It's all surgery when their baby was 6 months along in the womb tiny slits were made into the uterus then a camera a small instruments inserted to perform the surgery doctors held their breath after the baby was born and within moments he became entangled his Lakes one surgeon said the result was illegal the Regulus events such as this revealed the humanity of the unborn child Psalm $139.00 verse 14 comes to mind I'm fearfully and wonderfully me like us on Facebook at light issues and stay informed more informed than you that are Dan it's time for a family man to break my patch. Heard it said that children are resilient but it turns out that's not as true as you might like to think a study in the journal clinical Now imaging reports that children who experienced common family stressors like a lack of affection marital problems or poor communication experienced less development in the brain regions responsible for impulse control and stress regulation than the children who were raised in homes without similar stressors the study is a wake up call for moms and dads to attend to marriage and parenting struggles promptly Currently many couples wait 46 years before getting professional help knowing the effect that marriage and family stress has on our children's developing brains and hopefully encourage parents to get help sooner rather than later to encourage with impulse control and stress management in our kids the most important parenting technique is providing our children with a loving affectionate peaceful home life. But. To discover more ways to make your life is a template counselors. Morning and welcome to mornings with. Color. And sunlight Catholic teaching interested e.w.t.n. There and still get your Bible in a couple years mother in Taloqan. Yes And when we come I promise you Lance week 8 the brides Well I just said that they are it's going to be either of phenomenal take that. Are phenomenal slap me and I will do. You know for years now well all 15 years we've been coming to your home and going on television radio. And I think in a world of dimes in your church and to get worse or worse. It's always been my desire I can't tell you how long. To be able to give you ideas for good books. To give your children. Coloring books understate. The lives of the stranger to get their minds and hearts off of these rock groups. To allow you to be clear in age they were trying prayer for life by reading good books. And to hand in your home. Something wonderful that comes from our root. We have forgotten our roots. If you say we're very good today it's almost a bad. Lad and that institution now it's our mother. It hurts our mother. I would say 95 percent of it will never go to row. Where we have an exclusive of the Vatican to bring Rome truly you. And that's what I wanted to kill. I don't know if it'll basically fall or not. Who knows what's acceptable when you try it. I live with. We go this far when we started Charla vision. I worry about you and what you re I worry about where they are you're beginning church to stray a little bit maybe you're not pray well enough or don't even know how to pray. I want to tell you about all the true is that I'm going to have it in your home so when you get a question. Or you don't know a question about the state you have a book to go to I want you to come home from work at night. And just rocket a picture of Jesus on allow. Somebody painted. To go but then I root. Everybody should have something in your home from my road to remember our good. Peter and Paul. A lad you and the Apostles. And one day we'll have a little stand truth in Baghdad sure. And I'm proud of the race and that's the main reason I want to do I want to do this. I want to do it because I think your children need a good book Cheri. The lives of a saint. And Connor in books that are going to teach them that candidate is our kitchen a lesson about God and their you know tapes and art. That remind us can I. Get a Ferrari by Raphael and I can enjoy all those great painter said you know you see the dawn of same period but you'll never never most of you ever get to the Sistine Chapel and I want to bring it to you. Now you say well what did it profit that with that it. Was. You know about every 2 months every 2 and a half months I have to come trail. With another heartache or are something else you know and you are generous show up very very generous. But the Lord brings us brooder and further and we get more and more to do for His glory and for holy church and for you expenses get high and I have to come every couple months and beg and beg of it bothers me. Well this might help me a gnat area. And if he doesn't I don't care really I just. I want to get ahead what is that all insurance here to have on t.v. And a piece of the rock and roll and I am that potential light Rashard they were that acetate now to give me a commission for mentioning your insurance company and I. But I want you to have something in your home. Something you don't need but something is going to bring your heart in mind to God you know we have taken our badges and we had a peerage and