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details coming up. >> erica: traffic is quite cover complete jack coming up. >> will: developing story, a richmond police are investigating a shooting attempt on in the sea transit bus. officers say someone took numerous shots. five people were on board the bus at the time. there was a report of one person being injured from shot cross. no one was shot. a decision on whether cal state's baseball team will be saved will happen today. they're expected to announce for the baseball men's and women's gymnastics will be reinstated after a decision last september to cut the programs after this school year. the men's or agree to a miserably to be reclassified as a varsity club sport which is a new category of school. if you are rising customer and what i phone, today is your big day. the iphone goes on sale at rise in stores all across the country. >> reporter: customers of becoming an for the past few months, anticipating the launch. it will be one of the biggest launch predicted coming out for cell phones. were anticipating a large amount of traffic coming through. based on the anticipation, the aides said the cover of the eagerness for customers to buy their hands on this front. it's great to be huge. >> reporter: the spice up a special line for i phone customers. customers in a hurry to get to work can simply take a ticket and get their iphone at a later date. the sale means they're no longer tied to just the at&t network. rising, apple began a sale later this week. fries and expects to sell between 11 and 13 million devices this year. >> will: pricing details, with out a two-year contract it will cost 649-$699. for the 16 k tomorrow. $749-a two-year contract. the rise and i phone will be available every till stores at 7:00, at some of the verizon stores so far. it's dirty available on our website. new details about the investigation into the deadly december gas on an explosion, and your report is shedding light on the safety of the pipelines. investigators from the california public utilities commission say pacific gas and electric company barack critical inspections on pipelines. jonathan bloom has further details. >> reporter: it has been five months since flames erupted at of the streets of samper not killing eight people destroying 55 homes. since the deadly day in september state regulators have been trying to get to the bottom of up piccinni's high-pressure underground pipeline fell into enough disorder that exploded. now, a new report shows pacific gas and electric company delayed pipeline inspections for more than two years. the light the audit also shows pacific gas and electric company opted on multiple occasions to inspect pipelines from the outside instead of using the harder procedure of sending our trust inside. it appeared pacific gas and electric company was not devoting enough resources to ensuring the gas lines were safe. they're concerned about the findings, they want to find out why pacific gas and electric company temporary off the inspections. the audit found that examining types from the outside went against their own safety guidelines. pacific gas and electric company did not have proper procedures to make sure it stop was falling key safety lines set by federal regulators. pg&e says it welcomes the probe because it helps the company find out where it has fallen short. going on to say " we're moving on multiple fronts to ensure the continued safety of our customers and hope to continue to improve on several levels. safety is always piccinni's number one priority " jonathan bloom, kron4 news. >> will: watching the weather, starting off to be a little bit chilly. no rain in sight. i know rain is coming our way. >> louisa: is. take advantage of the sunshine is a really nice day around the bay. starting off with cooler temperatures today. sunny, mild by the afternoon, a chance of rain kicks in next week. we will see some changes after this weekend. we're at freezing mark in santa rosa could wake up to some patchy frost. napa, fairfield one degree above freezing. 30 san rafael. 35 livermore. san francisco, south bay, temperatures and below 40. sadly, radar clear conditions. breaking down as we head towards the weekend. it is not done next week there we see those purchases of grain caked in.rain kicked ih rosa, 61 san rafael. as we take it do the east bay, temperatures dave reeder and 63-64 degrees. getting up to about 64 degrees in los gatos, morgan hill. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. @ good long stretch of sunny days. temperatures dipping into the upper 60s come tomorrow, saturday. a warming up in the afternoon sunday, clubs, monday to observe rain continuing tuesday and wednesday. erica? >> erica: starting after morning right no hot spots around the bay area, bridges look great. the british in the bay bridge toll plaza, a very light, just a couple of cars on the road. metering lights are off, no weight at the '88. drive them to just eight minutes from the maze in to see an francisco. san mateo bridge, no problems. no traffic advisor is. lot of space between terrace. no weight at the toll plaza, no problems getting to the bridge. golden gate bridge shot, if your taking cross down freeways and san francisco, the no problems to report. practically a ghost town. mary and light conditions. east bound direction, it is a problem free commute. will. >> coming up on the kron 4 morning news we will tell you why one lawmaker's of liquid his job allegedly because of a total he sent to a woman will tell you all about that in a few minutes. cnn's as the skyline, a chilly start, no rain, the rate should be here by monday and eight. >> will: here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. high of 64 inland come up picking up just a bit tomorrow. it looks like our weekend will be dry, next week as we take a peek into monday, tuesday, wednesday rain is headed our way. get out there and enjoy it chilly but mild the next few days. the latest news, in egypt, the government has made it clear a believes the chief culprit smocking the protest is the broadcaster l-p zero. bus drivers, public transport workers driving thousands of state employees on strike thursday spreading labor unrest it has prompt further strength and momentum government protests. efforts to manage the crisis telling the foreign minister warned that the potential for a coup. the u.s. ambassador to the united nations is hosting a town hall at twitter headquarters in san francisco to talk about foreign policy with users of the online messaging service. taking questions from around the world viewed twitter, and from employees at the company's san francisco office. town hall will be shown live over the internet it comes amid worldwide discussions and the role of twitter, facebook in the uprisings in egypt. twitter users are being asked to submit questions starting at 10:00 a.m.. president barack obama once nearly all americans that access to speak-e wireless. he's promoting the plan in a small midwest city that's becoming for a model for how it can be bringing prosperity. he had to marquette, high-tech wireless initiatives and action talk about his new plan to expand access to high-speed wireless to 98% thousands of conservative backing gives are in d.c. for the annual conservative political action