You're listening to a spotlight now on Catholic Radio Network. To get done it was Marine chaplain in a Vietnam War His Marines loved him because he always put his life 2nd to a battle broke out where 500 Marines were surrounded by 2500 North Vietnamese army when they was about to be killed when capital picked him up through in shooting air to a ditch I saved his life another male was hit with shrapnel on Capitol Hill a bubble of peace descended Ali heard was a shout as was God is with us about the to capital didn't make it out that he was willing to minister to a medical shot 27 times in the back to get in the will of honor Elizabeth capital was. Declared servant of God by the Catholic Church His name is not. The way he died most of this is Chris to take the lead Catholic. Political correctness is lethal to the work of the vandalization. Because it's an ongoing effort by the elites who run the media industrial complex along with many political leaders to squelch any ideas from the public forum that someone may find offensive P.C. Culture tries to bully others in the keeping quiet when they should speak up the term arose in the 1930 S. In Germany by the rising Nazi Party and in the Soviet Union of the communists Well we may no longer have to me now that is running around or Soviets around today but their spirit lives on in P.C. Culture as Christians we need to face it the gospel is and always has been offensive to the spawn world and answering with our lives means we're going to get some rejection ask yourself whether Christ was P.C. And whether he got rejected banning this is Patrick Ottman attach a cause and be a saint what else is there brought to you by the Catholic radio that work. This is father Sam Morehead with all souls camping parish you are listening to your P.W.T. And radio station K R C N N 60 AM one morning Boulder and Denver mother Mary pre-press . T W. Live truth live can feel like. A W T and global Catholic Radio welcomes you till the raising or are. They Larry Richard other Larry is a captivating teacher preacher retreat master and author speaks from experience as a pastor of an inner city Paris a former high school chaplain a counselor and an evangelist he's directed hundreds of retreat for young and old alike as well as numerous parish missions and cons and their Larry Richards website IS THE REASON FOR OUR HOPE dot org today's talk is from his CD understanding the Sacramento holy orders to begin a father and a son always spirit a man. Gave us Jesus to tell us how to love he gave his life away for love of us help us to give our life away for love of others and love of you we beg of these things holy father in Jesus name Amen Mary Mother Jesus prayed for us good Saint Joseph pray for us and Father Son we Spirit Amen OK as the next 2 sacraments are going to deal with as Holy Orders are going to deal with today and then next week will deal with the sacrament of marriage and both of these sacraments the catechism calls sacraments of service and commune and because what it is these 2 sacraments aren't there for themselves but for others so a person gets married. Not for them Sal but for the spouse and for the family a person gets or again not for him sound but for others and again this is been part of the problem I think when their. Nation gets really deal with today is when priests bishops deacons think that there's something because their priest a bishop or a deacon. You know you will you will adore me by albacore me you will serve me you'll do as I say I like to do as I say part anyway but that's not what it's about the purpose ordination is to give your life away for others when I was in seminary and I've been in seminary a long time since I was 17 years old and we were in high school seminary and I never forget we're going around and we're talking about why we want to be priests it was one of the 1st things and one of the guys that was there by God's grace he didn't get a Dane but he sat there and says I want to get I want to be a priest for the power I want to be able to tell people what to do something and oh dear well by God's grace he didn't get her Dane but again that's not what priesthood is about there are holy orders there are it's one Sacrament but it's 3 different orders one of the 3 orders of Holy Orders do you know Deacon priest. And Bishop. There's one orders one Sacrament but there's 3 different parts of that for consecration you know and again the Deacon is one who serves it's pretty good clear the main thing at the Deacon is supposed to do is serve period a priest as one who offers sacrifice. And the bishop has the film is the borders if the priest is just part of the bishop's coldness of orders we are part of what he does so the Bishop is like one of the early apostles so. He has the fullness of orders now every single one of these are called to give away their life for others and see part of the problem has become the church has always gotten the problems and that's why Pope Francis is trying to redo it the church always got into its biggest problems is when the church and the state were one right because again you still you still see remnants of it but the bishops used to think they were little princes and they still wear their nice long things and they would have even in the right we had those of you old enough that know Bishop Gannon who was a bishop of the Erie for how long over 50 years Bishop of Erie he was the young Mr Dean Bishop the country Bishop when he was made anyway but if you ever have pictures Yamin you walk in the back of the cathedral and had those little boy pages they would carry his