Percent on all of the purchases what you all want Capital One Bank USA any. Over the past year we've been thinking a lot about how we got to where we are now because somewhere along the way we lost our way so at Wells Fargo we're recommitting ourselves to our customers we've eliminated product sales goals for retail bankers who serve customers in branches and call centers so we can focus on what matters most to your satisfaction. Wells Fargo established 850 to reestablish 2080. Wells Fargo Bank in a member yes you. Can sit down lucky in Denver Boulder. 90 percent of them were the word part of the Salem Media Group. With us are a news I'm buying new in Washington at the White House this afternoon President Trump is meeting with the deputy attorney general and F.B.I. Director amid increasing tensions in the Russia Probe the White House confirms that Rod Rosenstein the deputy attorney general overseeing the Russia probe and F.B.I. Director Christopher Rea are meeting with the president yesterday Mr Trump demanded that the Justice Department investigate whether his presidential campaign was infiltrated or surveilled for political purposes in response Rosenstein directed the Justice Department's inspector general to investigate claims of improper surveillance as White House correspondent right clocks were reporting earlier at the CIA The president was on hand for the swearing in of Gina Haskell as director Gina Congratulations there is no one in this country better qualified. For this extraordinary office president spoke openly about hassles many years of experience and her qualifications you live in the CIA you live. You breathe the C.A.A. And now you will leave the CIA congratulate Secretary of State Mike POMPEI O says the U.S. Wants a better agreement that will actually do what the previous Iran nuclear deal should have done we will also show and has no path to a nuclear weapon pumpin says if a deal is reached that satisfies the administration the U.S. Would be willing to lift all economic sanctions politicians who support sanctuary cities could wind up spending some time in jail that is the goal of legislation just introduced by Iowa's Steve King the Libby Schaff act named for the mayor of Oakland California who alerted immigrants of an upcoming immigration sweep would penalize politicians who enforce so-called sanctuary city policies King says those obstructing immigration officials from doing their job would in his words end up in the cooler shaft responded by saying we are not obstructing justice we are seeking it Capitol Hill correspondent Wally Hines reporting this is as are a new. 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What does your faith for this have to do with eternity Jesus says if you are faithful in few things he will make you in charge of many things if he can trust you with what he has given you in this world he will be able to trust you with more in the world to come if he cannot trust you in this world with what he has given you what makes you think he's going to entrust a lot to you in the world again too often you can be distracted by everything around you and you can lose your focus on Christ and Dave it's all killed in soft faith walk today Dr Calvin Whitman continues his message from last time about the millennium and what we can expect let's begin especially with and picks up with a description of our eternal destiny and then gets into his application for Revelation 20 all of creation has been infected with the fall and Jesus is going to rule and reign and God is going to create a new heaven and a new earth never infected never affected by the fall and that is where we will live with him the dead the great and the small those who wear in life those who are kings and rulers those who are poor those who are fabulous We wealthy those who are unknown those who are tremendously famous and popular those who had great talent those who had no talent the great and the small will stand before God and books will be opened and each one each individual will be judged according to their works there's not going to be any Oprah on that day. Who show you can go on and blame your parents for your messed up lives it's not going to be possible for you on that day to say well you know it was that bunch of hypocrites I went to church with or you don't understand the family I grew up there's no blame game there's no excuses every individual will give account for their own life and the book of life will be opened and if your name is not found in the book of life. You'll be cast into the fires of hell. But as we have throughout this book tried to focus more on application and speculation there are 4 things there were many other things I assure you that I wanted to say from this text but they were for the time would permit me and so let me quickly give you 4 points of application that I found in this text in the 1st is this our text tells us something gives us some insight into the modus operandi into the method of operation of Satan the Bible says we are not unaware of his schemes Satan has one major trick in his tool bag lot of tricks big trick deception from the very beginning of time from Eden's garden all through to the present day Satan is a deceiver that is his job his job is to get humanity to believe something that is not true that's his job it happened in the Garden of Eden Adam