lost some backtracking hot spots for you not only on the freeway but public transit as well. caltrans is recovering from earlier problems that accounted one time for systemwide delays these are not confined to the northbound direction up to 45 minutes perhaps longer for some commuters. three trains broken- down in the southbound direction they hoped have normal service restored by 1030 this morning. passengers entering the system before then should expect delays. they have every hope that everything will be completely wrapped up this afternoon commute. nimitz freeway is on hot spot here with heavy traffic continuing out of san leandro into oakland and the problem up by 23rd with the stall that is adding to the delays with the heaviest traffic beginning around the coliseum. san jose traffic 1 01 north and still delayed still hot spot as you can see traffic is jammed heading north an earlier accident at trumbull that accrues helping to back up the ride. the bay bridge and the westbound you they have in this light all morning long likely in about 13 minutes we may see a second creche of traffic for the west bound ride. let's drop over the weather station out. >> sunshine peeking through still seeing low cloud cover this morning it started off really overcast a lot of when shall wipers this morning some drizzle produced from them fog. it's currently 60 degrees by noontime 68 high today about 77 then back down to 68 4:08 p.m. through this hour in terms of low cloud cover sitting in the north bay stretching down and is south bay as well it starts pulling back from the livermore valley and the delta and then we will see mixing out around the 10:00 hour through the north bay still keeping a low cloud cover along the coastline. it will continue to see low cloud cover today but we will see blue skies as well. similar to what was the idea street currently 53 degrees san rafael cooler than that oakland tempters upper 50s through oakland, hayward. south bay getting into the '60s this morning 64 los gatos and san jose starting to warm up in antioch this morning 66 degrees. jumping into the '70s fairfield you can see a warming trend 85 degrees 76 for napa us so warming up in certain places in francisco we will keep it cool 63 degrees temperatures in the '50s and '60s along the coast during over to the castro valley tempter around 73 same goes for hayward and union city. inland spots this is where we will warm up up their babies through walnut creek and danville, antioch getting up to 85 today. this does bay '70s and a couple of ladies. dear 7 day around the bay shows are warming trend low clouds and fog for the morning clearing in the afternoon that's the pattern you should get used to. >> 949 the labor dispute continues between ac transit and its union bus drivers yesterday's 41 lines were cancelled after more than 150 drivers called in sick joining us now is ac transit union president claudia. which is got the numbers in today and they're saying 147 union drivers have called in sick to think that's accurate? >> i don't think it's accurate. it sounds like the numbers going down. i cannot agree with ac transit numbers. those are those numbers i don't know if they're true or not. all i know is we are working. >> you're saying the majority are working that is about 15% out. you do want to call attention to the fact you are having a dispute do you not? >> yes. actually there is a labor dispute. the fact is this whole process is on there any legal. ac transit was ordered by the court to come back to the table and negotiate. today is a 30 that ac transit has not talked to the union. now, they are threatening if they do they will cut weekend service. if they win they will impose a contract on us. this is the executive vandalism and it's not fair. >> that's the latest thing they said they may have to eliminate we can service and you see that as a threat? >> now they're blackmailing the public and that's not fair. >> we have spoken with them many times they say if you guys that are affecting the rights and whether you won a call it a sickout or not on a normal day 40 routes would not be cancelled like or yesterday. >> 40 routes when they change their service yes it would. that's what people need to realize ac transit has changed. as of july 18th the way they put service on the street. so yes it would look like this. we are working we are doing the best we can with what ac transit has given us. >> so you're still waiting and hopeful the two of you will talk? >> every day. even as of last night's comeback to the table. 