House Education and Labor Committee chairman George Miller said for a long term plans do not provide sufficient return and security for many Americans he also said and I quote For too many Americans. Have become little more than a high stakes crapshoot. If you had a foreign kid for all 3 b. At t.s.a. a t. P. Any other retirement account that is no longer controlled by your employer then we need to topic even if you are still working in our age 59 a half we may be able to help you protect the retirement money at your current workplace if you have an Ira that you are concerned about losing to the high stakes game of market losses and volatility then I have something for you. My free retirement an income book gives you all the information you need to take advantage of these offers please call me. At age 443547233 and I will be more than happy to provide your 115 page book that shows you how to divorce your broker and put your retirement money on autopilot again my number is 844-354-7233 The multibillion dollar air raid companies I work with Guarantee 1st year returns of up to 8 percent or more you can also get up to 7 percent compound annual growth guaranteed from lifetime income accounts Hume's work your whole life to build up this money taking advantage of employer match eating counts and now it's time to make sure you don't lose it all. I know some of you feel it's just too late that you've already lost your retirement money and I'm here to give you hope not despair we can start the road to recovery right now. A guaranteed 1st year in term of up to 8 percent or more can start the process of saving your sinking ship also lifetime income accounts can provide you up to 7 percent guaranteed annual growth in income you can never live if that doesn't give you hope I don't know what will. For some of you it's hard to have hope and I feel for you and spoke with many a person who wished they were my clients 2 years ago instead of today they feel like failures but they shouldn't they are simply misled by the promises of brokers friends and media telling them to work hard put your money in mutual fund diversify and everything will be Ok. What failed is a promise that never should have been made you know sometimes failure is like an elevator I am sure you can remember times when everything seems to be going good about your retirement maybe you feel that way now it's like riding on a millimeter heading straight for the penthouse every day you wake up and you're on a higher floor in fact your retirement money is doing so well you don't even pay attention to what floor you're on but then. You feel that sinking feeling you know what I mean we have all felt it when the 1st starts to drop our stomach goes into our throat we are going down when it's supposed to be going up it is not a feeling anybody likes it's the end expected turbulence on your airplane flight before you know it you're dropping so fast it's all you can do to hold on your brokers telling you Don't worry the market will hit a bottom you might also hear this isn't a great buying opportunity I love that one well guess what that is the same thing they tell their clients every time the market drops the good news is that the elevator rarely drops without stopping on a few floors along the way the problem is that hardly anybody gets off the elevator maybe they hope it will start going back up it's kind of like the gambler that is waiting for the next big hand he sees. Thinks if I can just hit the right cards I'll be Ok. Isn't that what your broker is telling you to do he's not saying it in those words but nevertheless he's telling you to wait for the next day and he's telling you to wait for the elevator stop dropping Why is that. If you knew when the was going to start its way back up would he have known it's going back down also. I'll tell you why you're receiving all this double top. Advisors the risk money or what we call industry variable that counts make their money even when your elevator cars in a free fall the fees they charge reduce your weather is going up or down this money is made every single year on your account no matter what if you have an account today please check for the word variable. If it says variable on your account you should call me right away let me ask you Do you think you should have to pay someone to lose your money I think you know that answer I don't charge my clients fees my compensation is paid directly from the highly rated companies I work for them I think brokers may provide with our no market risk strategies 100 percent of your funds start working for you from day one I will show you how this works with our free retirement any book please call 844-354-7233. 844-354-7233 will send you a copy of our book you have a choice you can get off the elevator right now before it goes into freefall I have an elevator car waiting for you and I'm holding the door open the great thing about this ride is it only goes up. Your growth may pause now and then when the market drops but it will never go down in never go backwards your principal is guaranteed your gains are always locked in and you can even get up to 8 percent bonus on your money just for opening your account. Your money will only participate in market gains never losses some plans even guarantee that year after year in fact in as many as 20 years. Time Income Account could grow up to 7 percent compound annual e. Or more and you will have an income you can never live that's a guarantee that you at least double every 10 years for a lifetime income. Don't you wish you had a lifetime income account that. Will Now you can I want you to know there is hope