long what you call that that train in and they would all and he had already led by that had nothing to do with Jesus Christ I want everybody to be clear nothing to do this Christ Jesus Christ didn't wear all kinds of things everybody bow before him the exact opposite they killed him when priests and bishops started thinking that I'm a little prince there's a problem. You were deigned to give away your life for other not to have others serve you and bow before you OK and that's and all of these things so when the pride of power comes in with that then it no longer becomes what Christ started for you know he gave away every one of the Apostles what the cost in the fall of Jesus except for $1.00. Their life they die and they died horrible way they tried to kill John a couple times but he just didn't die but they died and tried to kill him they poison them they boiled him but he still kept Golan and so it cost him everything and so this is what happens is when we lose this. Is when we start thinking wow people are here for me instead of I'm here for them now again that's easy to live like for instance like that we talk about marriage you are there for your spouse your spouse isn't there for you they're supposed to be that's part of it but you give away your life you're always more concerned about the other's doing live that well even in marriage now but it's still what we're called to do right we'll talk about it more next week so again when we sat there and we got her Dane we'd talk and say there's 2 different kinds it's just focus primarily right now on the Priest OK and the prefer that what I know most about a priest is or deigned to offer sacrifice so the outward sign of all holy orders is the laying on of hands the annoying thing of all oil and. The words of coordination you know a lot of them have the laying on of hands and the consecration of oil confirmation anointing of the sick or ordination of the ACA or a nation of press bitter or a nation of A because it was saying but depending on what words you say different outcomes happen correct. A deacon or Zidane one way deacon can sit there and do baptisms can preach can do funerals and nap but he cannot do what. He cannot hear confessions or change of reading wind of body bloods on divinity of guy he cannot in one to sing OK His main job is to serve a priest the main job of the priest is the Ocker sacrifice and what's it mean to opera sacrifice to do what. Same math that's the primary job of the priest before everything else you know because everything else a priest can do can be done by other people he wrote plays both will claim the Gospel that true yes but can you proclaim the Gospel yet the only thing that we can do that you can't do is change the bread and wine the body blood soul and of any of God We can forgive people their sin they can't do that so what happens is when a person is or again their very being changes so there's a change of bean. And we call this an ontological chain OK an ontological change meanings the person being changes OK So what does that mean so for like a person when they're baptized there's an ontological change their being is now totally different than what it was when a person is or again there is an ontological change the person's being is changed so that so that if you put your hands over the bread and wine and say this is my body nothing happens because you're being you don't have the power the authority for that if I put my hands over the bread inside is my body because of my being different not better but different I have the power to change bread and wine to Almighty God So there's an ontological change Now it's interesting that the demons could see that today in the Gospel right James as they could see James as an egg. Would cry out immediately because they thought he was being everybody else just on man the demon saw his bean and they cried out What would you do if the we know who you are or things were they were they also can tell a priest again years ago. Just it changes a little bit but a priest friend sat there and he went to Rome and while he was over in Rome he sat there and they were they were doing an exorcism in the hills and his other body says it was the exorcist it was part of the X. You want to go up and help us he goes you're right you're doing an exorcism It's like summer you're like my eyes don't XS and so anyway they get in a car and they go up to the hills or it is but they stop at the coast and want to stop the coaster having a bite to eat and they're sitting there watching all the sunbathers Anat and increases the typical human being just like me just like you so there is beautiful women there and the bikini's and he looked you know just because you're on a diet as I mean you can't look at the menu but anyway he looked right and so while he was looking there was something going on there too he was tempted like well when he goes and does they have. Goes up he sees this woman who is being exerciser another priest are you stuck with levitating in the sanctuary and she turned around and as she turned she's look at the priest who is not dressed in clerics and has 0 preached what are you doing here I thought what you were doing when you were looking at that women down on the beach and he only said it changes underwear and again because the demon could see that the priest was a priest he could see his baby in the being was different OK And so I again and I was talking about he was the big Exorcist and father Mike Scanlon going to tea taught us he did it we did a symposium on exorcism and so he says one of the things you gotta do is