and Eve in the splendor in the wonder in the glory of the greatest provision that God has ever given any human being no sickness no sin no animals that would eat you everything you could want in that very paradise itself Satan comes to see God and really say that God is not really who he said he was God God is holding back from you he's holding out on you he's not giving you the bats. Deception and from that time forward he's been in the business of deceiving people tricking them to believe lies and there's never been a time when he is more active than today look around with your spiritual eyes wide open and desert the deception that is taking place people all around us are being deceived on a multitude of levels have you ever watched that program dumb criminals. I heard about the guy who walked into a bar with a gun and tried to hold it up what he didn't know it was where all the policeman hung out after work it's true so he pulls a gun and like 30 people pull guns on him he's to see that. Some people are deceived into thinking they can get away with a crime many people are deceived into thinking they can get away with sin Oh well you can live with your boyfriend or girlfriend and there's not any consequences never mind that whole bit about marriage that's just POS A That's that puritanical stuff the Bible says Be not deceive God is not mock whatsoever a man sows that Shelly also read the not to see your sins will find you it's gentleman you think you can get away with looking at pornography you think you can get away with an extramarital affair heads up your sins will find you out it's all deception deception and it's very disconcerting to me to recognize that Satan is fully came only functional in an area that our politicians are also keenly functional and aware of and that is that if you tell people a lie that they want to hear they are more apt to believe it they are more apt to be deceived and Satan is a menace or he has a 100 Ph D.'s in human psychology he wrote the book he knows how you think he knows how you operate he has been a student of human. Psychology from the very beginning he knows how to deceive you he he could sell ice cubes to ask a mode has he can make you believe what you want to believe even if it's not true he is a deceiver Why else do you think that people would ignore the truth of God's word that says we are all sinners I mean look around you history culture tells you we are all sinners and then we need a savior and that God's grace is so great that he offer salvation in Christ why would people be deceived into believing otherwise so unless there was someone to deceive them and you want to know the real tragic part here is it is not just lost people who are deceived it's not just on church people that are deceived there are a lot of people that go to church every Sunday who walk in deception I am a Christian my name's on the row I got dumped by the preacher and I've been going to church every Sunday and sometimes I throw some money in the plate or I give a lot to the church folks that's not will get you to heaven you see there are a lot of people who are in religion who are just as the saved as those who are opposed to the faith so they they have a profession but they have no possession they are ever learning but never able to come to the knowledge of truth there is a professed faith but there is no practiced faith there is no evidence that Jesus Christ is Lord and they are walking in deception they have believed that because they said a prayer they walked the IOW they got a piece of paper that said they were baptized boom that's my insurance my fire insurance from the fires of hell I'm going to pull that out on Judgment Day if they got a look I got baptized you got to let me and he's like I don't think so one of the things that you and I must do is we must stay in the Word of God to keep from being deceived. The Bible says where with all Shelley human clones as ways by taking he there to according to my word with my whole heart of my software let me not wander from my commitment by word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against the the I word is a light unto my path a lamp unto my feet lest I wander in darkness and stumble the darkness of deception we have insight into one of his Satan's primary modes of operation that is deception is a 2nd thing our text tells us and that is it tells us something keenly about the depravity of mankind it gives us some insight into the nature of man it will have been a 1000 years since Armageddon since those in rebellion against God were killed in the carrion fowl of the earth feasting on the flesh and then kind will have forgotten to defeat the devil will deceive them into thinking that they can defeat God where those people a 1000 years could not and they will be inclined to this deception why because of their nature in 2004 the film director M. Night sham along came out with the film maybe some of you have seen it's called The Village and it's a powerful statement about the depravity of humanity it's about this group of people who got real weary of the violence and the crime in the world in which they lived and so they took all of their their possessions and all their families and they moved to a remote wilderness forested area and they built a village and they were going to start all over living like the pioneers did and