90 percent of. The Salem Media Group. With us for a nasal passage thought that he'd be 52 in the background vice president Mike Pesca making 2 airmen at my not Air Force Base in North Dakota now the u.s. Will keep up economic and diplomatic pressure on North Korea to abandon its nuclear and ballistic missile programs the vice president says the u.s. Nuclear arsenal is a force for peace it's a bedrock of freedom deters potential adversaries protects and assures our allies and it proves every day to the world the United States is with the will in the fire power to annihilate any existential threat to our people or home life at a news conference in Seoul that Secretary Jim Matheson is North Korea's aggressively stepping up its nuclear weapons ambitions North Korea has accelerated the threat that it poses to its neighbors in the world through its illegal and unnecessary missile and nuclear weapons program medicine as the u.s. Stance with South Korea also Deseret News dot com The partial rollout of the j.f.k. Assassination files has rankled President Trump Mr Trump had tweeted that the thousands of files would be released on Thursday the 25 year release deadline that the f.b.i. And CIA insisted at the last minute that many files remain classified the president is warning agencies he will release all of the files if they don't take seriously his order to minimize redactions in the decades old documents History Professor Patrick many says he's surprised the government has suppressed these files for so long all that does this to you all conspiracy theories I mean if you wonder why they're inquiry they have concealed it this long what more are they not telling us many a Boston College history professor says even if all the files on the assassination are released there will still be question because it's still it's so hard for us to get our heads around the idea that somebody like me Harvey Oswald alone or kind of a loser could have. Changed the course of history. This is yes or a news to little tabloids is all it takes to make your thin hair feel and look thicker and fuller guaranteed vigorous gala is the number one drug free hair growth supplement in the u.s. 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Recording program is sponsored by family life from Little Rock Arkansas in April of 1521 Martin Luther found himself standing before Emperor Charles the 5th and it was there that he made this statement that echoes through the ages. My conscience. Is bought by sacred scripture. At their act against conscience is neither right nor Sayf. Here I should think. I can do no other. God help me. That was Dr r.c. School and we're going to hear more from r.c. Sprawl along with Bob who joins me in studio as we explore the Protestant Reformation on this edition a family life that's. Become a family like this week I'm yourself kill the president a family life is a tennis rainy we are celebrating today wait where are my noisemakers I'm your noise maker you're my noise I can recall the noise you need Ok Bob Nobody is here in the Family Life studios and he is my noise maker day on family life there are the look of a cool well done Volodya Well done thank you I said you know what we're celebrating today i do we are out we are just days away from the 500th anniversary of the day when. In an Augustinian monk named Martin Luther tacked to the church door in Britain burned Germany 95 declarations 95 v.c.s. Where he said we have some things we need to talk about here in the church Interestingly enough the 1st thesis was when God calls upon believers to repent he means that that should be a perpetual way of life for all believers and I didn't believe that before they were thinking repentance was kind of a once you know a one time deal of money moved on he said no this is a way of life that we continue to repent throughout our lives and that that's still marks us today doesn't it really does so last week we talked about the significant event which is the Reformation it happened 500 years ago so who were the key players for the reformation Well when we talk about it happening 500 years ago again we're talking about that one day when Luther tack that the seize up on the church door but let's keep in mind that before Luther came along there had been others we heard from Dr r.c. SPRO last week that there were predecessors to Luther men like John Huss others who had stood up and said you know the Scriptures ought to be translated into the language of the people so the common people can read it and the Catholic Church said No the priest should read it and they should explain to the people what it says because if you give it to the common an educated person they're going to draw all kinds of wrong conclusions about the Bible and things will go badly for you so the church was saying we're going to keep it in Latin and it's only for those who are scholarly who are those who have been officially licensed by the church to interpret the scriptures so when Luther came along there had already been seeds of reformation that were sown in the soil of the church God just chose this event as a catalytic event that led to the reforming of the church and those of us who stand in the Reform tradition who look at what Luther did and we say he didn't do. Od the church he called the church back to what the Scriptures teach it had gone off course Luther called it back of course our friends would say well look at splintered into a 1000 different pieces you've got this the nomination and that the nomination and sadly that's