when you're going to go next and I. Never done an exorcism because you need permission from the bishop it's a lot father Peterson was the exorcist of the diocese but what happens is the 1st thing the demon will do when you see him is he will scream out all your unconfessed sin. So he says the 1st thing you do when you do an exorcism is you go to confession so you have no sins that he can scrape out because then he can't do it but. Anyway so the being of a priest is changed the priesthood is given to things he's given the power he's given power and he's given authority now again often like when I wear Still I talk about is that the 2nd night when I do a parish mission and I conquered Mount the power of the stole and the stole you know is that. You know when priest in sacraments they wear a stole over them why do they wear a stall a stall is a symbol of power and authority but it's not their power it's not their authority it's the power and authority of who Jesus Christ right Jesus is the one who's there and so the point is you know this comes with a couple different things like for instance. I sometimes go to a place and people like to call me if they think they're one of these modern type Catholics they're coming to meet me the 1st time and say Hi Larry and I go No it's father Oh and then I just think I'm a proud arrogant miserable son of a son so why is there a problem with someone calling me Larry. Or any priest by their 1st name unless it's your mother is better than calling you stupid but anyway so. Because what's in poor in is not the person what's important is Jesus in the purse so the onset of the priesthood is more important and Larry Rich. It's the office I'm just Larry Well what's the difference why I do all the things I do I get or Dane you know so it isn't a clerical ism you go by the act it's a thing I took knowledge ing that Larry you're nothing yeah now Jesus is what's most important it's the office that's more important than you I get it now so when you do this when you put a stole on you're supposed to show I'm not called to bring people closer to father Larry Richards that will just get them to hell and my job is to get people to Jesus and show them Jesus so stole is to remind the priest and everybody else that that's Christ there it's his power his authority the priest is the instrument of it OK So there's a priest need a scolded to attack him. Now he should have me as one but lot of times I'll be in a an airport he thought I'm going to the other can I go to confession sure I don't have my shoulder that's fine it still works without the stole but the reality is it's a symbol of power authority now we deal with this power and authority it's the power to change the bread and wine to the body blood soul divinity of God and it's the authority to forgive people their sins now get this neither of those things are given to the priest for the priest sake right I can't look in the mirror and say Hey Larry are you sorry for your sins Oh yes father I'm very sorry for my sins Well then Larry I absolve you of your sins they would not be a great trick would be the greatest thing ever let me tell you but I wasn't given any power or authority for mean all the power and authority I was given was for the right so this is for everything it's not just the priesthood but it gives us like that marriage and different things but every even if you're a single person you have been given all your gifts and talents for the building of the body for others not for your sound you see this is the problem. I see with Catholics you have the same people who do everything in a church correct yes let me give you again it's the 7 percent as we talked about before so if people are not using their gifts for the building up of their community of the church and the body of Christ they're using it for them sallow which means that they think that they guess I was given was given to me for me not one thing you have not one not one gift you have God gave you for you not one he gave you every gift. For the building of His Body the Church we belong to each other so they guess that God gave you he gave you for others so the question always is is here guess for yourself your family for the church because you just can't so I just take care my family your families also the church right it's both like but it comes to the church or your personal family what's more important. Personal family so you've got to put them 1st Absolutely but so you're good so if you can sing the a sing in a choir if you can play music to play music or church do you do things you have an organizational ability to do that for the church or do you just waste it on yourself and wasted so you can make more money and then after I make more money did I'll give you some of that won't that be nice now because when you stand before God he's going to say why did I give you those gifts and you only placed for yourself and you anyway so that for your family to buy another car a bigger boat a bigger house all your gifts you use that I gave you for the building up of the bonny you use for your son. Same thing the priest that God gave us all this power and authority and so often we get stuck in this is my power and my authority it is not it's God's power God's authority and you will give an account being me of that what I did with it you do realize like the priest I am responsible before God for every soul that lives in my parish boundaries right be they Catholic Protestant or atheist but I stand before God I will have to give an account not to the people live outside the parish that the way she joined us that I