they created. A scare tactic to keep everyone in the village and and it was ruled by a council and they were going to create utopia and there wasn't going to be any sin and any violence it was going to be a City of Brotherly Love until someone in the community stabbed another person in the community. And you see the message of the film is you can run from sin but you can't hide because wherever you go you take it with you that's the problem with monasticism you can go live in a monastery but you're not going to weigh from sin because it's in you it's part of being human even after a 1000 years of righteousness and peace man will be inclined to rebel susceptible deception because if his nature all the myths about humanity being good are simply that they are just myths the Enlightenment says a man is good I just base man is good and if he commits crime it's because of his environment it's because of the way that he was brought up if you just put mankind in a good environment give him good opportunities and give you a good education he will rob us to his natural good it's your right it's like a kid that failed English and he takes his report card to his dad and he says his dad said how do you explain this he says I don't know Is it hereditary or environment. We just have to look at the last century and at the genocides and at the evil that took place there was no country that was more educated no country that was more enlightened no country that had greater access to theological truth than pre World War 2 Germany and how did they rise to their natural goodness how did that wonderful spirit of man revere that self within them by murdering untold millions the Bible is very clear at this point folks the human heart is desperately wicked the sea full of all things who can know it Jesus says it's not what goes into you that defiles you but what comes from your heart because the heart is evil. And knowing that we are all sinners and have fallen short of the glory of God We must become cognizant of the reality that we need a savior you see one of the deceptions of the devil is the tell you there's no such thing as sin you just have low self-esteem if it feels good do it don't buy into all those prevention all puritanical things that bring you down there buzz kills Oh man there's no such thing as sin live like you want to live a deception deception deception and we are susceptible because of our fallen nature there's a 3rd thing our text tells us and it's I think it's one of the most profound things in this text and that it tells us something about the rule and reign of Jesus Christ. I'm amazed maybe you are too at the number of people who speak mystically in longingly of that millennial reign pastor what a serendipitous what a tremendously wonderful place and time it's going to be when the lion lays down with the lamb when men beat their swords into plowshares and we will study war no more and Jesus will reign Oh Oh I long for that day come Lord Jesus and establish your reign and yet they demonstrate no desire for Jesus to be the one who rules and reigns in their life now so let me just put it to you rather plainly you cannot insincerity long for Jesus to rule and reign on the earth in justice and in truth in the millennial kingdom if you are not willing to surrender and submit to his rule and reign in your life now it is a non sequitur it does not compute. The truth of the Kingdom of God It is an already and not yet tension it is already here in the lives of those of us who know him and yet it is not yet here in its material and physical sense but it will be when Jesus reigns and in the mean time as bearers of the light as those who have come to know the peace and blessing of his presence in our life we are called to be witnesses under the world of what it's going to be like to live under the rule and reign of Jesus to demonstrate to the world that our God lives. And that living under his lordship is the greatest thing that could possibly ever happen if we cannot demonstrate this in this world we cannot show them what it means to submit here and now how can we hope to rule and reign with Him then. You know you've heard the old action you need to know how to follow before you can lead if you don't know how to submit to the Lordship of Jesus Christ now how are you going to rule and reign with Him then this doesn't make sense does it. You see our text tells us the days coming when Jesus is going to rule but the rest of Scripture tells us that if you have been born again bought with the blood transformed by the power of God and well by the Spirit of God there is going to be Jesus sitting on the throne of your heart right now and the things that you say and the way that you live and the way that you love and the way that you use all that he has given you is going to reflect the reality that he is Lord in your life and you can talk a good talk and you can play the game and you can mess with people's minds and make them believe you're a saint but if the actions aren't there to validate it faith without works to authenticate that faith it's not real faith and it says something powerful to us about the rule and reign of Christ I mean what he is and he entrusted to you in this world. How are you as a Stuart and let me just let me just show you where this goes Jesus says if you are faithful in few things he will make you