zero levels of possibly as low as 1,500 ft. by sunday morning. a winter storm warning in effect for sunday night. i get low skill levels, strong winds that we could get about three to 4 ft. over the highest elevations on itt and u.s. 50. it's going to be a tough weekend for travel over the sierra. all such know more about how this will affect the bay area coming up later on. >> ski resorts are opening or lie and that means many people will soon be headed to tahoe and fact most of them will be. thanks for joining us what are the conditions right now? >> currently it's raining out we don't have snow yet tit's just what snowflakes up on this the summit. right now was a good time to travel but i think within the next hour or so was the sun goes down it will turn to snow. >> are you worried about black ties with all the rain that's code in the streets right now? >> absolutely any time you have the what followed by a storm there's a transition where the roadway surface gets very i stop and that's really the day dress time to travel because she and control is usually not been affected everyone is still trying to do this speed limit even know they should be travelling at a much reduced speed. >> to anticipate change will be required by this weekend is over? >> absolutely if you're coming up here make sure you have jamechains. if you have for will drive you don't have to apply the change but you do have to carry them in your vehicle. >> most of the trouble was weighted toward the end of the week one thinks giving is on the thursday hour hearing from the airport people traveling this weekend as well as next store you anticipating the kind of heavy load of people falling into the area? >> were anticipating an increase of traffic from tonight all the way through when stay because there are many school districts including ours up your that don't have school next week. a lot of the people will be traveling tonight, tomorrow the next day. if you have that option i suggest coming up here probably on monday or look at the what there were lots of little bit because it's expected to be very silly what appear for the next two days. the >> date you so much officer tony frisco. and a projection from san francisco budget analyst is throwing cold water on the city's hopes to host the america's cup. it says the yachting competition could end up trading more than a hundred million dollars from the city budget. >> >> with an entry fee of $3 million in yachts costing millions more. if the america's cup is the world's most expensive competition pure is not a billionaires' are battling out to both those who will benefits if the competition comes to the bay area in 2013. san francisco budget analyst agrees with previous projections that the event will likely generate more than a billion dollars for the city's businesses. but he says it could cost the city itself $42 million in additional costs for muni, police and other city agencies. the report adds the city could lose another $86 million and future revenue. race organizers development rights on a number appears south of the bay bridge class, three leases for up to 75 years. the mayor's office that speeds the report noting the projection fails to factor in the current crop the shape of those peers. nor does it include the $32 million that the organizing committee of civic and business leaders have place to raise to help pay the city's costs. december 31st as the deadline for deciding where the races will take place in italy is the only other location still under consideration. >> the rivalry continues in a battle over the acts this weekend as the hon fares host the cardinal and the 113th big game. this is the final big game played at berkeley's memorial stadium because of the universities grant for major renovations on the facility after the season. the bears are hoping to offset the heavily favored cardinal and is kron 4 run fall flatboat reports the tax will soon go come back to the farm. >> attention cover your ears. the trade war that could be heard across the bay stamford fans are counting down the airport hours to when they say their team will beat the stuffing out of the cal bears to >> cal is going down that's all there is to it. another talented teen >>. beat cal t-shirts are selling well and so or tickets to >>. all be there and early of your horse when i leave in stamford will win no problem. >> a special big game skies on the exhibition. featuring a cal coloring book inside. (cheering) here at the new fraternity the tailgate party is begun calgary goes for lunch and lots of bravado. >> we have a better quarterback, better offensive line, much better coach if yes the ax is coming cold. were hoping to destroy them at their home stadium tomorrow. it should be good your id >> stanford where the hornist going off every hour on the hour until kickoff. rob flood of boat kron 4 news. >> in national news she's not too thrilled about it but details of sara palance new book are leaking out it's called america by heart. reflections on family, faith and flak. some of the reflections are some nice. on the heels of for new reality show comes there palance new book, some of which she shares go no deeper of how she gave the chocolate for year or how she likes taking care go on the alaskan tundra. she's also critical of president barack obama accusing him of a stark lack of faith in the american people. she revisits michelle bomb is common during the presidential race in which she says for the first time my adult lifetime i am really proud of my country. pailin right site is addition surprises since both of them spent almost two decades in the peers of the rev. jeremiah out michael's church listen to his rants against america at white people. she also talks about america's need for new leaders which might be the closest he comes to detail in her interest in running for president in 2012. who does she like? seidman cal will the judge who left american title. citing this is not she says he is almost alone in his willingness to tell hard truths. >> to it and pailin is furious about the book leak and completed a twitter messages and that illegal? this goes on sale starting november 23rd carry >> meanwhile the daughter of the former alaska gov., he is not accepting their apology. internet reporters kimberly tells us what >> the team at the center of the controversy said he is offended by the comments and he said he feels bullied by both willow and bristow pailin. but take a look and see what exactly spark the controversy. trade had initially unsalted palance new reality show by updating his face book that is to save sarah palance alaska is feeling so hard right now. it was shot at your so gate. trey shot up your said shaw, on stick up for my family. bristol chanted later sang your typical talk or you will be as successful as my baby daddy. a little later on facebook bristol did issue