we had I was wonderful things. Now you put your hand your partner or your fine is what's left of a. The a bag of peanuts or something it's your hair your pocket if you don't come up with something it's just business I love you. And so I do things behind me here I already temples what we're going to do. If you ask anybody today where are your roots they will even. We are Roman Catholic. We belong to our land right. And God has given us pain Trish. The world can I limit take today. And our dish and sculptures. And their devotion. And you go down the road today and you She had the worst kind of thing. The pieces of iron ones gone out that way and once gone up this way and longarm that way. And I asked the owner of that company what it was but he said I don't know it's abstract. I don't know what do you do when you get when you look at it he says nothing. You know in this kind of $100000.00 for that contraption I could have gone to any junkyard. And pick any thing out and put it on his lawn and he would have paid me 800000. I want a religious law. And I got ahead every kind of beautiful day I can find for you to wear put on your clean your car put in your living room in your kitchen anywhere to constantly remind. We do not have here lashing Haiti there are there are more things more important saying that the world is gay reveal. That there are things that that will last for only turn a cheek. There are things that pass very quickly. And there are no more. I want to get you books that will inspire you to be holy. Look of sainthood are you people like you are. But their lives were difficult come their lives run hard sometimes but they became whole and so Ok you. There's more to life than a rat race most people are living in. And then when you're getting 100 you just can't sit around watching your arteries get hard. In an eye exam about that or near the case don't. You out of 10 Know where you're going and you have to be happy about it. And I want things to remind you always. I hope you like my surprise. I hope with all my heart. I am that it will help you to grow spiritually. All you homeschoolers. You need to get tape and it a fun thing well a Vatican treasures in museums and beautiful so your children are safe not only safe from the horrors of some of the teachings in our schools but. I think no god. And I lady's face and our large face are familiar faces in your half. Family don't have one. Picture of. And I know that because a lot of our elderly people are sending me all kinds of things even relics because they say well when I die my kids are God from out all from here. I am take them out. And into tradition in our religion and I have faith in. Our parish something. On a wall on a desk in your pocket in your kitchen Rye because they really I mean of God Ok So that was my it is my to pride I hope I do it well for you. I hope I can explain it well. I hope and pray that to get there. And I Ledbury library we have almost 2000 books. And I can go any time I want and pick up a book and read it and be inspired. What do you have in your house. To inspire you. To keep courage to change to get the answers to the question until the event that you can't. Well we're going to take a break and I'm going to get a chair. I'll take this contraption off of me. And we're going to talk about holiness. And why God want to ship you. That's important. And these little things are not expensive things but they're necessary look at all the stuff I carry to remind me of that. I got a rosary. Played a petrified wood. Some of the saints were petrified digital. I got a crucifix. Delamont should buy I don't need anything aware. I don't need all this are made aware but I do you did why I need to be constantly reminded my life is the best that can meant he died for me on this crime. And this role sure is. The most powerful figure in the world. Even I need to remember to believe my town how much more you will in a letter so I'm going to go we're going to bring up a chair and we'll get down to business. I hope this is her only business. Well here we are. You know it's hard for us to believe and it's all I have I've always surprised is hard even for religion. That we are not just to live than to be a light were to be deeply. Every child and I'll only. And and we're afraid to be holy when we think it's kind of a stitch necked kind of faith and you know that. When you strive for holiness life gets more big and Lord that's not holiness. Thank you sir said the sad Saint does not think. So you can have. Different ways of looking at play. And what Mother Church has cheerlead those things. In every walk of life. Margaret of course card Turner to. Margaret Campbell who were shown all different form them and. She had nothing going for. Tell Little think young change like artist is Mary of Egypt. When she was kind of herded from they get trashed the church. Went to the desert and became very holy. And what does it mean to be homely doesn't mean you walk around with a light you're on now all. The persons wonder about all these heavy hail and carry in this world there are no. You know there's