And listen to 94 seventh's on your phone anytime anywhere message and data rates are fine. Family members are. 47 as. Part of the Salem Media Group. With us are in News I'm Rhonda Rockstro a night of remembrance members of the grief stricken community of Parklane Florida gathered for a vigil Thursday night to mourn to console to bond and to vent they gathered barely a day after the stunning attack at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School that saw expelled former student Nicholas Cruz gunned down 17 people and wounded more than a dozen others one of the 1st speakers at the vigil with Fred Guttenberg the father of 14 year old shooting victim Jamie Gottenburg my wife is home we are broken so far authorities have no motive for the attack I'm Mike Rafia Meanwhile Parklane mayor Christine hunt Chomsky says her city is receiving a lot of support some of the you may not be from Park claims but tonight we are all Parklane strong. Our community has grown we cannot even fathom the amount of outpouring of support we have had also it has are a News dot com 2 of 3 people who were in an s.u.v. That was stopped and fired upon when it tried to enter the National Security Agency campus without authorization had been released and as a police turn the other person over to the Howard County sheriff's office for an unrelated warrant the f.b.i. Continues to investigate looks like it's back to the drawing board for the Senate when it comes to an immigration bill the Senate had 4 separate proposals and plain cast off each and every one during procedural votes including the one plan the president Donald Trump said he would be willing to sign it would have provided a pathway to citizenship for $1800000.00 immigrants brought to the country illegally as children many of them could face deportation beginning in March as President Trump said he would end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals or DACA program The plan also included $25000000000.00 for border security and new limits on legal immigration those limits including the end of the visa lottery program were viewed as nonstarters by Democrats and some Republicans Linda Kenyon Capitol Hill this is s.r.o. News. If this were just any door. And this were just any ignition. Connected to just any transmission. In just any vehicle then perhaps it would be Ok to buy it from just anyone but this is not just any car . It's a certified pre-owned Mercedes Benz every detail has been inspected and road tested by highly skilled Mercedes-Benz technicians and it's all backed by an unlimited mileage words for up to 5 years which makes the decision of what to buy one simple you're authorized for say spends to the certified pre-owned sales have been going on now through February 28th come in today and take advantage of 2 years of complimentary prepaid maintenance and special financing offers available through Mercedes-Benz financial services because in the end it's absolute confidence and genuine Mercedes Benz parts or it isn't it's either Mercedes-Benz certified pre-owned or it is feel authorized makes a dishpan feel of a complete details and limitations on satisfactory on line he's. The following dreaming Korean program is sponsored by Calgary Aurora is this where you are at today disillusionment literally means disappointment resulting from the discovery that something is not as good as one believed it to be your dissolution it's not what you thought it would be sent off and will do that where you thought it was going to be one thing and it disillusions you it's not what I thought it was going to be it didn't end up where I wanted it to be. And it's important to understand how vulnerable we are church when we're discouraged and disillusioned these are 2 words that can be seen and come up in our lives following God serving with others in his church on realistic expectations can sink us and send us on a path other than seeking the Lord. Saying. The role of government is to judge the evil doers Put another way it's to restrain evil and promote righteousness and so governments and its judges are God's ministers and should rightly represent him well there's an obvious breakdown but we'll take the word of it per se middle aged and it lead a nation of people into discouragement and disillusionment crying out for a king Here's pastor editor with the details on abounding grace for Samuel Chapter 8 is where we left off last time we saw the value and the joy and the importance of laying out these Ebeneezer stones remember they came to that place after victory and Evan these are stone was laid before that phrase Thus far the Lord has helped me. They had put away their false gods they confess their sins they pray for God's help the children of Israel that is they commemorated the victory and if you look back at Chapter 7 verse 13 so the Philistines were subdued you love that their enemy was subdued they did not come any more into the territory of Israel and the hand of the Lord was against the Philistines all the days of Samuel they were subdued they didn't come back the hand of the Lord was against them and what was taken was restored it says in verse 14 the cities which the Philistines had taken from Israel were restored to Israel I know some of you are waiting for that promise in your life that which was taken from you that which was lost that which was given up that which was was disintegrated because of sin you're waiting for that yet to be restored and we see in the children of Israel even though they didn't deserve it God restored to them what was taken from echoing the God It says these cities and Israel recovered its territory from the hands of the Philistines and there was peace between Israel and the Amorites and sand you will judge Israel all the days of his life and he went for year to year on the circuit of Bethel Gill gone Miss Pa and judged Israel in those places but he always returned to Rama for his home was there and there he just Israel and there he built an altar to the Lord and there there appears to be ample proof of God's faithfulness in the life of Israel that God was faithful and there were episodes in the children of Israel's life where they were unfaithful but God remains faithful he's just and he's righteous and here we see his presence his power in the lives of the children of Israel and yet And yet with all that God has done for them it's still not enough. I wonder how many times we've been there were God has done great and wonderful things is faithfulness is on disputed crystal clear and yet it's not enough it's a very dangerous