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7:00 a.m.. we want to go to our top story where we are covering the royal wedding. it was it unfolds over a period of hours before billions of people watched around the world. about 1 million in the streets. as you see the couple is writing in the carriage. earlier this morning. they are not husband and wife. they were married earlier this morning. there she is, dressed in yellow. you can see all of the well-wishers that have arrived at the wedding. this is after they had horseback a company met. william is second in line to the throne after his father prince charles. he wore his military garb because he is in the army. kate, is wearing a lace and satin dress. it was about an 8 ft. long train. the designer, sarah burton. lettuces and into the boughs. prince william says after the archbishop: i, william arthur philip louis, take thee, catherine elizabeth to my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse: for richer, for poorer; in sickness and in health; to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to god's holy law; and thereto i give thee my troth. >>darya: i said that she should've got a tattoo. this is the newest wedding, the wedding of the century. >>mark: pitchblende over to buckingham palace after the ceremony. no consent in westminster abbey. everybody waited an extra half an hour for the kids. here it is. -- the kiss. waiting and waiting for a practiced kiss. >>darya: let us go in for a second one. you cannot hear their scent. now reception is going on. we have the latest. the crowds are still gathered it side of buckingham palace. >>mark: back here in the united states, severe weather. 300 people have been killed. but the death toll across six states. you can see the path of destruction of one of the tornadoes in tuscan alabama. 210 people were killed out of 300, the president visiting tuscaloosa that where 36 people were killed, and that is where the university of alabama is, two students are dead. the president is offering his condolences. >> the loss of life is heartbreaking. especially in alabama. in a matter of hours these deadly tornadoes were some of the worst that we have seen in decades. they took mothers and fathers. sons and daughters. friends and the neighbors. even, entire committees. others were injured and some are still missing. there is damage to homes and businesses and it is nothing short of catastrophic. we cannot control when the board where a terrible storm comes from but we can't control how we respond to appear at want every american debt is affected by this disaster to know that the government will do everything we can to help you recover. we will stand with you as you rebuild. >>mark: presence in racal, signed a declaration to help residents clean up. after he surveys the damage he is headed to florida to watch the final launch of space shuttle endeavor lift off at 12:47 p.m. our time. the two week-long mission is the end of the road for endeavor. along with the president the shuttle commander's wife, market kelly's wife, arizona congressman giffords. she was shot in the head into some. -- tucson arizona. >>darya: we're looking at the weather. it is planned to be chilly to start but one by the weekend. >>louisa: you can see the gorgeous amount of sunshine. cool and clear conditions. we have some breezy wins as we head into the afternoon and a woman does we had to the weekend. the temperatures are expected to climb. here is your prime temperature of side. for these. still at thirties' getting into 47 san francisco . still chilly throughout the livermore valley and we are having a cooler start. for the most part it is similar them or were yesterday. all along the coast, 60 degrees. mid- 60's through livermore valley. we do have preconditions in the forecast for today. especially through the delta. when did i say is about 11 to the o'clock hour tonight. winds are peaking at 40 mi. per hour. mid-late afternoon hours are 1 to show where the peaking of the wind will be. here is your seven day around the bay. checking out, if you have plans endorsed the weather is calling to be playing its will to help you out. temperatures into the '80s for sunday. climbing up until wednesday it could be as high as 88 degrees. erica? >> thank you so much, we do not have any hot spots. right off the bat a great looking commute. you're not seeing any slowing down the west bound highway. we are falling as strong wind advisory. there is a small back up in san francisco at the meter and light hedges been activated. the strong wind advisory is in effect for your ride up the venetian bridge, number and and here at the san mateo bridge. traffic is then that here. no problems reported. as you make your way into hayward and the golden gate bridge is nice and light. no problems into the approach of san francisco . the 7 07 and we'll be right back with more news. >>darya: 7:10 a.m., you can still see crowds gathered outside buckingham palace. it earlier they got a glimpse of the royal couple with their first kiss as man, or, husband and wife. you might just be breaking now because surely it there are bleary eyed americans that to make up we before dawn to watch on tv as prince william and kate middleton tied the knot. >>mark: we are following the latest on stock markets. the chevron is saying the company is already at 36%. they're making more oil than they produce and the results are topping expectations. they had their best three months. since 2008. >>darya: 7:11 a.m. will be right back. here is a live look out side, and our refund finesse happening. as is waiving the want you to sue it shock you would see. we came up to a chilly, clear morning. you can see the temperature starting to rise as we get into the weekend. and i've never one to show you some highlights of the royal wedding. the wedding of this century. kate middleton and prince william are now husband and wife. care is video of them arriving at westminster abbey. the big surprise that nobody knew was what stressful she where? a six- foot veil? >>darya: no 8 8 ft. train. there's her sister, put up. holding the train. here is the prince arrived. we have to do it a shot of the dress. >>mark: there are a military uniforms. >>darya: they have arrived and the wedding had already happened. 1900 were there. sir elton john was there. other celebrities were there. we saw them and posh spice. there is the queen, she is wearing yellow. everybody wears hats. it is at thing, a british thing. a lot of people, hundreds of thousands of americans woke up at 2-3:00 a.m. to they could watch his life. we will have our coverage showing you the highlights and live the best of everything on kron4 news. >> my parents wore hats when they got very. >>darya: achieve board on the front, plastered to work for him? >>louisa: no, not one of those. here is a shot this morning of walnut creek. all lot of sunshine. the temperatures are cooler this morning and in the '30's in some spots. walnut creek is holding on to 39 degrees. working our way up to 65. back down to 43 decreased by 8:00. elsewhere, 43 degrees and the san francisco's pier 46 degrees in mountain view. 39 degrees in to the livermore valley. your afternoon highs are bringing an abundance of '50s. you will stay close to where we were yesterday. at around the day, mid-upper 70's. warming up to the upper 60s in the so it appeared we do, however have preconditions. breezy conditions. northwesterly winds are picking up and getting to 25 mi. per hour. we could see about 40 mi. per hour. peking are around the mid- late-afternoon hours. we could actually it keeps the conditions overnight into early-morning saturday as well. saturday as a lot of sunshine. by the afternoon be awarded to the 70's. by sunday we could reach peace. is not just a short-lived thing. record to continue to hold onto these until next week. watch the temperatures climbed until wednesday into that in one spot appeared low 80s around the bay and '70s for the coast carry all lot of sunshine ahead of us. time now 7:17 a.m.. >> thank you, no hot spots. no news is good news. we are following a another advisory. once you passed that mean and lights that are cycled on there is a strong lead advisor for your ride along the upper deck. medium-sized back up at the toll plaza. your drive times is typical. the strong wind of pfizer is are also and have checked for the dumbarton, benicia and here at the stanley bridge. at the golden gate bridge southbound, 101 is flowing freely. the james lick is quiet where it meets the inbound central. the drug time of 60 minutes from the camera shot. >>darya: thank-you eric appeared 7:18 a.m.. in the past few months a fire has broken out in downtown san jose. the fire started at 3 in the morning. they headed out quickly and they are now looking into the cause. >> it could be suspicious. it could beat on known. -- and knowing. they had restored power among the the to the structure so are arson is quick to go from there. we were do not know if there were conducting business. date state that the house was vacant and nobody was living, coming or going on a daily basis. >>darya: nobody was hurt. the place was destroyed. >>mark: the stories that we're following it right now, a contractor was killed by an afghan pilot on wednesday and he was less generous a resident. 55 year-old james mclaughlin worked for a private contractor and company. he was training. he was at a meeting when there was an argument and an afghan pilots opened fire. he had retired as a colonel in 2007 and was training pilots since 12008. a live look here from the bay bridge toll plaza with a back up on the bridge. >> p. might be breaking up saying " where is the heat? " we are warned, but it is corn to take it that day to get into gear. it is the weekend, tomorrow and sunday were week i want to touch the 80s and then ride into next week we could, could get close to 90. look at wednesday. 88 degrees. >>mark: more violence and libya. the rebels were pushed back over the tunisian border. the tahitian military taste the rebels back into libya. -- or chased the dog rebels back into libya.taste. to date demonstrators are planning to commemorate the slaying of 112 democracy protesters that had been killed. the fight and your board has claimed more than 150 lives since march. >>darya: here is a live look at buckingham palace. there are still thousands of people lining the streets. earlier today it was jam packed with no elbow room as they watched the royal couple make their procession into the palace after the wedding. they got into the carriage that would take them on to the palace. they got married at westminster abbey. they rode through the streets as husband and wife. prince william and kate middleton are now born to a large reception. there are 150 people there for the lunch reception today. they have a big party tonight. her hair is already let down but they can let down her hair tonight. their only 300 very close family and friends. it is planned to be held tonight. >> besides what the ec back room and his wife, pasha. elton john is there as well. >>darya: did i miss the memo? does anybody know of out wearing a hat on your forehead ride out the front? if he were to wear and had? everybody, for sarah ferguson's kids, lady got that style. and then i am surprised and elton john was not wearing a hat. >>darya: we are born to be talking about this all morning. all lot of people, maybe even you saw the slide. it was beamed out on tv to millions of people around the world. >>mark: another story we're following is a live look from tuscaloosa alabama. president barack obama is expected to lend any minute. the death toll is now at 300. we will bring you the latest developments of of >>louisa: this morning. as we go to break the kron4 news will continue. here's a live look at the golden gate bridge. hamilton lot of a live look >>pam: all lot is at around the world were trained on london. it is for the royal wedding of prince william and catherine milton. they're now known as the duke