best leadoff hitters in china history in 1999 voted most inspirational. he's a force the best leadoff since the giant. they brought back for the occasion at all the star players would you say bars and have ever played in this park when it opened? >> since 2000 or 2001 to 2003 i got a chance to run around the fields and it's just amazing. of all the ballparks in the big leagues there's nothing like this. it's always funny for me when guys come in here and feel the weather in the panic. its mind over matter doesn't matter he had to do which have to do. >> how about the fans here to send something. didn't you live in los angeles for time? >> i grew up in l.a.. >> sense of something special about the people here? >> it's always been even at the old ballpark cue of diehard people you know what it's like going there. it was always nice crowds there. hear, the easy access makes it a lot easier for people to get in and out and you feel like you're in good seats no matter where you are. people just love it to and when he never hurts. >> you have a hunch they're going to wrap up tonight? >> think is too much electricity in the air for them not to do it. they know gas is running out of low it's going to be exciting carried >> three games up with three to play there and a good position. marvin we appreciate it to your not state washington now doing what? >> on the stay at home dad carried >> what's the secret to life, you play baseball few years to got to work the rest of your life. >> you can raise a three year- old. >> i have a high school kid who is 14 my daughter haley is 12 and then i have a three year-old is still with eric and i in the soccer-you can say i'm a stay at home type. a to they do is drive them around to come from point a to point b e n d would have to do. >> i was tell the michael jordan story. they sing like what you going to do? i'm going to basically car pool. the wife looked at him i haven't seen you in two years are you legit? nice to see marvin. >> thank you. >> we get the ball rolling in the giants' right now they found a guy who's pretty much doing it. it would go back to heather donald for couple minutes heather how are you? >> i agree how were you doing? this is going to be fun to read >> you are probably a baby when martin was leading off for giants. >> early as the catalyst to. when quint. >> had there were gunna take a quick break more from the ballpark marty is in the air fares to grow to raise up to 7:00 those who don't think we have the stamina and you just watch us. back in a moment to b-a-c-c-a-l-a-u-r-e-a-t-e. baccalaureate. correct. [ audience groans ] since this competition has been continuing for 48 hours and we have yet to eliminate anyone, it is the decision of this board to declare all 20 contestants winners. you have all competed admirably. admirably. a-d-m-i-r-a-b-l-y. admirably. [ male announcer ] at&t is making high speed internet affordable for only $14.95 a month with select services. at&t. rethink possible. with select services. @2 our special live coverage of the giants. vernon glenn is live with friends near the park. looks secure the few fans next you vern? >> i been surrounded by this many women since my bachelor party in that was forever go. really quick posies posse at most across the street from at&t park. to my left is to ensued tell everybody, on which you have in common with tonight's starter matt game. >> it's my birthday but i'm turning 60. (laughter) and he's going to win it for me. >> see no 60 is like the new 50 or 40. so tell me the story behind posies posse. >> i work at the ballpark it's my 23rd year and i'm taking it off to celebrate my birthday and as girls we decided to be the policy and get them to win. >> what's the game plan? >> were going on a sailboat in the cove and then were going to go in the game and get as the wind. >> ladies it could be a night to remember,? (laughter) about this season how magical it's been seven years since its been excitement like this. >> this is my 23rd year i was set at the park for the earthquake. it's awesome. were read we were here for the last layoffs it was wonderful. >> for going to go all the way this year. >> you have the champagne on ice for a little later. (laughter) to help with this law shot of going with you. happy birthday, and my banks to posies posse for making me feel so nice and comfortable carried >> watch for us on the cold. >> let's go back to have their. >> for an and looks like he made some nice friends out there. can you hear me? ok ferns with this people will check back. let's check with the traffic getting to the game it's a doozy over at the toll plaza. it's slow going right there. the golden gate you could see traffic heading into marin a little bit crowded no problems coming into the city and over to the james link and look, it's a parking lot at the top of your screen heading into the city eventually on to the lower deck of the bay bridge. not much better heading 101 southbound. >> you can also see the sun shine a live look over downtown san francisco some clouds streaming in but for the most part sunny skies a lot cooler out there today that it's been. our current condition 60 in san francisco all of your giants temperature in a minute. upper 60s for bay