all the saints and all the statues of every sinner in a hansom or better from. The so. That is not. I've never seen a ugly look and say I bet they were. Some of the saints had some very physical handicap. Lenten give them 8 now. Made Jimmy Durante of young. You never see Benton depart with a big no. She's perfect. And as. It can't be fixed they had morals on their faces. They were on hand some and Lanny of most of them were not beautiful but they had something and I say that or didn't say they had something in it. That turned everything they had outside of given shame to measure up to a whole. That holiness accomplish the presence of God. That I am hoping it is you allow God to come out. That that definition of only and if we allow Jesus to come out of. And manifest His love in his compassion and his presence to our neighbor that. It isn't hard to be holy. Because kind of care love Jesus and do His will but when I laid it it. Did I want some way but that's what she did and you know it's a part of his Here we are didn't just. Crack Pot I am. Not what on earth where Johnny. Can't crack pot. They don't believe they get pregnant Corinthian their Jap durned have been birds and you have fibroids Chapter 7 or he said do it and say well I don't lot of faults and weaknesses and he had a temper and he was so sure they call a man dying. On body and he was angry about it. Even when he did to my rat killin a lass is patient there is this poor boy sitting on a window sill. The windows open. And and Paul drones on for hours and hours you need thousands. And the poor kid found out the window cracked his head splattered all over the ground. Now what. Kind of down a looking into a ramp did his Starman. By far not dying. It looked good Sam get up. He got up. His head was here everything was fine anyone back up in camp on running the rest of the night. He would not a good speaker he said he wasn't. I thank you said to them and I made Corinthians he said well what you say is it a great writer and he very brave want to write any commentary kind of wake. That I'll show you when I get there. I love as he was not afraid. To be a what he was and to try. He trying could say one day it is not me it's Christ seeing me. And I only wanted one thing. Let me tell you what he says here and like in currituck you know here's a man who had a persecutor of the church he hated Christian sheep it brought him into Jay only had him kill He was a I ever very very hard headed that light and suddenly Lord. When actually Mark was harsh. He said Lord. When you are. That. Time are you listening to reach at night or greater. Some of you have not gone to confession in years and years and years. Here for it. And it's funny we're not afraid to stand for Afraid to critical and should make it sad. Now. Some of the oh quite base thank. You could. Some of you could take great and. Great Mother say. Child Children aged. Because same power than his weaknesses and all his. And his temper. Truly he overcame and this is what he. Now the Lord is said is there. And where the there it of the Lord is there's freedom. Most of us don't have it and . In our share of it people think. And we he said with our Eye on they are 8. They feel like I can't marry. The brightness of the light they had of him. That can I do it. You know when you smile. And anyone. It's like a light of Jesus turned on. Because he says here and all of us grow brighter and brighter. As we are turned we're turned at that still hold purpose of my life and your life is to be turned into the image and chooses they in. A Jew a waif right. And he said this is the work of the Lord you're a spirit. Now. We have the impression that if we were sane we wouldn't have any problem or let me tell you the same. And I'm proud tell you some of it. Karen a chapter of Thank You Korea did to me said. Rory earthenware jars that hold what I treasure here. To make a career every day. That such an overwhelming power comes from God not from us. Nobody works here very long. And not knowing for sure. Who it is that run this network. He opened the door and he opened them so fast some guy. And we get out of breath Oliver. And this is what think of state heads. He said We are in get back I'll give them all every other. Give Indian giver can get all sides. I want the difference now between you and a saint. We are not cornered or are now here we are at difficulties he was in corners. That's the only difference. I emptied it is to deal of am of you. And I said Lord where you sat down at many thing if there are people in the plate. Then they'd down. I wanna talk on the site. Now one of my shut my eyes and let you go and look at an empty room and suddenly all these Saints walked in and sat in your chair. I wouldn't know again but. They'd be short ones fat ones get it when they want it all one. Might have a hair someone and any hair. Might have glasses I'm no trances somewhere contacts they get happy as is and nobody knows that. There are a lot of bright. They would be any difference the only difference is there is. When we are in different counties on all sides. With corners. Now