It said that music is sung by words the language of the angels in Revelation Chapter $72.00 things like trumpets but whether the sound is music per se is not defined by the church it Jennifer cation of the ages with music may stem from the fact that the traditional way of listing them is as 9 choirs but choir means rank not a musical. Still we can say that music is angelic it's certainly impossible to imagine John Star Wars. Having much emotional impact Absolutely and so that's every Sunday evening really going forward. To talk about was what our launch of our are changes in our grade in September some people were concerned that we had taken. The see if ours the younger friars who had done had can take an oversight in my prime for a little while after after father possibly and people were happy that we brought back Father Groeschel but thought we had removed the friars that's not the case they moved to a different night in a program called icons so far to go shall is now on Sunday evenings and the other priorities are doing a show called icons nationally for the 1st few weeks wearing a program that we had produced that had been produced in the past it while we're producing new episodes of that I think about a little clip let's take a look at the new show icons Ok So coming out of. The. Prison after the prison mass. Well The newel. This is from their new show called. So that. Friday nights and up people should look at the schedule to. Website because it airs at different times in different channels throughout the world so the other aspect of the icons is that is going to get the fires kind of out of a studio and more where they're living the faith on the streets and in evangelizing the work in the whole icons is that every person you meet is made in the image of God and they are. Trying to ascend so that's the focus of that but it's going to be a really good program so that for that. Time in October we should start having the new episodes. Next week in our gallery slot we're going to be airing a program the case for Jesus with our staff theologian in Dr Brandt Petri So it's a really good miniseries to rebute the atheistic claims there in the world Dr Peachey has done a wonderful bill. On that topic and if we carry that we carried on the analog was catalog and if there is it based upon. Scholars so good to see these young men coming up with call ship so those are just a few of the highlights and we want to let people know about what Peter thank you it will be back in a couple minutes with tonight's guests please stay with us. Here You welcome back welcome back. I'll get to go to our guest is a member of the Missionaries of the most whole the Eucharist is a public clerical association with Scotland in the year. 2007 so not very long ago by Bishop Domenico re the Bishop of too low in traits and this gentleman is here to talk to us about how we can turn our spirits of confusion and darkness into an intense radiance founded upon a loving relationship with Jesus Christ in the blessed at sacrament So please welcome the author of the book that I may see journey from spiritual confusion and blindness to the radiance old the Eucharist Father Barry Braun. Very. Frankly a lot of our viewers may well remember you that's right because you were at the Mass a school in also you were one of the Friars some years ago I was a and you to CERN's your vocation towards this other community how did you come across this community well I came across this community just I suppose by Providence like you said I've been here I've been with the friars for. Just over 3 years got a great formation here developed here a real love for the Lord in the bus a sacrament a real deep love and piety towards our lady was kind of foster care as well and then just by Providence I heard about this community being founded as well in over in France where Bishop Dominic Rae The bishop you mentioned earlier he once had a community dedicated to the spread of perpetual Eucharistic Adoration to make the Lord more known and loved within the church he saw that as a desperate need of the church and and again it was a problem I mean to the individual priests a kind of mentioned it's a me at a point where I felt the Lord calling me tried more intensive. Union with him in the Blessed Sacrament and to work specifically for that that mission and and so yeah God's providence as it works our life and our son in it of course what's very much on the minds of so many folks is this horrendous crisis that is like stage 3 of the crisis you know we've gone to the 1st stages in the early ninety's and again 200-2000 now it's a new level of the old cases being brought back thank you to God wrote many new cases but plenty of old ones and plenty of people are being cute but in heart this is a difficult time very difficult time here but one thing set is partly is only one part of the issue but it is a quote park is that we very much can be tempted to think ourselves I think of how the Apostles where every Jesus talked about his coming passion death and resurrection and they would always change the subject back to themselves which one of us is the greatest and we said it you're right that you're left so within the trusts. And this is a human temptation to the 8 years there. In that focusing on Jesus is the antidote. How does Eucharistic admiration play into that focus on the person of Jesus Christ well I mean to address person I think like you say in terms of kind of what we're experiencing now is that it's necessary and justice will play itself out in in kind of sorting out the place God All of those issues. But the other thing that we also need to focus on is a deep sanctification because these things are some. Dramatic right there symptomatic of something that is that is deeper and very often it's just a lack of connection with Christ himself I mean someone who is in deep loving relationship with Christ doesn't do certain