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thefts we didn't get out of the '70s just a not the story today. showing off some eighties today 81 in antioch and livermore, '70s through mountain view. warmer forecast we do have a shot of rain in the forecast will get to that but first a look at traffic. >> hot spot no hot spots the bay bridge traffic is building up a bit for the west bound ride but the back of is not be on the 880 over across the drive time still under 14 minutes including your trip to the macarthur maze and across the upper deck. >> 7:01 a.m. latest on the san bruno gas line explosion the corner will have an update after a day and we are standing by for that. the national transportation safety board has ruled out one cause for the blast. they say pipes under the gas line did not contribute to the blast. they are looking at documents and looking at control and monitoring sites and conducting interviews. pg&e is establishing $100 million fund for the victims they say the money has no strings attached it will help meet the victims day to day needs. >> will tran live near the explosion. >> i'm half a mile away from the explosion area right behind in they have blocked off that area to the public will they clean it up as well is restored cable and phone service. i discussed done speaking with police officer he said he was so intense after the explosion it melted the road. they have to place eight emergency road there so crews could get an. i can tell you there'll homes with people inside their homes -- you see to the left and right thing for the dirt. they are green tag i see one neighbor getting up and moving about. other home should have full electricity for those returning. there are some places that there is not cool water or sore at this time. this area is still a crime scene in fact there is a command center with officers from all kinds of agencies all checking into this area working at their assignments as they move about this area to make short the public does not go here as a look through the area looking for any evidence they understand parts of the gas line exploded all over the place. they are in search of that. according to the officer's warning go they are looking at is perhaps a water line near the gas line perhaps lead to water in the area. maybe there was a water main break that caused the ground to be soft and the water sorry the gas line to move the reason they're looking into that is because after the explosion of a lot of the homes over here on the side of them they had mud all over. so perhaps the ground was what the because of the water line. lots of and those that they are looking at and that is one of some secured along with the officers here ntsb still let the location. >> thank you for the update well. darya. >> we have audio emergency between to doctors and fire chris appeared to listen to this. >> engine 51 we will back up stable position and to get water. >> that's affirmative. i want you to back all those people appeared back them up to a safe position. >> (inaudible) >> i have the resources but i have no water water mains involved. (inaudible) three engines and a truck company. we have your evacuation. >> copy that we will have water. (inaudible) >> (inaudible) we have a water main at claremore mont that may save us. >> we are handling medical we have double what medical spending. >> we have resources but i don't know if we ought access to that location. >> (inaudible) glenn and plymouth. we have three burned victims there. >> all of those people calling and needing help with severe burns and firefighters and we have resources but no water. we have more audio from that day you can go to our web site. >>iran's english language state television has reported that american sarah shourd has been released after more than a year in prison. sarah shourd,32, together with two other americans were apprehended by iranian security forces near the border with northern iraq on accused of spying. we will be back as kron 4 as governor, he cut waste got rid of the mansion and the limo budgets were balanced. $4 billion in tax cuts. world class schools and universities. clean energy promoted. 1.9 million new jobs created. california was working. i'm jerry brown. california needs major changes. we have to live within our means; we have to return power and decision making to the local level-closer to the people and no new taxes without voter approval. jerry brown the knowledge and know-how to get california working again. the guys who drive a heavy duty truck, have some heavy duty demands. like enough horsepower and torque to get out of just about any situation. a payload that beats the other guys flat out. a frame sturdy enough to bear up a max towing capacity that's over 10 tons. and a braking system tough enough to bring it all to a stop. heavy duty demands? gentlemen, your truck is ready. baccalaureate. correct. [ audience groans ] since this competition has been continuing for 48 hours and we have yet to eliminate anyone, it is the decision of this board to declare all 20 contestants winners. you have all competed admirably. admirably. a-d-m-i-r-a-b-l-y. admirably. [ male announcer ] at&t is making high speed internet affordable for only $14.95 a month with select services. at&t. rethink possible. 710 rain now taking all of get some heavy traffic on the golden gate bridge. i'm sure we don't have hot spot but we do have company still leave extra minutes. >> the-all a bit of a down day after 78. the bay area business news. intel is investing more than different software developers. three of the companies, adaptive provide "cloud computing" if technology, which allows computer users or companies to access software and data storage space over the web. a fourth company makes software that is used by semiconductor companies making chips for mobile web, broadband and high- definition multimedia. >> president barack obama to raise taxes on the wealthy americans while preserving tax cuts from everybody else appears to be in trouble. the republicans are united against legislation that would extend tax relief only for middle-class americans over the weekend house gop leader said he might support it if it ends up as the only option. >> we will be right back from san bruno as we followed the latest developments. and i always get a little worried when i watch the games, because they could hurt themselves... and doctors are so expensive and...what if -- [ umpire ] safe!! what do you mean he was safe? he was out!!!!! i just want to make sure they're okay, you know? [ male announcer ] we know health coverage isn't cheap. that's why we offer a wide range of plans to fit your family's budget. blue shield. the latest on are developing story in wake of the explosion in san bruno. the president of pg & e says a $100 million fund for victims of last week's gas pipeline explosion. pg&e announcethere are four dead and we're waiting for a corner to speak today. we have people that need money day today and that's what the money's for. investigators first trying to figure out the cause of the car last. we knew three victims named the fourth victim 81 year- old elizabeth torres who died in the explosion. >> there are of a meeting last night residents had a chance to us the wrong questions. >> in sambar no federal investigators and local úofficials trying to answere questions from residents. there was a meeting held monday evening. fema is on site december know and has done the investigation which could lead to federal dollars coming in if sambar know is declared a federal disaster site. there were questions asked about people's homes him whether they wanted to rebuild it and pg&e said they are entertaining all sorts of ideas including buying people's homes if they were not interested in rebuilding. there were questions about the blaze and the explosion and the time it took for pg&e to turn off the gas. they are saying monday evening it took them an hour and 45 minutes it was too dangerous and they could not get to the bells. other investigators are saying the balls were located a mile and a half a mile from the blast site. >> 716 is the time right now live look as an francisco in the james lick it looks like it is usually slow here anyway. it is looking good and we see case in the sky but we are going to see sunshine later. >> temperatures climbing today but still shrouded with low cloud cover this morning it should burn off quicker than we saw yesterday san jose currently at 57 degrees by noontime 73 the high today in san jose of about 76 degrees back into the upper 60s by the o'clock hour. fog trucker shows as were the fog is this morning that low cloud cover socked in through the north bay even to the livermore valley this morning in down to san jose. sambar no gaps as fog as well. current temperatures in the '50s. starting to warm up in napa 50 degrees, 57 in a word and mountain view, 53 for livermore and fremont. fairly similar to yesterday upper '70s for fairfield, concord, 81 in livermore and antioch, los gatos and morgan hill will break into the 80s as well keeping it in the '70s around the bay and '60s for oakland. the weekend shows changes and a storm system expected to drop south bring showers to the north bay into the saturday afternoon and could move as far south as the peninsula. maybe bring in some showers supplies fifth 7 day around the bay bringing warmer temperatures over the next couple of days breezy tomorrow the by thursday 83 for the lead spot '70s around the bay here's a check with your traffic and george. >> no hot spots yet not nothing in a way of slow traffic. as we check the bridges for you the back up bridges just about the a.d. the over crossing in a bit towards. we are is a them free but we have heavier volumes. this is the new normal for the bay bridge westbound. san mateo bridge normal conditions here meaning no problems or delays across the span of a small back up by the toll plaza for the san mateo bridge and the westbound ride. the golden gate bridge looks good so does the ride through marin county on 1 01 southbound. your trip on 10137 cisco begins on the central freeway. this is the inbound traffic slower meeting the james lick freeway typically slow where the freeways merge pass this point was in the hospital curve better speeds down to the 280 interchange. darya. >> a developing story just happening this morning with the last hour one person is heard this morning after a bout crashed into rocks near the rich man shoreline. we have coast guard is dispatching our rescue about a rustic say and what one person had fallen overboard they were able to pull the person from the water and perform cpr. they're being treated. three other people were on the boat they are ok. >>two suspects pleaded not guilty monday to murder charges stemming from the fatal shooting of a virginia man in downtown oakland two months ago. george huggins, 24, and his girlfriend, 33-year-old althea housley, are charged in connection with the death of 45- year-old jinghong kang, who was visiting the bay area for a job interview at google. he was killed at about 11:30 p.m. on july 18 during an apparent robbery as he walked with a friend to his car.oakland police said huggins and housley allegedly took $17 from him during the robbery.huggins and housley, are scheduled to return to alameda county superior court on nov. 1 for a pretrial hearing. >> are rumored sit still for muni would start today and last snow friday. meany says if there is it does start they will be able to take care of it. the union says that there is a flyer it is not sanctioned. they're working on a vandyke tobacco sales at pharmacies. they agreed to send this ordinance to the full board the legislation passed in 08 made this city the first one in the nation to overhaul have it pharmacies from selling tobacco. >> when alcohol alcohol foggy the board of supervisors is scheduled to vote on a fee which would be about a nickel per drink it has the support of san francisco's public health director but not near who got his start in business as sister owner of a wine shop. he plans to veto this measure. >> we will be back with more in a moment. a live look at the great hazy sunshine and plenty a moment. a live look at the great hazy sunshine and plenty of company but it is moving. in hat type things hak (birds chirping) like strolling in an orchard ♪ is this my husband? awesome cool hat, mom oh my perfect kids alright fourteen ninety nine i totally wear hats ♪ and the 60-day handshake lives on, [ male announcer ] it's ram truck season. that five-finger bond that communicates trust, honor, follow-through, and follow-up. it's a promise that says go ahead and buy a ram 1500 or a heavy duty without a payment for 60 days. and if it doesn't do everything you ask it to do... bring it back. ram. what are you doing, friending somebody? yeah. you got time for that? you got time to earn more on your savings, online at that's new school banking, baby! instead of earning squatootski... your savings will be earning three times the national average. now, let's review. capital one interestplus savings... at three times more. go to what's in your wallet? are you a pisces? fog should clear earlier today and maybe a few degrees warmer. all eyes on the weekend we are talking about a chance of showers in the north bay friday, saturday, early sunday. >> gave slate takes a look at technology that could help save lives. > the san bruno explosion has us all a little on edge about the gas lines that run near our homes and in our homes, but i am going to show you a device a gadget that can help give you a little piece of mind, and possibly even save your life. don't forget gas is called the silent killer for a reason. it is odorless and colorless, very hard to detect. this is a portable gas leak detector. it is a simple device to use anyone can operate it. it is $30. it is a good tool to keep around your home or business. i think it is as important to have as a smoke alarm. it only has one button, you push it to turn it on, once the green button stops blinking it is ready to detect gas in the air. then you slowly wave the detector where gas leaks might be happening like around your stove, or where the gas is coming into your house, or your water heater you can even check the propane tank you use with your bbq. if it detects an unsafe amount of gas in the air the red light will beep and flash. easy to use. i am going to show you what it looks