place to be we may call that place of discontentment it may come as we see in a moment in times of discouragement or disillusionment but here we have such a great testimony of Samuel in his ministry such a great testimony of God using him and showing his faithfulness God responding to repentance God responding to a people that would humble themselves before him and yet it's still not enough because the children of Israel they wander around and with that in mind pick up in verse one of chapter 8 where it came to pass when Samuel was old and just for you know takers or those of you that like to write in your Bibles there's about a 20 to 25 year gap between Chapter 7 and Chapter 8 some time is passed by the from this time of victory and this time of describing the ministry of Samuel in the circuit it came to pass and Sami was old that he made his sons judges over Israel the name of his firstborn was Joel in the name of the 2nd was a by John and they were judges in Be'er Sheva but Verse 3 his sons did not walk in His ways they turned aside after dishonest gain and to bribes and Perverted Justice and they reminded me because this is a sad statement for any dad to have set over his son Samuel is on the circuit of ministry and serving God faithfully but his sons did not serve the Lord does that remind you of anyone in our study in Samuel It's the same pattern that we saw with the lion his sons Eli even himself had drifted away we don't have any indication that Samuel did but in that home somehow some way that distinction of commitment in Samuel's heart didn't pass over wasn't caught by his son's. Not only that but they decided in their place of spiritual leadership to take advantage of people with dishonest gain in bribes and and even perverted justice you could even trust them to to determine what was right or wrong they made decisions that would benefit themselves in Samuel's sons It's a sad statement It reminds me of what John says because John says later on in his letters he says I have no greater joy than to hear my kids or my children are walking in the truth and here's the exact opposite of that there's no greater sorrow to a parent's heart when their kids aren't walking in the truth and same as older now as children or adults and is now a new generation this is representative of a new generation coming on the scene his sons and all the young people that they represented their generation and because of verse 3 Verse 4 takes place and says that all the elders of Israel gathered together and came to Samuel Rama and said to him Look your old and your sons do not walk in your ways now make us a keen to judge us like all the nations you know there's always a danger with new generations to great freshness with new generations that's not a danger at all I think there's a new generations you know I can the church there's of course new generations by age there's new generations by new believers that there's a freshness an excitement in a and a wonderful zeal that comes through new generations but there's also a danger. And there just seems to be in every new generation in every stage where the new generation starts to despise the older generation as if their value and contribution to society or to the church is no longer valid and let's just do away with the older generation and the old ways of doing things and and Don't you know there are new ways to do things now and in some ways that's that's very very true way if we were still typing the bulletin every single one of them on a typewriter I would want someone in the new generation is a did you know there's an Internet now what So we're just typing away our bulletin and then putting it on the mini Oh graph you guys remember the many a graph where that thing the big thing that you turn and as soon as the teacher gave you the piece of paper that came out had purple ink on it what was the 1st thing you did yeah a lot of you don't know you you I'm talking to the older generation I know. And the new generations is what I. Remember we used to write letters. On a piece of paper put them in an envelope address the envelope put us down in the you see now you just e-mail you probably send you know dozens and dozens of an e-mail as an in a week and maybe a few years ago you've sent 2 or 3 letters that just things have changed for sure and new generations bring freshness they bring new perspective they bring I embrace the new generation in the church and I embrace the newer generation of things that are happening that we might harness for the Kingdom of God but there is a danger new generations offer both a great freshness but also provide a great challenge as they begin to assess the older generation and cannot distinguish between offering good advice and trying to undermine will even undermine those old Ebeneezer stones you know they're walking through into one of these rocks. And we talked about the avenues are stones in the value and not to forget where you came from and in another place in the Bible it speaks of not removing the ancient landmarks and of course that was a reference to the boundary lines of property but there's a great spiritual perspective not don't remove the ancient boundaries truth is truth in every generation still livered a different way perhaps is refreshed and illustrated a different way but truth is truth Jesus Himself said I am the truth I am the Way the Truth than light no one comes of the Father except through me you can't move that as much as you would try you only cause confusion and here's a newer generation coming on the scene responding to bad leadership and they responded the wrong way they're seeing things the way they are and they want to significant change to take place they want change they saw not only how old Samuel was but also that his sons were not Godly men and they were spiritual feeds and it's sad it's sad that both eat ion Samuel had sons who failed to follow the Lord Eli as we studied him appeared to be too easy on his sons were Samuel seemed to be a way too much from his sons I mean that's what I get back here in Chapter 7 as he had this circuit type of ministry which would put him away from the home quite a bit he was fulfilling the call of God in his life but now being away created perhaps a vacuum that his sons didn't listen and watching bad leadership fed the flesh you guys that are in spiritual leadership for example. At this water baptism I encourage the pastors to take out with them as I do from year to year but this is I made a very strong emphasis this year is of all the people that they're serving