things and so I think as you look at the Old Testament you look at any purification that the Lord begins amongst his people most often begins in the sanctuary that's where he sends the initial movement of purification is to is to purify the priesthood and to purify through then the priesthood and to create a priest that is that is more holy that then is the where you have priest remote the inspiration of the load because of their own personal love of him because of the devotion that they have to him and also because of an affinity that they have with His word and so they are phoned by Christ and then because they are a better image of him but also have his power working through them with our celery they are then able to then sanctify the church then the church in turn sanctify the world and so when there's a failure at the top level what you see is is unfortunately sometimes that we have today and so refocus on the Eucharist is a refocusing on Christ it's not it's not separate from him the Blessed Sacrament is the Lord and. As a very beautiful Croce says that basically were God's will that's a sacrament So once you come to understand that that is the Lord anyone with any normal way of thinking would be drawn to spend time with them I mean you would have to. The fact that you wouldn't go to Christ in the best sacrament either understand the other kind of portrays a misunderstanding of the doctrine of the Real Presence and ignorance of it. Or and act like present is not a complete appreciation of what we have been given a gift of Christ in the past sacrament and I think this is a very important thing because this is not. Only set of problems with clergy we have a set of problems within the culture male clergy just. Acting out old dynamics within the culture the high sexualization of the culture and the kind of self all the implication of the epidemic proportions of. Narcissism in the culture and. It's of course we come from the culture so we're But it gets highlighted when clergy who are supposed to be above that have increased is the 8 yes this is key. There is a s.k. Is the answer is always the remedy I mean Christ as Savior you know and so he is the remedy for sin He is the remedy for everything that we see in the church and turning towards Christ has to be something that we do in reality a conscious be. A thinking about him or a speaking about him and that's a lot of the faults I think we can see where certain efforts of evangelization I believe that they fail if they don't begin with the Eucharist and end with the Eucharist I mean if the Lord isn't the source and summit of Everest aspect of the church's life then those aspects will not pay for it also if he is not the source well then again it could be some you have to question well what is the motivation behind whatever evangelization we're doing is it self-seeking is it whatever it is and if it's not the the summit will then where are we directing people you know where are we leading them to are and so I think it's a good principle in terms of how we have valuate the success of evangelisation is how close in proximity is the person that has been evangelism How close are they important to Christ in the Blessed Sacrament I think that can be like me a measure when I look back and I'm older than you and you have seen know the. Changes that have been going on and there was a period. It's faded away because it was too dome Yes to keep going but it was this bad that a the liturgy is almost age drama playground where you do also it's a big Spearman Taishan. That gets in it is that when the weirdest was when somebody didn't T.-Man based on the movie e.t. I don't know who got one to go home but it was a weird kind of there and lots of blood is such drama uses and then we also saw we move all of the crucifixes every move all of the Blessed Sacrament almost always followed me in literally just who even taught that the presence of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle was a distraction at Mass. When the presence of Christ is a distraction at mest my question became there. Who exactly is the main attraction then yeah exactly it isn't Jesus you make it yourself exactly yeah we're moving out of that we will but I think that's part of the background yeah that you're trying to remedy and that's what Bishop I think disciplined sane because that's what he saw as well I mean and he called it a day Eucharist as ation of the church so he says it's a shift of of the center and so while it might not be noticed initially and the effects that come from that I think then part of what you're saying is is true because then what it is to be Catholic becomes something different than loving Christ where he is present and also being immersed in Scripture and being immersed in his word it becomes things like your social work or peer whatever these other things are going to be that. Come as a compensation and then what you're saying with regards to liturgy as well which is there was that effort to throw out tradition so anything that came from the past and then there was imposed by any authority but then what you had coming out of a rejection of certain tradition and meaning was then a natural effort to try and bring in other types of meaning and other types of things and you had all kinds of like the like you mentioned very weird. Symbolisms and things like that that were placing what was far more beautiful. And and given from from just from ages past all the wisdom of of the people have come before us and yet I mean are you just talking to a father who would drop off his daughter at a Catholic university out west in the priest started Mannus he didn't use the name for this sort of whole disparages started talking yeah. Christ must be this is the place a trinity Yes is the center keep focused on Christ yes there has to be our center otherwise we will be going off into all these usually agents of said Yes very