grant we now know the names of the napa officers involved in a Fatal Shooting last week. They have been idenitified as Sergeant Ryan cole and officer jack thomson. This is video of the scene last monday night from our helicopter partnership with abc7. Noel russell was allegedly threatening people with a knife. When the officers arrived. They drew their guns and ordered russell to get on the ground. Authorities say russell did not comply and became agressive. At this point Sergeant Cole and officer thomson started shooting. Killing russell. A knife was found next to his body. Police say two warrants were out for russells arrest for drug possession and assaulting a peace officer. The shooting is under investigation. grant another big story we are tracking tonight. One of two people who got sick after drinking herbal teas bought in San Franciscos chinatown neighborhood. Has died. 56yearold yuping xie of San Francisco. Died saturday at a hospital where she had been since february. The tea leaves were bought at Sun Wing Wo Trading Company on grant ave. Xie was one of two people who were hospitalized in separate incidents after drinking tea from the store. The other victim, a man in his 30s was hospitalized and later released. Early tests have shown that the tea contained aconite, a plantbased lethal poison. Officials say the store the store owner is cooperating to trace the source of the poison. vicki no residents have been displaced after a fire damaged a mixeduse building in San Franciscos china town. It happened at 39 Waverly Place early saturday morning. The fire severely damaged an isolated part of the third floor however no homes were damaged. One elderly resident suffered from smoke inhalation but is expected to recover. The cause of the fire is under investigation vicki in the south bay. The second suspect in connection with the murder of 88yearold flo douglas makes her first court appearance. 19yearold Jennifer Jimenez of san jose was expected to enter a plea today on charges of accessory to murder and conspiracy to obstruct justice. Prosecutors claim that jimenez knew about the killing and helped her boyfriend, 19 yearold zachary cuen. Police say cuen murdered douglas during a Home Invasion robbery back in september 2016. He is still awaiting trial. grant a sideshow of wheelie popping dirt bike riders and atv were spotted by motorists on the bay bridge. This video comes to us from alex zermeno of san leandro who captured it on her cell phone as she rode into San Francisco. Kron4s Maureen Kelly talked with the chp who say they spotted this same pack of reckless riders from the air. Cell phone video was taken by several drivers who saw the pack of 30 or so dirt bike and atv riders on the bridge at around 6p sunday. But there was also video being taken from the air by a chp fixed wing aircraft. Who caught up with the pack as they were headed eastbound on the span. The aircraft observe them doing things like popping wheelies cutting off vehicles,kicking car doors, even some reports of them throwing objects on the freeway. So our aircraft follow them and we got a couple ground units on to them to make some traffic stops. Once they got off the bay bridge into oakland we tried to make a couple traffic stops nobody stopped for our vehicles. We did not pursue anybody because we had the aircraft overhead so we simply chose just to have the aircraft follow them. It was at 103rd and royal ann in oakland were chp were able to surround one group of the riders as they apppeared to be loading up their off road vehicles into pickups. They say 27 Darisha Moran took off on a street legal motorcycle but she was eventually caught and arrested for participating in a sideshow and evading police. The rest had their vehicles impounded. And were then let go. The chp says they are looking into the possibility that some of the stunt riders on the bridge be connected with incident eariler this month on southbound 101. Where a group surrounded and beat a lyft driver. Putting him into a hospital. Obviously its a pretty big coincidence that we have a group of offroad vehicles in a similar area doing similar behaviors so were gonna look through the video footage and the identifications of those we obtained on scene those that we have to detain and the one that we arrested and will work with assess each bead to see if theres any connection. The chp says those released from custody sunday may end up facing charges later. After investigators look at their video and see if they can match them to the dangerous behavior on the bridge. Maureen kelly kron4 news. vicki the man who shot and killed his 8yearold daughter before taking his own life has been identified. The incident happened yesterday afternoon in the parking lot of a capitola mall. Police say 36yearold Carlos Garcia was making suicidal threats from inside a car. Garcias wife called police to alert them that her husband was trying to kill himself. When officers arrived they found garcia and his daughter dead. From apparent gunshot wounds. Police are investigating the shooting and are with holding the girls name because she was minor. vicki after several days of dry weather the start of spring will bring rain to the bay area throughout the week. grant chief meteorologist Brittney Shipp is tracking the rain for us tonight and brit how man can we expect this week . A weak High Pressure ridge is ruling the realm this afternoon. Visible satellite imagery shows mostly clear skies from point arena to the north to Point Conception to the south. A band of moisture associated with an upstream trough is advecting clockwise over the ridge, with some high clouds upper level moisture spilling over. Expect to see gradually increasing cloud coverage advancing from the northwest through into this evening into tomorrow morning as the ridge weakens. Temperatures this afternoon are running between 5 and 10 degrees warmer than this time yesterday afternoon, despite starting this morning around 5 or 10 degrees cooler than yesterday morning. This is typical with clear skies and High Pressure, as the diurnal Heating Cooling cycle reaches idealized heat flux in these conditions. Today will be the warmest day of at least the next week, with cooler, unsettled weather anticipated ahead. vicki another big story we are following tonight at five. Today kicks off a blockbuster week in washington, d. C. The fbi today answers once and for all. That theres zero evidence behind President Trumps tweet claiming his phone was tapped by former president obama. grant also, a blockbuster admission. The head of the fbi also confirmed his agency is investigating russias influence on last fallss president ial election. While all this is going on. Confirmation hearings are also beginning for president Trumps Supreme Court pick. Reporter Kristen Holmes is on capitol hill with more. James comey fbi director i have no information that supports those tweets. With just eight words. Fbi director james comey delivering a major blow to President Trump. Debunking the president s claim that trump tower was wiretapped by then president obama during the 2016 campaign. And the white house avoiding a direct response to comey to reporters this afternoon. Sean Spicer White House presss secy theres a lot of areas that still need to be discussed. Comeys testimony to the House Intelligence Committee delivering more bad news to the administration confirming for the first time the fbi