and duchess of cambridge. here is the video from earlier this morning. william linder over and told the pride that she looked beautiful from the altar. let us listen to the exchange of vows. prince william says after the archbishop: i, william arthur philip louis, take thee, catherine elizabeth to my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day health; to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to god's holy law; and thereto i give thee my troth. catherine says after the archbishop: i, catherine elizabeth, take thee, william arthur philip louis, to my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse: for richer, for poorer; in sickness and in health; to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to god's holy law; and thereto i give thee my troth. arch bishop>> bless, o lord, this ring, and grant that he who gives it and she who shall wear it may remain faithful to each other, and abide in thy peace and favour, and live together in love until their lives' end. through jesus christ our lord. amen. >>darya: with the blast sent william and catherine are husband and wife. there are an estimated 1 million people that court outside gathered. they cannot see anything that they did have about cons set up. they come to the noise it so that they were able to hear. there were those that were able to gather on the and and the very first kiss. the second kiss. the gave too short cases. it was a good idea. there are moderate couple. they thought what the heck. it is cute. the advantage and modern-day planes that flew over as well. today there is lunch and that is happening today. tonight i big party is disco's style. connie west was at the wedding is had enough he will be performing perhaps. they do not wear the dispirited is a big secret. alton john arrived with his longtime partner. we also sought-spiced. victoria. we still call her posh spice. choose what they did that come.madonna was not invited. te average was there. again, there is a woman without on the front of her head. it is the thing to do this spring. your hat person this is how you should wear. if you want to see the whole thing over again or if you missed it because it was 2-3 in the morning you can go to our web site. we all of the wedding footage. the amount we are following the latest with present back up,. he is about to visit those colors at alabama.--tuscae was over 300 deaths reported. in tuscaloosa crews are still going through the rubble looking for possible victims or survivors. we will know the latest of the devastation in alabama. in the meantime we're watching what's there, back here in the bay area. it is conducted on the we can forecast the police said. alabama is a lot of blue sky. a discount to be a gorgeous day for me. starting off with cold temperatures. we do not have a lot of clout of cover trapping in the heat. pepper trees down into the '30's and a few hours ago appeared we do have a wind advisory in effect for the delta. people get to the details and a minute. we have a nice warm up to look for 2 for the weekend. current temperatures are widespread 40's. 46 degrees in san francisco. upper '40's into mountain view. 44 in san jose. for afternoon highs are bringing us up into the 60s. getting close to 70's. concord is about to 69 degrees. 67 degrees in mountain view, san jose, one adviser in effect in this highlighted area. expect the winds to pick up to 25 m.p.h. at moving out of the northwest protest could keep it at about 40. iroquoian to see the wind really peeking around at mid-late afternoon. it looks of it is clear to stay pretty gray overnight into tomorrow morning as well. or we can go is bringing us a much sunshine. temperatures are warm it up into the upper 70's, 80's, by a the wednesday to be 88. time now 734, let us check in with their cat. >> thank you so much, fortunately we do not have any hot spots. despite a fair share of accidents on the roadway portion like, none of them are producing any slowdowns, traffic is moving well and the same goes for the west bound 580. to get you out of the north bridge check checking at the approach to the bridge toll plaza. traffic has slowed down despite no accidents. we do have a strong and the advisory. this issue for this particular bridge. the same goes for the dumbarton and the san mateo bridge where traffic is moving freely as you make your way to foster city. moving with no weight back at the poll plaza. your ride out of the north bay as quiet as you make your way down into the golden gate bridge. traffic has been nicely, better conditions and a scene in the last hour appeared the six and it looks good. now tracking it to the house by yet. clear conditions in to walnut creek. as you move on to the san ramon valley. daria? >>darya: de 7:35 a.m. and california democrats are trying to delay the state budget battle. they're trying to extend higher vehicle fees. they're pushing a bill that will have the the and feet renewal notices it delayed by at least one month. the driver registrations are due july 1st. they are expecting to receive at half percent reduction after the current tax hike. >>mark: part voters are voting off a late night service, the last train will leave san francisco around 12:30 p.m.. the service extends an hour and it illustrates william at 1:30 a.m.. the change will mean that of one hour until late in the start of service on saturday morning by one hour instead of train starting at 6 and it will start its 7:00 a.m.. stanford university is inviting rotc it back on campus. they were banned from the school. the faculty said that they approved this end up about yesterday. the military was excluding transgendered and disabled people from joining. since then and one that wanted to join the military had to take separate class is at different schools. will be back with more and coverage of the royal wedding which may have happened while you're sleeping. 2 billion people watch it on tv. here is a live shot of said a buckingham palace. the new couple prince william and kate milton just left. bay are surely on the way to the luncheon. the big disco party is to the lake and then it is on to the honeymoon. nobody knows where it is. we will be right back. >>darya: all my gosh you just mr. it. the royal couple is driving through the street. they were waving and it had a jackie o. feel. or the graduate, from the movies, they were young and find and hit. very on rhyolite. very cute. they went a short distance. they just wrote down the street and mile and people were cheering. it was really cute, it was really nice. >>mark: our coverage started at 4:00 a.m.. the parties this morning have this to say about the event. >> there is so much that stuff in the world that is nice to sit and watch something that is uplifting and fun. you can feel part of. to switch misery up there that it is nice to watch something that people will get into. and they did. >>mark: 2 million people watched it worldwide. >>darya: can we roll the video? >>mark: this is the video they're looking for. >>pam: this is where they cut out, out of the case. this is the first kiss. they pulled a fast one because they need to cases. it does not protocol. they do, seem so relaxed and they do. they seem happy and relaxed. it is a wedding day which is the odd because it is a national holiday for now and forever. this day when prince william married cake middleton. will be right back. if and then not welcome back with a live look at it from tuscaloosa alabama. the president just arrived surveying the damage. the death toll in six states stands of 300. 200 are dead in alabama. the search and rescue operation continues. >>darya: the big story, the royal wedding. prince william and catherine middleton are now due and duchess of england. here is their first kiss as newlyweds. you cannot expect, these are young people, says a new day but they will be different. here they are writing and a convertible. here's the traditional royal flyover. the advantage of modern day crowns to flyovers and we saw them drive what looks like from one gate to another, maybe a mile. they have and luncheon now. >>mark: here is the view of the bride walking down the aisle with her father. her something borrowed was a tiara from the queen. her dress was kept secret until today. it would've been the secret of the day. >>darya: designed by sir at. they did not take any designers out side of england. the hair and dress will be copied it for wedding season. here is prince william walking with his brother prince harry. they have military attire. prince philip as the queen's husband in military garb as well. we saw the case over at buckingham palace because you cannot case in westminster abbey. >>darya: they put the ring on and instead of saying i do they said i will. that was their thing. by the way it william beaumont be wearing his wedding ring. the only exchange one. these two daughters are the daughters of sarah ferguson who was not on that invited list. these are crazy hats. they're very it lady back up. everybody is wearing them on the front of their heads. even on the left, they're all wearing them on the front. posh spice hatters on the front as well. it is all about that. sarah ferguson was not there but i saw that. what is his name? prince andrew. he was there. >>mark: i have the view of them leaving the palace just moments ago. the video of them driving off. there they are. the aston martin valente. no cans on the back. >>darya: oh wait, what is that on the back, oh, boleyn's. -- balance.alloons. ad that the stock market closed. >>darya: that with their elders. it was a nice day, >>louisa: it was supposed to rain. it was a big thing that they could drive around in a convertible. that is something for england. and for us, we will stay dry. not just for today but for a good long stretch. and the the umbrellas away. the raincoats way. pollute the shades, the shorts. the t- shirts. we're looking in nice weather ahead of us. we star was and cool temperatures. we're in the '40's currently in san francisco. 46 degrees. for one of to 58 with high temperature of 61. down to 50 at the o'clock hour. widespread 40's, 46 and san francisco appeared a little bit cooler up and send a file. 43 degrees in mountain view. down into san jose. upper 60s for santa rosa pirie 56 degrees to novado. 61 degrees in downtown san francisco. temperatures are stepping into the mid to upper 60s. there on tuesday into the upper 60s down into said. we also are born to be watching for some fairly pestilence today. especially through the delta. that is when the advisers have been issued from 11:00 this morning to o'clock tonight. the northwesterly winds are getting to about 20 mi. per hour and a we could see that as peak at 40. the winds are starting to pick up around mid-late afternoon. that is one peak make asphalt and. sunshine could keep the wind around. the upper 80s into next week. erica? >> currently i do not have any hot spots. i have some better news. no longer active at our bay bridges which makes me believe the strong wind of pfizer's have been cancelled. beacon see the end of the back up to the parking lot. then the nine lines are active and we're seeing that be some drive time of only 12 minutes from the foot of that means towards fremont street. the san mateo bridge also looks good, no problem to contend with. traffic is moving epimedium club. no snake's head of foster city. the golden gate bridge softbound traffic is moving freely. 