often and so it's and also it's technology meant that we cannot we and like scripture says we didn't we don't know how to pray as we ought and so we're always learning what it is to pray and what is the pray truly and to pray in a way that's placing So the father and so knowing that we are insufficient in our prayer is why the father saying the sun it's so that when the sun prays and the most beautiful prayer of the Pascal mystery is passions there is resurrection there isn't a better prayer there's no better way to appeal to the father's heart for the salvation of mankind than through the prayer of Christ and so that prayer is given to us and that's the reason for all of the regulation around the prayer it's so that our symbolism is always tying back to that Pascal mystery and so it's we're always remembering I mean to this and remembers. We are always remembering but also making present that sacrifice in a real way and always conscious of the fact that we need Christ we need him as a savior and so when all these other things like you say when Christ has been moved out and the tabernacle is being moved out and the person of the priest takes the place of God sometimes and receives in a certain sense by narcissism whatever it is whatever is driving it I don't I don't know but I have to say it's not it's not holy spirit that moves Christ out of the church it's. You know it's you know we priests are to act in the tradition of crisis St Paul taught that in 2nd crimp in chapter 2 that he actually asked in top row Sopel has to in the Person of Christ and then and we the backing Council yes mentions it 6 times yes we are to act in the Person of Christ It's not about me I don't say this is his body I don't say and God absolves you. I say this is my body this is the couple my blood I absolve you I baptize you we are to be acting like Christ if we're not focused on Christ name in the Blessed Sacrament. What have we got now then we become hollow and that is gone and that's what the church was calling for in terms of active participation in the mass and as part of what I was trying to do in the book is is is to show how our active participation is increased in the mass by means of our deeper participation in liturgy of the word and a deeper union with Christ in the best sacrament in the liturgy of the Eucharist and how the mass has to be something that flows out into our life and that our life is ordered towards And so we order our life towards the mass as bourbon domany says as well in a few other documents. Where our. Participation with Christ in the Blessed Sacrament is increased through times of adoration outside of a mass and so that liturgy is is insufficient for personal piety meaning that the mass should flow out into our day naturally through our prayer through the effects of the grace that we receive truly communion all of those things but then also more especially our preparation for mass and so how are we preparing for the liturgy of the word and that comes through just a daily time spent with scripture where we allow the Lord to speak to us through like a lecture the pain or whatever it is and we become accustomed to his voice and then we're prepared to be en mass and to with reverence receive all of the words of Christ spoken then and proclaimed in the context of the liturgy and that those words can take root in our souls and then open the eyes of faith so that when we then proceed into the liturgy of the Eucharist for better disposed to receive Christ in the best sacrament and so. That's a full active participation and then also that I can see $300.00 is a relationship you're talking about. Listening to Christ in there speaking to him as a friend this that's relationship that's going on there exactly I mean when the Lord speaks disciples it and he says I call you friends I call you friends because you pen with me in my trials right and so our life is a life of growing friendship with Christ so we said the same thing to him I call you my friend why because you've been with me and all of my trials you know and so when we seek the Lord in times of trial and difficulty he is he should be the 1st solution unfortunately very often he's the last solution you know I always. There what struck me with when the disciples on the scene of the big storm in the say and they cry out to Christ right when the ship is about to sink and then he says he of little faith and it couldn't be because they actually put protection to him to save them that can't be because that is an act of faith I think the lack of faith is that he's the last resort it's right before they sink they petition Christ and enter into dialogue with him and they they turn their hearts towards him. And I think that's where we find ourselves as well as like we're in a crisis we're in a storm when all of these type of things but even though he might be the last resort it's still it's necessary that we turn to Christ in adoration and just allow the power of His presence fact that he is there God is in our midst God it was among us and then also the power of His Word I mean when he speaks out over that storm it's his words that bring peace to everything he speaks and it brings the storm to pace but it also brings his apostles and his disciples back into a peace in an interior peace and so I think that immersion into his words and spending time with Christ in His presence that's that is so necessary I mean of course it's necessary not just to have a relationship but there's a great passage in Saint series of the serious interest the seer which he is going to shoot to orbit finest illness yes where she had a type of tuberculosis. They cause great great pain and suffering and somebody had asked her why she wasn't crying out more a she said old I don't want to do that I know it seems like Jesus is sleep right now but I don't want to be the one to wake him and tell me or you little faith has got in trouble I