30 days now i've been trying to get them to come back to the table and sit down and negotiate with us. and a downright refuse. . >> which will be talking to san with ac transit and i will ask him that very question when we talk to him in the 10:00 hour thank you claudia. >> new for you this morning said in a navy soldier who went missing last week in a part of eastern afghanistan has been found dead petty officer derek disappeared. this is him in june him receiving the medal. they have not explained why he was in the dangerous part of afghanistan. on friday a fellow officer was found. >> time for a california news. remember six people survived this fresno crashed their sewing greyhound. a drunk driver the as you be rolled over from of the boss and caused the crash. the survivors say the bus driver did not fulfill his duty to transport the passengers safely. six suffered injuries six people were also killed in the crash and more than 20 injured. >> 953 live picture of all mud creek 680 moving wall we are still tracking caltrans with 40-45 minute delays because of three countries that broke down o working their way northbound it's up to 45 minutes fearful thing this will work out in the afternoon commute. >> developing story out of phoenix area 3 people have been arrested so far hundreds rally against arizonas immigration law that law basically defanged by a federal judge yesterday some of the most controversial parts deemed illegal. we will fall latest. one minute before 10:00 top stories at this hour arizona controversial immigration law takes effect today. big parts are ahold will tell you what the governor is doing to push the law for here in california in san francisco. also today could be the last day of work for 57 as a fire fighters. a financial crisis. caring from ac transit drivers for the first time on the ongoing labor dispute bordelaise are expected again today and we've had live interviews with the drivers' union we will talk to ac transit in a few minutes as well. we are looking at delays as well and tell transforming >> we are still looking at northbound delays according to christine dunham of caltrans those delays of up to 45 minutes can be expected until about 1030 this morning. during the morning commute they have as many as three trains bring down the last of which broke down in san mateo. the single track for some time. they have broken open up those tracks the problem as the equipment headed southbound needed to be turned around for the morning commute and send back to the northbound current direction they didn't have trains available. that's why we are still delayed in the northbound side by up to 45 minutes it could be wrapped up by the next 30 minutes because these are residual delays currently there are no economic problems being reported. here's an accident that was just reported we spotted it in our camera on interstate 80 through albany. just before golden gate fields uc chp on seen with the vehicle that broke down. if this look like it might be a motorcycle accident. perhaps that is why the fire department has pulled up with paramedics on board. i don't see room for are their due. it is creating delays for the ride. the bay bridge toll plaza the second wave at 10:00 are rushed of cars headed towards the bay bridge. as many cars as we've seen at the toll plaza at any one time since we started watching at 4:00 this morning on the kron 4 morning news. check gone weather for you christies' back. >> a live look outside low clouds and fog throughout the morning but that warming trend is beginning we will see the fog back at the coastline we are still keeping temperatures cooler than average for this time of your taking a look at the thought right now on arafat trucker you can see the bay area blanketed in fog in has receded. some fog sitting over the bay as we proceed in the next few hours we will see lift altogether which means sunny skies and warmer temperatures outside '50s and '60s 58 oakland and redwood city 58 hayward and livermore 66 in antioch our eyes today lower than average for this time of year so it's five degrees warmer than we were yesterday. sonoma of 77, as we make our way down the peninsula cooler temperatures 63 san francisco 75 in san mateo over on the their side of the bay in the '60s and '70s 68 oakland 71 san leandro 73 in hayward 74 in union city seeing more temperatures finally 83 in pittsburgh 85 in antioch. south bay '70s and '80s here as well, 77 san house a 83 los gatos 76 in milpitas. 7 day around the bay fog and drizzle this morning then we move into the warming trend that will continue through the weekend we will see clouds and fog at the coast on the weekend but warm inland spots keeping in mid to high eighties mid-70s around the bay and mid-60s that the coast. >> 10 04 right now live look at the action in arizona in the next the police holding back a crowd that has a growing crowd protesting immigration law that takes effect today. this really comes despite a federal judge's last-minute decision to block the controversial parts of the measure from taking effect today still there is this rally it was that the federal court cows down at the capital they are going to be marching through the day here in arizona so far the only word we have this rearrest three protesters arrested at this point. you can see this as a live shot we are monitoring as there is reaction to that arizona immigration, not only in arizona abutting california's well they will rally through the bay area's today as part of the action against the arizona immigration law to of those protests happening in oakland and new in the federal building at 3:00 p.m. at the fruit fell are stationed also in san francisco of 5:30 p.m. at 24th and mission streets and then at 6:00 p.m. at king and story roads in san jose. this could be the last day of work for 50 san jose firefighters total of the four engines will be cut through a set of say will tran reports this morning from one of the stations that will be affected. >> here firefighters responding to a medical call this morning they tell me they're preparing for the