24 minutes right now. gary? >>darya: think he saw much. the time now 751. new details, but philip and nancy credo have pleaded guilty. they kidnapped a seat to guard. they kept her in a hidden compound and the backyard in and taught for 18 years. philip please see here pleaded guilty to kidnapping of 13 counts of sexual assault. if his plan to be sentenced on june 2nd. a maximum of life in prison, 431 years to life. here is nancy, she pleaded guilty. one count of rape in force. she will also be sentenced on june 22nd to 36 years in prison. the lawyer for nancy riva said that the guilty plea is the best they could do. emma and her view now she has made her peace with god and wants to get on with life, what is left with it. obviously do not want to plead your client guilty to a life sentence but that is the best i could get to that is what she is willing to do. she would have been willing to do anything to avoid the kids having to come to trial. >>darya: here's the statement from j.c.. " i am relieved that philip and nancy reno have finally acknowledge their guilt and confessed to their crimes against me and my family " and >> of live look up from tuscaloosa alabama. one of the hardest-hit cities, over 300 dead. it is the home to the university of alabama. two students were killed. the death toll is now over 300 people and it went up 237 tornadoes that raged across the south on thursday morning. the governor of alabama has already declared a state of emergency as the search and rescue operations continue this morning. 210 of them are in alabama. the president after being here this morning is quintuplicate canaveral to see the launch of the space shuttle endeavor. we will monitor the damage this morning. >>darya: a live look out side of buckingham palace. people are starting to leave now as beat new couple leaves the house to go to the luncheon. we will be back with more in just a couple of minutes. and that there is president barack obama on the tarmac now. his survey the damage. search efforts are still ongoing. they're looking for victims. it will bring us details after the break. the panel will come back to kron4 news. we're starting off with temperatures into the '30's. you're 21 and up nicely. still seeing embraced it around into the afternoon. we have of what advisor in effect. will check about that industry and the tariff will want this to happen to weekend. your temperatures into the 40's. clinton never knew about 47 same in redwood city. by the afternoon our highest will be 68, low 60s in downtown centers is to appear temperatures run their stint in mid-upper 60s. livermore valley as they round 65. when devised in effect for the delta. 11:00 until the o'clock hour. thus could spike to 40 mi. per hour keeping the 80s are around. low 80s around a bit here 70's radicals. then and no hot spots of the reader. working is getting bigger matter but bit.--better . we're giving you a pretty good dry time for this time of the art. as 11 to 10 minutes to the foot of the maze. most banks, as you make your way, looks good. traffic on the left-hand side as a lot of space and the golden gate set the and it is flowing freely across the span. a just check the red sentence for rape. great conditions.--no hot spots. the l wedding of this century. prince william and catherine middleton got married into the wee hours, our time this morning. true they are right after they tied the knot. there were more than 1 million people packing the streets of london to catch a glimpse of the royal couple. an estimated 2 billion people were watching from around the world on tv. here's quinellas and it the second. she's of criminals to her right. all of the royal family was there. they're watching these two young people get married. 28 and 29 year-old that matter college. wow, eight years they have been together. it is a long time that they waited. they know each other very well at this point. >>mark: william and catherine i have led duke and duchess william is second in line to the throne. the dress was kept a secret until today. >>darya: can listen to the bells? no, action all of they did was put in one run on because he is not wearing a ring. no cuts, they had to wait until later when they were on the balcony of buckingham palace. we have video of that at the air force with the dramatic flyover. did mintage crosses was modern-day and they flew over buckingham palace and then william and kate for and on the balcony. there were supposed to be calling her catherine now that's what she wants. there were waving at everybody and then they gave them kisses. there was the plumage, is a good word be his all lot of the past look like they were alive. look at the spread on the side of the year. look another one on the side. apparently it is supposed to be read on the head. forget the head. you wear on the side door on the front. plastered your forehead. the my gravity defined. >> this was really, the fund was watching the outfits and the hats. a lot of others, all lot of plays. a lot of eight clusters. look at the bright green get out. nice. there was a lot of highlights, down-to-earth, this happen with in the last half-hour. and then this is leaving buckingham palace. the short drive with poland'--balanced.loons. the neh to net and great art with sunglasses. and then not the whether helloed for convertible ride. a million people gathered around buckingham palace in westminster and 2 billion people are estimated to watch this around the world. the other stories we're following right now, the latest in the south and the severe storm that killed hundreds of people. the death toll is not to 300. killed across six states. the storm that hit the night were 210 of the dead are and all of them all on. possibly is the and other areas are virtually destroyed. will be visiting some of the hardest-hit areas. 36 people were killed in tuscaloosa alabama. it is home to the university of alabama. two students were killed as well. the president is offering his condolences. >> >> president barack obama:the loss of life has been heartbreaking, especially in alabama. in a matter of hours, these deadly tornadoes, some of the worst that we've seen in decades, took mothers and fathers, sons and daughters, friends and neighbors, even entire communities. others are injured and some are still missing, and in many places the damage to homes and businesses is nothing short of catastrophic. we can't control when or where a terrible storm may strike, but we can control how we respond to it. and i want every american who has been affected by this disaster to know that the federal government will do everything we can to help you recover. and we will stand with you as you rebuild. >>mark: present back of, signed ed declaration to help residents, we're just getting word that one of the tornadoes that hit mississippi was and l 5. the for some of hadn't 50 years. the fall launch of the space shuttle endeavor it will be launched at 1247 our time. it will be the end of the road for endeavor. the president will be your watching. nearly four months after giffords was shot in the head in tucson all. this will be the second to last space flight for the nasa program. >>darya: we will be back. here is a live look out side in san francisco at pier 35. this is a monster cruiser. is the disney cruise ship wonder. it is docked right there. folks may be on vacation and taking a little stop in san francisco having a good time. what a nice weekend. we're looking at these warm temperatures. they're terrific. will be back with more interested couple of minutes. >>darya: 8:10 a.m.. for the second time a fire breaks out on the can of this club. it started at 3 in the morning. the firefighters had a out quickly. it destroyed the club. there investigating the cause. but it could be suspicious. could be unknown cause. according to the residence next door it they have restored part of a month ago to the structure. arson is on the scene doing an investigation. lot to go from there. right now is under investigation. >> birthday conducting business? am i not that we know of. the residents at the us was vacant and there was nobody living there. nobody coming and going on a daily basis. >>mark: a private contractor was killed with eight u.s. troops at afghan pilots. he was to santa rosa residents. james mclaughlin work for private contracting company. he was in the meeting and and a conference room at the airport there was an argument. the afghan pilots opened fire. heat had retired as an army colonel and was training pilots. he just left for afghanistan on april 15th. we will be right back as kron4 news continues. gary will be coming up right after the break. to the 814 and let us talk >> what time did he start? >>darya: are golden at 6:00 a.m.. did you see the highlights? >> reporter: i got into it. >>darya: that to me was the best thing. it looked like the kennedys to meet a graduate it and they were cool and they were young and it was fun. the rest was stuffy. this was the story of the day. so cute. >> reporter: if i hear it one more time " oh the common people " and then you drive a high and die.--hyundia.t gives people a choice, good. they seem like nice people. >>darya: they do. i have david beck and. we talked about how he was here with posh. if you look at all of the highlights what you are supposed to do is wear that tape to your forehead. they're not for it but had there for the forehead. everybody, and had it plastered like this to their gear. will more video. elton john was not wearing a hat. these are sarah ferguson scrolls. look at the hats. >> reporter: yes, everything is on the front. >>darya: their mom was not allowed. she was an ex. lady got out wears crazy hats and she wears them like that too. ours are more risky but that half's is the british did. look at the mall. you just put them right there. put them right on >>mark: that is the only and that she did not steal from the madonna. >>darya: we have all and john and connie less. i did not see him. here is i had with others. will staffers liberties? 05 richie. you know he was there without madonna. hello deep on the head. >> reporter: all kidding aside, they seem like nice kids. >>darya: obviously it not worth getting up at 2:00 a.m.. >> reporter: well i got up late because i was up late watching the draft. i would not have a party for it. don't invite people. >>darya: was and i big deal to pick a quarterback? they needed one but they did not pick one? >> reporter: i'm very careful about this stuff because these guys spend months, 24 hours a day studying this stuff and then those of us on our couches ask all of the time or did he come from? the thing that you have to say is apparently they did not think any of the quarterbacks available were worth a no. 1 pick. that means that none of them are going to start next year. beef >>darya: and the other highlights expected? >> reporter: just on looks, he is a star. he has magnetism. his walk across the stage now. in the you would be starting to. it was okay yesterday. the one thing is that i thought) to be let go watered-down product. the enthusiasm was there for the fans. those participating. this was business as usual. >>darya: is back to business today. with the lot that nothing happened today. they're supposed to get to businesses. players are supposed to be a training. working out. it is supposed to happen. >>darya: is from my opinion if you know there is no agreement they really do not want to there. the people are signing a check if they're not happy that is it. is one to beat very hard to have a harmonious attitude if you can because the owners really want to them to continue until they get an agreement. >>darya: i know what you mean. since we're talking with the draft of but the drafting of this 18 month old boy appeared to be see this? he is on youtube. what tests guilty as. to this team gets a hold of this video because it does little sensation. he just keeps keeping the ball. so what kind of team is this from? is dutch. the dutch soccer team signed him to a mock tenure. >> that is really cute. held to see? >> he is 18 months old. they brought a man and had him sign a 10 month contract to the team. and he is really good. he does not miss. this is the start of something. the member time was with his little clout? this kid is cool. >> there is one after the other. (laughter) i could watch this al day. forget the royal wedding. i could watch this all day. that is our funding to and with. an appeal of a great weekend. >> reporter: cockies tonight. >>darya: oh my gosh, tonight and sunday. >> reporter: the most storied american franchise, the