Jesus overturned the money changers tables and told him to stop making his father's house a dentist. You're a temple to God's word tells us do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit when I was 1st teaching my son about modesty billboard a half closed woman and said THAT'S GROSS Right and that's not gross I said that's too sacred to be thrown on a billboard God doesn't hate men because we have to because it isn't worthy allies and that realization changes how we approach it brings us to self loathing to striving for the negative guilt to tears down to positive and it's that builds us up to be considering a balanced is still in light of the sake of the god season. Because . This is Christopher real life Catholic. Christianity is not inherently pacifist The Hebrew word for kill as in that shalt not kill is about such which means murder. A lot of self compares the military chain of command with the fate of the century and gloomy praises in Matthew Chapter 8 1st 10 the catechism the Catholic Church lays down the conditions for a just war starting in number 2308 and look 1431 the Prince of Peace tells a parable in which a king is advised to make sure he's ready before taking on a larger army in the 2216th he tells his apostles in effect to bear arms he says but him who has no sword sell his mantle and buy one and has more peaceful than Jesus let's pray for military men and women overseas and for our brave law enforcement professionals here at helm this is Patrick Ottman attach a constant media be a saint what else is there. Brought to you by the Catholic radio the work. This is Father West as in village St Dominic parish in Denver and thank you for the scenic A R C N N 60 AM long older endeavor we are here for our community teaching the Catholic faith. If you double your. Truth. And A.W.T. Am pro-life weekly your weekly down to the top news in as years on from a Catholic perspective I'm Catherine he join our Washington D.C. Studio thanks for joining us and we. Being called Francis very shy though we're joined in studio by Terry Shadow's own brother to discuss the Vincent limber. Way good of a Broadway star collaborate with Planned Parenthood to promote abortion and. When I found out I was playing today I was a Pole I wasn't sure if I wanted to live fazed and empowered we take you inside a pregnant people enter that truly caring for women in crisis. But 1st our top story pro-life leaders continue to call on President Donald Trump to defund Planned Parenthood of up to $16000000.00 a year the nation's largest abortion provider receives that money through the title Time family cleaning program President Trump has the power to issue new regulation making Planned Parenthood in eligible to continue receiving these tax dollars so long as they continue to commit and promote abortions $31.00 senator and the and 153 U.S. Representatives sent a letter to the Trump administration urging these Title 10 Change it our 1st gots was one of those pro-life leaders Representative Diane Black of Tennessee joins us now from Capitol Hill Congressman thank you for your time here with a welcome thank you for having me with you 1st off why did you think it was important to sign the letter to Secretary Aleksandar asking for a revision to those Title 10 rules we're counting on over the years there has been a blurring of the original intent of Title 10 and you know that I'm a nurse by background and so I know this that when Title 10 was originally set up it was that. Help families have family plan with their blood over the years and now those dollars are being mixed with those facilities that are doing the family planning and also abortion and abortion is not timely planning a family destruction and we want there to be a clear a fine line of physically and financially between a Title 10 facility that is to do family planning and one that is doing family destruction in abortion Planned Parenthood and obviously pushing back on the title 10 changes how the nurse for over 40 years I thought it would be helpful to get your response and just another talking point out of that and certainly I am glad today that great to hear one Planned Parenthood defunding that idle time money would mean leaving 41 percent of Title 10 patients who quote rely on Planned Parenthood health centers without access to life saving started Is that true congressman will there be Americans without access to health care not at all a matter of fact we look at this and make sure that we did research a little number of years ago when one of my bills to defund Planned Parenthood was filed and that was that we looked back to the kind of service this would still be available and as a matter of fact there are more titled and truly titled 10 clinics that are available and then there are Planned Parenthood clinics and we look at that all the way across the nation as a matter of fact it's $13.00 to $1.00 so for every Planned Parenthood facility there are 13 other facilities that are either federally qualified health centers and public health departments or other kinds of clinics that are available tragically that are available to people to get the kind of services that are in Title 10 Thank you for that clarity Here's another talking point from Planned Parenthood they claim there will be increase they are going on faith of borscht and unintended pregnancy and women dying from pregnancy related complications and child how do you respond to that claim Well I again that is a good. 1st of all we will have more people actually. Because. They're getting good information about how they can prevent a pregnancy until they're ready to help a family plan but I hope we'll have more information about the kind of services are available and we should. And then it should still exist and they can exist with the private money someone chooses that which of course is not something. Someone who. Would certainly be recommending but we will have more good education given in these other clinics don't have abortion services and. Congressman. Means cutting them off from about $60000000.00 a year abortion giant half a $1000000000.00 a year and federal funding so what are the next. Congress to happen which is one of the reasons why we wrote this letter to Secretary. And Human Services where the money comes. From abortion. Dollars. Dollars for abortion this money was set up an original. Family. Once again we don't want to use. Black and. Joining us now in studio is Mallory Quigley vice president of communications for the left and Greg Bock associate director of pro-life activities for the U.S. Conference of Catholic bishops' Thanks for you both for being here. Now you 1st off what's your reaction. Represented Diane Black was playing