Focus on positive things we never tend to obsess on positive interactions like dang it I just can't shake the thought of that guy who was kind enough to let me in front of him on the freeway for hate listen you only get about 30000 days on this earth don't ever give a whole day to being angry at somebody else's bad behavior no one is worth that I Saint Teresa of Avila said Let nothing history this is Christopher panic from real life Catholic dot com and radio. Women have great. Spiritual practical joined us as we transform the world one. Hears your host John it I think William Good morning everyone and welcome to women of Grace live I am John it Williams It's always wonderful and a great blessing to spend his time with you Monday through Saturday as we discuss issues of importance your life in your state also discussing issues of how it is that we can live that abundant life and share that abundant life with others what a good opportunity we have to use these airwaves to explore the great treasure of our Catholic faith to share that Catholic faith with others to and turmoil deeply into the mysteries of the divine life to see what the Lord has in mind for us today and I think that if we woke up every morning to say I know God has something in mind for me today I know he has a special task a special mission a special grace for me to receive and if we kept our eyes attentive to that reality my guess is we would live a much fuller life that all too often at least in my situation I wake up with an agenda of all kinds of things that need to be accomplished I'll even make up a little list and start to check them off and then I realize my goodness is this the Lord's plan for me today are these his priorities are these my priorities catch myself up sometimes and reconnoitre and that's sort of what we have to do isn't it so let's strive today to see what God is saying to us let's even think back to what blessing he gave us yesterday and that's what I'd like to hear about from you today what a blessing to God bring you yesterday how did that blessing come packaged in what way did that blessing take shape and form how was it that we saw the face of God in the midst of it and did it increase our faith and did we have opportunity to share about that happy moment. With somebody else to increase their fate is well all of that available for you here get on to those phones and give us a call here Michael Burchill is there for you he is at the helm on the phone as he certainly is and he is looking forward to hearing from you right here on women of Grace live let me give you the number that you can use it's 833288 e.w.t.n. And that is the toll free number for all of you who are here in North America 833-288-3986 pick up the phone give us a call let's see what God is doing in your life let's see what God is saying to you today and what he said to you yesterday so eager to hear from you about all of that do want to remind you of a couple of things 1st of all you can certainly e-mail us with your questions or e-mail your questions to us better way to phrase it women of grace at e.w.t.n. Dot com women plural women of grace all one word women of grace at e.w.t.n. Dot com is the way that we can receive that always eager to take your questions here at women of Grace lives you know it she's a big opportunity to be able to discuss these things together where yesterday you know was an interesting day we started off with a caller who had misconceptions about how the Catholic Church views Mary as well as the Catholic Church's position towards sacred scripture and you know we got to that I added this year woman on my heart all day long because it troubled me so that there were these misconceptions that existed and here's the fact of the matter we know that there are a lot of individuals who do not understand our faith and we also know that we have reduced the responsibility that comes with by way of our baptism to share the faith with others to express the truth about the faith there's no way that we can really do that if in fact we don't know our faith if in fact we are not. Paying attention to the teachings of the church if we keep our education at a very elementary level I remember attending Mass one day and you know I think it was I don't know if it was a daily Mass or not might have been the fact the matter is Father was talking about how it is that so often you know our not only. The faith remains at the level that it was when we were in elementary school or even in high school he talked about the fact that for those people who gained their education through the day. In the Catholic education programs in the parishes that were not given to Catholic school for this group of individuals because they attended public school it talked about the fact that you know it's a pretty rudimentary education that there is not much depth that comes to it that it can remain at a level that doesn't really lead us where we need to go or that doesn't help for us to to be able to give a cogent response to those who may have misconceptions and it leaves us very very viable to believing in those misconceptions as well rather the study of the faith is meant to be something that exists throughout our lifetime it's meant to be something that we take very very seriously and something that we seek to grow in. That we spend time pondering that we take opportunity to sit quietly and reflect that we're always growing always growing and never growing tired never going tired of the pursuit of the faith and we are so blessed because we do have the Catechism of the Catholic Church available to us we are so blessed because it today in this particular moment in history of man there are so many opportunities for us to grow in faith and we think of the great treasure that we have in the Catholic radio station that you're listening. Right now the great treasure that we had in the broadcasting of the good news through all of these different affiliates and through all of these different platforms we thank and praise God for the opportunity