don't want to get through. Because he says there is well I just want to let him sleep yes and he's so busy he's very whole these are the things that it sets it's her love for Christ you know through her through her experience of her life she loved him so intensely there instead of because very often when we're coming to Christ we're seeking consolation but in the Eucharist we can console Christ I mean it's a great mystery of his presence I mean when he speaks to say Margaret Mary oligarchy says I saw a thirst to be loved by men in the past sacrament that this thirst consumes me and so in some cases there's a mysterious way in which we can console Christ through our times playing and you think of how that shows up with Mary and Martha Mairi sealing it Christ's feet just being in his presence here was more of a consolation then martyr running around making a meal sure he has a choice at the meal but you know he really was more consoled us place led letting Mary sit there and listen to him yes this is all of us should be exact and Mary right there she represents a well ordered life right which is that a well ordered life is when you have all the goods in your life in the right hierarchical order and so that God takes the pinnacle place so God who is one and so he says she's chosen the better part and it will not be taken from her whereas like in Martha and I think it's even in the Greek it speaks about her distractedness is that she's worried about many things it's almost like they pull her around like she's a role that all these different directions by everything that she's concerned about and the good things and things that are done in the service of Christ but again it's you can miss the. You can miss the point which is that Christ desires he desires that intimacy and our relationship with him so yet so gets a credit hey it's. Your sin it goes to the trooper how our hearts are vs 2 they rest in the air that there is this only God can satisfy me he leaves us unsatisfied we people search for all kinds of things in there it's that divine search the search for God Yes but they try to satisfy it with a variety of creatures a clearing a lot of the clergy absent and this will always lead us at least frustrated yes it's not being isn't trouble at say it is letting Christ be the one whom good is the ultimate and lasting satisfaction of the thirst for him that he put inside of us yes I think in a. Like a spiritual example if you look at the scene where the woman is hemorrhaging for 12 years yes she represents that I mean there's an interior wounded mystery which you can see in terms of that that that wound in the soul that can only be healed by Christ but it says that she had sort of said but he said something at the hands of many said physicians right so it's like how we try to appease that wound with many other things and it says that she wasn't made better she was only made worse and so I came in as much as we try to only see a mark I say Lou just said they couldn't do anything about it said he was a girl as he was abducted. But it is but when she is healed as a sinner she has a real contact with Christ and so again that real contact that she has with him just touching them of his garment is the sacramental life for souls its own souls enter back into a relationship with Christ through confession and then a deep strengthening by Christ through holy communion and through the taking of his word and that stays in current church to the crowd when g. . This I would touch me yes Pierce what he's ever been into yes that's what a lot of people come to Holy Communion Yeah bumping into Jesus yes yes we're as we should be like that woman who touched you and yes he could feel the power that will from themselves as. Well we have to deal with the power of toilet so we wouldn't take a little break will be back in a couple minutes and want to get your comments and questions as well as those of our studio audience so please stay with us. Christ is the answer there John McCardell person passes comes from Mark 2 beginning in verse one so he's gone back to his home town now in the town where he's making his home confinement and he says that he returned to find a matter some days it was reported that he was at home and many were gathered together so that there was no longer room for them and he was preaching the word to them and the whole towns there and they came to him some people bringing to him a paralytic carried by 4 men so they removed the roof above him and when they made an opening they let down the pallet on which the paralytic Lay but he says doesn't heal him Jesus says to him I forgive you we may not be all that shocked by it but the crowd is irate over particularly the heiress these who say to him Why does this man speak to us it's blasphemy who can forgive sins by God alone and how Jesus insane this is communicating not just to the man but to everybody indeed to all of us who hear it that he was somehow offended in the person since he also has the authority and power to forgive them. My. Right if you want to find out some more about Father Barry's work as well as his order you can go to their website which is most holy e.u. Christe dot com Most Holy Eucharist dot com These are the communities known as the missionaries old the most holy you Crist and he spend time going round and preaching about adoration Yes Yes So we so we have several types of ministries basically what we do is to say in any ministry on the how the facts Eucharistic Adoration and so there's many things that we will tell you but that is again the directing principle so we have side in retreats also up in Huntington in long and I Long Island New York which would be like Nation style retreat where all the meditation would be done in the presence of the best sacrament and those have been very very fruitful very very powerful and they were about the retreat days as well which are just days where we