conference. this is video of last year's event that attracted many people. floes canada is looking for the gop will appear at this year's event. however, the surveillance will not be there, the three day conference feature speeches, strategy, opportunities for networking. it wraps up on saturday. a married congresswoman has resigned in the midst of a scandal. in a statement christopher lee says he cannot allow this destruction to continue. the gossip website says he said ensures reciprocity of himself to a woman on craig's list. he also apologizes for what he calls " profound mistakes to his family, staff, and citrus groves. coming up, much more weather, weather and news. bay bridge toll plaza, and things are moving along just fine. doing some work on the two right lanes of the bay bridge that will probably it brought up at 5:00 this >> will: national news, and natural grass expose it in pennsylvania level houses, spires that burned for more than seven hours. you can see them out there still is fighting the blaze. and least six people are missing this morning as the firefighters not only how to handle all of this fire there's still looking for possible survivors. you can see the flames, smoke billowing into the air. firefighters from across the county to battle the fire. officials say eight homes or involved in flames. the blast was 0 mi. away. reports of injuries, we don't know of any fatalities at this point because at this time is unclear. wheels were spinning, that is the sound of cars stuck in the snow in the midwest. drivers in tennessee fought an uphill battle getting home last may. one driver says it took 10 minutes to get to the top. 3 in. of snow fell in clarksville just-in-time for rush-hour. forecaster straight overnight temperatures could drop as low as -11 in parts of arkansas. here in little rock, forecasters predicted 48 in. of snow yesterday. as you can see, it is hard to see as you drive on the freeways. i don't know why people are on the road anyways. it is dangerous. fortunately, we haven't heard of any fatalities yet. i'm sure insurance companies are very busy. thank you, we live in california. a lot of people wonder why, this is why. >> louisa: i think we've been saying that all winter, as we had to their west of the week we will continue to say that. lots of sunshine, mild, the changes come next week things shake up a little bit. santa rosa, freezing mark. it could even see some frost this morning. 61 degrees noon time, 65 by the 8:00 hour. verities in the delta. temperatures expected to drop off even more than that. we could get temperatures below the freezing mark. 38 concord, 35 livermore. temperatures this morning into the upper 40's. low 40's down into the south bay, cuba. satellite, radar clear conditions they stay that way to the rest of the workweek. by the weekend it breaks down a bit, a bit more in the way of cloud cover especially along the coast. cooler temperatures, that is when the rain sets in. it could be a very different picture for next week's forecast. after noon highs, 65 santa rosa. 62 napa out. low-mid-60's around the bay. along the coast, are highs' agreed to get up to 61 another nice, clear shot reader boeotian for today. 63 month view.mountain v. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. noticed as temperatures starting to warm into the afternoon friday, saturday notice more in the way of cloud cover. temperatures slightly cool off. chance of rain on monday. chances increase on tuesday, wednesday. erica? >> janu: >> erica: the benefit of waking up as early as you have no hot spots to run into. you may have to deal was an overnight construction intensified their to right-hand lanes may be shut down. traffic is so nice, light is not producing anything in the way of slowing. westbound 580 or the northbound. san mateo bridge, no incidents, accident just light traffic. no problems getting to the bridge, now back up at the toll plaza. excellent drive times, 13 minutes from end to end. golden gate bridge, nice, light very few cars in the road. road sensors, california highway patrol, we have speeds well above 65 mi. an hour. the nose slowdowns. public transit great start, no problems reported. >> will: ? staying with the transportation see team, another phase of construction for the new central subway project, is started near stockton, it is a ready causing problems. reggie kumar tells us is as in the area are worried that lane closures in details will scare away customers. >> reporter: drivers are being detoured here at stockton, a post for the next 10 months. this is part of the nearly $1.6 billion central subway project. it will eventually cracked a visitation valley to chinatown it will not be completed until 2018. reggie kumar, kron4 news. >> will: another road closure, interstate-80. work on the new h o v lane is taking place on 80 between highly-4 in the sky ramp. closed until 6:00 a.m. to morning. additional closers will start down willow avenue and not to are as well. preliminary hearing continues today in the high- profile case of william lynch accused a revenge attack on the priest who allegedly molested him when he was a boy. rob flood about was in court yesterday has the details. >> reporter: 43 year-old william lynch is replete is amazing charges in connection with the what they say is revenge beating. supporters of lynch carrying signs reading free willy, say the wrong person is on trial here. >> a agree completely, this is a man has gone unchecked for decades. it is heartbreaking to watch my friend go through this. when it really is to be there around >> reporter: .he's accused in the beating of father gerald. a long time priest at the secret hard judgments under. he agreed to and out of court settlement with the church in 98. fathered jerry as he's known was never prosecuted the statute of limitations is long since expired. >> i would be very upset to find out that it was used as molesters. >> reporter: this woman and employe says lynch began in front of witnesses. prosecutors are trying to show he was bent on it revenge. crucial is whether the father takes the stand. in what some supporters say is a case of vigilante justice. >> in san jose, rob thought about, kron4 news. >> will: the city manager does not like the atf but the civil it rolls next week and a resolution to invite detainees to live there. they would be taken in by local families and nonprofits. and i stayed hospital patients are for a second and third degree burns with a set himself on fire. he is undergoing surgery. he is expected to survive. coming up we will talk about world news in a few minutes. before i get to that, let's look inside, here's a wide shot of the bay area specifically san francisco. cameras are shifting its a little breezy out there. bring your jacket this morning. we will be right back with the kron 4 morning news, weather and traffic in just a few moments. >> will: pop bridge check, bay bridge toll plaza and no problems as you cross the bay bridge. keep in mind, the two right-hand lanes probably still shut down. as they do the work in them bay bridge is should be done around 5:00, san mateo bridge, no problems to cars are moving along just fine in both directions. golden gate, the ec's bridge. for cars on that bridge at this time. no problems on any of the bridges. are any other roadway in the bay area