true we'd all love to think that we were still One Holy Catholic Church even small c. Catholic drive where your were united around the scriptures around the Gospel and sadly there has been splintering and yet the reforms that Luther called for were needed reforms within the church of his day and those reforms really were were short handed for the people in 5 slogans that became the 5 known slogans for the missions they're called the Soul is hard that it's I have actually I was going to a church probably about 10 years ago that at the end of October every year the elders would get up and they would read through all the solos and they would read co-ordinating scriptures right and it just opened my mind to a different way of seen scripture Well the word Sola means alone or calmly and so that the Protestant Reformers said there are 5 things that that the church has drifted away from that we need to reform the 1st is that our source of authority needs to be the scriptures alone and these were some of the issues that that the Protestant stepped inside this needs to be corrected because we believe that our sole source of authority is the Scriptures sola scriptura the scriptures alone that's the 1st of the masses that's what Dr Spall was talking about last week when we heard him talk about Luther Yes And we're going to hear part 2 of that message later today yes there are 4 other Sola slogans that are part of the Reformation So the scriptures are our source of authority alone the 2nd thing is our salvation is by grace alone through faith alone Sola Graziella and Sola and Sola feed a. Some of the day Ok So faith alone where the instrument of our salvation is our faith alone in our faith and our works simply our faith and it is by grace alone we receive salvation as a gift of grace from God and it's purely of His Grace again we've done nothing to earn it we can lay no claim to it because of goodness on our part it is God's grace alone that brings salvation so solar field day solar Graziella these are expressions to say by faith alone the human race alone and that's different than what the Catholic Church talked to morsel was Ok Ok one is Sola Christus it is by Christ alone and that's really tied in to grace and faith our salvation comes through the mediating work of Jesus not Jesus and Mary not Jesus and the saints not Jesus and anybody else Sola Christus Jesus Ok and then the last one which is how I sign all of my emails now have you ever gotten an email from me with this I have gotten an email and I'm trying to remember in my brain what that would be. You know me tell you I do Ok oh wait wait we have to take a break we have 2 minutes but I'll give me enough time to go back and check my even to be my outlet you have to think I will be right back. One way to develop faith in your children is to think out loud. For family life blended Here's Randi. You know thinking out loud is simply sharing with kids how you came to a certain decision and say you just decided not to buy something for yourself because you felt it was more kingdom minded to use the money for a good cause the next time you're in the car think I'll go out hey buddy we decided not to buy that big screen t.v. We decided to use the money for a service project instead you know I just think this honors God In another thing for us really doesn't you see thinking out loud shapes the faith of your children by showing them how life and faith connect and there's a bonus and step parents think your kids see your heart and they grow to trust Hey you're in the car right now start thinking out loud for family life blended I'm on deal to find out more visit family life blended dot com. You got this whole marriage thing down yeah I mean you remember everything you get her gifts Yeah yeah I mean it's that's a great idea and if you were to get her a gift I would get her favorite flowers if you sleepy which are days easy was it daffodils maybe doilies letter flowers right Ok but at least you remember your wedding vows that small that really counts I take me to hold and cherish is in there and I know that we're family lines we can to remember is a 2 and a half to get away for you and your spouse you'll hear sound biblical teaching from dynamic life speakers it's a chance to get away connect with your spouse and remember what marriage is all about to find out more about a getaway near you get a weekend to remember dot com you can remember that right we're going to remember dot com got it and can I buy a book a of doilies there to. Welcome back to family life this week I'm Michel Hill and I'm joined in the studio with Bob a pm today and he dug out my emails from Bob loopy to find out what your signature is so what does it say solo Dayo Gloria that's correct that the 5th of the solo some of the member the 4 we just talked about let's do a little test Ok I might not know the Latin part I know it starts with a lockout script Torah which means scripture alone yes Sola field day yes which is by faith alone Yes so let God Yes which is by grace alone Yes so let Chris thus which is by Christ alone very good and then celeb day Gloria which is the way of saying God alone gets glory you read Psalm 115 1st. As one and 2 not to us a Lord not to us but to your name be the glory our all glory to God and this was on a day when when the pope was being celebrated as the vicar of Christ on earth he was raised up in some places people were venerating the pope above Jesus and so this was Luther's way of saying no there is only one entity in the universe