like when it goes off. i am going to hold down the fuel release on this lighter without sparking it, so you can get a look. beep!!beep!!beep!! there are several portable gas detectors on the market, this one works and has great reviews and it is only $30 and it is made by a local company, wizard distribution. so if you buy it, it supports local business. you can get it at or for a direct link and for more information on this you can go to and look for our news link section. gabe slate, kron 4 news. >> we will be back in two minutes as news continues. a >> we will be back in two minutes as news continues. a live look for mount tam. hmm, do i wear hats? i could wear hats, if i partook in hat type things >> we will be back in two minutes as news continues. a live look for mount tam. (birds chirping) like strolling in an orchard ♪ is this my husband? awesome cool hat, mom oh my perfect kids alright fourteen ninety nine i totally wear hats ♪ ♪ the turn will make you think. ♪ make you re-examine your approach. change your line. innovate. and create one of the world's fastest-reacting suspensions, reading the road 1,000 times per second. it's the turn that leads you somewhere new. introducing the new 2011 cts-v coupe. from cadillac. the new standard of the world. saving money. and like baseball people love their stats. i started bringing my lunch to work -- 50 bucks a week in my pocket. here's a good one: state farm insures 40 million drivers. more than geico and progressive combined. i saved because i'm accident-free. of course, with so many ways to save including discounts of up to 40%, having that many customers shouldn't be a surprise. so ask a neighbor about state farm, then call an agent at 1-800-state-farm or go online. the investigation into the gas line explosion a corner will have an update some time after 8:00 a.m. this morning. we will go live for the latest. they have ruled out one cause to last thursday's explosion investigators say the pipes under the gas line did not contribute to the glass. they're looking at pg&e documents and visiting control in looking at valves and conducting interviews. they have established $100 million fund for the victims it is intended to meet day-to-day needs and will prove to be provided with no strings attached very >> the latest on what is going on how well. >> here's was taking place behind me the chain-link fence that is where the gas line exploded they are workers going through the area they're not cleaning up they are restoring some of the wiring for the neighborhood the cable and telephone wires most of the people who have returned home have electricity at this time. i did talk to police officer this is what they are doing as far as the investigation. they're looking at every angle including this video take a look at the left side of your screen. this is video taken from a gas station of the road from where i am located after the gas line exploded there what would be a black cadet projectile from your screen you can see. they want to find that peace in may told a clue as to what happened. he says there is no way something like that would float fly out so quickly. so perhaps that had something to do with the gas line which is why they are looking for fragments as well as national transportation safety board doing the same thing. here is the command center all the officers in the black gas explosion took place thursday night. you get the feel as the day after. according to police they are deploying officers not just from the san bruno please department but also from agencies across the bay area they are patrolling this area as a crime scene making sure people don't go in here because they don't want it disturbed. you are not allowed into the area and less your homeowner. i told you this morning. the human element as according to the office of he had just left his house 35 seconds later he goes through the intersection then the explosion takes place. his daughter was, the time he thought his daughter had died she thought that he had died instead of going are round to their emergency plan. at that point he's no longer place officer he's a dad. he turns around and gets caught in the wall of fire then he tries to call his daughter. it was along this five-six minutes of his life. while he told me the story he choked up. as soon as he heard his daughter's voice it didn't matter to him anymore. he doesn't care about being promoted or doing whatever he can to get his kids into colleges and as he heard his daughter's voice he thought that house can burn down i don't care. the funny part is instead of meeting him meeting her where he was supposed to he breaks his rule by going back to the house but she had gone to the meeting place. >> a police officer used to handling all kinds of situations but when it's him it's a different story. >>nfrut have audio as the san bruno fire started and spread. >> you have water supply there are >> >> >> at concord we have water. i can't see how many structures. (inaudible) >> we have an unbearable engine on the hill? >> update at the school on crest view. currently there's fire headed toward the spirit >> what kind of resources you need. >> give me a couple of vengeance. >> they need help evacuate. people stuck in the elevator 1000 national ave. >> i have no resources assigned. my location is (inaudible) we don't have any water on the scene. keeping an eye on things over here. >> which your area? west side of the fire. >> there's fire between the houses. if you move southwest. >> listen to all of the audio we have placed it on our website. >> new details no in the release of uc-berkeley sherry sarah shore. she has been released but she is still undergoing formalities. according to the new agency's one she leaves the facility she can travel to iman or her mother is there and waiting for her. the $5,000 bail was paid this where she found all of in her breast in prison and that needs to be looked at. the fate of the other two imprisoned with sarah is still on clear. they are pretrial the next detention has been extended to months. >> nice warmup as we head toward the afternoon seeing some fog this afternoon low cloud cover still in place over san francisco and games like but we are one to continue to see a warmup in to the afternoon and we have rain in the forecast slight chance of rain for the weekend get to that moment. here's a look outside the were the fog is this morning low cloud cover rate for the north bay pushing into portions of these bay and the livermore valley as well down into the south bay this morning. continuing to see fog in place for the next couple of hours than by the 10:00-eleven o'clock hour we will receive a receipt. clearing as we head into the afternoon bringing the sunshine and warmer temperatures today. temperatures still in the '50s this morning oakland 57 same goes for hayward been done and to mount you 58 degrees about 50 degrees for antioch. as we head into the afternoon 73% rosa 75 for napa up or '70s for fairfield and concord down and to the south bay getting into the 80s 81 for los gatos and morgan hill as we head on through the rest of the day continuing to see temperatures continuing to warm up. breezy conditions tomorrow slight chance of rain moves into the picture by your friday, saturday, sunday. best chance for the north bay but we could see some are along the peninsula. >> for slow traffic through, crossed starting with the ride through antioch and pittsburgh westbound typical pattern unfolding although we did had a report about motorcycle crash westbound on for it is not blocking any lanes. slowest traffic is for will pass. to 42 southbound we have slowing as stall on 680 southbound on the shoulder garnering some attention. a little slowing through lafayette on 24 that is a good ride. a bridge check for you as we look at the bay bridge westbound where the backup continues to build beyond west grand and almost to the foot of the macarthur maze. incident free at the bridge but it is heavier traffic westbound. san mateo bridge trouble-free ride continues here in the westbound direction across the midday 13 minutes your drive time. golden gate bridge ride southbound is problem free we did just get a report of an accident in marin county nearly in. this may involve some blocked lanes on 1 01 southbound we will keep an eye on it it could be developing hot spot. 7:38 a.m. we will take a break and be back with more but what were the results? fact: brown promised to improve schools. but the drop out rate increased 50%, and the state had to take over the schools. fact: the city controller found employees paid for 22,000 hours... they never worked. fact: brown promised to cut crime. but murders doubled, making oakland the 4th most dangerous city in america. jerry brown. he just can't deliver the results california needs now. you can't really love me. i know about gayle. i don't know what you're talking about. if you just tell me what happened... [ ding ] [ man ] 35th and archer. next stop hamilton. [ brakes hiss ] ♪ [ male announcer ] now you can watch hit tv shows on your iphone when you get at&t u-verse tv. at&t. rethink possible. beat the crew is a resume drilling level of them to permanently see that still well by the weekend. the oil read killing 11 workers and spilling 200 million gal. of oil into the gulf. researchers are saying they found patches of oil 2 in. thick on the seafloor the oil is believed to be from the b p leak. >> high-speed rail projects san jose's city council will debate whether it channel tunnel project or above ground track will be better for the city. city staff is recommending the above ground track. opponents say an elevated track will be too noisy and the option has not been studied enough. chubb agreed wants san jose to have the authority to approve or reject. otherwise he will request a steady on >> the >> we will be right back to her as a kron 4 ted my father's '69 norton commando. it's been a dream of mine to restore it. and it's my dream for him to finish it. frank has something great to save up for. this is my dad. isn't that cool? and a very understanding girlfriend. i showed him a wells fargo savings account with my savings plan. [ frank ] and what it does is it takes a little bit of my money and puts it towards my goal. i want to get all the original parts and do it right. for my dad. there's a couple months in between parts. so, one at a time. [ male announcer ] wells fargo. with you when it's time to save. ♪ some 46 the developing story unfolded this morning one person heard now after a boat crashed against rocks on richmond shoreline. they dispatched a rescue boat at 6:00 a.m. this morning one person fell overboard they pulled the person out of the water. and now the person is being treated three people were on the boat as well and they are ok. >> the president of pg & e says the utility company is launching a $100 million fund for victims of last week's gas pipeline explosion. pg&e announced that the money was to help victims meet their day-to-day needs and attached." investigators are still trying to determine what caused the blast appeared family members have said 81 year-old elizabeth torres is the fourth victim confirmed dead. >> residents affected met last and that a town hall meeting they were able to voice their concerns and get their questions answered. jerry hall reassuring residents said they will not be forgotten. >> after the tv cameras leave sambar no we will not forget what happens we have to insure the residence that were forever changed last thursday night are provided for. we have to look beyond san bruno to protect other parts of the san mateo county and the state to make sure this does not happen anywhere else in california. my concern is there are other takinand other ticking time bombs are around california. >> we have blown up by being shipped off shipped off. they will be looking at that will state regulators have ordered pg&e to inspect all of california's natural gas lines. >> hear you can see a giant section of the pipeline before investigators remove dead. we have now learned the pipeline that ruptured was inspected in march. here's what he janney had to say about that. >> it was literally walked by an employee with the equipment. looking for the presence of gas. inaccessible locations we used airport trolled to find indications of >> gas >> they look for dying vegetation caused by gas leaks. it was inspected for corrosion back in november. pg&e could not tell us the results of the inspections. >> that is part of the investigation and i cannot share the findings of the particular assessment. >> they are asking utility company to inspect all of its pipelines there will be a focus on high pressure pipe line in high populated areas like sambar know. the question is where those inspections be similar to the once done in the past. pg&e could not tell us what exactly these inspections will look like. >> we inspect our pipeline annually so we will have to work with them and see what kind increments' time we have to do that. it will be minimum and a week survey. >> you go to our web site at kron 4. >> bay area weather right now a chance of mid september rain coming louisa has more. >> big story is the rate drops coming this weekend for today getting a nice warmup still seeing some fog out there overcast conditions through san jose currently in the '50s. by noon time getting up to 73 a high today in san jose 76 degrees back to the upper 60s by the o'clock hour elsewhere in the '50s as well up to about 50 napa of the 57 in oakland and hayward as well 54 in san francisco cooler than that this morning is san rafael at 52 degrees as a major relief to the afternoon we will make her way into the '70s 73 for sen rosa 70 in through vallejo 62 for stanford cisco in the south bay we could get to 81 los gatos today 80 for more in health also 80 into the picture for livermore and antioch them we also have a chance of rain. come friday night a storm system dips down from the north bringing showers as early as saturday expression in the north bay starting in the north bay but it could spread southward through the day saturday could bring a few sprinkles along the peninsula interesting francisco for a chance of showers continues for years saturday an inch here sunday as well. we have a dry forecast for real dodgers playing as 715 it will be clear and cool. temperatures expected to say to the '50s 7 day around the bay bridge as a warm-up the next few days breezy to more but we will warm up continues into thursday then the storm system drops down from the north come friday, saturday. >> we are tracking what may turn into a hot spot on 101 san rafael southbound lanes are blocked with the next and that north san pedro road. i will resume out a bit to give the big picture slow traffic certainly ends by sir francis boulevard. there is not a lot of rich showing up but look at the length of yellow delays here. even coming down from petaluma you will see slow going through the bottle. down highway 37 the concern is the back up and drive time will continue to build from highway 37 in the southbound direction. the right on 680 southbound in the trip down to some all backed up once again passed stone ridge. it is about a week that the new express' claim will open on 680 southbound. it will be interesting to see how that impacts this traffic. the bay bridge in the westbound commute back up to the foot of the macarthur maze. we have been incidents freed this is an example of heavier volumes. chp reported a problem in san bruno to 80 southbound there was an accident reported. a number of cars were pulled over to the right-hand shoulder but traffic is still light behind it. here's james with a market update. >> stock's opening lower this morning. early selling has given way to more buying we are in positive territory so that is the positive news. sfax retail sales numbers out showing sales rising more than four tenths of a percent. that is the biggest gain since march. gal up 13, apple, google, oracle all in the positive. 