in charge of many thinks if he can trust you with what he has given you in this world he will be able to trust you with more in the world to come if he cannot trust you in this world with what he has given you what makes you think he's going to entrust a lot to you in the world to come I believe we demonstrate in this world what he will be able to entrust to us in the world to come you want to rule and reign with Him Great what in your life right now is demonstrating that there is a 4th thing that our Texas Rickly our text has a sobering message about the destiny of all those who reject Jesus Christ as Lord there's something somber and quite frankly disquieting. About this final scene of chapter 20 it is a scene so horrific in nature and so dramatically tragic that it calls us not only to contemplate the justice of a sovereign and powerful God but all to says to stand again. As we hear the screams of those who will be cast forever into the fires of hell the surreal nature of this should not escape us folks I am speaking to you as one Christian to another I'm speaking to you as one man who will stand before God as to other men and women who will stand before God and I want you to recognize and to realize this morning the many of those people who are going to be cast into the lake of fire are going to be people with whom you converse every day people that you work with people that you call your friends people that you call your neighbors people that you know and they will stand before the Great White Throne and in an instant they will realize. The error of their way. They will be possessed with an immediate grasp of the gravity of their mistake and yet it will be too late and as they learn the awful truth about the choices they made and as they feel the flames I wonder how many of them will turn to one of us and say why didn't you tell me what was it that kept you from pleading with me from doing whatever it would take to tell me that hell was real how could you say that you loved me knowing where I was go again and yet you did not tell me where you more concerned with what others thought of you in the temporal existence of our Earth then you were with my eternal destiny what about those who never heard Will they turn to us and say you knew why didn't you do whatever it took why didn't you give whatever you needed to give Why didn't you go wherever you needed to go to tell me about Jesus that's going to be an awful day there will be no joy the Bible says that God takes no delight in the death of the wicked there's another thing that this particular narrative of the Great White Throne always causes me to do when I contemplate the eternal destiny of those outside of Christ. I'm forced to look at my own life I'm a sinner I don't deserve celebration folks you say Pastor you your center where you don't have to convince me of that and I know that. And when I contemplate eternity in hell you know I have to take a long hard look at my own life Paul writes of the church at Corinth and 2nd Corinthians 135 and says examine yourself to see if you're in the faith. Lest you fail the tests see one of the things this text does for me is it always makes me come back to the realisation that my salvation has to be found in God's grace and not in my own works that if it's left up to me I'm headed to hell but one day the book of life will be opened and I want to tell you something this morning that in the book of life Jesus wrote my name in his blood not because I deserved it how can I can just promise you I don't deserve it but because God is love and he is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance and this morning his desire is that everyone should hear the Gospel and everyone should have an opportunity to escape the fires of hell what about you where will you spend eternity will you have a place in the 1st resurrection. Or will you stand before the Great White Throne and here's the thing folks the proofs and putting as the old axiom goes if you were put on trial for being a Christian would there be enough evidence to convict you. And what about those who have never heard what will you do this year as you give as a share we spend more on material things for people who don't need them then you will give to send the Gospel around the world to people who have never heard. It's not very fair pastor is perfectly fair because it's so true. Let he who as an ear let him hear what the Spirit says and let him see that God is working his plan. And that any day. The trumpet. I hope your heart is opened toward the last over the past half hour this is faith walk today a. Baptist Church and it's our hope the pastor message has stirred you to begin reaching out to those around you if you have questions or maybe you don't have a relationship with Christ and I think urge you to get in contact with us you can reach us by phone 303232575 or through our website. Also Vacation Bible School is coming soon and you're going to want to get your children registered it's a free. Through 15 central campus. Through 13th at our north campus you can find all the details at our website again that's just doc or give us a call at 303-232-7500. 