in perspective the Sebring and the nurse took Laura Well she knows very well having worked in the in the health care field what and where women are best served and that's certainly not at Planned Parenthood they're the nation's largest abortion business and they do not offer comprehensive primary and preventive care so I think what she mentioned about the community health centers that includes Well health centers and of course private practice there are a myriad of options out there for women and that 10 any new regulations when becoming a single penny what's currently on going on in the federal government for. It wouldn't be any money what library would just redirect that to places where women are bad she really was going to debunking those talking points and putting up there what did the U.S. Bishops make of these calls to defund Planned Parenthood of the title Time family planning money Yeah well we've we've been long supporters from going back into into the eighty's and or even before and making sure that abortion is separate from family planning that this is a pretty pregnancy program a family planning and certainly we would strongly support policies that make sure that no abortionist no abortion shame whether it's planned or anybody else can participate in this program without at least having separate you know physical and financial facilities in order position so we've always supported strongly. Implementation of this program that make sure that abortionists cannot participate in abortion is not a part of it right into not your thing our tax dollars now right for the past 2 weeks now we've been encouraging our viewers to contact their congressman and you know put the pressure on the administration to revise these rules so that you can't define that how have you heard have that and hopeful How optimistic are you the administration will make a change or feeling very emboldened right now that the administration is listening to the grass or. I have been taking into consideration all the desires of the Americans for this to happen I mean there was such momentum for this to happen in Congress to defund Planned Parenthood of Medicaid the reconciliation bill and of course in that we needed we looked to the administration to take up any new policy that they could sell I think that we're going to get news very little from that ministration that that they'll be a change and they would be at following. On the President's commitment to defund Planned Parenthood as long as they continue to do abortions Absolutely and I mean you know the whole discussion about kind and silly title Time family planning program can you just you know what all the Catholic approach when it comes to family Sure sure well we want to see abortion kept separate from the title The family planning prayer and we're great concerns about it period because the church's teaching on contraception and the meaning of human sexuality sees contraception as something that's destructive of a very beautiful gift that God has given man and woman and that's this ability to give only oneself to one spouse in the most intimate act of love that a human being can express so the church's teaching is actually very beautiful innocent and with regard to contraception that frustrates that 2 fold meaning of this very sacred and beautiful act between husband and wife which is to be both unit is in uniting husband and wife in this intimate act of love into one fly and also that it be open to life and contraception frustrates that 2nd at least that 2nd fundamental part of the of the marital act so that the church does teach that there is to be responsible parenting in a family plan and in a natural way and God And again it is beautiful design has given us our human bodies all way to do that in a way to to plan one's family to either postpone pregnancy given that there are serious reasons to do so or to achieve pregnancy by understanding the signs. Fertility and this can be done then without putting chemicals untold on the body which should be another reason why individuals should be would be attracted to this this beautiful natural teaching of God not this Divine Gift of human sexuality absolutely that God is the best plan or we should to follow his lead on that and now to quickly thank you both for your clarity on that issue. And I heard the nation of the largest abortion provider received a math amount of taxpayer dollars there's 2nd largest source of federal funding specifically comes from a family planning grant program called the title 10 program from that program alone Planned Parenthood received nearly Think dollars a year we know that and we want to do something to cut their funding off the new abortion giant Are you with If so follow this week's call to action go to your computer open up your Internet browser and type in pro-life Weekly dot com Again that is pro-life Weekly dot com Here you can find a method straight to the White House asking them to direct the Department of Health and Human Services to make a change in title 10 regulations so Planned Parenthood funded if taxpayer funding stream needs to be redirected away from pay and counted and other groups that were for abortion or perform abortions this approach of defunding Planned Parenthood entitled does work we know that because President Ronald Reagan did it before and the Supreme Court upheld it now let's tell President Donald Trump to take that same action and direct the Department to make the change and the title time like elation and time to defund Planned Parenthood you can take action in fend this methods to the White House they're going to probably like Weekly dot com Again we're asking you to take the simple stuff and fandom at the edge pro-life Weekly dot com We're turning now to an important global story about a man you should know about the Bentley Amber and instantly Amber shown here in his hospital bed is being called Terri shy. Oh at age 32 the Frenchman became a quadriplegic with severe brain damage following a car accident 10 years later his life seemed to be in the court hands doesn't need it that's and security food and water but he had not thick not in a coma he breathed unassisted and Limburg internal organ function normally despite all of that and possible evidence of improvement a French court recently ordered the hospital to deny even slightly Imber food and water starving him to die at the request of his wife it's not the 1st euthanasia attempt on Vincent's life in 2013 doctors tried to remove food and water that were stopped when his parents to the hospital and one Lambert situation had not yet captured the same global attention as the reason the evidence case that Pope brain would have spoken out into. Life