with to pick one person that their disciple you were born into that they're serving alongside of I want to pick one person and I want to try I want them to be trained how to do water baptisms and so they did you saw them in the video and you guys were there you saw the different people before we went out for the water baptism I gathered them together I gathered all the men in the security folks and everybody is there to help the ushers and folks who were in the water and I said Look. This is for all of you that were in the water so this is for the sake of everyone but they got it 1st I said I want you guys to to be very careful in understand this is an important day in people's lives and this is a very spiritual but I want you to understand that when you stand in the water your faces are going to be facing all of those thousands of people that are up on the on the sand there on the beach it's hard for me to call that a beach but I guess it is it's the beach sand or whatever they crush rock whatever it is fake sand fake beach house that and I said I want you I want you to know something that when they see you face to face there is a higher expectation now on you that wasn't there before same a standing on the stage of someone leading in worship or coming up for a testimony when we knew our face to face with someone in the church you are now held to a higher standard there is a higher expectation upon you now that when the baptism is over the videos will be plain you'll be walking around the same and if you don't take this serious then just get out of the water I know this is be just get out it's find this get out right now I won't hold you to it you're wrong you're voluntarily coming in now those are all my exact words but this is what I share with them and then we pray because that's a very significant thing that they were a part of they were part of a very special part of someone's life and they represented the Lord and they represented the church and they represented the church family to the church family by being face to face and that's no small thing. Sometimes we go through you know we have hundreds and hundreds of baptisms and because we had hundreds and hundreds of baptisms it's very easy to just say oh that's just this is a baptism it's just a bunch of people get baptized and we just go through and you know it's not 2 or 3 where there's just a focused time where there's just 2 or 3 people and and we can spend a lot of time with them in this scene right there in oh there's there's hundreds of people coming through just you know there was a lot of people but we still haven't seen what Peter saw on the day of Pentagon as I want to see that one day when he preached the gospel and 3000 people got saved and do you know how long it would take for devout Thais 3000 people I want to find out I'd like to find out I think it be awesome just to get a sense of what they experienced in one day in one moment 3000 people but I repeat it now for the sake of those you were in the water but I also repeated for the sake of you those of you that in many different ways not just for the church you have face time with people therefore you are responsible for that face time your life matters your testimony matters your witness matters but what you do with your life matters how you use your freedom matters because your life matters and people are watching your life or you I don't want to watch my life to that. It's just the way it is people are looking for hope they're looking for direction they find out you're a Christian is an amazing sometimes we're faced with unbelievers that know more about being a Christian than even you do and you get reviewed every been rebuked by an unbeliever I have it's very embarrassing it's very humbling I just shake my head I'm going Lord I don't I just need help I call can you what what's this all about and and God just remind me I love you and I use anybody including a donkey to rebuke you son I want you to know that you matter I want you to know that your life matters. I was driving I'm not a speeder by the way it is what you know I'm not a speeder I'm accused of driving like a grandma and that says I don't care I'm not in a hurry I like leaving early I don't have a fast car which is have an old you know 170 something 1000 mile Toyota gets me from 8 of the I don't care I don't need one that goes from Perm Brum mine that goes wheels fine big deal any problem I don't speed on never know her generally generally I mean obviously I'm sure there are times when I am but this time I was driving my wife's car and it's got you know it's a little bit different than mine it's a this electronic stuff so it you know it tends to go faster than mine just automatically I don't and so we were on our way we were not in a hurry we were avoiding traffic on $225.00 and we were headed over for breakfast not in a hurry we have just been here on Monday welcoming the kids to the 1st year of the school year and it's so exciting and so we are not just for a morning a breakfast summery we'll have to cook breakfast or anything and and I'm heading down I'm going in a new part of town and I got off to 25 over there and I got over here and I'm over I don't know where I was. And I saw flash. Now Mike is taking my picture not into Got it was the city of Denver parked a van in the median. First of all that's not fair. And 2nd of all I hope it was taking a picture of the car in front of me because by the time I looked down I think I was over the speed limit much but I was over the speed limit but I'm just thinking you don't even need a person to rebuke you there's a Denver City van parked in the median that says you're going to find I'm like that's not fair is not going to person and there's a person in there taking pictures like what what is this but they are you know you look at life and if you're sensitive enough to life you'll find that and so I'm talking about it all day I hope I don't get a ticket I hope I get a ticket I hope I don't get a take I'm going to fight to get that's not fair why they put a van in the middle of the median that's not fair and reasonable you're going to you were like I don't even know. But if I get a ticket I probably deserve it probably. Will. Buy a van that's a new one. Or those red light tickets or I remember not too long ago my friend Tony was here with his wife they've since moved back to California but I remember her showing me a picture of the red light camera and Kiki if you're watching very very sorry but you're not here so she showed me the picture and she was like. Some layouts