kissing. We say no answer to our problem not good. People come to meet some guy with awesome problems and look at me for solutions and love a pretty elaborate. They may not be one now you gotta go through this . Part So that's Ok. We should know when to turn our problems no wonder the difference now they trade Paul when you. We're never just there. But I bet I'm out of their state and haven't had to graft after. We're punishing curated. Inferior good can't because they are persecute you've got to be pretty secure if you're fighting for the faith your perch you created if you do we're going to say you're Persia Kirit if you will love the church I wait is that what it is should never change. Your love my lady and your say the Rosary and you do all the wonderful thing and you want devotions and love. Your good curative. Rants the difference between you and I never deserved and now you think you're deserted I know you do. And they only want in my parish. Maybe that God well that you be the only stands alone one in your parish. Maybe are too proud to be a thorn. I think if you're not a thorn in somebody's side today you're not Christian let alone Gaffney. That down. Never killed. Always she said. Were every we made be we carry with us in our body that death of tears. The Saint suffering as a gift. Said the 2nd Corinthians 7 chapter as something happens when they can distinction here between. Now limit their. And I want to bring them down so you know. You are one of them. With all your difficulty if you're trying to be like changed as you're thankfully. Now. It was here. You have been the kind of surfing got approved. And. If you're merely aided or because you want to be a real castrate that you can do something God approved said you. And so you have come to know kind of harm. So they think you're nuts. I think you're right now why did you change your. I didn't call me every name you could think of and I got to trade we know. You can't . Now if you're suffering God's Way mean changing for the better and no regret. At the some fires around I was suffering brain stem. I know the people who read it all for. Those of you have such guilty or Kordic and. That's awesome stuff. When you're afraid to talk to them are. At all. When you go from center Satan and darkness to darkness there's no shuffling like. Well. Just look when suffering in God's way has brought you all right. This is Kenya's shark. Explanation. Concern and just. We must find our joy. In God you will in the present moment. Right. Because his will is ours perfect. And even though it is difficult for us to understand. Today without a break at the feast. That. Of our only father say France. Had gone through Turnbull suffering suffering then years order and own kinds of trials and tribulations any one of the mound of any and. Just wanted to be alone with God. And the Lord came and gave him all I have known. So I don't know if you know this you're not to but thank fantasizes rooms were where we had nailed that and made of hard cartilage in the nails were black and they went through his hand and came out and formed a little. A little turd you could to figure they had to carry a memory. And he had these a couple years. He wanted to show much to be like Jesus. And Jesus let him have that particular year just like a masher. Insurance. Transfigured. And whether you're married or not married whether they are elderly or young or middle age whatever it is it doesn't matter. If you're breeding you are counted be a thing. And today in this day and age. Greatest abound. Where ever a great evil there is even greater great available to all of us. When I Lady appeared I think it was cast elaborate. Like as you correct me if I'm not like. Lead based on kind of collars coming out of rhythm. And she said what I go he said these are gracious no when I asked for. Every day I think sweet mother. I want to laugh. I don't even know when it hits. I want to mom. I get to have and they are never accuse me of not asking. Because they are generous in his kingdom. And when they are Libyan for we go for he said one day. They're not little flock. It has praised your father. To give you can count. And in my Father's house there are many match. For not so I am told. We can live on that for as. Well we have another call hello hello are you from. A wonderful What is your question. A lot of you and I think you will be. Working at it. My question was Why should our. Volunteer. I mean I'm being homely I want to be a good person and I would like to volunteer but I don't know that if I'm educated enough to teach our children and I want I want to die on my own mistake the children something that was wrong because how precious our children are right right now it's our children that there are future. And I you know my grades are bunk. And that's Ok. You need to read for she needs. To be or you don't have to have a doctorate. But you need to know the say. Not this watered down you know you gotta know what is the Catholic Church cheek now it would be a login change sure our sisters change your sad appreciate what did the church change. That's