Controversy that is building involving President Trump and the kremlin. Guys now back to you in the studio. Did you reveal classified information to the russians, sir . Mr. President , did you share classified information with the russians . Did you share classified information with the russians . vicki the only response from the president was a silent thank you as he posed with turkeys president at the white house. two shottonight we are learning much more about his meeting with russian officials last week. grant and the source of the highly classified intel he reportedly revealed. Catherine heenan is here to take us through the days dramatic developments. catherine todays big revelation that israel was the source of top secret intel that isis was developing a way to use laptops. And that russia now could funnel that information to israels sworn enemy, iran,the president issued a defiant reply to critics today. Hes saying, in effect, that he can declassify anything he wants we had a very very successful meeting with the foreign minister of russia. Our fight is against isis. That was all the president had to say on the Controversial White House meeting. On twitter he defended what he called his absolute right to reveal facts pertaining to terrorism and Airline Flight safety. He called them humanitarian reasons, plus i want russia to greatly step up their fight against isis terrorism. Then he pivoted to last weeks target, blaming his former fbi director for failing to stem the flow of leaks from the intelligence community. His National Security adviser says those are the leakers who need to be prosecuted. Our National Security has been put at risk by those violating confidentiality. And those releasing information to the press that could be used connected with other Information Available to make american citizens and others more vulnerable. The senates top democrat says Congress Needs to have immediate access to a transcript of president Donald Trumps meeting at the white house. If the president put our security and our intelligence operations at risk, Congress Needs to know about it,and even the republican majority leader is sounding a little weary with the latest uproar. I think it would be helpful to have less drama emanating from the white house. Landing catherine the new flareup in the russia scandal comes as President Trump gets ready to leave on his first overseas trip as president. Hell visit five nations, including israel and saudi arabia. Grant and vicki . grant another big story we are tracking tonight. Add pg e. To a long list of individuals and businesses that are being sued over the ghost ship fire. vicki attorneys for more than a dozen victims families claim pg and e was negligent as were the others. Kron 4s dan kerman is live for us tonight in oakland with more. Its been 5 and a half months since fire raced through oaklands ghost ship warehouse, during a party 36 people ended up losing their lives. Among them leisa askkews daughter cash. Sot leisa askew parent of ghost ship fire victim 1116peoples 22 year old children shouldnt be dying because they went to listen to musicat a News Conference tuesday, attorneys for many of the victims families announced they have joined together in a consolidated civil lawsuit against more than a dozen individuals and businesses including the property owner, the property manager and the party promoters. Now a new defendant, pacific gas and electric company. Sot Mary Alexander attorney for families of ghost ship fire victims 3543pge failed to follow its own rules which required them to provide electricity to any facility like this in a safe manner attorneys say suing p, g and e is not about going after someone with deep pockets, its about holding them accountable for its failuressot they were in there in recent years , based on smart meters being placed inside so they had the opportunity and did have to observe what was going on in this building and how unsafe it was. Attorneys say the city of oakland, the county of alameda, and the state of california will likely be added to the suit within 60 days, if claims against those entities are rejectedsot chris dolan attorney for families of ghost ship fire victims 124132the city is absolutely culpable here , the city says it protects and serves its citizens in this case it turned a blind eye to the death trap that existed. Families know the lawsuits wont bring back their loved ones, but they say it can stop this from happening again. Sot 36 people died and its wrong and its not just my baby its so many other peoples babies and i just cant stand by and let that keep happening. grant pg e responded to todays suit. Writing we have not seen the lawsuit. We can say that our thoughts and prayers are with the families and friends of the victims of this tragic event. Weve reviewed our records and over the last 10plus years, we have no reports of electric theft or any other anomalies from this location or the adjacent premises. Were fully cooperating with authorities as they investigate this tragic event. End quote vicki the atf is now investigating the fire that destroyed an emeryville construction site over the weekend. The atfs National Response team arrived at the site of the fire this morning. Atf Officials Say the task force was called because of the extent of the fire damage. Saying Additional Resources are needed in the investigation. Experts are working closely with local fire officials to determine the cause of the fire. Patrick Gorman San Francisco atf assistant special agent the atf enters and investigation with no preconceived notions so the result at the end will be determining whether the fire is accidental, incendiary or undetermined. Butted to weve recovered approximately ten videos that were currently reviewing. Were also sending some of these videos to our headquarters in washington, d. C. For some specialized assistance. vicki this is the second time in less than a year that the site was demolished in a fire. The developer says he plans to rebuild the construction site for a third time. It will include more than 100 apartments and 25 thousand feet of retail space. grant backflips and somersaults on the tippy top of the iconic golden gate bridge. Thrill seekers take to social media showing off the daring stunts. As traffic zooms by down below. And, as kron fours Philippe Djegal reports. Law enforcement wasnt aware of this dangerous spectacle. Until more than a month after it happened. philippe an astonishing act that for more than a month went unoticed by Law Enforcement until the thrill seekers from wisconsin posted video of the daring act online. Sometime in april. Golden gate bridge highway and transportation district general manager Denis Mulligan says the two young men walked down a hill in the Marin Headlands to get onto the sidewalk, then scale the bridge without any safety harnesses or equipement. Denis mulligan general manager theres four sets of ropes at each location. They grabbed the two inner ones, they had their feet on the one slightly further away and they climbed up it faster than you can walk down the street. Mulligan says the trespassers were on the bridge for about ten minutes. Bridge