for your hard earned retirement dollars Let's work together to make your money safe from market risk taxes fees and inflation all you need to do is call 844-354-7233 extension 2 jump on and that only goes up I sleep at night knowing that none of my clients have ever lost a single penny I want you to sleep at night to imagine your retirement money growing without being concerned if the market is up or down made today the day you decide to protect your retirement. Get your free copy of retirement any income. Safe money information in this book is comprehensive guide to putting your investments on autopilot reduce scene or lemonade cheese and taking advantage of market gains without the downside risk of market losses once again my number is 844-354-7233. From this perspective how can we really know the risks we're taking in investments how can we measure the risk as we talk about it let me give me a phone number in case you want to call and find out more about this topic please call 84435472338443547233 Ok very unique. Ideas on the subject of measuring risk Mr. Man of great background from a prominent family in Lebanon and if you can do it here in the u.s. He is an Arthur sky Professor philosopher senior Wall Street trader and hedge fund manager and an expert on medical science did you get that's quite a mouthful isn't it. In saying that description hardly begins to describe him Mr to lead is a far oboe thinker and when he speaks he draws a large crowds his most famous books are the hidden role of chance full by randomness in the Black Swan The Impact of highly improbability. Let me tell you what he has to say because it has profound meaning for you and me and profound impact on the ideas of the everyday investor Mr Kelly says we will all place too much weight on the odds that past events will repeat when unrepeatable chance is a better explanation do you assume that the markets will continue to always go up that any downturns are temporary and that bull markets continue forever or you do not even think about risk either way danger lies ahead for you Mr Tilley are used that the markets do not factor in risks that are not measure role in that most of the really big evince in our world are rare and predictable and not measurable. When they happen usually have a significant downward impact on investment markets this is one of the big reasons why we spend so much time encouraging you to get off that train and shift the risk to someone else shift the risk to whom you say we work with $1000000000.00 companies that will take the risk off your shoulders and guarantee that you will never lose a pinny of your investments due to market risk. They guarantee you an annual return of up to 7 percent on a lifetime income account and guarantee to pay you a lifetime income that you can't ever outlive the sound awfully good well it does me at 844-354-7233 that's 443547233 these large companies provide many guarantees remember pensions remember those things they're pretty much gone so many people are struggling today to find a way to know absolutely no that they will have incomes as long as they live having 1000000000 dollar companies willing to guarantee you a lifetime income provides a lot of comfort in relief so go back to Mr Truly. Have you heard the term blacks want to vent that term is what Mr Cleaver calls events that are rare and unpredictable the term refers to a 17th century idea until the $1600.00 it's it was an accepted truth that all swans are white in fact all swans are white had been used for a long time as a standard example of a scientific truth that quoted today might be the earth always rotates around the sun today we call that an undisputable scientific truth right so what are the odds of seen a black swan. Impossible to calculate but considered impossible until $6097.00 when explorers found swans in Australia imagine that they had a black swan event finding black swans in Australia when that was considered impossible we had a big black swan event in 2001 didn't we it was called 911 and we're having many others these days earthquakes volcanoes terrorist strikes civil wars political I'm instance so on the chances of Black Swan Of Instead they seem much higher than just a decade or 2 ago and yet many people continue to invest as though the stock market will continue to rise for ever with no black swan events along the way doesn't seem a bit on. So let me ask you a question how would you like a guaranteed 1st year return of up to 8 percent or more with 100 percent guaranteed safety from market risk and no taxes will your money compounds and without the fees and charges normally associated with retirement accounts oh and by the way no market losses during black swan events. We offer our listeners a free return and in 10 kids that could change your financial life for the better please call me any time at 844-354-7233 someone is available to answer your calls now or any day of the week. I have to take a short break this is Larry Henderson and you're listening to retirement income radio let's pause for some weeks announcements. One turn a guaranteed minimum of up to 10 percent or more return on all 1st your deposits and capture stock market linked gains while eliminating market losses the secret for successful retirement is to avoid any loss of capital in order to go forward never backward also avoid the deteriorating effects of these taxes and inflation pay 0 taxes while your funds grow it 1st your rates up to 10 or more percent guaranteed by $1000000000.00 companies to have 0 market risk call 184-4354. Brokers charge fees even when their clients are losing money we never charge fees as