what you needed and really with the new catechism I don't know how you could go wrong. Tag with the catechism. And you'll learn when they learn. I can't accuse them as. It's such a gift from God to us. Because no matter what anyone says you can look it up and a lot is not so. One of the big problems I think in a church is they they answer volunteers and some of them don't know about the church. Carry cases and get it tell it start opposed to Lowell the faith. And and I think there are educational programs but big careful who teaches what. They should Welsh an Arlington Virginia has some very very wonderful books I would not distance your shop away from teaching catechism. But I would certainly learn and when you know enough you'll be able to teach it and I would I would everybody here that's why I want to get you some books which you can read and know your faith. And we can get back to reading what we're just like. And know they have these artificial people that you put in front of your car to make everybody think you got a by the next day I. Am now. I think anti We are shit times where we're just kind of a little. Imitation preachin here because we don't we don't know our elite we've got to know we're like We shouldn't bad television. Ha. And you're bigger and better than we are here. If what you're usually goes into your mind registers. And it's completely right in your head you're going to remember so you go to bed you watch a horror movie you watch the bank being wrapped you round some Kid Scanlan each are . In a world are you going to have a Holy Night. And if you want to productively Why do you think you're going to get on with their the morning. She if you don't watch what you look at and what you hear it you stay there. And don't tell me you couldn't handle it's. Your dream and. It has this recorded in your your memory. Be careful. So I would read and read read read. Your mind let. Me have another car follow a little Mother what are you calling from Michigan My name's Marty wonderful Let me hear what is your question I just wanted to ask. For 5 years ago I came back to the Catholic Church I did you know I was raised in the Catholic Church so I never officially left but in practice I was gone I was way out there. And when I came back I you know I experienced a lot of. Joy and it was it was late and I saw my life turning around for the better in a lot of areas and lately probably the last 2 years I've noticed kind of a leveling off. Not really any growth. And I've just met a lot of little fault for a lot of you know impatience and anger and really eager to get independence and so what I'm asking is Oh and also I'm reading a book by Saint Louis de Montfort true devotion to Mary and he talks about making your devotion interior and I think maybe that's kind of hitting on it everything at this point seems kind of exterior going through a lot of emotions but it's not really grasping on to my heart and how can I. Get that to happen whether. I think reading the scripture is good and reading good books what you're doing is good I think you're just being a little dry. And let me. Plane a little bit about dryness really by dryness Well just like what you're saying you just turned and went inside anymore you think to radio and fervor but sometimes we talk about herb or we're talking about aliens. But you're going through now is a step big. For something better. We see when we love Jesus and we want to be like Him that is primary a is the 1st thing in my mind then so I know I worried about feeling don't don't be concerned how you feel. Keep doing the things you know one chill trip to. That's where grace comes in. I know what God wants me to do I know what how he wants me that. So do you that we talk about the will. He said you were for bit where you're chauffeured Ridge or you would be willing to man for it. Let me try it. The man for it is a heavy book. And it's a wonderful book and I encourage you to dedicate your entire shop everything you are in time in eternity try radio. Is the most free experience. And I give her everything I need is not too hot I gave her that to. Everything number to be patient with yourself. I notice now the You notice there's something wrong with you that you didn't say you noticed it before. It's for you came back to the church your read it comprised it with yourself. But now you see Phone That's a great God. It would be a runs from self knowledge you can bet I am not rich you got to know how really rotten you lie. Now you know that all the good you comes from God. I just saw my liberals during somersaults get right back. It's important that you know your shout. And if you know your god temper then you've got to strive to be church. Now you need to go to you Christian. You need to go to mass morrow and killing him. By. Well. The Lord said one day. Unless you eat my flesh and bring light that. You will not. I have life in you I like that. Pray more. Read more. Keep close to. Rejoice when you find something wrong with. Played out a piece of paper and say by going to work on it. And if. They thank you Lord for showing