30 am on $94.00 f.m. The word. It's the most wonderful time of the year Merry Christmas Trump said Denver Boulder Denver's all new 947 of the word. Good morning this is the morning word on 947 f.m. The word I'm Tom Moeller going to have a high today of 50 degree the temperature is going to drop tomorrow will barely get to 40 if that currently it's $35.00. Accident 3 if you had highways and metro area this morning posted speed limits on I 25 and I 70 both up to speed through the heart of town a little bit of delay on the eastbound side by 270 stacking up a bit between I 76 and York nothing out of the ordinary Don't long that stretch this report by Business Roundtable it's time to make American companies and workers competitive again it's time for Tax Reform call Congressman Ken Buck and tell him to vote for real tax reform Wagner on $9047.00 f.m. The word Hey folks this is Collin Richards founder of the Lord and Richard Gere Denver's biblical investment advisors. 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Hello and welcome to the Bible teaching ministry of Jeff's source and drop senior pastor of harvest Bible chapel in Denver Colorado this is Mark you know I one of the campus pastors and if you're looking for a life given church with passionate worship bold proclamation and a heart for making disciples then please plan to join us for one of our weekend services Saturday night at 5 pm or Sunday morning at 9 and 11 am in Englewood or 10 am in Broomfield for more information visit our website harvest Denver dot org for location and service times again that's harvest in Denver not org We invite you to join us now with your Bible open as Pastor Jeff challenges you with the Word of God to be fully engaged in the mission of Jesus Christ now with today's message here is Pastor Jeff. Think about the rich young ruler that came to Jesus I mean he might have been 99 percent or he might have been a guy that kept all the commandments since he was a kid according to his own life he did he knew when he died his good was going to always bad and useful to me I say one thing you I go sell everything you have give it all to the poor and then come follow me and when you do your reward will be great in heaven in other words I see your life I know what you are about you really about you and your wanting to add me on and let me tell you how I feel about that I could care less I want 100 percent allegiance and she has looked at him and loved him and told him this is what is demanded he walks away sad and to add insult to injury what she is saying well how hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom it's easier to further a camel through eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven this is type of the start of the new can be saved he said With man it's impossible but with God all things are possible what's possible that God can take somebody who's rebellious who's living for themselves and turn their hearts towards him so they get fully agents to Jesus Christ so that's what the story is about now here's the truth often this attitude of apathy and indifference that it's catered to in our society especially in the West. By making sure that you can add Jesus to your self centered lifestyle. And so the Gospel gets presented like this keep doing everything you're doing we as a church will do everything we can to make you comfortable in your own skin just make sure before you die pray this prayer Jesus to your life. This is not the gospel it's just not the gospel. It's there is no good news in that. The gospel is this the Holy Spirit came to convict the world of sin righteousness and judgement so some is going to stand up proclaiming it convicts every single individual and culture of people that refused to give Jesus 100 percent allegiance Here's what Jesus said The Gospel is you're a sinner you're dead in your trespasses and sins there's nothing you can do to make yourself right there's no good work you can do to make yourself better here's how I know this because I'm guarded and I'm going to come and pay the penalty for you and I'm going to die on the cross and pay for all of your sin and rise from the dead and here's the good news you do not need this thing in your sin any more you can turn from your sin and you can give your whole life to me by faith and come after me and when you do you can take all of your sin and put all of your sin on me and what I'll do is I'll put all my righteousness on you that's the gospel now if you preach the Gospel in its fullness you get to the 2nd reason people reject Jesus one is apathy The 2nd is this is hostility it's hostility noticed this in verse 6 while the rest seized his servants treated them shamefully and killed them why do people get hostile because people don't like the true message of the gospel they don't say . So for those of us who are being saved it's the power of God For those of us who are not the message of the cross is what it's. To those who are perishing. It's a Marine to those who are perishing. That are Jeff you can't honestly say that the only way that somebody's going to go to heaven is to repent of their sins and believe in Jesus Christ alone to give him full legions Oh yes I can. Well passage of that means the majority of people don't know Jesus that's exactly right. Well that makes me mad you know why it makes you mad because your pride is too prideful pride to prideful here pride is too strong to repent of your sin and trust me this that's what it means and if you're feeling hostile towards this message is out because other church where I can feel more comfortable in it here's where Jesus was because you don't want me. Because you don't want me. To see when God's servants continue to proclaim the gospel it's an indictment on every individual and culture that has rejected him. I was good with Jews being a good guy and I had no probably died for my sin until our team confronted with my sin and realize that even being a good guide age 18 I'm going to hell and I was angry at the young life leaders that had the audacity to tell me to and. Praise God for the young life leaders that had the and this time it. Was through the truth of the Holy Spirit spoke and I realized I am a good kid in my own mind I've gone to church my whole life and were to a Lutheran great school for 9 years and I will bust hell wide open if I don't repent of my sin interest Jesus