become responsible for you your soul but everyone that lives in St Joseph church Bread of Life Community boundary which is this area. Now there's most people that live in this area they go to St Joe's but of Life Church now I'm still responsible for their souls here responsible for every person in year under their year their shepherd and so you got to be looking out towards them now for here I go way beyond because I have to go and do all the speaking that I do next let me talk about marriage one of the main reasons for marriage is what. Procreation Yeah that's one way to. Take it have your sex I get it I get it. Is to bring your spouse and your family to heaven. Primary purpose you're responsible for their souls I mean you do everything in your power to get them into heaven you're going to be stand before God Now again if they go to hell because of their own choice well that's their choice but God's going to say did you do everything in your power to be my instrument of grace to them did you fast for them did you pray for them did you encourage them did you build them up in the body or you say it's a private thing if they make it they may go if they don't they don't and again I go parish and I say if you if your kid becomes president I'd States and they go to hell you failed as a parent I don't think so I tell you did your main job is to get them to Heaven my main job is to get you to heaven and so that's a lot of pressure let me give you a hint but the reality is it's Christ that's going to do it he's just going to use our job is to get out the way so we get out a way for God's power we get out of the way for God's authority and that God can bring that forth OK So that's just part of it and everything I want to tell you this is because sometimes you look at precisely think well that's for priests no that's also for you. Today you can't just sit there and say well we learned about who we order say I really had nothing to do with me and there's a lot to do with you because again according to the church member we go back and go back for a 2nd to baptism when you were baptized. You were baptized you were caught you were anointed with chrism and the annoying thing that chrism. For 3 things men with those 3 things where you were anointed a preening. Prophet and KING So you're all priest who by virtue of your baptism correct yes so you 2 are called operas sacrifice correct what's the sacrifice you're called on for your lives right and so the way I operate my priesthood is an ordained priesthood as the would be with you and you. Respond or spirit that's how you are participating in the one priesthood of Jesus Christ 2 different things but you can only have one that's in front of everybody and so but all of us are called to be preached but not ordain and with this let's deal with the thing right now what should we do with women. Love the whole course. But can women be you're dating who said that. Jesus started it yes and again I was just reading about this again the other day comes up again and again and again it again when I was that I was in them a Jesuit school years ago to get a degree and as spirituality we won't say the school anyway I was in the midst of the Scole and we are taking a class on female spirituality OK and I don't forget professor was a Jesuit priest got up there and he had a book we are reading and its head that Christianity not just Catholicism Christianity can opt for nothing to women and spirituality for that you need to go the African Goddess and it was all priests and nuns in the class no one batted an eye on. Something like. And I can never keep my mouth shut right I just can't do it so again raise my hand I go if you think you can say Christianity cannot pronounce them to women no it can't and I says so the blessing mother missed the whole point thank happen is the end of the little flower filling all that women saying a lot and the most powerful person in the church next to Jesus Christ is who the glass said mother her thing on her yes to God Will brought forth salvation that may be a trick so the church so again they don't sit there and say that women have no power in a church that I'm most powerful but their call is different I want men can add baby right I guy cannot. Even if we may want to I don't but the reality is it's just their present so when it comes to ordination The reason is and John Paul made it clear he said we don't have the power to or gain a woman. So the reason primarily is because Jesus didn't do it now some people say the reason Jesus didn't do it was a cultural reason because they haven't acknowledged women as. You know full members of society but Jesus did did he not Jesus had women in his company James's you were not permitted as a Jew to talk alone to a woman right to Jesus to that. At the Samaritan right when she looked at him and she says you're a Jew and a man you're talking to me because Jews did not talk to women privately unless it was your spouse his broke every single cultural norm when it came to the of the Apostles but he only chose 12 men to follow Him The main reason and again I never say this quite right but it's a priest by definition is in persona Kristie but it's in persona Christie. In persona Christie CAPTUS Now I just mean in persona Christie CAPTUS. In the Person of Christ the head OK So when you say a priest by definition he's in persona Christie now the records that mean that he in the Person of Christ now since he's in the Person of Christ he is a sacrament of Christ Christ was a man so the one who represents him fully must be like Him in all things and that's men as a