We. Thank you our. We. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank you and thank you a our. Thanks. To our. Thank you thank you. Thank. And now back to grass fed on 104.7. Deal. To. Take it slow. But. Yes to. Waste. That day. I am convinced the whole day love. That all our love lives always well. It's a true that I've heard good. But no one told that to me yet. Live. Live. As close. To help from the sack. Live. With. Song. No. No the last. Samurai. 6 feet. Long song. Sort. Of. Seems to me. With. Just let me. Say. Is. This no no no no no. No. No longer. Mostly. I'm there when she chews. My. Work. I mean she used to. Morning prayers go. Out for them but. Show no. No they're. Not the lads. To me that. Beat. Them up Joe you know. Joe. You might just. Go. Down and die or. This news to span. Is no no no. No let. Me. Be. More Joyous. Tornado or. Wrecking. Nope nope. Nope just. Best place where it's Tuesday like this floating away from. Times. And then tank or snark. Back to grass fed I want a 4.7 carry. Grow . A. Mile. An hour. Thank you. Get. Live. Live. Live. Live. Live. Live. Live. Live. Live live live . Live. The be. I. Had not been listening. I was barred. I never got arrested. Harder than. Longhorn. I talk. At all for the long run because I'm like. No I'm not. Long. Long. Long. Long long long. Slow look at the polls. And you'll know you never know. Knows the next long long. Long long. Long long. Long. Long long long. The booming long. Long long the boss. Oh you. Know the book. I think you may. Know let. People. Know you know. The Thanks for joining this is the grass fed show. 4.7 f.m. . The.