at this time. world news, a suicide bomber who killed soldiers and wounded 40 others in an army training camp is being and linked to the taliban. they say the bomber was a teen in the school uniform. he claims he was a soldier at the camp. one of the worst attacks on security forces and months. the military says it successfully tested fire in a missile capable of caring or had. they issued a statement saying the missile that has a range of 360 mi. was test fired from an undisclosed location today. it did not say if the missile could carry nuclear warheads. india and pakistan have agreed to resume peace talks. the decision comes after year of discussions by top officials from the armed rebels about how to rebuild trust. the talks will focus on counter- terrorism, humanitarian issues peace and security and the fate of the kashmiri clinton. an american security forces to get crews working in china have broke into u.s. auto company computers. saying they stole sensitive information about operations, bidding for rosie's. it did not lie dead or the companies but said, the attacks in november of 2009, targeted computers in the u.s., taiwan, greece. the first snow of the season continues to fall on aging it came after the capital market 108 days of trout. the longest in 60 years. -- the drought. many are hoping more snow is on the way. in china, the bamboo supply for pandas is running low. this is because of the continuous rain, snow fall. even the back up bamboo is in danger. appendix indeed about 20-40 kgs of bamboo every day. pan that caretakers are working extra hours to clean and refrigerate the few.ood. officials say more bamboo fields will be needed to keep pandas in good condition. coming up, following the weather, off to a chilly, miles sought bart louisa would give us a full update and a few minutes. outside, san francisco skyline very few clouds in the sky. the enjoy the next few days rain is better way starting next weeis headed our way starting next week. >> will: rise in iphone fourth hit the market today. it is also available on the website. new details about the investigation into the that the san bruno gasoline explosion. new report sheds light on the safety of pacific gas and electric company pipelines. investigators from the california public utilities commission say pacific gas and electric company part of critical inspections. jonathan bloom has further details. >> reporter: it has been five months since flames erupted out of the streets of san bruno killing eight people destroying 45 homes. now a new report shows pacific gas and electric company delayed pipeline extractions' for more than two years. state auditors road pacific gas and electric company was not devoting enough company resources to ensuring its gas lines were safe. in a statement they responded that runs the probe because it helps the company find out where it's falling short. >> will: the latest news involving the uprising in egypt the government has made it clear it believes a chief culprit stoking the protest is the broadcaster al-jazeera bus drivers and transit workers during state employees on strike thursday spreading a labor unrest that has propped further strength and momentum into the wave of anti-government protests. with the efforts to manage the crisis feeling. they warned that the potential is there. egyptian activists whose become one of the faces says " the time to negotiate with christine has run out. " >> reporter: laurel armed with little more than a laptop they don't look like the leaders or revolutions. let's tell the people react when they spot him in the streets. strangers, but his name, and praise him, even stop their cars and traffic just to say hello. did you plant a revolution? >> yes. we did. >> reporter: what was the plan? >> to get everyone in the street. >> reporter: along with a group of egyptian activists this 30 road markings executive worked in his spare time to organize the protest that sparked a grass-roots revolt. was this an internet revolution? >> yes. i will call at revolution 2.0. >> reporter: after second day of protests he was snatched from the street. >> i know i was targeted, i was scared. >> reporter: during the 1.5 weeks he spent blindfolded in solitary confinement the egyptian uprising kept growing. when he was finally released he discovered a city transformed. >> when i went to the streets, i can't tell you my feelings. i was so proud of the people. >> reporter: he learned that some of the fellow street dealers had been killed. over 300 dead, this egyptian revolutionary now was warning for the man has been president almost as long as he's been alive. the time for negotiation is over. speak-e needs to step down, this is a crime. i am telling you, i am ready to die. i have a lot to lose in this fight. i work, right now i'm on a leave of absence if i work for the best company to work for in the world. i had the best life, i love my kids. but i am willing to lose everything for my dream to happen. no one is going to go against our desire no one, i am telling this to everyone. they will watch this, you will not stop us. kidnap me coming to them by police. but is in jail, and careless. do whatever you want to do we are getting back our country. you guys have been running this country for 30 years. enough. enough! >> will: obviously that is a huge story we'll follow it through the morning. also falling the weather, i think it is fool's gold, it looks funny, i spend some time in the afternoon it did not take very long to get cold. how warm will it get? >> louisa: very chilly this morning. temperatures are cooler than they were this time yesterday. by the afternoon lots of sunshine expected. nearly all miles into the afternoon temperatures in the '60s chance of rain moves in next week. current temperatures, 32, at the freezing mark for a santa rosa. certainly could wake up to patchy frost. fairfield, dropped below freezing. coming in around 31. 47 degrees in san francisco. oakland the thirties. 38 concord. south bay 31. satellite, radar shows clear conditions. more sunshine head of our way by the afternoon. boring forecast. we will keep the sunshine around. the weekend will notice a few more clouds next week brings about the chance of rain that could last for a good long stretch. 64 oakland, 63 hayward, fremont, san jose. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. to mark temperatures warm up. afternoon highs getting into the upper 60s freer friday, saturday. sunday more clouds. rain continues tuesday, wednesday. >> erica: no complaints free thursday morning commute great start, so far, so good. a bid of 08 and one of the cash lanes as you head westbound. speeds averaging 65 mi. per hour. westbound 580 or the northbound direction. san mateo, no problems, like conditions in both directions. metering lights, none to deal with. no problems getting to the bridge. same story here at the golden gate southbound 101. traffic is nice, light. seth bay, northbound, southbound-101 it move well. we will be right back with the kron 4 morning news, weather and traffic in just a few moments. >> will: california news, lawyer for the teenager held captive and abused inside of trees the term has filed a claim against the county for allegedly failing to protect child. sacramento karen these types of protection service air ignoring signs of abuse for seven years. four people including his legal guardian pleaded guilty or convicted of abuse charges. if the county rejects the claim the child can move ahead with his lawsuit. the state is removing this a for sale sign in front of many state buildings. the governor's schwarzenegger was looking to make this sale when he was in office in order to help close the gap. closer examination of the figure shows it was a bad deal. >> reporter: the state supreme court easy here, one of the buildings up for sale. not anymore, not to the governor pull the plug. here's the breakdown, the proposal put forth by former schwarzenegger called for selling 11 properties through the state. 