753 we will take a break right now. seven day forecast should clear little earlier today. a few degrees warmer leading up to the weekend by this storm dropping down giving an chance of showers friday, saturday, sunday. >> we will be back with more on the aftermath of the sambar no gas explosion as we have new video and audio. we will have more in a couple of moments. between dispatch and fire crews as this san bruno fireball started to take hold listen. we're headed north there is a large fire. the slaves in the air. or the on ramp it look like it was approximately redwood. san carlos border, there's 50 ft. flames. there's a plane down we responses. multiple houses on fire. >> we have approximately several blocks on fire at this time. >> were heading to the north of this we have to start getting this from the sell side of the main fireball. >> 11 with two vehicles involved therein to the shoulder. >> did it set up from the south of this fire is what he to the north. >> let's go ahead and call this in. is a house on fire the 2700 block. >> i'm sure that's part of this fire alarm. and just getting on scene i will get further when i >> get there. to listen all the auto we have you can go to our web site at falling bay area weather and talking about an early chance of rain let's get the latest. >> next couple of days will be dry. but as we head into the weekend that could challenge. alyssa and send out there. 76 by noontime, high temperature getting close to the 80 degree mark. then back down again to 70 by the across the hour. so seeing far around the bay but we continue bellow cloud cover. and we should for least the next couple of hours as we head towards 10-11:00 receiving backed the coastline clearing added to the north bay continuing to make seven to the afternoon a little bit quicker than we site yesterday. anemias plenty of sunshine arming those temperatures up to about 73 percent o concord. the 81 placee antioch, livermore. '70s ritter and the bay. same goes for hayward, here is that storm the we're keeping our eye on. by saturday should start to see a few sprinkles in the morning sun off to the north bay and then into the afternoon we could see that storm portion sulfur and may be bringing some raindrops. downtown san francisco could see a few sprinkles we're certainly not talking about a washout the we could get a few raindrops and continuing through your saturday and into your here is a look at your 7 day around the bay.. quick peek at your giant forecasts. when the dodgers tonight clear, cool the damages are into the 50s. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. a bit of a warm-up the next couple of days and then the storm moves in by the weekend. george. >> thank you, let's see how things are tied at 11017 found it was an accident and north san pedro but the good news is just moments ago the crash was cleared off the freeway even the towed trucks are responding there but the damage has been done for the southbound 101 ride. look all of that red traffic is at a standstill really toussaint fell in the southbound direction pass the civic center with the real slowing beginning before highway 37 closer to the novato and errors on 101 cells found continued delays due can't cross the highway for in the westbound direction the slowest traffic is heading between pittsburgh and a low pass. then south on interstate 680 coming from highway 242. the delays will persist not only bid on westbound 24 but also slowing more now to alamo leading down to danville on 680 sub found that back up is coming from lee garner road where we lose eileen on the left. and the bay bridge, reporters saw on the incline section so we turn the camera around, i think the stall is most likely a bit beyond on the cantilever section because we checked his moments ago traffic was still moving but it does appear to be slowing down of that traffic at the bay bridge toll plaza has been backed up into the maze. and there was concern about possible muni delays in san francisco because of the possibility released a report a possibility of a driver sickout we had no reports in the traffic senator said unusual delays for muni. mark. >> developing story from one person is heard after a boat crashed into the rocks, here's a view of the area. the u.s. coast guard dispatched a rescue boat before 6:00 a.m. one of the people on board the boat fell on the water to rescue team had to pull them from water and perform cpr here is a look right now live from jackie sissel. by the way a person who fell from about we received word that they're being treated in hospital but here's a live look at the bow right now it is capsized, three people were on the road there are reportedly okay as is we get an update on the condition of the purse and pulled from the order we will bring this all live look for a richmond you can see a capsized boat. james. >> hearing the news room following the latest details in the release of sarah, she says her lawyer says she has been dismissed but she's in the facility undergoing for formalities she hasn't left the facility that's for she's been held for more than a year when she does leave that facility she will travel on to where her mother is ready and waiting for her. sears release comes after bail of $500,000 was billed this morning. there were shoe is in prison all love in her breast and that is really pushed for immediate release for medical reasons. the fate of the other two berkeley grad's there with her we're talking about the other two there were hiking the third their fate is still unclear. they just issued a statement saying that their pretrial detention has been extended for two more months. we'll keep you updated. if we will take a quick break we'll be right back. but what really happened? cnn -- not me -- cnn says his assertion about his tax record was "just plain wrong." jerry brown went out there and took credit for the fact that the people of california voted for proposition 13, which lowered taxes, which he opposed. and now he's going around taking credit for it. he raised taxes as governor of california. he had a surplus when he took office and a deficit when he left. he doesn't tell the people the truth. and a deficit when he left. mmmmm... ( crash ) when you add velveeta to spicy rotel tomatoes and green chiles, you've got a queso so good, it'll blow 'em away. - ( crash ) - man, that's good! velveeta & rotel. mmmmmm. ( shattering, thud ) mmmmmm. ( crash, shattering ) when you add velveeta and rotel tomatoes... and green chilis to chicken and pasta, - it's so good... - good. it'll blow 'em away. ( crashing ) velveeta and rotel. welcome back, a turnaround on wall street were down 21 points we sat technology stocks leading the charge for up 21 to 10,00565. >> president barack obama is planned to raise taxes while preserving the tax cuts for one else what appears to be in trouble. republicans are united against legislation that would extend tax relief only for the middle class. over the weekend house leader said he might support a mama's plan events as the only option. we'll be right back with gary and the world according to gary coming up right after the break. a live according to gary coming up right after the break. a live look from san francisco. hmm, do i wear hats? i could wear hats, if i partook in hat type things according to gary coming up right after the break. a live look from san francisco. 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[ woman ] nice tights. what's your story? the citi forward card can help you write it. good morning, we're talking with the dianne solis that with the a's is dead. >> of gave you care to. >> what is the 30 years old, third >> one next month. >> do not know anything about him. so the giants have a somewhat shy he had an emergency appendectomy. he waited while he awaited turned earth he was 32 when he was finally able to do step in the majors. it is the old saying never give up hope. were lcd monitor real job. he is dead hanging around he's the one guy and then aborting. >> he was a high school math teacher in the of time he was fixing pipes here res. he was ie mexican league it maliki was sitting around waiting for his big break i think he was juggling a lot of jobs and finally worked there for him. >> any kids, why. >> i do not know. there's a tendency to glorify keep your real, a tendency to glorify 0 he hung in there. most attendees does someone get a real job. so they work as thousand dollars a month in a mexican league if you're single go ahead. to everyone. sometimes you find out dead again had a bunch kids ages tomorrow. >> i like to do the math teacher. obviously a hard- working guy was brought about that. >> i took a beautiful moment and try to wreck it. i've been around too long. if he can keep this up to go on to next year and now a real career than great. but sometimes just trying to paint a picture of a guy sacrifices of the stuff so he can say a.m. a the major leagues. >> i gotcha. talk about glorification the jets had their show. they're saying is so good, will be great this year than they get there and they stink up. >> they lost by one point. by all accounts was are or will game. >> darya and live by this model my only strength after i know something is going to work. do you agree. >> they are talking up. rocking up and then they didn't really shines. now this is for all the people only put it in somebody's face after you know you're one. >> ok a lovely did have that to deal with what they've got this whole sexual harassment thing against the reporter have you heard about this? >> you and i will disagree a little bit there's a spanish tv, she went into dr. room dressed provocatively. and that is that station in normal operating procedure to have very attractive women find themselves and don't get me wrong there's never ever i don't care she had no clothes on there's never a time for a man to be rude to somebody. but, she was at a super bowl a few years ago dressed up in a wedding dress as tom brady to marry her. >> did? and >> not the there's anything wrong with that which is trying to draw attention to result. i know how abortion record, the group of guys together. just think if she walks to the newsroom here kron, jason, who left russia mark george really sticky. >> the idea is searing stupid. when their uprising they're throwing the ball to land near her. and then it is a step the owner apologize. there during this debate the investigation today there and start talking to the players investigating what was going on. ok she could've been wearing a towel and they shouldn't say anything. consider her a glass of-the test case. again, i'm in the very serious about this. no excuse for a guy to be rude. but she has a history of an act. when i san act, and run as an actress and point your bubbly coming your enthusiastic. i will take a beautiful moment with the third year of making the majors. we all have our thing. but, if you have a history of dressing to trent gain attention then sometimes these things do happen. >> and then you get attention and what. >> i am being serious, i live by this. when i rembrandt i rob alone. i'm not saying i would not look better but i will look better with a group of guys. make sense? >> hey as she was pretty good. i will go by myself, wait for her to come house, i'll be heading of a number of private was a look of the window. (laughter) >> always do everything robins alone. and >> did children listen children. >> you know i >> am right> you see a bunch of guys of the beer in hand, five guys attractive woman walks in the although they baby. not one of them she would even look at. but never ogle a woman in a group. >> we're all about teaching america's youth here. >> i mean darya. >> talk or 24 years old he's killing. he's now got a grand slam. he looks fabulous. >> real tough to i admire anybody, he had to wait a couple hours. theirs was the place sunday, then it started yesterday for the u.s. open, then they have what of lightning storm that started off on cbs and ended up of on espn. because cbs did not want to mess of their programming. >> maybe no one was watching. >> when you have too many delays people lose interest. but he's terrific, he's young, he's great, he may be looking at the number one very now. and then there's okra and her big sons. >> did you see the show i will be honest at 108 this morning at a the replayed it i took a break from kron foot door to okra she danced with john travolta. then what? >> she gave everyone a free vacation with her to australia she's taking three injured people to australia. >> they criticize all this is across the taxpayers and tourism austria few million dollars. >> the guy says we been spending millions for 30 years this could not buy into episodes with over. >> surname gave them but some deals is putting the bill. >> do you wonder i never mind if you want to pay me are offered prizes for meter watcher sure i will watch. >> i notice that. henry got me a chair from armstrong furniture and a word. it was a trade out of retirement the gehenna think oh boy i am launching in the next year. it's free. talks >> part of the big thing she's taking everyone to restrict it. >> i had to admit she kept looking at john travolta and saying he is terrific, he had a great comeback reggie said john schroeder was her favorite. >> loves him. >> she kept looking at him. >> i ago. >> b-a-c-c-a-l-a-u-r-e-a-t-e. baccalaureate. correct. [ audience groans ] since this competition has been continuing for 48 hours and we have yet to eliminate anyone, it is the decision of this board to declare all 20 contestants winners. you have all competed admirably. admirably. a-d-m-i-r-a-b-l-y. admirably. [ male announcer ] at&t is making high speed internet affordable for only $14.95 a month with select services. at&t. rethink possible. watching a area weather, we're all watching a chance of rain showers around the bay area friday, saturday, sunday a quick look to run on 101 through marin the problem that caused this back up is now cleared from lanes but it is slow going rate from highway 37 of the way down to north san pedro the scene of an earlier reoccurring accident rate is clear a complete check on your traffic the black widow spider's severe bite can cause coma and even death. the african black mamba can kill a man with one bite. but there's an even deadlier predator hey, at&t u-verse tv? yeah, it's our new tv service. every day thousands of customers across the nation are switching to at&t u-verse. 