your money only moves forward to reach your financial goals call us at 184-4354 saying that's 844-354-7233. Now back to more retirement income radio with your host Larry Henderson Welcome back to retirement income radio Larry hinder says save money retirement specially. If you would like our free 115 page retirement income book in a custom tailored retirement income kid Collis now it ain't 443547233. This kid will be customized to your situation in current details with no market risk strategies and how you can earn market returns with market ris reduce or eliminate fees and throw away the worry knowing your retirement money is safe and growing so for the 844-354-7233. We have talked about how the real risk of exposure to the markets is not discussed in the media or by brokerage houses we use no market risk strategies based on special plans that can provide 1st year returns of up to 8 percent or more include controversial guarantees that you'll never suffer a loss because of stock market declines while locking in your yearly gains and also no feeds taken from your deposit. This message is different from what you normally hear on financial shows largely because our concepts are different Most brokers base their financial planning based on something called modern portfolio theory this theory basically divides up your money and puts it into different investment categories another word for this is diversification we've all heard that word the process of diversification is supposed to minimize your losses if the market drops one thing that is rarely talked about is that it also limits your game when the market goes up we have a little better idea what if you could participate in some of the market gains without 1st dissipating in any of the market losses are if this is preservation of your principle participation and market gains and a lifetime income that you can't ever live we help you set up or retirement you can be sure of markets always retest new lows but when the market's going to the next dive it won't matter to you once he was scape the volatility of the markets our clients are usually smiling knowing that their hard money is 100 percent safe from any and all market losses how do we do that. We stay away from stocks bonds mutual funds and variables all of these are exposed to market losses My number is 844-354-7233 please call me any time to receive our free retirement in the income book and or in return name income kit specialize for your needs that's 844-354-7233 ask about our lifetime income maximization strategy that allows you to build up an income account compounds up to 7 percent annually this account can be used to guarantee you will never outlive your retirement money. You see when you suffer a loss in the market even a small loss you have 3 problems the loss of you is just the 1st problem the 2nd problem is that the time it takes to make back that loss takes a long time. But the 3rd problem is this is almost impossible for you to regain losses let me explain how that works if you have a market exposed the count of 100000 in the market drops by 30 percent your account is going down to 70000 very painful right but that's just the beginning imagine the markets go back up the next year by 30 percent are you back to your original No definitely not why not let's let's figure that again after dropping 30 percent the count is $70000.00 so the 30 percent gain is only a gain 170900 which is $21000.00 so $70000.00 plus $21000.00 is only 91000. So making back the same game as the last didn't get you back to where you were it would take a 43 percent gain to get back up to where we started which would be $100000.00. That is why people rarely recover losses one of my favorite question is to ask my listeners wind is negative 30 plus 43 equals 0. When you lose money in the market it takes a 43 percent gain just to get back to 0 when you've lost 30 percent here's another question when does NATO 30 equals 0. The answer is when you're my client that's because my clients have no possibility of market losses ever so you never have to worry about trying to regain losses also you can get bonuses of up to 8 percent when you begin your account in a guaranteed lifetime income account that is contract surely guaranteed to grow up to 7 percent per year for income. If any of this is confusing I'll be happy to explain it when you call me at 844-354-7233 there are no high fees guaranteed gains and no market risk are information make sure return and simple and easy to understand are no market risk planning removes the stress from the golden years. I hope you enjoyed retirement a show and Colorado's answer to all things real estate with Deborah Elliott Please join me this week when Christina. Joins me in all about how a company can make your concrete flooring in your garage or driveway your basement your entire home looks stunning but there decorative for late. Saturday mornings had 11 am r.t.o. News Radio 5.5 f.m. 12 40 am and 92.5 f.m. You gotta love saving up to 50 percent off and the Dell Memorial Day sales they deliver is massive deals Dell definitely didn't hold back on the savings and they have an amazing selection you can score the latest Dell P.C.'s with Intel processors gorgeous Samsung T.V.'s or maybe you're after Bose audio or google home a nest bundle shot big Memorial Day deals by visiting dell dot com slash Memorial Day or call 800 by Dell. You're having a great day and then this happens. 