are remembered as like that is what's this that's not me that's not me. You got this new generation back in for Saniel Now that is is seeing the discouragement of the leadership there they're not following the ways of the Lord and they come to the false conclusion the Sam is a gimme King we need a keen we need a keen you know maybe maybe it discourage them to see the leadership the way it was maybe they were disillusioned. When I looked as words we use them so much I like to work look words up in the dictionary just in the regular old Webster's dictionary to we use words so much I wonder what the meaning is to the word discouragement the definition is a loss of confidence or enthusiasm a loss of confidence or enthusiasm that fits this you see bad leadership you lose confidence in them disillusionment literally means disappointment resulting from the discovery that something is not as good as one believed it to be your disillusioned it's not what you thought it would be sent off and will do that where you thought was going to be one thing in a disillusions you it's not what I thought it was going to be it didn't end up where I wanted it to be and it's important to understand how vulnerable we are church when we're discouraged and disillusioned these are 2 words that can be seen and come up in our lives following God serving with others in his church on realistic expectations can sink us and send us on a path other than seeking the Lord turn over to Hebrews Chapter 12 with me in the me show you Hebrews Chapter 12 disillusionment in discouragement are times where we really really really need to wait on the Lord Hebrews Chapter 12. It's a very familiar passage but too often we end too soon when we're reading it and so pick up with me in verse one that's get the familiar out of the way it's there for us we also since we're surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses is Hebrews 12 or so one let us lay aside every weight in the sin which so easily ensnares us and let us run within Durance the race that set before us looking on to Jesus the author and the finisher of our faith who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame and a sat down at the right hand of the throne of God For consider him who endured such hostility from centers against himself lest you become weary and discouraged notice in your souls That's a deep discouragement the deep depression the deep darkness consider. So you don't become weary in discouraged you have not resisted verse for the bloodshed striving against sin and have you forgotten the xor Taishan with speaks to you as sons my son do not despise the chastening of the lord no be discouraged when you rebuked by him for whom the Lord loves the chase and scored his every son whom he receives you know in context of remembering all those that have gone before us and in the context of considering Jesus the Bible says Be careful if you consider him a new focus and you you look to him it will be able you not to become weary and discouraged in your souls I believe we are seeing a picture in for Santa chapter 8 of a discouraged nation with a new generation and one of the reasons I say that is because there is no mention of prayer Now these are the elders don't forget don't let's not miss the the actualities the elders here these are the elders these are the leaders that have come to Samuel no doubt influenced by the people. And the altars come with no prayer they just they know it's not 20 years earlier they were repenting. 20 years earlier they were humbling 20 years earlier they experience victory and now had 20 to 25 years of relative peace now with the 1st sense of these bad leaders they say we don't want we don't want it the way it's always been anymore we really what they're saying here it's a significant statement what they're saying here is we don't want judges any more or let me take it even a step further what they're saying is we don't want God's way anymore we found a better way we found it we know a better way than we than we will get into this mess again your sons as if there wasn't another man on the planet Earth that can judge them or they don't look back to the judges the difficulty in the book of Judges over and over and over again there was that cycle of sin and how God delivered them and God used it even in the weakness of leadership and they just they're saying I don't like it the way it's been we want it we want something new we want something you know and so what do they do they do what's normal they start looking around and they see you know every sit seems like every other single every other nation every single nation that we see has a keen we don't have a keen Ok every other nation from what I see looks like they're very successful we're not doing well right now what's the difference we don't have a king I get it logically we need a king you know we don't just need a King we want to King you know we don't just want to King we demand the king Samuel your old your 2 sons are no good and of course somehow they they declare that they're no weather possibility of any body else being a judge on the all of the population of Israel. It's not that way where she just like you come to the worst conclusions. In the dim most difficult of times. We're partway through a study in 1st Samuel with Pastor Ed Taylor on abounding grace are you interested in a cd copy of this message we can send that your way for 2 dollars if you call toll free at 87730 grace that's 877-304-7223 extension 4 instant access look for the studies online at Calvary Aurora dot org Another way to listen to Ed's teachings is through the Calvary Aurora app search for Calvary Aurora and while you're at it download the grace f.m. Colorado app are you struggling through a family problem maybe there's a great deal of stress that's weighing on you as you raise your kids for Christ or you're overwhelmed at work I would like to recommend that you read let go by friends Waffen along you'll be encouraged to let go of those distresses and embrace the joy and peace that God has promised and will send it your way when you give a gift of $25.00 or more to abounding grace today please remember it's through your support that we're able to bring the teaching of God's word to stations like this every day we can't do this alone call toll free at 87730 grace or make a secure donation online at Calvary Aurora dot org If you'd rather write our address is abounding grace post office box 460598 or Aurora Colorado 80046 will return to 1st Samuel next time on a bounding grace with Pastor Ed Taylor