4 faith walk today with Calvin Whitney. This is Denver's new 947 F.M. The word. Security and automation she teaches that one day I want to level sensors 1st. And. Intrusion detection so will know if someone seeking. Out carbon monoxide detection and. I'm spoiled making your home super smart and super safe there's 80 visit 80 dot com slash super safe don't miss Disney Pixar is Incredibles 2 in theaters June 15th licensing information available at A.T.T. Dot com. Subway has all new signature wraps around the watercooler the other stomachs can't stop talking about a Southwest steak and cheese turkey bacon to grow our crew to strew style chicken Caesar signature wraps Listen if I'm talking stomach I'm going to have a lot of life experience but I do know one thing these signature wraps are jam packed with. So what are you waiting for him growl and over here subway make it what you want. It's the granddaddy of them. The 20 team Western Conservative Summit with us still one of the speakers including. Former presidential advisor and commentator and N.R.A. Spokesperson Dana live in just a United States Attorney General Jeff Sessions it's the largest gathering of conservatives outside of the Beltway to eat tonight at the County Convention Center $710.00 K. Anyway presents the 20 Western Conservative Summit get your tickets at 710 K. And Us dot com 3947 F.M. The word dot com to download our free mobile app and listen to 947 on your phone anytime anywhere message and data rates apply. For a. New way in Washington at the White House this afternoon President Trump has been meeting with the deputy attorney general and F.B.I. Director amid increasing tensions in the Russian vest a geisha in the president says he may order a probe into whether or not the F.B.I. Was illegally spying on his campaign back in 2016 the president was on hand today for the swearing in of Gina has ball as director of the Central Intelligence Agency the President said she has years of experience and as easily the most qualified person in the country for the job let alone the 1st woman to hold that position as well check her state my Pompei all says the U.S. Wants a better agreement that will actually do what the previous Iran nuclear deal should have been done but never to pump a 0 says if a deal were reached it satisfied the administration the U.S. Would be willing to lift all economic sanctions a thriving day on Wall Street the Dow up close to 300 points at the closing bell the Nasdaq was up just about 40 more details at S. Or a News dot com. For. The following prerecorded . I look at your quakes to see what happened yesterday in Ecuador earthquake in Japan last week earthquake earthquakes in many regions parts of the world but all this this is the 1st birth pangs more will come up you will be arrested is that not true. You know Christians are persecuted the world more so now than ever in human history. You know all about the Roman persecution nothing in comparison to what's going on now I know men and women who are laying their lives down even now in places around the world maybe not here in North America yet yet. The persecution is upon us persecuted he killed you'll be hunted down all over the world because you are my followers and many will turn away from me and betray and hate each other many false prophets will appear and will deceive many people we say this about prophets. If a prophet is wrong one time he's a false prophet. One time one and done because that's what Scripture teaches about prophets be careful about prophecy make sure prophecy lines up with Scripture. Just a thought. Sin will be rapid everywhere the love of many will grow cold but the ones who endure to the end will be saved. And then he says this and there's board of 24 and I encourage you to read more 24 because that's where we really get our theology about the Rapture and about the tribulation and that's where a lot of pretty well any real a doctrine lies in what Jesus says in 24 psychology to read that we don't have time today and the good news about the key to what we preach throughout the world the whole world so all nations that were Nations the Greek really translates tribes are people groups. Every people group will hear it then the end will come as bad if you 20 through 24114 so here's some thoughts Jesus in this discourse leaves no doubt that he's coming back even though this was before his crucifixion before his death his burial his resurrection Now what's really interesting guys I want you hold on to this the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most accurately documented event in 1000 history more so than all the rules of the pharaohs and all the rules of the Caesars more so than all the writings of intake witty the historical documentation of the light death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ trumps all the writings of Homer of heirs to Bulis of all the recording histories of the Persians it's reliable it's reliable because it's true. It's true when Jesus talks he talks with truth he made this ball stable about the temple and it came true. Jesus knew the this concern is disciples that it could be the end of time could search the disciples and it concerns us that's why I says Don't be misled don't go chasing all this stuff chase me don't be worried about eschatology the times and I've seen people get caught up in this with the so heavenly minded they're no earthly good and they focus on the end times are they and they're shallow and they become mean spirited they're becoming leaders to arrogant willing Excel caught up