man now part of this is that's why we have celibacy now you see bothy is optional in a Catholic church in a Roman Catholic Church but in other parts of the church we see that more and more not and we'll talk about that a 2nd like for instance when I'm on the altar saying man who's saying that. Jesus he's just using me as his instrument. But it's Christ say Mass when you're going to confession as we talk about the other day you're forgiven if your sins through the power of Christ and the priest it doesn't but he does it with who or who is inside of him Jesus so that's primarily why Christ was a man priests or men now could have could a woman be a cardinal. Yet because all of that is one and I'll be interesting to see if this holy father makes women cardinals because he could easily make a woman a cardinal the only thing a cardinal is is one who votes for the next pope right so that be interesting to see Already people are going crazy with the man if he was to do that I think if you want to greatest things but people would go out of their mind right so we talk about this reality now a priest in that in the Roman church there are 3 things we take 3 vows I think and can a deacon be married yes but if his wife dies think get married again know if he does yes to leave the ministry OK You're allowed to get married once now used to be priests be married correct. For the 1st 1000 years of the church it was part of their tradition that you was optional celibacy the only ones who didn't have optional celibacy was the religious order priests because religious orders they live in community so you can't be living with other men and have your wife with you but what started happening you know the reason one of the main reasons we think all the gys is of course but one of the main reasons we stopped the Whitten to the all male I mean all celibate clergy was because a nepotism you know nepotism is. Family So you're pope you have your kids that are your boys and what you make then Cardinals rethink it all became it became part of this power thing again you know power and we got to keep the power in the family you know when I was in Rome for my sabbatical the 1st week there we went to the bed thing on the secrets of the Vatican that secret archives in the end it was something to see because when you went there you got to see all the inner stop that they had like you know the Krishna boy. She was part of the Borgia her father was the pope one of the ways he got to be pope was used as Donna Krishna to get some of the guys that vote for him. I get her stand as that evil yet but it's interesting because they say after abortion became the pope he had a conversion of heart thanks be to God But the reality was there's a lot of evil and they would sit there and he would have wives and all these things and mistresses and kids and everything else so it's the religious orders that really save the church so can't and that you're me a priest you're going to sell it so you're not worried about yourself and your family and not trying to get them into power Ok Don't you see when it happens we can try to keep our own intent thing let's keep it in the family and so they ordered no no no no let's go go right through the fall a bit. So we should be sell OK now this is a discipline in the church and fact already the Holy Father gets lifted you can be a Byzantine right Mary and I different things and be married in the Catholic Church right and so like one of my old kids I was a spiritual director for is married has 5 kids you just called me he's applying to go to seminary for the Mary Knight right church which means they could be a priest with 5 kids let's deal with this for a 2nd religious orders there's 2 different kinds of priests and I'm just focusing on priesthood because that's what you do at the most there's 2 different kinds of priest There's an eye on. Which I am and then there's a religious order. The difference is I am called to create community. Or religious order lives community. OK it is a difference here except for a father right he doesn't live community he likes to be all he should about a month he loves to be by himself but anyway but normally you join a religious order so you can live community die definition a diocesan priests we do have a loan it still isn't the best way to do it we should still have community but my family my community is who you that's why it drives me crazy when I have all the masses like I have all the masses this weekend and I looked out and I saw that every Mass I know is that mass is not and I know many where people don't come to mass here and they tell father as long they got to math it doesn't matter well then I don't have to be here any weekend right I'm not there to stay away every weekend because I am if it doesn't really matter I can proclaim the gospel to the whole world I don't really need to be here you still know I love you though right I don't have to kill myself to come home on Sunday because it doesn't matter it does matter because we are family so yes you can go to other parishes but this is your family so you should Conley here every Sunday if you belong to the parish you should because you belong to each other OK now a religious order priest I make 2 promises the 2 promises I make as a diocesan the 1st promise. Is obedience the hardest value every take celibacy then easy obedience kills you obedience and celibacy now celibacy is not explicitly refraining from sex that's included in it but celibacy is no closed operation ships right so I shouldn't have favorite people I should have you know exclusive people that this is