that is worthy of glory not the pope So really this last solo almost seems like it encapsulates all the other one is it's kind of a underline that says God alone gets glory and whatever applause we may have in this life all glory goes to God it's all about him it's all about Him Ok so last week we were listening to Dr r.c. Sprawl he was at the National Religious Broadcasters Convention and giving us a history lesson you know he was talking about Martin Luther King the beginning of the Reformation we heard one of the message last week yes and this week we're going to hear Dr sprawl talk about the 2nd half of Luther's life here's Dr Strong. Luther was actually saying that not only could the Pope make a mistake as he did in the 14th century with the insect like off on the treasury of merits but here a church council could be wrong and making their deliberate decision of declaring John Haas a heretic so now Luther is guilty of 2 concepts denied the of infallibility of the pope and now the and fallibility of the church council such. And so by now things are really heating up and in 1521 the newly elected. Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire which wasn't a holy war Roman or an empire but any case Charles the 5th convened the Imperial Diet at Borman us where Luther received the safe conduct in order to appear before the diet and at last believed he was finally getting what he had won wanted all along hearing theological debate with Rome the in the representatives of Rome themselves on the issues particularly of justification by faith alone Luther was warned by his friends not to go to bore saying that this would be a trap set for him and safe conduct or other or else he was still be risking his life if he would appear at the Imperial Diet and with that and respond to that saying if there are as many devils as there are in as there are towels on the roof in Vorm And if you ever been to a city in Germany like that and say there are 3 of their roof tiles you know that he's talking about tens and tens of thousands of tiles as if there's money devils at Borman as there are Tal's on the roof Nevertheless I must go and so he came and appeared before the assembly and as he appeared before the assembly his books were placed on the table and Luther was again denied an opportunity to bait the issues the question was simply are these your books. And he acknowledged that indeed they were is books and again they said to him Well then you must say before the authorities of the church and the authorities of the state revoke Oh I reckin and history doesn't show this in the movies that display it the way only Hollywood can Luther trembled before this and he tried to say well what parts of the books do you find offensive certainly there's a lot of things that in this book that I have any controversy at all I affirm the Deity of Christ I firmly Atonement all these things and I didn't want to quibble about that they said these are your books say I revoke answer our question non-chord new to without horns and then everybody assumes that it's the movie show that Luther stuck out his chest and his chin and he said you know here I stand and all that that's not what happened instead Luther said Can I have 24 hours to think it over after all this time and all this crisis and all this controversy he came there and he was asking himself this question can I alone be right about this and so they allowed in 24 hours he went back to his cell in the monastery and he got on his knees and prayed with the most poignant prayers that I've ever read in my life or he cried out before God and he said God where are you are you hiding please rise and defend me at this time the cause is yours and I have in your house and then he resolved himself that whatever the outcome would be determined by God's sovereignty Luther would accept it and so it was then on the next day that Luther returned to the assembly hall at forms and. Again they and her and her them talked and her arbitrator said to him now will you say revoke Oh now will you give us a plain and simple answer without any question. And he said I will answer your question non-con no to him what I thought of warn us unless I am convinced by sacred scripture or by evident reason for popes and councils can have urged in the past so that unless I'm convinced by sacred scripture or by evident reason I will not recant for my conscience is held captive by the Word of God and to act against conscience he said is neither right. Nor safe let me pause for just a 2nd if you hear what Luther saying there my conscience may be see or to by my guilt my repeated the offenses against God maybe I have the forehead of the Harlot where I've lost my capacity to blush Maybe I've done everything in my power to excuse my sins before the world as we are want to do but I'm sorry I've been captured by the Word of God and helped captive by the Word of God my conscience is bought by sacred scripture and to act against conscience is neither right nor safe here I stand I can do no other God help me and then of course the assembly hall erupted in chaos and he mediately Charles the 5th. The Emperor We planted of ever granting safety to Luther and Luther's own friends that abducted him and whispered in my off in the skies in 1521 at the Ward board where he spent his time translating the Bible in to German when the Roman Catholic Church responded in the middle of the 16th century with the Ecumenical Council of Trent defining its position on justification and on sacred scripture was the