disowning. And there are new indications of hope for the Lambert you're wrong as you and Foundation based in France have drawn up a petition with nearly 100000 signatures to protect VINCENT And in late April a court ruled a panel of 3 medical experts should examine the case and either confirm or cancel the hospital's decision to remove Vincent Limbert and water of the brother of the late Terry shadow and president of the Terry shine a light and hope network and Tom shakily of executive director of the group thank you both for being here for that important story or even that of being called granted Terry sighed how does his case compared to that of your sisters or the similarities are striking and sustained brain injury. Was being cared for by his spouse wasn't needed any type of extraordinary care so this be he was by feeling to it difficult to swallow because of his brain into. But nonetheless for his wife came to the point where she wanted to care for him and decided to take the steps and his life so that was very similar to what happened in my such a situation the parents that then outraged by by this decision and the world began their fight the spouse to stop this from happening and it got into the court system that's where we are now and so it's very similar where. The spouse took the steps to end the life of a brain injured loved one and the parent stepped in to stop it from happening. Tom can you update on one of the leaders to balance from a case that was never about sure so everyone had sort of thought that there was no more hope for Vincent you know his case would not receive the same public city on an international level as others have certainly Terri's yet for instance but surprisingly last month while the hospital that is taking care of him had been expected to decide to withdraw treatment a series of things happened where the hospital sensually seems to be trying to position itself so that doesn't have to make this decision that hospital is now seeking to appoint a public guardian for VINCENT So this would be somebody that you know is done through the French secular authorities not somebody who's a point either by princes wife or by his parents so it looks like there's hope but still ultimately depending on what happens with the Public Guardian things could go either way and we need to keep monitoring what happened and I was reading one of our kids and there was an article thank you the life support that's not right right what are the biggest misconceptions. We don't recognize from hydration and minister by feeding tube and extraordinary or medical treatment this is just proper care right. And it exists in my sister's situation this confusion about how she was being sustained. Because of her brain injury or they had difficulty swallowing and therefore need the help of the feeding tube which is the only thing sister. Adding them so people who understand that that's what we're we're we're talking about here the removal of as the denial of his basic care as food and water which would result in a death by dehydration starvation which is what happened in my sister's case right and so the thing to keep in mind here is when people speak about end of life issues from home when a Christian or a Catholic speaks about end of life issues it's generally with the idea that somebody is coming to an end and the question is about what sort of appropriate care they can be given to respect their dignity at that point so it's life affirming when other folks tend to speak about end of life scenarios or end of life protocols in Vincent's case it usually means that somebody wants to impose an end of life situation it means that somebody wants to end life and so they're going to speak about end of life issues so 2 radically different meanings of the turn to be aware of the special events this case even have been living and of who did not have a terminal illness Well that's right now you know we talked about some hope and optimism and Keith how optimistic are you and that he will be able to continue to get food and water when he gave value right now by brain injury experts and doctors and just seeing the videos events and then the way he's response of his parents in particular I think I think they're going to say and the parents believe the doctors have gone on record with the court to say that he can be held to be had a rehabilitation so we're hopeful that that the actual come back in what the parents been saying right and been saying that he is a candidate for rehabilitation and the court will allow him to receive that will be able to that he needs rather than being warehouse in a facility and not being properly cared for yet the phrase sunlight is the best disinfectant right now it's common law and it's especially pluggable in cases like this when you see the humanity of somebody like the Evans or like a Vincent Lambert especially Invensys case where you see you know he actually does have a minimal ability to swallow and it taste certain things to do certain things beyond even the ability that was demonstrated in Terri's case it's incredibly difficult to look at Vincent look at. In the eyes so to speak and to say that this is a man who's dying or this is a man who doesn't serve basic care about being it and 13 years now. And how many more kids like Terry are you becoming one more common are we just. I think undoubtedly if we can use the cause that we're receiving our crisis life on and on then we're gives an indication of kind of the climate or the barometer of our health care system today I think that there is there is a need to be concerned with with certain treatment decisions and how loved ones were advocating people those who are advocating for loved ones are really being stripped of being denied of their or their decision making power to to get the proper treatment they're asking for so I I think it's something we need to be concerned about and and what these cases now with the case in which I got here is I think it's putting this issue among people's radar and why we should we need to be concerned only advocate for our loved ones of revenue these types of situations absolutely finally for our viewers who may be very young at the conclusion have their own how can we find out about your work and how to get in touch with you. Sure so our main work is through our crisis lifeline and so if you go to lighten hope dot com You can find out all about that ranging from patient and family advocacy to emotional spiritual guidance at the guidance etc And be sure to have that information on the screen for our viewers on the summertime simply thank you both for being here. Thank you when we come back a penguin hunters really help to support women family