detroit red wings. hockey is front and center for a while. >>darya: and that he. enjoy it. his plan to be 80 tonight. >> reporter: i'm going to stay and watch the wedding. >>darya: have a good one. you'll see the the 20 1:00 a.m.. alabama welcome back to kron4 news. a lot of sunshine, could get to breezy. yet 80s in the forecast and temperatures keep climbing into next week. of a full load coming out. >> here is a live look at traffic. pretty laid out there. bay area why it we will check on your friday commute straight ahead. and play >>mark: more rival with libya. a witness as gaddafi fiers case the rebels across the border and tell it to me shut military push and crossed the frontier. they're saying they want immediate measures to halt such violations of to the territory. the government crackdown on an opposition in syria. it is in coming into the country. more demonstrations against the presence regime. they're planning and commemorating the slangs from one week ago, 112th protesters killed and one day. revolts and other arab countries have claimed more than 150 lives since mid march. >>darya: thousands gathered in london with feeling parties around the world. including the bay area as they watched the royal get married. it was the royal wedding of the century. prince william and catherine middleton. here is what the royal watchers had to say. >> they are just figureheads but it is the fact that there's so much that stuff in the world that did business to watch out lifting and fun. you feel part of it. too much misery is i like to watch something people can get into. and they did. >>darya: 2 million people watched the ceremony around the world. >>mark: we will be back in two minutes. we continue until 11:00 a.m.. light traffic on the 680. + + ♪ [ female announcer ] the counter. in most homes, it gets all the action. bring it. getting it clean again is easy with bounty. in this lab test, one sheet of bounty leaves this surface cleaner than 3 sheets of the bargain brand. ♪ why use more when you can use less? ♪ super durable, super absorbent, super clean. bounty. the one-sheet clean picker-upper. >> mark: mile combat alive look from a launch pad in cape canaveral. endeavor blasted off at 12:47 p.m. our time. mark kelly has been of gabrielle gifford at controls today. this is the second to last launch ever. >> darya: they had the hill there. they got through that and everything is ok. >> louisa: a good chance of them taking off. we are seeing a much different picture here. blue skies but because of that inmate for cooler temperatures overnight. temperatures dropping down into the 30's, 40's starting to warm up slowly this morning. this afternoon breezy through the delta, and then a nice warm up bin to the weekend, did your shorts and sunglasses out. current temperatures in the '40's for the most part, 47 at malcolm do, by the afternooyour afternoon hn rosa, 70 novato, hanging on to the '50s along the coast half moon bay 58, 67 san jose. wind advisory in effect until 8:00 p.m. tonight. northwest winds could pick up to 25 mi. an hour dusting up to 40. --dustigustind to upper 80s monday through thursday, possibly creating up to the '70s by the bay. >> erica: no hot spots to tell you about in a traffic center. i have been checking logs we have accidents out there but none of them causing any delays for your ride around the bay area. this is the best we have seen the bay bridge look over the past few hours. the meter lights are active but you conceive as shallow wading in some lanes, traffic is actually at top speed is coming down the shore freeway peere. the same story at the san mateo bridge, it looks could moving at a medium clip heavier than 10 minutes ago but overall a good drive time of 15 minutes between 88101. we have been delayed free throughout marin county checking the sensors and we see top speeds clean and green. picking up one last camera 101 in san jose, this is probably some of the slower traffic throughout the bay area. it can see a bunching up towards trembled accrues to exit. not tracking and the delays for 2 80 or highway 17. >> mark: more on the of royal wedding. william second in line to the throne after his father. he wore his military uniform. kate wearing l.a. sense that in dress was designed by sarah burton at alexander mcqueen. police shot and killed today. this something borrow was the .prince william says after the archbishop: i, william arthur philip louis, take thee, catherine elizabeth to my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse: for richer, for poorer; in sickness and in health; to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to god's holy law; and thereto i give thee my troth. >>catherine says after the archbishop: i, catherine elizabeth, take thee, william arthur philip louis, to my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse: for richer, for poorer; in sickness and in health; to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to god's holy law; and thereto i give thee my troth. >> mark: from west minister of be to buckingham palace where the couple kissed. they couldn't thyssen church. our royal flyover is well. 1 million people standing outside watching. we will show you highlights throughout the day. >> darya: president barack obama in alabama today seeing the damage from those deadly tornadoes that hit on wednesday. this is video from this morning out of forest dale. the president will meet with families that work affected by this disaster and with alabama's governor. the storms killed nearly 300 people in all. the storms and tornadoes hit six states. in tuscaloosa they are going through the rubble looking for more possible victims or survivors. >> mark: out of san jose for the second time in three months of cannabis club goes up in flames. it happened at 3:00 a.m. will tran stresses the damage. >> will: even before they can determine the cause of the last fire back in january 12th. once again fire fighters were back to this house. >> arson investigators are investigating they will have to go from there. >> will: the business at not reopen since of fire three months ago when nobody was at the place when they arrived. it doesn't cure urban appeal was trying to get back on its feet before the fire. the fact that happened again the second time and say to-three months of does it strike you as odd? >> he could be suspicious, it could be a noble cause right now they did have power back according to the residence next door. maybe about a month ago to that structure. >> will: the latest fire caused the family next door to be displaced after the fire damage their roof and act. the fire department says they are staying with family members. will tran kron 4 news. >> darya: we will be back with more and couples minutes. a live look at the disney cruise witches stockton's in francisco right now, they will wake up and step off and we will have tourists out there today. they will enjoy the day, warm temperatures and stored there sticking around too. we will be right back. [ woman ] everybody's looking for deals these days, and i'm not talking about saving a dollar off shampoo or two-for-one tacos or something. i'm talking about paying less -- every month. like this deal. [ female announcer ] call today and get the fastest internet for the price -- an amazing $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. plus get access to the entire at&t national wi-fi network at no extra cost. [ woman ] with at&t, i'm surfing at hot spots all over town. ♪ i'm downloading music fast. and watching videos. cute! and the price is great. [ female announcer ] call at&t today and get the fastest internet for the price -- an amazing $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. plus get access to the entire at&t national wi-fi network at no extra cost. [ woman ] i went looking for a deal, and at&t delivered. now, i just need to curb the shoe shopping. ♪ >> mark: preparation for the launch of the space ship endeavor. the launch is scheduled for 12:47 p.m. the president and michele obama will be in attendance. so will gabrielle difference.gifford. hd is on the flight. it will be the second to last played for the entire shuttle program >> darya: san quentin will not be getting and new debt rolas nw facility. it would've added to the deficit. democrats are trying to delay the budget battle to get higher fees. they want to delay renewal services it by one month. it would start with registrations july 1st. for now they are expecting to get half a percent reduction in their vehicle registration fee after the tax hike expires. >> mark: part once did steady having later trains friday night. under current friday late-night service the last train leaves at 12:30 p.m. but services extended the last one will leave at 1:30 a.m.. the final decision may be made by late june. stanford university.. stanford university voted thursday to invite rotc back to campus, nearly 40 years after the military program was barred amid strong anti-war sentiments and anger over the military's ban on gays and lesbians. the reserve officers' training corps left stanford, harvard and other prominent universities during the vietnam war, and schools lately kept it off campus because of the military's policy on gays, which they considered discriminatory. but several universities began reconsidering after congress in december repealed the so-called don't ask, don't tell policy, which requires soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines to keep their homosexuality a secret or face dismissal. in march, harvard officially welcomed back the program. >> darya: we will be back with more and a couple of minutes all looked at the golden gate bridge. the usual traffic and lots of sunshine. we will be right back. [ coach ] in albuquerque, citi pre-approved my mortgage. [ whistle blows ] all right, layups, guys. let's go. in sioux falls, i locked in a rate. coach, you get that house yet? working on it. [ coach ] the appraisal? ...springfield. wherever i was, my citi mortgage consultant had me covered. [ crowd cheering ] and 500 miles from home... [ cheering, cellphone beeps ] ...we finally had a new home. [ male announcer ] from pre-approval to closing, citi is with you every step of the way. what's your story? citi can help you write it. >> louisa: 8:45 a.m. we are off to a cool start but we are warming up. we are in the '50s for walnut creek at this hour are lots of sunshine as you can see. about 65 degrees by noontime, your highs today closing in on 70. elsewhere finally starting to get into the 50s. san rafael, redwood city, have monday warming up to 50 still 44 in the livermore valley. your afternoon highs upper 60s for the north bay, napa valley, 62 richmond, was 61 in san francisco in the east bay mid to upper 60s 67 down and to mountain view, san jose wind advisory has been issued for the delta from 11 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. the winds are getting stronger up to 25 mi. an hour, gusting up to 40 mi. an hour. they will keep many too late afternoon hours. look at this 7 day. temperatures warm enough to the '80s, then continuing to climb. by wednesday next week we could be closing in on 90 degrees and '80s around the bay. get those sunglasses and shorts out. >> erica: it is a perfect time to leave the post no hot spots in the traffic center. this is the best we have seen the bay bridge all morning long, nice and easy ride. the meter lights are on but traffic moves well across the upper deck. san mateo bridge traffic on the right-hand side of your screen has been and and in free throw the morning. southbound 1 01 heavier than we were tracking earlier this morning but overall the conditions. that is consistent for your entire ride out of marin county along southbound 1 01. >> darya: 8:47 a.m. new details felon and nancy reno have pleaded guiltphilip and nancy gd guilty to kidnapping he will be sentenced to a maximum of 431 years to life in prison. his wife nancy who you see here pleading guilty to kidnapping one count of rape by force