captain lisa locati says after climbing up the main cable to the top of the north tower. Lisa locati captain they did somersaults and hung their bodies over traffic. Several Law Enforcement agencies are looking into this case. The california Highway Patrol is the lead investigating agency. And, the department of Homeland Security is also involved. Lisa locati captain their behavior could have harmed motorists below. And does highlight a Public Safety issue that needs to be addressed. Denis mulligan says an independent assessment will be done to identify ways to improve the security system. He says there are hundreds of working surviellance cameras monitoring the bridge at all times. But they did not detect the trespassers. Denis mulligan general manager we were not aware of what they were doing when they were doing it. Mulligan says Law Enforcement knows who the trespassers are young men known for traveling across the country recording stunts like this then posting the videos online for profit. Its possible they could face misdemeanor trespassing charges, which could result in a year in county jail and up to a 10thousand dollar fine. In San Francisco, Philippe Djegal, kron four news. vicki a scare today at a San Francisco Elementary School after receiving a bomb threat. Sfpds bomb squad has since deemed the area safe. It happened at Leport Montessori School just before 10am. Parents were notified and the School Remained closed for the rest of the day. grant the wife of an Alameda County sheriffs deputy finds herself in trouble with the law aagain. This just a fews months after being arrested for a deadly dui crash that killed a three year old boy. Details on this latest incident plus reaction coming up. vicki then, we take you along with a task force. Designed to make sure convicted sex offenders living in local communites are following the rules. grant and next, the warriors tip off with the San Antonio Spurs for game two in less than an hour. A live report from oracle arena after the break. brittney im chief meteorologist Brittney Shipp, ill have your full bay area forecast after the break. Who are these people . The Energy Conscious people among us say small actions can add up to something. Humongous. A little thing here. A little thing there. Starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. Who are all these caretakers, advocates too . Turns out, its californians its me and its you. Dont stop now, its easy to add to the routine. Join Energy Upgrade california and do your thing. vicki turning to the warriors the drama continues tonight at oracle arena. As the dubs face the spurs in game 2 of the western conference finals. grant there have been claims of diry play. And a star player on each team is dealing with injury issues. For a breakdown of the game, lets bring in kron4 sports director gary radnich. Gary . The last time san antonio played without star kawaye leonard they beat houston in the playoffs by 39. Last 8 game s without leobanrd they are 71. Engvo. Warriors favored by 15 points tonight. Lest go live to mark carpenter at the coliseum. We dont always get interviews with the opposing coach, but we do when we are dealing with a fired up gregg popovich. Lets go to the video of a play that we cant talk about enough Zaza Pachulias closeout on Kawhi Leonard. A moment that changed the entire series. A play that pop went off about yesterday. Calling it unsportsmanlike, dangerous, and he read off a list of examples that back up his claim that pachulia is a dirty player. Kawhi. Not expected to play tonight because of that ankle injury. Heres popovich before the game. Hey you in the range rover. Stop right now you heard the officer stop. So then i got scared, i had five officers around me. So i just stop. I say im just trying to get to the game, im late. So i let the bus go and the 18 cops. And im going around being the bus and i get this phone call. Gregg popovich San Antonio Spurs. So i answer the phone. And he says mikey i didnt know that was you. Just because leonard wont be suiting up, the warrriors know better than to take this team lightly. San antonio went without kawhi in game 6 against the rockets. And blew out houston by nearly 40points. Gary . Warriors will be without Andre Igudola he has a bad knee. anchor time now to check on time now anchor bad knee. anchor time now to check on our weather. With chief meterologist Brittney Shipp. A weak system moving through will bring a slight chance of showers through tonight along with breezy conditions. High pressure then builds in through the remainder of the week with temperatures rebounding back to above normal values late in the week and into the upcoming weekend. grant coming up, a sonoma woman is lucky to be alive after her car is cut in half. Well show you the video coming up. vicki and more reports of flaring at the Benicia Valero refinery. What the refinery is saying about the flaring next. grant flaring at the valero refinery in benicia started up again last night. Worrying some people. Because it came after another recent flaring incident at the same location. But refinery Officials Say there is no need to be alarmed. The flaring is just residual from last weeks power outage. Youre looking at one of those flares from earlier this morning. They are used to safely release heat during an emergency. Last week. Evacuations were issued in the area when the refinery lost power. As a result of last weeks incident the bay area Quality Management district issued six violations against the refinery. No word on yet. If there will be more issued from the recent flaring. vicki the latest now in the trial of Antolin Garcia torres, who was convicted in the murder of sierra lamar. grant as kron fours rob fladeboe reports now from san jose, testimony has begun in the penatly or guilt phase of penatly or begun in the penatly or guilt phase of the trial. After convincing the jury of of finding Antolin Garcia torres guilty of first degree murderin the march 2012 disappearance of sierra lamar, the prosecution wasted no time exploiting the raw emotions laid bare by the trial. Three of sierras classmates gave highly emotional testimony about how her murder has impacted their lives. Tatiana isomhorry sierras classmate you lose your sense of security, i always carry pepper spray now, you dont wantbto be left alone, all the things your mother warned you about are here, its terrifying to think that you should be afraid wherever you are. Audrey weatherton sierra s classmate it just took away out childhood, we were so young to have Something Like this happen and so was sierra, it just changed our outlook and every aspect of ourselves. In Opening Statements the prosecution imploring the jury to show no mercy to a killer who showed no mercy to sierra lamar. Deputy District Attorney david boyd declaring that the Death Penalty, would be fair justice for sierra, her family and for all those hurt by her murder. Claire normoyle sierras classmatei just hope the jury sees her though us, i just dont see the world like i used to, its different now. Its not fair. Ever since she disappeared, ive had nightmares about what was done to her and the helplessness she must have felt