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Stephanie was in the wrong place at the wrong time this is a suspected gunman of the officer and 7 other people after police say there apparently was a family argument that escalated into a house to house shooting rampage in Lincoln County Mississippi. Godbold the handcuffed suspected shooter talking to reporters Harry's apple from the Clarion Ledger newspaper though British Airways is flying again after a major computer outage yesterday there are still delays and cancellations out of London airports be a chief Alex Cruz I know this has been horrible time. For customers some of you have missed holidays some of you have been stranded on aircraft and some of you have been separated from your bags many of you have been stuck in long queues while he waited for information British Airways says it's offering travelers free ground transportation and free water and snacks considering a ban on laptop computers in the cabins of all international flights to and from the u.s. Homeland security secretary John Kelly announcing new screening measures a 10 u.s. Airports this summer in terms of the t.s.a. Process they will ask people to open their bags so they can look inside so it has as to do with how much is stuffed in the bag razor ongoing 18 home search so far say police in Manchester England a dozen people in custody now in connection with Monday's deadly concert bombing President Trump tweets that his 1st foreign trip in office was a great success for America hard work but big results speaking about the g. 7 Summit in Sicily that wrapped up yesterday German Chancellor Angela Merkel says it was disappointing. The days when we can completely rely on others are over to some extent she says not pleased with President Trump not committing one way or the other to the Paris climate change accord you're listening to a.b.c. News Sunday on storm tracker 13 meteorologists Marni Bennett chink way well the afternoon looks pretty nice actually we can't rule out some very spotty showers or thunderstorms over near the mountains later this afternoon and this evening but even in aggregate I think we're probably grass been a little bit here so much drier day than yesterday temperatures will be in the upper sixty's to near 70 in Colorado Springs for the afternoon will be in the seventy's and probably generally fifty's in Teller County and if we do manage a shower or 2 to develop later on today and a wind down tonight that's weather on carry on his radio. Show on k. Already own News Radio one o 5.5 f.m. 12 40 am and 92.5 f.m. Southern Colorado is answer to all things real estate now here's your host. Welcome to the city of Seattle show back to you by American liberty mortgage bacco comms and safe haven roofing and restoration I am Deborah Elliott Scholtz your host and realtor with me about properties your local flat listing the real estate company that makes real estate experience or affordable for the last couple weeks I've been giving you some tips on maintenance for your home like having my Dona ditch from Safe Haven roofing and restoration I've had him on the show he's been telling you what to do to get your roof in order maybe for selling or maybe if you just want to keep your roof in great condition because your roof is the covering of your home and you need to keep your home safe right I mean if you don't have a roof you're in a lot of trouble but you know I mean talk to Mel So you decor different websites to go to decorate your home and just to really spruce up your home now some people really like to spruce up the home right before they sell it some people at their home right when they buy it people are did different things for different reasons and one of the things that really intrigued me I had Christina Allie had her husband on a company called x. Box and what they do it's x. Box and what they do they do pass them on concrete now you're probably wondering what in the world is that well it's you know I'm going to describe it use much as i can we are in radio we're not on t.v. It's really really cool and it's a great way to really spice up your garage your driveway and what she's going to tie you all they can do if you want to really make your house stand out make it look very different from everybody else's home I really suggest this Christine. Thank you so much thanks for having me you're welcome So let's talk about what decorative concrete and your what your company does what exactly is it let's give a visual so people understand exactly what it is our services that we include as decorative concrete resurfacing So mostly it's for existing concrete and we can do Newport if you would like a Newport but this stuff goes in the inside of your house outside of your house. Can be exterior interior What is it Ok decorative concrete we have Metallica poxy which is our most popular in the last 6 months we have a decorative overlay that goes over the existing slab of whatever you have if it's exterior interior and we put in basements are overlays our micro topping consist of resins Palmers concrete but we also have stamped concrete overlays which is stable we have patterns like such as the compass plate patterns cobblestone patterns I mean we have a whole book of them so what is occurring that goes over concrete and it can be very dark or do or you can just use even a collar and it has like a sheen to it you can have a very very high shine to it yes or you can have a dollar Yes the really really does is spices up the concrete so you're not looking at just a gray slab correct and what it is is what makes it the best is the stain so my husband's the best state I've ever seen it was a painter he had he was a painter background and he's done cars houses so it's all about the formation of the stain the different colors that you choose to measure decor