layoffs as best they can. after the layoffs begin this place will be used as a coasting station instead of having them stay here for chefs some of them will be here for a few hours or maybe in night to respond to emergencies. firefighters' union and the city could not reach an agreement that would save millions of dollars this case will now head to an operator and not before the layoffs began. i will try to get reaction from residents as well as the firefighters union through the morning. will tran kron 4 news. >> 10 06 right now continuing following are developing story its cac workers and the ac transit union in a dispute as we know this morning so far we have 147 drivers that have called in sick that number is coming from ac transit but the drivers are questioning that so let's talk now to the other side. we talk to the union drivers let's talk to sam about this. i just talked to the union had about 15 minutes ago first all she's questioning your numbers on the sick calls saying it's really not it's inflated or it's just drivers that have been sick for a long time in not part of any protest. >> that is not a true statement i'm sorry she's not being honest with you in she's not being honest with the riders. 147 drivers out this morning it slowed service down that's the reality not something somebody would make up. i think it's just disingenuous and dishonest to say otherwise. it shows how hard it is to abortion negotiate with the union when it will be honest with the public. >> they say it's difficult because you want to negotiate she said every day she is hoping to sit down while you sit down with them and enter negotiations? >> that's ironic they actually want to they walked away from the negotiation table. which was an impasse and that contract was imposed not a bad contract at all if freezes the wages a lot of people are losing their jobs or having which is cut. they're asking for $10 a co pay a minor contribution to health care. the bulk changes work rules and allows saving money by not paying overtime unless they work 40 hours first. that seems to be a reasonable request. the irony is dat you caused our problems is if they don't compromise the system will be insignificant financial distress. that will be on their tombstones. >> 15 minutes ago she responded to that saying the threat of ac transit canceling weekend service was a threat to the union drivers was when she sought. >> i wish she had the good sense and the union would have a good sense to recognize the district has $56 million deficit. it is struggling like everything else. there are not tax dollars they're they're not the federal receive state funds to keep the system at the same level was. fares have gone up that's why service has been cut and that's why we need this union to compromise so mass transit can be a possibility for the working class people the u.s., the disabled the ride that bus system every day. >> before we go just for the writer that's going out there who may remain not be delayed they want to know when will it end. the drivers want to know when will you sit back down when they're not they left the table the one the talk now will you do that this weekend or friday tomorrow. >> when the union failed to show up for negotiations with they did there is a legal motion which takes as that of negotiation and put it in the court why they continue to sit out is a slap in the face to the public and is honest frankly a bit of a like to say otherwise. the contract has been imposed union took the court issue be settled in concord they were paid a hundred thousand dollars a year and they should get back to work. >> so that the no let the courts >> work it >> we don't have any of their choice now they took it to the courts. >> 1010 right now we will be back in a couple minutes. at the jcpenney appreciation sale. save an extra 15% on all regular, sale, and clearance items. everything, no exclusions! save on everything for her, for him, for kids, all jewelry, and home. go to to see everything on sale! jcpenney. or at least that's what my mom thinks. with high speed internet from at&t, i get my homework done fast, leaving me time to download movies and music and chat with my friends. mom: how's your studying? 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[ female announcer ] work faster, play more with our fastest internet speed ever... with speeds of up to 24 megs. or call now to get great deals on other high speed plans starting at $19.95 a month. please, i know what he's up to. high speed internet from at&t is so fast, that we get more done in less time, leaving me time to chat... watch movies... without teenage distractions. and it's affordable for our family. [ female announcer ] so choose the speed you need up to 24 megs. or call now to get other high-speed plans starting at $19.95 a month. plus get access to at&t's entire national wi-fi network on the go. cookies? boy: sure! tell your friends hi for me. ♪ [ female announcer ] high speed internet from at&t. welcome back to kron 4 the device 1013 a and interstate 83 albany a disabled truck with the fast lane to block its of slower ride. tried to get to the lorry short freeway and berkeley. still uneasy ride at the bay bridge toll plaza. >> a live look at the protesters in arizona in phoenix as we continue to monitor their response