really my family in the parish no no no that goes against celibacy I am called to love everybody without claiming anyone for my own is that easy. Trust me I religious order takes 3 bottles they take poverty chastity and obedience poverty chastity and obedience so I take a vow of poverty no and again the old joke between diocesan some religious orders is the diocesan the religious take the vow the diocesan lib. Right because they don't own anything and I felt like I was thrown out by the Franciscans anyway upgrades the King Years ago the Franciscans take a vow of poverty which means they don't own anything right but this order had the best sweaters the best clothes the best cars the best everything and they didn't have to pay for it because the community pays for it they could go to trips all around the world they don't have to pay for it the community pays for right. When they get older retire they don't have to worry the community will take care of them right as if the 2nd I got to pay my own taxes I'm going to pay for my own car I'm going to pay for my own insurance when I retire I have to have a retirement account they're not going to take care of me right so I got to sit there so I have a house for when I retire which I'm going to like move to San Diego and again some people sit there and say Well father you know you have a house I do I pay for it myself it's all the extra work you do outside of here but OK but I don't take a bow and so I don't I do take about celibacy take them out of obedience. I'm still style but I'm still a virgin thank you very much engaged I wonder because I know some of you think when your father Larry has ever given an not in 54 years and be 55 which kind of freaks me out and I'm 55 you know wine at a 55 you get your senior citizen in part that. Anyway. How I was like I wasn't even part of my class in theater days is 55 and over is a Oh sure not really any I know but like again it was funny because you know like Deacon asked to take a vow of obedience or a promise of obedience. As priests take a vow as a deacon because here again a deacon 1st before your Dana Priest and I talk about when I was a deacon and I took a bow of obedience again when I was a priest and I thought how come when you have take a vow that obedience twice we think about obedience twice and celibacy once again because that's the WANT TO hurts it hurts to always be obedient but again when you're obedient God bless you abundantly which will talk about another time so you take poverty chastity and obedience a religious orders because they live community they're paid for they don't own anything on themselves now if you want to meet someone it really does that they you Father Shell's order you know the prize the renewal they own one or 2 habits period they sleep on a hard hard floor a hard board they sit there they get all their extra money away every year because they live in community they're going to trust in God OK a diocesan we live in a parish we can have money we can do we can be just like our people that we're with OK but the whole point of all the things is to show the world Jesus are you called to do this. But I'm called to do it specifically by and purpose that this is what it is when you see Jesus when you say to him now again. I hate this because again I'm not always a good example as you well know. But we're still called in the best way to do this isn't to try harder it's to get out the way because ladies and gentlemen where is Jesus in. And so. We don't have to try harder to OK if Jesus would do this that's what I'm going to do he's going to do I'm going to do all these things that's a work thing. If Jesus is inside of me my job is to get out of the way. And we have an eagle like mine at heart and yet that's exactly the point that's my job but that's your job now people expect more from their priests and your yes should because they're called to be in persona Christie but often you expect more of the priest but you're not looking your own self about how you got to do and live the same type way you know again like we're going to talk next week when you get to be married your whole purpose is the sea Christ and your spouse and to be Christ to your spouse so my job is to see Christ in you who are my spouse my family but also to be cry and so that's the part of we constantly have to try and get better at and we go every day OK So this is the part of it now so all the things that we all been talking about here is all for service it's all for the good of others everything and until you and I start living that again as I said before generosity is the key to Christianity giving away your life your forgetfulness of self whenever we focus on ourself we are not living in Christianity. At least be funny because it's a why you want to be a priest and one of the 1st response is the priest was supposed to say does anybody know. For the salvation of my soul. So and that's what we are taught to say you will be a priest for salvation of your soul but what's the problem with that. It's only on yourself OK it's not that I want to serve only give away my life you know Paul says that he would could even want to be separated from Christ if others will be saying is that what we got to do you know the other in poly when say the other to be saved and I myself be damned he was afraid of it because he knew he could save many many people be done for me salvation but he could still go to hell right I can bring many many many many many people to Christ I can still go to hell and the reality is that even if I sat there and I often of thought because of my sinfulness