and several enhancements she will be sentenced to 36 years to life in prison. the lawyer spoke about the guilty plea. >> she had a serious wrong committed. and her new now she has made peace with god she wants to get on with life of what's left of it. it is the best i can get. you don't like to plead them guilty to a life sentence but that is the best i could get so that's what she is willing to do. she would of been willing probably to do anything to avoid actually having the kids come to trial. >> darya: the statement that j.c. tjaycee dugard released. "m relieved that phillip and nancy garrido have finally acknowledged their guilt and confessed to their crimes against me and my family," >> mark: 48 people were injured in this muni crash, the report blames both the driver and muni for failing to enforce safety rules. since the accident they have installed this line management center. it tracks everything from the doors open and to lend a switch from automatic to manual. they also monitor surveillance cameras, there are more safety inspectors keeping watch on tracks. >> darya: oakland city attorney has excepted the job of city manager in lme debt. indents months of speculation were so has been enacted heads against gain in junctions. --gamng---a former doctor has been charged with 19 counts of illegal acts with eight patients between 2006 and 2011. he pleaded not guilty, here is yesterday at his arraignment. one person claimed he was touched inappropriately during a medical exam his attorney plans to make a motion to dismiss the charges. >> mark: 4 royal wedding, everyone in to see the test.kist one but two. this is what some people said. >> i wish i was up there and giving our kids myself. >> will: a good choice for william? >> oh yes d.c. the sister of good-looking lady to. >> mark: 2 billion people watch the ceremony worldwide. >> darya: 8:51 a.m. we will be back with more in just a moment. congratulations to joanne who is attending tonight's game at h-p per billion courtesy of kron 4. is not too late to win tickets we are giving away a pair of tickets to sunday's game game 2. we will be right back. >> darya: 8:55 a.m. they are now bride and groom, they tied the knot this morning now husband and wife. becky anderson is in london where she ran into interesting characters. >> reporter: let me introduce you to some friends. all the way from north london. has it been a good day? >> fantastic, fabulous, marvelous. >> reporter: what about the kids? >> we were looking for somebody to test.kiss. >> reporter: your hat looks tremendous. i've never seen a fascinator like this. whoever i got here? another london. >> it was marvelous, we came straight up here and we had some marvelous times, we've met people from south africa, australia, other parts of england. it's been a marvelous day. >> i'm from london i came as 7:00 a.m. this morning it was fantastic. it was well worth the day. thank goodness the weather was dry. >> reporter: just behind you. >> we are from london! >> reporter: did you enjoy yourself? >> yes, yes! >> reporter: i think it is the best day i have ever had in london. you've never seen crowds like this in decades. it's been thrilling. >> darya: are real party and parade. >> mark: everybody was talking about the high costs, some bizarre fashion choices, as we go to break we will show you some highlights. >> mark: 9:00 a.m. on this royal wedding day, our coverage began at 2:00 a.m. prince william is married to catherine middleton, highlights coming up. >> darya: we want to be right here and see what's big on the weekend. it will be so nice out. >> louisa: dry in england, a dry here in california. lots of sunshine is the difference. cool this morning with temperatures in the 30's in some spots, towards the afternoon pleasant. it will be breezy in the afternoon expansion in the delta. you can see the wind blowing around just a bin at this hour. we have a warm-up into the weekend is darya mentioned. at the shades and you will need them. we will see those temperatures rise next week as well. right now into the fifties 50 happen bay, redwood city, a bellevue, san jose, 44 through the livermore valley. your afternoon highs present '60s, '60s and rosa, 66 novato 61 in downtown san francisco. in the south bay mid to upper 60s 65 for redwood city, half moon bay 58 degrees, we have a wind advisory in effect for the delta from 11 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. the winds picking up to 25 calls an hour gusts up to 40 mi. an hour. it could stay breezy overnight tonight early tomorrow morning as well. lots of sunshine for your weekend. those temperatures by the end of the weekend will be in the '80s. by wednesday closing in on 90. >> erica: i'm currently not tracking and hot spots for your bay area ride, your commute is looking good on this friday morning, you can see that indicated that the approach to the bay bridge toll plaza, a small way that the pay gates drive time of about 11 minutes towards fremont street san francisco, friday light at the san mateo bridge, conditions look good, lots of space between cars free trip into foster city. at of the north bay someone all one it is certainly cleared up from what we were tracking 10 minutes and go easy conditions for your trip out of marin county. we have encountered some slow traffic around the bay area along the shore freeway westbound 84 your ride out of san pablo into richmond. we had a couple of earlier accidents reported none of them blocking lanes, i guess enough of a visual hazard because slowing go conditions. as for public transit nothing to worry about their everything running on time. >> mark: to the royal wedding, prince william and kathryn video of them driving away after the wedding. the blue of aston martin. estimated 2 billion people watched this wedding around the globe. it was a royal fairy tale. >> reporter: the now duke and duchess of cambridge the first public kiss as man and wife. it was the climax of a day filled with pomp and pageantry. not only for the couple and their guests but for the throngs of people lined the streets hoping to get a glimpse of a historic celebration. it 3:00 p.m. london time guests wearing morning suits and fancy hats began arriving at west mr. abbey. 11:00 a.m..minister abbey. and e celebrities, the mother and father of the bride, the duke of edinburgh and the queen. finally the moment everybody was waiting for, the bride accompanied by her father stepping out of the hotel where she spent her last night as a single woman dressed in a gallup that had been kept a mystery. the designer sarah burton. after the four minute walk down the aisle her fairytale ceremony. >> i pronounced day the man and wife together. >> reporter: marking the end of an eight year courtship. every second of the day walked by an audience of billions broadcast live on television, and the internet. >> mark: if you would like to see the ceremony we posted it on our web site code >> darya: another big story we're following is a severe weather hitting the south. 300 people have been killed across six states the storms tornadoes, wind and rain 210 of them were killed in alabama. the president is in alabama where 36 people were killed including to university of alabama students. the president offered his condolences. > president barack obama:the loss of life has been heartbreaking, especially in alabama. in a matter of hours, these deadly tornadoes, some of the worst that we've seen in decades, took mothers and fathers, sons and daughters, friends and neighbors, even entire communities. others are injured and some are still missing, and in many places the damage to homes and businesses is nothing short of catastrophic. we can't control when or where a terrible storm may strike, but we can control how we respond to it. and i want every american who has been affected by this disaster to know that the federal government will do everything we can to help you recover. and we will stand with you as you rebuild. >> darya: president barack obama sign it disaster declaration to help residents clean up. >> mark: after the president's surveys the damage he will fly to florida to watch a final launch of endeavor, set for 12:47 p.m. mark kelly will have his wife gabrielle gifford will watch the launch four months after she was shot and had been taught to the l be right back as the news continues. --tucson-- hey marcel, watch this! hey marcel, watch this! [ buzzer sounds ] [ cheers and applause ] ♪ hey marcel, watch this! yeah, marcel! -marcel! -hey marcel! are you listening to me? marcel! [ male announcer ] only at&t u-verse lets you follow your favorite channels on one screen. just $29 a month for the first six months -- dvr included. in the network there are no hard choices. >> darya: for the second time in the past few months of fire broke out on a can of this club it happened at 3:00 a.m. firefighters headed out quickly. it destroyed the club. >> it could be suspicious or on home. they did have power about a month ago to that structure. arson investigators are on the scene to an investigation. right now it's under a bus station. >> will: were they conducting business? >> they said the house was vacant and nobody was coming and going. >> darya: nobody was hurt, we will follow this and find out the cause. >> mark: oakland city attorney john russo has agreed to city manager. they have talked about his departure. he has butted heads with mayor kwan. the contract includes a base salary of $215,000. we will be right back as the news continues until 11:00 a.m.. a visitor in san francisco deceidisney cruise sh. >> darya: a married couple this morning, kate middleton mary and her prince. they watch her walk down the aisle, at west minister abbey early this morning with her father walking her down. the swap took four minutes. she was stunning annette sign and lace gown, she wore a terah that was borrowed from queen elizabeth the second period and then the prince and dirt, prince william looking great, in hisecond. theg ring they both agreed to have picked out. the engagement ring was princess diana's. >> mark: this is video of the royal family are riveting.arrivs beatrice arriving, and prince charles are arriving with camilla. and of course queen elizabeth the second are arriving as well. he is almost 90 years old. >> darya: she looks good. i guess the royal life is good. don't forget the supporters 1 million people the figure were outside of westminster abbey and along the streets. they closed all the streets because there were block parties. inside there were 1900 guests, 2 billion people bore watching around the world. >> the dress was beautiful all about the dress. >> wonderful, amazing morning, beautiful weather, the sun came out at the most important moment. >> it was great, pat day brought his your friend is well. >> mark: you can relive the better moments posted the whole ceremony on our web site. >> darya: they talked about the sun coming out at the right blend. we will get this done this weekend. >> louisa: we have no rain, they have no rain, however we will be breezy today, really good- looking weather ahead of us towards the weekend. san jose the wind is picking up 52 in said housing, 65 by noontime, 67 for your highs today. those winds actually sustained winds starting to pick up in san jose you saw those camera shake 14 mi. an hour right now. redwood city ended oakland 14 mi. an hour, fairfield 20 mi. an hour, the dalton we are concerned about today a wind advisory until about 8:00 p.m. wind is getting up to 25 mi. an hour with gusts of up to 40 mi. an hour. we are slowly warming it up. 51 in san rosa, 53 malamute your afternoon brings us '60s. 70 through vallejo, east bay temperatures mid to upper 60s. you're 7 day around the bay shows a warm-up, it highlights the '80s by the end of the weekend continuing to rise by wednesday of next week warming up to close to 90. >> erica: no major hot spots bay area wide, we do have an accident that could turn into a problem and the southbound direction of 280. getting you out