to arizona's new immigration law but the reaction in arizona and in the bay area as a judge's the last minute decision block the controversial part of the measure but today the governor is in court in appeals court in san francisco trying to get all of that lot enacted. three people had been arrested in arizona so far. we will be right back >> welcome back look quickly this hotspot is disappearing the tow truck and chp are driving away. they were blocking the slain son up for the first time in 20 minutes traffic is able to get by once again through albany this is just before going date field westbound direction traffic on the lory shore through berkeley is very late rain now but is sluggish through richmond and albany trying to get past the scene of the problems that the good news now that it's cleared. net better news for caltrans they're reducing the delays down to 20 minutes on the northbound side as it turns so they did not lose three trains will they did lose them but they'll head to train's brake down it turns out the third train was pulled from service in order to fill a northbound holes so they really only had to trains with mechanical problems this morning they may be back on schedule completely soon but certainly by this afternoon commute. the toll plaza west bound ride first back up of the morning and this is the second wave of cars that head through after the price goes down at 10:00 from $6 to $4. check on whether here's christie's >> the same story over and over this past week in the week before cloud cover and fog and new story takes place with less expense of fog and warming so stay tuned. love low cloud cover still this morning warming by 60 by noontime 63 is your highest back down to 59 by 8:00 p.m. the dog has lifted a lot since this morning still hugging the coast but certainly we are seeing more ming's inland spots as a proceeding to the 11-draped all o'clock hour it will live more it will be warmer and clear still below average for this time of year current temperatures right now in the '50s and '60s. 58 redwood city 58 hayward 61 livermore 69 antioch really making our way up there in 62 down fremont your eyes today will be by degrees warmer than they were yesterday starting warm up trend. 75 san rafael topping it out at 77 sonoma down in the peninsula seen warm weather here 75 in san mateo 63 sentences go over on the other side of the bay low to mid '60's sorry '70s inland spots that's where we see the warm-up 83 pittsburgh 85 antioch 81 san ramon 82 in pleasanton south facing some warmer temperatures here as well 76 campbell 77 san jose 76 in milpitas. the fog will be out the door tomorrow we will see warming low clouds and on over the weekend but mostly of the coast keeping warm temperatures and 1 spots high eighties over the weekend mid-70s around the bay mid-60s that the coast. >> 1021 right now santa clara is saying up spike in helping copper cases 100 cases have been reported since the beginning of the year. hoping car has reached epidemic levels in the state infants are most generous six people have six children have died this year. let's take a look at numbers marin county has seen in most cases from january the first to the end of june 195 cases of whooping cough sonoma 55, alameda 37, san mateo 31 cases san francisco 15 cases five in napa. doctors recommend vaccinations starting at 2 months old. at 1022 the latest on the wildfires. mother nature is helping battle these huge flames that have been destructive forcing hundreds of people to evacuate from their homes and burning down homes as well this blaze is out of touch a piece its burned 1,400 a. and burned down 25-40 structures most of those were homes that were destroyed. then there is the largest of 200 lightning started fires in northern california those are fully contained out 250 a. fire in the national forest. fully contained last night. 187 fires are burning. no structures are being threatened at this time. 1023 and we take a live look here as it looks like tension may be building between police and protesters these people protesting arizonas new immigration law this is a live shot continuing to monitor the reaction to the first page was in arizona and what's going on in the bay area because the governor is taking the case to appellate court in san francisco today we will be back in a moment. to quit this. - well, how about... - that smokers' helpline? yeah, they can give me a plan. - help me through the rough spots. - so you're ready to... quit? everyone wants me to quit-- my doctor, my wife, the dog. - not good for the dog. - anyone else? hmm? what? anyone else want you to quit? me! i want me to quit. tdd# 800-933-4833 - ( rings ) - woman: smokers' helpline. oh, hi, it's me. 1026 is the time right now live look at the dow which is down right now 54 points. we are looking at politics as well a new poll shows california voters are split between democrats and republicans. let's take a look at the numbers 37 percent of voters support democrat jerry brown in governor race and 34% intend to about meg whitman. senate race 39% are boxer 34 voting for republican carly the arena. one in four voters say they are undecided. live look at what's going on in arizona. standoff between protesters and police holding the line there we only know of three arrest so far. it looks like