and the fear she had. Rob fladeboe san josetoday was all about the prosecution and its witnesses. Later this week, the defensewill call Garcia Torres family members and other who will tell the jury that Garcia Torresis a man whose actions have been shaped by an upbringing filled with drugs, Domestic Violence and poverty and ought to be sentenced instead to life in prison. In san jose rob fladeboe kron 4 news grant hunting sex offenders. Coming up next on kron four news at five. We take you along with a task force making sure convicted predators. Are following the rules. vicki then, after more than two years, bill cosby finally breaks his silence. The comedian addressing the Sexual Assault allegations as a jury selection for his trial is less than a week away. [ birds chirping ] [ inhales, exhales ] [ announcer ] cigarettes are not just dangerous when theyre smoked. [ rat squeaking ] theyre dangerous long after. Cigarette butts are toxic. They release chemicals that poison our water. And harm wildlife. And millions. Are polluting our environment. [ sniffing ] [ seagulls squawking ] youre going to be hanging out in here. So if you need anything, text me. Do you play . Use the chase mobile app to send money in just a tap, to friends at more banks then ever before. You got next . Chase. Helping you master whats now and whats next. vicki since the 90s citizens of california have been able to see for themselves where registered sex offenders are living in their communties because of the megans law website. grant but with more than a hundred thousand sex offenders in the state, who is making sure those offenders are living where they say they are . Kron 4s Maureen Kelly got an exclusive ride along. With one task force in the bay area which does just that. Christopher Borden 45 01 i feel sick. The system is crap you guys dont do. This is bull maureen track Christopher Borden is a registered sex offender. This is his mug shot from the megans law website. The reason hes on that infamous list . Christopher Borden sex case with my ex wife, sodomy, unconcious victim and nature of the act maureen track but thats not why hes being arrested by two members of the Alameda County sex assault felony enforcement. Or safe task force on this day. The Sheriff Deputies have asked that i not show their faces because they are undercover. deputy 47 13 hes now been arrested for failing to update his registration after being in custody for 30 days. Its a Pretty Simple caseborden was recently in custody on an unrelated Domestic Violence charge. Christopher Borden 44 21 they are arresting me for not registing on friday the officer there at the Hayward Police station told me that i didnt have to and now im being arrested again. Wrongfully arrested deputy 47 21 yeah the person he said he talked to, that person doesnt work fridays, so there goes that maureen track once the deputies learned borden was in violation. They waited for him outside his probation office, knowing he had an appointment. deputy 47 41 we want to constantly keep track of these guys because if we let them slip just a little bit, who knows what else they will start getting away with, if we start letting them think they dont have to follow one rule, they wont follow the rest of thema maureen track i rode along with the task force. One of only two of its kind left in the bay area. They travel Alameda County looking to get those sex offenders who are in violation back in compliance. Or back in custody. deputy 16 47 whne you see in violation on meagans law it doesnt mean that theyve committed a new offense what it means is that theyve done something and usually something thats regards to the timeline concerning their registration. So if you change your address you have 5 days to let someone knowif you go from living somewhere to becoming transitent you have 5 days to tell us maureen track now we head to berkeley. To check on james blocker. Who was convicted of rape while serving in the military back in 1988 deputy 15 55 hes got a real schetchy registration historyaaajust looking at it off hand it looks like he spends more time not registraring that he does register16 24 right now hes got a warrent for his arrest for missing his registration in 2015 2016 and 2017 maureen track the deputies show up at the address hes registered at and find blockers brother at home. Who seems confused about whether blocker needs to continue with his yearly registration since he was convicted by a military rather than a california court. brother 23 30 he didnt get no letter daying. deputy we dont send letters. brother but how would he know deputy because we come out and talk to himthe deputies leave a Business Card with the brother and move on to the next person on the list. me so it sounds like there some sort of loophole. deputy no , heck no,hes telling his brother theres some kind of loophole. Now we are in san leandro. Looking for auturo quinones. Who according to the megans law website isnt just in violation. Hes absconded and no one knows where he is. deputy 15 47he committed a rape back in 2011 and hes wanted, we have a warrent for his arrest, hes not living where he says he lives maureen 17 25 so if we find him what happens . deputy he goes to jail. 14 29we are looking for a guy who uses this address auturo quinones. Do you know autoro . We are trying to find him hes wanted. Veronica Rios what did he do . deputy he hasnt been registering. Veronica Rios oh hes a sex offender. maureen track the people at this house actually have a stay away order against quinones. And arent happy to hear that hes gone missing. Veronica Rios 11 40 if hes wanted he should be locked up again and we are scared because we dont know what hes intentions are, if hes looking for the kids he might be around here who knowsfor what he did he has to paythe deputies dont get their man on this occasion. But feel like they might be getting a little closer to running him down. deputy 10 44 we have that family signed up for our team now we are hoping that they will help us find him and get him into custody because hes one of these guys we dont want running around because if they arent registering you dont know what they are doing maureen standup a kron4 investigation into revealed that in Alameda County, nearly 200 of the over 17hundred posted on megans law during the month of april were in violation. We did the same analysis for all of the bay area counties. If you want to check out how many violators are in your town. Check out our website, kron4. Com. Maureen kelly kron4 news. grant when registering sex offenders are supposed to provide a current address. But are they really where they say they are . We investigate that issue. Tonight on kron four news at ten. vicki oncam ots after more than two years. Bill cosby has finally broken his silence. vo the comedian addressed the Sexual Assault allegations against him in a radio interview with cnn host michael smerconhish today. More than 50 women have accused cosby now 79 of misconduct dating back several decades. Many alleging he drugged and assaulted them. In the interview cosby says he does not plan to testify at his upcoming felony Sexual Assault trial. Worrying about