Christ and I did and I did and it changed my whole way and so many missed it what were you getting that was just from the Bible I mean I can just give you a couple different places these are usually the passages that I preach when everybody leaves harvest. Matthew chapter 7 verse $21.00 Jesus said not everyone who says to me Lord Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven but the one who does the will of My Father who is in heaven he goes on to say on that day many will say to me but Lord we not prophesy in your name do not cast out demons do not heal people and what's he going to say Depart from Me you workers of iniquity I never knew you . You never gave me a legions were and were not tight like you think go to Matthew chapter 13 and read all the parables you know the parable of the Sower the goes out to sociate and some falls upon the rocks and some falls of on hard ground some falls upon the weeds those aren't save people those are good staves good soil where they produce 3060 and a 100 fold what about the parable the we and the tears both grow alongside both look like each other both are professing the leverage in the kingdom and what happens on the day that is to be known one looks like a weed and becomes dark and fades and the other one produces a harvest but they both look the same it's scary stuff because you can look like a Christian and you can act like a Christian you could talk like a Christian without even being a Christian so you Christians one is given full devotion from their inside in their heart and life to Jesus Christ. And if you're saying well then you know I don't agree with that I think I could be a good person or be my question for you then why did Jesus have to die if you get to heaven on your own why did you have to die it makes God stupid and it makes the cross pointless I don't think that's true but I think that's wise and if it crosses the greatest gift he ever gave to mankind and he gave it to us because of our sin so those of us who recognized our sin could place all the sin on Jesus and receive all of his righteousness and that's what he wants from us. But this is what's going on in this parable that's why Matthew 13 when it talks about the Pearl of Great Price in the treasure hidden in the field what if a guy do that finds a treasure in the field what does he do he goes and sells everything he has to buy the field so he can get the treasure out of it what does he do he forsakes everything he knows about the world to go after everything he knows about Jesus that's called salvation anything less than that I just got to tell you as your pastor I'm just speaking truth to you that is not salvation you have a pastor told me I was saved Ok well your pastor is not going to be there on Judgment Day to vouch for you when did you give fully just to Jesus Christ that becomes the question God's affections are centered on his eternal Son Jesus he wants everybody to honor and glorify Him But guess what he's patient he's gracious with you no matter what you've done to this point if you're still breathing breath Here's what God's word would be to you today after. I've laughed you I died for you I'm not holding anything against you I took it on the cross and you can come to me right now and have a full relationship with me that's what you say but keep in mind this is the 3rd point it's even more challenging God's holiness punishes the unresponsive to his invitation. If you choose to not respond it users punishment for us knows what happens in verse 7 and says the king was angry and he sent his troops and destroyed the murderers and burned their city now this is a parable so sometimes hard to read into stuff we don't know if this is what Jesus was trying to say but I can tell you this after Jesus died and rose from the cross he was still showing mercy and grace to the Jewish nation but about 40 years later well guess what happened. Titus came in the general of Rome wiped out the entire city in 7080 I mean it could have been a reference to what was going to happen to the Jews because they refused to listen to him then he said to his servants the wedding feast is ready to go invite those who are not worthy What does he do he goes and gets both good and bad don't you love that deal Heaven is made up of both good and bad people. Most of the world Christians are all good people I know Christians because I'm one. Not all Christians are good people Ok but here's a true about all Christians they're all redeemed people they're all forgiven people they're all faithful people who trust in the Lord Jesus Christ I don't think that the Apostle Paul before he would say was a good good man. Ok Now the disciples were good men they were redeemed men now that David is a guy that I want to go hang out with. I don't hang out with guys that are philanderers run around on their wives I don't hang around with guys that are murderers That's David Welch Ok We're going to heaven to meet David Oh yeah you can . Play David run around has not run or Jesus that's who you want to have in the me . But it is God's holy and His Holiness punishes the unresponsive to his invitation that's why the message of the gospel all the time is to repent and to believe now there's many people that don't believe this is many people that write books that are called like Love Wins and here's the question people ask me all time if God is a God of love you know I'm going to strike say with me if God is a God of Love how could he ever send a person though I've never heard that ridiculous question it's a crazy question here's the question since God is a God of complete holiness and righteousness How could he ever allow anybody to be in heaven with him that's a better question here's the answer because that's the that's the question the Bible presents Here's the answer because he gave his one and only Son Jesus Christ who died in your place to declare righteous all who were on righteous and to demonstrate love to the world that's how a sinner like you can get out of an. But if you refuse that there's judgment Hebrews Chapter 9 verse $27.00 says it's appointed in the man to die once and after that face judgment Hebrews goes on to talk about that our God is a consuming fire and let me tell you some of the false ideas I think people have of God and let me be clear on a couple things 1st when we talk about hell because I need to be real about it but