succession on justification that Rome declared the justification is by faith faith is necessary a necessary condition to be justified but not a sufficient condition that it was that little word alone and then earlier in the 4 session but the bait was how how many sources of authority from God Do we have in the 1st draft of the 4th session of the council tried to Latin words were included part team part him that is to say that the truth of God is revealed partly in Scripture and partly in tradition too delicate sewer brace to the fore session of Trent one by the name of Beulah Nuccio the other by the name of knocking on a stone up in protest and said we don't agree with this statement because it undermines the sufficiency and unique authority of sacred scripture. And then all of a sudden the record shows that the words part time part to disappear from the text and were replaced by the simple connective wart at where Rome says that the truth of God is revealed in Sacred Scripture and in tradition Well every Protestant believes that we believe that creeds and Confessions of an ecumenical councils are important and that God's truth of revealed in Scripture as well is shown to us by our historic confessions and creates and so the question is did Rome respond to the protests and make that literary change in the Latin between partly this and partly that or was it simply a stylistic question nobody knew at the time some even suspect that it was an intentional study of ambiguity to let both parties be satisfied but that issue was finally resolved in the 20th century and Pius the twelve's and cyclical in the 1940 s. Called Who Mani gainers in which it was said that there are 2 sources of divine special revelation the Bible and tradition what Luther said in the 16th century and the what we say today is as important as the instruction that we received from the great theologians of the past from the commentaries from the creeds from the confessions as important as that is there's only one source that has the authority absolutely to bind our conscience is sacred scripture that was the origin of the issue sola scriptura. And what I want to say thank you what I want to say in closing here dear friends is if we want to see an awakening in our time if we want to see a new reformation in our time what we're going to have to see are Christians whose consciences have been captured. By sacred scripture. And can say here we stand we can do no other let me pray. Father and our God. We thank you for your word for the prayer of our Lord himself. When he prayed in the Upper Room father sanctify them. In truth. By Word is Truth. And so we thank you that you have given us your on a dollar rated inspired infallible and an errant revelation. Upon which we stand. And upon which the church stands or falls so we thank you for this in Jesus' name amen. And that's Dr r.c.s. For all giving us a history lesson on who Martin Luther was and what the Reformation was all about as glorious history lesson rather how it was incredible it was incredible So now I'm thinking about our typical listener who might be dropping their kid off at soccer practice or heading to the grocery store to pick up the hollowing Candy how do they apply it to their family like really help us understand how you and Mary and applied this reformation understanding and history lesson to your family well partially for silent as husbands and wives and as parents is to disciple markets and for husbands and wives to disciple one another in the faith so a proper understanding of what the Bible teaches about scripture about Grace about faith about the mediating work of Jesus about God I've slowly getting glory. This affects how we provoke one another to love and good deeds in a family and on a church so yeah it had an impact on who I was as a husband and how I lead and then leading my family even today spiritually and Bob it's great to see what Luther stood for and fought for had such an impact on you and your family and and I'm reminded of losers point of conversion when he was reading Romans one of Romans 117 The just shall live by faith and I just can't help but think that if Luther were here he would tell our listeners they need to subtle that So if you're listening and you need to settle that go to our website family life this week dot com and we have a link there 2 ways to live again our website family life this week dot com. Thanks for thanks for joining me today on family life this week great music happy reformation that to you to so next week on family life this week we're going to get really practical and we're going to talk with a couple organizations that have been ministering to folks who have been marginalized and might have some coffee to come you can join us for that thanks for listening today I want to thank the president of family life Dennis radii want to thank you for joining me and our station partners around the country and our team that works hard our program as a production of family life today in Little Rock Arkansas and our ministry is to effectively develop godly families who change the world one home at a time I'm Michelle Hill inviting you to join us again next time for another edition of famous my. Pharmacy line. Media Group. Yes or a new ball Agnew in Washington Virginia's gubernatorial election stands as a test for the anti Donald Trump resistance whether can energize voters and donors for the less glamorous races featuring traditional Democratic politicians the November 7th contest pits Democratic lieutenant