the door with a bridge check the bay bridge toll plaza pretty light out there almost empty. fast track moving well in to san francisco. for those of you headed to the san mateo bridge nice, light, easy ride. no problems at the golden gate bridge southbound 1 01 as you make your way out of marin county. over to our traffic maps 280 rate at westborough boulevard we have a to a car accident chp is on the scene. it isn't blocking traffic lanes but you can see the red and yellow building on your screen. this back up making its way past highway one. >> darya: 9:20 a.m. senatchevron is reporting increase in profits. the company received higher prices for the oil produced and made more money from refining oil. the results topping expectations. it is the best three months since 2008. six point to $1 billion in the first three months of the year. >> mark: that is 69 million today. we will be back as the news continues. a live look at san francisco. don't forget kron4 has exclusive coverage of the 100 zazzle, bay to breakers on kron4 that will be sunday, may 15th, beginning at 8:00 a.m. we have cameras all along the course and we will replay the event sunday night at 8:00 p.m. >> mark: we are just getting word of the launch has been scrubbed. it was supposed to blast off three hours from now but there is a technical problem with heaters on board. because of that 48 hour delay for the launch. the second to last launch ever. president barack obama was headed there this morning. a change of plans for the president now. gabrielle the gifford is there mark kelly her husband is commanding this mission. a private contractor that was killed along with a truce by an afghan pilot wednesday was a san rosa resident. james mclaughlin jr. worked for a private company training pilots, he was in a meeting in the board room when there was an argument, the afghan pilots opened fire. he retired in 2007 has working train pilots. >> darya: more violence between libyan troops and rebels. they will push back and forth between teaches border. gaddafi fighters chase them crossed the border and mailed to o'leary pushed them back across the frontier. it once the immediate measures to halt violations on its territory. the government crackdown on and point and are cracking down and syria. demonstrators are planning to commemorate the slayings a week ago. saw 112 people killed and one day. series of bruising inspired by revolts in the arab countries around the world. lets take a live look at san jose, traffic is nice and light. friday led i guess. one no one is an easy ride. >> mark: more on their own royal wedding, the man who is second in line to the throne has now got a bride. this is a video of them arriving at buckingham palace after the wedding ceremony. they pledged their lives to one another with the simple words i will. >>prince william says after the archbishop: i, william arthur philip louis, take thee, catherine elizabeth to my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse: for richer, for poorer; in sickness and in health; to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to god's holy law; and thereto i give thee my troth. >>catherine says after the archbishop: i, catherine elizabeth, take thee, william arthur philip louis, to my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse: for richer, for poorer; in sickness and in health; to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to god's holy law; and thereto i give thee my troth. >> mark: from the abbey they went to buckingham palace where they had their first kiss on the balcony accompanied by our royal fly over. 2 billion people estimated to watch the ceremonies around the world. 1 million crowded in london. >> darya: let's get a look at the weather as we head into the weekend we are looking at quite the warm-up. by the time we get to sunday were looking at about 15 degrees? >> louisa: we have a string of drive warm days ahead of us. a beautiful day this morning free of fog, it was a big cool this morning we are warming it up. we are also picking up winds, a wind advisory for the dow details of that in a moment. current winds 12 mi. an hour through sfo, 15 in san rosa, san jose 14 mi. an hour winds, 23 the delta. there is a wind advisory for the delta from about 11:00 a.m. until about 8:00 p.m. winds could get up to 25 mi. an hour gusts came up to 40. we're talking about winds picking up mid to late afternoon hours. rainout temperatures at of the '40's, 50's. 53 oakland, 54 in san rafael, often to center rows of 51 degrees, afternoon highs bring us '60s. 62 richmond, temperatures in the north bay in the napa valley mid to upper 60s. 654 hayward and livermore. 7 day around the bay dry for the week temperatures warming for the weekend, by wednesday closing in on 90 inland, it is dr. >> erica: we had some potential hot spots but not anymore. westbound 80 is to make your way through richmond, getting out the door with the bridge check, the toll plaza looks good, those metering lights are active but not really a way just a small one in a couple of the cash lanes. traffic moving wallop the incline and the upper deck. san mateo bridge it has been accident and incident freed. we contended with the strong wind advisory through the morning hours but not the case anymore. year-old and a bridge ride aboard a shock for you and nice light easy conditions. top speeds 25 minutes out of novato and to san francisco. >> darya: 9:33 a.m. president barack obama is an alabama right now looking at the damage left from dozens of tornadoes that swept across the southeast. 300 people have killed by the storm. most of the deaths were in alabama. he is standing by in the debris, splintered buildings and homes. he is meeting with survivors and officials. this is when he arrived this morning, he arrived with mrs. obama shirtsleeves rolled up. he wants reality to set in and tell people ththere are held. >> reporter: president barack obama arrived to survey the storm. thursday he had said declaration order assuring people that the federal government is ready to help in any way possible. that helped cannot come soon enough. >> is just gone. i don't know how to do this. >> reporter: survivors are returning home of many fine their lives reduced to rubble. >> it is and real, it looks like a third world country. >> we lost everything. part of the churches and our house. we have nothing. >> reporter: well they combed through debris search crews are looking for bodies. 300 people died in six states in as super outbreak of tornadoes. 1 million people are without power, weeks if not longer before restored. >> spirits are high we wanted deliver services. >> reporter: response teams have been deployed to all them alone. >> mark: we will be right back. this is your captain speaking, we are fourteenth in line for takeoff. looks like it's bumper to bumper on the interstate. i gotta get to cleveland! remove your belt, your watch, your shoes. i wonder what gas costs today. seven dollars for a pillow! an extra bag costs what? i hate traffic! ♪ [ child ] the train is now arriving. [ male announcer ] the train has arrived indeed. in honor of amtrak's 40th anniversary, kids ride free for 40 days. details at kids ride free for 40 days. and i'm not talking about saving a dollar off shampoo or two-for-one tacos or something. i'm talking about paying less -- every month. like this deal. [ female announcer ] call today and get the fastest internet for the price -- an amazing $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. plus get access to the entire at&t national wi-fi network at no extra cost. [ woman ] with at&t, i'm surfing at hot spots all over town. ♪ i'm downloading music fast. and watching videos. cute! and the price is great. [ female announcer ] call at&t today and get the fastest internet for the price -- an amazing $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. plus get access to the entire at&t national wi-fi network at no extra cost. [ woman ] i went looking for a deal, and at&t delivered. now, i just need to curb the shoe shopping. ♪ >> mark: businesses starting to pick up for a cruise ship industry in time for tourists is sen. cruise ship wonder is docked from loss angeles. jackie sizzle is watching. >> reporter: it pulled in this morning, you can see the ship docking at pier 35. it is interesting that this is the mating call to san francisco support. it is due because the port is coming back together. they're trying to get more ships coming in. the expected 60 of these cruises compared to 20 last year cloc. disney wonder hs 2700 passengers they will be here today and leave tomorrow. that means restaurants, shops, a transportation it also means the longshoremen get more business. it is the first of many calls, they expect 18 more of these. this is an impressive ship. >> mark: now they will need more sweat shirts. >> reporter: i told a few of them you should feel fortunate if you came here a few days ago you would've had to bust out scarfs. >> mark: the horn plays when you wish upon a storstar. >> darya: out of san jose, the second time in three months of a campus club when up into flames. her appeal dispensary before 3:00 a.m. this morning will tran takes a look. >> will: even before they can determine the cause of the last fire back on january 12th, once again fire fighters were back to this house. >> arson investigators are here right now investigating. they will go from there. >> will: the business had not reopened to and nobody was at the place when they arrived. it appears burn out to deal was trying to get on its feet. the fact that happened again the second time in say two-three months does that strike you as odd? >> it could be suspicious, it could be and no cause right now. they had power back according to the residence next door. >> will: unlike the previous fire, this latest one cause the family next door to be displaced after the fire damage their roof and an addict. the fire department says there staying with family members. will tran kron 4 news. >> darya: we will be back with more of a couple of minutes. lots of sunshine outside and the san mateo bridge traffic map at at all. >> darya: trouble live look around the bay, it is cool and breezy but warmer temperatures for the weekend. >> louisa: this is a great forecast, if you have plans outdoors you'll love this weather, temperatures could begin in to the '80s, today you start off cool, tuesday to the san jose, 65 by noon, 67 for your afternoon high. wind is starting to pick up, continuing to be a factor today. in san jose 14 mi. an hour, as the vote 12, 14 through santa rosa, to teen in napa, the delta will see the strongest winds greater round 20. we do have a window advisory for the delta from 11 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. wind could get up to 25 mi. an hour, if for any up to 20 we might get stronger than that. it will peak of around mid to late afternoon. right now temperatures warming up into the 50s. by the afternoon we bring in '60s. similar to yesterday's 68% rosa, 66 for novato, napa, 67 into oakland. here is that good looking forecast as we head into the weekend warming up bin to the eighties, eighties next week by wednesday could be the warmest day of the week getting close to 90 degree mark inland, is run bay, '70s for the coast. >> erica: no hot spots for you but i have noticed slower traffic around the bay area including westbound 80 at of richmond. you do have some minor way in some of those cash lanes for your westbound ride. metering lights are active, traffic is flowing freely in the fast track. no worries over at the san mateo bridge, good commute on a pay word in foster city, here at the golden gate bridge said but traffic is good but take a look at north down 1 01, stop and go conditions. i checked the traffic clogs and didn't see anything but i will be looking for accidents or stalls out there. south bay 101 in san jose, nothing act about their nothing blocking the road way but traffic is bunching up as you make your way through trumbull de la