4 in northern california. in an light shows the sale would generate $2.3 billion. the revenue was 1.3 billion. it also showed the sale leaseback would result in additional costs. over 35 year. it would exceed the initial sale. then least $600 million. the sale is intended to help with the budget deficit. >> will: governor brown has proposed shutting down local. without state many projects such as revitalization of this city's ever town district could not happen. she also points to the restored fox theater, the new parks and housing in the area, for an example of why redevelopment money is so important. she also says of of state funding projects in the works could be in jeopardy. >> it would mean that all lot of the bid to the villages that we are developing would lose funding. that was one of the questions i asked the governor, we got state bonds to build transportation housing, it requires a much the matches redevelopment. are you still going to require that? if you take where redevelopment funds? >> will: housing advocates say whether the money building new affordable housing will be nearly impossible. the state funds and nearly 75 percent of affordable hosing. coming up, we are following the traffic all over the bay area as well as the weather and speaking of traffic, the golden gate bridge nice, easy at this time. no hot spots, agree conditions pretty much everywhere you're heading. westbound-each year out no way. traffic is flowing freely. no problems getting to the bridge. drive time = e-9 minutes. if you're heading back to the san mateo bridge, no problems. traffic is nice, light. same story here at the golden gate bridge. no complaints to >> of traffic is nice, light headed southbound. nice, easy 22 minutes for your ride out of novato. across town freeways could. james light coming inbound central, headlights and headed towards sfo. the span direction, problem free commute. public transit looks good. no problems reported. will? >> will: new details from the tenderloin, a camera captured a strongarm robbery. it happened sunday near stevenson and 60. according to the police the victim, suspect met each other a few hours earlier. he suddenly turned on her stealing her wallet. as police continued to search for subjects stanley roberts went to that stand intersection where he witnessed or robbery while his cameras are rolling. now, here is stanely roberts, with some people behaving badly. >> stanley: this is a man asleep by height of the and, three of eight white powdery substance but sitting in view. as i go to the other side, i stop the video right here, look in the mirror, there's a man who's about to open the door and rob the man. just that fast. welcome to 63, san francisco, is described as sketchy. >> it is bad, i would not live here. in this area, no, it struck a vested. >> this guy with shooting, he was shooting it. reagan and for the rest. >> stanley: the students of the beauty college get the windows see where you can find some was anything, this syringe lying in the street, empty bottles. the second i get out of my car as of this man walking with a disassembled bike over his shoulder. this man asked me if he had a lady friend because that a woman's purse for sale. this is where they have to use fire gorges, a disinfectant every day to clean up the urine and feces on the street. >> it has to be done in- house clean it up. it's trash, fills cover drugs. it's got to be done. >> stanley: this man is urination and public dozens of feet away from me. there's no telling what you may see, this man insisted he showed me how to stop traffic edging out in front of a moving car. this area is as raw as it gets. san francisco, stanley roberts, kron4 news. >> will: gas prices are on the rise some analysts predict it could hit $5 a gallon probably by next year or as early as late this year. jackie sissel is live in san francisco where the numbers are headed in the wrong direction. >> reporter: it's not unusual to find $3.49, less than a mile i saw $3.79. that is the highest in san francisco but anyone who is filling up is failing l lighter in the pocketbook because those prices are on the crime. nationally, the average gallon of gas a rainout is $3.11. good luck finding that in the state of california are averages $3.41. good luck finding and the bay area and as we are always higher. san francisco $3 were deep sense, oakland $3.42. san jose $3.43. slippages continues to climb. it all of us to do with the cost of royal. a lot of it will has to do the egypt, egypt is a big player in the middle east. in fact to the control this canal which transports and 3 million barbarrels of oil a year. there's uncertainty whether not that will get through there. it causes the oil to go up. it does not look like we are anywhere at the top. gas prices continue to go to the summer months. we may not be at the peak yet. we may see that $5 a gallon gas or for the summer is over. >> will: maybe one day $3.49 will seem like a bargain that is pretty sad. we told you how hewlett-packard will be making a big announcement, kron4 tech reporter gabe slate choses the details. >> gabe: this is the h p touch pad. they held a press conference to unveil their new tabloid based on web 0 s. we now know why they bought out palms they wanted them for an operating system. they showed off their tablet in this really small far from. but both winning on palm os. the touch pad tablet could be an ipad competitor it has a 9.7 in. screen still thin, lightweight, easy to use it as a forward facing camera for video jots handles multitasking very well. you can run several occupations at once. you could make the keyboard bigger or smaller. i think that is great for people bigger figures. really cool feature if you have a smart from you can touch it to the tablet, whatever website you're looking at on your tablets will though under smart phone. if it's under $500 i think it could bring people from the ipad. they did not announce release date or price. >> i want to assure you our thinking beyond by thinking small. >> gabe: they unveiled the new smart phone as well. it fell like a father and my hands. all the features of our regular big small farm into a small package. some people want small ones. it comes out this spring and a price yet. gabe slate, kron4 news. >> will: we will be right back with the kron 4 morning news, weather and traffic in back with the kron 4 morning news, weather and traffic in just a few moments. you're even the equity in your home. to a criminal, getting his hands on just one tiny piece of you, even just your name, can be enough to steal your credit, your money and your good name. that's why you need lifelock