will see that. Scene. Upon the Gracies brought to you by Calvary Chapel along. Denver's all new 947 though we're a Denver this is Dr Cameron I mean speaking as Dr John Follett tune into our show each week intentional health when we talk to you about achieving optimal health intentionally living a healthy life that God intended for you so you can tune in to our show on Tuesdays at 1 pm and Saturdays at 9 30 am where we dissect the root cause of different health conditions and give you solutions to improve your health naturally we specialize in solving health problems so tune in this week to get started being the healthiest you you can be life happens the familiar phrase life does happen and sometimes in ways you haven't planned for from the loss of a loved one divorce the need to care for an aging family member or the loss of a job whatever it may be don't just sit on the sidelines and let life happen knowing the playbook can keep you step ahead tune into covering all of your bases with coaches Brian and Greg experienced financial advisors and an attorney Saturday mornings from 121031947 f.m. For the word listen and to learn how you can stay a step ahead and prepare for the next time life happens. To 947 of them the word dot com to download our free mobile app and listen to 947 on your phone anytime anywhere message and data rates apply. With us foreign news I'm Rhonda Rockstro hundreds of people attending a vigil for the 17 victims of a school shooting in Parkland Florida north of Miami earlier in the day suspect Nicholas Cruz was arraigned on 17 charges of murder and remanded to jail without bond Cruz told. Investigators that he shot students in the hallways and on the grounds of Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School White House says Thursday's failed immigration votes in the Senate demonstrate that Democrats quote are not serious about finding a path to legal status for hundreds of thousands of young immigrants part to the u.s. Illegally as children lawmakers narrowly rejected a bipartisan proposal to provide so-called dreamers a path to citizenship and more broadly rejected President Trump's plan including such a path and a flu vaccine doing a poor job a preliminary figures showing it's about 36 percent effective overall this is s.r.m. News. The agreement for the program is sponsored by our daily bread ministries. Today I discover the word learn how an acronym using the letters g i f t gift can help you as you try to live out what Jesus was teaching his parable about the Good Samaritan Our series is called Me and my neighbor we're talking about what it looks like when we're being neighborly when we're loving our neighbor in the way Jesus suggests in his parable but this parable isn't just about making us better neighbors to pull your chair up to the table with Marty hotly some more going to build crowd or rather intriguing conversation about well the most familiar stories Jesus told that when you look at the context in which it was told may mean more than you thought it did he part of the Discover the word group that this is. And it is time to get the group together as we come down toward the end of our 2 week series of conversations based on Luke Chapter 10 and Jesus' parable of the Good Samaritan discover the word is the weekday small group Bible study from our daily bread ministries and we have just today and tomorrow left in this Me and my neighbor series Martin police and Bill just have a couple more things to add that will help us understand more clearly what being neighborly in the Good Samaritan sense looks like and even a wider message that this story community Ok so this week we've taken from this parable that good neighbors one care compassion is the trigger that 2 good neighbors act they actually do something. 3 good neighbors participate in the healing process and out today for good neighbors give which is where this g.i.f. T. Acronym comes in so let's listen as Elisa started to fill this in force we had the privilege together to have an Fos camp as a guest on Discover the word a while ago and we were talking about her book The Broken way really about how the broken thing can become the beautiful thing God's hands and I remember one of the things she chatted about and she challenged us that deeply to live out our brokenness was this acronym g i f t gift it really came out of her own understanding of how God lived a cruciform life she would call it in order to be in relationship with us and gift is give forward today you know as you've been broken give back your brokenness many of it's points of stuck with me and one specific practice was she challenged us to give it forward today to give to people around us in such a way that we be giving them the help of Jesus that sent us to remember that conversation do have you tried that have you tried giving it forward today something my wife and I have done because in years past one of the areas in life where we've really struggled was with our finances and that in a lot of things and now we're at a point where those issues the Lord has provided and we're in a better place but when we're eating in places. We look for people in the restaurant and pay their bill Wow Just because when we were going through difficult times people did things for us that we could never repay and sometimes we never even knew who it was who did it and so we'll just say hey would you bring us their bill pay that too but you don't tell them just tell me it's covered the tips covered everything is good and there's this wonderful sense when you see their faces when it's over come sources you know and you just see that surprise I love that that's exactly what I'm talking about and when you do it quietly or you do it with a different kind of understanding something shifts inside us I hang on to that and we're going to go back into this Luke Chapter 10 where we've been for several days now this is a story within a story and this week especially we've been focusing on the parable part that's held within a story that Luke reports the parable part is the story of the Good Samaritan a good Samaritan who travelling from Jerusalem to Jericho sees a man in need Who's then beaten and plundered and just was almost dead and he stops and he helps unlike the priest in the Levi the 2 religious folks who knew the law and kept every little bit of it who didn't stop the Samaritan this person from outside of the faith he stops and he takes care of this man in need and Jesus then uses this illustration of this man who stopped he is the neighbor because he shows mercy