is investigating russias meddling in the us election and collusion. James comey fbi director that includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump Campaign and the russian government. The white house continuing to deny these accusations sean Spicer White House presss secy senior obama intelligence officials have gone on record to confirm there is no evidence of trumprussia collusion and there is no evidence of a trumprussia scandal. The house hearing overshadowing what should have been a major moment for the Trump Administration moving forward. The Senate Confirmation hearing for Supreme Court pick neil gorsuch. Some democrats opening by venting their anger over republicans blocking of former president obamas nominee Merrick Garland last year. Sen. Dianne Feinstein D California unfortunately due to unprecedented treatment gudge garland was denied a hearing. On capitol hill im Kristen Holmes. Court nominee promising to be the high the Senate Judiciary committee expects to vote on gorsuch early next month. vicki the bay area bracing for more rain. Still ahead on kron four news at five. The upcoming rain is causing some concern for people in san jose. This as people there are still cleaning up from last months flooding. Well check in with people there after the break. grant then, 49ers legend Dwight Clarks shocking diagnosis. We are hearing from the als community tonight and what this means for the man responsible for the catch. vicki and next, falling cement on the bay bridge. Crews are working quickly to repair dozens of vulnerable pieces that could potientally fall on drivers. Yeah, so moms got this cold. Hashtag stuffy nose. Hashtag no sleep. I got it. Hashtag mouthbreather. Yep. Weve got a mouthbreather. Well, just put on a breathe right strip and. Pow it instantly opens your nose up to 38 more than Cold Medicine alone. So you can breathe. And sleep. Shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers. Breathe right. grant noted film director spike lee is weighing in on former 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick. grant lee says the fact that no nfl team has signed kaepernick since he became a free agent. smells fishy. Kaepernicks seasonlong protest of the National Anthem became a National Debate last season. He was protesting Police Treatment of minorities in this country. And racial inequalities in general. Earlier this month the six year veteran announced he intends to stand for the anthem next season. Yesterday lee posted a picture on instagram with kaepernick. The two had brunch in new york. The director suggests his Hometown Team the new york jets should signed the quarterback. vicki the search for tom bradys missing super bowl jersey is over. In fact, Houston Police say theyve found two of his jerseys including one from an earlier super bowl. grant Catherine Heenan is here with the details. Including the fact the investigative trail led to mexico. The nfl is only saying that the jersey was in possession of a credentialed member of the international media. they also found another jersey from super bowl 49. The daily mail is reporting that several mexican Media Outlets say the suspect is mauricio ortega. Who had worked at a newspaper called la prensa. He stepped down from his executive job march 14th. Photos from the patriots locker room showed the moments after brady discovered someone had taken his jersey. Tonight the Newspaper Company where ortega worked has released a statement admonishing their former employee. And apologizing to the people of mexico. Houston police meantime. Announced the recovery of the jerseys today. Chief art acevdeo Houston Police the suspect decided to steal it in the city of houston. Thanks to our major offenders division, you know its like the texas bravado, he came to the wrong state. Malcolm mitchell new England Patriots im glad he got it back. Im sorry that happened to him in the first place. Patriots fanthat thing was way too hot to get rid of the la prensa newspaper statement says the company didnt even know thatortega was using his position to get into events like the super bowl. Bradys most recent jersey was said to be worth 500thousand dollars, based on theprice it would likely get at auction. And there could be more news to follow. The nfl has revealed that a helmet belonging to another player has also been found. Vicki and grant . grant a nationwide manhunt continues tonight. After a teacher allegedly kidnaps a high school student. Still ahead on kron four news find out who police are looking for. vicki and next, we are hearing from the als community tonight after 49ers legend dwight clark announced hes been dianosed with the debilitating disease. More on this story after the break. anchor time now to check on our weather. With chief meterologist Brittney Shipp. A weak High Pressure ridge is ruling the realm this afternoon. Visible satellite imagery shows mostly clear skies from point arena to the north to Point Conception to the south. A band of moisture associated with an upstream trough is advecting clockwise over the ridge, with some high clouds upper level moisture spilling over. Expect to see gradually increasing cloud coverage advancing from the northwest through into this evening into tomorrow morning as the ridge weakens. Temperatures this afternoon are running between 5 and 10 degrees warmer than this time yesterday afternoon, despite starting this morning around 5 or 10 degrees cooler than yesterday morning. This is typical with clear skies and High Pressure, as the diurnal Heating Cooling cycle reaches idealized heat flux in these conditions. Today will be the warmest day of at least the next week, with cooler, unsettled weather anticipated ahead. vicki tragic news out of the sports world this weekend. 49ers fans are shocked and saddened to hear that dwight clark, the man responsible for the catch, has been diagnosed with als, also known as lou gehrigs disease. vicki the former niners receiver announced the news himself last night. Through a statement posted online. grant clarks says he first experienced symptoms in september 2015. When he lost strength in his left hand. He also added , while hes still trying to wrap his head around the challenge, hes going to quote fight like hell and live everyday to the fullest. vicki this is undoubtedly an emotional time for him and his family. Clarks announcement has placed a heightened awareness on the disease itself. And its fatal symptoms. Mark carpenter joins us now with more. Mark, you spoke with someone today that has been living with als. mark there is still much to be learned about als, but one thing that is known is that right now there is no cure. Its a debilitating, painful illness that affects nerves in the brain and spinal cord. Progressively shutting down a patients ability to walk, speak, swallow and breathe. The average Life Expectancy for someone with als is two tofive years, b ut this afternoon i spoke with a man whos been battling the disease for more than a decade. When someone is diagnosed with lou gehrigs disease, the fight usually doesnt last long. But als has found one its strongest challengers in matt chaney. The 56yearold has been living with the illness for the last 16years. And hes learned to adapt. The symptoms first showed up when he lost strength in his right hand. And the loss of function eventually spread to the rest of his upper body. Bound to a wheelchair, he relies heavily