to help protect you. lifelock is the leader in proactive identity protection. we aggressively patrol your identity every second of every day by actively monitoring your personal information to help protect you from identity theft before it happens. credit monitoring alone is not enough to protect your identity. and only tells you after the fact, sometimes as much as 60 days later, that your identity has been stolen. by then, the damage to your credit, your good name and your life has already been done. with lifelock, as soon as we spot a threat to your identity within our network, our advanced lifelock id alert system notifies you helping to protect your identity before you become a victim. and because no one can stop all identity theft, if the criminals do manage to steal any of what makes you you, lifelock is there to help make you whole again with our $1 million total service guarantee and a 24/7 support staff that will fight to restore your good name. all it takes is for the criminals to get a hold of just one piece of your personal information and they can wreak havoc on your life. get the protection you need right now with one call to lifelock. call now and try lifelock free for a full 60 days. if you're not completely satisfied, notify lifelock and you'll never pay a cent. order now and also get this document shredder to keep your personal documents out of the wrong hands. a $29 value, free! just mention life60. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> will: if he loves then, he'd the rain the clock is ticking. come monday, tuesday, wednesday the rain is headed our way. enjoy the next several days sunny, mild, not too warm. i was out there yesterday, just a few minutes after getting yet there is any, all of the seven i got cold. he might need a jacket. then least it's not raining. get there and enjoy yourself. rain is headed their way louisa will give us an update in a minute. the tour of california will return, as staged will be built on may 18th from livermore to san jose. they will begin sunday in lake tahoe wrapping up a weak leader in southern california. the first round of the at&t pebble beach national pro- am begins at 8:00, 180 pros are fanned across the three courses this weekend. one of the most challenging courses in the world. the peninsula has been without rain for the last few months. leaving pebble beach and the other two courses tougher than ever. two-time defending champion is there has a chance to become the first player since the tournament began back in 1937 to win three years and arrow. fans are out to see celebrities this weekend and there are plenty of them. >> you don't want to hit this people along the line. serve your right to miss it mr. right. >> when and ripping up the score card that is the best part of my game. after shooting in '96. (laughter) >> will: two-time defending champion has a chance to become the first player since the tournament began in 1937 to win it three years in a row. we will follow this story over the weekend looks like it will be fun. no rain so be it good weekend. we will be right back with the kron 4 morning news, weather and traffic in just a few morning news, weather and traffic in just a few moments. you're even the equity in your home. to a criminal, getting his hands on just one tiny piece of you, even just your name, can be enough to steal your credit, your money and your good name. that's why you need lifelock to help protect you. lifelock is the leader in proactive identity protection. we aggressively patrol your identity every second of every day by actively monitoring your personal information to help protect you from identity theft before it happens. credit monitoring alone is not enough to protect your identity. and only tells you after the fact, sometimes as much as 60 days later, 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of the wrong hands. a $29 value, free! just mention life60. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> darya: this a head of sports at cal could be decided today. >> james: today is that a day, i phone goes on sale at verizon stores. >> darya: we're waiting to see a change in the weather. no rash. everything is pretty nice. so far so good. >> louisa: starting off with temperatures slowed slightly cooler and then yesterday. into the afternoon lots of sunshine. temperatures in the '60s. next week, it changes. back to the winter weather. rain kicks in, lasting for a good a long stretch. ed side, how much cooler temperatures are to start after a day compared to 24 hours ago if we take them up and show you where it is temperatures are dropping two degrees san francisco over in napa dropping by 16 degrees. fairfield 17 degrees. in fact, livermore, seven degrees cooler. the biggest drops through the napa and a doubt that. temperatures dipping below freezing. fairfield, 31, 32 santa rosa. certainly in spots like that you could wake up to frost. 39 san rafael. there is reason to concord. 41 down into mountain view and san jose. after noon highs = '60s. 62 novato and napa. 61 san rafael. east bay low 60s, temperatures and low 60's in assets bay as well. through the weekend, if you're heading out to the sierra we have but tahoe forecast increasing pride mid-50s to get to 60 degrees and some of the warmer spots. loss of sunshine saturday. if you're skiing really nice conditions. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. parley cloudy, backing of a chance of snow. temperatures dipping into their 50s, 60s. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. clear, keeping sentra and around through the rest of their weak saturday should be pretty pleasant temperatures into the upper 60s send a cooling-off clouds into the picture monday a chance of rain a better chance on tuesday and wednesday. temperatures dipping down into the upper 50s. george? >> of problems on city streets in san francisco. we will start to with a bridge check the bay bridge toll plaza very light. now back up, no delay. sam the tail looks good. no wind advisories. at least for the san mateo bridge. light traffic as you see here. golden gate bridge, 101, reconfiguring their bridge rain now adding that there a plane. to set it up for the morning commute. even with only the lanes available now there's no back up or delayed. we mentioned san francisco, a fatal accident occurred they haven't eased one lanes blocked. possibly more at your yet delivered. major arterial. not a great alternate but you could use california street. you could also useful thing. they will reroute the no. 38. around the problem. public transit other than that, no problems for capturing, bart or a stream. darya? >> darya: thank you, richmond police investigating a shooting on ac transit basra slate. in options just before 10:00 officers say the boss took numerous shops, five people on board at the time record of one person injured from shattered glass. no one shot. >> james: a decision on cows base coaching being saved will come today reducing the number of teams will save the university an estimated $4 million a year there are two main criteria to decide if they can be saved. the first is $25 million must be raised to fund the operating expenses for 5-10 years. second that there is available plan to build an endowment to fund them long term. and organization in efforts to save the program