I want to be honest about it too many Chapter 25 verse 41 the Bible declares how it was not created for you got it not create you inform you in your mother's womb and said this was going to hell that's going to be awesome no way. The Bible says it how it was created for the devil and his angels God desires that no one would go to hell God doesn't want to send anybody to hell God wants all people to repent and even the most wicked person who's ever lived who has died apart from Christ God is not not up in heaven saying told you so that's not our God. Or God we for his people because he loves them he loves you Ok. But in that same passage Matthew $2546.00 it says those who do not know him will be cast off into an eternal fire that does not get extinguished hell is a real place it's a sobering place a lot of people think when Jesus comes back you know a lot people have their ways of getting into heaven where they say you know our way they lie their way try their way by their way or pride their way they lie their way like to buy this you know some people lie their way to heaven that things are going to get there because these pretend I'm going to act like a Christian pretend I'm a Christian and go to church I want to do the right thing but deep down the line because deep down they're never going to get Jesus Christ fully genes some people try their way. Here's what they'll tell you hey I'm working on it my good outweighs my bad here's the problem you're going to stand in front of a perfect holy God and you better have no sin that you've ever committed in your entire life. Some people think they can buy their way into heaven hey if I'm just generous with people if I'm just generous with my money if I just give give give then God will honor that when he meets me he'll say thank you so much for teaching Sunday school and by the way that check you wrote I've never seen that much money and my wife doesn't consider. Some people think they can pry their way and they're going to force their way and this is what happens of the universe we will talk about that someday when they get to heaven they'll just pretend that they deserve to be there and we'll talk God into it like we're going to sitting down to have this big chat. But really the Bible only gives us one way to get there and it's to die or away and Matthew 1624 says if anyone will come after me you must work deny him self take up his cross and follow me and he was going to come after me it's not about you anymore it's about mean willing to die to yourself and live for Christ it's about following after him that's what a Christian is the definition of a Christian now here's the question always comes up a Pastor Jeff I think I've done that I think I've done that but I still look perfect all the time he joined the club. The only time that you live perfect is when you meet Jesus Christ face to face to face and your body is translated If a perfect body it no longer sins it doesn't even know how to sin until that time you'll still sin but where is your allegiance that's what Jesus wants to know. I read this and I think I should do it again in the Revelation chapter 20 you can read about the Great White Throne Judgment because when people die right now immediately if you were to die today your soul goes immediately to be with Jesus or your soul goes immediately to hell awaiting trial and that's what happens make no mistake about your sleep you don't wait but as Christians we believe in the resurrection of the dead so at some point on the day your body will be joined with a cry with your soul to honor Christ forever or your body will be joined with your soul to be punished for ever right and that's what we await the resurrection of the dead in Revelation chapter 20 starting in verse 15 and you see what's going to happen to those who have never trusted Jesus and then I saw the great white throne and him who was seated on it was Jesus from his presence earth and sky fled away and no place was found for them and I saw the dead great and small standing before the throne of the books were opened then another book was opened which is the Book of Life and the dead were judged by what was written in the books according to what they had done in the sea gave up the dead who were in death and Hades gave up the dead who were in them and they were judged each one of them according to what they had done then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire this is the 2nd death the lake of fire and if anyone's name was not found written in the book of life he was thrown into the lake of fire if you were to die today apart from crush you would go immediately to be with him to hell and your soul would be there awaiting for Judgment Day when your body would be resurrected in the body that can no longer die and then you'll stand judgement in that Great White Throne Judgment and the books will be opened Here's how you'll be judged I'm looking for some perfect people out there and here's everything you've done. And everybody at the judgment which by the way if you're a Christian what he meant to be there don't worry about it he didn't get invitation to that that's done what they're out like a fire punished. Forever hell is not just a quick place like 10 years of punishment 100 years anguish no it's weeping and gnashing of teeth it is spiritual and physical torment forever and ever amen which God didn't intend for any single person but it's truth because you offended an eternal holy guardian to not going to hell because you're a bad person you're going to hell because God's affections are for his eternal Son Jesus and you said I don't care about Jesus I want nothing to do with Jesus I want to stand before you in my own sin and show you in my own pride how awesome I am that you Housefull So here's The Point Number 4 I got invited to an internal party with God's standards require people to respond with repentance and faith knows what happened in verse 11 but the king came and took a look at the gas because he said Everybody else had a go good and bad people they all did. And the king came to look at the gas he saw a man who had no wedding garment he said in friend how do you get in here without a wedding garment. Yet understand this. If you're not a wedding today most of the time you know grooms were some sort of shoot or Tuxedo the bride normally dresses and why for many women it takes a. Year to