Someone you remember explicitly what that person said to you now so we go back and we start with King David now King David is a good man to begin with because King David there were David means beloved have gone God says of David he is a man act in my own heart but you all know David Wright he was a murderer and yet gone said he was a man after his own higher because David kept getting up and running getting up and trying the 10 thing we have the beautiful souls God have mercy on me call me from David So you know what it was to be a man and so here's King David and he take Solomon the last words of wisdom he gives him one Kings Chapter 2 verse 2 he says I am going the way of all mankind so take courage and be a man. Kelly Grady who I believe is the greatest tool for evangelization that the church has today and I know this because we hear from people all over the world tell us all the time they came to faith in Christ in the Catholic Church through Catholic guy that lived right next door to him I not ask you about your Catholic faith but Alaska will call it and say Tell me about the Catholic Church Dr David Enders think scandal a great hero is important. To you and then when little. To. Nothing. The w 3 year of truth a little careful like. Welcome to stories from the heart I'm sad or make that I am stars in a hired hand lies totally paralyzed and of a hospital how is it passes time and how is it in a pair life state at the end of Florence and others was a way to support our troops by their warrior pair project Stay tuned for that a true story on stories from my heart. And you have seen pictures of Christ on the ground they kept me picture shows your manager Christ with arms outstretched 25 year old Jimmy Wallace might have been your son Sweetheart are fanned with theirs and many wars but Jamie landed in France he was not kept like he told us like so many out there is that he was scared and the need of. Chaplaincy to have some thing they did something to the order and dying that seemed to give them resignation and courage when they go i was time to construction and was baptized me and Brandon. And aren't very Germany and suffered a broken back which brought on total paralysis. He can live as he had a few Again just talk and eat the rest of his body remains firmly nailed with arms outstretched to the cross no order of complaint only expressions of gratitude passes Let them for over 5 long years. One of his parents has been with them concept when we visited both parents were at his bedside at the camp like Jimmy had another mother at your side a mother who said I want her son was. And is a sort of tramp he is on the bar is the response. Time takes a long lonely hours Jenny is not alone at tennis playing that when ever they pass his room he is always looking at the Rosary the fingers the gates but as I keep whispering Holy Mary Mother of God I pray for us sinners now and the hour hour while you work and complain and enjoy yourself that 25 year old young man lives you see him with arms outstretched he is still. Unknown and sound it happening mother is there inspiring heart and mind teaching us how to lead how to suffer and remain silent. Just received a telephone call by Father lank senior chaplain. Told how our broadcasts of last night was received by some patients after a look in the Jimmy Wallace on our front cover. Declared that they were. Praying when Jimmy could take it out complaining one particular suffering from an incurable cancer had been down and I'm out and wanted to die to get out of his misery that story of Jimmy. And he remarked from now on. As long as God. It was going to keep Jett was pitching their hand and went tempted to complain just remember someone else family hospital was worth after he was found and so we feel sure our star is much consolation and I craved but to the health and that's that. People often ask Why do you catholic stretch the Christmas side of Priceline. Why is that they for and Rex enjoys the sorrows and the tears of Mary the answer is in the reaction to jimmy wants his picture and story line for most of us is a valley of tears we need stimulation and courage men along the highway where here but I feel sorry years and then down a war of our kind of. Comment to the war with I cry in our laps and leave it where I don't expect perfect happiness and that's where all but we do it next if a man is an athletic business or blood a whole world becomes a success by overcoming obstacles and making sacrifices. As a model for others. Christ chose to get us a supreme example and died that he might save others and Mary was barking mad and not subject to read then if God had so desired. Everything Girling fraction Marchal life but so is the mother of man and shared in the redemption of the world her suffering voluntarily endure it became a source of inspiration and encouragement to us. If Christ did not spare isn't all in mother. Why should any of us complain when our own cries become little she will have a curse ours bring us closer to him. Claire and I if I be lifted up will draw. Then and Jim myself and Mary is now their batting at the foot of the crime dramas and to herself and. We had just returned from another visit to the day hospital and weekend fasts were at a loss for words depressed feelings are their. War are blurred and you want to bind realisation with the joy of victory there are hundreds of thousands of innocent boys who are suffering night and day day after day month after month year after year. When you play with a slave but there is a fight of white cocks and wheelchairs. And women bodies against it it paralyzed without arms and legs I worked in range minds in conversation with these man and they resent the idea they are heroes. On the craft. Their hospital is one. Thousands of little ones planted by the lobsters of pride and breed which engender war. These boys were told they were fighting for freedom. All this time they are always behind them 100 percent women played and sacrificed and time of employee forgotten back to the only data granted to the man and women whose bodies lie a little like process throughout the world $2.00 or a living victims of the world class breeding and I. Have confidence in the mother of Christ who gave us a pattern for world peace. Prayer and sacrifice. How