has raised $15 million. we will see the decision made today. >> darya: the latest in egypt, the government has made it clear it believes the chief culprit stoking their protest is the broadcaster al-jazeera cousins as an employe is joined in on strike on thursday they walked off the job spreading the unrest that is pumping strength and momentum in to this wave of anti government protest. with the efforts of failing the foreign minister has warned of the potential for a two. the central debate is auctioning three 1/2 million pounds. the second such offering in days as the government scrambles to raise money following two weeks of these protests. it comes of the demonstrations demand the president poster of love the company bought during its tourism center. raising questions about the impact of foreign investors. >> james: in your rising class or an icon, today's the day today light goes on sarah rises stores across the country kron4 shows is how stores are getting ready. >> the been coming in for months, anticipating the launch. they will be one of the biggest launch that i predict coming yet of cell phones. we're anticipating a large amount of traffic. based on the anticipation, the anxiety the eagerness for customers to act but their hands on this fund. there will be huge. >> reporter: espy has said a special line for iphone customers customers were in a hurry to get to work can take a ticket, get their iphone at a later date. the sale of the fun means there no lugger tied to just 18 t. rising, apple began presale last week. the device sold out in less than one day. for a rise in tsixth greta and i expeo sell many devices this year. >> we are seeing details, the phone will cost you 640 and dollars without a contract. $749 and with the 32 gate.b. verizon will begin selling it this morning. it is available on-line. if you haven't reordered. >> darya: we will be right back with the kron 4 morning news, weather and traffic in just a few moments. san mateo bridge, traffic is light. no one is out yet. we will be read back. >> darya: welcome back to the kron 4 news. six people arrested missing after a gas explosion in pennsylvania. in a level houses, sparked fires. brent for more than seven hours. look at the extent of the fires, hundreds of people had to be evacuated. we are falling what's happening this morning as they go through the rubble. eight homes were involved in flames. the blast could be felt miles away. their reports of injuries this morning. the cause of the explosion is unclear. >> james: new details about the investigation into this chamber and a gas line explosion and new report sheds light on the safety in the utility's expansion practice. or the lack of. investigators say pacific gas and electric company part of critical extraction's on those pipelines carrying >> reporter: and as a and 5 months since flames erupted and it is true cause of san bruno. and you were portugal's pacific gas and electric company de lait critical pipeline expansions for up to two years. state auditors road it appeared pacific gas and electric company was not devoting enough resources to ensuring gas lines are safe. pacific gas and electric company responded saying it welcomes the probe, because it helps the company find out where it's falling short. >> darya: we will be right back with the kron 4 morning news, weather and traffic in just a few moments. >> james: falling national at big stride yesterday we had is no system of oklahoma and has moved on to these test, north carolina getting inundated. that line goes straight from virginia into maryland. a lot of heavy rains along the eastern seaboard. still dealing with snow, rain. dealing with it for a dare to launder before this pushes out. making headlines all week long. clay delays, has a conditions on the roads. >> darya: check of the drivers in tennessee tried to navigate their roads. a lot of snow, ice falling there, one driver said it took him 10 minutes to get to the top. as they're trying to make it to the top of the hell. 3 in. of snow fell in clarksville just-in- time for rush-hour. forecasters say overnight temperatures could drop to - 11 in parts of arkansas. this take you to a new snow we're shot. forecasters predicted 4-8 in. of snow by the time yesterday was done. building up there on the sides of the freeway. it looks like these drivers made some headway on the freeway as opposed to the side roads. james? >> james: let's get a closer look at our forecaster nothing like that although we do have some good storms headed our way next week. right now looks great. >> louisa: thursday morning, it chillier than yesterday. here's a shot of walnut creek as you're heading over to places like that temperatures at that freezing mark. all a bit paunchy frosting in 57 high temperature warms into the '60s. back on the upper 30s by ppm current temperatures, freezing mark for santa rosa, napa. fairfield overnight dipped below freezing. san francisco, 47, still in the '30's for oakland, concord, livermore. satellite, radar shows clear conditions as we head towards the weekend. and then the rain kicks in next week in looks like it will last a good portion of the work week. 65 santa rosa, 62 napa, novato. over to the spade temperatures into a low 60s 63 in san jose. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. continues to show and a string of sunny days sunny, mild in to the beginning of your weekend. saturday lexus is flirting with that 70 degree mark. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay., partly cloudy. rain continues tuesday, wednesday. >> george: the wine we just checked in at the california highway patrol still no freeway problems are hot spot there had been an incident on the bay bridge it was cleared very quickly before had a chance to back up. as we look at our bridges, you will see the ride looks good. they did not want to activate the metering lights there is no backup. san mateo bridge looks good. highway 92 looks good. 800 looks good. were 92 minutes 101 an easy ride. north bay, when we first checked there were reconfiguring all lanes. that has been accomplished. fourth plane available sets found along with the two lane northbound still trouble-free premarin. city streets san francisco, early this morning shortly after 2:00 a.m. in accident occurred at the intersection of kerry. the police department still has that intersection shut down for investigation. . 