figure out what kind of dress she wanted to wear I mean it's a big deal right in the bridesmaid dress a certain way in the groomsmen dresses which you probably wouldn't roll in and you know flip flops and frayed jeans you know or cut off shorts I mean last year from some of our states and our dear brothers in the south. You dress up in the 1st century the King would have given you the garment so when you were coming into the king's palace he was said here put this on put this on put this on so everybody that came in what you were poor wealthy didn't matter you would have had the means to put on what you needed right so this guy that came in without the garment would have had to have been the guy that said I'm not wearing that thing I don't want that I just want to come to the party that's what he was saying to the king comes and said How do you get in here and was this a and he was one speechless. In other words used by telling his friends I'm going to get him out we're not stupid sure I'm not where I'm at you know garment I'm not putting that on you no one because he wasn't there to honor the Son He didn't want to dress in the righteousness of Christ he didn't want to place all of his sin on Jesus and receive all of Christ's righteousness friend you do and how does it come about by repentance and faith repentance is a change of mind repentance is I am going this direction this is my wife I am on the wide road going this way and I am changing my mind it doesn't mean that I believe God alone because the Bible says even the demons believe in what shutter they are afraid every demon believes that Jesus Christ is God Satan believes that Jesus Christ is God Satan believes that Jesus died on the cross for your sins and think and believe that Jesus rose from the dead and Satan believes that Jesus Christ is coming back to redeem those who trust in him. But things will not be redeemed he'll be thrown into the lake of fire for his rebellion for Never trust in Christ and honoring God. He knows all the facts just knowing the facts is enough there has to be a turning in your life to go after God that's repentance faith is I believe Jesus that you died for me and rose for me and I want you and even though I can't see it all right now and don't understand it all right now here's what I do understand I know I need you I need you I need you that's what that's what it's saying how do you know. How do you know well you admit that you're a sinner you admit to your sin and Ok yeah I admit I'm a sinner I admit God's perfect and I don't measure up Ok Number 2 I believe Jesus Christ died in my place and rose from the dead in that he's the only way is it just how can you say that because of the Bible teaches Well Jeff you wouldn't teach out if you were in a rock Yes I would and yes I have taught it in India to a bunch of Buddhists and Hindus and yes I would teach it anywhere that God gave me breath to teach it because it's the only Gospel that I know. And the only way to have a life with God is through the person of Jesus Christ that's what the Bible teaches So the question for you is when did you repent of your sin interest Christ I'm not talking about the service you felt strangely moved I'm not talking about when you prayed some magical prayer I'm not talking about the religious methodology that you did that you hope you got right I'm talking about internally in your life when did you say enough of me God enough of me living for me God I want you God I am glad you died for me and I know you rose for me and I want to live my life for you when did that happen in your life see that the Bible calls it being born again that the Bible calls being a new creation and when you do them God robe you in His righteousness now they will like the message of repentance but I don't know that I mean this so they like it is just what the Bible teaches John the Baptist in Matthew 32 what he can repent for the Kingdom of God is near Jesus 1st sermon Matthew $417.00 repent for the Kingdom of God is near Peter when he preaches his 1st sermon and everybody says and actually pretty much what I do repent and be baptized and receive the Holy Spirit what about Paul Paul was more of an engaging he really got his culture and x. 17 when he went to Corinth he was on Mars Hill he just really dialogue Well yeah I read that you know he tells people that this guy that you don't know about his name is Jesus and he rose from the dead he died for your sins and he rose and now God commands all men everywhere to what rob banks the common message of the Bible you don't hear much in our culture because it offends too many people and it's too many people and convict too many people but I tell you without that there is no forgiveness of sins. But if you repent because if you haven't you put on Christ now today about 7 miles north of people you put on some things. You can wear stuff like this but because you're going someplace where they need a different type of dress right they needed look different when they get there so they can show everybody that they belong and I'm cool with that but I'm afraid I mean Morkel brought on more of a personal problem like this this prop means something to me Ok. Now when Kim and I went back to see a playoff game recently we were going in and we got there and I was where the shirt and stuff and like I can't go in to Wrigley Field without one of these so I got one of these to put this on right now why in the world would I put that on because there's a number of people that have a guttural reaction to this like why would you root for them they're horrible. I know. Why would you root for them they haven't won in a 100 years i know i know here's why because in my art that's where it's that and I refuse to go into an arena dressed inappropriately Here's what happened with this guy he came into the arena he didn't put on what was needed and when the king game there said What are you doing here you don't care about my son you don't care about what I care about bind him hand and feet from him to the outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth for many are caught but few are chosen. God has an election process where he likes people to himself and so we have a hard time with that will then how will how come he didn't work me he wants to he wants to there's nobody that's going to stand before God and say why would have chosen you but you didn't