what might happen during crossexamination. One of cosbys daughters is claiming that racism was a contributing factor. Jury selection for the trial begins in less than a week. vicki outrage and frustration tonight involving an east bay mom. The wife of an Alameda County sheriffs deputy Yarenit Malihan was arrested for being under the influence in a car crash where a 3 year old boy died. That accident last fall. grant and now this. Malihan was recently arrested for being drunk in public. As kron fours Terisa Estacio reports, the little boys family is growing increasingly concerned that malihan may hurt someone else especially as they wait to find out if she will face charges for killing their toddler. estacio reporting it is a struggle every day. estacio track elijah dunn was only three years old when he lost his life in this car accident on 680 Yarenit Malihan an Alameda County sheriffs deputies wife driving a white sequoia ran up and over on top of the car dunn was in with his mother and siblings they had stalled out on the freeway. Malihan was arrested for being under the influence and now for the third time in less then a year, malihan has been cited again for being intoxicated. Bill shauman, attorney for dunn family thats the biggest concern here, is to see her apparently charges with intoxication in public, she is a danger to the community at this point, we would like to see her stopped. Kron four news has learned this latest incident happened here at the corner of bernal avenue and sunol blvd. Kron four obtained malihans arrest photo shown here. Police tell us they found malihan on the ground appearing to be drunk. An ambulance took her to the hospital, but police say she wandered out of the er onto to the street, and that is where they arrested her and took her to jail. Estacio, there is video tape of the entire arrest, a source says the responding officer was wearing a body camera. That will be handed over to the da who is now reviewing the case. Prosecutors are also still looking at the dunn case from back in september. Shauman, attorney. We have been waiting for the da to press charges and we are confident they are going to press charges and prosecutor ms. Malihan to the fullest extent of the law. Shauman says the family is still struggling to get on with their lives. Shauman. It has been really difficult. They dont want to hear these things. They are trying to get on with lives as best they can. Last june kron four reported on how malihan was arrested for driving under the influence with her then 10 year old daughter in the car. Dmr records show malihans liceense was suspended and revoked in december of 2016. It is unclear what malihan was doing in pleasanton. Records show she lives in san ramon. In the east bay, Terisa Estacio and we are following breaking news out of Barren County wisconsin. A tornardo has wiped out dozens of homes. Barron county sheriff says at least 20 people were injured when a tornado hit a Mobile Home Park near chetek in western wisconsin. Several tornado warnings were issued as severe thunderstorms moved east across western wisconsin. vicki a weekend car crash on highway 101 near cloverdale is generating lots of attention. Thats because of what happened to one of the cars and to the drivers. grant Catherine Heenan is here with more on the saturday collision between a chevy impala and a toyota. catherine in this video you see people asking a woman trapped in a car if shes okay. If you look a little closer, you realize this is half a car. Its been neatly sliced down the middle. And just up the highway a little the other half of the chevy impala. The passenger side. The amazing thing no one was killed here. Only injured. The driver of the impala whos from sonoma actually has only minor injuries. She didnt have a passenger, fortunately. The chp says the driver of the other car had somehow drifted across the center line. Kevin fenty has reportedly been charged with dui, possession of pot and driving on the highway while unlicensed. He has moderate injuries. The former ambulance driver who took the video says he still cant believe that anyone made it out of the accident alive. He calls it the craziest thing ive ever seen and ive seen many accidents. Grant . grant a deadly highspeed crash was caught on surveillance camera in southern california. When a car lost control. Took out a fire hydrant. And smashed into two business. Officials estimate the 21 yearold driver was going about 75milesperhour. He was killed on impact. Killed on he was killed on he was killed on impact. The hydrant split the car in two. Throwing one side of the car into the road. The other into business that were luckily closed at the time. Neighbors say people drive way too fast along this street. And they are devestated another life was lost. tasha irwing nearby resident yes it is we have about an accident at least once a week. People just use it as their own speedway grant witnesses report seeing the car moments before the crash, speeding and driving out of control. Lapd investigators say they believe speed and alcohol were factors in the deadly wreck. vicki we are Just Moments Away from tip off of game two between the warriors and spurs. After the break we go back out live to oracle area with how fans are feeling about tonights game. grant there is a new firestorm brewing in washington dc in the wake of the firing of fbi director jim comey. Steve aveson is in the newsroom with what we are working on for kron 4 news at five. steve grant another day another crisis coming out of the trump white house. Today. A serious allegation that immediately following a meeting with the president , fbi director james comey wrote in a memo detailing a request from the president to shut down the investigation into ousted National Security adviser michael flynn. That has sparked outrage from both sides of the aisle tonight. And it comes on the heels of the revelation the president compromised sources in israel by revealing classified information to russian diplomats. Tonight we will break it all down with our legal expert and look at what could happen next. We will have that story an more on kron 4 news at six. Grant back to you. vicki get ready dubs fans. We are now Just Moments Away from tipoff grant thats right its game two between the warriors and spurs. Starts at six oclock and fans are hoping for another w lets go back out live to oracle arena with kron fours alecia reid. And alecia fans are rushing to take their seats . vicki anchor time now to check on our weather. With chief meterologist Brittney Shipp. A weak system moving through will bring a slight chance of showers through tonight along with breezy conditions. High pressure then builds in through the remainder of the week with temperatures rebounding back to above normal values late in the week and into the upcoming weekend. grant up next, bay to breakers is this weekend. And in years past, the San Francisco footrace has gotten a little rowdy. Coming up what you need to know for this year. grant get the costumes ready bay to breakers is back this coming weekend. vicki the San Francisco race is coming up on sunday. Kron fours Spencer Blake checked in with the