on the remaining use of his feet. Using his toes to type on an ipad. The same ipad where he read about Dwight Clarks diagnosis. Through his caregiver, chaney communicates. The difficult struggle of living with als. It has been the greatest challenge of his life. Losing independence is agonizing, same with losing the ability to communicate. There are no definitive causes for als, but clark suspects years of football may have had something to do with it. Chaney played at the high school and College Level for 6 years. And while he cant say for sure if the sport had anything to it, he feels repeated shots to the head are never beneficial. He thinks if the brain is rattled, rattled around in the skull, something is bound to go haywire. While life with als has been difficult, chaneys resolve to keep fighting has not been deterred. And his advice for clark stay ahead of controlling the symptoms as much as possible. Dont be afraid to ask for help. Everyone is waiting to know how they can help mark while there is no cure for als, chaney says medical advancements have been made each year. And is hopeful that one day there will be a solution. grant and today niners fans from across the bay area. Are rooting more than ever for dwight clark. Take a listen. Eric cervantes fandwight thank you for the memories and hope you can make it through. Lots of positive prayers and energy from your fans. Always thinking of you. Jimmy ruiz fanhey dwight,. But the catch was a big thing. Youre an inspiration to a lot of people. A lot of kidsrichard sudaria fandwight, please get well. I mean i dont think there is any cure for that. I dont think there is, lou gehrigs disease. I feel really bad for him. Fans say the legend behind the catch. Is legend behind fans say the legend behind the catch. Is becoming a hero. For his battle with lou gehrigs disease. vicki its been one week since tennessee teenager Elizabeth Thomas was last seen. And authorities believe the 15yearold was abducted by a teacher. Catherine heenan is here with the latest. catherine investigators believe Elizabeth Thomas was lured away by 50yearold tad cummins. Who was once one of her teachers. Theyve been releasing more photos of him. And say they believehed been planning the kidnapping for some time. Cummins wife has begged him to turn himself in. But so far he hasnt surfaced. Theres an amber alert in place and investigators say theyve been getting hundreds of leads, but so far none has helped them find the teenager. This afternoon the tbi had received more than 450 leads. The lack of confirmed sightings however continues to lead tbi to believe cummins could had thomas hidden from view of the general public or far away from tennessee. Catherine Cummins may have two handguns. And the public is being told to assume hes armed and dangerous. Tonight a lawyer for elizabeths family says that cummins had been investigated by the School System after another student reported seeing the teacher kiss the girl. The lawyer says cummins was allowed to continue teaching. The School District did not immediately comment. Grant . grant the worlds oldest billionaire has died. grant a family Spokesman Says David Rockefeller died of congestive heart failure. He was the last remaining grandchild of John D Rockefeller who founded standard oil. According to forbes, David Rockefeller was worth three point three billion dollars. He was known as a banker and philanthropist, earning a phd in economics and donating millions to the arts. Rockefeller was one hundred and one years old. vick coming up after the break, a waiter in Southern California is out of a job because of offensive comments he made to a customer. Well explain why people are so upset. grant and. Sesame street is introducing a new muppet to teach kids a lesson about acceptance. Well explain later in the show. vicki an early afternoon slump today dropped us stocks mostly lower on wall street in a quiet day of trading. The dow slipping 9 points. The nasdaq rose half a point. And the s pp lost 5 points. Its spring, and we cant wait to open our sheds and get working on our yards. Scotts and miraclegro are here to help. We make it easy to grow thick, healthy lawns, spectacular plants, and bountiful flowers. Because when spring starts right, the months that follow stay perfect. Load up your shed with scotts and miraclegro. Its time to get outside. grant a Orange County restaurant waiter is fired after asking a customer for her proof of residency. The incident happened in saint marc pubcafe in Huntington Beach last weekend. The victim, diana carrillo. Whose parents are immigrants. Posted the story on facebook. The restaurant later said the waiter was let go. And his behavior does not represent the management. Carrillo. Still left in disbelief tonight. sot as soon as we sat down, the waiter approached the table and asked me to provide him with my proof of residency. I had my id out and i handed it to him without saying anything. I was shocked, i didnt know what to say, i couldnt believe he actually asked me for my proof of residency instead of valid proof of id or date of birth. The eatery also promised to donate 10percent of this weekends profit to an immigrant charity that carrillo chose. vicki an arizona billboard critical of President Trump has quickly gone viral. Now, the artist behind it is speaking out. The sign is located in phoenix. Its a bold and controversial billboard with President Trumps face front and center. It has dollar signs mimicking nazi swastikas, two mushroom clouds, and President Trump wearing a russian lapel pin. The artist behind the billboard says she often uses her paint for politics. There are people who say, well, its offensive but the current administration, its policies, the people that are put in power are offensive to me. I think its a bad idea and is dividing the people. The artist wants people to see the other side of this sign too. It spells out unity in sign language. Language. Unity in sign it spells out this sign too. Other side of to see the the artist people. Dividing the idea and is dividing the people. The artist wants people to see the other side of this sign too. It spells out unity in sign language. grant 33years. A veteran injured in combat nearly 3 decades ago is able to walk again. How his story could help thousands of people just like him find out after the break. There is a new development tonight in the tragic ghost ship fire from last december. Pam moore is in the newsroom with more. pam vicki. It has been more than three months since the deadly ghost ship warehouse fire in oakland. Since then. City, state and federal investigators have been pouring over evidence as to what may have caused the fire that killed 36 people. So far, no cause of the fire has been identified. Nor has anyone been charged. But we do know, a report on the fire is now in the hands of the District Attorneys Office. We will have that story. And much more on kron 4 news at six. Vicki back to you. grant a veteran who had been confined to a wheelchair is now walking again. Thanks to an experimental device that could offer hope to thousands of others like him. vicki from our partners at cnn. Greg mcquade has his remarkable story. Never expected anything like this. For thirty three years. 