governor Ralph Northam a doctor Army veteran and former state senator against Ed Gillespie one time aide to President George w. Bush knew the release files on the assassination of President Kennedy show some u.s. And foreign officials had varying but unproven theories about the 1963 killing the records show that the f.b.i. Director j. Edgar Hoover said Russian intelligence believe that President Lyndon b. Johnson may have had a role in one document Hoover says a source reported the k.g.b. Tied Johnson to the plot on Wall Street Friday the Dow was up by 33 points at 23434 this is s. Are a new. The funnel into your corner program is sponsored by pathway to victory a ministry of 1st Baptist Church Dallas today on pathway to victory Dr Robert Jeffress concludes his eye opening study on the 10 Commandments Remember the greatest commandment somebody Estes is Jesus what is the greatest commandment he said to love God with all of your heart mind soul and strength but the 2nd greatest commandment is to love your neighbor as yourself the desire for more covetousness causes us to break both of those commandments that's why this is the climactic commandment and God's welcome to pathway to victory with author and pastor Dr Robert Jefferson you know of all the commandments that God has given to us in the act of coveting or simply wanting what others have it seems to be the least dangerous right today on pathway to victory Dr Robert Jeffress reveals how coveting is a serious sin that can eclipse both our love for God and our love for other people now here's our Bible teacher to introduce today's message Dr Jeffress Thanks David and welcome again to pathway to victory today we're continuing our important study on the 10 Commandments called God's top 10 I'm convinced that our lack of knowledge about the 10 Commandments and even more importantly our lack of application is responsible for the terrorist in of our nation our homes our churches and our personal lives we can trivialize and ignore God's instructions if we want to but we do so at great risk that's why we dedicated the past 3 weeks to studying these foundational laws and to help you keep the 10 Commandments at the forefront of your mind even after this series is ended I'd like to send you a help for reference card on one side you'll find all 10 commandments from Exodus Chapter 20 and on the other side you'll. On the 2 greatest commands from Jesus we're calling this the loving God and loving your neighbor encouragement card and this encouraging that card is our gift to you simply for contacting us today at p.t.v. Dot org I'll say more about the encouragement card and resources later but right now it's time to get started with the final message in our series titled God's top 10 we come to the 10th commandment Thou shalt not covet and just because this is the last commandment doesn't mean it's the least important in fact I think many times our desire for more is what drives us to break the other commandments turn with me to Exodus 20 verse 17 for this convicting study on one thing what other people. There's been a human Franklin who once wrote who is happy in life. And he answered his own question by saying He who is content and who is that Franklin asked no one. Benjamin Franklin really was right on both counts contentment is the key to happiness and wife and there are very few people who ever experience it actually that idea is nothing new at all thousands of years ago the 10th commandment addresses that very topic the 10 Commandment reminds us that the greatest enemy to our happiness in life is a discontent feeling with our circumstances and what is the cause of discontent dissatisfaction with what we have the underlying call as is the sin we're going to look at tonight the sin of cup with this if you have your Bibles I want you to turn to Exodus Chapter 20 is tonight we finally conclude our series on the 10 Commandments the 10 commandment is actually found beginning in verse 17 Let me read it for you Exodus 20 verse 17 you shall not covet your neighbor's house usual not covet your neighbor's wife or his male servant or his female servant or his ox or is donkey or anything that belongs to your neighbor. And in many ways the 10th commandment is very much like the 1st Commandment they're booking ends of the 1st Commandment reminds us that we are to not allow anyone or anything take the place of God in our lives you are to have no other gods before me and falling when we get to this commandment God is going to remind us that we should never allow our desire for more to eclipse our love for God or for other people use shall not covet it is the desire for something that you do not have and it's that a desire for more that really is the basis of just about every other sin in line line and the 1st lie that was ever told was told by Satan you find it in Genesis 3 and he said Now Eve I know God said that if you eat of the tree you're going to die but let me tell you something the reason God doesn't want you to eat of that tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil he knows that if you do you'll be like Him and God can't handle the competition you see God's character isn't really all that it's cracked up to be God is trying to keep something good from you and by the way that same strategy continues throughout history it was lots of desire for more and better land that caused him to settle in the land of Sodom it was Jacob's desire for more inheritance they caused him to choose brother Esau of the inheritance it was Joseph's