events general manager. To find out what you need to know before you run, party, or just avoid the this year. Weekend. Upcoming into the the week and values late in the week and into the upcoming weekend. vicki up next, bay to breakers is this weekend. And in years past, the San Francisco footrace has gotten a little rowdy. Coming up what you need to know for this year. grant get the costumes ready bay to breakers is back this coming weekend. vicki the San Francisco race is coming up on sunday. Kron fours Spencer Blake checked in with the events general manager. To find out what you need to know before you run, party, or just avoid the area all together. nats this spot at howard an main will be packed with about 40 thousand runners sunday morning. As always, bay to breakers starts near the bay bridge, heads due west through the city, and ends at ocean beach. Its an unofficial, official holiday in San Francisco. General manager chris holmes says there arent any new rules, per se. But the focus on safety means theyll still be enforcing the no alcohol, no floats rule. Over the last few years the environment which has still been fun and festive, has been a lot more safe, and people are seemingly understanding that when they come out there. Bay to breakers has been working with sfpd to keep a handle on thingsand officers arent the only ones who will be looking watching for booze. We have private security out there thats on course as well to help make sure that everyones stayin safe. You may still think of public nudity, drunkeness, and urination from races in years past, but holmes says theyre doing their best to put an end to that. We wanna be Good Neighbors because San Francisco has been so good to us in so many ways, so we really work closely with all the Community Groups along the race route. Race officials attended about 20 Community Meetings in the last year to get it straight from the horses mouth. We wanna hear what people see, whats going on, and we get some great feedback and we incorporate that every year. Expect a focus on ample porta pottiesand quick cleanup this year. looklive you can look for the bay to breakers app on your apple device its new this year. If you want reducedprice registration, make sure to do it online before the end of the day thursday. In San Francisco, Spencer Blake, kron four news. vicki that wraps up kron 4 news at 5. granti steve aveson and pam moore are here with kron 4 news at six. pam grant and vicki thank you. Dare devils illegally climb the golden gate bridge. Coming up. What bridge officials are doing to make sure that does not happen again. steve and new bombshell accusations have the white house realing tonight. Next. The memo that has some saying the president may have obstructed an investigation. Kron 4 news at six is next. Regards to a roadway safety threat associated with people dangling from the bridge above traffic. steve it is one of the most iconic structures in the bay area. Tonight a scramble after some teen daredevils pull off a stunt and then brag about the big security breach. Without anyone noticing until they show off the video. steve good evening, im steve aveson. pam and im pam moore. The thrill seekers scaled the bridge sometime last month. But remarkably, Law Enforcement says, it learned about the incident less than two weeks ago. Now, kron fours Philippe Djegal reports, bridge officials are reveiwing security protocol to prevent anything like this from happening again. philippe imagine driving along the golden gate bridge, looking up and seeing two young men hanging from the top with their fingertips. Then doing sprints and somersaults along the frame. Lisa locati captain if either of these men had slipped or fallen, there could have been serious harm to motorists below. Bridge captain lisa locati says the two men in their late teens from wisconsin did not trigger any alarms. And, went unoticed on the hundreds of security cameras monitoring the bridge. Lisa locati captain we will be instituting changes to our security infrastructure and protocols. Bridge general manager Denis Mulligan says the trespassers were only on the bridge for about 10 minutes. Enough time to capture their stunts and leave. Since then, theyve made a profit by selling rights to the video online. Denis mulligan general manager when we saw the link, i was very concerned that these two reckless individuals were putting motorists at risk. Uh, they were dangling off the bridge in a fashion that could have hurt themselves and hurt someone below them. Mulligan says he knows the men got onto the bridge by hiking down a hill in the Marin Headlands, then jumping onto the sidewalk. And, it appears they climbed all the way to the top of the north tower. Denis mulligan general manager they climbed the vertical suspender ropes without any harnesses, any fall protection. The california Highway Patrol is leading the investigation into the matter. The department of Homeland Security is involved as well. Mulligan says they know who the men are, and will pursue trespassing charges against them. pam an east bay mom and wife of an Alameda County sheriffs deputy is in trouble again this as she awaits word on whether she will face charges in an earlier fatal car crash. This is the arrest photo obtained by kron four news of Yarenit Malihan. Malihan was arrested last friday for being drunk in public. Pleasanton police say they found her lying on the ground. She was taken to the hospital but walked out and that is when officers took her into custody. It this is the third time in less then a year malihan has been cited for being under the influence. Last year in september, she was arrested after this fatal crash. Where 3 yeawr old elijah dunn lost his life. A spokesperson for the family says news of her latest arrest is difficult for the family. To hear. Shauman says, the family is eagering awaiting news from the contra costa District Attorneys office on whether charged in elijahs death. He says the family is still struggling to get on with their lives after all of that has happened. Shauman says, the family is eagering awaiting news from the contra costa District Attorneys office on whether malihan will be charged in elijahs death. He says the family is still struggling to get on with their lives after all of that has happened. Another big story tonight a huge lawsuit is being filed in the deadly ghost ship fire. And it is pointing the finger at more than just the people running the building. steve pgande is now being named as one of those responsible. And they join a long list in the latest legal action. pam kron 4s dan kerman is in oakland to explain who else is involved in the lawsuit and the response coming from the utility. Sot leisa askew parent of ghost ship fire victim 0008 obviously we are all heartbroken, this is my only child and she was a good one. Lisa askews child cash was among the 36 people who died when oaklands ghost ship warehouse went up in flames during a party last december. Now askew is joining many other families in a consolidated civil lawsuit against more than a dozen individuals and businesses including the property owner, the property manager and the party promoters. Sot Mary