me me in this life. Where I can change the name of the car how long I don't where you from I'm from New York mother I well yes your question I don't bother 1st I'd like to thank God bless it one thank you Oria. Out on a parish council meeting one night and I had to have a car. If we could have only our and our church and the great back like them any of our. Part of an organ and or any of the 1st part of yeah we could hamper on a we don't have a pond front and. That I could get him on and we would have a fairly I'll send you one. It would probably help if I don't want to thank you he will write you write to me. And identify your down and down me your priest and his name and I will thank him and that's all he needs is a monstrance I'll send you one. And put them on the spot. But he doesn't think you'll ever get one. But 3 Do you or do you don't know what a mansion should dishes of a little sample of one in. And this is a little plastic thing here that imitates the homeowner stitching and this one has i.h.s. This is I would light this is what he needs in order to have a holy I'm blessed to people so. I just had 2 small ones that people gave to us that were in plain market. And we had a gold plated. So pick out the best one and send it to you and plain just a fact if you don't have a mansion to keep you from holier. You can go and pray Jesus should be in the tabernacle we have another car how long I don't I can't yeah where you from that I'm going to knock out and what is your question I'm going to do you speak a little longer crying you know you're it worth the paper money you. Don't need a lot of them. And I haven't got it after it or if I'm. 20 now I don't like only. Me and I need it now and if I live great free but you know they have a procedure now for God granted that there is that every month simpler than it used to be. And I know which you went to go on to I had 52 stones. I almost had enough for a rosary. And then I wait another year I should have gotten a couple. That's really a painful thing and I really appreciate what you're gone through but I wouldn't be afraid it isn't like it used to be it's a very simple procedure now and and and we're going to pray I would go to your parish. And she if you can have somebody in church a carrier Dar where you do that and we'll say a prayer on my sister's will pray for you. And we'll pray for you and all of you out there that are ill and shake. We just ask our dear Lord to extend his hand to you until and to heal many of you in lonely way where only healing every day. Not a day goes by that every one of us every one unless laid some kind of here and that's why you've got a goal or a mass that will go to church and just shared Arctic she shares. So. I want to learn a little bit about holiness tonight. I hope when we get our little program together you will buy the book. And take a half day lead mental discipline take a half hour a day and read some good book the Scriptures a good book on. On the Lord on the Saint anything. Get your life together. And share your holiness on the road on the path of Jesus and don't forget. Whether or not this little thing we're going to do for you as a service is successful or not waged donate your contributions. Or you are the ones who keep this whole network going at Archer wonderful wonderful way. And the people they come standard and what God has down through you. Sure page continue to be generous write to me where you are going to mother and Jessica I and Dale Alabama 3521 there and it is ironed out not around their. Number one nowhere around they are my kids around I know it may not endow Well I tried to head around there. Anyway. I I wish I had the grace tomorrow we're going to have some wonderful. Children man is one of them and she's right here in our audience I'm very grateful that she had beautiful out there and we're going to have her books show for you to read. And for you. To get kosher kitchen. Remember what you she what you eat. To make you what you are. And you have to understand that in this day and age when there's so much trash available. So plates the cross of Jesus and stay there now because hey Bob Stewart had died for you so tomorrow night we'll see you and we'll have another great program I love you. How do you make use what you can regulate how you began to C.D.'s or D.V.D.'s copies of this program contact e.w.t.n. Religious catalog web store at e.w.t.n. Receipt dot com 24 hours a day 7 days a week. 1808 night forward 6316 when entering is she used the number and m c c 339. When Fulton was 5 his family moved to Peoria Illinois where he achieved early success at St Mary's Cathedral school even as a young man he's beginning to respond to those call to conversion he was responding in as an ultra sever St Mary's Cathedral when he was a young boy 7 or 8 years old he was serving for the great Archbishop John Wayne Cancer Spalding a founder that I support one of the founders the Catholic University America a truly historical figure in opposing it I've never seen a photograph of Spaulding where he smiled he just looks like one of those very stern late 