to have e.w.t.n. And all of the television radio program in addition to the radio programming that is available to us you know we are abundantly Blessed To what extent to we take advantage of that opportunity to what extent do we really dig in to what extent do we allow ourselves to. Begin to pursue an active engagement of the faith intellectually as well as spiritually and I don't know I don't know the answer that question I thought yesterday as I was reflecting upon this this dear lady that called in and you know is really still confused about what the church teaches with regard to our blessid lady what the church teaches us with regard to the Bible I you know what the church teaches us. In her tradition as well as explicitly through all of the documents that are ours and obviously through sacred scripture it troubled my heart it really did it troubled my heart and you know there's no need for that today there really isn't and we need to be able to defend the faith and to defend it well and the Catechism can help us do that is I say sacred scripture the documents of the church can help a student but there are also a very good apologetic books that are available to you out there just numbers and numbers and numbers of them and I would really want to encourage you to get out there and to strive to take advantage of those books if you want to women of grace we've got some for you on our website but in addition to that even if you can't religious catalogue has numbers and numbers and numbers of them and you can just I think begin a real what would I say individualized pro. Granted exploration on areas where you know you are deficient if you've ever had somebody come up and ask you a question. It has never had somebody come up and. You know why do you believe this is a Catholic and you lacked a response that would indicate this is an area where I need to really pony up a little bit I really need to get into more study and in the end actually the catechism you can do that and through all these great books you can do that too you hear that music we're going to a break you're listening to when in a place like I am Janet Williams We'll be right back stay with. The other John Ricardo when you and I wake up every day do we say. You know Jesus enough the question to you and me right now is that what you and I are doing every single day leading Catholic voice in. W.t. In radio now there's a fast and easy way to get in touch with e.w.t.n. The n.w. T.n. Everything number call 180447 e.w.t.n. To get the latest information on programming special events pilgrimages and more our e.w.t.n. Family viewer services representatives are ready to help you with whatever your needs maybe a delete key and everything else 180447 a.w.t. It. And fire for e.w.t.n. Get it was earned for your t.v. All you need is a high speed Internet connection a t.v. Of the Amazon Fire t.v. Player never miss any of your favorite e.w.t.n. Television or radio programs again. Charles the 10th commandment not desire any. Commitment is similar to the name because it. Going back and you're listening to an embrace live I am Janet Williams Very happy to be with you today and we are going to head to those phone lines you can join us still right here on women of Grace live will be allowed having only conversation with you the way that you did that is using our toll free number 8 here in North America it's 833 till 8 e.w.t.n. At 833 kill 883986 if you're outside of North America has got a number for you to look again for the country code it's 120-527-1298 extension 5 that's country code 120-527-1298 extension 5 we have got Mary on the phone with us here and she is from Ohio and she is listening to as we at living bread radio Good morning Mary how are you good morning John and I'm fine how are you I'm doing very well thank you for asking wonderful I love your program of the thing every day but I have to request it. But on your program a gentleman it did a good thing Brad and I know yes from 80 to contact him and I holding up the candidate didn't know either so I kind of called me to ask if you had any contact information you know I'll tell you why I had the contact information through women of I don't have it at the ready here for you but if you go on if you contact us 805585452 that date 105585452 if you may be able to get that information from us we generally keep that kind of information on the guest that have been on the air but thank you so much God bless you and have a wonderful day and God bless you if I can find something while we're up on the air today during our time period here I will get it to ya does. It have a great day no you too precious Thank you God bless you but I know that was Mary from Ohio we love when people watch women of great television it's available for you out there on e.w.t.n. And we invite you to watch as we're on it 11 am Eastern time saying I'm with you on the radio and also we repeat 11 30 pm So that is available to you there and I do you to call us today 33. 2888. 833883986 we have Marianne on the phone she is listening to his via station of the Cross there in New York good morning Marian the morning good salary I'm doing very well thank you for asking what about you. I'm kiln Ok I'm having some turbulent times here and you mentioned the chapter about mentioning something a blessing glass and something a blast Well I guess one speedily w.t.f. I guess and the station across it was in a 1017 and 247 I just had my radio I knowledge I don't have t.v. Right now just recently so I sincerely and slowly I've been doing that for a while I just leave my radio and I can't I'm not one of those people that need total quiet to sleep I rather have something some pleasant noise like the Ministry said our president and really deal during the night of prayers and a. Dollar gotten everything and that's a blessing for me that there's. Been a current state connection and it just makes me a. Dialogue with the Lord and prayer and thinking about you know things are. Staying on track but. That was my main thing take