Alexander attorney for families of ghost ship fire victims 3140we are here to bring justice for them, tho hold those accountable those who caused the fire, and so it doesnt happen again. Now a new defendant has been added, pacific gas and electric company. Sotthey contributed to this fire and the loss of life the lawsuit claims p, g and e installed several smart meters on the property and as a result should have known the power Delivery System was unsafe. Sotpge did not follow their own rules and exhibited a willful and blatant disregard for the safety of the people who came into this building and the people who lived there. Attorneys say the city of oakland, the county of alameda and the state of california will be added to the suit if they reject claims related to this incident. Sot chris dolan attorney for families of ghost ship fire victims 12313036 people died bcause the city failed to do what it is supposed to do, protect and serve 18 families are currently part of the consolidated suit, but more are epxected to join in the coming weeks. Soti think somebody should be speakingoutfor the art spaces and giving young people a re place to express themselves but people should have to die in order to do that an update on the big emeryville fire from over the weekend. A federal team has arrived at the scene to help with the investigation. This is the second fire at the construction site since july of last year. A kron four viewer shot this video of the one from over the weekend. The bureau of alcohol, tobacco and firearms and explosives has sent in its National Response team. The atf says it is here to assist the Alameda County fire department. It also assisted in the investigation into last years fire which remains open. pam there is a suspected norovirus outbreak in santa clara county. Officials say there have been 245 cases in the county since may 4th. 200 of those were in san jose. 10 schools in san jose have been affected, and 2 others in santa clara county. In nearby Alameda County Hacienda Middle School has had 88 cases of suspected norovirus. Health officials are now investigating. pam our breaking news tonight. Centers around President Donald Trump and another bombshell. Following a dinner with the president , ousted fbi director james comey. Reportedly wrote in a memo. That he had been asked to shut down the investigation. Into National Security adviser michael flynn. steve the dinner took place in january. Flynn was later fired by the white house for misleading Vice President mike pence about his dealings with russias ambassador to the united states. pam the fbi has not commented on this report. The white house is denying President Trump made the request of comey. pam this is one of several memos comey reportedly wrote. Expressing concern about the president. steve it opens up the door for all kinds of questions. Joining us now is John Trasvina trazveenya he is the dean of usf law school. Thank you John Trasvina traz veenya . The dean of usf law school. A live look outside right now. pam lets get our first look at the weather with chief meteorologist Brittney Shipp. A weak system moving through will bring a slight chance of showers through tonight along with breezy conditions. High pressure then builds in through the remainder of the week with temperatures rebounding back to above normal values late in the week and into the upcoming weekend. steve a close call for a driver. The incredible video from his dashboard camera as a tree comes down. Nearly crushing his car. steve a close call for a driver. The incredible video from his dashboard camera as a tree comes down. Nearly crushing his car. pam fire season is here in the bay area. The warning going out tonight to many homeowners. And what they need to do to protect their properties. steve should the man convicted of killing sierra lamar pay for the crime with his life. We will take you inside the penalty phase as the proescution makes an argument for the Death Penalty. Youre going to be hanging out in here. So if you need anything, text me. Do you play . Use the chase mobile app to send money in just a tap, to friends at more banks then ever before. You got next . Chase. Helping you master whats now and whats next. pam the warriors are looking to make ten straight playoff wins tonight. They are facing the spurs again at oracle arena. steve the spurs are shorthanded. As their star Kawhi Leonard is out with an ankle injury. Krons mark carpenter is at oracle tonight. Where apparently the warriors interim coach nearly got arrested. Whats the story behind it, mark . Hey you in the range rover. Stop right now you heard the officer stop. So then i got scared, i had five officers around me. So i just stop. I say im just trying to get to the game, im late. So i let the bus go and the 18 cops. And im going around being the bus and i get this phone call. Gregg popovich San Antonio Spurs. So i answer the phone. And he says mikey i didnt know that was you. 2shot steve both sides pulling out all the stops this week as a jury will decide the sentence of the man convicted in the kidnap and murder of sierra lamar. 2shot pam kron fours rob fladeboe was in the courtroom. As Opening Statements in the penalty phase of the case. Got underway in san jose. Convicted of 1st degree murder with a special circumstance of kidnapping, 26 year old Antolin Garcia torres will either be sentenced to face the Death Penalty or to life in prison without the possibility of parole. In Opening Statements in the penalty or guilt phase of the trial, the prosecution and defense are competing for the hearts and minds of the jury with Garcia Torres life on the line says legal analyst steven clark. Steven clark legal analystthe moral decision the jury has to make is so challenging and both sides are appealing to emotion. What the prosecution is doing is asking the jury to look at the Ripple Effect this has had on sierras family and friends and the people who will never get to know her. What the defense is doing is trying to tone it down, appealing to reason and saying this isnt a question of where or how Garcia Torres will die but rather when he will die and not something society should decide but rather a higher power. Led by attorney brian matthews, the defense later this week will call to the stand Garcia Torres family members who will testify about his troubled upbringing amid Domestic Violence and poverty. While the prosecution began its case with testimony from some of sierras classmates, like tatiana isomhorry. Her personality was something special, she would walk into a room and light it up, she had a way with people that made them just want to be her friend. Rob fladeboe san jose this afternoon, in what appears to be an attempt to show that Garcia Torres had a propensity for violence long before sierra lamar disappeared, a morgan hill cop testified that back in 2009 he had an encounter with a belligerent Garcia Torres who called him the f word several times and then a sheriffs deputy testified that only last month he witnessed the defendant stash what appeared to be a weapon fashioned from a plastic bag in the trash before entering the courtroom. In san jose rob fladeboe kron4 news