if. I thought they did but even if they're not unlike had been under attack by abortion group 3 family but we'll show you how defenders are truly helping when many a time Dad E.W.T.N. We continue to fight. Is now on Twitter get short timely messages from E.W.T.N. On your computer or cell. It's easy to stay up to date on a wide variety of topics play like you better get an ELSE Miscavige cases apologetics the latest E.W.T.N. Programming and more you can link to E.W. To get on Twitter from our home page or go to twitter dot com slash D.W.T. At work at home at school. Stay connected to your world with E.W.T.N. To Twitter page. To T.M. Pro like weekly and Catherine hay drought and their continued effort to try and paint themselves as relevant and cool plane can had recently collaborated with a Broadway star to promote their abortion industry Len while Mirandize back known for creating and starring in the hit Broadway musical Hamilton could mother Dr lose tons more and that is on the National Board of Directors for the Planned Parenthood Action Fund the 2 of them sat down earlier this month for a Planned Parenthood Facebook live where Dr towns Miranda shared her story about going to Planned Parenthood at age 19 in 1703 the year Roe v Wade legalized abortion nationwide and she found out she was pregnant with her 1st child. The same years Roe v Wade it's such a. Crazy clearly it was like I knew that I had a choice that my goal had been to be a mom so there was no way it was that having this kid. The choices Well that was a choice what struck me when watching that Planned Parenthood video with how much Dr towns Miranda seemed to desire and a lot of motherhood she talked about how when she was pregnant she was excited to focus on her house get a job and welcome her new baby she went on to get married a few years later and welcomed another baby landmen while Miranda one of the most celebrated playwrights of our time it seems that this is the one and could want to help other women experience the joy of motherhood to help other women also choose a life without much the point. As possible then why would Dr towns know and team up with the nation's largest abortion provider a group that pushes the lie that women might need to kill their child in order to be successful at the nonpaying one that doesn't make sense Dr Lou's tongue I hope you reconsider your partnership with Planned Parenthood I pray you realize your witness is one that shows the value of each unborn life whether that child becomes a Broadway star or not so that other mothers will come to celebrate life as well remember there's always something you can do to counter today's culture of death followed with me call to action go to pro-life Weekly dot com and tell President Donald Trump to give unclean Parenthood of Title 10 tax dollars pro-life pregnancy centers have been under attack recently there are media accusations that they mislead and don't actually help when the we spoke to some woman who's witnessed it prove otherwise and we take you inside a pregnancy center that's weak take a. Cameron doesn't mind the camera. Oh Cameron. Better lively tall there arrived into the world during an uncertain and unstable time in her mother's life when I found out I was pregnant I was a bull I wasn't sure if I wanted to keep her in the. That I was going to keep her in the I didn't do as good as they were I was there as I was already looking for places that would help me entire finally found a home at the North way and I came here when I was not actually like a few days a week or. Was the the northwest and a pregnancy center and a maternity home now felt in the heart of Washington D.C. a Pregnancy center offers mothers counseling and material assistance as well of connection to prenatal care. Medical and legal circuit and more the maternity home here provide housing assistance to women and be like a need in Cameroon each player gets to live in a cozy bedroom I became really close with a lot of the women who over the years so it was like the wars it already has that I started. Realizing that I wanted more in just over the reach of a luxury so a lot of about a good thing where it came really explain how much I got from being here to work with her and her focus on school could her daughter and her number one priority her life was totally different She is executive director of the Northwest center she had a front row seat $0.20 transformative time employee a pivotal role in helping her get back to college after becoming a mom she kept her focus and her vision on her daughter on earning her a college degree in biology and she had this amazing bright incredible daughter she has her bachelor's degree and to be a part of her journey is really it's it's what makes social work so so wonderful and moved out of the northwest and not have the statistic that I had another success story at age 26 she focused on taking the next steps to continue her education and to feel defiant each woman who comes to the northwest center is given a unique care catered for her sometimes as a simple as giving a pack of diapers sometimes with a listening ear and then with other people it's really connecting them to say here's a place where you can eventually find housing or here's a job training to earn a better income is no longer a bush is more of a open space where you can talk about what you want to do and you make the right decision for you so social work students are frequently placed at the Northwest center to help with service that they're quick to see the key mission is to accompany each woman or terrorism. And be there for them a lot of the work if your printer shutters are at least are going to be finer and it's been a person that can say yes if you've got it and we're going to help if your pregnancy centers like the Northwest have been under increasing attack by abortion supporters getting labeled as quote fake clinics but galoot she strongly disputes that characterization Nowhere in any of our literature on our website do we claim to be a medical clinic there are some medical pregnancy centers we're not medical We have nothing to hide were housed by professionals with both program directors or social workers and what we're doing here is were a piece of this community and we have been for more than 30 years there is nothing think about the help and support given to women here just take it from a mother who faced a crisis pregnancy. I'm glad I'm a Tickle So you know different places and I ended up here because I don't know if what would happen if I. Make certain decisions and camera is a big part of everything that I do and not just wouldn't be able to do it on her. At that for this edition of E.W.T.N. Pro-life weekly you can reach