give praise to a blessing that's a blessing to me and that she w.t.f. . And saying I don't mind rain rain and all to college I might. Mention and I'm only heard bits and pieces of it is trying to. Elicit monitors out until around oh yes. I thought I was wondering could you explain or break it down for me I don't think I've heard you heard it takes the nation in entirety and I just want to chill. Passable as you can give me a quick rundown of how to do that well sure you know and there's a there's various No Venus or lady undo or of not and that can o.t.s. And the idea here and this is based on I think where he says down. You know Mary Mary Schiavo her yet untied the not eve disobedience so Eve was it obedient to God and did not live according to the role that God had set and therefore a you know it entice thing our husband he really brought about or set the scene for the the cause of original sin entering the world and so in Genesis chapter 3 verse 15 God the Father prophesies and he says that you know he would put enmity between the serpent and the woman between a serpent seed and her seed and so this means that our blasted lady cooperated fully with God's will for her and so she untied the knot of Eve's disobedience be it through her action. Seducing Adam into eating the fruit it always has given to us and in that got that Bible account. And Original Sin entered the world through that act of disobedience Mary's obedience salvation enters into the world so it Mary has this capacity to her maternal the attitude to her maternal holiness through who she is through her intercession to untie the knot in our lives to so just like a little child which is little you know shoelaces are all in a in a bunch will go to a mommy to ask the mommy to help him or her straight nose out to untie those those novels that are there we turn to our lady and ask the same thing and so this is a beautiful title of our blessid mother and she's depicted with an angel passing her you know a ribbon that is all knotted and then we see the ribbon coming down the other side with a not undone and this depicts Mary's intercession for us so now there's a very still being a prayer as the one that I really like in the one I really promote a lot is the one. Incorporate the rosary because as far as I'm concerned the rosary is and I don't stand alone lots of the great saints have said the same thing including Padre peeling many of the Holy Fathers that the rosary is our weapon for spiritual warfare so when we're asking for Mary's intercession and we're praying the rosary whereby we're meditating on the mysteries of our son's life great great things can happen trust so there is one it's available for you out there on the Internet and it gives you meditations to think about to ponder intentions in a way as well to take into the prey of each of those decades and they're very very insightful and they really promote a lot of inner healing and this just in praying those prayers in a certain way becomes a receptivity of heart on our part it's a demonstration of our desire to have Mary through her maternal love for us in obviously through the power of the Holy Spirit to undo some of these not so that's available and I would just go out to a search engine and put in you know undo or our lady undo or of not rosary no Vina and it'll come up for you and you can actually print it out right on line and have it Garrett ready for yourself does that help you Ok. Yes it does much I do you always find joy. And you know what I I I would I don't mean to be bold to ask but I only hear how you tell people you're going to trick them into your rosary when you're crazy and now I I think any I think I get what you're saying that you just can't deny your heart when you're writing a rosary and actually I know what you mean by that well yes you know what I would I like to do and it really is a little bit of a talking in you know when we think of that I just love that phraseology again which is one day when I was on the radio quite frankly and you know it's kind of like you know what a mom does with the little one at night you know they even Mommy will tuck her little child into bed at night and you know what I like to do is is with that analogy in mind to take the people that I tuck them in and to tuck them into one of the mysteries of the rosary that I'm praying and I try to select a mystery of the rosary that is most comparable to the affliction or the difficulty that they're struggling so if somebody has you know at a very difficult family issue and it's a great cross you know I say Father God I'm talking so in show into that 4th mystery of the sorrowful mysteries Jesus carry his cry so when I praise rosary I have so in show tucked in there or if it's something else you know sometimes I just talk them into the whole of the rosary that I'm praying that day. Ok I know why I think that so so neat and I write that. Ok but I was wondering if you could get it ready for the next time you and your. I would be mine and I had it done that for you today 2 states are full mysteries is there a particular one you would like Marianne to be tucked into well. It's a it really a huge honor. What . The Lord leads you sure I want to write what I will ask our mother disliked it and to talk you into that one and I'll just right now say Father God whatever mystery our blessid lady knows that your daughter Marianne most needs to be tucked into May she be tucked into that mystery of my rosary today and we do as well as we lift Marianne up to you Lloyd you you see the travail that your daughter is in and you desire that we know your consolation and that we know your paternal b. Attitude towards us and provision for us and so in this moment I would ask that you would send the Holy Spirit by way of Our Lady to console the heart of your daughter that she might experience the peace that surpasses understanding no matter how turbulent the waters of her life might be no matter how painful this family situation might express itself I pray that she be lifted up and I