cruz. >> mark: every friday we are joined by legal attorney some inside into some items in the news. >> darya: we are talking about the giants' game where fans as he was upset because one of the coaches from the other team made a slur against gays. he had his nine year-old daughter's there and then he threatened him with a baseball bat. >> in sam francisco added giants game, to make get anti-gay remarks and then to walk over to the father of these 29 year-old girls and threaten him with a baseball bat. gloria is on the scene representing the family she is making a big deal out of this. don't forget not long ago a few weeks ago kobe bryant maybe the best basketball player of all time made an anti daday remarked and apologized. the difference is the father felt threatened, kids were there, fans were there. athletes made remarks and gestures to fans. the issue is what should happen? is a lawsuit going to be filed, should this coach be suspended. what kind of discipline should be imposed. >> mark: he did apologize, he holds zero world series ring, and he has apologized. i'm never surprised when gloria albright shows up. it surprises to me that he has grounds for lawsuits. >> she is an activist attorney she represented one of tiger woods miss stress. anytime somebody is wrong there is a controversial issue she's in the middle of it. the father felt threatened, he was coming at me with the baseball bat. emotional distress, maybe she's tried to get a few bucks out of the atlanta braves. money talks and there may have to be a settlement. the problem really is a wide the anti-gay remarks what is going on? enough already these are professional baseball players paid millions of dollars inexcusable. >> darya: did you watch the royal wedding? >> we watched it. prenups. >> darya: when a you lawyer watches a wedding this is what he thinks. >> if something happens i'm sure there is a prenup involved. hopefully there will be no problems. >> mark: thankfully the be heading days are passed us. >> darya: those lawyers are such romantics. we will be right back. ♪ [ female announcer ] the counter. in most homes, it gets all the action. bring it. getting it clean again is easy with bounty. in this lab test, one sheet of bounty leaves this surface cleaner than 3 sheets of the bargain brand. ♪ why use more when you can use less? ♪ super durable, super absorbent, super clean. bounty. the one-sheet clean picker-upper. >> mark: we have been covering in all morning long, we have been on the air since 2:00 a.m. with a royal wedding of prince william and kathryn middleton. this was the kiss that took place at buckingham palace. 1900 guests inside for the wedding including queen elizabeth. celebrations around the globe. this is what one man said. >> i wish i was up there giving her kids myself. (laughter) it's pretty hot. did you see this sister? good-looking lady to. >> mark: everybody talking about the younger sister. >> darya: if you see the video she's holding the train. >> mark: 2 million people watch this. >> reporter: let me introduce you to some friends. all the way from manila from north england. has it been a good day? >> fantastic, fabulous. >> reporter: what about the kiss? >> we were looking for somebody to kiss with as well but there was nobody. >> reporter: you enjoyed it? >> beautiful lovely. >> reporter: your hat is traffic. let's move around, where are you from? >> london. it was marvelous, i got here at 20 past five i came straight up here i met people from the resilient, australia, other parts of london it's been a wonderful day. >> reporter: where you from? >> 10 and it's the way i came by bus by 7:00 a.m. and it was fantastic well worth the day. thank goodness it was right when a fantastic >> reporter: where you from? >> from london! >> reporter: did you enjoy yourself? >> yes! >> reporter: these people reflect the mood of the crowd here. you've never seen crowds like this or not in decades. >> darya: that reminds me of the bay to breakers. we wear a big hat to that date. it was just something like a circus. but no naked runners at the wedding. we will be back in a moment. prince william says after the archbishop: i, william arthur philip louis, take thee, catherine elizabeth to my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, now they are >> mark: all highlights of the royal weddings and a few moments. >> darya: first friday morning we want to know what the weather will be light for the weekend. >> louisa: getting grease out there and we will talk about those wins straight ahead. >> erica: no hot spots for the ride around the bay area, live look from the toll plaza metering lights are cycled on, a full text read ahead. >> darya: the royal wedding of the century with catherine and prince william, and now they are husband and wife they were married this morning. it was 2:00 a.m. when the action happened. this is when they got into the carriage after being married before 1900 gas inside, outside 1 million people packing the streets of london. plus 2 billion people watching across the globe. the whole royal family gathered, the couple to the and duchess of cambridge. >> mark: william is second and throwin line to the throne, kate within 8 ft. train/sarah burton the dress kept secret until today. the t.r. was borrowed from queen elizabeth. >>prince william says after the archbishop: i, william arthur philip louis, take thee, catherine elizabeth to my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse: for richer, for poorer; in sickness and in health; to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to god's holy law; and thereto i give thee my troth. >>catherine says after the archbishop: i, catherine elizabeth, take thee, william arthur philip louis, to my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse: for richer, for poorer; in sickness and in health; to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to god's holy law; and thereto i give thee my troth. >> darya: from the abbey was on to the kiss. there were two kisses. right here after they went to the. there they go. then they gave to kisses. next is our royal honeymoon and that is being kept as secret. there is the flyover. all of the highlights of the royal wedding on our website at >> mark: waiting for the big warm up here let's go to the weather center. >> louisa: today watching wins starting to pick up around the bay, we have an advisory to tell you about. clear conditions across the golden gate bridge was a big cool in the 30's and '40's. now we are in the '50s. warming up more to the weekend. here's a look at your when speeds, 12 mi. north spins at sfo and oakland, in the delta that's where the strongest wind is now, we have a wind advisory for the delta from about 11:00 a.m. until about the 8:00 p.m. hour. the winds will pick up towards mid-late afternoon hours. temperatures warming up and to the '50s 52 san francisco, 51 in san rosa, in the south bay temperatures in the low 50s 51 livermore. the highs into the '60s today similar to yesterday's 68 san rosa, 66 san rafael, mid to upper 60s in the east bay, here is that 7 day that brings us an abundance of sunshine through the weekend, hopping up to the '80s on sunday and continuing in the '80s next week. >> erica: here's a quick bridge check to get you out the door, no hot spots around the bay area,, traffic moving well from the shore freeway westbound 580 into the northbound direction of the nimitz freeway. 10 minutes from the foot of the maze towards fremont street san francisco. san mateo bridge has been nice and light lots of space between hayward and foster city. eastbound traffic also moves well into hayward, golden gate bridge last track a stall no. l 101 raid at mid span blocking number to lane. it looks like it has been moved as traffic is picked up in the northbound direction, southbound cars are slowing down at the toll plaza, nothing reported yet but more informational in the next report. >> darya: we will be back with more a couple of minutes, the big story of the day is here in the united states, storm is ravaging the south. >> mark: last space shuttle launch is scrubbed we will tell you why. >> mark: severe weather in the south east 300 people killed. over 200 of the dead are in alabama. this is tuscaloosa and the surrounding area. it is a home to the university of alabama. two students killed. the president speaking right now. >> we will make that same commitment to make sure we are doing what we can to make sure people are ok. >> that cindy got in the way. >> where's the secret service when you need them. >> as you walk around we were talking to college students over there, at the university of alabama they are volunteering to clean up. this young lady lived at the apartment. she wasn't here when the storm happened. you're struck by the people's resilience, the way the community comes together. that is testimony to the mayor and the governor and also inherent as part of the american spirit. we go through hard times, no matter how hard we are tested we maintain our faith, we look to each other to make sure we are supporting each other, helping each other. i'm sure that spirit will continue until the city it is all the way back. mr. mayer, he was pointing out there is a lot of national media down here now. the mayor expressed concern that perhaps the media will move on in a date, a week, a month and that folks will forget what happened here. i want to assure him the american people across the country are with him and his community. we will make sure he is not forgotten. with that governor would like to say a few words? >> i would like to personally thank you. >> mark: we are listening to the president surveying the damage from 130 tornadoes that tore the south apart when tonight thursday morning. >> darya: the plan is going to the floor-even though the final launch of the endeavor has been cancelled. in this crowd, it will blast off on sunday at the earliest. this is puzzling because of a heater failure. this after they had hail last night, now with the failure of this heater they have to delay this. it will be the end of the road for in denver.endeavor. wee right back in a couple minutes. >> darya: 10:16 a.m. the royal wedding and our coverage continues. the big story this morning there is kathryn middleton getting out of the car with her father and going into westminster abbey this morning. it was the first glimpse of that dress. lace and silt. she arrived how nervous mushy be. she had an 8 ft. train on the back of her dress. --nervous she must be. --. there's the prince and the brother harry in the military attire. >> mark: there's a proud grandparents as well queen elizabeth. wait a minute. queen elizabeth the second and the duke of edinburgh. there they are. >> darya: she's wearing yellow. there are only 1900 people a inside. the weather held out, they consider that fabulous whether it didn't rain and the sun peeked out for a moment. >> mark: we had better weather. >> louisa: just like the queen this 7 day is dressed in yellow. this morning however chilly temperatures in the 30's, up to 56 in san jose, mid-60s by noontime and upper 60s by the afternoon. 47 by 8:00 p.m. the camera shaking a bit, those winds had been picking up. 13 mi. an hour winds in san jose, 17 for sfo, redwood city and napa valley as well. 22 mi. an hour winds right now in fairfield, wind advisory has been issued through the 11:00 p.m. hour until about 8:00 p.m. tonight. they are well on the way to 25 mi. an hour winds were gusting up to 40 mi. an hour. right now 50 is pretty much everywhere. 