to man in need and then we all should be neighbors that way but he's talking about something bigger than that this story is set within another story and before we go on to look at how this good Samaritan was acting neighborly can all remind us what is the main story about to which Jesus answers with this parable why there was a community of people who are centered in the law and in the study of the law and in the defense of Moses and the way of life that God gave to us through Moses and so there was a representative of that community of religious expert who came to Jesus with a question a sincere question but with a bad kind of understanding motive. Right he wanted to entrap Jesus and to somehow saying something that would discredit him he says what do I do inherit eternal life Jesus responds in a very scribe like way by saying what's the law say you're the expert in the law what's the law say and he responds love the Lord your God with all your heart mind soul is true and your neighbor as yourself and then the legal expert response to Jesus response by say who is my neighbor and so then Jesus tells the story but the big picture of the story is not going to be a perfect neighbor the big picture of the story is Jesus redefining how our world works that we don't have to keep every single law that's impossible we can't do that instead we are like the man in need you and me and God sin and outsider his son to save us in our moment Ok now looking at that what of that outsider due to the man in need and that's what we're looking at in being a good neighbor being neighborly this week and we talked about how he had compassion for how he acted our time but the good Samaritan out here yes and a good neighbor has compassion acts he helped with the healing and there's one other thing he does he gives and that's what I've been thinking about and common about gift about give it for today and this is for I want to get a little bit honest read these verses just 34 and 35 and see the extent to which the Samaritan went to help the man in need what does he do in verse $34.00 Marty have that his going over to him which would be the man who had been beaten up. The Samaritans soothed his ones with olive oil and wine and bandage them and then he put the man in his own dock and took him to an inn where he took care of them the next day he took out 2 Dinara I gave them to the innkeeper look after him he said when I return I will reimburse you for in the actual expansion may have there's a lot of finance in this you know the Nari I think was about the equivalent of one day's wage right so your time no one days where the pay twice you know who knows what business has brought the Samaritan to Jericho but he's taken a lot of his salary to help this guy and a donkey was expensive the man puts on the donkey probably ends up walking the rest of the way so it's expensive and it was taxing for him this was true hospitality Maybe he even gave up his own room maybe he gave up his sleep in the wee hours of the night we don't know he didn't list the innkeeper to help he didn't do it all themselves and they've goes on he says when I return if there's a bigger bill I'll take care of that so we shared his goods and his time and his life do we just give when we have surplus or is this more of a lifestyle that God invites us into to be aware of the needs around us and how God might meet them through us I kind of relate to the expert in the la times I think well I want to take that challenge and share with everybody around me and here's what I went through not long ago I was in the grocery store and a woman in front of me in line was buying a birthday cake and I watched her she's clearly a single mom she had about a 3 year old with her in the grocery cart who's just her going on and you could tell they had just been reunited from daycare and this one was so sweet and she was talking to the clerk and she goes Well no I think I need to get some candles to will this is for my dad no no this is for his birthday Yeah well you know how much is this going to be and Ann's words came back to me and I went Oh and I went Lord should I pay for this cake you know and I felt in that moment very much drawn to pay for the cake and this is what went on inside me is this cool guy. Are you pressed is this awesome am I doing it right here. I'm it's a very normal or is not very difficult to give of yourself without being self aware that's wrong without looking for the reward at the other end there so much a part of our own d.n.a. It's just the way we're built and it could have been enough reason for me not to give because I don't want to mess up that way God But you know for me in that moment and this is for me in that moment it was a joy to step in to taking care of the $18.00 cake or whatever it was I did have enough money that day to do it and I gave it I was scared and I thought Be careful don't go too crazy receiving this Elisa and I just said hey you know what you would do the same thing you would do the same thing if you saw this and there was something so joyful that was kind of popped open inside of me there was an understanding that I'm giving simply because Jesus is given to me and for no other reason I'm giving it 4 so that had a way of setting aside some of the pride some of the look at me right because you realize what had been done for you exactly and haven't I been that man in need Haven't you been that man in need and someone has come and taken a piece and given to us in that moment we all have and so this story within a story is a beautiful story of an unlikely person acting out the definition of what it means to be neighborly but it's set within a larger story of us all being people in need coming to God and going how do I inherit eternal life. And goggling this is how you 2 are like a man in need whom someone was sent to come in love you an outsider came to love you to give to you so there's a sense in which you've changed the question now and say you're not saying Lord What must I do to inherit eternal life and then say oh I know by this birthday cake that's not what you said now no no no I think you're on to something there more because what Jesus has done is he has reversed the terms of engagement in this debate with this guy because this guy starts off saying who is my neighbor that I'm supposed to help and Jesus says wait a minute you are the person that the neighbor needs to help so who are you going to let come and be your neighbor in that sense and in a deep way we all of the person in need needing to be rescued once we've been