sacrifice behind this tyrant and Stripes of the cross of Christ. We can sacrifice by trying to bring about better can. At the van hospital this pharmacy sacrifice and many others but touch the surface. Back to the farm a sacrifice then your own personal lives getting ready and trying to live a Christian lives which had to sacrifice part and now the pair are. A war years prayer as soon as driving back service for a young family friend and 4 other soldiers in the war in Iraq Linda McClaren felt compelled to do something to bring comfort to the grating inspired and humbled by the strength of the family members the soldiers left behind. Perilous 1st I must embarrass or stop them prayer for troops and their families where our role is rate but Warriors It was divine inspiration that mess is not our land stated that she never had any potion so there are no are did she know all the prayers at the lineup for she did it now let us next Arlen decided that the rosary for Warriors should be prayed with the station might. Be prayed for a special. Prayers for deployed soldiers that was will it end and for the families of soldiers killed and kept on the idea every kept like manner address book has been shot on who have served in the military for more than 25 years served 2 tours in Iraq during a 2nd tour his brigade lost why Dan 9. The soldiers and I'm 14 months. It was our she sat recounting not months or has been he was deployed to Iraq it was a nightmare I couldn't wake up from this bad knowing that young soldiers were dying it was so awful and so our. Message McFarlane introduced the idea of praying for the specific intentions at her weekly military Catholic Council of Women meeting and the members embraced the idea and began praying the rosary to gather every Friday before the new. Parents brought the women together and gave. Peace and. People find it comforting and it's spreading out of town McFarland sad. All in the rosary for warriors and they sing strands top. Military Catholic Council of Women president worldwide said the rosary for warrior against her words to use to pray for the troops and their families. The family considers a south. Korean a rosary career warriors what's most important she sad she is an iron lady wants us to death. How to pray the rosary for warriors using a mess are full of best raise. The 1st powerful in that strain the agony in the garden that will be imparted Cloyd soldiers and their state. The 2nd sorrowful and estrange the scorching and the pale are for wounded soldiers and for their healing the 3rd star for Nash the crowning of horns for these soldiers and repose of their souls for an hour from now straight to carry them to crime families are deployed and to see soldiers and 1st and come back. Thanks and I need stand for that war and for peace and I was. Perhaps on my left. Thank you for joining us and stories from the truth in a day hospital was written by others. And the but it's like a war in despair when I and I had gone and Allison kept the Carol a copy of our star in out and a. Star is not hard to acquire in a studio and. I am a mechanic. I do time here with a reminder that other Maria radio has a primitive gift ideas for you to play or else and I guess the core design c.d.n. Are you why find radios so you can listen to antique radio anywhere in the world anytime you want. Why for my connection just go to our website and click the word store in the navigation bar at the top of the page is an easy way to shop and to help them pick video at the same time the website can be found Alabama rear b.o.h. Dot net. Were. Chaplet of Divine Mercy in a male father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit a man. You aspire Jesus of the source of life gushed forth for souls and the ocean of mercy opened up for the whole world. Fount of life unfathomable Divine Mercy and out of the whole world in him tears self out upon us blood in water which gushed forth from the heart of the fountain of mercy for us I tried to. Blend in water which gushed forth from the heart as a fountain of mercy for us I trust. Blood and water which gushed forth from the heart of. The fountain of my stay for as I tried. Our Father who art in heaven Ella be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done On earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forget as I trust passes as we forget those who trespass against us and late at night in to temptation but deliver us from evil a man Hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with you blessed are you among women and was and is that for your own Jesus Holy Mary Mother of God pray for us now in our hard and in man. I believe in God the Father all my Creator of Heaven in earth and in Jesus Christ His only Son our Lord was conceived by the Holy Spirit born of the Virgin Mary suffered under Pontius Pilot was crucified died was buried he descended into hell on the 3rd day He rose again from the dead he is and into heaven elicited at the right hand of God the Father Almighty from there you will come to judge the living and the dead I believe in the Holy Spirit the Holy Catholic Church the communion of the forgiveness of sin. The resurrection of the body and life everlasting a man. Eternal Father I offer you the body and blood soul and the verity of your dearly beloved Son Lord Jesus Christ Thomas for our sins and those of the world. For the sake of his sorrowful and I see and now we're. In another world for the sake of his passion have mercy on us and how world for the sake of his sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on our world for the sake of his sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on our own for the sake of his sorrowful passion have mercy on us and how around for the sake of his sorrowful passion. And the whole world for the sake of his sorrowful passion. And I now work for the sake of a sorrowful passion. And I now work for the sake of his sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world. Eternal Father I offer you the body and blood soul and divinity of your deliberate I would Son our Lord Jesus Christ said Thomas for instance in those of the whole world. For the sake of a star for cash. In the now world chrissake if you start for cash have mercy on us and I world for the sake of a star for passion. And