these folks will be taken away right now. so perhaps adding to the number of arrests so far in phoenix. yesterday in sampras's caressed protests again for today. to protest the immigration law that is an appeals court today in san francisco. we will be right back. on my homework -- or at least that's what my mom thinks. with high speed internet from at&t, i get my homework done fast, leaving me time to download movies and music and chat with my friends. mom: how's your studying? it's coming along! [ female announcer ] work faster, play more with our fastest internet speed ever... with speeds of up to 24 megs. or call now to get great deals on other high speed plans starting at $19.95 a month. please, i know what he's up to. high speed internet from at&t is so fast, that we get more done in less time, leaving me time to chat... watch movies... without teenage distractions. and it's affordable for our family. [ female announcer ] so choose the speed you need up to 24 megs. or call now to get other high-speed plans starting at $19.95 a month. plus get access to at&t's entire national wi-fi network on the go. cookies? boy: sure! tell your friends hi for me. ♪ [ female announcer ] high speed internet from at&t. 1030 rain now we are watching it appears more protesters are peacefully being without incident being arrested or being taken away by some of the police in arizona that are monitoring the demonstration going on these demonstrators are upset about the new immigration law that takes effect today. a number of them have been slowly led away through the crowd of officers. even though officially are rais stand at three right now crossing the wires we can see in our live shot it looks like they are taking more way. the crowd is staying away from the police line really not too much action right now it seems to be very peaceful. marching in demonstrating against law. it takes effect today even though yesterday parts of that law were put on hold the more controversial laws. today the governor goes to the appeals court to try and get the teeth put back in law the heart of the law is the part that is on hold. that's what upsets people. we continue to follow this story demonstrations happening against the law in the bay area we had one yesterday there were a handful arrest today there's one and oakland at the federal building also one that the fruit bellbirds station, and that 24th and mission street in san francisco up 530, that is a developing story we will continue to follow. >> fog hanging all over this morning definitely burning off earlier than we have seen in the past few days low clouds fog and drizzle this morning the beginning of the warming trend peeling away to the coast we are still cooler than average for this time of year go-ahead did take a look at the fog lifting in the past few hours much more widespread north and inland not heavily along the coastline. we see appeal back to the coast leaving this area full of sunshine that means warmer temperatures currently outside '50s and '60s 58 redwood city, 52 mt. view, the coast cooler 54 and half monday, san francisco. this afternoon warming up five degrees more on average than we saw yesterday 72 petaluma, 75 san rafael, 85 fairfield, mild temperatures down south of it 75 san mateo, redwood city for 74. load to mid-70s 73 hayward 74 in union city in the inland spots is where is the the warm-up. 81 in san ramon, 85 in antioch certainly warmer than we saw last week or this week. 76 in milpitas, santa clara, and in campbell. 7 day around the bay fog and drizzle this morning but the warm-up to more warming up and to the weekend continuing to see warm temperatures along with low clouds and fog at the coast for you weekend we should be in the '80s inland spots mid-70s around the bay '60s that the coast. let's get george with traffic >> the first back about the morning at the bay bridge toll plaza the bay area toll authorities issued the first analysis of traffic patterns at the bay bridge since about congestion pricing and place. you could take a look and see there has been a changing commute patterns. this is the biggest back up all morning long and it did not occur until after 10:00 when the toll dropped by $2. still not too bad but there is there is evidence of a change in the pattern. we have been watching changing conditions on 101 northbound thankfully they are improving conditions in what had been hot spot for the ride out of san house they up toward santa clara no longer ready slow conditions there. better news for cal train their out of the woods with problems that occurred when not three but two trains broken-down they did take one additional train out of service from the south that direction and put it on the northbound side. a number of dislocation and inconvenience for a number of passengers this morning. at one time there systemwide delays of up to 40 minutes but they have just about brought that up now. and for >> you may encounter delays on ac transit today the dispute continues between the union drivers and ac transit so far this morning 147 drivers have called in sick we have spoken like to both sides they are finger-pointing at each other. about who is to blame with this contract dispute caught the middle the riders jackie cecil has been out there live this morning in oakland taking a look and who's