1984. Terry labar has been looking up at life. I just wanted to put this behind me and start a new chapter. Terrys career as a u. S. Marine was derailed when a car slammed into him on a road in the middle east. Just vaguely going up over the top of the car and hitting my chin. Paralyzed from the waist down. I woke up the first morning in richmond and i rolled over and there was a wheelchair next to the bed. Terry had difficulty adjusting to his new reality. Then it dawned on me that it was for me. Traumatic injuries were nothing new to terry. This was 1970. During the vietnam war. I was repelling out of a helicopter and fell about 90 feet and broke my back. Terry would make a full recovery and return to his unit. If youre a marine, duty is everything. The married father of two vowed thenas nownot to be defeated. I think that is the best thing for anyone with a disability. Work with what you have make the best of it and have a good, positive attitude. Natsa few days ago terry would take one giant leap. I remember standing up and feeling about 10 feet tall. During physical therapy at mcguire, terry was fitted with a motorized exoskeleton. Natssurreal. I was. This would be the first time terry would walk since 1984. I wanted to do it basically to kind of help pave the way. Something his son, sean, had never seen. It is sheer determination. Its practice but if i can do it anybody can. laugh vicki labar is training to use the device twice a week and once hes comfortable with his exoskeleton device hes be able to use it at home. anchor time now to check on our weather. With chief meterologist Brittney Shipp. Showers and isolated thunderstorms on and off tonight through wednesday. Dry weather returns thursday. Next system arrives late thursday night into friday with steady rain and gusty winds as a well organized front moves through the region. Lingering showers saturday morning then dry through sunday afternoon before another threat of some north bay light rain. Purpose of her character is to combat stigmas associated with the autism spectrum, and to expose young viewers to children with autistic traits. Light rain. Some north bay another threat of some north bay light rain. Hey who is this . Its julie. Oh, nice to meet you vicki a new muppet is set to join sesame street to teach children about acceptance. Julia is a muppet representing a child with autism. The purpose of her character is to combat stigmas associated with the autism spectrum, and to expose young viewers to children with autistic traits. Rather than being treated like an outsider, julia will be one of the gang. She was first included in sesame Street Digital and printed story books. Julia makes her Television Debut next month. grant Kim Kardashian open up about being robbed at gunpoint in paris. Hear what she says was going through her mind while being tied up next. grant five months after being robbed at gunpoint, Kim Kardashian west relives the horrific experience on last nights keeping up with the kardashians. vicki the insiders Louis Aguirre joins us from hollywood with more on this story. Yeah and regardless of how you feel about kim,the 36yearold unleashed her truth the only way she knew how. As we go inside kims paris nightmare in her own words. He duct tapes my face and he like grabs my legs i wasnt like i had no clothes on underneath so he pulled me towards him,at like the front of the bed and thats the moment i though ok this is the moment theyre going to rape memusic hit on serious cutaway18 58 40and i fully like mentally prepped myself and then he didntvo 1 breaking her silence about being bound, gagged and held at gunpoint in the early hours of october 3 here are 5 things we learned about her horrifying ordeal 18 58 46 they had like the gun up to me 18 58 50 and i just like knew this is the moment theyre totally going to like shoot me in the headvo 2first as she braced herself for death the aftermath of how it would affect her family raced through her mind. 18 58 58 i just prayed that kourtney would have a normal life after she sees my dead body on the bed10 54 45kim it makes me so upset to think about it like either theyre going to shoot me in the back tighten 18 55;00 theres no way out rev vo 3second the Hotel Concierge who unlocked the apartment was kims interpreter throughout the ordeal18 53 57kim he was telling me because when they said ring ring ring he goes give tehm your ring so i was like ok its on the table and while we were being tied up i said are we going to die are they going to kill us and i was just like crying like tell them i have babieswell have so much more on this story tonight at 7 on the insider, for kron 4 news,im Louis Aguirre back to you. aaavicki 2 shotaaa that wraps up kron 4 news at 5. aaagrant 2 shotaaa steve aveson and pam moore are here with kron 4 news at six. steve grant and vicki thank you. A dangerous sideshow with about 30 people on dirt bikes and atvs on the bay bridge. Tonight. Well hear from an eyewitness who caught recorded the whole thing on video. pam and police in san jose are giving their side of the story tonight. About what lead up to officers shooting a naked man on a busy street. Kron 4 news at six is next. pam reckless on the roadway. This was the scene on the bay bridge sunday. Caught on cell phone video. pam good evening im pam moore. steve and im steve aveson. Kron4s Maureen Kelly talked with an eyewitness who describes the dangerous behavior she encountered. This is definitely a danger to the publicchp officer Sean Wilkenfeld is describing the sideshow of approximently 30 off road vehicles including dirt bikes and atvs that was captured on video by several other people on the bay bridge sunday. They are stopping traffic, they are popping wheelies, thats definitely something we cant have. When youre driving around on the freeway youre expecting things to be predictable, youre expecting people to stay in their lane, youre expecting people to keep up with traffic,. What youre not expecting is a group of atvs to come to a stop spinning donuts for pop wheelies on the freeway its obviously going to cause a problem is. This is definitely a danger for everybody. Alex zermeno was riding in her familys suv that evening. She shot this video. She says at first she starting shooting because it was such a spectacle. But then she started worrying. Especially for those pulling the stunt. First of all they have no helmets they were doing the wheelies they were on the emergency side as well and then sometimes when they came up you dont hear them and you dont see them what if you were switching lanes. And i feel like that wouldve been a bit dangerous for that more to them than us but still for everybodyit wasnt just dash board cams and cell phones capturing the chaos. But also but there was also video being taken from the air by a chp fixed wing aircraft. Who caught up with the pack as they were headed eastbound on the span. It was at 103rd and royal ann in oakland were chp were able to surround one group of the riders as they apppeared to be loading up their off road vehicles into pickups. They say 27 yearold Darisha Moran took off on a street legal motorcycle but she was eventually caught and arrested for participating in a sideshow and evading police. The rest had their vehicles impounded. And were then let go. The chp says they may end up facing charges later. After investigators look at their video and see if they can match them to the dangerous behavior on the bridge. Maureen kelly kron4 news. steve it was a little less than two weeks ago we saw bikers attack a Rideshare Driver on highway 101 in San Francisco. While there is a lot of similarities to the incidents, the chp tells us it is too early to link the two. However, they are investigating the possibility there is a connection. The driver that was attacked in San Francisco ended up in the hosptial. steve San Francisco police have arrested a woman in connection with a deadly shooting in the south of market neighborhood. 