choose me God wants all people to choose him and when by an act of your will you choose God You are the chosen have you put on the righteousness of Christ if you put him on because one day you will stand before him . Completely exposed in all of his glory and here's the question have you put on the righteousness of Christ if you have. The most glorious thing you'll ever do and if you haven't I would tell you with all soberness and sincerity now is the time to prepare yourself for what's coming I don't know when the end is we'll talk about it here in a few weeks when it's Matthew 24 I don't know the answer Bible doesn't make a specific I don't know I don't know when you're going to die for sure but I do know this you're terminal and your time's coming and it's coming sooner than you think. Most people meet the Lord when they're not expecting Are you ready are you ready if you're not make today your day to be ready put on the righteousness of Christ Amen would you stand upright with me this morning. Father in heaven you've invited every single one of us here to an eternal parting there's not one here that you wouldn't want to come and celebrate your son and yet Lord there are some here who have not put you on their life who are embarrassed about you who right now want to trust you as their Lord and Savior and that you are so you can do it just try this in your own heart Lord I admit that I'm a sinner. I believe that you died for me and rose from the dead and that you're the only true God and. Right now I repent of my sins and confess you as my Lord and Savior and I want to walk with you all the days of my life. If you pray that prayer from your heart and you minute Bible says the Holy Spirit is coming into your life right now that you belong to him and no one can see that you are the same. And Lord for those of us who know you let us hold on to the garment of righteousness that you've given each one of us and let us look forward to the day and yearn for the day where we can see face to face and it means we give you all the praise and all the glory and all the honor in Jesus' name and. Thank you for listening to the Bible teaching ministry pastor Jeffs wars and try senior pastor of harvest Bible chapel as a reminder if you are looking for a wife given church we invite you to join us for one of our weekend services Saturday night right here or Sunday morning at 11 am and good or 10 am in the room for more information or to make an online contribution you can visit our website at harvest Denver. Again that's are best done by God or Please join us every day. This extra job challenges you with the Word of God fully engaged in the mission of Jesus Christ Well that's all the time we have for today so on behalf of Astor Jeff and harvest Bible chapel This is Mark you Nori encouraging you to grow in the knowledge and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ you are low. This is all new 947 f.m. The word Hey Denver this is Dr Cameron I'm speaking as Dr John Faull tune in to our show each week intentional health to you about achieving optimal health intentionally living the healthy life that God intended for you so you can tune in to our show on Tuesdays at 1 pm and Saturdays at 9 30 am where we dissect the root cause of different health conditions and give you solutions to improve your health naturally we specialize in solving health problems so tune in this week to get started being the healthiest you you can be. 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Require me a wife and a grandmother I'm Jim daily and you can give the gift of family to more parents like Betsy help us strengthen marriages equip moms and dad support adoptive families and rescue babies from abortion and when you donate today your gift will be doubled call 800 the letter a in the word family. Lives. They're being changed to the ministry of part for Lebanon I thank you for evidence because he never really had much you can say this week but I don't even. Thank you for bringing home to refugee kids this Christmas call 85818054 or give online at 947 f.m. The word dot com You can donate on our home page 947 f.m. The word dot com when they come around it's those rotating pictures when the Hard for Lebanon picture comes around there are 3 different pictures 3 different icons when hard for Lebanon comes around click that if you have not already made a donation and do that one of the very compelling arguments about the fact of Jesus His birth is that it was prophesied centuries before and Allister bag in a moment is going to go into Isaiah's prophecies about Jesus's life and purpose Isaiah prophesied centuries before the very events that took place in the New Testament Alister bag next here on the morning word going to have a high today near 50 degrees after a record setting day yesterday. 895 I believe that record was previously established 50 today colder tomorrow barely reached 40 tomorrow. So major problems affecting the drive across much more areas so far so good by 25 stacking up around Port Parkway he's down by 270 so over my 7060 York off highway there's a crash 18th in Marion police are on the scene otherwise the drive across town is in fairly decent shape this report brought to you by a business roundtable it's time to make American companies and workers competitive again it's time for Tax Reform call Congressman Ken Buck and tell him to vote for real tax reform Wagner on $100.00. 7 f.m. The word. Family Tree reporting program is sponsored by Cruise Critic. Be a. To. You. We're familiar with the tip of the scenes where we see the baby Jesus in a manger but Jesus didn't stay in the manger he came to accomplish more than just a memorable birth today on truth for life Alister Begg examines I say as prophecies about Jesus' life and purpose Allister has titled his message here is my servant. The. New. Isaiah Chapter 42. And here we have the 1st of 4 servant songs that are found in the prophecy of Isaiah here is my servant whom I uphold my chosen one in whom I delight I will put my spirit on him and he will bring justice to the nations he will not shout or cry out or raise his voice in the streets a bruised reed he will not break and a smoldering which he will not snuff out in faithfulness he will bring forth justice he will not falter or be discouraged to the establishes justice on air in his law the Iowans will put their whole this is what God