been affected and you have seen buses running today >> i'm in downtown oakland were obviously a lot of the roads run through you really couldn't tell there's any dispute here least you could see most the bus stops are empty and there are plenty of trains and buses running through downtown oakland. you talk but he said she says going on between them drivers and management and second middle riders. i spoke with many writers who said they have been ride affected by the sec out. >> have you seen any delays. >> yes i have. i was waiting on the bus yesterday took about an hour. >> as far as delays are concerned? >> not really not for the line i catch. >> maybe 45 minutes delays i catch the 72 bus line coming in to work and going home. >> part of the problem and part of the frustration for writers is they don't know which line is going to be affected like i said many lines in oakland are not seeing any service affected at all. but some of the outlying areas that has been affected. that frustrates a lot of writers they don't know which one will be affected. >> its coated the bus stop and see if it's running things. thank you jacki. today could be the last day of work for release 50 san jose firefighters that city is dealing with a financial crisis a total of four engines are going to be cut through a san jose kron 4 as will tran reports from one of the stations that will be affected. >> to firefighters worked out of station 30 from time to time will be let go. one of the firefighters came from the east coast just last year for the job. station 30 will not shut down but instead will turn into a posting station that means some fire fighters will be here for a few hours some of them will be over night. no firefighter will work for a full shift out of here. i spoke to a man who lived in this neighborhood he says he's very angry with the city. >> i've talked to my children and i told them things will be different because of fire department are pretty active in this community. they actually like that we live half a block away from a fire department that's why we lived here. >> firefighters are being let go based on seniority if the city of san jose decides to rehire the firefighters the san house say firefighters will be on a higher priority list that firefighters looking to come to this department. reporting from san as a kron 4 news. >> we wanna go back alive to phoenix take a look at what's happening with protesters and the line of police that you say they're moving towards the protesters these to people demonstrating in phoenix against the new immigration law it takes effect today even though federal judge had a last-minute decision to block the most controversial part of that measure 3 people are arrested but we just saw what appears to be more people being peacefully taken into custody. even the right hand side in looks like there's tons of media out there they're doing interviews. so we will keep our eye on this we have more protests and rally set for the bay area in reaction to this law protests and rally set for the bay area in reaction to this law as well. "meg whitman says she'll run california like her company..." seen this attack on meg whitman? who are these people? they're the unions and special interests behind jerry brown. they want jerry brown because, he won't "rock the boat," in sacramento. he'll be the same as he ever was. high taxes. lost jobs. big pensions for state employees. the special interests have chosen their governor. how about you? the response off with a demonstration against immigration law that takes effect. an army of police officer in riot gear that are responding to control the demonstration. we haven't seen anything out of control really. we see protesters in plastic cuffs. we assume been there was a woman in the yellow shirt. several have been taken away one by one without incident being arrested we don't have any new numbers on the rest. according to what we have seen in looks like a handful. the looks peaceful. one gentleman being arrested with the t-shirt your. they're upset about the new emigration law even though the teeth of that the controversial part of the law has been put on hold. arizona gov. is appealing to the appellate court in san francisco today to try and change that. right now last- minute move blocked the controversial parts of the law. that say they can ask for immigration status when doing another rest they can ask for papers and immigrants needs to carry papers with them at all times. those are parts of the law that have been put on hold right now. the police lines as a snake through the streets and are on the move. we have news of many protest plans for the bay area today in reaction to out arizona law. we have told you about those. yesterday there was one in san francisco we did see about a dozen or more are rest out of that we will follow that developing story and be welcome back to kron 4 news taking a live look in walnut creek's that starting to see sunshine spill into the creek. some shun this afternoon which is the cloud cover starting to left. 65 on a creek. high of 80 them we will cool back down to 75 by 8:00 p.m. tonight current temperatures the right now still cool taking a look at those '50s and '60s 59 oakland 50 napa 63 concord 65 los gatos 71 in antioch. the future cast tempters '50s and '60s for the most part some '70s and are far inland spots as we making the way into noontime more widespread '70s indicated by yelling your screen later this afternoon a few 80 is popping up in the inland spot spirit 80 is open to the northern parts of the bay area but keeping the '90s out of the forecast at least for now. but stick a look at afternoon highs below average top birders this time of year but warming them we have seen recently. 