26yearold Maria Sanchez is the second person taken into custody in this case. The Fatal Shooting happened last october near sixth and minna streets. Thats where offices found the victim, 33yearold alfredo dixon. Investigators have not released a motive in the shooting. pam a woman poisoned by an herbal tea she bought at a San Francisco store. Has died. This is a story we first told you about a couple of weeks ago. The woman is one of two people who became sick, after buying the tea from the sunwing wo trading company. In the chinatown neighborhood. The San Francisco Health Department says, the tea contained aconite. It is a poison that comes from plants. But may used as a tea, if handled properly and safely. If someone gets aconite poisoning, there is no known antidote. steve San Jose Police say they will be reviewing the body worn cameras of its officers as they investigate an officer involved shooting friday at a shopping mall. pam is video from our helicopter partnership with abc 7. Three veteran officers opened fire on a suspect in this pickup truck, critically injuring him. As kron 4s dan kerman tells us, police say, they opened fire because they thought the suspect had a weapon. Sjpd naked ois folo 0320176pkg it was here at the Villa Shopping Center in san jose friday where veteran three San Jose Police officers opened fire on suspect in a blue pickup critacally injuring him. Monday police chief eddie garcia explained the first shot was fired because officers believed the suspect, had pointed a weapon at them sot eddie garcia San Jose Police chief 1825the item that was pointed at officers turned out to be caulking gun police say the suspect 53 year old john bowles arrived at the Shopping Center after hitting a police car and leading officers on a 4 mile chase, where he struck additional vehicles. Police say officers fired a second time after the suspect revved his engine sotit happened extremely quickly and the concern of the officers was the parking lot and the people in there as it was very crowded. Police say the suspect has a criminal history and a prior Mental Health comittment sotit did seem the suspect was mentally unstable he does have some history with that. In fact Police Say Prior to the pursuit, this incident initially began with Police Responding to reports of a naked man walking in the street and when Police Arrived they say the suspect was approaching a female and running after children. Standup dan kerman san jose 124134San Jose Police and the das office now investigating the shooting, that could take a couple of months. The three officers on administrative leave but likely just for a week, then back on the job. At Police Headquarters in san jose, Dan Kerman Kron 4 news. 142 std pam in the north bay. We now know the names of the veteran napa officers. Involved in a Fatal Shooting last week. They have been idenitified as Sergeant Ryan cole and officer jack thomson. This is video of the scene last monday night from our helicopter partnership with abc7. Noel russell was allegedly threatening people with a knife. When the officers arrived. They drew their guns and ordered russell to get on the ground. Authorities say, russell did not comply and became agressive. Thats when Sergeant Cole and officer thomson started shooting. Killing russell. A knife was found next to his body. Police say, two warrants were out for russells arrest for drug possession and assaulting a peace officer. Tonight the shooting. Is still under investigation. steve a big story we are following is the Ongoing Investigation into the deadly oakland warehouse fire. We do have some new information. Over the weekend. The Alameda County District Attorneys Office says it did receive a report from the city of oakland. Prosecutors reportedly have been asking the city for weeks to get their hands on the report. The fire back in december killed 36 people who were attending a party at the artist collective known as the ghost ship. The warehouse also doubled as an illegal home to numerous people. So far, no criminal charges have been filed in this case. Also of note. Even with federal investigators helping out. We still do not know the exact cause of the fire. We do know from the Coroners Office that all of the victims died from smoke inhalation. The only legal action so far has been victims families filing lawsuits against the building owner, the man who ran it as well as the city of oakland and Alameda County. pam staying in the east bay. Union city police are looking for a driver who they say, intentionally hit several people in a wal mart parking lot. We are told this Surveillance Video was taken last night. You can see a silver car start to backup. It stops, as a family walks behind it. But the driver then backs up again. Hitting a couple of the family members. Nearly missing a 3yearold girl and her mother. Police released a picture of the suspect. Wearing a distinctive batman sweatshirt. They say the suspect was trying to return some batteries at the store. Was denied. And then stormed out. steve a live look outside right now. A rainy monday to start the first day of spring. pam lets get our first look at the weather with chief meteorologist Brittney Shipp. Showers and isolated thunderstorms on and off tonight through wednesday. Dry weather returns thursday. Next system arrives late thursday night into friday with steady rain and gusty winds as a well organized front moves through the region. Lingering showers saturday morning then dry through sunday afternoon before another threat of some north bay light rain. steve San Francisco parents will have to wait until wednesday at the lastest to find out what Public School their children will attend next school year. steve according a San Francisco unified School District offcial the assignment letters were intially supposed to be mailed out on friday. A staffing emergency forced them to send out the letters today. Theyve extended their Registration Period to april twentyfirst due to the delay. Many private schools have moved their acceptance deadlines to this friday. They want to accommodate familes that are waiting to hear from district officials. Before making a decision on where to enroll their child. pam the fbi made it official today. There is no evidence to support President Trumps tweet that former president obama ordered surveillance of trump tower. Plus, the Trump Campaign is under investigation for possible collusion with russia. steve what followed was a contentious back and forth between democrats and republicans. National correspondent chance seales has the details from the capitol. Supers 00 07 james comey fbi director 30 37 chance seales u. S. Capitol 39 46 rep. Jim himes dconn. 