the Lord says He who created the heavens and stretch them out who spread out the Ariff and all that comes out of it who gives breath to its people and life to those who walk on. I the Lord have called you in writer's Innes I will take hold of your hand I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the gentiles to open eyes that are blind to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness and I am the Lord that is my name I will not give my glory to another or my praise to idols see the former things have taken place and new things I declare before they spring into being I announce them to you. On that. You may recall that in 1932 Einstein in his credo wrote as follows Our situation on this earth appears strange every one of us is here in voluntarily and uninvited for a short stay without knowing the whys and the where force is not dissimilar to what you find in don't sleep in the subway baby where has the same lines you wander around on your own little cloud and you don't know the whys or the way or force is just a sort of more down at the street level expression of something that is not an uncommon sentiment indeed you won't have to have been listening particularly carefully this week to have discovered that somewhere within earshot and perhaps even out of your own lips you have heard the sentiment expressed that we live in a world of chance that history is merely repeating itself and indeed that there is no overarching purpose in the universe that there is no rhyme or reason to our world. This is classically expressed and I use this illustration all the time make no apology for it but in the search for signs of intelligent life in the universe one of the characters is truly the bag lady and as she is negotiating her grocery cart full of her lifelong possessions from one side of the street to another she is expressing all that gives occasion for her to be anxious and worried and in the course of many trivial things she finds herself saying I worry about my place in the cosmic scheme of things and then she says I worry that there is no cause an excuse of things. And of course that is not an unusual notion of men and women asking the question do things just happen or is there a God who is at work in our world are we part of a larger story to our lives of significance in a far larger narrative or are we left simply on our own to try and make sense of our human existence these questions are of course not unique to the time in which we are living through every generation people have been born and looked and thought and wondered and when you go back to the time of Isaiah the prophet we discover there just as we find today that men and women are trying to prevent their lives from toppling even as history appears to be collapsing all around them in the case of these individuals the advance of tyrannical powers sweeping many of their brightest and their best away into bondage the hopes of liberation perhaps in the arrival of another world figure who on the stage of history will be a deliverer to them and so on but in the midst of all of that great macro the micromanagement of individual lives the birth of children the growth into teenage life the question of employment and so on and then all of that the same kind of questions who we are I come from where am I going and that doesn't actually matter at all these questions are real questions in every generation and the response that men and women make to those questions are reveals a great deal about them so for example in Chapter 41 in Vera 6 and following as the earth trembles and as people find themselves buffeted by all kinds of circumstances the prophet describes them as helping each other as one saying to his brother be strong. Sensei walking around singing. Lean on me when you're not strong I'll give you strength I'll help you carry on that's why they're saying Come on now let's be strong and legitimately look at one another and say well if I'm going to lean on you. Whom are you leaning Where does your strength come from and there you will see in verse 7 These people are ultimately leaning on crafty little creations of their own invention the Craftsman encourages the goldsmith and he use moods with the hammer spurs on him who strikes the anvil he says of the welding it is good very interesting that the man in his proud attempts at making known gods uses the same phraseology as is used by God when he had made the universe remember that he lived on everything that he had made and Genesis tells us that God said it is good and here there is a picture of man in his futility creating his own little gods and idols and when he finally puts them all together and hammers them into shape he decides to say as God says of his creation and actually look at this it is really quite good and there you have it at Versailles and idle just in danger of toppling now still in Chapter $41.00 God then challenges the people in relationship to their idolatry to bring out their idols and have them do something that's verse 22 bring in your idols to tell us what is going to happen tell us what the former things were so that we may consider them and know their outcome or declare to us the things to come tell us what the future holds so that we may know you are gods now you see there is something implicit in this and that is that God a real God knows the future God knows the end from the beginning it was Augustan who said a God who did not know the future would not be God. And so the challenge is why don't you bring your idols out and let's have them say something let's have them tell us something and why don't we have them not only reflect on what has happened but perhaps they can tell us something about the future and of course they have nothing to say you might as well expect have been truly has done me to go out and get us a sandwich as expect one of these idols to say anything or troll in response to the challenge they face now what I found so interesting in studying this was to note to myself and I shared it with you that here we have the people in 600 b.c. If you like in that era asking 21st century questions if you like in other words we read of their time and we realize that it all sounds very contemporary what are we doing where are we going what should we do about the financial crisis how do I make sense of my life do I fit in a big picture or not 600 b.c. The people are