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[ female announcer ] see it. believe it. u-verse tv. ♪ and we're getting new details regarding the situation there was sarah according to swiss ambassador she has confirmed that the cn and she has left the prison that she was held in for more than a year and is being escorted to where her mother is waiting for her. that is the latest development is coming across the wires. according to our honesty news agency she's headed there her mother is waiting for her. sears release comes after five and a thousand dollars bail was posted for her by representatives of the family. while imprisoned she discovered a lump in her breast and that is what is expedited release. she is in need of some serious medical attention more than a prison camp ride so they're making this happen for her as for the two others there were held in detention with her, their fate is still unknown in fact they've issued a statement saying their pretrial detention has been exempt it extended for more than two more months we don't know what that means. that is the ongoing dilemma and they're getting no straight annette answers as to what charges what evidence the state has against their children. again the charges are that there were there as spies, they have denied that and so is the american government. but that is the latest word sarah has left eye ron. >> thank you. the the investigation into december and a gas line explosion the corner will have an update sometime within the next few hours for deaths, four people remain missing. meanwhile the national transportation safety board has ruled out at least one possible cause investigators say pipes under the grass line did not contribute to the blast. they're looking at pg&e documents visiting control and monitoring centers as well as looking of all seventh reserved for evidence. meantime eugenia's establishing a fund for victims. attached." > >> good morning well. we want to give you a different perspective right now this is still treated as a crime scene with officers coming and going. the area where the gas line exploded has been fenced off there's a chain fence there only utility companies are allowed in there. they're trying to reestablish telephone lines and cable lines. people who are back at their homes most of them if not all of them should have their electricity as far as the latest on this investigation they are making sure that they pick up all the fragments in this area which is why they're not allowing unauthorized people into this area mark talked about the update from the coroner's office. there should be another update from the fire department within 30 minutes. i spoke to the fire chief at 8:00 a.m. he said he would call me back then nine to see what they are doing this morning if they have found anything. i want to show you, here's a live look you can see there the pleas of reserves are moving around the neighborhood, i spoke to one officer he said the ground got so hot from the heat that they basically wiped their roadways. last few days they had to quickly paving over gray elk hills mall road so that they could move around including the utility companies. he says he lives in this neighborhood and when the fire happened that one. the fire was so high that he could not look beyond the fire to see the eucalyptus trees in the background. coming of the 9:00 a.m. i will have them update from the fire chief as well as show you some video from a gas station just up the road. and what they're looking from that video and hoping to find in this area. >> will when you zoom down over your shoulder at the worst damage site and then next to a rise of them bringing in some fly would like they're finally allowed to patch up their windows. >> that is right. some of the homes on the left, right side even though they are still standing here those home suffered damage as far as burns said after a place that as well as those homes in the area. but to have deterred those trees there are over there. so a lot of people need to get their homes back in order. a lot of those homes are still red tag at this time which is why pg&e is offering homeowners who do not want to rebuild their offering the option of possibly by in their home. a lot of work, when i got here this morning i was wondering if there were starting to clean up that area and know. all that stuff will probably be there for quite some time to allow the investigators to do their job right now they're adjusting lines makes are some of the service is restored. >> we now have the audio of emergency communications between dispatches breakers. take a listen. >> for alarm, it appears that we have a plain brown. we have a fire still coming out. we have major are trying to move people of. >> know whether at this high drama. >> no water this hydrant. >> copy that. >> engine 31? >> we think we have a broken water mains. >> i have a senior care home with 6 documents and two characters that may need rescue. >> we need to do all law- enforcement colored we need every officer we can to assist with evacuations. there's some explosion. we need water the-ankle and un san bruno is working. can you bring us some water? >> with an accident at claremont and concord. the basis of your third degree burns. we will require an ambulance. >> you can listen all the audio is our web site at you'll find continuing coverage of the san bruno gas line explosion. >> let's get a look at the traffic. george. >> tracking a hot spot for 101 the accident because this is long clear from roadway, this is still slow traffic the closer to north san pedro road the faster the traffic will move because that was the scene of the accident but as we move the mouse back towards 37 you will see that there's still plenty of slow traffic there even north of highway 37 rated to the novato narrows and espy's they showed the 7 mi. per hour rate near highway 37. it is definitely a rough ride. quite slow vicki on highway 4, both through antioch, pittsburgh but also to the willow process and then the concord ride leading onto 247 found, succeeds years of bad, he's done for your morality is heading back toward concord and martinez. this does 680 ride like that, it is low. look it succeeds europe to the san ramon typical self and traffic leading down to alamo. but this and northbound ride up from san ramon is a much heavier than usual. at the bay bridge, the westbound ride right back to the macarthur maze not through belgrade to the end of it 80 does not slow until you hit the berkeley turf westbound. but the 80 approach is pretty bad the backed up leading towards the upper deck of the bay bridge. a bigger back up considering we have not had any major incidents is at the bay bridge so far this morning. let's get a check on whether. mark. >> thank you, watching the fog a live look here from richmond. we'll have more on this are the story of a capsized boat coming up. waiting for the sun to come up around the bay, a club of rich in all the way inland it is chilly of their dead the cent sign mid-50s, upper 50s and oakland, 56 degrees during now and then i say. the on sherlund not as strong as yesterday's or think it will clear earlier than it did yesterday. tempters form of a few more degrees with some earlier sunshine. we're watching a little bit of a warm-up this week really keeping our eyes on the weekend as the storm system coming, rain is a good bet north and california. but there's a chance of the other main will make a down year. here's the future as rain falling dry for the next few days, by friday night we could see if you use sprinkles, saturday morning brings the rainshowers that the bay area in the north bay. mainly just a light rain showing up, it is a possibility that we can as a ring come on and off through saturday in the north bay by 11:00. watch what happens to the afternoon the rain moves down mid peninsula and even set oakland possibly to hayward. and then dries a bit on sunday with a chance of a shower. friday, saturday, sending a chance for some rainshowers. the best bet being saturday. in the meantime today's more than yesterday. los estacio san francisco, mid-70s for latvians fog is. 81 and livermore 63 today with low clouds hanging around. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. gradual warming of less fog over the next few days. these in the '70s on the bay 60 said the coast and we have a chance of rain showers in the friday night in the north bay. most of the bay area and in the north of the dumbarton bridge during the day on saturday may be a lingering sprinkle on sunday. watching the forecast for a chance of some sprinkle on sunday. watching the forecast for a chance of some midst tamburlaine. s group. so what are we testing here? sprinkle on sunday. watching the forecast for a chance of some midsthat's our new pastrami grilled sandwich. oh, great. hey, are they happy we got rid of the rye bread? totally. they love our grilled artisan bread. they say it's the perfect compliment to the 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morning there were three others on the boat they are ok. jackie sissel is live in richmond with a look at the lay of the land. are these the rocks? >> yes. that the brick wall. as it " you will see a tight vote coming in. presumably was a tight budget by about one that came to the rescue of these fishermen there are going out early this morning you can see it is just a brick wall that runs the length of the marina. their legs on that signifying that obviously there is a marina all of there's a brick wall. it capsized, and send those fishermen into the water. you can see it is still laying upside-down we're a little bit west of the richmond marina. >> is anyone coming around to get that out of there? >> apparently i found out is not a coast guard issued a customer will not throw in a boat like that. unless the high surf and is not this point so that to get a saba's company to come out here and actually took this book back into the arena. were not sure now what happened. >> looking at now we can see everything in the darkness is it is light, not only did a it's difficult for the record as well as the boat. thank you. >> quick break to the kron 4 morning news continues a live look outside out to the bay, the bridge rain now as we are seeing a low clouds around the bay traffic is heavy. kron4 is a jonathan lynn talked with some residents to write a meeting yesterday they are still waiting to get back to their homes. >> the windows on the front of my house started cracking from the heat then the-started melting and you could start to see smoke roll in to her window we realize we have got to get of here. >> he says that last time he and his wife's father home it was among the dozens levels and is seen as such for the destruction that onlookers could only point ends there. they got a closer look on a bus tour this see were there, once stood. >> pretty intense, my wife was pretty overwhelming. >> now like many others who came to this neighborhood meeting he is looking for answers to what will keep this from happening again. >> we plan on rebuilding the one of the things that i will stress for is moving that high-pressure gas line of sight of residential area putting it up along skylines. you >> and some his roses arrived leaving their homes could be next shared that opinion. >> people are saying they saw this two weeks a roll why small gas from my house about a month and half ago. >> he says he's afraid for his family. >> my kids are home and now i'm worried about the rain now. it could still be leaking. >> even if the pipe is now moved to will likely rebuild but >> it will be hard to actually feel, and circassian living in the neighborhood knowing that is still there. >> to get all of the latest coverage that we have on the gas pipe explosion and all kinds of video and audio, the did that happen, you consider website we want to get elected the weather, mark. >> watching the fog, pushing all the way inland is that higher fog if it's able to get released bay hills and get the inland valleys will spread to the bay view center and where you are you're one of the lucky few temperatures red 50. the marine layer fifties around the bay 60 showing up in green. as we head up to the highs, we get into the '70s ally of the inland location ec the '80s and orange juice may reach deeper into debt for aid these these so-called command of the next few days as temperatures warm slowly by the weekend watching the storm dropped and with a chance of rain. 62 san francisco, '70s inland, upper '70's sanders is there to oakland points north and then maybe a drop on sunday that some measurable mayn't rainfall on sunday not to the question. saturday would be the day for those raindrops and a chance friday, sunday. >> the north bay is our hot spot, 101 in the southbound direction a quick look at the map shows the back of still reaches beyond highway 37 this for the south when no one ride. the accident is clear and improving. we'll take a break, the accident is clear and improving. we'll take a break, we rid of the mansion and the limo the accident is clear and improving. we'll take a break, we budgets were balanced. $4 billion in tax cuts. world class schools and universities. clean energy promoted. 