531 00 rep. Trey gowdy R South Carolina james comey fbi director the fbi, as part of our counterintelligence mission, is investigating the russian governments efforts to interfere with the 2016 election. vo fbi director james comey confirmed to the house intel committee, a longreported investigation. And although President Trump called the russia story fake news earlier monday. The fbi appears deadly serious. james comey fbi director that includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump Campaign and the russian government. chance seales u. S. Capitol comey gave few other details, but members of the committee were persistent. Asking repeatedly about the Trump Campaign russia and investigation tactics. rep. Jim himes dconn. no matter if Vladimir Putin kills political opponents, the new president defends, obfuscates. vo by and large, democrats focused on team trump activities. And republicans zeroed in on leaks from the intel community. rep. Trey gowdy rsouth carolina when that deal is broken, it jeopardizes American Trust in the surveilance programs. vo as for mr. Trumps accusation that president Obama Wiretapped him. james comey fbi director the department has no information that supports those tweets. vo comey is will testify again before a Senate Committee in the coming weeks. Reporting at the capitol, im chance seales. pam tough questions today for Supreme Court nominee, neil gorsuch. How he responded, when california senator Dianne Feinstein pressed him on the roe versus wade decision. steve and how does this sound. All californian residents could go to a uc or cal state campus for free. How one lamwaker is proposing to pay for this plan. pam plus it is a story we have been tracking all day. Former 49ers star dwight clark reveals he has als. We tracked down a man who is currently dealing with the illness. How it changed his life. Is this the year you spend more quality time with your dog . Then you belong at Bass Pro Shops for huge savings during our dog days sale. Like a 3pack of playhound dog toys for under 10. And redhead mens rock bridge shorts starting at under 20. pam this is a live look at our stormtracker four radar. You can see the green already moving in to the bay area. Bringing us our first rain in weeks. Chief meteorologist Brittney Shipp is tracking the storms for us. She will have an update in about five minutes. steve heartbreaking news out of the sports world this weekend. 49ers fans are shocked and saddened to hear that dwight clark, the man responsible for the catch, has been diagnosed with als, also known as lou gehrigs disease. pam the former niners receiver announced the news himself last night. Through a statement posted online. And the news of his diagnosis has brought a heightened awareness of the disease and its symptoms. Mark carpenter spoke to someone who has been living with als. And joins us with more. Mark . mark there is still much to be learned about als, but one thing we do know right now there is no cure. Its a fatal debilitating illness that affects nerves in the brain and spinal cord. Progressively shutting down a patients ability to walk, speak, swallow and breathe. The average Life Expectancy for someone with als is two tofive years, but this afternoon i spoke with a man whos been battling the disease for quite some time. 56yearold matt chaney was diagnosed 16years ago. The symptoms first showed up when he lost strength in his right hand. And the loss of function eventually spread to the rest of his upper body. Bound to a wheelchair, he relies heavily on the remaining use of his feet. Using his toes to type on an ipad. The same ipad where he read about Dwight Clarks diagnosis. Through his caregiver, chaney offered some advice for clark. By basically telling him to keep fighting and get ahead of the symptoms as much as possible. Dont be afraid to ask for help. Everyone is waiting to know how they can help in his letter, clark said he suspects that years of football may have played a role in his diagnosis. Chaney himself played 6years at the high school and collegiate levels. And also doesnt rule out brain trauma as a possible cause for als. While there is no cure for the disease, chaney says medical advancements have been made each year. And is hopeful that one day there will be a solution. The 49ers are one of the organizations that have stepped forward to take donations to help fight als. We have posted the link on the kron four website as well as more information on the disease itself. You will find it right on the front page. pam an examination of the bay bridge tunnel at Yerba Buena Island. Has identified a couple hundred concrete tiles as vulnerable. take vo you may remember. Last year, a driver told kron four about her terrifying experience. When a piece flew off, and her car ran over the tile. The connecting tunnel at Yerba Buena Island is nearly 80 years old. Or the past few months, caltrans workers have been inspecting the tunnel and its many pieces. They have now said, 200 show potential problems. So crews are going to go in and repair them. pam in addition, caltrans workers will be working on the west side as well putting in some new pipes for improved water drainage. Most of the work will be done during non commute hours, in hopes of impacting the least amount of drivers. pam investigators are talking to a concord woman about a crash that killed a pedestrian over the weekend,. It happened on treat boulevard, near wilmore avenue, just before 11 last night. When Police Arrived they found the body of a 26yearold woman lying in the street. Her name has not been released, but we are told she is from placerville. Concord police say, it appears the woman was crossing the street but did not use a crosswalk and was struck by the driver. At first the driver left the scene, but later called police. steve police in berkeley say a report of a vehicle burglary early yesterday morning led to the discovery of drugs and an assault pistol. Officers say they were called to the area of durant and telegraph avenues. When they arrived they found 3 suspects and a car. When officers searched the suspects they found methamphetamine, heroin and pills. When they conducted a search of the suspects homes they found more drugs, an assault weapon and a credit card embossing machine. All three suspects were booked into jail. pam President Trumps nominee for the Supreme Court neal gorsuch was on capitol hill today. For the first day of his confirmation hearings. steve Catherine Heenan is here with details on a day often marked by bitter partisanship. catherine the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee Says theyre hoping to confirm gorsuchbefore a two week break that starts april 10th. We saw senator Dianne Feinstein introducing him to the committee membersbefore todays hearing. Feinstein was later one of the democrats to condemn republicans for refusing to act on Barack Obamas nominee last year. She also said that while judge gorsuch has not ruled directly on a case involvingroe vs. Wade some of his writings are cause for concern. Senator Dianne Feinstein specifically, he wrote that he believes there are no exceptions to the principle that, quote, the intentional taking of human life by private persons is always wrong, end quote. This language has been interpreted by both prolife and prochoice organizations to mean he would overturn roe. As for gorsuch hes promising to be independent if confirmed to the high court. There have been some protests against his nomination including this one in north carolina. catherine if confirmed gorsuch would become the first former Supreme Court clerk to take the bench while his onetime boss Justice Anthony kennedy is still sitting on the high court. Steve . steve a california lawmaker is pitching a rather unique