pray that even now she is experiencing that sweet bomb that comes by way of your Holy Spirit that leads us to have absolute confidence in you and we offer this prayer for our history Marianne and the name of your Son our Lord Jesus Christ by the merits of his cross through the power of the Holy Spirit always with the maternal the attitude and intercession of our blessid lady a man. A gay like Oh you're welcome sweet I'm sorry that you're struggling so it's never easy you know and it damn the life is really the place that God places when that is our vocation so that we can be purified and issues that occur in families all that give us that opportunity. Thank you again nearly had a wonderful day you too sweet heart by now. Bye bye and you know what friends you know I think that just in Liberia and I know that so many of you have had very difficult family issues going on now of us are devoid of family issues. None of us and so what we need to do together is a pull pull ourselves you know in this beautiful beautiful bond that we have as the mystical body of Christ and let's just make a pact today right here on the air I'm going to remember all of you and our sister Marianne in a special way by name and my rosary today and how about remembering me and my family and all of those that that are in your sphere of influence remembering all of them in your rosary today my goodness sakes I feel just an abundant pulling together even as those words are being spoken here and I just know that God is about a great work so we can be we can have expected faith we can expect to see God intervening and God acting and we want to invite you to give us a call here the phones line phone lines are open for you 833288 e.w.t.n. Michael Burchfield on the phone with got Jeff Burson at the helm in studio producing the show today also managing social media were out there for you on e.w.t.n. Radio's a You Tube channel you can send your comments in to us that way to 833288 e.w.t.n. Is the toll free number right here in North America 833283986 let's go to Marie my goodness to day for for names honoring our lady right this is I think our 2nd we had a merry and a merry and a merry Praise be to God Our Lady is with a she is and that this memory is with as the a w l f and we are happy about that good morning Marie. Good morning Janet God bless your ministry and you're doing such a wonderful jam in informing people. When I came in today and turned on my radio and I was so happy to area talking about early and I just wanted to say quickly that it actually rich they've been I'm Frayne clay it is called Queen of have been married battle for you it is a week it's an excellent class and I just wanted to say to anybody out there might think about you know. Doing having this train is Clay is it their parish I would think almost anybody could lead it because it's so informative so easy job to understand there is a workbook that comes with that and also video and it's a fantastic and on and on so. I got to get ready for man but the proto really proto Evangelium I think Jan you know would give us more information about our Lady and what land thing I'd like to say is I don't weld think Maximillian Colby and he said something about it if Mary is not your mother jaded can I be your brother and I love it well it's very true isn't it and sometimes it's the common sensical approach to these mysteries of our faith that provide us great insight and not very good one and I really thank you for letting us know about this and this class anything that we can do to help us to enter more deeply into our life of faith and knowledge of the teachings of the church as they are choose presented to us is of great great value so I'm glad you're enjoying this class and it's helping you and I know it's going to help you to help others and I'm very very grateful about all of that thank you so much for making us aware of it Marie and God bless you in your day and pray for us at Mass. I will thank you thank you bye Ok And let's see we've got color Michael this is a message to me via our call screener Michael Burchill he says that. Our 1st caller Mary to google of fasting bread and the information she was looking for will come out so just going out there Mary to the Internet. Search engine put in fasting bread and all the info will come up and Jillian says that living fasting bread is no longer available for the energy I did Ok so at any rate go on out there and you can find out all about it and that would be very very good we invite you to do just that Ok We're going to go to Jay Jay is with is the loop a radio there in Washington d.c. Good morning Jay. Good morning thank you for taking the. Good to talk about people. I really didn't get a lot of ways and. A lot of. The day by that is we love it or fear it for our children so long so many ways if we really did allow them to experience like. We've got now a generation of people not universally but I would say. Or emotionally immature. And. A lot of leverage their parents. And I watch them now what their own children and I notice that they never correct their children so I literally you know hold it here today cuz we got to run to a break but we'll pick up with that comment when we come back stay with unaligned You're listening to women of great fire on Janet Williams We're going to be right back with. Ending up later today any have to need a culture seems to gravitate between 2 extremes we despise waiting grumbling to ourselves and fidgeting their phones as we sit in line at a red light for the bank revel in laziness and brings in the downtime as an entire Guinea Ewing joins us to talk why God makes us wait and how he speaks to us in those times. And beg and this is in e.w.t.n. Book mark brief I just finished talking with John c. Price about his book The Miracle and the Message 100 years of Fatima published by oh as he available to the religious cattle on an r.c. Dot com Well John tell us about the miracle and the Message 100 years of Fatima and why this book is little different you know there's