38 which runs along the erie has been rerouted. >> james: let's continue chalking air-traffic, gas prices on the rise some analysts predict it could hit $5 a gallon kron4 is jackie sissel is live with that. >> if there's a place in the country it would be san francisco. >> that is for sure. we always pay more. those gas prices continued to go up. anyone who's filled up in the last week or month as really felt it. according to aaa, across the country, nationally $3.11 good luck finding that here. california $3.41. san francisco $3.48, up $3.42 a oakland, $3.43 san jose. those gas prices continued to inch up. i was at a gas station near here. $3.79. that is about as high as i have seen it. i went on a website, to see how it feared, it was the highest. here's $3.49. that little more average. it all has to do with the cost of oil. having read 86-$87 a barrel. if the unrest in egypt is not helping. >> james: who knows when that will end, we keep falling love story day-by- day. it thank you, for the update. darya >> darya: ? a judge is going to announce this morning whether he's going to order, william lynch to stand trial. he's accused of attacking a priest in the status. because of that increased he says molested him and his little brother. years ago. he is charged with one count of felony assault with intent to cause bodily injury. if convicted he could face up to four years in prison. >> james: the fairfield police department is investigating an attempted a deduction that happened on tuesday, a 14 year-old girl was going door-to-door in a mobile home community selling magazines she was attacked from behind, shut the ground. the suspects tried to drag her to the car. she fought back, gottfried. she ran to a home. that's where she called 911. suspect description, describes in mid-20s, 6 ft. tall, short dark hair, bushy eyebrows. goatee, tattoos. the suspects car, described as the 1990's green honda four- door, new tires. >> darya: thank you, fortune the kron 4 morning news we'll be back with more for you in a couple of minutes. here's a shot of the golden gate bridge, watching live as cars roll in. no-fault, looking for another nice day. >> james: and we have back, traffic tracker, following a hot spot. it is shut down rainout i carry. due to a fatal lack same.accident. linese being rerouted around the scene much more from this coming up. following wall street, stocks are headed for early losses. we have a slew of economics reports added out today. labor criminal will release its weekly jobless claims, freddie mac will release the weekly market rates. good news for housing, fewer u.s. homes entered the foreclosure process engineering than any month in more than three years. the cost of food like the cost of gas is going up. low levels of corn, wheat, have said prices surging on the global market. >> darya: i married congressman resigned after i craigs list gap. in a public statement christopher lee of new york says " he cannot allow this distraction to continue". eidos up website that hold of a stress voter he sent to a woman on craig's list. he also told her she was divorced. he is married, has a kid, in a statement he apologizes for what he calls " profound mistakes to his family, and consist trains " to lindsay lohan is free after pleading not guilty on 5000 o$50,000 bail. prosecutors say the 24 year-old start the necklace in january when she was on probation. if convicted of this that, she could face up to three years in state prison. the judge really gave it to burn trousers this was. >> james: we'll be back with more in a minute. full check and your brother in more in a minute. full check and your brother in commute coming up. not all manufacturing processes are created equal. not all engineering standards are created equal. which is why not all luxury vehicles are created equal. the hard way means never taking short cuts. the hard way is how lexus inspires absolute confidence. this is the pursuit of perfection. see what it takes at >> james: all live look at the golden gate bridge, nice, easy ride. hotspot and san francisco george will talk about that in a moment. another beautiful day on tap. >> louisa: here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. rain chances, string of days ahead of us that will bring as wet weather. not today, not tomorrow and your weekend cooler start this morning, down below freezing. sunny, mild by the afternoon and chance of rain by next week. there is drops across the board compared to yesterday. as you head to the napa but as greasy significant drops in temperatures. 16 degrees in napa, 17 fairfield those cool temperatures a degree above freezing in fairfield, napa. freezing mark for the santa rosa we could wake up to patchy frost this morning. livermore, a degree above freezing. thirties' for san rafael, oakland, concord. temperatures are in the '30's at this current hour. the afternoon, rising to the '60s. 62 novato, 61 san rafael. we will keep yet 63 firman view. 61 along the coast. if you have plans to head up to this year, we will stay dry threat the weekend. as we had into next week that's where we bring chances in. rain for the bay first chance on monday, a better chance on tuesday. >> george: we continue to attract a problem in san francisco. on the freeways there are no hot spots or delays. early morning problems on 17 northbound have been cleared up. bridge check, the bay bridge westbound, looks great from interstate-580 and e 80. no delays through the maze. your ride to the san mateo bridge is good, traffic volume is building in the commute direction. the counter for zero commute is very light towards hayward from foster city golden gate, problem free. inbound traffic, said the fund moves with four lanes. no problems or delays. we mentioned a problem on the intersection of kiri shut down. we have video to show you reports indicated a vehicle was traveling in mount surely after 2:00, at an extremely high rate of speed combining with a modest step. the driver of the mazda was killed. the driver of the saudi was transported to the hospital. he's being held by the police department. the intersection is still closed while the investigation continues. not necessary to take an alternate route your best bet is to travel down and make a one block a detour around it. that will likely be the most convenient way to get around you could use california, it's not really designed to carry the load. >> darya: thank you, new this morning this is the day that people have been waiting for if they don't want the i phone with at&t now you can get with horizon. it goes on sale today. this end at&t's monopoly on apple's phone. customers you may face a long line to get to the phone analysts say rising could sell 2 million iphone four as this quarter, 9 million this year alone. this is the first days starting at 7:00 that it's available in stores. you can get it online. so here the pricing deals, or prepared. two-year contract = 32 gate model = no contract = $750. 16 gb no contract, $650. with the contractor and dollars. we're about 1.5 hours away before it is only the website. it will be the first time that we see the lines. >> james: organizers of the marathon are disputing reports there weren't enough medical resources available. this is after a man collapse and die. the organizer of the race did submit an emergency plan. had medical assets in place wording to them those assets or insufficient. the statement released by the organizer says a doctor crossed the finish line 13 dark minutes after the man collapse. the supervisor was there within 60 seconds. a supermarket customer is hospitalized with life- threatening injuries after police said an employee shot him in a dispute over doc. he was shot after accusing an employee of kicking his dog. police identified him as a 43 year-old sam cause no. the was booked on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon. >> darya: will keep you posted on or going on over and carry, the scene of a fatal accident, will trend is there we will have a live report coming out. >> darya: welcome back to the kron 4 news. as a suicide bomber who killed 27 pakistan the soldiers would be 40 this morning at a army training camp in taliban. you're looking at the scene, they are showing you the emergency response