idea to make College Tuition free for instate students. Make millionaires pay for it. An assemblywoman from stockton has crafted a bill that would place a onepercent tax on californians earning more than 1million dollars a year. She claims it would generate enough revenue to make public colleges free for californians. But in order to pass, it needs a twothirds majority vote in the legislature because it would create a new tax. pam lets take a look outside right now for the Current Conditions in the bay area. steve chief meteorologist Brittney Shipp joins us now with the forecast. Showers and isolated thunderstorms on and off tonight through wednesday. Dry weather returns thursday. Next system arrives late thursday night into friday with steady rain and gusty winds as a well organized front moves through the region. Lingering showers saturday morning then dry through sunday afternoon before another threat of some north bay light rain. steve incredible video of a plane crash. You see the fire ball. But wait until you hear what happened to all the passengers on board. pam and he served our country. And even was injured during a tour of duty. Why a veteran may now face deportation. steve aasynopsis promo to watch kron 4 news at 10 pm every night of the week a plane crash today in south sudan is making news. Because of the unexpected outcome. pam Catherine Heenan is here with video and an explanation happened. catherine the video shows whats left of a commercial plane after a crash landingin bad weather. There are flames. And intense heavy smoke. But everyone on the scene says its incredible that no one died. In fact. There were only minor injuries. A spokesman for sudans president calls it miraculous completely. 43 people were on board, including three children. 25 were taken to the hospital and tonight 18 of them have already been released. The others will recover. And again were not seriously injured. catherine many of the rescue workers who rushed to the scene say they fully expected there would be few if any survivors. Pam and steve . steve we first brought you this story on friday. Video capturing the moment a home exploded. Tonight. We have new information on the man who lived there and what happened to his pet. pam plus, Colin Kaepernick coming under fire again. The remarks President Donald Trump just made. About the former 49ers quarterback. steve you are looking live at stormtracker four radar. We have been seeing plenty of green on it. Which means rain has returned. Chief meteorologist Brittney Shipp is tracking it for us. An update in less than three minutes. Can a toothpaste do everything well . This clean was like pow my teeth are glowing. They are so white. Step 1 cleans. Step 2 whitens. Crest [hd]. 6x cleaning , 6x whitening a i would switch to crest [hd] over what i was using before. With new herbal essences bursting with argan oil of morocco and notes of jasmine sure to put more life in your hair and your head. New herbal essences let life in dont let dust and allergens and lifes beautiful moments. Flonase allergy relief delivers more complete relief. Flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances that cause all your symptoms, including nasal congestion and itchy, watery eyes. Flonase is an allergy nasal spray that works even beyond the nose. So you can enjoy every beautiful moment to the fullest. Flonase. 61 changes everything. Showers and isolated thunderstorms on and off tonight through wednesday. Dry weather returns thursday. Next system arrives late thursday night into friday with steady rain and gusty winds as a well organized front moves through the region. Lingering showers saturday morning then dry through sunday afternoon before another threat of some north bay light rain. In oakland. The chp has arrested one person and detained several others following a sideshow on the bay bridge that was caught on cell phone video sunday. A chp fixed wing aircraft also filmed the action. Like popping wheelies cutting off vehicles,kicking car doors, even some reports of them throwing objects on the freeway. The chp were eventually able to surround a Splinter Group of riders after they exited the freeway. They arrested one woman who allegedly tried to get away. They resd they detained and released. Those people may face charges later after investigators examine the video to match them to the dangerous behavior caught on video. Maureen kelly kron4 news. pam this story just came into the kron four newsroom a little bit ago. President trump is holding a rally in kentucky. steve one of the subjects that came up. Former 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick who is currently a free agent. Grant lodes is hear with the president s comments. grant we will cut to the chase on this one. We all know the story surrounding kaepernick and his kneeling during the National Anthem last season. There have been reports teams are shying away from signing the quarterback for various reasons. One of them. Backlash online from the president. He pounced on that report tonight. President trump was quick to criticize kaepernick when the qb began kneeling before games. He suggested kap needs a new country. So kaepernick may no longer be with the 49ers. But remains a lightning rod. Pam . pam governor jerry brown issues his fourth request for federial aid to repair the damage from last months storms. Yesterdays request follows three other petitions for federal help. Which President Trumps administration has granted. To assist with earlier storm damage. And the emergency at the oroville dam. Brown also declared a state of emergency for contra costa and solano counties, bringing the total to 50 california counties affected by the february storms. According to authorities, six people died during the january and february rain storms. steve anchor police in maryland say the owner of a home that was destroyed in an explosion. Was found dead in the wreckage of a selfinflicted gunshot wound. Surveillance video shows the moment when the house exploded. Shortly before one oclock friday morning. Montgomery county medical examiner identified the body found as that of 61yearold Steven Martin beck. Investigators say a dog found near becks body also was fatally shot. Authorities say the house was leveled by a loud explosion so powerful it caused damage to several neighboring homes. The cause of the explosion is still under investigation. steve a federal judge ordered an army veteran who served two tours of duty to be deported. Steve Miguel Perez came to the us from mexico when he was eight years old. He lived in chicago as a legal permanent resident and eventually joined the army. While deployed in afghanistan he suffered a brain injury in an explosion. When perez returned home he was diagnosed with ptsd. In 2010 perez got busted for selling cocaine and served seven years in jail. Immigration officials then stripped his legal status and began the deportation process. Illinois senator dick durbin took an interest in his case. Sen. Dick Durbin D Illinois its a complicated case. We dont want dangerous people to remain in this country, but we ought to have our eyes wide open. Heres a man who risked his life for this country. Maybe he can pay his price for what hes done wrong here, and still get a chance to stay here. steve perez is one of thousands of undocumented immigrant soldiers facing deportation. pam sesame street is about to add a new character. But