reporting in oakland, haazig madyun kron 4 news. >>pam: and hercules, highway no. 4, and the connector. these fell near the roadway and then even hit a couple of cars. the c h p and public works with chain saws, cut it up and threw it over the wall. there was also plenty of flooding through the bay area. video from 14/oakland. and with several intersections causing cars to slow down. and even water damage near homes, schools, and maureen kelly. how the coastal flooding is happening in san francisco. >>reporter: take a look of the bay waters over the seawall at pier 14. flooding these sidewalks. it is because of the storming conditions and high tide. it is one of the highest tides of the year. here, you can see another wave crashing up on sidewalks causing difficulty for drivers, pedestrians. let me show you how these are cooling off onto the westbound lanes of the embarcadero. you can see that one driver is right near that standing water. >>reporter: the national weather service for willowbrook creek into law until noon. this was 61 ft. and rising. and you can see that water was moving very quickly. carrying debris down the stream. the national weather service is making sure that you know where you are in relative to creek beds that could be dangerous particularly when to rain can be heavy downpours in torrington be treacherous. >>pam: traffic. this read is indicative where is the slowest. this red--and the c h p is shown that caltrain is closed and highway 80 on both directions. and the chp officer, tony frisco. tony? >> more and more delays. this snow keeps coming and it is heavy. we are having difficulty with visibility. anybody traveling is going to be having a number of delays. trying to get every turned around and the message out. right now it is a not good time to be on highway interstate 80. not only weather but massive backups. we are trying to keep up right now. the visibility and the snowfall it is difficult to even tread water at this point. but if you're coming up here? to come along with delays. if it is advisable for you to turn around i highly recommend it. remember that caltran network is 1800347 road if there is a with a chicken choose a better time to come? that is what we're recommending. get a full tank, warm clothing, food, water, and it is always a good idea to of your tire chain and gloves, hats, all the other stuff. it is just like being there but colder. and also, put in a shovel. >>pam: these are considered dangerous and do not want people going up there at all? >> i do not want to discourage people but i would like to encourage them to come in at a better opportunity. the reason is that there is simply too much snow and the spells ability is a report and it is not safe to travel. >>pam: officer tony, thank you for the update interstate-80 is closed in both directions. you are encouraged not to travel. with caltran to get that snowfall off roads. also, the ski resorts through lake tahoe. this is video from napa valley. all of this snowfall they're not accustomed to getting small but with traveling to here was a difficult. not enough for people to look going towards the sierra and that is where rob fladeboe is going to show us what they're finding. >>reporter: it is been getting your they say it is one half the fun but this big snowfall perhaps that is the exception to the rule. it is all " donald " pala and is this year, tahoe, and highway 50. donald-downhill a--d also, we are 12 mi. west of itself of lake tahoe. they have a lot of new snow. 38 in. since tuesday, 21 in. and last 24 hours. it is still coming down the classic champagne powder. it was a little bit yesterday coming down yesterday but visibility for now is not that great for skiers but still, agreed conditions. chain restrictions on highway 50. agreed cons--tire chain laws in effect. >>pam: power outages around the bay iraq the latest numbers from pg&e. bay-area. and with 130 customers in the east bay are without. 180 = south bay. we will be back. terrace much more new there is much more news. ♪ [ female announcer ] starbucks via is planted the same... ♪ ...harvested the same... ♪ ...and roasted the same as our other premium coffees. it only makes sense it would taste the same. so, try it for yourself. buy a pack of 100% natural starbucks via ready brew. we promise you'll love it or we'll send you a bag of starbucks coffee. it's the starbucks via taste promise. look for it where you buy groceries. been mammoth president obama is going to be landing at 5:45. >>pam: president obama is going to be landing at 5:45 and dan kerman? the president is only 30 minutes away? >>reporter: that is correct, pm. he will be writing at s f o. with one of the marine helicopters you will-be are writing, pam he will be arriving, pam through silicon valley and talking about innovation, technology and was to spend billions on high-speed internet, research and development and clean energy. he is going to need this high-power technology to back him on these plans for his budget. we understand that eric schmidt from google, zuckerberg, steve jobs are just a few people expected to sit down and talk about this. and less than 12 hours to go to anothe software plant in oregon. and attorney general, pamela harris and the new genermayor ed lee are all here to greet him . with this rainfall it could possibly dry up by the time he lands. pamela? >>pam: dosteve jobs his health is still in question. gave? >> let us role this video. it is interesting. this is the enquirer that has this is not published is coming out in the next couple of days. and this is their picture of the week. and this was taken