you can pick stuff out of your rock on the outside your house your stucco interior colors whatever you have in just just a great accent touched your home and it's not just residential it is commercial we have it all all around town and we also have you know if you just want stay in concrete without the coating over the top of it we can do that we have the garage floors that we do it just regular poxy it's a lot of people being good in the metallic which is like a really high gloss marble look oh sweet how now are those because you're putting a coating on top of concrete is that make it easier to clean up say if it's in the garage you have like a spill Yes Actually that's exactly what I was going to say they grab the best part a grudge not just because it's decorative it's easy cleanup you don't have the oils that go into the concrete into the porous concrete so it literally just wipes up no kidding it makes it look so claim it does isn't there yeah it's so beautiful it's so pretty so nice and easy to stamp concrete Also Yes Yes So stand concretely. Described that Ok stand concrete is I mean several different patterns that it's literally a stamp impression impression that we put into the overlay and it's a stamp a ball or overlay different than the hand traveled overlays that we do so you can do like if you want to cobble stone or if you want random slate we have ash or slate we have so many different patterns a lot of customers of ours have been going with the compass and they are there and that is so poor and they stay at different colors they put it you know in the middle of their driveways we actually have been on driveways this whole season up in Iraq right now all the older areas of town that have that flaking in the driveway is sure so and then also the stamp can go in front entryway we've had in the back patio I mean and there's several different patterns for sale for the stamp So Christine if something want to do like their coat of arms or crest would you people do a custom code Absolutely and we've actually I'm something similar to that and we've done the the and there are logos are so their logos are so intense and with the arms that they have you know what if it's the flags that they use but they're so intense that my husband he's like I said he's great Stayner in every piece that's in your logo he can make a very detailed so I mean we've done everything when it comes to stamps and logos So we're talking about stand now we also do logos as well so it's like if you're a big sports fan we have you know Broncos logos we have Stiller logo or whatever. We do in basements all the time and we also demand garage floors I mean if you have your favorite That's pretty cool for like men like to have your man cave right in the basement you know just put carpeting up and get this done and then you can have your official Bronco hang out right yes absolutely yes and you know the biggest thing is people think it's so expensive it's so very price competitive compared to tile and wood flooring you know I mean people are going with this newer age stuff and it's really straight out of. And you've done them in big restaurants you've done and I mean commercial building yes all over over how about if you're done an entire home yes actually a whole as long as as long as we can find concrete we can do it in if not what we do is we place back aboard seaman board down 1st a patch all up but our overlays down if you're wanting just decorative concrete in there we can do that if you're wanting you know a Metallica poxy we can do that we've done a whole house Metallica poxy in Springfield Colorado so we do travel all of Colorado so whatever you would like we do the entire home that sounds so cool so. Sports symbols is there anything you don't do. We showers. Thing we're going to take a short break and we're going hear from our great sponsors and we come back Christine is going to tell more about her company what they do maybe you need some ideas maybe you have got that that old drab driveway you've got kinds of stains on it this is getting give you a fantastic way to cover up oil spills right yes correct so come on back and if you have any questions can you call 719-641-1357. There are so many moving parts to buying a home and the last thing you need to deal with is a mortgage company that just doesn't get you you don't need the stress on why in her big manager of American liberty mortgage and proud sponsor of the city of see a show and I'd like to take a quick moment to offer some advice when it comes to borrowing money for one of the biggest purchases you'll ever make trust American liberty mortgage my staff and I rather prefer mortgage provider for me a bill of properties and the City of c.s. And like Deborah Elliot Schultz work to make your home buying experience as uncomplicated as possible that's why we make such a good team here's something really special for you if you finance your home with me at American liberty mortgage I guarantee that if mortgage rates go down by a half percent or more finance your loan free with a promise like that. You know you can trust us American liberty mortgage gets you and that eliminates the stress economy today at 228-6055. 