brother's desire for more attention from their father to cause them to sell their brother Joseph into slavery it was Solomon's desire for more wealth and power and pleasure that turned his heart away from God The sin of covetousness the sin of wanting more than you have than God has planned for you is the basis for every other sin and line what is it that causes covetousness why are we so while. And that you waited with this idea of having more let me mention 3 reasons that all of us are tempted with this sin of covetousness One reason is the culture in which we live our culture breeds the sin of covetousness I think there's a 2nd reason that many people who are obsessed with this desire for more and that is a basic dissatisfaction for God's provision for us we think somehow God is short changed us perhaps with the income he's provided us or with a home that we live in are perhaps with the family that we have somehow we think God hasn't dealt fairly with this especially as we compare ourselves to other people number 3 and I think at the root of the causes of covetousness is idolatry idolatry and that's the belief that there is anyone or anything other than God who can satisfy our deepest needs if only I had this home if only I had this amount of money if only I had this husband are this why if only I looked this way then I could really be happy in life remember when we looked at the 1st Commandment we looked at Psalm 115 you might turn back there for a moment Psalm 115 reminds us of the folly of trusting in anyone or any thing other than God to satisfy our deepest needs look at the folly of idolatry Psalm 115 verse 4. The Sama says their idols are silver and gold and the work of man's hands they have now this but they cannot speak they have eyes but they cannot see these idols have ears but they cannot hear they have noses but they cannot smell they have hands but they cannot feel they have feet but they cannot walk they cannot make a sound with their throat those who make those idols will become like them everyone who trusts in them that's the problem with believing the myth of more believing that anyone or anything other than God can meet your deepest needs everyone who trust in something other than God is going to be disappointed don't fall for the myth of more we've talked about what covetousness is we've talked about the causes of covetousness But I want you to turn back to Exodus chakra 20 and notice the specific focus of covetousness in this passage we said that covetousness is the general desire for more and the problem with it is that it eclipses it replaces our love for God but I want you to notice the focus of this verse in verse 17 God says You shall not covet your neighbors have his wife his servant his ox his donkey or anything that belongs to your neighbor you see what God is saying here it's not just a general desire for more it's a desire for what somebody else has. This desire for more in general replaces our love for God. But our desire for what somebody else has eclipses our love and our concern for other people it reveals a lack of love for that person a lack of concern for their wellbeing even see that in the church here's somebody who is upfront and gifted and people admire him or her because they're always this plane their gifts and you can't help but think you know they deserve to get there are odd rejoice if something happened to them or if something does happen to them you gloat about it it's a desire for somebody else's position that reveals your lack of love sometimes it's hard as hard for somebody else's possessions that shows our lack of love for them you've read the stories in the newspaper children who kill their parents for an insurance policy or for an inheritance they don't have to be that extreme sometimes people will see a parent or relative and they will start to view them simply as obstacles to some promised inheritance they no longer see them for who they are but only what they will give to them it's a desire for what somebody else is has that not only eclipses our love for God but it reveals a lack of love for other people remember the greatest commandment somebody asked Jesus Jesus what is the greatest commandment he said to love God with all of your heart mind soul and strain but the 2nd greatest commandment is to love your neighbor as yourself the desire for more covetousness causes us to break both of those commandments it causes us to lose sight of God In New Years and it reveals a lack of love for other people that's why this is the climactic commandment and God's top can. What is the cure for covetousness How do you overcome this obsession with having something more better or different than you have and especially having something that belongs to somebody else but the cure for covetousness in a word it's contentment contentment and that word contentment means simply being satisfied with what God has given you remember what Paul said and what the ins for beginning in verse 11 Not that I speak from want but I have learned to be kind and in whatever circumstances I'm am I know how to get along with humble means and I also know how to live in prosperity in any and every circumstance I am learned the secret of being filled and going hungry both of having abundance and suffering in need Paul says contentment is the basis of happiness in life but what is the secret to contentment How can you experience contentment satisfaction in your situation let me share with you 3 keys for contentment in life 1st of all have a proper diary you