asking 21st century questions but what is even more glaring is the fact that here in the 21st century a.d. We have men and women attempting 6 p.c. Answers that despite all of the time that has passed idolatry is alive and well all not necessarily in the way that it is described here the hammering out of little creatures although there are plenty of little creatures that I find in people's places on their mantle shelves and some dangling from their mirrors in their car and so on but no what Calvin observed on one occasion I think is pretty accurate namely that the human heart is a perpetual Idol factory but the human heart if you look into it you don't analyze it as a cardiologist but if you look at the human heart as the center of human existence Calvin says what the center of humanity does 2 again and again and again is invent idols. We have to be clear that these idols are simply heart level substitutes for the real God they're not we are we are not to think immediately of bad things or Though many of them will be bad but there are probably good things that become idols good things that God has created that he has created for our enjoyment which we have actually turned into substitutes for himself so he gives us the joy of interpersonal relationships and family and we turn family into an idol we can go anywhere we can't do anything because of our idle we have to worship family he gives us food and instead of enjoying it we become gluttonous he gives a sex and instead of taking it within the context in which he said it we take it out with the bones in which he has said it and we turn it into a perversion of that which is perfect in all of these ways and more besides we find ourselves not too far removed from those whom God addresses here in Isaiah 41 in essence the problem that faces humanity is not moral It's not social It's not intellectual it's not financial or the fundamental problem is that we keep creating false gods to whom we goal seeking fall salvations So turning our back on the God who has made us and made himself known to us in the world in His Son in creation in the Bible we don't just simply sit in the absence of worship but we all worship as Dylan said you got to serve somebody we all serve somebody or something. And here Gard loops down and he says look at these people rejecting me and inventing their own little gods and how futile they are the idols when bringing bad news they were bringing no news if you look at verse 26 who told of this from the beginning so that we would know our before hand so that we could say he was right no one told of this no one foretold it no one heard any words from you what use were you absolutely useless we made you and we and we thought that you would speak to us are that you would be able to reflect on the world or that you would tell us something about the future but we got nothing from you at all it's not as if you had bad news for us you had no news for us they cannot speak they cannot speak and in verse 28 that ends Chapter 122829 that ends 41 you have there the sounds of silence don't you I look but there is no one no one among them to give counsel no one to give answer when I ask them see they are all false their deeds amount to nothing their images are about wind and confusion these things he says are full of hot air and this hot air there are no answers blowing in this wind the answer my friend is not believing in the world all that is blowing in the wind are more questions more unfulfilled expectations more silly notions and the Smalling you come to worship here at Parkside I come to worship period Parkside out of a week in which I have been absolutely invaded advanced upon by the idols of the 21st century. By the things that call for my attention they suggest to me that if I go there I may find my ultimate fulfillment in this or in then and the Bible corrects us that's why it's so important to read the Bible that's why it's so important to listen to the Bible taught I hope you understand that we come together to put ourselves underneath the Bible on the Lord's Day in part so as to make sure that what we've invited in the previous 6 days can be addressed redirected refocused by the truth of Scripture that's why it's important to read the Bible at the beginning of the day before ever we get going you don't want to start the day with a.b.c. Or n.b.c. Or b.b.c. Or any c. For that matter you need to start the day with a bible if you start the day with that nonsense in you from the get go and it's just a personal predilection but I cannot stand that stuff 1st thing in the morning I don't want to hear from some cheery chap in New York where he thinks about the universe but I do want to know what God says because I'm fearful lest I listen too much to that nonsense and pay too little attention to what God is and if I don't have God tell me that that is false and worthless I may be tempted to believe that it is true and worthwhile and then I may find inadvertently that I have become to worship at that shrine and so God pronounces on these things God says listen they're all false their deeds amount to nothing and their images are but when and confusion no one answers no one answers what is required in the absence of counsel is a wonderful counselor what is required in the absence of reality is the ultimate reality. And so it is that he introduces us in Chapter 42 right on cue to his servant here he says in contrast to the No one the No one the No one of us 27 of 41 is someone you there's no one out there for you but here I have someone for you behold here is my servant who by uphold my chosen one into my delight I will put my spirit on him and he will bring justice to the nations as I said to you this is the 1st of what I refer to as for servant songs and Isaiah and in each instance these prophecies clearly find their fulfillment in Jesus now you are sensible people and you're listening to music. And if I am where you are given the way that my mind works I'm saying how does he get there from there how can he say they find their fulfillment in Jesus I mean is that just blustering is that just sermonizing is a just an attempt at rhetoric to try and advance the ball of the field but that would be a good question as the very right question well that's why I tell you all the time it's important to read your Bible from the back to the front and when you read your Bible from