78 mill valley 76 napa 85 fairfield making their way down the peninsula cold temperatures at the coast 64 half moon bay 66 specific s 637 cisco and the other side of the day's '60s and '70s 68 in oakland 71 san leandro 73 castro valley inland spots we are seeing warm up 83 pence work 85 in antioch. 80 in cupertino 76 campbell 84 morgan hill 76 in milpitas. fog and low clouds today but the warming trend starts friday continues through the weekend low clouds and fog at the coast but nice warm whether inland. mid to high eighties inland mid-70s around the bay and the '60s that the coast with the little blip in temperature for the start of the workweek. let's go to george with hot spots. >> i just spoke with chris been done she confirmed caltrans is no longer any delays they've recovered from the problems this morning in fact they had the first baseball special scheduled to depart at 1030 this morning it was out on time and so will the second train be. cal train is back on track if you pardon the pun. let's finish the bridge check a couple of the bay bridges the second wave traffic for the west bound ride offers backup of the morning did not start until moments after 10:00 when the toll drops from six to $4. san mateo bridge a much aware of problems now there's no back upon the approach for delays across the span but for the golden gate and the south bound ride coming in for marin county. there is lower traffic from ride about the south tower closer to the south anchorage. a 16 mi. of slowing go traffic there reduce the number of toll lanes at the toll plaza in order to accommodate northbound traffic as they switched over to a 3-3 lanes configuration and setup for-2. there is no other problems for marin county. >> 1051 new this morning the second u.s. navy sailor who went missing last week in a volatile part of the afghanistan has been found dead. this is a picture of him on the right during a promotion ceremony in june. they have not explained why he was in such a dangerous part of afghanistan. on sunday fellow sailor was found the tell a man says he was killed in a fire fight. in alaska military investigation under way into a cause of at cargo plane crash. this picture shows you the plume of smoke from the crash site. it was yesterday evening. all four crew members were killed in the crash. three people including one officer dead following a shootout during an undercover drug thing in phoenix to other officers were wounded in the get gun battle. two suspects died were in this as well to other hospitalized with non-life threatening injuries. that drug arrest in phoenix and should out. as senate democrat says as many as 6600 graves could be misidentified because managers did not do their jobs properly i hearing was said between the graves maybe missed labeled or on marked on maps. so far exceeds the one given out last month and 200 could be affected by the scandal. alive lookit developing story unfolding mrs. lawson angeles. there are 200 protesters they are protesting against the immigration law that takes effect today. they have been debated this busy intersection west of downtown l.a. you see them walking-around the street. they have shut down the intersection traffic is being diverted they have demonstrators that have moved in. this immigration law went into effect today so we have seen rallies we are covering live from los angeles also phoenix worry have seen several demonstrators peacefully arrested. taken away in plastic handcuffs many demonstrations are planned by activists here this bay area later real national pastime? saving money. and like baseball people love their stats. i started bringing my lunch to work -- 50 bucks a week in my pocket. here's a good one: state farm insures 40 million drivers. more than geico and progressive combined. i saved because i'm accident-free. of course, with so many ways to save including discounts of up to 40%, having that many customers shouldn't be a surprise. so ask a neighbor about state farm, then call an agent at 1-800-state-farm or go online. are developing story continuing to cover the protests that are happening unfolding in los angeles. this is a helicopter shot they just moved away from it. in phoenix as well in l.a. they have blocked an intersection in downtown protesters having. in phoenix there have been numerous are rest peaceful ones but protesters had been led away as we've seen live on our air in plastic handcuffs this demonstration to protest anti- immigration law. it is in arizona the new law that was blocked parts of it were blocked yesterday today the governor is appealing to the nine surf date court to try and get them put back into law. protests for the bay area over this as well you can see some of those that are happening we have those. you and your web site for look at the bay area protest we will see you later.

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