have conferences Eucharistic operational day confessions available. And and mass and those are also very free fall for the last one I'll just pass on that we had to think was over 20 people come which was wonderful and and we also parish missions so people are looking for. Potential adoration or even just a booster mission for the they might have a ration but want to increase the adoration of the parish with the parish missions as well and all of that contact is is there it's very through the website so it. Good thing on a hopefully a lot of you will take up to news to make which is if you're in that Long Island area. Or other places I think we very much need to take claim off and get into a time of retreat from everyday stuff so that we can spend more time listening to Christ yes and the question was to you on a server where you feel I'm Father John no back from Chicago Illinois and I have a question for Father Barry Barry you know that a lot of our Catholic schools have been closing our Catholic education has been very short lived in our high schools and colleges and so as your group continues to reflect on the you know about the sacrament in Jesus how do you plan to relate this to the younger people you know we have the people in the pews there are wonderful but those people that are not in a pews have to be reached and you have any kind of ideas how to work with those people those Letairis different from say Hedwig parish in Chicago course I know. That's a good it's a very good question and I think as well it it it hits on. A few things right one is that Christ himself is attractive so if you look at like the life of Christ when he's walking around and he's preaching the truth and he is speaking people healing people that draws the multitude Sirhan and so there's a certain principle I think Pope Francis was hitting on it when he when he was 1st when he 1st became pope and he was saying you can't meet people 1st with the moral law right it follows naturally off their relationship of love that is established with Christ so it's not that you set the low aside but you put it in its proper order which is that once someone falls in love with Christ all of the law makes sense and a natural response of love is it is. To know the person and what place is that person so that you can become more pleasing to the person that you love so that you can in a certain sense attract the love now we only love because we've been loved 1st part Christ and so that is part of when you have an encounter with Christ then that is part of what draws you to seek to know him better and a deeper immersion in scripture and I think also what's important is that evangelisation is it is effective to the extent that the person evangelizing has been evangelized and that they know the Gospel and that they know the person of Christ and that the person of Christ that they carry the aroma of Christ that their time spent in prayer with him it in a certain sense linger is lingers around them and people know well this person knows this person knows Jesus and then that I think is what especially for young people is convecting I mean young people don't want to just be preached that they want example set for them and so when they see a life that is authentic in terms of what that person claims to hold as true and that they can see that that truth is evident in the way the personal lives that's convicting that is conducting that draws them then to to seek a deeper level a ship of Christ I think always an essentially the 1st the 1st move is always self . Sanctification look at how how much I can be better conformed to Christ so that Christ can live more freely through me and then draw Souls to tear himself. And I think. That's an image you know that a room of Christ the same Paul uses in 2nd Corinthians were the talks what it's been like a procession and with this is a room for those on the way to salvation it's an a life giving one for those along with their nation is one that brings Yes but you know this is going to be certain that we reflect crazy as part of the whole environment we live and. Opens us up to be either received as you say it's either for some it will be a Roman that is pleasing and for others it isn't and so the more that we become like Christ the more we will be treated like Christ to either be received with love or you will be persecuted but if you are going to be to persecuted hopefully it'll be for the sake of Christ not a lockers you did exactly right exactly and so that's the persecution that's justice so male were you from frantic I go but he in a very high low Also that's not quite a Chicago accent. Only you know from Columbia hello I'm great and you question my question is how we can make the people who had lived believe because we know it's got a stick Israel guy president of the people of the people they asked again nor believed in when he can do for us because they as if they want it doing that until i don't they die they do sometimes I believe it is what is the best way we can teach the kids either and unity Gagetown will believe God this mazy end with everything we asked to end yes because I think this is the deep problem in everybody because we have to train we go to the Holy we pray we go to Mass but we ask will we know had a light dressing tell a little child when you have it doesn't that bindings it does is the problem we want to find out for the new generations to gave close to God and give me more love deep and be a bounden and had Majesty Oh how do you react to the very good very good question as well but I think that it highlights another point which is the necessity of prayer for the salvation of other souls and so if we don't again start evangelisation without 1st praying for the grace that the Lord again we can't merited but we can petition that he will give that initial grace in a soul to begin the movement towards actually seek. And so our time spent