us any time with any question the idea of a comment you made to female I don't like weekly at E.W.T.N. Dot com and look forward to seeing you here again next week remember life if they get your life is again I'm glad my. E.W.T.N. Global Catley radio network. Now and that was brought to you by Catholic Radio Network. As in me or actually I was born. And. Poland and Elizabeth a vaster. Lead the life if. And when the Garion stick. In pointing. Down everything out it was his brain he died at age 25. I do know and if this thing gets there in a little bit I feel it canonized. Depicted as. Nearby. If it's March or if they'd. Pay for. By Catholic Radio Network. T W C N N LIVE truth live can feel like. Welcome back to the world on fire show I'm your host Jared Zimmer the director of outreach and mission here at word on fire and as always a warm welcome to Bishop Robert Aaron BISHOP It's always good to be with a Jared good to hear your voice how kids doing doing well doing well as always growing fast and it is a she is but 7 months old she sure is she sure is living up to the her name as well little princess. So I know that right now you're really in the throes of confirmation season. Region How's everything going and what's really been sort of the main message you've been giving to come from Andi Yeah you know I I kind of like how permission season my message is this year I talk a lot about branding and what I mean is literal branding because affirmation is a character sacrament and I were character comes from the Latin and the Greek correct error which means a brand so when you would brand an animal or I use example of the Roman army when someone joined the Army they were branded as belonging to the the army and. Empire and so I say honey kids this sacrament is a branding sacrament it marks you as belonging to Jesus you know and I said to the maybe the me of Ted Cruz and tend to brands you pretty well but just in level skin and for this life but the brand I'm talking about is forever and it brands you at the deepest level of your soul so that's been kind of my motif they don't belong to themselves they belong to Christ and to his church I love that I think that it certainly also calls us to realize that that means that we're then called into the mission of the church you've been branded for Christ and so therefore you're called to greater things you're called to be other than this world so I love that but I have to admit I'm pretty pumped about today's topic you know today we're going to discuss the latest of the Marvel Universe release of venders infinity War Now before we get starter discussion I do want to give a quick spoiler alert to all of our listeners if you haven't seen the film or would rather wait until you see it then and really now is the time to switch off the episode and come back and listen after you had a chance to see it so real quick that's our caviar for a quick spoiler alert for everyone but with that as I said I'm pretty pumped I've been a big fan of the superhero genre you know ever since as a little kid and some excited really to chat with you about the latest film today which was certainly portrays some very important scenes and Avengers instead of the war it's actually grossed already over a 1000000000 Walt why there is making at the. It's the 15th highest grossing film of all time so it is it is certainly very popular and very much on the minds of people today so just to give a little background to the film you know Avengers infinity war is the latest the Marvel Universe in which an extraterrestrial evil named Sandoz who was actually hinted at in a few of the earlier films he arrives on the scene and he has. This evil mission to collect all 6 of what are called the insanity stars which are these artifacts that control certain elements of reality and famous plans to use these artifacts to inflict his will on the world and of course we have a huge cast of characters the superheroes from around the Marvel Universe who can team up to stop him as a bishop there are numerous themes in this movie but I think to start maybe we discussed the character Thanatos What did you think of him as a villain and perhaps one of the some of the themes that really he represents Well let me say this to 1st of all you know I know you're really into this universe father Steve Buyer loves these characters a lot of other people do and I don't dismiss it as was a really big part of my childhood I didn't read the comic books and I like some of the movies in the series Father's Day usually drag me to see them and I like some of them I think or. Others they find a little bit you know tires and so I should say right off the bat that I'm not like the best guy in the world to know all the ins and outs of these films but I have actually because of other Steve seen a number of them you know struck me Gerstein as the name is a lot like. Like death in Greek and indeed he is a kind of Lord of Death because you know his plan is that you know given the overpopulation of these various worlds that the best thing to do is is to you know winnow out the human race I mean eliminate half the people and so that will make for a better world and so he stands for the power of death I would say as a means to an end and you know it strikes me Jared maybe correct me if I get some of these nuances wrong but you know most of these kind of evil figures throughout history are net pure evil by which I mean most of them think they're accomplishing something good whether they're trying to achieve some end that they perceive as a good thing what makes them even. Will is the means that they choose in other words they say I can do even a monstrous evil if it's for the sake of some great good and that's how I see design as a character is that I mean surely which I think he perceives I'm trying to accomplish something but I'm willing to do this horrible thing to make it real so that's how I was looking at him as the movie unfolded is interesting because actually in a few of the scenes you see him dealing with the people that he understands might be part of the 50 percent of the world population he plans to wipe out in he's actually looking at them with almost this merciful look the thing he plans to do is is actually merciful in his own eyes and it truly reminded me of the Nietzschean mentality of sort of the Ogre mensch of that certain aspects of culture is going to have to suffer you have to break a few eggs in order to you know move move past and evolve as a people and you see that very clearly in. My thought especially his plan to wipe out the world but he's doing so by trying to grab power right so he's going after these infinity stones and each one representing different aspects of