rescued how can we show others that same kind of provision in their time of need. And that's a different way of thinking about this parable of the Good Samaritan isn't it glad you're here at the table with us as we explore this together here on Discover the word Marty Hahn Lisa Morgan to Bill Crowder your study partners in our series titled me and my neighbor the sky over the word is available on radio stations around North America but online around the world in addition to posting the audio of these daily conversations discover the word hosts hundreds of additional Bible study resources as well and it's about to get much easier to use so keep an eye out for the refreshed website coming very soon and when you give today toward the ongoing ministry of discover the word we'd like to send you a copy of a documentary style d.v.d. Hosted by our very own Mark to one it's called what Jesus said about life and if you've ever found yourself talking to someone who just doesn't buy the truth about Jesus this d.v.d. Will help you share the good news confidently. You can donate today on Discover the word dot org And when you do request your copy of the d.v.d. Called what Jesus said about life and also give when you call us toll free 180-214-1650 The toll free number once again is 180-214-1650. If you prefer to write to us and then we give you our mailing address that is discover the word Grand Rapids Michigan 4555 discover the word Grand Rapids Michigan 49555. About us like think 2nd Today as We close to remind you that we have an email study guide that we send out with each new series to go along with our daily discussions those e-mails are generally set out on Friday and so if you like start receiving the study guide encourages sign up today mission to group discussion questions you'll also get a weekly memory verse and a challenge to help you connect these conversations with your everyday life next week believes an intriguing study called Hide and Seek find out what it's about when you sign up to receive those helpful e-mails and you can do that on our website at the sky over the Word of God. Our librarian how to get invited back to the table on Friday Marc and Bill and Lisa wrap up our Me and my neighbor series to focus on the question who is my neighbor see once again that the storage eases told isn't just about being neighborly to see tomorrow or in the sky for the work. Discover the word is provided by our daily bread ministries. 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People with real problems finding answers real Welcome to real life I mean post Kathleen Mike and joining me is my husband of Angela's timeline on the show you're going to hear from couche is she Jimmy who was on our previous show he was a Muslim and then he asked who was the real God and then he heard from cheese us. I remember when I was not sure if God was real or not I was laying in my bed depressed and I said God if you're real show me a sign and scripture comes to my mind when we seek we will find and I really believe when people are seeking the truth not just going through what they learned growing up but they're really seeking for the true God they will find that God will give them peace you know I would agree but you know when I was an atheist I looked at religions and I just kind of called them all together I say all you know always if there was a God It's probably just the same God And he's kind of you know he just expresses himself differently depending upon the culture right by the people and it seems so educated when I said that but when I looked deeper into it and I studied my world religion class in college I found that they are very big differences in each world religion you know to say that they're all the same is almost is something to say that all Asian people are the same it's just not true you know it's a stereotype of all religions are not the same right what are your thoughts on that well I agree because if you look at the different religions there's a lot of work that what I mean by that is you have to do something to get to God and it's like well how much is enough I have to work my way to get to this god is that good enough and that is pretty much across the board where you're trying to please and show him Hey I'm. Good person but where's the line but I really did notice that one similarity which is how does one appease a Scot you know and a lot of it is what you have to do something to appease this guy right what's interesting about Christianity that really stands out is that to appease this God is to receive the gift that he gave for you I mean that's a whole different package right the other ones or do something for them this one said just receive what I have to give you yes he did something for us through His Son Jesus right Jesus died on the cross that's why it's a little different Christianity is that Jesus came to be a sacrifice to be a gift for all men rather than men being a gift for this guy because God knew we couldn't do it in our own strength and that's when I realized that this god is very different and Jesus really is amazing he really is the God of love yes he brought us peace and that's how we attain it is through surrendering and saying Ok God if she is this is the way I surrender to you and through that you can have a relationship and it's not just about rituals and religion it's a relationship and you have this peace which are passes all understanding and then you want to do good for God because if your love not because of fear and the perfect love of God casts out all fear and we're going to hear right now from question how he found that Jesus is the only way to. Real life was made possible this week by Saigon Bowl restaurant and our awakening Colorado monthly giving partners Saigon Bowl offers the best of Vietnam right here in Denver Colorado winning awards from Yelp Urban Spoon and Trip Advisor Saigon Bowl is sure to please with authentic Vietnamese far noodles seafood dishes and other fine Asian cuisine just Google them as Saigon Bowl Denver or call them at 303-935-2427 that's 303-935-2427 Do aliens exist is there more than one way to guys casual sex Ok our new 11th hour t.v. Show is tackling the difficult of the soft cultural and spiritual questions in a fun new way for many purrs. Specht of to help you decide for yourself watches on the 11th hour Mondays at 7 pm and Saturday at 6 30 pm available on cons cast and Dish Network Dish Network for more information go to these are the very thought of making the nation the comeback w w w schedule making the Nation dot com. Welcome