a facebook apology on behalf of her and willow and a little later willis said she was simply trying to defend her family, trade told dmz people are saying these are baby grisly defending momma bear but how was she defended her family by calling as gay and allies. try also told dmz he hasn't heard from either one and said he wouldn't expect an on-line apology he was the apology to be directly to him. stay with us will be right back after this break. [ woman on tv ] if you won't let me in, you can't really love me. i know about gayle. i don't know what you're talking about. if you just tell me what happened... [ ding ] [ man ] 35th and archer. next stop hamilton. [ brakes hiss ] ♪ [ male announcer ] u-verse brings you entertainment across all three screens on your tv, smartphone and online. now get up to $300 back via promotion cards. at&t. rethink possible. why 401k? >> is is the most important information anyone could have. 401k is a great way to save money it's the best way to save money it will pay federal taxes on it, you pay fica taxes and state taxes it comes out of a lower tax point later in life. if everyone watched and what max of the 401k they can get old or wealthy. >> this advice on how to navigate through this? were not thinking about sex? >> 10 years ago if you and i were talking yo >> and still have a good punch we cannot anyone out. if you want a shot, international asia's credit growth united states is critic capitalism. he want to start with 20 percent large cap, a 20% bid, 20 percent international, 20 percent, the later you are the more international u.n. gets to get a pepsi has exposure to a foreign market. spot up five ways and start getting smart after that >> earlier you said he might die you said a good year to die state taxes? >> if you die before the end of the year here were $2 million your kids get $2 million, you die next year they could get a million dollars. is your grandparents are getting on the frail side it's time to start serving up the bacon. (laughter) to which you can. >> i was going to rush in and tell everyone he's not really serious. i thought, tiny wise >> is steinberger died last year these kids would be but all the yankees. the mathematics of it would know what the state taxing will look like next year but i guarantee you there will be children who kill their parents. i guarantee will hear the story at the end of the year. arsenic, maybe begin something like that will happen because that's a lot of money. >> always punchy advice from rob stay with us will be back after this break. right now, verizon has the new samsung galaxy tab. at just seven inches, it's the only tablet designed for maximum mobility. and it's android-powered and flash-enabled for the best web browsing experience. get yours at verizon. and while the road you traveled may have been different from that of your neighbor, some choices are pretty clear to just about everyone. like getting more for your money. anthem blue cross has a healthy selection of medicare advantage plans, medicare supplement plans, and prescription drug coverage. so you don't have to settle when it comes to your healthcare. they have plans with $0 premiums, plans with low out-of-pocket expenses, even plans with no network restrictions and prescription drug coverage at no extra cost. all this from a company that's been serving the great state of california for over 70 years. you can't get that just anywhere. but you can get it with anthem. if you're eligible for medicare or will be soon, you can schedule an in-home visit, learn more at a local seminar, or get answers right over the phone. call 1-877-289-2527. that's 877-289-2527. with anthem blue cross, you're free to be happy and healthy. we have winds between between 10 and 20 mi. an hour this fall dangerously right now and some steadier rain is coming of the north here it is on storm tracker 4. the first in a series of systems coming in for this weekend so this light rain will spread south through the bay area for tonight. here is at 6:00 p.m. according to future cast of the heaviest rain it 6:00 right around san francisco toward oakland ended to vallejo. this will push to the south and east for the evening so by 10:00 towards midnight there rain shifted to the south bay and east bay as well within striking out for the north bay. we get a little break for the morning hours tomorrow. maybe a few scattered or passing showers to stir things out largely dried. things began to change the day by a second system begins to drop in and that brings light to moderate rain along with the chance for a few thunderstorms. watch the rain began to increase the intensity of the this week to bay area between five and 10:00. after the second system goes by temperatures are really going to cool off and there's a possibility for some snow showers above 2,000 ft. as we go into sunday morning. rainfall totals about an inch for most bought from the bay area with the highest amounts expected into the center chris comes perhaps one to 2 in. of rain through sunday. temperatures getting: to the '40's most locations with opera 30's and a few showers for the north bay around santa rosa for tomorrow. high stock in the '50s for the day with periods of rain began the chance for thunderstorms into the afternoon. here's the 7 day around the bay so again i would differ saturday, showers continuing for sunday with the possibility for snow in the hills. it more showers forecast for monday and tuesday along with cool temperatures finally beginning to warm up towards thanksgiving. >> is 53rd annual services go on the show opens to the public tomorrow and if you're thinking of going here's a sneak peek. >> when the major features of this year san francisco international waters shows the number of hybrid and alternative fuel vehicles we have. behind me from gm this was named the 2011 motor trend car of the year its electric but it also has an engine just in case the battery goes down. the wheels of the 100 percent electron nissan the beginning some rides for special customers. along with that as a dozen more hybrid vehicles through most of the major manufacturers. if the san francisco automobile international festival features vehicles from 36 major manufacturers. it's the first opportunity for bay area to see all models at one place at one time. it opens tomorrow the 20th and runs through the 28. the hours are 10 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. everything for the finals sunday what we will close at 8:00. it's only $9 and children 12 years and under are free when accompanied by an adult. this is a great place for family entertainment at an affordable price carried >> if you like good got a show here's the information you need it opens tomorrow and runs to the 28 at the moscow center. it costs $9. will be right back. people! 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