reality so you have actually have reality in one stone and you have soul in another and time in another and he's grabbing these things and putting him in his own fist to carry out his evil ways you know it's really with the the stones the Infinity stunt that represent different dimensions of reality say I couldn't help but think of the alchemical tradition you know alchemy and the Philosopher's Stone an idea that if we could just get mastery over these primal elements then we could solve the problems of the world so there's a very ancient idea and there's a time even suddenly Albert the Great Saint Albert the Great Middle Ages was experimenting with what we would call alchemy today so even very bright people thought there was something to this you know. If we just got control of these elements then we could make the world a better place so part of it is that old human hubris you know that through our own inventiveness and our intelligence and our will to power we could master the universe go back to you know that primal divide between classical and modern thought in some of the Aristotle philosophy and science begin in wonder he says no wonder at the universe and a desire to understand its causes Now fast forward to people like dick hard and bacon the modern period in philosophy and science become not so much instruments of wonder but instruments of control so they guard thoughts about mastery over nature is the purpose of philosophy and science they can famously says we will put nature under under brac and we will torture her till she delivers up her secrets the. Reason being because classical people wouldn't of talk that way even though they were deeply interested in the causes of nature and so on they didn't have that aggressive rationalism or a power based rationalism and so I can't help it see in this symbolic figure who is trying to gather these elemental powers of the universe it's a very modern sense of science or knowledge as power into control thing and with that overtone of a kind of gnostic L. Chemical mentality and maybe I'm too much into these conflicts but I could help but think of all of it as I saw this figure of funnels and as you mention as well you know I think in regards to his desire to actually in his own mind achieve something good out of this evil that he plans I see it reminded me of the not see movement the communist movement avi's ideologies of the 20th century that really believed that exact thing as of true. To control their environment and create that environment in which they can strive to become what they would call the uber miniature whatever you want to call it but they understood that a certain kind of people or a certain amount of people would have to be erased and so I found it interesting that in this film those those ideologies of the 20th century that killed millions is found in this character I think it's actually right it would was his chair just recently there was some study done of of your age group like millennia old and younger it was showing if I remember right that a lot of them didn't even know about the Holocaust and even know about Auschwitz is that right just recently that came yes I think that a year ago was it I want to go I must say that profile only bothered me because as you say quite correctly these totalitarian ideologies of the 20th century which were the most non-stress and murderous in human history period full stop there's been no ideology ever more destructive than the great hotel tearing isms of the 20th century and they were animated I would say yes indeed by these 19th century which could ideologies and both communism and National Socialism claimed baldly publicly that you know as Lenin said you have to crack a few eggs to make an omelet if it takes the death of tens of millions to affect the new communist man well you know that's the way it goes or switch to the National Socialist perspective on the on the right wing if it means the elimination of every you know persecuted or unworthy to create this this new 1000 You're right well so be it you know and you've got these factories of death in the 20th century that were presided over by the ideologues animated by just this kind of I was a neo Gnostic and Nietzsche and and tell it so. It is a great tragedy if people today have forgotten about that because believe it all started hankering after it again and this figure of final is gathering the elements of the universe saying you know not to make things better let's eliminate half the population Well might you there are people on the scene today advocating you know aggressive population control limitation and I think we're. Outside the purview of the Nazis and the Communists how many have day in and just outside the womb since Roe v Wade I mean a conservative figures around 60000000. You know this is not just a wild fantasy but this is been enacted by dysfunctional ideologies for the last couple 100 years indeed I think you're right on the point of in regard to abortion and seeing that you know you see it particularly in some of the ideological colonization of some of the other countries in the world where unfortunately some of the West is seeping our our own fallen ideologies into them and they're introducing things like birth control and abortion into places where they actually don't want it but yet they're they're still forcing their way in and in a large part they're they're either using or actually believe that it's in regard to saving the environment much like what then it's believed no rape and you know the principle that we've been alluding to without stating it explicitly is based in St Paul but it enemy all of Catholic moral teaching namely you can never do evil they could might come of it so they say most people even even the law the most wicked usually think there are complicating something good you know Hitler thought he was accomplishing something good for his people Stalin thought something good would come you know of these policies of his but you can't do what's intrinsically evil that good might come of it that's always the excuse. Used it's the end justifying to me so if there's a good end in mind which is you know the more food for everybody or a healthier planet to live on or whatever your goal is and has a will to achieve that good end I can do now fill in the blank I can do upwards of killing half the population will train quote lies ourselves with this little bit of moral calculus but that's what the church has always stood against you can't do evil that good might come of even a profound good even if we grant for sake of argument a great great good will come back here to a statement from Colonel Newman Now I know it's going to strike everybody is over