6055 dream of owning a brand new home and how many times you've been disappointed when you learned the model homes you visit add on to the base price for all the upgrades disappointing you're not sure about the condition of your roof I'm Michael owner of safe haven roofing and restoration sponsor an exclusive roofing services provider for the city of see the show and Mirabelle of properties when your roof controlled it's much easier for it to be damaged or destroyed by bad weather we want you to be safe and stay ahead of the storm make sure your roof is safe now called Safe Haven roofing and will thoroughly inspect your roof at no charge if your roof is whether worn or damage from a previous storm we'll work with you in your insurance company to make your safe again I've been in the roofing industry for several years and have lived in our community for 13 years my company is trusted by a premier real estate broker. And owner for us trust me trust safe haven roofing and red. Call for your free roof inspection today at 719-799-3526 or visit us online and safe haven dot com. Welcome back to the studio here's your host. Come back to the city I'm Debbie Elliott shoals and I have Christina Elliott we don't know for related I mean we might be but she owns x. Box which is a decorative concrete resurfacing company we've been talking about how you all go into people's homes I mean driveway garage and you put this coating on there to be very decorative but you know I think the great thing about it is is that it really pretext the concrete itself correct yes so you know I have quite a few sellers and sometimes you know there are there patio their driveway can just be falling apart liking what have you can you all do something about that I absolutely So what we do 1st for driveways we use an acid in which it breaks all the Bond breakers any oils and stuff like that 1st we repair all cracks and if there's spalling going on and that's what you're talking about this lead Ok if there's spalling going on what we do is we use an overlay type material that goes over the entire whatever area it is even if it's needs to be leveled out we can level it out with some areas are falling a little bit we can fix that as well and then we come over the top of that with our decorative overlay. Typically as well what we is what customers prefer some will want to hand trout and then have a stamped border all the way around that would be a priority even if it they don't want to stand to they do it with a different color border just you know how they want the lines so there's many different options you can do from that but yes fixing that the old concrete driveways that are just falling apart because of wonderful Colorado weather I can you definitely do that sway Wow. There's nothing you really can do with concrete and if it needs to be my Jack I have a great copartner that we work hand in hand with my jacket if something is really on. Level can see as the major difference we can have you know if it's your patio if it's your stairs we can have a My Jack separation there you can write something with us that's very cool a lot of homes to do it just because a sideline that's sorry things wrong with a foundation I mean could be bad so you all can fix that and then you can go over it yes he said it's a lot less expensive than more than wooden carpeting and all that it's very comparable we start anywhere from $350.00 a square foot all the way up to 12 and that's one of our most expensive that's the stamp of all so it ranges like r r stamp a bull's start anywhere from $8.00 to $12.00 to paint on square footage are decorative overlays start at $450.00 Metallica poxy starts at $7.00 a square foot our regular poxy starts at $5.00 a square foot and then it goes our state and sells one of our cheapest It starts at $350.00 a square foot and then if you have an existing concrete patio that stamped and it's pure concrete and not that overly we can come out and sell it yearly We have our yearly maintenance Ok so do they so do all of the have to be resealed I recommend definitely for the Colorado whether it's exterior Absolutely I mean Terry or no we've had over at the sunspot we did the hole in her sunspot and we did almost 7 years ago and we've only sold it once in 7 years and I've been there and it's less lovely about this product that we use it cures just like concrete but it cures even harder so it's almost like the longer it sits the harder it gets so how far how fast is a drive how long does a person have to stay off Ok Usually the process is $3.00 to $4.00 days we go in and prep the concrete 1st the 1st day para wash it if we have to we doing all the you know the acid etching on and the 2nd day we come in lay our product that has the dry for 24 hours and then the concrete has to be 50 degrees in rising Ok no matter what then the next day we do stay in film and then the last day we do the last kind of cell we always do 2 coats of cell or swing Wow So is there any building or any oh. Home any type of home that you cannot think of any any home aren't that you are building that would be exempt from doing this sort of thing not that I can think of so you know you've really done it I mean as long as we can put that back aboard in there that the other thing is that that could get pricey though if you do have a 2nd level home and it's it's just the. This is the wood right the wood barrier then we have to put the decorative concrete board up and down. Because it's you know it's not as said here it is something correct right that makes sense makes complete sense so you know I drive around I see these you know every once in a while but you know when you when you live in Colorado Springs if you don't have a custom home we typically don't have a track home so how do you separate your home from other people's homes this is the way to do it absolutely spice up your home you know the thing is you know you invest so much money in your real estate anyways and if you plan on like most people are a lot of people they plan on being there it's to going to be there forever home