system and by a proper value system I mean start valuing what God that. Now more talk more about this in a few weeks but you know the brute problem of our discontent we tend to value and pursue that which is temporal rather than that which is eternal I want you to think about the things that you're striving for in your life right now the things that you're working for are those things temporary or are they turmoil and I'll just bet you most of the things you are thinking about you're obsessed with attaining your working for striving for are things that you're going to leave behind one day when you die. We need to have the right value system Paul said in Philippines 3 verses 7 and 8 but whatever things were gain to me those things I had counted as a loss for the sake of Christ more than that I count all things to be lost in view of their surpassing knowledge of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord what is it that God values again go back to Jesus' words the things that God values most are loving God with all your heart and loving people as yourself as somebody said everything else in life is commentary loving God loving others value the things that God values Secondly trust in God sovereign plan for your life one way to be content with your circumstances is to trusting God planned for your line we've let many times it Psalm 139 before what's in the Psalmist reminds us that every part of our physical being was planned before God before we ever drew our 1st breath everything about our physical make up our emotional make up was ordained by God and not only that the Psalms said that all of our days were written in God's book before we live the 1st day he has it all planned out now listen to me God's plan for your life extends beyond your physical and emotional make up it includes every detail about your life including your job including your family including your income including your bank account all of that has been determined by God and that is why it is so foolish for us to compare ourselves to other people God has a unique plan for every part of your life Trust in that plan be content with it I came across in my reading this week records of and Lamont to she said. Get used to it some wonderful dazzling successes are going to happen to some of the most awful undeserving people you know people who are in other words not you. Not quit getting upset when good things happen to other people trust that God has a plan for you and he's going to accomplish that plan for your life Trust in God sovereign play number 3 be grateful for God's provisions learn to be grateful for what God has given you. I mean I've said before it's impossible to be grateful and discontent at the same time you can't do it you can't be thanking God for what he has given you and cursing God for what he hasn't given you at the same time it's impossible to do it one key to be grateful is the thank God for what he's done for you you know by the way gratitude is all a matter for spect of it's all a matter respective I think about the story about the 2 elephants that were leaving Noah's Ark after a year of being on the boat and as they were descending the plank one elephant grumbled to the other what a lousy cruise it rained the whole time. It's all a matter of perspective be grateful for what God's done for you what is it that God really Oshie you ever thought about it what does he owe you Roman $623.00 tells us for the wages the payment for sin is eternal death if God gave us what he owed us we would all spend an eternity in hell but God doesn't give us what we deserve he gave us what we need he gave us the gift of salvation through His Son Jesus Christ. God didn't deal with us according to what we deserved but according to what we needed to think about this once we become a Christian there's God is God obligated to give us anything else other than eternal life of course not Is he obligated to give us a certain income level a certain home to live in a certain position in the company he's not obligated to give us anything I want you to listen to this description of the 1st century Christians and how they lived he was chapter 11 verse $37.00 they were stoned they were song and 2 they were tempted they were put in death with the sword they went about in sheep skins and goatskins being destitute afflicted ill treated men of whom the world was not worthy wandering and deserts and mountains and caves and holes in the ground and that was the 1st century Christians compare that to your situation right now I think it's that realisation that cause the Apostle Paul to ride in 1st Timothy Chapter 6 these important words but godliness actually is a means of great gain when accompanied by contentment who we have brought nothing into this world we cannot take anything out of it either if we have food and covering with these things we should be content but in covering Do you have that do you know where your next meal is coming from you have a roof to sleep under Can I anything beyond those 2 things ought to be a source of great gratitude to God You've got a job be crate full you've got a car to drive be grateful you have a family to love be grateful God owes you nothing but he still deals with you generously. Many of you know the name of David Robinson former superstar Center for the center and Tonio Spurs he once spoke about what led him to become a Christian and he said it all started with watching Michael Jordan embrace the Chicago Bulls 1st championship trophy as David Robinson watch Michael Jordan