the top and that was partially his point trying to make the point I'm making dramatically Newman said I would rather the whole world be destroyed then my commit a single mortal sin. Again it's over the top but it is meant to make his point in other words even propose to me to greatest possible good you're going to save millions of people by doing might fill in the blank as some intrinsically evil thing Newman said No no I can't do that evil the good might come of it even a supreme good that's the principle it's animating Catholic mall. I believe that goes right into the characters of the superheroes who will you find at the beginning of the film and if you're you know understand the Marvel Universe and in treatise films they start to fight amongst themselves about different you know aspects of heroic women when what they're trying to accomplish but yet in this film there's this moment where they realize that there's a downright evil that's worth fighting and to get over are kind of petty differences and ultimately it's the fact that human life is valuable and ultimately that human life is something worth the sacrifice to save and I found that the fact that the entire universe comes together in order to stop this great evil is certainly a Christian modality in a Christian way of seeing this. Here's an earlier I hesitate journey and that point is I like how the characters are going I don't know him that well so I'm no great expert and you guys know them better and I do but like what's his name Ironman to me he's a really good characterization of technology right he's a guy was invented is extraordinary suit that enables them to do these are bullish things you know he also was an arms dealer wasn't in his earlier life so it's kind of a guy who uses technology and great know how to achieve his ends and even of Dr Strange he made me to an alchemical figure he's someone who is manipulating this sort of magical powers inherent in the universe to achieve his sense. And what I keep thinking is those guys in themselves are never going to solve the ultimate moral problem I did your weight in saying what you just did that they perceive a great we can is that has to be opposed so that it gets correct but I think it's also true that our technology or our sort of clever manipulation of the of the magical powers none of that is ever going to solve these problems there's some no only by a transcendent reference right only to reference to God and I find that interesting out about Estee tell me that is a Captain America makes some reference to God in one of the movies that is only one God but I notice how God is conspicuous by his absence in these movies in the the superheroes remind me a bit of the of the Olympic pantheon right there the great fear rose the gods of ancient times. But the gods can't save us and even if we assume sort of god like characteristics like through my technology through my cleverness but that's going to lead us to disaster too you know and so I keep looking for what's the way out and the way out has to be a transcendent reference to something like self sacrificing love in other words the love of the Holy Spirit that I find as a as a Christian kind of interesting to watch and you know more about the the origin of this world than I do but even the figure like Superman all that is exactly the English translation of mensch of Nietzsche to what degree are these great heroic figures kind of modern versions of the Ancient Gods and Goddess's and Augustan and company would say look they can't save us either the Gods and Goddess's were only saved by a reference to God Anyway I just kind of musing your bit you know a lot more about the night. And I think that it's always interesting to look back to the ancient Greek and Roman myths of the gods and see the correlations of the fact. You know that what we're trying to be taught were things like morality things that you know these higher good but as you say you know ultimately the gods couldn't save people ultimately they gain almost needed redemption themselves because they were fallen they were early to other seed and I remember the 1st Iron Man movie which I like when we're what's in it Robert Downey you know kind of made his comment in a light how he was are deeply flawed figure and trying to make his way back and he's doing it through technology and through his kind of you know cocky confidence but you see him as a really flawed figure anything OK he's not the savior I mean he's he's going to be a something and the same a Dr Strange use very impressive figure but as I remember the 1st movie he was in you see this very cocky figure the doctor thinks he can you know control everything through is his brilliance is it shifted from medical brilliance now to something like chemical brilliance to mystical manipulation but in both cases there's a kind of arrogance that's never going to save the day finally something else has to break through it and that's I think very interesting read now origin Augustan And Chris as dumb as they look to Jesus these have been the Gods and Goddess's So in a way they were they were all trying to fight evil we could miss but the Gods and Goddess's themselves couldn't do it they were to compromise themselves it's so in a similar way all these figures are like the whole this guy with very serious anger itch. He's not going to solve it and you know smashing things and attacking all that is not the way it's the way of the cross strangely you know they were I find as the kind of intriguing as I watch these movies. And their lead right into sort of my next topic which is really the shocking in doing right so this could this is you know quite possibly the biggest spoiler of the episodes if you. Not seen it this is exposure but but ultimately Thanatos wins ultimately the fantasies desired to destroy half the planet and I mean destroy half the population and carry out his evil deed it happens it occurs which which as you say as as we were talking about that really they can't save us in this in this time and so what was your reaction to it and what did you think well I was surprised and I heard little rumblings about all this really a dramatic Shakespearean kind of ending to it but I was surprised how 3 years of the kind of just the pragmatic way I thought there's no way these filmmakers are going to let Spider-Man just fade away or the Black Panther just fade away and there's way too much money left in those characters so I don't know believe me I don't know what's coming next I can't imagine that they're just gone forever but it least you're right it appears as though so I know this is planned now it's happening half the races being destroyed including some of these great heroic