with Christ we offer it so that more people will be drawn as well and so that the people that we meet will be better disposed to receive that message of Christ that the Holy Spirit will be Flora to be operating there before we even get there and they were really participating in the work of the Holy Spirit when we come to encounter Saul and we are tentative to what he's been doing in that soul and we're able to then assist in the continuation of that work to the best of our ability. And then also that. I think another thing that has been lost which I which is just piety piety in the presence of the best sacrament that's a wonderful testimony the presence of the Lord in the blessed document is how we behave in his presence and again I met I met I met several people not of the Catholic faith and there's a common criticism which is that if I believed what you claim to believe about the bus a sacrament either I would be prostrate on my face or I would never leave the chapel are never now there's some truth to that criticism which is that if we believe that that is God does our desire action as our disposition. Point to that belief that a manifestation that is something that we truly do believe and I think that that witness also causes people to begin to question. How you know what what what's going on here why all this while this reverence why this devotion Why would someone even give an hour out of their way to go and spend time in Eucharistic Adoration with the Lord. Those are the witnesses that we can give to the presence of Christ and the Lord says anyone who bears testimony before for many a good for made I'll give testimony before my Heavenly Father and so the way we can always want to be out verse cited that yeah if you don't we don't clear me or men yes I will confess you before I was Father exactly and always not that's not a good up here and it's even it's that word acknowledge which it's it is to acknowledge the presence of it is said that that is Christ. I think it's specifically tied to the Sacrament there where the mystery of Christ's presence you know that. That our life again should give testimony to that as Catholics is the greatest treasure that we have is God Himself it's a type purpose of our existence and so the more that we highlight Christ is the way in which we get the church rightly ordered when Christ is the pinnacle and everyone is aren't said to love of Christ well that is the image of the worship of heaven where everyone is adoring the lamb on the altar who was slain right so it's it's it's the coming of the kingdom and it's a greater manifestation of that kingdom when the Lord is loved I think the Lord said it was stronger than I did when we did nice me before men I will deny Will I have other yes yes that's best we bet their minds we'll you know when President Obama would to speak at Georgetown University and they had the name Jesus increase all over the room yes that's scant screws a Jesuit school that yes sorry he's a he his people said he would cover that up in the press and they did. I would have said no Mr President rollovers respect you yes we thank Jesus more Exactly and it will go you are not going to deny here exactly and most especially not you that with the presence of Christ you know to me and believe in him denying him and removing the tabernacle or whatever it was deja vu not exactly so it's also as bad an idea. Ma'am were you from and from fine fellow and I thought I'm with a group from Chicago Oh Ok will be careful to say that I was born and raised the Chicago no real problem. Your question my question Father is how can I turn to Dana help on the stand and deep in the meaning of the Eucharist and I lie especially regarding the us because our youth are very intelligent I don't believe they're never too young and have to start there and so I believe we need to reach out to them well in how can we do their great question 1st of all let's to do be the me so let's show the vena is a process of prayer with scripture and it's. It is a process by which we can just slow down with the word because very often suppose we can move too quickly through the scenes of the life of Christ like we can look at one scene and think Ok I've already read that and then we move on to the next one and we want the next one and not actually kind of go deeper below the surface into that hidden mystery that is being revealed through those words which is the man of the revelation that Christ gives of the Father and of his divinity and so let's hear what that does is just by through prayer through the guidance of the Spirit is allowing Christ to speak to us through His word again it's not we're not looking for doctrines we're not looking for anything at that it's just that fostering of that conversation with Christ and how I can see how my life in the events of my life. Our related to the events of the life of Christ but then also what happens because it is Living Word because not like any other word that you read or any other book that you read because Living Word just that process of Lexar the vena allows the word to go forth into your soul and bear fruit in your life and so its effective word it's able to sanctify us it's a sanctify where the Lord says to his apostles you've been made plain by the words that I've spoken to you and so because they've been absorbing his words that he speaks 1st therefore is of Christ given to us through the Gospels were sanctified as well by means of those words and they again that what the church teaches is that the inspired word in as much as we understand and have true understanding is going to lead us to the Eucharist only think it's the Holy Spirit yes who inspired script can we say or excrete that he spoke to the prophets Yes in the Old Testament but also through the Holy Spirit is the primary author of all the books of scripture Yes that's the teaching of Vatican 2 there but it same hurry we should