1.9 million new jobs created. california was working. i'm jerry brown. california needs major changes. we have to live within our means; we have to return power and decision making to the local level-closer to the people and no new taxes without voter approval. jerry brown the knowledge and know-how to get california working again. ♪ [ female announcer ] introducing tv... you can take with you. u-verse now lets you download, watch hit tv shows and schedule recordings on your mobile phone. order u-verse tv today. plans starting at just $29 a month for six months, with dvr included. plus upgrade to u-verse u300 and get the u-verse mobile app free. take the u-verse tv experience with you. and record up to four shows at once from any room on a single 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[ ding ] [ man ] 35th and archer. next stop hamilton. [ brakes hiss ] ♪ [ male announcer ] now you can watch hit tv shows on your iphone when you get at&t u-verse tv. at&t. rethink possible. a minute before 9:00 a.m. the top story in the investigation into the san bruno gas explosion, the corner is expected to give an update sometime today meantime the ntsb has ruled them out at least one possible cause they say the pipes under the gas line do not appear to have contributed at all. pg&e is showings documents the national transportation safety board is looking at those. they're conducting interviews and pg&e is establishing a fund. of last week's gas pipeline the money was to help victims would come with "no strings attached." kron4 is will tran and has been live throughout the morning he has more on what is going on. >> they're searching for many other possible causes which is why this is still treated as a crime scene. that is where the gas line exploded you can see the chain link fence only allowing authorized for small to go in there they are not cleaning up at this time all they are doing is allowing companies like the telephone and cable companies to the string wire to the area to try and get service restored to all of the homes and a stand the most of the power another angle that they're looking at is looking for fragments of the gas line that exploded. take a look of this video ads video was shot from a camera at a gas station just up the world, look at the left side, take a look at that black objects that flies from the left to the right side according to of police officer if they're trying to track down and that peace the flood of know where including other fragments because they believe that peace can tell them what happens. according to the police officer many homes in this area that are still standing on a lot of them have mud on the side of the homes one possible thing is maybe there was all waterline that ruptured or leaked which cause the ground to move and therefore that might cause the gas line to open up just a bit. that's what caused the explosion possibly. they're not sure that's an angle that they're looking and also over here this is the command center in has the steel of this happening today after because there's so many officers coming and going there making sure all of them to make sure that they have enough officers to maintain a firmer no one goes in there and lesser authorized still waiting for a phone call from the fire chief for an update were waiting for the coroner's office as was the fire chief and what they're doing. back to you. the >> thank you. >> we have audio of emergency communications between dispatch and fire crews last thursday. >> we're going to disconnect the rose wines and back up until we get water. every company that is back there back above two is a position. >> (inaudible) we have resources but i have no water water mains are up. there's a truck company on the north side. there's some houses were setting the evacuation. >> copy that, advisor on the resources. copy that if we can get in there is some water. can you hear me i need medical eye of medical call spending. >> we cannot handle read medical i don't know if the access. we give me the address (inaudible) we have >> three burn >> in to listen all the audio coverage because we do have more exchanges with emergency crews go to our web site at sitting to bay area weather, the latest on the forecast for today still louisa. >> changes in store will touch on that a few minutes, here's a shot of the james lick, a downtown san francisco still seeing low cloud cover. we'll start to burn it of all little quicker the lowest i yesterday. get a little bit of warmth and the afternoon. by this weekend a slight chance of rain. here's a look to your current temperatures still this morning into the 50s your numbers are still kind of sitting in the '50s. upper 50s for oakland, hayward. getting up to about 60 degrees at this turn our do any act and not you. as he headed the afternoon will warm and that ought to 79 degrees for fairfield, concord. low seventies for san fell richmond. 52 san francisco, that is beset bay temperatures are coming in ride 81. same goes for livermore, and not 81. a, 72 degrees and your hayward. as we head towards the end of the wheat checked out we do have a storm system expected to restore to deepen as we head toward saturday, sunday moving and storage area. we expect this season showers moving into the north bay. as far suffered as a peninsula.southward as the penie is a look at your 7 day around the bay. warm over the next couple of days changes by the weekend. george. >> tracking a hot spot on one no one things are clearing up pretty nicely here now for the southbound ride no longer backed up all the way into central standard file and no luggage and all the way i of novato. we have picked up a new problem in san francisco, taking their in a moment. bay bridge, traffic has been backed up to the macarthur maze but no longer, you can see the commune westbound looks much, much better. all of the approaches are pretty much only slow from the middle of the east parking lot. install was reported in san francisco, originally was reported here between 101 it turns out it is actually a little farther cells near hospital for perhaps read the south end of it. perhaps they have stopped all traffic will they were to kill it clear that stall. you can see the freeway is at a standstill and so is the james lick. in fact this traffic is backed up around the corner on to the sky way and although it is not yet backed up to the upper deck it is possible that it could start to affect the bay bridge to new westbound. for now it is likely that they should get this cleared pretty surely wooed back with an update quickly. . . >> thank you. another developing story that we're falling one person is heard this morning when a boat crashed into some rocks near the richmond shoreline. the u.s. coast guard dispatched arrest about for them at 6:00 a.m. one person had fallen overboard there were four on the boat. the rescue team was able to pull the% of the order given cpr they're being treated this morning three of the people that were on this boat were ok. it is still sitting there jackie sissel whenever to muzzle reporters is sitting there. jackie you have not seen anyone come there. >> no idea when the salvage folks will be out here. but to know that is the brick wall, the fishermen ran into they were headed out to the bay. you can see the mouth of the entrance that is rewriting. somehow in the early morning did nasa the brick wall they landed directly into it. that is when the one victim went into the water. you can see the ball is still low. it's completely capsized. it is a the shipping lane, so it is safe now, that is why coaster did not know then. as i is it is not a house third, they will have to do that through a private company and sell the company. but for rain now it is still sitting there upside-down. just west of the richmond yacht club is where we're at. ". i can imagine that in the darkness you really would not be allowed to see these rocks. i mean as a row of lights here? >> i mean you can see one rate their those are markers that should allow them to see as they go out. as it can leverage the right is another one there. and there's even one as you go up on the other side of that treaty. you can see there's another one a kind of marks the entrance or is it which we're going. to the rear area. apparently for whatever reason they did not see it or they did see it and was too late date 53 directly into that rock wall. >> thank you. mark. >> we will be right back with the kron 4 morning news, weather and traffic in just a few moments. a live look as if jiggered san jose in the fog you inhale, they inhale. millions of children continue to be exposed to secondhand smoke. secondhand smoke causes asthma, a disease that cannot be cured. protect your loved ones. tracking a hot sun now take a look at san francisco this is the upper deck. the west end of the bay bridge at the sky way leading into san francisco and pass the fourth straight on and traffic is backed up to their all the way down to a hospital curved and if we could switch to the true view, we will show you that there is a backup in both directions in and out of san francisco and the reason for and that is what was first reported as a sales bounced all turned out to be an northbound vehicle fire. is slowing the traffic in the southbound direction even though no south bound lanes are blocked it's bad enough that is black their traffic all the way around the sky and back to the upper deck use 280 in and out of san francisco. news june james. >> the latest developments on the release of syrup. u.s. officials have now confirmed that yes she has left chiron. she's a border fight to where her mother is waiting for her. sarah has been held captive with her friends for more than a year. her release was from the fast track when our health declined and there's a growing worry that she may have cancer. representatives of the family posted bail $500,000 the families of all three american hikers issued a statement regarding the release as their " we have prodded them for showing compassion in sarah's case and call on them to do the only right thing and release shane and jaws immediately. the fate of shame and george is still unclear they're accused of being spies and their pretrial detention has been extended for another two months. we're going to take a quick break we will react. my mercury moment happend right after our wedding, when i realized that along with all the gifts that i'd be getting a lot my husband's old stuff. fortunately, i got his mercury insurance too. mercury had better coverage, better service and and we saved hundreds of dollars by combining our home and auto insurance policies. and he got miss pookie. see, everyone wins. insure your auto and home (together) and save up to 15%. get a quote and see for yourself at our developing story pg&e is establishing a $100 million fund for victims of the gas line explosion and least four were killed in the blast last thursday and 37 homes were destroyed and that money is intended to help the victims meet their day-to-day needs it will be provided with no strings attached. investigators are trying determine the blast to the fourth victim tilden this was 81 you're elizabeth. and we're tracking a new hot spot for this time in san francisco it is right here on the james lick, it is in the northbound direction there's a vehicle fire you can see as you look on this side of your screen there's hardly any traffic getting by in the northbound direction that is because lanes are blocked by fire crews. this is rate at hospital curve, the central freeway is now backed up all the way to the octavia street expressway this traffic along the skyway is backed up all the way to the upper deck of the bay bridge. stay off of the freeways and as you're talking about interstate 280 to get to the peninsula or the airport use 60 to get interstate 680 or cane to interstate 280 do not get on the inbound central aural on the skyway. if you're getting on an army street that is a different matter. if you get on there you'll be able to head cell without any problems again it is located right at the vermont street. they bridge, the last time we checked it there was hardly any back up of all was about to hear it is quite possible that with the slow traffic to the west and it could start cycling the metering lights at a slower rate. weekend of seeing a new bay bridge back up because of these problems in san francisco. it is still slow and san jose, 101 because they just turn the meeting lights off on the connecting ramp from the guadalupe parkway so again the backs of traffic on the bayshore slowing from 13th leading up towards the guadalupe parkway interchange. weather. >> thank you, dealing with some of warmth today. shot from downtown san francisco as we head into the afternoon we will start to see that sunshine come again and the fact that bob will burn off. 54 and san francisco, and in getting up to 60. high- temperature not much different than yesterday at about 62. back then get the upper 50s ready o'clock hour. elsewhere, we are seeing '50s, upper 50s to oakland, hayward getting up to about 60 degrees in two antioch. for monday 56 in san jose, into the afternoon temperatures are jumping up, 75 and your napa. fairfield, concord getting close to the 80 degree mark and the mayor after breaking into the 83 antioch, livermore and then it to morgan hill keeping in the low '70's red around the immediate bay area. future cast shows us that as we had to the end of the week there's a slight chance of rain. that the storm system is expected to deepen and on saturday could bring some showers red on to the north bay. it could move as far south as the peninsula right along the coastline to the sunset and downtown san francisco. experiencing a few raindrops on saturday and as we had done to the day sunday there's a slight chance of showers. giants forecast clear, cool conditions against the dodgers tonight temperatures are expected to stay into the fifties. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. showing a warm over the next couple days breezy tomorrow and that chance of rain kickstand. >> mark> stemming from the fatal shooting of a virginia man in downtown oakland two months ago. george huggins, 24, and his girlfriend, 33-year-old althea housley, are charged in connection with the death of 45- year-old jinghong kang, who was visiting the bay area for a job interview at google. he was killed at about 11:30 p.m. on july 18 during an apparent robbery as he walked with a friend to his car.oakland police said huggins and housley allegedly took $17 from him during the robbery.huggins and housley, are scheduled to return to alameda county superior court on nov. 1 for a pretrial hearing. >> favorite sickout by many operators is supposedly start today in moscow friday but according to the transportation agency is just rumors. if that happens they say they are prepared to deal with that but even the union representative of the ardors is its anonymous flyer is in no way sanctioned by the union. san francisco is working on expanding a ban on tobacco sales of pharmacies' it would include grocers stores and big box stores in the city as well. the land use and economic ability voted to extend it to the board. it made sense as the first city in the nation to ban pharmacies from selling cigarettes and other top products. >> proposed alcohol feet to help the city recover costs of dealing with problem drinkers. the board of supervisors is scheduled to vote today. it would add up to about a nickel a drink that has the support of public health director and not mayor newsom who got his start a business as the hon. wineshops he's pledging to veto the measure. it would raise about 16 million a year. >> we will be right back with the kron 4 morning news, weather and traffic in just a few moments. a live look outside at traffic in san jose it's a little sluggish 11 northbound we will your back. i gotta get to cleveland! should have skipped that second soda. remove your belt, your watch, your shoes. i wonder what gas costs today. seven dollars for a pillow! an extra bag costs what? i hate traffic! (train child) the train is now arriving. (announcer) the train has arrived indeed. amtrack. enjoy the journey. but what really happened? cnn -- not me -- cnn says his assertion about his tax record was "just plain wrong." jerry brown went out there and took credit for the fact that the people of california voted for proposition 13, which lowered taxes, which he opposed. and now he's going around taking credit for it. he raised taxes as governor of california. he had a surplus when he took office and a deficit when he left. he doesn't tell the people the truth. welcome back the kron 4 morning news as we continue to attract major delays and a hot spot in san francisco the central freeway in that is backed up all the way to the octavia's street on rams if this guy is back at the upper deck and the westbound ride into san francisco a vehicle fire in hospital curvet jams the traffic in both directions. >> watching the weather warming up over a few degrees the crop fog will clear a little bit earlier all eyes on the storm to the north. bringing a chance of showers in the north bay friday to sunday. >> continue in a chain covered in the aftermath in december no basan bruno cast gabe slate taks a look at some technology that could have saved lives. the gas lines that run near our homes and in our homes, but i am going to show you a device a gadget that can help give you a little piece of mind, and possibly even save your life. don't forget gas is called the silent killer for a reason. it is odorless and colorless, very hard to detect. this is a portable gas leak detector. it is a simple device to use anyone can operate it. it is $30. it is a good tool to keep around your home or business. i think it is as important to have as a smoke alarm. it only has one button, you push it to turn it on, once the green button stops blinking it is ready to detect gas in the air. then you slowly wave the detector where gas leaks might be happening like around your stove, or where the gas is croft coming into your house, or your water heater you can even check the propane tank you use with your bbq. if it detects an unsafe amount of gas in the air the red light will beep and flash. easy to use. i am going to show you what it looks like when it goes off. i am going to push hold down the fuel release on this lighter without sparking it, so you can get a look. beep!!beep!!beep!! there are several portable gas detectors on the market, this one works and has great reviews and it is only $30 and it is made by a local company, wizard distribution. so if you buy it, it supports local business. you can get it at or for a direct link and for more information on this you can go to and look for our news link section. gabe slate, kron 4 news. >> and will be read back [ female announcer ] at&t makes it easy to choose the services that fit your life. who doesn't want more choices? i like choices. you can even choose wireless voice service. not with my cable company. well, it's time to switch. check this out. 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[ female announcer ] build a bundle that's right for you. at&t. west side there's a fire been advised. there are fire between houses. >> we have more audio on our web site you can listen to it you confine continuing coverage of the explosion. >> we have been tracking the hot spot in san francisco literally and figuratively. it was the vehicle fires. slowing traffic northbound and southbound have cleared the lanes but because they are on the shoulder it is backed up. moments ago it picked up very quickly so we have seen their rubber band back here. at least the traffic is moving now, recommendation is if you need to head to the airport used to 80 off both six or off of king. northbound traffic flow from third street into san francisco on the james lick. this is not influenced the bay bridge back up there was concern it would because at one point it was backed up all the way to the san francisco in anchorage slowing traffic off look the upper deck. they have not slowed the metering lights. it is still possible we could see some delays here at the west side of the bridge because of the earlier problem since in francisco. well it was once a hot spot 680 southbound into the san ramon valley is no longer easy conditions as you head south toward to the corner road may no longer have carpool lane restrictions so that opens things for the ride through. at 938 years luisa with the weather check. >> still dealing with fog. it is creating overcast conditions outside it this afternoon we will get sunshine it is warmer than yesterday as we did into the afternoon a slight chance of rain as we head into the weekend. here's a look to your current temperatures mid-50s for san francisco upper 50s in through oakland 56 for concord 61 currently in antioch. into the afternoon warming up into the '70s 73 in santa rosa, upper '70s really close 80 in fairfield and concord breaking into the 80s in places like livermore and antioch. we are staying at about 72 for mound un redwood city. still into the 60s for oakland. the weekend by friday we will see a storm system starting to dip down into our area and then by saturday we will see some sprinkles in the north bay. moving as far south as san francisco saturday not to wash out here but could expect a few raindrops for your saturday maybe even sunday as well. if you're headed to the giants' game this evening clear and cool temperatures. here's a look your 7 day around the bay warmer temperatures over the next couple of days and changes by the weekend. 939 we will be couple of days and changes by the weekend. 939 we will be right back. heavy duty truck, couple of days and changes by the weekend. 939 we will be right back. have some heavy duty demands. like enough horsepower and torque to get out of just about any situation. a payload that beats the other guys flat out. a frame sturdy enough to bear up a max towing capacity that's over 10 tons. and a braking system tough enough to bring it all to a stop. heavy duty demands? gentlemen, your truck is ready. - well, how about... - that smokers' helpline? yeah, they can give me a plan. - help me through the rough spots. - so you're ready to... quit? everyone wants me to quit-- my doctor, my wife, the dog. - not good for the dog. - anyone else? hmm? what? anyone else want you to quit? me! i want me to quit. tdd# 800-933-4833 - ( rings ) - woman: smokers' helpline. oh, hi, it's me. welcome back still recovering from a vehicle fire in hospital services clear now from the traffic lanes the central freeway still backed up to octavia path used to 82 head to usf felt very >> the latest efforts to permanently seal the well. the explosion of the deepwater horizon killed 11 workers and is billed at more than 2 million gal. of oil in the gulf appeared researchers found patches of oil 2 in. thick on the sea floor of the gulf of mexico the oil is believed to be from the bp leak. >> high-speed rail projects san jose city council will debate whether a tunnel project for downtown or in above-ground track would be better for the city. they say the aboveground would be cheaper and less time to build opponents say an elevated track would be too noisy. mayor chuck reed wants high-speed authority to give san jose the authority to approve or reject any plan aboveground otherwise he says they will request a study. 9:44 a.m. we will be back with more of a couple of minutes a live look outside right now at walnut creek traffic is cleared out and sunshine is poking through. pg&e establishing a $100 million fund for dead for missing and 37 homes were completely destroyed. the money they provide is intended to barbara provided with no strings attached investigators are still working to try and determine the cause. >> the explosion launched a pipe of hundred feet from underground to the surface and beyond. it's too early to tell of that pipe was corroded. they have been ordered to inspect all of their gas lines. >> you can see it giants' section of the pipeline before investigators removed it appeared we now have learned the pipeline was inspected most recently in march. this is what pg annie had to say >> literally walked by an employee with equipment looking for the presence of gas. we used air patrols to fine indication of crack gas. crew >> is look for dying vegetation caused by gas leaks the line was inspected for corrosion in november. pg&e could not tell us the results. >> that is part of the investigation and i cannot share the findings of that particular assessment. >> they're asking the company to inspect all of this type lying there will be a focus on high pressure pipe lines that are in high populated areas like sambar know. the big question is will those inspectors need similar to the ones done and a pass on the pipe that exploded. as i mentioned we inspector pipe on an annual basis we will have to work with them and find out what time we have to do that it will be a minimum of eight weeks. >> to see all of these related investigation and new video and audio as well when san bruno was sentenced in flames with this explosion we've and go to our web site. >> better news channel for what had been a hot spot the hospital curve commute on u.s. highway 1 01 once jammed in both directions it was a vehicle fire that backed up the traffic on the central freeway all the way to the octavia street on ramp as you can see traffic continues to improve and wallets still sluggish in the southbound direction it is no longer as badly backed up the slow traffic that had reached all the way to octavia now the back up breeching just beyond south van ness ave. we are continuing to monitor the bay bridge toll plaza in the westbound direction there had been concerned we may have seen a second back up at the bay bridge because of the slow traffic caused by the hospital car fire. it backed up traffic on to the upper deck of the bay bridge for a while it may have taken this long to see the effects of it. in a few moments the price will change at the toll plaza and when the price drops we generally see something of a second way is for the west bound ride. it is possible we could end up with even more so traffic for the west bound bay ridge tracking the commune on san mateo bridge and a look at the right on 92 it has no light and trouble-free ride for the last hour and half the commute is over here for westbound highway 92. let's get a look your weather and a check of that formally sought >> whether this morning during as overcast conditions low cloud cover. sun shines through on a creek this morning as we head into the afternoon temperatures expected to warm up from yesterday. 