a lot of books on Fathom about the story line this is more to it where we're trying to really create an image of spiritual journey where they're living the message a fan which is praying the rosary every day where the round scampered in a 5 for Saturdays to really enhance your spiritual life So 160 pages is not intimidating it's really something that they can take but we've also had a lot of good feedback from people that know a lot about Fatima and that has gotten a lot of extra information that they didn't have before Very good thank you John c. Price author of The Miracle and the Message 100 years that I'm a look for the whole interview coming soon and this is Ben and he to me temple 3 thank you so much for stopping by. Graham my heart and. I want to. Tell. You the truth can feel like. Welcome back bencher listening to women of Grace live I am John it Williams Happy to be with you today so delighted to be speaking with you and we can give you a number so that we can continue our holy conversation today 833288 e.w.t.n. Is the way you can join us that day 332883986 we're also available for yacht they aren't e.w.t.n. Radios You Tube channel and where except in your information that way your questions comments insights inspirations we've got a couple of those appeared now and we're going to be taking those to but 1st let's get back to Jay he's on the line with us from Washington d.c. Today listening to his vehicle on a loop a radio network is telling us that in many cases the baby boom generation has caused problems for their children because we haven't helped to make them stronger and I'm thinking about what you mean by that Jay is that did baby boomer generation has kind of indulged its children and not given them real clear guidance and direction is that what you're saying. But anyways we've protected. A lot from immersion. In every way we can and I mean life is tough and there are going to be ups and downs and you know. We believe it or actually often across that it's a crowd. And we really have denied it in some sense the children. The right to go through this rite of passage I mean I could save my own experience but my daughter she capable or were very young and much tougher. Ah but you have a person emotionally. The way that my son will get along 8 years later and that I protect him from everything and he consequently became a much more dependent person and only now he's breaking away from. It and I watched the group with their own kids and they come to grandma's house and the kids are there jump for a chair and I think. They look at me like I've got horns on my head but I want my grandparents as resigned as we sat there like my little tricks with our hands full that we wouldn't dare do anything else that Grandpa Yeah cheerleading structure and discipline Yeah we know it's interesting and of course yeah I'd love to know what caused the change in direction in your own parenting between your daughter and your son if that was a conscious choice or something that just happened by the way I don't now but I will say this you know I do think that. That generation of individual that's my generation did have a tendency to. Overindulge and doubt was abundantly clear and it was socially cultural social and cultural. I think implementation of the air quotes doctrine lenient child rearing they took hold for whatever reason I don't quite know. But it did and you know we began to see that you know every child on the baseball team would receive a trophy because he didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings let fact of the matter is that also doesn't promote it doesn't promote. A sense of true accomplishment it doesn't promote a sense of working hard to attain a goal it doesn't promote. An attitude of perseverance it doesn't help to build virtues you rarely hear today if you ever hear it you know the whole concept of good sportsmanship you know is that even something that is mentioned you know. In high school you know locker rooms I don't know but I do think that you're right the question is what do we do about that and and I don't know we live in a very lenient society there is no right or wrong that that that the that the cultural attitude towards you know relativism so you know what do you what do you suggest and yes you are right you know if grandparents correcting the grandchildren sometimes doesn't go down so well with the parents of that child so when I was in the 4th. Well I mean I I don't. Answer later but I would say this that I think it's important and that people even in small ways make the adjustment you know I give you an example really Giuliani in New York City came in as mayor they were having a terrible time with thousands of murders and he said we're going to enforce every regulation all including graffiti on up he did it in reduced crime presumably a New York City I think if we would just start at the lowest level you have a child and child running up and down the grandparents' stairs and the parents looking at them and smiling and prescience should the grandparents need to step in and say stop. That's enough. We've got to teach children respect for other people and respect for other people's property. Basically. You Well I think that you're right and sometimes it's important for the grandparents have a discussion with the parents of the children and say you know I really do love having you come over I really do want you know house however there's a certain decor and that should be exhibited and there's a certain we have there are some rules that need to be enforced here to contain the activity someone. I don't know how well that's going to go. For many people but. It's not eventuate nothing gained. A lot but it was great about it that's. Always and maybe pray for the ones that are going to receive the message their hearts will be open and he said. Well thanks for your call today I appreciate it Jake of Lisha of I know. Of I you know I talk about this quite a bit on the air and really do believe it's true what we've just lost a sense of civility