outside of the stanford cancer center that he is getting cancer treatment. they are showing that he is for a, week. and he-fril-he has been reported asr reafor real his condition is for real his body from is for re weehe is reported as beig weak and frail. with a liver transplant and his medical history, 2009, a medical leave from apple, came back to work. previously, he is also beaten pancreatic cancer. people are concerned. we will know more when this magazine is published. and stocks are down 1%. is that heim? land let us make sure that he is one of several silicon valley leaders to meet with the president. >> absolutely, with this picture let us hope that he is fine. >> thank you. >>pam: this amazing picture at interstate-80. lookit this traffic it is not moving. the look at this traffic. the backup. interstate-80 and this interchange. caltran in the best to get these roads cleared. still, it is discouraged to travel with snowfall continuing to come down. we will continue to keep you updated on this storm. we will keep you updated on here at kron 4. stay with us @ honey...? 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[ female announcer ] get access to the entire at&t national wi-fi network for no extra charge. so for a limited time, get high speed internet for just $14.95 a month for 12 months with select services and a 1-year price guarantee. aren't you glad we switched to at&t? yes...but i want my own invisible cord. you already have one. oh. ♪ >>jacqueline: the snow through the sierras plenty of snowfall still coming down. it is going to stay pretty strong for the next several hours. even continuing into tomorrow. a picture of heavenly ski resort. the snow is continuing to come up with kirkwood, several inches, and 34 in. and north star, tahoe, sugar bowl, 30. heavenly, they've all seen quite a bit already. and there are expecting even more towards this be dead. especially, with a two-feet expected towards that this weekend. what floor is expected, 12 in.12 24 in., but it should be clear by the end of the weekend. locally, we can even see on our peaks. this was from the santa cruz mountains just a little bit a go with a snowman. this pre snowfall was actually interfere in a our radar. through sonoma county, 8 in.. skyline, boulevard to the santa cruz mountains and reporting 9 in.. and you can see that even local snowfall will continue towards tomorrow. however, no intense rainfall. things are tapered off at this hour. moderate burst of rainfall through what would city. fremont. and this is getting way through redwood city. let us take a look futurecast. this streaming will continue and lining up through 11:00 a.m. most of this rainfall is pushing to end going to come back into the bay area. with showers returning from the south they're coming up from the south. briefly, by 1:00 p.m., 2:00 p.m., there will return to the peninsula and the east be in the delta are starting to push east by 4:00 p.m. another storm but that will just start the coastline and head towards the south. with cold temperatures release saturday morning. the slight chance to bring overturns into the forecast. rainfall returns to the forecast after saturday in and it stays with us for next week. cold on a saturday on >>pam: i horse rescue from the canal, and out of control a fire in the hollywood hills. kimberly? " take a look is " >>kimberlee: take a look firefighters getting extremely close to the assemblies at the hollywood hills. they're only just a few feet away from the flames shooting from the rooftop. and this ceiling eventually collapsed. six of the firefighters were injured when a bomb, seriously. and this horse was rescued in phoenix, arizona. the animal got spooked fell into the water and with eight-inches of water. and several people were able to eventually get it to safety. the man was also able to get out on his own. >> take a look at this. china this man had a four- inch blade. he was stabbed during a robbery. despite getting treatment they failed to notice that knife believed buried in his skull. and they finally found the discovery after he was complaining of migraines. this is been successfully removed and it is a miracle that he is bound surviving this long. it is a ser--miracle he is still alive.. live from the kron 4 news station, this is the kron 4 news. >>pam: 5:30, incredible snowfall 2 the sierras. traffic is at a standstill. interstate-80 closed in both directions. caltran is trying to clear this but it is coming down so fast jacqueline? some spots of rainfall are easing up but that snowfall is really coming down! >>jacqueline: exactly. they are getting what we have all buhad earlier put in their case is in the form of snowfall. >>pam: getting there is difficult? >>jacqueline: exactly. i would wait until saturday to get there. otherwise, you are just going to have to be waiting to of the snow and one big headache. and with south lake tahoe, plenty of snowfall blowing. the is take a look what is 1 0 1. regionally. the rainfall, with mostly dry conditions in the bay area. most of that moisture is going right into the redwood city area. the heavier weather cell let me tric fact trace the botto of that. and the heavy rain w

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Stanford ,California ,United States ,Fremont ,Arizona ,Iraq ,Napa Valley ,Oakland ,Embarcadero ,Redwood City ,Pacifica ,China ,Sonoma County ,South Lake ,Santa Cruz Mountains ,Willowbrook ,Oregon ,San Francisco ,Eric Schmidt ,Dan Kerman ,Pamela Harris ,Christine Connolly ,Tony Frisco ,Maureen Kelly ,Zuckerberg Steve ,

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