51 and walnut creek by noontime getting into the '70s the high today 79 degrees back down to 70 by about 8:00 p.m. elsewhere temperatures in the '50s this morning 55 first differences go down in redwood city about 0 degree warmer than that. up to 62 in antioch, the afternoon will bring into the '70s through the north bay staying as 62 in san francisco similar downtown into the upper 70's through fairfield 81 for antioch livermore today also into the 80s down to los gatos the morgan house keeping and at 76 degrees 72 from around you. head towards the weekend the later part of their workweek storm system will step down and as it deepens it will bring showers into our area starting off the north bay the north bay does stand the best chance of getting rain drops by the weekend it is expected to live to dip down into the peninsula. we may see some drops in severance is going the best chance of rain saturday and may be of dropper to warn sunday. your seven day around the bay of warm-up over the next couple of days breezy anyone say that my thursday back up to 83 for inland spots '70s around the bay '60s for the coast. slight chance of rain for the weekend. >> thank you luisa developing story the release of uc-berkeley grad student sarah they have conferred yet she has left our ronde she is in flight to altamont her mother is waiting for her. she has been held captive with josh n.j. for more than a year now cured became a priority after she discovered she might have cancelled it and lax medical care.cancer and laxe will follow more. this is a statement from the president. we remain hopeful i ron will demonstrate compassion by cheering the return of shame and josh and all missing or detained have some heavy duty demands. like enough horsepower and torque to get out of just about any situation. a payload that beats the other guys flat out. a frame sturdy enough to bear up a max towing capacity that's over 10 tons. and a braking system tough enough to bring it all to a stop. heavy duty demands? gentlemen, your truck is ready. expect lane closures of 680 over night between a pleasanton and fremont they will open the first express lane is along the 14 mi. stretch of 680 allows people driving alone to pay a toll using fast track. they could use that between 5:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m.. >> wildfire burning near bakersfield has grown. there has been no evacuations and no injuries sheriffs department now advising residents to be prepared to leave. this fire 10 percent contained. the kern river are closed about 600-650 firefighters are battling the blaze. >> sunny skies today 81 for today and tomorrow inland the coast is cool though 57 struggling to reach 60. thursday is the best sunniest day for everybody and then a slight chance of rain over the weekend. ♪ [ male announcer ] it's luxury with fire in its veins. bold. daring. capable of moving your soul. ♪ and that's even before you drop your foot on the pedal. ♪ the new 2011 cts coupe from cadillac. the new standard of the world. saving money. and like baseball people love their stats. i started bringing my lunch to work -- 50 bucks a week in my pocket. here's a good one: state farm insures 40 million drivers. more than geico and progressive combined. i saved because i'm accident-free. of course, with so many ways to save including discounts of up to 40%, having that many customers shouldn't be a surprise. so ask a neighbor about state farm, then call an agent at 1-800-state-farm or go online. the latest on the investigation and to the samper no gas line explosion what they have already ruled out surveillance video showing time of the explosion and this badge tapes as well. >> sara has left by roiron. mor >> on these stories in just a bit first weather and traffic. the fog over the golden gate right now we're talking about a chance of rain this weekend. >> big chance path of rain in store. for the weekend. once again fog this morning downtown san francisco some patchy fog still left over nice warmup as we head towards the afternoon temperatures will warm up slightly from yesterday and then that chance of rain moves in by the weekend. its current have jurors 55 degrees for severance is go in 3 san rafael 52, over to antioch '60s and the upper 50s for a mound you. to the afternoon '70s for the north bay 62 for san francisco, 70 degrees for richmond, staying about 72 to redwood city and into bound you a slight chance of rain as we head into the weekend. temperthere rain could dip down into the north bay and then we could see some sprinkles along the peninsula downtown san francisco could see some sprinkles it is not a big storm but don't be surprised if you feel somewhat weather. 7 day around the bay bringing it temperatures warmer over the next couple of days thursday as will be warmer day of the workweek 83 inland '70s around the bay '60s for the coast. >> the bay bridge and the westbound ride problem since inferences go-slow the metering lights because traffic was backing up all the way to the upper deck that is no longer the case. we are recovering at the bay bridge and the westbound direction part in part we have seen an increase in the volume of traffic because of the reduction in tolls that occurs at 10:00. it brings a bargain hunters to the bay bridge things are backing up once again for the west bound ride. it was in san francisco vehicle fire at a hospital curve backed up traffic in both directions. that is no longer the case still sluggish coming inbound from south bend us. looking at your ride in the south bay 1013 san jose it was pretty sluggish rate at about 930 well the meter and light back up from the guadalupe parkway was still being cleared off of 1 01 northbound that is no longer the case traffic flowing at the lyman allyn both the limit. >> uc berkeley sera being released from prison. there is the press briefing the rep has been dancing around questions this morning denying he has information. >> when is she coming back to u.s. soil. >> i do not know. i know she is airborne. we obviously look forward to having her reunited with her family when she comes back united states will make arrangements and details that will be discussed. >> told a reporter that we are making progress. what was discussed as a first item on the agenda. >> i had the opportunity to converse with the team this morning we would characterize discussions today as >> they have shipped did topics talking about hillary clinton talking about peace talks. they were talking about sarah and her release this morning the president has waited as well reacting to the release. he said i am very pleased she has been released we remain hopeful ira n will demonstrate renewed compassion by ensuring the return of shame, joshed and other missing and detained americans and iran. they are skirting questions about where did the money come from to pay for release was the money paid, they he says there was nothing he knows about that it was negotiating with the swiss ambassador out there. we have confirmed she has left iran she is on a plane and her mother is there waiting for her rely arrival. 10 05 a.m. >> now to our developing story sambar no gas line as we continue our team coverage of the latest developments. they have ruled out a lease one possible cause for thursday's blast. they say that it was not the pipes under the gas line they do not think those contributed. they're looking at pg&e is documents looking at valves that where there, conducting interviews as well. the president of pg & e says the utility company is launching of last week's gas pipeline explosion. pg&e announced that meet their day-to-day needs and attached." >> continuing coverage will tran has been live throughout the morning near the site of the explosion he has more on what's going on. >> there is a lot of activity taking place right down the hill from where i'm located you can see the chain-link fence and amount of dirt that's where the gas line exploded they are down there to make sure nobody who does not have reason to be there goes beyond them because they are still treating this as a crime scene because there is still so much evidence that needs to be collected. this is video that we got from a gas station a few hundred yards from where i'm located. take a look at the left side of your screen. shortly after the gas line exploded there is a black projectile coming from the left side to the middle of your screen and then it disappears. according to an officer there is no way that could have been an object that overheated and then exploded. it probably has something to do with the gas line that is why the lead to find that evidence as well as other evidence in this area turn it over to the best getters to tell them exactly why this gas line exploded. in the meantime there is a command center over here plots of police officers coming and going from agencies all over the peninsula. foster city, millbrae, they are giving relief to the san bruno police department to let them know they are here also to provide perimeter support. as far as cleaning up the mess down there they are not removing any of the dirt. that will be there for some time they are allowing cable and telephone companies to go through that area to put the lines beckon to restore service. all the green tags homes the homes on the left and right hand side are find i see and residents coming through the morning. if you have a green tag that means your home is fine and services should be restored. they're trying to restore power to some homes that don't have power at this time. >> thank you for the update and we will be right back. the black widow spider's severe bite can cause coma and even death. the african black mamba can kill a man with one bite. but there's an even deadlier predator or at least that's what my mom thinks. with high speed internet from at&t, i get my homework done fast, leaving me time to download movies and music and chat with my friends. 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[ boy ] sure! tell your friends hi for me. ♪ [ female announcer ] high speed internet from at&t. one person heard this morning after both crashes against rocks near richmond shoreline. they dispatched about to rescue them just before 6:00 a.m. this morning one person fell overboard and the rescue team was able to pull the person from the water and performs cpr that person being treated this morning. three other people on the boat are ok. we go live to the scene and are so low reporter jackies is alive and richmond. we saw the boat capsize right here against the rocks. >> last five minutes or so cells which boat came out tied up to that capsized boats. it is hit a brick wall in the background that is where they hit. they're going out fishing early this morning before sunup for some reason unknown at this point they hit the brick wall rolled to their side and it said the fishermen and the water. they were rescued that boat completely capsized for while this morning it was sitting out there floating next to the brick wall. you can see the brick wall just west of the yacht club. just before 10:00 we saw that selvage boat show up out here. we also saw the coast guard helicopter flying overhead. coast guard is interested in making sure this boat is not getting into any shipping lanes. after the fact they're telling you back to the marina. the condition of the one fishermen is unknown at this point. >> thank you for the update we will be right back as the news continues. 1016 rain lpg any is in establishing a fund for victims of the san bruno gas line explosion that left four people dead and destroyed 37 homes. the money is intended to pay day-to- day needs in the wake of this disaster. they say they will provide it with no strings attached. investigators are still doing their work tried to figure out the cause of the blast. family members are saying the name of the fourth victim. the fourth victim identified by family members of elizabeth torres. >> the media was allowed into the fire zone marine kelley shows us what's going on. >> the area around the blast site is swarming with activity i'm told with investigators are on site there it are representatives from the utility companies working to restore power and water. as i pan up here you can see the low table runner. they're using that to string up phone lines. i have seen chp investigators marking and catalyzing the cars so they have our record of what happened to them in case any are reported stolen. i have seen representatives from several agencies fema, who are here doing any damage assessment report using a information they gather today to determine what disaster relief these homeowners qualify for. >> some home owners are able to get into their homes. not everybody is being allowed in. >> it's really frustrating. it's getting to the point where i've had no information about my house. my brother of philadelphia's send me a picture of the house from the new york times online. that's how we know our houses standing. we don't wanna be at these meetings we don't want a group hugs we want to see something substantial. we would like to see something happen. sambar know did not make this happen to themselves. or not the devil worshipers we are hard-working good people. we did not bring this on ourselves. >> aaa will offer free tow service to people whose cars were damaged in the fire. they will to lead to any repair shop within 10 mi.. mobile facilities have been set up aaa officers tell members filed claims and provide emergency assistance. even find out how you can help with donation efforts as well as continuing coverage just >> dealing with fog i fog making for some overcast conditions over the golden gate bridge. temperature of about 54 degrees for san francisco 60 degrees by noontime high today of 62 in san francisco bear very similar to yesterday however else where temperatures expected to warm up today as we head over to oakland getting into the 60s through oakland, concord, 64 for antioch into the afternoon warming up into the 7073 for san rosa 75 into that but getting close to a 80 degree mark for fairfield also in the concord as well up into the 80s in places like livermore and antioch. 