understand that the same hold the Spirit that inspired those words this is going to work inside of us as we quietly in Chile listen to those words and prayerfully seek to hear Jesus in those yes and then and and and that's it so the fruits of that process is a deeper love of Christ it's the Holy Spirit leading us into all truth as was promised by Christ and that leading us into all truth is leading us to Christ and so that is the process of scripture and that's why the liturgy of the of the word precedes the liturgy of the Eucharist because it is a leading into an appreciation of love Christ where he is present so the inspired word leads to the natural world where he is where his present presence sacrament. And and so again just in terms of. Especially for young people and I mean some of the most powerful insights into scripture that I've heard have been from moments where I've been either there where they have children that aeration and I just ask questions to the children about scripture and say well why do you think the Lord did that and they give answers that are Tejpal a deeply profound and so children are able to enter into scripture because of the way in which the Lord speaks in parables and stories so it's accessible the word is accessible to anyone. And anyone can take the word and just sit with it and that will affect their life just by that process of taking in a taking in the Gospel or taking scripture daily. And I think it's very important for us to see the multi ways in which Christ does speak to us and he wants to address us and it may not always be what we want to hear any more then the assholes wanted in here things like Satan. Maybe money is there but Christ told us those words rebuke when we need to puke Yes he also adjust his words of comfort as we need that as all of this range all the relationship is present as we listen to him in Scripture Yes especially before the blessings and that's it and that's and it's exactly what you're expressing there is how you come to know how intimately God loves you which is that the fact that his his word it is peek into every aspect of your life every detail it's like if you're reading Scripture and spending time in his presence. He doesn't let you away with anything else or you know he's always addressing what needs to be addressed like he says rebuking what needs to be thrown out is confirming what needs to stay and he is continually forming your and the. Doing that through a real relationship with him in the best way that we can have it which history through scriptwriter his word and through just loving his presence and spending time with him. Shane used to say in his retreats that we should find our own lives in the life of Christ stuff so I know one of the things that you highlight in your book is The Story of blame bottom a us yes why blame boredom is well it's I suppose the sane always struck me as at the 1st thing that struck me was why if that's going to be the last miracle that the Lord works before entering into Holy Week right so before going up . Into Jerusalem well and all of these things are ordered from eternity and ordained by him from eternity why specifically that miracle and so it was looking at it in terms of what is he teaching and this in this Miracle and in that miracle healing I think we see our entire sanctification process and so what I was looking at in the book is trying to take each of the aspects of that healing and break them down into principles that then we can apply in our life so that we have a real foundation on Christ and that we know that our spiritual life is rightly ordered and is heading in the right direction and so like very simply I mean what I was looking at is the fact that part of Mayor sits outside of Jericho in Jericho being historically the last stronghold of the against He has relied on to come in the holy land represents in a certain sense kingdom of sin and all of those things are his He's outside of Jericho but he still sitting beside the way so he might be in grace but not really knowing how to make that journey from send all the way up to the New Jerusalem you know and he's and he's blind which is the state of souls which is that we are always on in this life we live by faith there's a blindness that we have now that's only for only taken away in eternity when we move from from faith to the. Of God you know and and in the process all along the way is kind of what I'm looking at in the book is well how does how is how does our lady play a role in our sanctification How does Scripture and daily meditation on screen on on the Word of God How does that affect our life not just in the transform ation of ourselves but in showing us how to live more like Christ and then how does adoration prepare us for a deeper intimacy with him when you receive Holy Communion and then that moment of Holy Communion is that truly the high point of our life because if it's not within our priorities are our out of order. But then when we are into our life towards that moment of holy communion where the Lord is within us and we have that intimate heart to heart with him are we spending time after receiving Holy Communion in a Thanksgiving that is worthy of the reception of such a gift you know and so it's again not wasting our time most especially in thanksgiving to draw a very close to Christ who is so closely present to us and so that we're not ignoring him but acknowledging our presence and allowing his substantial presence within us in Holy Communion to have the full effect that he desires it to have which is our which is our sanctification you know there was the beautiful Saint sentimental and she couldn't understand how people would receive Holy Communion and not die and and not die of love and then when she did receive her 1st Ali Khamenei and she died of love you know so it's again a real real mystery but but that hopefully every Holy Communion that we