I mean things might have been way too buttoned up at one point in the history of our country that things are so loose now it's just it's sad it really is and what it doesn't do is promote the dignity of a person you know in our Catholic social doctrine goes to doubt what is it based on it's based on the dignity of the person the person created in the image and likeness of got year repeatable chosen by God to have life has a great dignity has a great value and that doesn't just apply to one person namely arson it applies to everybody and so to the extent that we exercise just a common courtesy towards another we are really expressing the truth about that person that they're worthy and deserving. Of a pleasantry you know. Jack French in some way and with with lost that right and I'm afraid that what it's led to and we want to just linger here for a little longer you know I think that what's led to is a terrible narcissism. Well we only care about ourselves and nobody else matters and you know it's amazing to me when we step out of ourselves and do a nicety for another that the person looks as with absolute shock on his or her it's like wow you know I mean I didn't judge a thing when this used to be you know. The common way of behavior in society and so you know maybe maybe there's a message in here Jay for all of us to let's just see here we can play a little game with ourselves you know get up in the morning and say Ok today I'm going to try to be really kind of so many ways and at the end they tally up how well did I do that you know how many little courtesies did did I show and how many ways did did I give way today to another I'm just saying you know I don't even think that such things are taught in school anymore civility it was part of our retraining Catholic school back in the day. Let's go to Aaron Concord Massachusetts is the way that she's with this Catholic Radio Network is how she's here Yes good morning Aaron how are you. Good morning Jeanette I'm on I. Want to talk a little bit about 2 different areas you mentioned apps like not understanding our status and our Blessed Mother but then also children and kind of stems back from the education our Catholic education with our children and the question I know here and what I did 8 we don't have one. Educational Foundation. I understand from my brother and other family members that live in different state their children actually and make contraction and the you holy you and confirmation all in the 3rd grade I was shocked to hear that they could complete their formal education in 3rd grade and become full members of the Catholic Church and there seems to be a lack of. A schedule. Of education or guidance where it played out even to apt to make confirmation that here is a continuing educational course heard say that you can follow into adulthood what Catholic parents are left you know just picking and choosing what you put forth for kids but that we come up with a valid foundation which united and all can't but parents could. We don't I think that's an excellent suggestion and I don't know why hasn't been thought of since you know all this time the fact of the matter is that all 2 very frequently are young people are lost to us after they receive the sacrament confirmation and I'm not really sure that dad. There is a. Program in place even to the youth groups that have an edge I truly educational component and I think you know sort of like a a young adult study we're doing something like that for young ladies specifically because of army. Into women to help women to understand who they are starters are the most high God and to appreciate their gift of I think femininity and that that program is called young women of grace and it does take them more deeply into the faith in a way that is pertinent to them. You know it at their age in life and where they are and what's going on in the world today but so I don't know why there can't be a program that is developed like that can she would develop this when I do you know your enemy. Thank you note 1st will get that right when that would be universal and also the Elegy of the body of children are getting confirmation that 3rd or even 8th grade which is standard there they're not old enough to read. It you don't get all the beauty and the essence of. What is to be taught and learned right that there's no formal program include you know as you mature here or foundation that we want you to understand. You know in one you know in a book in a program that they can continue well and please you know I don't want you or any of our listeners to misread what I was saying there what I was really putting forth was that you know oftentimes with God We find that that the education stops at a certain level and especially I think this applies to kids that are not in Catholic school. And you know I think if they're just Chileans of excellent parents that are doing a very good job Draitser children if I but oftentimes that is not the case and and the fact the matter is we're facing a whole generation of individuals who are in their forty's now and younger who didn't really receive good formative. Educational opportunities. For for a long period of time. No the fall out from the 2nd Vatican Council really decimated our religious education programs so you're suggesting something beautiful I would say this though that there are numbers of different catechetical programs that parishes can adopt it to make it to make one size fits all I don't know if we would be able to ever achieve that because there is a certain amount of discretion it's permitted to pastors to make those selections on their own which they generally pass on to their you know director of religious education but and those are not Graham's are they really good as the director of religious education is good I'm sorry. Are there any programs for after confirmation to continue they have programs for parents and kids to follow after confirmation yet we you know could not read a Bible study. To get more and. Yeah why do you. They