shores, low seventies in the south bay and a mix of low to upper '70's and the north bay. if you're headed to the game this evening it's going to be cool and breezy the fog will be whirling shortly in the temperatures will start from 50 degrees and cool down to 55 by the time the game is over. it will be chilly one at the ballpark today. all of your weekend forecast in just a bit. >> with the giants so close to clinching the west today we asked our viewers what the win would mean for san francisco and the bay area as whole. that's good kimberly these comments. >> i to say either of yours excited about this a lot reminiscing over the past amazing season the giants of pad. the stick a look at your comments on twitter. these are from facebook christopher wright's the bay area deserves this and it's been a long time coming. all be there tonight to cheer them on, let's go giants exclamatio!. in terms of a loca, prices. the sellout crowds that eat somewhere! what should have over he could read all about the giants quest to clinch the title and let us know what you think and will be keeping score on tonight's game keep checking on >> the to go back to live with there's playoff fever in the air at&t park you see right there in the giants will be playing the padre's at 7:15 p.m. our special baseball coverage with gary ride which continues after the break. 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[ female announcer ] build a bundle that's right for you. at&t. welcome back to at&t something unique at three our pre-game show here on kron 4 in you seen one of the giant legend stopped by to open our program. the first pitch if you're just joining us giants had a chance to the playoffs since the first time since 2003 and you can smell it tonight. if we think i should leave the building you should see my last time mark channel to left the building was 2003. >> am i allowed to appear on your show? >> you're only one who doesn't get upset. >> how many years in the market to 31 years? >> 31. what yet to bring that up. >> that's a legend. this is a big deal, everybody's here and the giants and champagne all the business and we have a long side without overdoing it the no. 1 baseball story in california is marty. he does a post-game show some that runs five to six hours it's fantastic and to lead into marty the thing that makes it cool a lot of us played sports is a weren't good enough to go professional so we get into sports broadcasting. marty was a criminal defense attorney and if you don't mind me setting you up i say marty all of these guys want to talk to you. what was your line. >> i've been in the holding cell with people who cut your head off on not going to worry about talking to the manager of the giants don't mean? it's different. >> we've got a lot of lawyers and our audience what's the toughest case you ever tried or someone actually you tried to get them off and he had either lose his life or life in prison. >> the toughest cases a capital case of down 31 is on death row and that was the toughest for me because to get to learn who the person really is. as a defense lawyer you try to bring the good side of a person and everyone has something good on the porch with this person and killed a number of people. that was the downside of it but honestly that was the toughest thing i ever had to do was ask said juries for someone's life in get rejected. >> howdy make the transition. you go from something that is all true pressure now that baseball is in, you, criminal defense where a man's life is on the line to rolling out side all two had a to make the transition? >> my whole life i tell you baseball has been a friend it's an unconditional friend that's always been there. even during criminal law and the trials like that people are always talking to me about baseball. i'd be doing an arraignment standing up there in the morning and a burglary case and the judge would say scour the giants going to do tonight because it that i was related and i said listen were 3 billion apart. the skills of being a trial lawyer really transferred into the radio it's the same kind of thing i like to ask questions and listen to people. i burned down on criminal law and baseball was a good friend and people said hey try baseball on the radio when i create my own show. >> to think something special is going to happen tonight? >> i think they're going to get it done tonight. i told jim that on your show this week friday night as the night. the padres are not hitting the went through a real tough series against the chicago cubs. the giants on the role it san francisco wet turf and that is teaching great. why not i think they would get it done tonight. >> compare the feeling in san francisco again this is just going to be semi educated guess. the the team headed towards the playoffs to the last time when bonds was the ringleader. >> it's a lot different number one you have a team an underdog team carried the pitching was great but the pitching fell apart and all of this and we all wondered whether was going happen. this team is the american story that's why we love baseball is an underdog team they've come together they've gotten hot when they supposed to get hot. the bonds team was carried by him and