steve you can keep track of the developments in this story through the kron four mobile app. We will send out a push alert when the decision comes in. You can download it for free. Just be sure to enable the push alert a West Virginia man has a story to tell. About a drive he took a few days ago. And he says, he is just glad he got out of it alive. Catherine heenan is here and says the drama was caught on his dashcam video. Landing vo Catherine Ronald Wiley is showing everyone the video. But just a split second difference and he might not be smiling when watching the clip. He was driving along a West Virginia highway friday. After it had been raining mostof the day. Suddenly there were trees raining down on top of his pickup. Were not talking about one or two but a total of seven trees gave way and toppledonto and around the truck. He says its a good thing that hed been driving alertly. He managed to stop before getting really clobbered. Ronald wiley nearly crushed by trees it happened so fast. The bank gave way and trees just started falling like dominoes. Slid right into them with the wet roads. Seven trees tangled up all together. One was across the windshield and one was across the top of the cab. Brandi wiley ronalds wife he pulled out his phone and showed me. When i saw the tree come down, my heart just stopped. I looked at him. I said ok, you win. I cant beat a tree falling on top of you. His wife says shed just started complaining about a rough day when ronald saidhe could beat her story. He says when the trees came down he looked up and saw that the cable lines and telephonelines were still intact. So he was able to slowly back out of the mess. His ford pickup actually didnt have much damage. Just a broken windshield. And a chunk missing from his front grill. Ronald says he believes that god was watching out for him. Pam and steve . Lets take a look outside right now for the Current Conditions in the bay area. pam chief meteorologist Brittney Shipp joins us now with the forecast. A weak system moving through will bring a slight chance of showers through tonight along with breezy conditions. High pressure then builds in through the remainder of the week with temperatures rebounding back to above normal values late in the week and into the upcoming weekend. pam the rhetoric intensifies. The latest allegation the united state is making against north korea. And the threat from the us ambassador. steve and the Oakland Hills fire serves as a vivid reminder of how dangerous fire season can be in the bay area. The warning that is going out tonight to those live in the hills. Who are these people . The Energy Conscious people among us say small actions can add up to something. Humongous. A little thing here. A little thing there. Starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. Who are all these caretakers, advocates too . Turns out, its californians its me and its you. Dont stop now, its easy to add to the routine. Join Energy Upgrade california and do your thing. Security council held closed door consultations todayon north korea. There is growing concern about north koreas latest Ballistic Missile test. And what might happen next. Catherine heenan is here with details. catherine the fear is that north korea is Getting Better at developing and usingits weapons. Sundays missile test is considered by experts as the most significantadvancement in its Nuclear Weapons program yet. Today, the u. S. Ambassador to the u. N. Says north korea is intimidating the International Community with its nuclear program, military ability and cyber attacks. Nikki haley also says that any country that doesnt get on boardwith u. N. Sanctions is supporting the wrong side. She met with the ambassadors today from south korea and japan. Nikki haley u. S. Ambassador to the u. N. We are willing to talk. But not until we see a total stop of the nuclear process and of any tests there. As you look at this test, russia should be extremely worried at the fact that they came within sixty miles of their border. Cho taeyul south Korean Ambassador to the unit is very unfortunate that north korea has chosen the wrong path. Koro bessho japans ambassador to the un a lot of people say weve been going through this and there must be some change. No. The change has to come from north korea. Not us. Nikki haley says the u. S. And china have been working on a unified plan on north korea thatwould include new sanctions. And she predicts a new u. N. Resolution soon. She told reporters today that no one is immune to the threat of north korea. Pam and steve . steve how would you like to get a ferrari. Out of a vending machine. You can. See the amazing creation that is making it possible. pam and former cal basketball standout. Former sacramento mayor Kevin Johnson. Took a pie to the face a while back. Now well tell you what just happened to the man standing trial accused of the attack. steve are you ready. Fire season is here. What bay area homeowners have to do right now to protect their properties. pam on cam wildfire season officially started a few days ago. That means it is time for homeowners in the Oakland Hills. In particular. To clear Defensible Space around their properties. steve bam it is also that time when oakland firefighters conduct their annual Home Inspections in that area. Kron4s Haaziq Madyun has the story wildfire season is here. Oakland Fire Fighters at station 24 are heading into the hills to inspect vegetation surrounding homes making sure they are compliant with city fire codeslt. Dave roberts is heading this inspection crew as they go block by block and door to door this is healthy vegetation which is goodlarry cook is happy to hear that his property passed the inspection. He says it takes a lot of work to stay in compliancesome of his neighbors properties didnt do so well once Property Owners have been notified they have 30days to remove the problemback in 1991 this area was the scene of one of the worst fire disasters in u. S. History. Lt. Roberts says that is why these vegetation inspections are so important in the Oakland Hills Haaziq Madyun kron4news steve anchor a mistrial has been declared in the trial against a man charged last year with hitting sacramento mayor Kevin Johnson in the face with a Coconut Cream pie. Activist Sean Thompson was charged with pushing the pie in johnsons face in september. The mayor then punched thompson. The 30year old protester says he threw the pie at the former mayor because he wasnt doing enough to fight homelessness. The trial ended with a hung jury. It was unclear whether the Sacramento County District Attorneys office will retry the case against thompson. pam happening tonight. In marin county. The Novato Unified School District is continuing its battle over installing stadium lights at san marin high school. The coalition objecting to the installation says, light and Noise Pollution will be a major problem for residents. They also say, the proposal could negatively affect children physically and academically. Making them lose sleep. And allowing less time for homework. The districts trustees will review the lighting proposal. And then vote on may 30th. Here in oakland, its been 