57 oakland, 58 hayward, 56 and malamute. your afternoon highs 60s 69 fairfield, 61 in downtown san francisco, the coast we will be in the '50s, 67 and i'll miss you and san jose. 7 day around the bay temperatures warming to the '80s by your sunday, upper 80s by wednesday. >> erica: overall hotspot free commune no major problems bay area wide, you can see that at the approach to the bay bridge toll plaza, we have cleared out the back of meter lights have been cycled off traffic is flowing freely here. the san mateo bridge has been problem free westbound 92 looks good, traffic on the right-hand side of your screen. golden gate bridge 101 minute span we did have a stalled truck. now completely gone and traffic has picked up as you make your way back into marin county. southbound traffic moves well at the toll plaza, drive time of 23 minutes out of novato went to san francisco. south bay no hot spots for you alive look right near trimble little cruise it is windy out there but speeds have picked up here. >> darya: 10:20 a.m. new this morning oakland city attorney john russo has accepted the job of city manager in alameda. russo agreed to a proposed contract that includes a base salary of $215,000. the news ends months of speculation about russo's departure. russo, oakland's first elected city attorney, has butted heads with mayor jean quan over a proposed gang injunction that he supports. the oakland city council is expected to select a replacement to fill the rest of russo's term. >> mark: wall street rainout dow jones up 59 points, earning season still full swing, word that chevron reporting a rise in first quarter profits, quarterly earnings this morning up 36%. the company receiving higher prices for the oil it produces, and made more money from refining that oil. results topping expectations $2 billion on the quarter. >> darya: we will be right back in a couple of minutes. are you rooting for the sharks tonight joanne will be at game 1 at the second game candiotti h-p pavilion courtesy of kron 4. a pair of tickets to games to sharks taking on the red wings and again go to kron 4 all, or facebook.-- >> mark: of look as video coming in. president barack obama during the damage in alabama. search and rescue operation continues this morning the death toll close to 300. 210 in alabama. look as the camera pulls back 137 tornadoes touched down wednesday night thursday morning. one tornado was a net five tornado. the first at 5 in 50 years. winds over 200 mi. an hour. the president walking the area talking to officials and residents. he has declared a state of emergency. >> darya: our coverage of the royal wedding continues as millions of people watched a around the world. catherine middleton marion prince william. they're watching on the big screen at times square. there were parties across the country including in the bay area as hens were up looking at the monitors. in china people were gathering in malls and pubs. tea and scones were on the menu. people were in the spirit. >> mark: people wearing royal mast posing for photos. people seated in watching the big screen, a dressing up for the location. we will be right back as the news continues. another look from alabama, president barack obama tran the damage. 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>> it could be suspicious, it could be on known right now. they had power back according to a residence next door they had restored power may be about a month ago. >> will: unlike the previous fire the latest one cause the family living next door to be displaced. the fire department says they are staying with family members. in san jose will tran kron 4 news. >> darya: back with more of a couple of minutes. 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[ female announcer ] it's easy to compare online at and see for yourself. >> darya: we are joining the president live today a late addition to his schedule he wanted to see firsthand the damage from the severe weather and tornadoes that killed so many people. many victims were in alabama. >> we have got a great team, they have worked together, and now we have the federal government helping us that shows when local and state, and federal government work together we can accomplish things. that's what we will do. so mr. president welcome to alabama but not under these situations. we welcome you back to football game when things are better. >> i would like to say a few words. >> that you for coming today. the last 36 hours have been the most trying time in history for this community. you will see new story being written in the years to come these chapters will be hope, opportunity. since this began i have been using romans 1212. rejoice in hope. your visit has are brought a confident " in this area. we will be a story will be proud of and you talk about throughout the land. thank you for coming today. >> 2 last when someone make, our congressional delegation is here, i'm absolutely confident they will make sure resources are available to rebuild. to local officials that are here i know they have been personally affected, i know it will provide leadership and work with the mayor and the governor to do what is needed then there's that something profound as we drove over here. he said what is amazing when something like this happens, folks forget about petty differences, politics, race, religion all the kids away. when we are confronted with the awesome power of nature. we are reminded all we have is each other. hopefully that spirit continues and gross. if nothing else comes out of this tragedy let's hope that comes out of it. thank you everybody. >> darya: that approacwas the pt speaking earlier. he has pledged to help those who survived and lost their homes with the tornadoes. we will be right back. whoa, i should get mom a samsung fascinate. bright, colorful screen, high-speed downloads, hd video. she'll want videos of grandkids. i'm not ready for kids. what would i name it ? brian's good. a brian will make eye contact, work with his hands, return e-mails. okay, mom's getting a phone. get mom a new samsung fascinate for $99.99 and unlimited data for only $29.99 on america's largest high-speed wireless network. verizon. >> darya: the big story unfolded this morning. a kiss that seals it, catherine and prince william are the duke and dodges of cambridge. they were married at westminster abbey. afterward they went to but the hand palace. in front of 1 million well-wishers' an official fly over as well. where they will honeymoon is the secret. there was a luncheon today and a big party tonight with 300 friends and family invited. and their stories president barack obama is and tuscaloosa alabama. he wrapped up a live press conference. he sought damage first hand and the devastation left behind after storms ripped through there. 36 people killed in that city alone including two students. the president signed a disaster declaration helping them clean up from the devastation. 200 people were killed. >> mark: the president then going to cape canaveral for endeavour's launch, but that logic is scrubbed an hour-and-a- half ago there was problems with a solar heaters on the shuttle. just as the crew was making its way out to the shuttle, to board they turn them around, delayed until sunday at the earliest. 48 hour delay for the last mission for in denver. president barack obama will still go to cape canaveral to me with nassau even know there will be launched. this san francisco fine49ers pid his lesser known to the offensive team mate. they believe they've found something special. the 49ers also show they could go free agency to fill quarterback. a check gone bay area weather. >> louisa: as we head toward so weekend they will continue to climb, bring now we are starting off with wind. it will continue to increase as we head into the afternoon. san jose 56 by noontime and '60s high temperature of 67 today. here's a look at winds right now is san jose winds 13, 17 mi. an hour winds at s at all, up three napa and fairfield around 22 mi. an hour winds. wind advisory for the delta of from 11 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. northwest winds getting up to 25 mi. an hour and gusting 40 mi. an hour. they will peak around late afternoon hours. rainout temperatures in the '50s 55 san francisco, 56 mountain view and san jose. by this afternoon those ties in the '60s but it looks like we will block from here. upper 60s said rosas, 61 san francisco along the coast is the spirit 65 into the livermore valley and warmer than that headed down towards mt. view and san jose. watch the temperatures sky rocket into the weekend, warming up in the '80s by sunday and continuing to see them climb towards mid week next week. wednesday 88 for some of the warmer inland spots. staying in the '80s around the bay '70s for the coast. a lot of warm temperatures and sunshine ahead of us. >> erica: a final check gone here friday morning commute, no hot spots so here is a bridge check. the approach to the bay bridge toll plaza nice and light is to make your way into san francisco no meter lights to deal with an traffic moves well from the shore freeway westbound 580. northbound direction of the nimitz freeway no problems or snags here. traffic moving well in both directions across the span. easy trip and to san francisco via the golden gate bridge someone 01 nice and light. same with the ride out of marin county. final check gone public transit ac transit muni all running on time. >> darya: live to the president stopping at a shelter, so many people have been displaced by their homefrom their homes. he g to people and telling them, help is on the way. he wanted to make a show of support for all of these people who lost everything. there was so much devastation and some much to recover from here so the president really lifting the spirits of the people here. >> mark: back in the bay area looks look float like the cruise ship business is getting under way. this is the disney wonder crucial the first of many ships coming to the bay area over the next few months. jackie sicily's life. >> reporter: a disney brand you talked about it, it is familiar but it is new to this san francisco pier. this is it's made mccall, a huge ship 900 state rooms. it will be going to british columbia with a stop in san francisco. the real story is over here, all of the people walking along the embarcadero. they are increasing the ships coming in and out of the port, last year they had 40, this year about 60. you know what that means winter is hit the street they buy lunch, dinner, taxicabs, go into stores and buy shirts, that is exactly what they want. they hope this is the beginning of a great relationship with disney and other cruise ships. >> mark: there for ships coming in as we head into summer tourist season. don't forget kron4 has exclusive coverage of the 100 zazzle, bay to breakers on kron4 that will be sunday, may 15th, beginning at 8:00 a.m. we have cameras all along the course and we will replay the event sunday night at 8:00 p.m. 3ç honey, we've got tickets to the game, so we're going to need a sitter on saturday night. i almost forgot. we're having dinner together on friday for dad's 65th birthday. maybe i'll ask my parents to baby sit. are you sure you want to go there? you're right. ♪ born to be wild ♪ born to be wild [screaming] who's going to watch them? for you, baby sitting is just a figure of speech. that's why we've created medicare solutions that are just right for you. we have plans with monthly premiums as low as $0, the freedom to choose any doctor who accepts medicare, and that lets you talk to a live person when you call 65. it's just a number, so remember to call ours when you're ready to talk. call anthem today at... >> darya: before we go you want to see who was there and what they were wearing. here is a posh spice. sir elton john and his part are often.partner are e performed a song today. mcdonnell was not there about a guy ritchie was with his date who also had had on her forehead. >> mark: one of the last public images them driving away. this is a great shot. helicoptered in tow, with the couple driving with balloons tailing off the end. we have posted the ceremony on our web site are newscasts started at 2:00 a.m. >> darya: i could watch the whole thing all day. we are americans we want fun, and that is cool. >> mark: i'm watching the car. >> darya: if you want a cat headlights go to our web site. enjoy your weekend.

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