jason schmidt in a couple others. this team of the win tonight you can't tell me was going to be the big clear tonight it could be anybody. we don't know what's going happened it's a different kind of team carried the key to pitch baseball is pitching and have great pitching. gary this is the team like the 69 mets honestly the dead dodgers the giants from the '60s. these are solid pictures and the real chance to do something my only worry with them as they have to get their feet on the ground in the first series. >> this is a good baseball can in any honestly? >> honestly the roots of baseball in the bay area go way back to the '20s. baseball's always been a huge cheer going back to the old games. you remember this deals and all that stuff c'mon. why >> our audience may remember the field but i don't remember. >> could tell by the shows that i do the calls i get and is walking around if you want see something go outside this place tonight about 6:30 p.m. and watch the people coming in. it will be an amazing scene tonight. >> hey fet? f p? this is life right. of course this is live at the book my own guess party. just one second. this is a leadoff hitter i already had more than on the former leadoff hitter for the rough riders. how're you doing their peak >> the boy is what we on right now. >> run channel 4 if you like to write a check and contribute run from port to 7:00 p.m.. >> i thought marty had all taken care of on his radio >> marty meehan answer is that is going to go until 7. f p and i work together on cable the time having a good time and tonight, they've got an e-mail tonight sing and made fet feel bad because i said tomorrow night is the night the you like to go into is over. >> until you're pouring champagne on someone's head this thing over and i've seen a lot of weird things happen in my 15 years of professional baseball. everyone's excited ever went to his when happen tonight, we'll hope it's going happened tonight. weather does not the baseball gods already figured that out. the men shouted down but without the padre shut it down forever sixth time this year a lot of personal pride of their 20 a good game. >> he is a local guy he grew up in sacramento your first time your was? >> martin bernard >> he can even hear you go on (laughter) >> clark now is a friend of mine that we do the pre-game show in the press box. he watched the guy played a role career and i your friends with him it's pretty cool. >> this is a line up here, you stay here marty in case these guys run out of steam and you can tell a story. , and enrich this is channel 4. >> what happens marty what if they lose tonight you may go 48 hours right >> i wanted down on someone else a shaft. item one and all my post game tonight. i wanted done tonight so you take care of this. >> we have one minute left your the best shortstops in history of see you after the game. multi- shifting yes. what you say rich do feel like tonight's the night? >> yes i do. these guys and the fans are ready to celebrate tonight. >> i'm watching f. p. walk he's been out five or six years i think you look more it looks like he still wants to fight somebody. (laughter) >> i ask marty for general audience who watches our news program what's the thing you remember about playing here in the bay area? >> honestly it's the second hole to me i love this city that's why came back here the second time around and as far as playing hear the fans were always behind you a hundred percent. the first years of this year the results after night asking you what they're telling expos are the dodgers. those memories i take with me. >> all see you after the game. >> all be here >> make sure it's marty get some rest. >> rich and marty and f p everybody getting ready for what could be a very special night the giants going for the first playoff in division title and 2003 the marathon continues from at&t in a moment. anncr: carly fiorina. as ceo she laid off 30,000 workers and shipped jobs to china. fiorina sync: china. india. russia. poland. i know precisely why those jobs go... anncr: ...because fiorina shipped them there. to shanghai instead of san jose, bangalore instead of burbank. proudly stamping her products 'made in china.' 30,000 workers gone... ...while fiorina took $100 million for herself. carly fiorina. outsourcing jobs. out for herself. bb vo: i'm barbara boxer and i approve this message. a live look outside and at&t park it looks gorgeous out there but it's a little on the cooler side temperatures to 60 degrees now and get cooler as we move into the rest of the daytime hours. 715 is when the game starts 56 by 9, 55 by 10:00 p.m.. what we can expect out there for the weekend. if things will get cooler especially into sunday of temperatures only in the '70s for inland spots. 60 for bay shores on sunday the thing about this will fog for monday to warm up slightly for tuesday and cool right back down so temperatures up and down for extended forecast. stay with us will be right back after this. ree hours on my homework -- or at least that's what my mom thinks. with high speed internet from at&t, i get my homework done fast, leaving me time to download movies and music and chat with my friends. 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