in apocalyptic looter tyranny looking for the end that they in fact Paul talked to the church and does what I CAN THEY GOT LIKE THE at they were so worried about the ended they lived in such a way that they quit working and excrete can't weigh in around it pasta if you don't work it only. Going to be at a time in some. We look to Jesus not for your character to grow yeah Jesus is coming back. But there's a lot to do between now and then many false messiahs will come why so you'll be deceived even to Jesus day who are false messiahs coming up false people come up fact it $70.00 to $80.00 a false Messiah led people out of Jerusalem fleeing to the to the enclave of Massada where they they all committed suicide it's to them being overtaken by the Romans a false Messiah led them are. Many more berthed up in fact the the Messiah theory of the Messiah messianic complex was common in the ancient world especially among the Persians and among the Jews. Don't be deceived. There's one messiah of these the Lord Jesus the only one who defeated death in the grave the only one who's come back to life and the only one who saves you now by what you do but what he's done. Things will get worse they'll be shocked the world will continue to erode earthquakes will happen famines will happen snow storms will happen you know I read to you I grew up on the Gulf Coast of Florida and I've been through about 25 hurricanes I'll take a hurricane over a winter storm any day because a hurricane to Lionel broke through the winter storm you have to during the snow and the ugly snow that follows are you with me on that because it's pretty white stuff going to turn to the mess and it will go away and your grass will grow 5 feet overnight it's also. Creation is degraded creation is groaning under the Lotus in everything he says will happen will happen and I just really found this very so very interesting when Jesus gave this discourse before his death his disciples had no clue what he's talking about and I think after the resurrection Matthew went oh. This all makes it's now that he wrote this for you today the Lord you would Matthew was pinning this that you would be sitting in this place to hear this today that's how much God loves you Jesus never gave us a date of his return Aren't you glad because you know you get a date of his return you're probably be worthless right. Are you be you know aware or are not involved so he leaves that tension in Matthew 2436 He says however no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen not the angels of heaven or the sudden sell all you know Father knows so anyone who says I know what Jesus is coming back you can say to them Liar liar pants on fire they don't know and you hear a lot of people in time prophecy is going to happen here is going to happen there and we endure that all the time there is actually a denomination it's alive and well United States today they predicted the end of time 7 different times 7 different times and importantly in their church to nomination all name is about the 2nd coming so. Other good people the other good people how they get confused over this absolutely absolutely So if they don't know Jesus says we don't know so we must be wise and not trust hype our feelings we need to rely on God's Word if someone says they know the day do you know they don't know the date in fact if they say Jesus coming September 27th of this year plan a picnic causing a company it's like maybe God having to pay they said a $27.00 co-op. Camera Nairn. Well. So no one knows a Jesus did not know even though he was fully God he chose to lay aside the prevalences of God and put on the cloak of man so when he said that he didn't know the Lord in time think it will distract you from living after Jesus distraction now I taught this when I was with your staff we talked about focus and there's a thing Tara is a 1st grade teacher and she talks to her kids about focus all the time and I have a little A.D.D. Have your picked up on that yet just a little bit distracted so she does think all the focus Fox This is the focus Fox This helps me get back on wiser sometimes when I'm pretty sure will focus parts me she's almost in that they're OK so you can do that yourself focus fuck sorry in time preaching in time worrying about the end times you need to focus fuck yourself . Is going to be our art. Because you can make you so distracted you'll forget about the important things of having your character built so which most shift our thinking to where it will happen to how are we going to live between now and when it does happen. Because we want to do something the coming of Jesus is going to happen in your lifetime or that he's either going to burst the sky forth the eastern sky for the company's glorious return or he's going to take you and death he's come again how are you to live in that gap time what is your life going to be around about so here are some thoughts 1st thought hold on to the promises of Jesus in the gap time hold on to Jesus. But the one who endures to the end will be saved. And what does that mean this is a big promise based on Jesus and not on you not on you. Because you know what you can't secure yourself your heart mess you you can't do it you are not fighting for you unless you do things that say things a belief they'd say you're just you're a mess or it's just me. Or you were