and different things that if after everything was done if many people through the books in time thinking that Jesus and I went to hell with my life still been worth living yet because other people at least got to go to heaven even though I couldn't live it well enough and I went to hell that would still be a video to Virgin hell but still be the greatest thing but again somewhere got to think that this is not about me it's about other things and when I come to Christ it got to be about others and again one of my favorite authors if you haven't read him yet I've talked about him before he's a Protestant. And his name is Francis Chan and he has a great book out called Crazy Love and in this book he has a great question and answer we're going to really end with today and this question is if you could go to heaven and you would get everything you want you have peace in heaven all your fans. You would be there all your friends would be there forever and ever you'd have peace the only thing is Jesus wouldn't be there. Would you go. Now the answer everybody sitting there thinking of course I go by I have to say no I wouldn't go because that's what a Christian would do but it shows why do we do what we do do we do it for love of Jesus and because we're in love with Jesus or do you do it so I can be happy for after is my following of Christ is a friend of mine who's that I call him a secularist I would say he's an atheist but he's a secularist. He said to me once he says you know Father all Christianity is selfish I've never met a Christian it wasn't selfish why would. Why would you say that it has everything you people do is to get to heaven so the only one you're really concerned about is yourself. And I go that can be partly what we come to Christ for in the beginning but how towplane not how we end with our relationship with Christ that what we come to Christ for isn't so I can live forever but I can be with the one I love forever who is Jesus but then his people. You know it's God's will that everyone be saved is that correct. That got to be our will to everyone be say and if that's my will then I got to do everything in my power I do what ideal for others and for Jesus I don't build I do for me. Any priest bishop or deacon does what they do for them is not an effective minister of God and God still use them they can use anything. Sometimes that it might well. But. Until they learn that it's about others none of them haven't lived a consecrated. To life for. Your life got it. Get it and live it the way your cult you age you know is love today and for ever amen. More information about this program only for a copy of today's talent. The reason for our help. Join us next time point the reason for. Any w t n global Catholic Radio Network. For your home and work in the car you can follow what he teaches 24 hours each day. E.W.T.N. Radio and I'm returning to get a bead at it again. And you're invited to visit our Web site to just log on to W.W.W. Done E.W.T.N. Dot com W W W dot E.W.T.N. Dot com. Mother Angelica answering the. Call hello. Where you. Have a point. I want to. Talk about Project Manager. Inside of the wanted to. Play should not. Take. Means they can never. Anything. And the time they get this ring on everything is held in common. Then. Abound those soldiers usually sign with white males. Their numbers in season with a kind of jumper on and their postulant. The word closure means. That they spend their lives in that area they can go out to a doctor and dentist. But ordinarily they don't and they stay in that particular area now. They take some amounts they have to say the divine office in the chapel in public. Now here they have heard the sisters either before mass or before trial. And again advanced version again and I prayers and so at that point they have to say that divine office in public and they have to chant it. And there it is that they have to have in closure. Now that means they must be enclosed within a certain boundary of your here you see a wooden fence or over a certain area. This is just going to go all over that fence you see bars should you and I power there's a a grill. You have this is someone you've got a visit through the grill. Now the Divine on this is chanted inside the courage here with the grill close. Now you see others just yours outside. Those are come X. Turn. And they reach in their complex churches just they just the same as we do. But they take care of all the. Pilgrims. They help take care they give shop they help of someone you get she ill or someone once a question and ask a question. Also the brothers and the preacher. The order which started here and they take care of the paradigms and they give the retreat and the priests say the man and I have the healing services and so together. Away form this particular order call the poor kernels of potential admiration that's our light. And like issue a door the guts Takamine. Day and night so our day. And all night 7 days a week. $365.00 days a year the blessings sacrament is exposed on there are clear and loud or pray did. And love and. I don't think there's been a time in history. When it's been so important. To have been times when small groups of people didn't believe in the earlier question. But now almost. Over. There is a indifferent and there are some parts of the world very fervent in this in the faith a very fervent in their love for Jesus Christ. But they really don't think in this country. Has there been. Such bad teaching and apathy Yeah pity. And so. We get up at $520.00. And we're in the chapel and $820.00. And then we go to breakfast $830.00 