this is no ordinary addition. How the new muppet is raising awareness about a childhood condition. Hashtag stuffy nose. Hashtag no sleep. Hashtag mouthbreather. Just put on a breathe right strip. It instantly opens your nose up to 38 more than Cold Medicine alone. Shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers. Breathe right. charles im Charles Clifford in the east bay where assemblyman bill quick of hayward introduced a new bill that would require kids in california be tested for lead exposure. Well have that story tonight on kron 4 news at eight. steve a pretty big deal. The iconic childrens show sesame street. Has a new muppet. pam and the latest character. Has autism. Raising awareness at a young age. This is julia. She first appeared on sesame streets online digital storybook series. Back in 2015. She is 2015. Series. Back in 2015. She is making her tv debut next month. The shows creators say, they hope julia will help children better understand playmates. Who have autism. Coming up in sports. We will check in on how the warriors are doing. And the stanford women keep cdoing there thing in the ncaa tournament. Gary has the highlights. And all the sports. Coming up the sad news came down yesterdayin an open letter 49ers great dwight clark announced he has als clark or course best known for making the catch launching the niners to the first of 5 super bowl titlesupon learning the news clarks former teammates and owner expressed their sadness and support former owner Eddie Debartolo we are absolutely devastated. We vow to do everything in our power to support dwight and kelly and help them fight this horrible disease. Running back roger craigdwight is like a brother to me. This news crushed me. Ive vowed to him to be here for whatever he needs from me. Whenever or wherever. Hall of famer ronnie lottim asking all of us to not only send their prayers but im asking you to do whatever you can to fight this disease. Dwight will be a champion, which he has been able to show since i met him. And the man who passed him tha ball on the catch joe montanajennifer and i are saddened by the diagnosis of dwight. He is family, and in our continual thoughts and prayers. The warriors with kevin durant traveling but not playing in oklahoma cityright now. An espn story writen by chris haynes cited warriors sources that the team was upset at oklhoma city thunder management for not welcoming kevin durant more warmly in his return to okc in februarythe fact that the thunder did not give durant a Video Tribute or at least a courtesey greeting of any kind contributed to an unsettling and hostile environment for durant and that the warriors were furious about it according to those sourcesbut the team has categorically denied any such feelings steve kerr addressed the issue today sot kerr wipe to warriors in china steve kerri dont agree. San prestis a friend of mine. I know clay bennett. Its a Class Organization all the way. So really pay any attention to a story like that. Unless their is an actual name thats put on it so. I assume its just spources. Was it sources . Yeh so. You know. I dont know who that is. Its nobody with the warriors. The warriors will play two preseason games in china against the Minnesota Timberwolves as part of the nba global gamesthey have played in china twice before in 2008 and in 2013 steph curry and companys first visit there as a teamthe dubs will play the twolves in shanzhen on october 5th followed by a rematch in shanghai october 8th. The last time the warriors went to china in 2013 they beat the lakers twice they split with the Milwaukee Bucks in 2008 the stanford women;s Basketball Team in an unusual situation in the 2nd round of the ncaa tournamenttara vanderveer and company the 2 seed at 7 seed kansas state because of a scheduling conlict at stanfrds maples pavilionno problem for the cardinalbrittany mcfee 3 pointer at this point kstate has ony one more point than her mcfee finished with 21 pointskstate makes a mini run butnatasha fingalls free throw line jumper snuffs it out 3621 cardinals2nd half alanna smith scores insde she had 19 points 412 cardinaland for the 10th Straight Year stanford is in the sweet 16final 6948 stanfordthey play texas a team they beat by 12 this season next the cal women are in action right women are in next the cal this season they beat by 12 texas a team they play stanfordthey play texas a team they beat by 12 this season next the cal women are in action right now against baylor the search for tom bradys missing super bowl jersey is overHouston Police relied on a tip from an informant and tracked bradys jersey to mexico. The nfl has said the jersey was in possession of a credentialed member of the international media. A mexican Newspaper Company. They also found the quarterbacks jersey that had gone missing after the patriots 2015 super bowl win over the seattle seahawks. A big shakeup to uber. The leader that is out after only months on the job. pam a big announcement comes from a San Francisco based ride share company. steve uber president jeff jones has resigned after just six of the months on the job. The company has had a rocky few months. Ubers ceo Travis Kalanicks decision to serve on President Trumps Business Advisory council caused an uproard among customers. Kalanick later left the advisory council. The company was also hit with sexual harrassment claims from a former engineer. And we recently learned ubers office in oakland wont be quite as big as first thought. Last weather and goodbye its spring, and we cant wait to open our sheds and get working on our yards. Scotts and miraclegro are here to help. We make it easy to grow thick, healthy lawns, spectacular plants, and bountiful flowers. Because when spring starts right, the months that follow stay perfect. Load up your shed with scotts and miraclegro. Its time to get outside. The insider, tracking the biggest stories making news today. And he duct tapes my face. You know, they had the gun up to me, and i just knew that was the moment. Theyre just totally going to shoot me. Number one, Kim Kardashian relives her terrifying paris assault. Theres no way out. The five things we learned about her robbery. I dont want to cry in front of the kids. Then does dancings new cast have Opening Night jitters . How maks and peta are preparing for their big return. And number three, the walking dead cast spills Season Finale secrets. Its brutal, and its hot. And whos walking right into a twin peaks reboot . Twin peaks is more secretive than the walking dead. Insider bonus, why the cast of this is us is dying for time off. The show takes a bit of an emotional toll. And what brought milo to tears . Then insider, i need to get outside fyi, blake lively, your husband Ryan Reynolds and Jake Gyllenhaals bromance is getting serious. This is an issue. Youre experiencing it. Are you cool with this . We were fine until you showed up. Now the insider, tracking hollywood from the inside out. Five months after being robbed at gunpoint, Kim Kardashianwest relives the horrific experience on last nights keeping up with the kardashians. Its our number one tracking story. Regardless of how you feel about her, the 36yearold unleashed her truth the only way she knew how. As we go inside kims paris nightmare in her own words. He duct tapes my face and then he, like, grabs my legs and i wasnt i had no clothes on

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