just a train wreck Hartley because faith. And when he says if you do it in the end you start based on your faithfulness he's placed all his faith POTUS he so hang on to me I did this with a not a clock around what do you guys because I somehow think you're by brighter but let's try. To look at your left here hold up your left hand if you don't know which hand it is not to run this way is this it OK because you have to say that your left hand sometimes are not faithful. Is that true saying it sometimes are faithful. And which all of your right hand now this represents the right hand of God the hand that secures you hold you the ages people believe the whole world is held on the right hand of God it say this but God's faithful. Because things. Sometimes are not faithful regards faith or hang on to Jesus so this week whole parody is a costly. When you have to write the check to the iris this week God it's a. We have to drive home the stove is there to God is faithful all the 20th of December we're all stupid bracelets God. Is faithful. He is faithful. So the church I know your history. God is faithful. And the faithfulness of God who propel you into the future glory that God has prepared for those whom He loves in there it's you God is faithful. Celebrate that So you go through adversity but I want to use of the road of Christ likeness is paved with the colored stones of adversity God will see you like we because sifted flour makes great bread he's faithful hold on to Jesus wholeness promises and he said these things to these disciples they knew that they could hold on because he would never leave them nor for sake that he said Lo I'm with you even to the end of the age you Doris is based on his power not your behavior aren't you glad about that his power not your behavior and he holds you he says this The Father has given you to me and no my own kid snatch you out of my hand. No my your stupid can't snatch you out of God's hand that's almost a shout verse right there he holds you. You will endure if you belong to him. Listen to what Isaiah said some 400 years before Jesus our Lord made you and I will not forget you I have swept away your sins like a cloud are scattered your offenses like the morning mist. I love in Hebrew when it says 2 things kind of sounds alike is for emphasis the clouds of the mist he swept them away God's got a good big old broom Higley you up. Over a turd for him to be for I paid the price to set you free who. I am worth a lot to God because Jesus died for me. Greater love has no man than this that he would lay down his life for his friends and the God of all creation died for you he played he's the promise keeping God. Long too long too. If you have never given your life to Christ why not. What will you want to structure about the history of what wall you know I need to clean up my act for a couple she says really Jesus says come up to me all you are weary and heavy laden and I'll give you rest if you make us we are throw you away you can get your act together Jesus get your act together but you don't know what I've done no I don't God does it when he says come on. I never met a person I could clean up. The crosses enough. The greatest simply you could have in your life come to Jesus. At a conclusion of my talk I would give you a chance to trust Christ if you never have come on today's your day of salvation not tomorrow not next week don't go I would consider it just trusting because sometimes not my favorite but guess what I said I'll. Close faithful. That has should I live their. Lives with expectation as the way the early church would effect instead of the early church they live with their head of their ploughing their eye to the east they would greet each other with the phrases in the ABOUT IT phrase come more Jesus. As to where they saw each other like in a mall or whatever that it was love I do this Jesus here the Lord Jesus because when Jesus comes last will be good right come or Jesus so they live with that expectation not so heavenly minded there were no earthly good living to know in the god was about Joy Jesus to the rescue people because we're in a raging battle for the hearts souls and lives of men or women boys and girls this requires our best efforts our brightest minds our whole lives we are called by God to join him in the deep population of Hill Wow. So there being how should we live. Because we're in a war against sin and death of the grave because we're in a war to rescue people than we is the church to deliver like warriors are not like refugees. I have a friend of mine he's a 2 star general he says we're at war and wars has warriors and refugees warriors who run to the battle and refugees who run away from the battle the Church of Jesus Christ was never meant to be a refugee camp we were always meant to be the special ops camp that stormed the gates of hell. Somehow we have developed a bad Christology we don't bully Jesus is after last people and we think it's about our songs and our services and our programs and our part works instead about be warriors. And we are to be warriors for King Jesus. I talked to them in a couple weeks ago about big soft We're not called to be soft call the Warriors Now some of you girls go and who do you be a pink warrior. Be a warrior of all the order of compassion is it OK for children to go to bed hungry no is it OK for people to live with sickness no is it OK for children to be orphans and not live in a family you know is it OK for children to Does that people to die of water borne illnesses that can be cured with just clean drinking water is that OK No Is it OK that people of the hour you're starving No Is it OK that $1500.00 pastors leave the ministry every month is that OK No we'll be warriors after you been sifted shrink to the brother. Or here's. For King Jesus. Don't lose our age some in church don't forget while you're here Jesus said this in Matthew 14. 