the back to the front you will find that when you get to the front it's a lot easier to understand than it was because you started in the back so let me give you one cross-reference and I won't do more than that but if you're interested you may turn to Matthew Chapter 12 and in Matthew Chapter 12 we have in part the story of how Jesus healed the man with the withered hand on the on a Sabbath It's a great story it's a great story on multiple fronts not least of all because the man in the withered hand and he couldn't extend it that was because it was whether it and so Jesus said to him Stretch forth your hand which he couldn't do but he did. It's a good story to read of yourself as a result of the man being healed the Pharisees were annoyed and so Jesus verse 15 withdrew from the place and many followed him and he healed all their sick warning them not to tell who he was the reason was he didn't want to precipitate a crisis he was moving according to a calendar he had a plan in view and he didn't want people to get the wrong end of the stick and hail him simply as a miracle worker because the real miracle that he was about to reform was the miracle of being a savior for sinners and so he said he didn't want anyone to tell them and then listen to how Matthew explains this this was to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet Isaiah here is my servant whom I have chosen the one I love in whom I delight and what is he called Isaiah Chapter 42 verses one and follow up so these servant songs which are written into real time history 6 or 700 years before Jesus causing the people who are reading them to say what in the world is this all about causing a reader to say how am I to understand this when the story unfolds out through and into the New Testament and by the time the gospel writers are taking all their discoveries of Jesus and theology eyes in that what they're doing is they're reading their Bibles namely the Old Testament they're listening and looking at Jesus and then they're saying to themselves while this is clearly that that's what we have here now in this song we may know it 3 things God is speaking. The servant is acting and the listener is responding I begin with God speaking because it is this which gives a foundation to the opening for versus when you read this this introduction to the servant you find yourself saying well who on whose authority are we to take this and in verse 5 God speaks God speaks this is what God Yahweh a the Lord says He who created the heavens and stretch them out now when you know it's 3 things under this heading 1st of all God's personhood or his identity if you like look at verse 8 where he where he introduces himself I am the Lord that is my name now for homework you can go back into Exodus Chapter 3 and the encounter of Moses with the burning bush and you can read that whole chapter and it will be very very helpful to you for now I choose not to go there God says I do not exist Incognito the idea that is created in our universe is something like this this is what people here on the television and the radio all the time the story of religion is the story of a God who is hiding somewhere and it is the story of men and women who are out looking for God The Bible says that God is not Incognito God is not hiding anywhere . But God is a god of self disclosure that God is a God who is chosen to reveal himself that God is it is not that we as men and women are actually out looking for God but it is that God is the one who is out looking for men and women that God is actually implying and to pursue men and women with all of the zeal of a triumphant soldier and with all of the angsty and urgency of a woman in childbirth I didn't invent that you'll see that later in the job that if you read. Alister bag on truth for life with the message titled Here is my servant as Allister said our God pursues us and has revealed Himself to us through His Word that's why we take scripture so seriously a truth for life because it's through Scripture that the Holy Spirit works to bring unbelievers to faith to establish believers and to strengthen local churches and those are the 3 outcomes that we hope to see as we teach God's word every day on this program let me focus on that last outcome for just a minute local churches strengthened our intention is never to replace your attendance at a local church instead as you listen every day to clear expositional Bible teaching our prayer is that you will encourage your pastors to engage in the same kind of verse by verse study and we pray that as pastors listen they'll be better equipped to lead churches that are fully centered on God's word that's the work you're supporting when you give to truth for life we are entirely listener funded so Whenever a pastor or a local church is strengthened by these messages it's because of your generosity to express our gratitude would love to send you a book titled rescuing Christmas. You can request it with your donation today for some people the holidays are full of frantic planning and decorating and wrapping for others this is a lonely season where we remember lost loved ones or maybe it's a combination of the 2 for you either way many of us wonder where to find the peace and joy that Christmas carols promise that question is answered incur a laugh or Tunes book rescuing Christmas ask for your copy when you call 888-588-7884 or when you give online at truth for Life dot org Tomorrow is the final day we are making this resource available so don't wait call right now to ask for rescuing Crispus that number again is 888-588-7884 or donate and request the book online at truth for Life dot org. Pina inviting you to join us Thursday will continue the message called Here is my servant the Bible teaching of Alister bagus furnished by truth for life. Where the learning is for living. In 1517 a young passionate monk and theologian posted a list of 95 statements challenging the Roman Catholic Church that document reform of the Christian faith forever now you can step in front of those very church doors along with teaching pastor Alister back during the Reformation tour and river cruise July 31st through August 12th visit the fascinating sights there were entrance to the reformation movement 40 Tales visit 947 f.m. The were done for call a 555655 for 19 years old time of year Merry Christmas from k.r.k. As f.m. Not the end.