ish perjury. And they have a book of their choice. At 9 o'clock I give a talk. And at. 930 they go to their work. So there's just yours open all the mail. And. Then at 11 I go back to the Champ moment in the train here every hour the bell rings. If you're here you hear that bell on the hour and you hear 2 Shashi Shantel the little. My show magnifies. And that goes on every hour day and night. Then. They have a period free because free time and that period of free time is from 1230 to one Terri. Is where they write their letters or go for a walk in the woods sure do whatever they want to do. And at 130 they work for 3. Or 4 a day to go back and have their spears and a lot of our people have heard vespers. They have supper at $430.00. And they go back to chapel and shit. And then the night adoration begins and there's always one or 2 shoes there. They go they take turns every Arna half. Every hour during the day so at this place. And that's why I feel I feel that let's just back continue some. There was a crack and drawing the line. OK People tell me all the time as soon as they come down at heel. They feel pressure so. And that's our life now and we are nuns. Essential to change the Schuster's who nourish the situation a good social work our sisters. And we are nuns I say whoa I didn't know there was a difference yeah. A nun is one who again takes our little lives and enclosure. Says the divine office. The sister is one who takes perpetual vows What does that mean. Oh fine researcher with perpetual value can give me and I wanted out I could keep it. I don't dance my it's a period I can spend it I could keep it. And I leave bent that shit up somewhere. So I don't know. Here's all THEY SEND THIS IS jerk and our plant. Community. That's why some of those you should never inherit any. Good are going to get it they get right. Absolutely right. It goes to the whole community. It's true it gets. Somebody comes in and they get a docking they get sweat it's hard to buy for $90.00 at the Biden and we get lab sweaters and lots of shots. And that's fine. But I would have the authority by the sound of Bob just to just say well I don't know why don't you give that So I think. He would not have the ability to say no. But it's of is. The kind of detachment. It came in is where I would not think it might happen so you say well Mullen I don't know by it a pretty good looking place to gather air. I don't blind us. Along she's church. We are sure. And it's our responsibility to keep it going to keep it in order to keep it looking good. And I think beautiful spiritual things to lead the soul to God Why because we're human. I cannot get excited over a tree. I think it creates a creature of God in one go for it created by the most high and it's beautiful. I can't warm up the tree. Now no age is going to one up their tree. I can get excited over a tree. And I'm going to chair all that's beautiful I. Don't look like an chimney Asian you know. It's beautiful you find that you're out of your listing in Europe No I mean. Michelangelo and roughing. Burningly and all of them knew that the human spirit rises when it's beauty. So when you go into God's house. It must look like the majesty of God it. And I call. It and when you take that away you take away the very fabric. A man's devotion. To his god. Medial tests are meant to see the demands of their made and Israel lights and to build the temple. And you'll find God feels about. Taking away everything it's beautiful and all you have wished don't. Be careful your heart may turn to stone. And you will never see God again. Now the question is how many years is it take to take Sam about 8. Takes as long to take Saddam out as it is to become a preach. Why so wrong. Believe me. It's hard for a woman to give something up totally and so the church gives you 8 years make up your mind. In then a year time the door is always open. Sometimes I open. But most of the time a girl will know by that time. Whether this is the life to live it never changes. That's one of my appendages. Your life changes some of you are right here today you came from New Jersey you came from everywhere and so they know and all these places New York he made a trade. It one come there to hear. Not so. And a question to me. In this bad in this punching you state. That's one of my pendant. I described be the habit to one day. And I have but it is not a scrimmage kind of and it's a pure joy. And I do want I remind myself. That I am by God to be 1000 cry. I want to love him. To defend him at all costs. Tell everybody. I like playing. A little down gentle can be. Soloed this is such a. MUCH GUYS IS no it's not and Tony you are listening to the E.W.T.N. Global conflict radio network. Catholic Voice your trust. This is the E.W.T.N. Global template great deal didn't work. The following is brought to you by Catholic Radio Network. Daily meditations of Pope Benedict the 16th presented by Leonardo Di for that is the production bread for the journey. The Son of God becoming flesh to become bread and in this way be to bearish one to his people journey toward the promised land. We need to spread to cope with the toil and exhaustion. of the generous. This meditation is taken from Benedict instead published by Ignatius Press and Magnificat and produced by St Louis productions I am sure it sank the production stock. Back to you by Catholic Radio Network. This is a palace guard trainer was in Germany Theological Seminary thank you for listening to K. Our C N 1060 AM on a lot older than you're here teaching a caliphate.

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