2414 and the good news about the key will be preached throughout the whole world so that all people groups will hear it all nations will hear it then the good will come there are approximately 3000 and reach people groups left in the world. This just tell us that we are at the one percent mark. One percent one percent Jesus is not coming to get it to that last one percent has the gospel or a church or a believer or a Bible in their language has limits Yalit is quite his underage people groups one percent who get it done. Now when I say that you go on all. Of rich people groups I live in Colorado everybody's reached here or better yet I live in Texas a god bless taxes right. Well I was at a conference again Rwanda Aranda as they call it. They thought this map of the world it had red dots on it were all the unreached people groups are the world now look at us kind of fascinated with us because we're all these people bunch of them in India kiddie up Indians come on get it done quick you know make good marketing calls and spread the gospel come up and then and then I looked in Africa there's a lot more Africa to summon situation in I looked over United States this is not the United States I don't look to hustle red dot in taxes. Taxes all of that. How is that possible we could not you could stick your head addictions that grab the Baptists every day lots of people there you don't have to look at real cost in this little town on the border of Texas to Mexico call Eagle Pass now the parent company I work for. It's a complicated thing but I work for the spare companies a construction company we're building a coal mine in Eagle Pass there's an underage people group of Native I'm They give Americans in Eagle Pass I told our owner of our company hey you know there's a 100 people group in Eagle Pass where. He knew what he said I'm a guinea up. What are you doing pastors God. Eagle Pass I would over look at it I think God forgot about Eagle Pass I mean is like bastard. But he had forgot about those people when we can do. For 5 and a half years here and I were living in Canada and I pastor the 1st Life Church of Calgary Alberta Canada it is part of the Christian Missionary Alliance movement some call of the denomination but it's a movement and finding out about the origins of Christian visual arts I was amazed because it was never started to be a denomination is always started to be a movement. And in fact if you have A.G. Background simply a background you came out of this movement as your origin came out of this movement maybe Simpson he believed price was savior Sanctifier healer coming King and he knew that that Jesus was going to come back to all the rich people reach so in this way he said bad he should have these the places were going after the hard places and so they started a movement to go after places in China in Africa and other places where the new people didn't have the gospel they started a college in NY a college in upstate New York and there were training pastors of missionaries. They found the Congo the Congo mouth of the Congo river in Africa those people did not have the gospel so 5 families stepped up and volunteered to go to the Congo to bring the Gospel preached gospel they all 5 when they all died within 4 months they all died. Get pretty much in the movement doesn't it but I want to see you may. Want to get back to the college diag 15 more family stepped up 15 more families stepped up packed their belongings in their coffins and went to the Congo 4 years ago Tara and I were Boma Congo why help strengthen over 5000 leaders. And there's a movement of God happening in the Congo right now. That's influencing all of Africa because 15 family said All for Jesus. All for Jesus. Warriors the refugees who all we could do how we could live this is what I'm going to do. I'm going to hold up my hands and I want to see Jesus I'm yours Jesus I'm yours because of yours and to give up my right to location and a comforting to be a preference Jesus of yours. I will let you change the way I give it where I go now live jesus on me I'm yours I'm not going to settle for mediocrity. I'm not going to live in a refugee camp. I'm a storm the gates of hell over you Jesus. Will you join me in that. neighbor Garage dot com. There are a lot of choices out there for mortgage companies but how do you choose what is best for your family and dream home the dually team of max 5 mortgage specializes in building relationships one referral at a time whether you are a 1st time home buyer. In need of a refinance the dually team has the experience and products necessary to help you achieve your goals they have amazing access to over 25 lenders define you the best possible product and rates in the marketplace let them do the shopping for you. 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