so slowly but surely you support you start doing things to update your home what have you in your and what better way to separate your home from other homes really to make it look just so inviting and very very pretty do you work with almost colors yes we don't have an array of colors so you have like pink and purple We actually have one Tadeo that's pink with a white border how cute is it and it's in the broad more neighborhood and it goes right along with the greenery of the flowers everything it's gorgeous how pretty is that So imagine your busy time as spring and summer but I imagine you probably do in the winter too absolutely interior and Terry has a lot of commercial work on the for x. Box Yeah so let's talk about the name your company Ok so it's x. Dasha b.o.c. What does it stand for excellence brilliance outstanding commitment and your husband came up with that yes. But it's custom coding and let's talk about other servers you have other services besides this painting we do painting as well he doesn't prefer it but we do painting we offer painting any kind of bathroom remodels. We do tile work and we have a hardwood floor installer but our main focus is the decorative concrete Ok so how can people reach up 271-922-9044 extension 6 or 719-306-0699 we also have a Facebook page it's x. B.o.c. Custom codings with an s. Dot com That's easy enough I guess you 290446 and the other number 71930606913060699 and again she said you can go on your Facebook page the Facebook pages as x. Box as x. Dash b.o.c. Custom coatings thank you so much for coming on the show what an education I got today and thank you for having me I is amazing young put up right pretty much on anything and it's so pretty I've seen it folks I encourage you to see it to go on their Facebook page your words your website is x. Box x b o c custom code in Stockholm and they can see pictures there I've seen many pictures and is absolutely united Facebook is updated weekly So tens of gallery adding adding more things on there all the pictures of things that you've done thanks so much Christine Elliot again Christine Elliott with x. Box decorative concrete resurfacing company she's here to serve you again that's 229-044-6306 extension 0699 hey you need think about spicing up your home and maybe get ready to put it on the market don't forget that Mia Bella properties we are the only local company in the Colorado Springs area we do flat fee of $3500.00 Find out more about it good to see a c.s. Dot com and follow all the real state links and I'll show you how we do sell homes for a flat listing fee of $3500.00 we are here to serve you and where you want to make your real estate experience more affordable Hey don't forget if you're thinking about buying a home give us a call them also we have buyers and sellers 719-641-1357 all of our buyers get a one year home warranty absolutely free we love gave me back obviously. Properties wants to make your real estate experience more affordable a big thanks to our sponsors give Ryan her big with American liberty mortgage a call for all of your mortgage unease if you think about buying a home or refinancing home Ryan is there to help you sell them 19286055 again 719286055 you know black 0 comedy or the ability to want to talk to you for our new home why black oak homes because they're the real deal excellent quality and all the upgrades that you typically have to pay for it with other builders you can give John Dotson a call 711-337-6310 again that's 719-337-6310 John can tell you all about where they're building what models they have Remember blackout homes dream home dream price you know I can always count on Safehaven Rufina restoration for all my roofing needs and those of my clients mike down a ditch he's my Johnny on the spot type of guy is also going to help you with you ensurance claims you have my phone call it 71979935267197993526 Hey don't forget you need to have your roof inspected be sure and have Mike get up while they're on your roof and he's going to give it he's going to do this for free he's going to specter roof and he's going to tell you what kind of type of condition your roof is in 799-3526 Hey thanks so much for tuning into the cd is c s show and remember the liver's massive deals Dell definitely didn't hold back on the savings and they have an amazing selection you can score the latest Dell P.C.'s with Intel processors gorgeous Samsung T.V.'s or maybe you're after Bose audio or google home a nest bundle shot big Memorial Day deals by visiting dell dot. Com slash Memorial Day or call 800 by Del. The hot by the year 2021 we could see as many as 3 and a half 1000000 hobby drones flying in American skies by the f.a.a. Here in the u.s. Role that people with just a hobby level consumer drones don't need to register that with the agency anymore in gadgets Dana woman says in general businesses are in favor of less regulation but that's not true in the case of drone maker d.j. I d.j. I was sort of taking matters into their own hands and saying Ok well if you don't register the drone with us the company can fly the drone as far as you can take advantage of as many features as you would if you were on our radar the company argues that drone registration encouraged education and training among users meaning fewer accidents and potential lawsuits and woman says it's also come down to reputation t.j. I just want their name associated with people who cause careless avoidable accidents with tech trends Michelle Franzen a.b.c. News New York New York radio used to go f.m. Security Colorado Springs poor fellow am in Colorado Springs to talk local your sever track of national.