figures. So I guess we have to wait and see how does he how it was worked out but the bottom line is as a Christian is appeals to our wisdom our power however exalted are never going to be sufficient and think now a Paul reflecting Paul by the way who knew the Roman and Greek myths very well he knew the whole culture Paul who looks at the cross of Jesus you know and said look at Ali for the Greeks it's its weakness you know but yet God's is greater than our power God's folly is greater than our wisdom and there's something in a cross of Jesus that confounds the dark powers in a way that we're never going to confound them if we just rely on our own strengths . You know here's a little thing fathers even a sort of kid about this because it was several years ago it would be fine is your Jerry that I find up. Slate boring when it's pretty clear that neither one of the contenders can be hurt. And what happens to me is always OK start fighting some big you know whatever versus whoever and they're being thrown through buildings or being thrown off of mountains they're crashing through entire cities and then they get up in a presence of Often they're back in the fight see to me that's a boring fight is you know there's nothing at stake no one's going to get hurt here you know give me a even a one minute sword fight for the class it will be when it's clear that one of the 2 contenders is going to die at the end you know that makes it more traumatic but now push it further what I see as is the kind of the futility of this relying on worldly powers that that fight will just go on in Definitely because nothing truly new is come I don't think so it was a we we managed to rustle up greater power and so we can conquer the bad guys but we do it using the weapons of the bad guys will then nothing really has has changed the fight will just go online and some other form something really new happen in the cross help or God forbid but in a very very novel way. A way that's another musing out head about the way they fight though I'm sure. This is your. Fear I need to know if I most entertaining our spider man in his most recent incarnation as this little kid because you just see it he just he says the Kid He's not even it away trying to be heroic at all so I kind of kind of charming I do like Iron Man as I said before because he's such a flawed sort of credible figure and he's he's reminds me he's a very American figure is me it is kind of cockiness is his. His conduct even overconfidence and his reliance on this for sophisticated technology he's like an obese American sort of swaggering his way on the world stage with all his charm and all of his limitations so I find him kind of fun to watch and fun to listen to so maybe those 2. Are right when it's time for our listener question remember if you have a question for Bishop there and be sure to go to ask Bishop Barron dot com and record a question from any device and perhaps will be featured on one of our upcoming episodes So today's question comes from Aida from Mexico who has a question related suit today's topic. My name is Ada Wanda. And Mexican. My question is he said. What is your criteria Floyd I think. I really like and I like how you criticize them thank you very much it is and we will you know but I would get us yes. Yes thank you for raising it has a lot of people ask me about that and I make this clear occasion 1st I don't do movie reviews because what I'm doing is not looking at the cinematography assessing the acting seeing how well the director did his work you know that's the kind of Siskel and Ebert stuff people still remember Siskel me from years ago but I'm a doing them I'm not qualified to do. What I'm doing is trying to find motifs in film and other types of popular culture that are either. Redolent of Christianity or may be at odds with Christianity so that I can point out these philosophical and theological troops. So in a way if people say cement hail you know Bishop dared to spend about 2 minutes on a movie then he ran off and are not this is a person play at my responses Yeah that's what I do I'm not there to pour over the movie and assess it as statically that's not my purpose my purpose is to find seeds of the word right or maybe anti seeds of the work things that are opposed to the Gospel and to point those out so I know I'll be quite upfront about it I'm using these movies for my evangelical purpose. So I think it's important to realize so the criterion is the Gospel and to what degree is this film speaking of the gospel to what degree is it out of step with the gospel and I'm using that as a way of evangelizing that's how I feel. I think so much for tuning into the world on fire show be sure to check out our website www dot word on fire show dot com for several links regarding the topic we discussed today I can ask you a favor if you're enjoying the show please go to the word on fire show pod cast on i Tunes and give us a review of the more of the reviews we give the more people we can reach and crawl into the spiritual life so thanks in advance and God bless and we'll see you back here next week on the world on fire show. Are you prepared for life you were meant to land this is Doug and Greg and me about their culture coming up next time I'm in it with the catechism on Catholic Radio Network What is the perfect prayer the prayer that was taught us by the Lord Jesus Himself they our father they can take catechism sightsee our father as truly the summary of the whole Gospel said against and right rang through all the words of the holy prayers and I do not think you will find anything in them that is not contained and included in the Lord's Prayer the scriptures along the prophets and the son says the catechism. Are all fulfilled in Christ this is the good news of the Gospel St Thomas Aquinas gives equally high praise to the Our Father the Lord's prayer he says is the most perfect of prayers in it we ask not only for all the things we can rightly desire but also in the sequence that they should be desired the rightness of our life in Jesus will depend on the rightness of our prayer this is Katie Stanton and as has been the order of miles as minute with the catechism brought to you by Catholic Radio Network hello this brother Donna let the retired priest of the Archdiocese of Denver thank you for listening today to K R C N 1060 am long mud Boulder and Denver we're here for our community today to teach and sharing our Catholic faith. You're listening to us spotlight minute on Catholic Radio Network road connect us there iconic of our dreams they take place and magic and you're a Jesus encounters 2 people who are daemon possessed lid.

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