they absolutely do because obviously Cata Keith is follows through high school programs in Catholic schools so I'm sure that there are are materials that are available and I always like to recommend homeschooling programs like state home study they have marvelous educational programs for religious education and you know those are obtainable by parents you can you can contact seat and home study and you can talk with the good people that are there and they would be able to send you the materials that you would need to continue that study in your home fact of the matter is you know I think that if we did that in our homes our parents would learn a whole lot too and this is one of the great treasures we can never exhaust what the church provides for us we can never run out of material to study I continue to learn more and more every single day so we're never going to exhaust it so I want to check into it she just might start a whole new kind of thing out there. Yes yes. You are an adult but. It's true it's absolutely true and again you know there are some very very good you know programs that are available through our CIA and some not so much it depends upon the day Ari and it depends upon the people that are teaching it. We you know we want to be good consumers and I guess she had you go out there and take a peek around and she would today lable and maybe can land on something really good and come back and report on it too I think we learned. So much good it's hard. The wonderful more than a lifetime of information you know I look at the books on my shelf quite frankly and I say I'd love to be able to read all of these before I die but I'm quite certain I won't get the right way it will never stop learning that would have been that's right thank you Jesus. They think they are and. By Joe is with us from Columbus Ohio St Gabriel Catholic Radio is how she's receiving us today thank you thank you Brooke Affleck radio Hey Joe How are you. I'm great at how you doing very well thank you for asking. Great Wasn't it you that you were asking her to call in with you know and I thought immediately of experience I had last night taking my 10 year old daughter to adoration and I had asked her to go to 3 nights ago and no not really you know I'm doing this whatever look Ok You know so last night I went back to get him going adoration. Come with me until I'm to gather and I guess. He grabs her journalist on the grab journal that I keep that she went and got her little book and and I went and got her like a daily devotional for kids her age so I grabbed it and we went and. It was cool because she knew like I didn't have to tell her you know to go in and. See this in there with that with that quietly we had kind of our own devotional our own time and. We got my plane and we looked at the garden she talked about school and it was just a good wonder. You know we've all got this one time with Jesus and we all got that one on one so it's very encouraging to me and it kind of showed how you know you can prevent think your children it actually is there it becomes older and you know you want I think. Consider things on their own because then when they come to thing it's going to mean more to them and they keep knock it like keep knocking on that door because in her case like the 2nd I went after she was like Ok let's go anyway it was awesome Well that is beautiful and you know I'll tell you what spoke to your daughter I think most dramatically of all was that you set the example for her you invited her and you made the evening something very very special so she ties all of these you know very good memories and thoughts into this whole notion of sitting with our Lord and it went to beautiful thing you did for what a beautiful thing you did for your relationship. I think that I just wanted to show it to you know encourage encourage other you know to do they don't think. That I mean that in a bad thing I think that the example of a perseverance is given a choice you know many many times in the Bible and Jesus never gives up on not. Only Anyway that's why I want to share it I appreciate your program thank you so much well thank you so much and thank you so much for coming in today Joel and sharing that beautiful blessing that you received and I think it helps all of us to consider more deeply what are we doing and how are we doing it so thank you very very much thank you God bless you and now we've got Mark Waid pass and Mike is listening to his Holy Family Radio as he is in Michigan Good morning Mark how are you. Going. There I want thank you for asking. I'm a resort fairly recent and I'm on fire for the Lord are. All sorts of different wonderful Burns I'm always feared or through many I appreciate my priest actually save my soul it's not my life so I know you did pretty good how good a father of an abused child in our lunch I'm something of. This the preacher in particular about it being a homosexual problem not one of Ilya problem when I said was it last Yeah well let me just say Mark let's just identify our terms and let's put this into the crazy ology that I used I didn't deny that there was pedophile of action but what I said is it was primarily a homosexual problem because of the age of the Church of the young people that were involved some of these people were individuals that were in seminary so they were not children they were young men and in many other cases they were adolescent young men so the idea here was that it wasn't children in their in their years prior to puberty it was individuals in their years following puberty and that's a different issue. Not. Really really yes it really is because. Of the reality of the nature of the situation and of course you know we don't want to get very graphic here and we don't want to get into too much detail but you can't consider somebody who's 1819 years old to be a child they're not children they're young people they're young they're young adults at that point in time they can go to war at that point in time so they're not little ones and I think