the police say the bomber was a teenager in a school uniform but pakistan taliban claimed he was a soldier at the camp. it is one of the worst attacks in months. >> james: the militaria pakistan says it has successfully testifie a cruise missile. the issue the statement saying the missile that has a range of three and a 60 mi. west has filed an undisclosed location today. it didn't specifically say the missile could carry nuclear warheads. india and pakistan have agreed to resume peace talks there were frozen after the 2008 attacks and a a move by. talks will focus on counter-terrorism, peace, security and the fate of the kashmir reason. american security form says that hackers working from china had broken into computers of what companies in taiwan, in the united states. rural fields. it did not identify the companies but said the attacks began in november 2009 targeting computers in the united states, agrees. >> darya: we will be right back with the kron 4 morning news, weather and traffic in just a few moments. don't go away while i guess you could run a brush teeth but we will be right back.. we have all the latest developing an overnight isnews. we do know that munis stairs 38. lines are being rerouted around this accident will it affect your commute? more now coming out. >> louisa: levy i shot this morning us san jose, temperatures action starting off a bit cooler this morning in the thirties. sign in warming up into the '60s high-temperature today at about 63 batts and 45 by 8:00 p.m.. elsewhere, chile through the now back, north bay. 32 degrees there napa. i do agree about that your fairfield. sander fell, the upper thirties. 33 livermore. satellite, radar shows those clear conditions. sunshine expected to the afternoon. the rest of the work week looks good. mild, calm weather expected. saturday shaping up to be a nice day. by the end of the weekend coast low cloud cover temperatures dipping down. rain kicks in next week. 62 novato and napa. 61 san francisco. those '60s oakland, hayward. 623 livermore. tom ho, an idea of your heading up there. saturday night's weather expected lots of sunshine, they parlayed friday overall looks like it will stay dry. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. chance of rain the beginning of next week monday. better chance tuesday, wednesday temperatures upper 50s. george r. stark >> george: private tracking a problem on city streets, still a great one, free of hot spots. bridge check, westbound, no back up, no delay. in early morning accident all lanes near in a perfect things of. san mateo bridge, looks good, let it get here you will see well the volume is building there's still no backups or delays. golden gate looks good, fog free, no problems for the sets found ride north bound to lanes available easy trip. we mentioned the problem on city streets, investigation continues on geary boulevard. traffic is light, there is no big dailies. if you use the 38, it is being rerouted iran that intersection. darya? >> darya: thank you, another phase of construction of fort news central subway project started near stockton. the deserted causing problems. reggie kumar tells us businesses are worried lane closures, deters might scare with their customers. >> reporter: drivers there being detoured here at stockton and post. as construction crews aureate locate underground utilities part of s f m t as $1.6 billion subway project. it will eventually connect visitation to chinatown. not completed 28 teamuntil 2018. >> james: a patient suffered second and third degree burns well he set himself on fire inside the cell. he is expected to survive. other news, the city manager of berkeley does not like the idea, but the city council will vote on a resolution to innovate in this in guantanamo bay detainee's to live there. berkeley is considering a nigerian jeff and a ballet dancer. >> darya: the u.s. ambassador to the nation's it is talking with from policy experts and users of twitter to talk about it. taking questions from around there were obvious twitter, from employees at the san francisco office. it will also be shown live over the internet. it comes amid worldwide discussion for the role of twitter and face bricks in the uprising in egypt and elsewhere in the world. they're being asked to submit questions starting antennae and using twitter. president barack obama wants all americans to have access to >> darya: wireless internet access so they can't tweet all they want. he's promoting the plan in a small u.s. city. president obama heads to marquette where he will see high tech wireless initiatives and talk about his new plan to expand access to 98 percent of the population within five years. >> james: meanwhile ucsf has opened that when hundred and $20 million stem cell research center scientists will be able to work free from federal restrictions since it paid with state and private funds. it officially opened yesterday it will house 25 stem cell labs. >> darya: we will be right back with the kron 4 morning news, weather and traffic in just a few moments. we do want to give you the very latest as we track this accident with a fatality. they have shut down the intersection at geary. they'll have an investigation to do. it is affecting the 38 and 33 lines are being rerouted. >> james: here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. showing nice, mild weather today, tomorrow, saturday before the winds change. more wins coming in from the ocean. with this storm possibly monday deftly tuesday, wednesday rain on the way dark. talking more about that the closer we get to >> darya: it. : pulling the plug on guitar hero the company says it lost to a record $33 million in the last quarter much of it blamed on the long standing weakness in the music game area this move will fall as viacom's decision to sell its money-losing unit behind the rock band videogames. that is surprising i thought it for here was popular. collector's item now. >> james: the tool of california will return this may. stage four will be on the 18th from livermore to san jose. it will begin sunday may 15th in tahoe wrapping a week later in california that's an out to be exact >> darya: darya the first round of at&t begins 8:00, they better move those dear. (laughter) one of the most challenging courses in the world is playing even tougher. it has been an hour rain for most of the last month. pebble beach and the other two courses in rrotation are in top condition. the fans are up to see the celebrities. that's what it's all about. >> if you're going to miss a mr. right, you don't want to hit the people right along left. (laughter) >> when and ripping up the score card that is the best part of my game. after shooting 96 on the front line. (laughter) >> darya: 96 + 96, what would that be? he is the two-time champ that is the one to watch tiger is not in this one. he's in dubai. this is for the stars, it's a big show. that would be cool three narrow. >> james: we will be right back with the kron 4 morning news, weather and traffic in just a few moments. back with more nematic, as we go another live like a hot spot we're tracking seven san francisco there you see the scene of the accident. geary shut down because of a deadly car collision will have the latest in a live report coming up.

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