72 for mountain view the same for fremont and hayward even redwood's city at 72. as we head towards the end of the work week and into work with and we have changes in store. a storm system expected to dip down into our area. starring to see showers in the north bay but then pushing along the peninsula we could get what along the peninsula and downtown san francisco we are not talking about a washout but chance for rain continues. if you're headed to the giants' game tonight temperatures will be in the '50s clear and cool of their good conditions for game. the next couple of days tempters will warm up and then changes taken by the weekend. >> we are looking at the bridge is now around the bay area we have cleared out hot spots in the third of the back up from the bay bridge toll plaza no ill effects from earlier problems in san francisco where was the vehicle fire that actually slow the traffic coming off the upper deck into the city. that has cleared up as well. easy ride free here. no commute at the san mateo bridge for last two hours now. easy trip here in both directions. to and from the golden gate bridge reconfigured for midday traffic 3 lanes available and northbound direction 3 lanes available south bound just sluggish past this south anchorage as you head into the toll plaza. no delays through doyle drive. interstate 680 what had been a back up south island is no longer 915 it has been cleared out in both directions through the valley. >> 10:22 a.m. life to president barack obama who is speaking in philadelphia stations began the school year the president is delivering his back-to-school speech. >> they actually just wrap it up speech. >> they actually just wrap it up this gives them inspiration. er ] jerry brown's good old days. but what really happened? cnn -- not me -- cnn says his assertion about his tax record was "just plain wrong." jerry brown went out there and took credit for the fact that the people of california voted for proposition 13, which lowered taxes, which he opposed. and now he's going around taking credit for it. he raised taxes as governor of california. he had a surplus when he took office and a deficit when he left. he doesn't tell the people the truth. two people charged with thetwo suspects pleaded not guilty monday to murder charges stemming from the fatal shooting of a virginia man in downtown oakland two months ago. george huggins, 24, and his girlfriend, charged in connection with the death of 45- year-old jinghong kang, who was visiting the bay area for a job interview at google. he was killed at about 11:30 p.m. on july 18 during an apparent robbery as he walked with a friend to his car.oakland police said huggins and housley allegedly took $17 from him during the robbery.huggins and housley, are scheduled to return to alameda county superior court on nov. 1 for a pretrial hearing. >> are rumored sic code is just that meneses there is no stick out services morning is normal. rumors started when a neighbor were circulating. they are working on a ban on tobacco sales at pharmacies it would add to a grocery stores and big box stores. they will send the ordinance to the board. in a diversity in the united states to prohibit pharmacies from selling to its cigarettes and other tobacco products. >> this thursday nbc will be airing the giants game so we will air nbc programs. you can catch this season premiere of the apprentice on channel 4 followed by kron 4 news at 10:00 p.m.. samper and of the gas line explosion the safety board has now ruled out at least one possible cause for last thursday's blast. pipes under the gas line did not contribute to the blast. they're looking at documents visiting control sites and looking at delves and conducting interviews. pg&e is contributing 100. if >> will tran is live near the explosion site with more on what is happening there today. >> what's happening right now is what's 30 seconds or so a group of people wearing suits walking to that area. they are still investigating this talking to people in this area you can see the chain-link fence. that is where the gas line exploded. this is still considered as a crime scene people are not allowed in there unless they have homes. police departments are asking other agencies to come by help them establish a parameter so investigators can still be here and collect evidence that they need to find a cause behind this explosion. i spoke to a police officer in this neighborhood and along with the investigation human stories are coming out as the days since the explosion. he said he left his home about 35 seconds after leaving his home he crosses the intersection down here and then theas line explodes. his daughter was home at the time. he was concerned that she died and she was concerned he died. instead of following the emergency plan they had in place for the family he turned around he's no longer plays officer at that point he's a father. instead of going back to the supermarket to meet up with his daughter he goes through the wall of fire. fiver six minutes he loses contact with the world finally when he reaches his daughter he told me at that point he didn't care about his house or getting money or getting overtime one ever the city's seal herd his daughter's voice that is all that mattered to him. this story is like many other people's stories. you can see the people here the home still affected there are some burned, all homes burned on the side but it is still fine. the homes on the left and right hand side are fine for people to live there. red tag phonhomes pe will live there. pg any are offering people who do not want rebuild to possibly buy their homes. >> there is an act of center beside to as well. they have old command center still there that is still very active. >> it feels like friday morning the morning after the fire. tactical units out here police officers coming together simon'' talking to the supervisors to make sure that they know what is going on this morning in fact darya the san mateo fire departments were called and i asked the driver why. he said i don't know it seems like hot spots are road but they still want have all the personnel here in case they find something they don't expect. so they want a mature they have all the resources still available and the crime scene i talk to a supervisor spokesman for the san mateo county he says he does not know along it will last. >> we have emergency audio communications as the fire started and spread. >> alarm to this it appears we have flames in the neighborhood we have a fire ball still coming out. >> on northeast we have major heat. >> stop the engine we have no water. stop that engine we have no water we need them to lean into us. >> copy >> that> we think we have a broken water main down here we need to lay and from the corner of san bruno ave. >> senior care home on slimmer to caretakers and six >> occupants> we will need every officer to assist an evacuation. >> we could use some exposure. >> west m. bruno ave medical triage at that point. >> glen view and san bruno drive we are still waiting for water. if you could bring us some water. >> we have an active hydrant claremont and concord. we have a patient on the 1600 block of severe burns. >> you can listen to all of the audio on our web site. you'll find continuing coverage as well. >> the time now is 10:35 a.m., a look at the weather. >> taking a live look aside at san jose you can see it is just a big gray you can start to see the sun comes through the fog is burning off patchy fog this morning. oh warm up today. as we head into the weekend there is a chance we may see some rain. temperatures of sight in the '50s and '60s. 60 in oakland get in and to the '70s and the north bay today 71 in novato 79 in fairfield as well as concord as we head into the peninsula 72 their 32 redwood city mound you hayward and fremont low eighties in los gatos and morgan hill today. chance of rain in store for us friday will hit the northern part of the state than the morning hours 11 actually midnight will comment it will come in to the north bay later morning hours than in may across the golden gate bridge. then it will start to lighten up towards evening hours. 7 day around the bay showing us some warm-up as we head into thursday with breezy conditions tomorrow. once the weekend heads slight chance of rain low 80s inland spots '70s around the bay 60s along the coast. >> bridge check we have cleared out the hot spots and the back up the bay bridge and the westbound direction no problems here pretty's right on the upper deck in this city. san mateo bridge is trouble-free all morning long right now is pretty light traffic in both directions about a 12 minute drive time and to end regardless of the direction. the 880 looks good. the rough commute from iran this morning but never for the golden gate bridges has been an easy ride all morning long that is how it continues. san francisco hot spot now our goal has cooled off no backup for delay on the inbounds central freeway where the southbound james like period 10:38 a.m. taking a break and we will be james like period 10:38 a.m. taking a break and we will be right back. ll, how about... - that smokers' helpline? yeah, they can give me a plan. - help me through the rough spots. - so you're ready to... quit? everyone wants me to quit-- my doctor, my wife, the dog. - not good for the dog. - anyone else? hmm? what? anyone else want you to quit? me! i want me to quit. tdd# 800-933-4833 - ( rings ) - woman: smokers' helpline. oh, hi, it's me. hey, at&t u-verse tv? yeah, it's our new tv service. every day thousands of customers across the nation are switching to at&t u-verse. 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[ female announcer ] see it. believe it. u-verse tv. ♪ new video continues to show you different angles of the explosion last thursday. we have love surveillance video from the gas station. >> the camera is an intended to take a video of the pomps actually. at the gas station but somehow it goes further than that. the corner has captured the video of the fire. , they're running to safety she grabs her baby and runs across the street. you see people running towards the fire. perhaps they have homes or lop ones and in the area. there were shopping perhaps or walking at the trail because there is a drill down there. they are running towards the home to see if they have a home. you'll see some cars will turn and go that way. the police responded immediately within one minute. it is very sad thing to happen to anyone. my neighborhood my customers. my heart goes out for those people lost their loved ones. they lost their homes so it is a sad situation >> you can see all the video from the gas station and other videos posted from thursday's explosion on our web site. >> 10:42 a.m. and we will be back with more. we led take a peek at walnut creek. plenty of sunshine inland areas high of 81 today we will be right there she is giving an interview before she ordered a chartered flight. before boarding the plane she told reporters she is grateful and hauled by this moment state department also hold a briefing moments ago. they kept asking if u.s. government paid the bill to win her release. their questions were met with denials dodges and awkward pauses. >> which your understandings about the conditions of her release. was there any amount of bail paid? >> united states did not pay anything for her release as you know the government through their adjured just fill process had specific requirements for release. arrangements were made that satisfy those requirements. >> in other words somebody paid something. >> someone provided sufficient assurances this satisfied there stipulations for release. >> in terms of cash? >> i cannot tell you i do not know what the specific actions were. as you know we had swiss protecting power working underground we had all money that laments working on our behalf. other companiecountries have waited. a combination of diplomatic effort arrangements were made that satisfy a requirement spirit >> presumably you've been in touch with all of them is that correct? >> to be honest with you we have not since the party was your braun born we have not received full debriefing. that is for the authorities. argue then a year ago and now is that these three individuals are not guilty of any crime. >> i'm asking house up possible you don't know anything about bail? >> your asking if this money has changed hands the short answer is we don't know. >> they've been asking for any money was paid? >> as i said a moment ago the question is what did the united states government pay anything for this release the answer's no. >> the answer is no. that's what he says. this is video of sara walking to the aircraft and are waiting. her mother is waiting for our arrival as for the fate of shame and joshed they are in custody they are accused of being spies united states flatly refusing that. there pre-trial detainment has been extended for two months. for now back to the studio. >> 10:49 a.m. look outside in san francisco from our roof camera you can see it is patchy fog right now temperature right now is 56 and sam francisco by about noon it will be 59 a high of 62 degrees and then back down to 57 by 8:00 p.m. temperatures outside '50s and '60s low fifties in in north area sixties in the northern spotted spirit 59 ian los gatos, temperatures will get into the '70s and the north bay today. 71 in novato, 75 napa, as we head to the peninsula 68 for oakland, lower 80s south bay 81 los gatos, let's take a look of future cast it is set for friday early morning hours 6:00 a.m. initially rain coming in to the northern part of the state. by about the middle of the night saturday it will come in. it will push more and to the north bay. it will be more widespread by the afternoon it will cross the golden gate bridge in coming to san francisco into the east bay areas as well. for those of you going to the game today it will be cool and clear with 57 degrees by 8:00 p.m. and drop down a degree or so by 10:00 p.m. bring your jackets for the game. 7 day around the bay shows us breezy conditions tomorrow with temperatures getting warmer. then the chance of rain comes in for friday in the weekend hot george >> the last report there and play our role reports began this morning quiet with no problems reports there may be some delays coming in from the golden gate bridge. starting here from the bay bridge and you can see looks good no longer any back up for delayed for the west bound commute into the city. the san mateo bridge also looks pretty good you can see traffic is still light in both directions year. no problems this was the commute side or the westbound drive out of hayward. we were looking to see if we confined explanation for what just popped up in the way of slow traffic. the south tower is backed up a bit. we weren't able to discover any problems for the south bound ride it could be construction delays of we find out before the end of the broadcast we will let you know. the ride through san jose no problem or delays in either direction. 10:53 a.m. we jose no problem or delays in either direction. 10:53 a.m. we will be right saving money. and like baseball people love their stats. i started bringing my lunch to work -- 50 bucks a week in my pocket. here's a good one: state farm insures 40 million drivers. more than geico and progressive combined. i saved because i'm accident-free. of course, with so many ways to save including discounts of up to 40%, having that many customers shouldn't be a surprise. so ask a neighbor about state farm, then call an agent at 1-800-state-farm or go online. to kron 4 maureen is expected to end 56 it is washday at the golden gate bridge. they say they are cleaning scrubbing the lanes and that is the reason for the short delay in the south of direction. traffic backed up to mid span. >> 7 day around the bay forecast pretty nice day today but the coast is cool. for the weekend we have a slight chance of rain expression in the north bay. >> wall street today the dow was down 20 points that up over 20 points now just down a fraction of point. nasdaq up 5 s&p down 1/4 point. >> the release of sara shore from iran. you can see her being released getting on the plane she has been imprisoned for more the year there. she is waiving as she heads to, who appeared >> next newscast at 4:00 p.m. we're back here tomorrow at 4:00 a.m.. see >> later.

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