that when we think of pedophilia you know people think of a little we children after course. That are pretty bad. So I think if you if you look if you look at the definitions of the terms I think I think you'll see a touchy case. It doesn't make it any any worse you know I mean there are less worse it makes it it makes it what it is it's all egregious and there's absolutely no. You know there's absolutely no excuse for it but pedophilia is sexual feelings to wreck to toward children who are pretty p. Bass and that's not that initial. Production version of I very very body under 17 or 17 and under the child if a 50 year old. Doing this. 141617 year old to me that still pedophilia and you also have another sexual. Oh yeah. I marry an origination Psychology Today and it says pedophilia is defined as the stand to see or act a sexual activity with children who are generally age 13 years or younger. So that that's that. I mean that's the definition so it doesn't make it it doesn't make it any less egregious that it happened with older people but there is a difference there and most of these acts work on people that work for an entertainer I'm sorry to leave the show on on that note and I'm sorry to leave you Mark I would have talked longer about this but here we are out of time it's been wonderful being with all of you today and we invite you to join us Monday through Saturday right here on women upright Janet Williams wishing you a blessed day a Binah. Am. This is Jerry Usher and Debbie Georgie you know I talk drank this take you with Jerry and Debbie is next. Can. Get ready to pack your bags now is the time to make your plans for the 2860 in family celebration Saturday November 3rd is the time in Jacksonville Florida is the place this is your chance to meet your favorite people it t.v. And radio hosts will have a holy mass in confession family corner and you can jump or only reminders at e.w.t.n. Religious catalog e.w.t.n. Family celebration for more information go to e.w.t.n. Dot com slash families you're listening to a spotlight on Catholic Radio Network I recently had lunch with an ex again member of the converge exiles has told me a story of how he used to get respect by hurting people jumping people to rival gangs and even them up with his fists chains and even stabbing them to share how he used to get a rush out of running rivals were trying to get. All that changed with sound or lowered thanks to a gang outreach program called permits Yoni in the sky as he spoke his eyes were bright. His face was gentle I look at him as a angel and his name I can't even see the guy you're describing is not in there anymore is completely gone as St Paul wrote anyone in Christ is a new creation the only is gone if you in Christ your new creation until the old is gone and the only person with the power to keep holding the past over your head. Stop doing. This is Christopher any real life Catholic dot com. Hello this is not a francophone a priest for life the Lord told us to pray give us this day our daily bread we ask him for the provisions we need each day to live and to serve Him we may be tempted to compromise with the culture of death we ask for the daily bread of strength to defend life to speak. For the helpless and to intervene to save the weak this is not a prank of the national director of Priests for Life. But by Catholic Radio Network. I spend most of my waking hours and a lot of my dreaming ones thinking about our culture how to make it better the other day I was reminiscing about the great talk show hosts of the past and how they influenced American culture people like Steve Allen Jack Paar Johnny Carson to Cavite in England it was Michael Parkinson and David Frost in Canada appear Burton and we've done a steal he didn't have to agree with everything he said but just compare them to someone like the nominally Catholic Steven Kull bear or the devout atheist Bill mine it's sad and kind of amazing what passes for funny or interesting today I don't believe for a minute that media influencers are simply reflections of the prevailing culture that's a different debate or a different day what matters is in a corrupt media industrial complex the 1st casualty is the truth and you and I deserve better and had a cause and attach a cause and media be a saint what else is there brought to you by the Catholic Radio don't work this is Dale off with a Chesterton minute. If you ever heard someone say Christians have committed some of the worst atrocities in history far worse than the supposedly savages and the them is that they converted to Christianity Well take a Chesterton says it is very right to rebuke our religion for falling short of our own standards and ideals but it's absurd to pretend that Christianity fell lower than other religions that professed the very opposite standards and ideals in other words the savages in here than it had some pretty savage need and ideas and practices from minor male treatment all the way to human sacrifice Chesterton says the Christian has not been worse than a heathen in an ad. Salut says the question is only worse because it is his business to better. More than a minute visit our Web site Chesterton dot org brought to you by Catholic Radio Network a minute with the catechism on Catholic Radio Network How was Jesus seen by the Jews of his day he was deemed as a rabbi by the Jewish people and their spiritual leaders according to the Catholic catechism Nevertheless Jesus could not help but offend teachers of the law because he was not content to propose his interpretation alongside theirs he taught with divine authority and the people recognize the superiority of his teaching about the Law Jesus did not abolish the Law He fulfilled it and gave its ultimate interpretation in a Divine Way Jesus even interpreted the dietary law which the Jews held so dear he declared all foods clean when he said it was not what goes into a man that defiles him but what comes out of him such as evil thoughts. And the.

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