back to real life and host Kathleen white and joining me is my husband of Angelus on line and we have the privilege of having to Jeannie with us once again and he followed the Muslim faith and prayed to Allah followed all the rituals was devout and very devout he was what he would say a religious Muslim who did everything he could to be on good side and he ended up in a situation where he was suicidal and we're going to find out what happened to him and why he felt so down and how has life changed now let's welcome to the show thanks so much for being with us thank you so much for having me bless you so now let's take it up to when you're in your twenty's you're dating all these women you've got money but you started to have really bad nightmares and nervousness and you were even afraid that you might even have s.t.d. Because you were partying so much tell me about that. I was doing. Here one day I wake up and start shaking. I'm doing I'm doing something and destroying my body. Peace. More and more and more. Every night it's not even one. Short scary every night. Then the. Nightmare. It's killing me. Thinking suicide and then the government calls. You have to work for 22 hours for free because I lost my job was getting from the stand cash money and has assured us. A glut of to do so they were calling a lot of mechanic shops for free I work for them everybody rejected me even they didn't know me even for free they're rejecting me so they told me there is only one place they need you to work for them I didn't even know what places that she needed to address so I ran there by my car then I saw the church only church and really muslim most religious Christian in my family so I'm like What should I do should I go inside or should I just go back home and I said let's go inside see what happened. As soon as I open the door in the church I feel the power of the Holy Spirit so powerful and so peaceful like somebody telling it will come to heaven the actual search changed everything changed in one second lake. Never had this experience in my life now so peacefully so glorious a man came to me says God bless you my name is Pastor Craig I didn't even know what Pastor means so I said God bless you too but my girl was different and there are girls looking at my face station like Muslim so they said you have a religion I should use another religion a Muslim and you want to war in this church I looked around the church as you know I know its order and I understand through this that you were feeling the presence of God but you were having inner conflict in a place where you were wondering Ok now what is real is that the Bible that's real or the Koran that's real so you struggled for like 2 weeks is that right where you just wondered is that you or is it the Christian God tell me real quick about that so I was for 2 weeks worshipping God and a lot but as a god each one just let me know. Which one wish that was you I just don't want to go to hell so Jesus came to me and he says I am the Way the Truth and the life and no man comes to the Father except through me John 146 and I like to cry destroy my Koran throw it in the garbage I choose Jesus Jesus choose me but the Bible says before I create the universe for you. I understand you've also had several dreams they were so real Tell me about one of those one of those or ask Jesus I said Jesus I want more Holy Spirit because I miss preachers and I need more power to go in the shrimp to tell the truth so Jesus put his hands top on my head he didn't touch me he put the lake few inches away and I feel like I'm coming from the floor and coming from the field and I'm like flying. On the ground and I feel p.s. I saw our food and I know that they are to me as in Jesus I need you to write every He appeared from my face but I couldn't face face was like a song was brighter than some body's garment is close is drizzle was so white he came and he gave me peace because next day to go to doctor for an appointment I was so nervous that I would go bad piece Wow Now I understand through this all that you have had several confirmation that Jesus is the Way the Truth and the life and you started to share that with your family members and friends and ended up in a situation where you were in a coma twice because people didn't want you to share that you came from Muslim to Christianity is that right that's right Wow So now you are street preacher you go out and you share your faith you are continuous relationship with the Lord what is one thing you would tell someone if they're listening and they're. Saying well I'm Muslim but I can't leave my family because I might be killed or I'm just not sure if he's the right way what would you say to that person. Or Bible says if you try to save your soul you use it if you try to lose and for my sake you're going to say that I want to tell you Jesus loves everybody just love the Muslims but the Bible says our work is like a filter rags to the eyes of God God did the job on the cross so the only thing we need to repent and follow Christ and Jesus is a state to the end because the devil want to take your soul and take you away so people have a state to be and holy to receive the eternal life right so tell me where people can find you if they want to connect with you or want to learn more about your ministry Facebook ready or 5000 from what they can follow it's Jesus streets preachers and you want to stay tight the name of. Cherry 00 ha ha. Ha it's called a month to the Las Vegas they can click it and the name of the You Tube channel is Jesus is God They can subscribe. You to channel him and well thank you so much for being with us and we truly appreciate your boldness and your faith in knowing that Jesus is the way God bless you thank you so much God bless you my brother thank you so much and right now we're just going to go ahead and pray for our audience are going to thank you so much Father for what you did include his life and how Jesus you revealed yourself to to show but I sense right now that there's somebody is listening and is saying which one is the right god which one is it is it Buddha is it Jesus is it I want to know the truth if that's a cry of your heart I'm going to pray right now with the real God please reveal himself right now in the mighty name of Jesus. Yes or God Jesus were asking for you to reveal yourself to us to all of those who are listening in a real Kenja pull away fake you are in Jesus' way. Thank you all for tuning in you're listening to real life. K.r.k. S.f.m. 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