1900 sentry bishops So here's an 8 year old young farm kid this is moved into the city and he served in mass this great Archbishop one morning in winter he said this Catholic camera tripped over the steps of the cathedral. The one crew it smashes on the floor used to say later on in his talk to his and nothing sounds as loud as a goal is screw it to ring on a mobile floor in a cathedral in the presence of the bishop to get through mass masses and it seems waiting in the sacristy for the bishop figuring in to get the screaming out his life. Instead. Whatever this inspiration. Comes over to him puts his hand on his shoulder. And then when you get being where are you going to go to school. Of the high school which is on the street was named Spalding Institute without missing a beat I'm going to Spalding Institute. The Bishop said to him No I don't mean that he said You go home and you tell your parents that when you get you're going to go to the University of Linden building design. It. Will be a mission. Where this scene came from. God only knows the truth this scene didn't go on to receive was being one of the most high decorated scholars at a living university and what that became a bishop an archbishop. Wilton did go to Spalding Institute and he bringing Christ to people and people of Christ do you ever find yourself tense anxious unsettled or tired during any portion of a day that might be an easy yes for most of us or do you feel worried or restless and you're not even sure of the reason in today's segment I'd like to share with us special practice of living a stewardship way of life and that is through Eucharistic out aeration Jesus tells us come to me all you who labor and I will help you find rest Jesus through his presence in the Eucharist is inviting you to share some of your time with him on a frequent basis for some people that's one hour per week if there are 168 hours in a week and the most important hour we can give Jesus is through mass what is the possibility for you to give him one more hour during the week and praise and gratitude for all of the blessings challenges and opportunities he has given you now my point is not to provide a dose of Catholic guilt instead I want to impress upon you that being good stewards of our time through Eucharistic Adoration is simply one way to give back to God Jesus said to his fallen asleep apostles in the garden of get so many can you not even spend one hour with me as you go about your day in the silence of prayer you will find it answer every search for with an open heart God. Jeremy Belsky your host here the search to learn how you can better sharing your talents and resources contact your local parish priest your level of involvement in the church now positively impacts our faith in the future. The reason for our hope with other Larry bridges so this is the last thing that Paul writes to his son Timothy and now what happens when the Holy Spirit comes in one somebody which is the key about what it is to be a man is a man only someone is surrendered to the Spirit of God And so here he comes 2nd Timothy Chapter one Verse $6.00 and $7.00 for this reason I remind you to stir in the flame the gift of God was stowed upon you in my hand or laid upon it so this is the gift always spirit so this what the Spirit makes us gentlemen spirit the dawn has given us is no coward least spirit but one that makes us. Love it and why so what it is to be a man it still is the Spirit of God is a man of this done not a wimp whose love being given away his life and his wines and the one who gives us the greatest example that is Jesus of cards. True Catholic with trusted series features and specials from e.w.t.n. Home video duty and home video highlights for February is lent today with Father Benedict Rochelle enjoy father grow shells most brilliant and beloved lentil reflections in one collection order your d.v.d. At e.w.t.n. r C dot com 24 hours a day 7 days a week or call 1885 or 6316 Colleen Kelly master I cannot even count the number of times that God has clearly shown me his power and I am learning looking to him for a need even standing at the funeral home during the wake of my late son please hear it kept ringing in my head to tell a and. To mean I didn't feel very strong at the time but I knew that God was holding me close Nance to peel with Colleen Kelly Bast Saturday 9 am Eastern. This is The Other Wes that's in the with St Dominic parish in Denver and thank you for listening the k r c n n 60 am older and then we are here for our community teaching the capital base. John Paul 2 lead in Washington d.c. Was greeted by then President Reagan the president said Welcome to the land of the free and John Paul 2 said free yes but free for one tree for one it seems today that we define freedom is the ability to do what everyone else was doing whatever we feel ideal in the moral realm doesn't necessarily lead to freedom but our belief device vice is the perfect word for it as a destructive habit that grabs us Kalak a vice grip and doesn't let us go very easily.

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