5 and a half months since the ghost ship warehouse burned down killing 36 people. Now many of the families of the victims have joined together in this consolidated civil lawsuit against more than a dozen individuals and businesses. Among those now added pacific gas and electric company. Pg e failed to bring safe power into the ghost ship. Pg e says it hasnt seen the lawsuit, but after reviewing its records over the last ten years, they havent found any anomolies at this location or the adjacent location but they say they are cooperating with the investigation. In oakland, dan kerman, kron4 news. Here in san jose. Opening statements were given in the penalty or sentencing phase of the sierra lamar trial. Convicted of first degree murder last week in the march 2012 kidnap and murder of 15 year old sierra lamar, Antolin Garcia torres faces the Death Penalty or life in prison. The prosecution began by calling on several of sierras classmates to testify about how her murder effected them. The defensewill call family and friends of Garcia Torres who are expected to tell the jury he is the victim of a troubled upbringing and that his life should be spared. In san jose rob fladeboe kron 4 news at the golden gate bridge. Two young men from wisconsin are under investigation. After Law Enforcement discovered video posted online of the men climbing the bridge without safety gear sometime last month. And, doing sprints and somersaults from the top of the north tower. The bridge general manager says although there are hundreds of cameras trained on the bridge. None caught the trespassers in the act. Both men are now under investigation by the california Highway Patrol and the department of Homeland Security. In San Francisco, Philippe Djegal, kron four news. Chief meteorologist Brittney Shipp joins us now. A weak system moving through will bring a slight chance of showers through tonight along with breezy conditions. High pressure then builds in through the remainder of the week with temperatures rebounding back to above normal values late in the week and into the upcoming weekend. vo one luxury car. Coming up the place where you can get the car of your dreams out of a vending machine. [ birds chirping ] [ inhales, exhales ] [ announcer ] cigarettes are not just dangerous when theyre smoked. [ rat squeaking ] theyre dangerous long after. Cigarette butts are toxic. They release chemicals that poison our water. And harm wildlife. And millions. Are polluting our environment. [ sniffing ] [ seagulls squawking ] of custody and now living in your community. Who is keeping track of them . Tonight at 10 pam we are all familiar with vending machines that serve drinks and snacks. steve but you believe what a 150foottall vending machine in singapore dispenses. This massive vending machine at autobahn motors is filled with around 60 luxury vechiles. They range from lamborghinis to ferraris. Customers use a mobile app to chose a vehicle to test drive or buy. Which is then delivered to the ground. The vending machine is a huge hit. Autobahn motors general manager says sales are up 30 percent since the machines installation in december. In sports. We will update you on warriors spurs game two. A look whos hosting the espys ess peez . Gary has that story. And all the sports. Coming up warriors spurs game 2 spurs without Kahwi Leonard warriors without andre iguodalaright now as for the coaches they had a funny moment arriving at oracle when warriors active head coach mike brown was told by security to get in line and wait for the spurs bus to pass sot brown popovich hey you in the range rover. Stop right now you heard the officer stop. So then i got scared, i had five officers around me. So i just stop. I say im just trying to get to the game, im late. So i let the bus go and the 18 cops. And im going around being the bus and i get this phone call. Gregg popovich San Antonio Spurs. So i answer the phone. And pop is dying hahaha he was so funny. Somebodys got to teach him, if the california Highway Patrol tells you to move over, then move over. I said pop, this is my own building. He goes, i know once i knew it was you, i dies laughing hahaha bad news for recently returned to tennis Maria Sharapovathe twotime champion has not been given a wildcard entry for the french open. More bad luck as she had to bow out of the italian open in the middle of todays match due to a thigh injurysharapova needed the waiver because she was out for 15 months due to a drug violation ban she has played 3 tournaments since returning sharapova, who has titles at all four majors, won at Roland Garros in 2012 and 2014. Peyton manning will take the stage to host the espy awards. The retired twotime super bowl champion quarterback will preside over the july 12 show honoring the past years best athletes and sports moments. The show will air live from the microsoft theater in los angeles. Manning says the shows 25th anniversary will include moments from the past. He has won nine espys of his own during his career. Soccer fans have the reputation of being quite rabid but this is stretching itcars of the players of an argentian soccer team were broken into by there own fans after they lost a game last nightthe fans were upset after the team lost a result that will possibly relegate it to the Second Division of the local championship. At least six cars parked in the clubs parking lot were vandalized. Its back the tour of californiawe are in fact already on the 3rd stage from pismo beach to morro baypeter sagan suhgone outsprinted rick zabel and Simone Consonni consony on the uphill finish to win the stagesagans teammate rafal majka rahfall, majka retained the overall lead the 4th stage tomorrow takes riders 99 miles from Santa Barbara to santa clarita. Clarita. To santa last weather and goodbye final look at the weather with chief meteorologist Brittney Shipp. A full hour of entertai the insider, tracking the biggest stories making news today. The couple leaving right now is simone and sasha. Number one, inside dancings shocking elimination. How even a perfect score couldnt save simone. It felt good to end on a great note. Then, how this is us is connecting with fans like no other show on television. I took a dna test and found out the name of my biological father. As the cast surprises their diehard fans. And number three, behi the scenes of snls huge Hollywood Reporter cover. But why was Rosie Odonnell denied a chief tv role. Plus, your insider bonus tom cruise shoots Mission Impossible 6 in paris. I feel the need for speed. Were in the danger zone for top guns anniversary. Is a sequel finally in the works . And he may be the greatest olympian of alltime, but is Michael Phelps baywatch worthy . Were losing him now, the insider tracking hollywood from the inside out. Simone biles will not have a shiny new mirrorball trophy to go with her olympic gold medals. And dancing fans are outraged. Outraged, i tell you, despite last nights perfect score. The 20yearold still got the ballroom boot. Tracking at number one, simones shock and awe. It felt good to at least end on a great note. First perfect score of the season

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