receive transforms us more deeply into the image of Christ and so that's that's the basic principles of the book and so the o.c. Would also. Thought of this if you haven't noticed that when Christ begin the journey toward Jerusalem with the North but Sajda he healed in the end by putting mud and his eyes twice and then he was she. Yes And then at the end of that journey as another plane in the air and in between he's revealing the coming of his passion yes then different stages to the Apostles so part of it is also they are they are supposed to be overcoming their blindness this Turnstone you who Christ is the earth know the side element to them. You know maybe more but make sure that people know to take a look for your poke is called that I may see joining from spiritual confusion and blindness to the radiance of the Eucharist it's by Father very broad I'm missing you it's mysterious so the police Crist and you can get it at. Our c dot com catalog it's Item number 9313 and one more gift that you can get to help grow in your spiritual life. This is something that we all can do a lot more of it would be better off we would very much need to do so thank you Father Bear for coming over here to be with us thank you very much for and also like you to join me in giving a blessing to all audience bill money God bless you keep you cause a space to shine upon you may lead to an all of your ways by his piece the money God bless you Father Son and the Holy Spirit. And says we don't have found the berry with the sez the Friar we still can bring him back but we can do so only because you make it possible remember this network is brought you by you at home. They're felt inspired by the Lord to have this network work that we don't do commercials and things so we ask you to please remember to keep it simple clean your gas bill your let's fill in your cable bill and we'll be able to pay our bills too thank you. Order this episode of double duty and live. And religious cattle web store log on to the n r c dot com 24 hours a day 7 days a week or call 180-8463. The. This is the home of Father wait when he says Take 2 with Gerry in telling. News that Dr rego reading end of the range Elica. Can. Listen to e.w.t.n. Radio day or night audio one demand brings you your favorite e.w.t.n. Programs triggers and devotionals instantly to you for free visit e.w.t.n. App stand and get started today other Benedict Rochelle temple 10 support abortion and the Calends are responsible to take serious action against legalized abortion leading Catholic voices Arlen e.w.t.n. Radio and leading Catholic boy she's going to tell you tea and radio every single day I get to help our listeners of the Sunrise morning shall wake up find out what's going on in the church in the world and then walk with them as we all seek to groundbreaking knowledge of Jesus Christ and the Catholic faith I mean how could it get any better the sunrise morning sound clip and it's all and mass Wayne Monday morning 6 history telling a.t.m. A.t.m. . 60 on 10 but money Charles the 10 Commandments in shall not desire anything that is your neighbor has commanded a similar to the 9th because it is the word of it which means to it orderly or in a desire something and therefore it will later to this are concepts that are Looking for a solider kind of old Catholic radio station a dreariest one that's a blip and authoritative a tragedy truly But a new with Angela zation God may be calling you to a vision in Catholic Radio Hell you can start a Catholic radio station where you live our budget true to the church and d.w.t. Instantly mimic radio programming contact me Jack Williams a Jew 0 by 7 and by by 7 by states or Jay Williams that e.w.t.n. Dot com. The following is brought to you by Catholic Radio Network. Daily meditations of Pope Benedict the 16th presented by Leonardo Di for that is. The chair a St Peter. Peter expressed in the 1st place in the name of the Apostles the profession of faith Hill of the Christ the Son of the Living God this is the task of all this excess is a Peter to be the leader in the profession of faith in Christ the Son of the living God the chair of Rome is 1st of all the chatter of the street from the loftiness some this chair the bishop of Rome is obliged to repeat constantly Dominus lazers cases. As Paul wrote this letter is to the Romans Corinthians the chair of the drop light chisel to say as Peter did at the moment of crisis one of the disciples but many wish to go away but to whom shall we gold you'll have the words of eternal life we have believed and that come to know that you are the only one. Well the sits on the chair of Peter must remember the words that the Lord said to Simon Peter at the last. When you have returned again strength. Holder of the pea trying ministry must be conscious of being the frail and weak man as his own strength is frail and weak constantly. But he can also be conscious that from the Lord he received strength to comfort brethren. And to them. This. Is not a taste it was taken from Benedict. Press and Magnificat and produced by same production. Productions dot com. By Catholic Radio Network. This is Father Joseph already with our lady at McConnell parish in Littleton Colorado thank you for listening to k r c n n 1060 am along more bolder and then we are here for our community teacher in a Catholic faith. This is can build your network sales manager for the Catholic Radio Network my wife Patty and I are members of solidarity help share a Catholic solution to high health care costs solidarity health care as a health sharing ministry providing practical and ethical solutions to healthcare needs while protecting and practicing Catholic beliefs and members are exempt from fines and penalties of the Affordable Care Act Joining us by visiting solidarity health care dot org to find out more that solidarity healthcare dot org.

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