class and grip that trophy this is what he said here in my Robinson said with 5 cars 2 houses and more money than I ever thought I would have what more could I ask for but where am I going and here's Michael Jordan he has more than me and boy I'd like to have some of the things he has but is the world setting a trap for us what I had should have been plenty but no matter how much I had it didn't seem like enough because material things really can't satisfy your deepest needs that's when I started to realize I needed Jesus Christ. Don't fall for the minutes of the 10 Commandments sales. Thank God for what he's given. Trusts in his unique blend for your life. And focus on what God then use those facts to see to contain. And with that we can pollute our study on the 10 Commandments called God's top 10 God placed these boundaries around our lives not to limit our happiness but help us find true and lasting contentment when we follow God's commandments we can experience the full and satisfying life that God intended Well today not only marks the end of our series it also marks the last day for you to request this important collection of messages after today it will no longer be available and so I want to send you the complete series on audio cd when you give a generous gift to support the ministry of pathway to victory the cd set comes with a life application study guide that you can using your Sunday School class or at home with your family and when you respond today I'll also include the loving God and loving your neighbor encouragement card that I mentioned at the beginning of today's broadcast now when your gift is $60.00 or more I'm also going to send you a hard copy of my bestselling book titled a place called heaven 10 Surprising Truths About your Eternal Home Plus I'll also send you a copy of our popular at a glance brochure called what 7 world religions teach about heaven and I know many of you received a copy of my book a place called heaven last month but I bet you know somebody who had being courage by receiving this book is a gift from you maybe you know someone who's not. Christian yet what a wonderful way to share the gospel by sharing this book that is certainly sure to whet their appetite everyone wants to know about heaven everyone wants to go to heaven and in my book a place called heaven I not only answer the 10 most frequently asked questions about heaven but I give the plan of salvation very very clearly I can't think of a better way to share your faith with someone then to give them a copy of this book a place called Heaven well again today marks the last day that you can receive the series on the 10 Commandments the encouragement card and the special offer of a copy of my book so be sure and contact us today. Thanks Becky Jefferson If you'd like to request your very own copy of the god's top 10 cd set and the life application study guide simply contact us today with a generous gift as an added bonus will also include a helpful reference card about loving God and loving your neighbor called 866-999-2965 or online go to p t v dot org When God leads you to give an especially generous gift of $60.00 or more you'll not only receive the resources I just mentioned but also a hard cover copy of a place called heaven it's stuck in Jefferson's latest bestselling book plus will also send you the attic glance reference guide to what 7 world religions teach about heaven today is the very last day this very special offer will be available so call right now 866-999-2965 or give online at p.t.v. Dot org You can also send your donation and make your request by mail right to p.o. Box 223609 Dallas Texas 75222 that's below. Box 223609 Dallas Texas 75222 I'm David j. Mullins wishing you a great weekend then join us again next week for the start of a brand new study in the book of Luke it's called reigniting your passion for Christ that's Monday here on pathway to victory with Dr Robert. You're invited to join Dr Robert Jeffress want to get away go treasure for ever I can't imagine a better way to spend a vacation than combining relaxation with spiritual refreshment and that's exactly what will do this coming June 8 to 182018 on the pathway to victory journeys of Paul Mediterranean cruise our travels will take us to exciting ports like century needs and Athens Greece along with the stunning port of call Naples Italy there's also a pre-credit extension to or to Rome a June 5 day study God's word with Dr Jeffress while tracing the missionary journeys of Paul laugh and bond with other believers and connect with God in the beauty of his magnificent creation will enjoy a meaningful worship every evening with musicians Reggie and lady love Smith and pianist Gordon and I'll be teaching from God's word to reserve your spot and learn more about the preacher of extension tour to Rome go to p.t.v. Dot org. This is Denver's all new 947 f.m. 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The word sharing a word that changes the. Fetus or family member or statistic. 94 percent of the. Part of the Salem Media Group. With a. New in Washington Correspondent Jackie Quinn reports president's top economic adviser is optimistic that the tax cut plan will spur on economic growth the chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisors Kevin Hassett says lower corporate tax rates would lead to more investments by companies and equipment and workers that would increase productivity and incomes but former Obama economics adviser Jared Bernstein calls that idea their latest installed.