I know how world for the sake of his sorrow how can I see us and the whole world for the sake of a sorrowful passion have mercy on us and how will it take it is sorrowful passion. And I now work for the sake of his thoughtful passion. And I know how we're all for the sake of his sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on our world for the sake of a sorrowful passion have mercy on us and now we're out for the sake of a sorrowful passion of Mercy on us and on our own eternal Father I offer you the. Body and Blood soul and divinity of your dearly beloved Son our Lord Jesus Christ in atonement for a sins and those of the whole world. For the sake of his star for passion and I see Anna and the whole world for the sake of his sorrowful passion have mercy on us and now were around for the sake of his star for passion have mercy on us and on the whole world for the sake of a star for passion. And the whole world for the sake of a star for passion. And the whole world for the sake of a star for passion and majesty and an hour for the sake of a star for passion having my Sienna and I and the whole world for the sake of a star for passion. And how we are not for the sake of a sorrowful passion. And the whole world for the sake of a star for passion. And now we're not. Eternal Father I offer you the body and blood soul in the very if you dearly beloved Son our Lord Jesus Christ in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world. For the sake of his sorrowful passion have mercy on us and no one else in the sake of his sorrowful passion have mercy on us and now we're for the sake of his sorrowful passion have mercy on us in the now world to the sake of his sorrowful passion. And whole world for the sake of his sorrow for passion and Mercy on us and now where art for the sake of his sorrowful passion. And the whole world for the sake of his sorrowful passion. In the now world this take it is our passion. And the world for the sake of his starts a passion. On our world for the sake of a star for passion. And now world. Internal father I offer you the body and blood soul of the very of your dearly beloved son. Jesus Christ in a time when Ferraris. Ends and also the whole world. For the sake of historical passion and I think an hour or so this a cafe star for passion had an hour for the sake of a star for passion have mercy on us and on our own for the sake of a star for cash can mercy and an hour and for the sake of his passion had mercy on us and on our world for the sake of his passion and mercy and on our own for the sake of his star for passion have mercy and on our own for the sake of a sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on our own the sake of his our passion have mercy on and on our world the sake of his star for passion and our c.n.n. And on our world colleagues my Anyone Leonardo lan cameras am in the now. Holy God only $91.00 and only immortal one have mercy on us and the. Holy grand holy Mighty Wind holy a model one can never stand in our old. Eternal guide to Mercy is in the treasury of compassion exhausted. The kindly upon as in a creature my CNS Then difficult moments we might I despair No become despondent but with great confidence to marry so as to your holy will which is logged in receive itself. Name will father it is son and other holy spirit and. This is the e.w.t.n. Global Catholic Radio Network. It's time for a family man to die to break a patch or a tag recently said to me you can thank for all codependent he was referring to the Catholic value of sacrificing for the good of others and like many people he continues codependency with much more properly called redemptive suffering and there's a big difference redemptive suffering is the pain you endure when you stand. For what's good and just if you challenge me about an injustice I've committed you might suffer because I'm upset with you and I might suffer because I'm being challenged to change but that suffering is redemptive because you're strengthening your backbone and I'm getting a chance to be a better person but codependency satans plagiarism of redemptive suffering it's when you suffer because you don't stand up for what's good and just if I behave unjustly and you don't challenge me because you just don't want to trouble will all suffer but that's not redemptive suffering that's codependency and there's nothing faithful about it don't you break. Me. To discover more ways people can enrich your life is a template counsellors. E.w.t.n. Live Truth live can feel like. I want to get aid and we did bookmark your hotel special guest author is Joseph Scheidler author of racketeer for life fighting the culture of debt from the sidewalk to the Supreme Court published by 10 books available course through our catalogue as well pleasure to meet you sir are a legend in the life movement think it's fair to say especially some people nightmare recognition middling to show your traditional hat on at the same time but people can tell from the cover of the book that that is definitely you and you put this book together and I notice one thing it's listed as a memoir What does it mean to say it's a verse is it all a biography as opposed to being a memoir Why was it listed as a memoir Just like the word better Ok it. Is sort of. A memo. Are you take of somebody it's something that people should know about and that for the not to answer before their life right. Well right in the beginning of the book you kind of torn about this is the way I remember the early days of prepared me for the raging battle to save the lives of the unborn is of course an abridged history this is the way I remember the people I work with and played with and went to jail with this is the way I remember the enemy we're still fighting I used all the tools in my disposal to check double check and recheck my facts to tell the most accurate story I could but your point is what you're saying is this is the best I can remember because you do point out in the book which many people do realize memories a funny thing it takes impressions of the stories we find ourselves a part of I like this analogy like metal in soft wax. And you say yourself I've often be surprised at what I'd forgotten or that what had happened wasn't quite the way I remember it did you find that a lot or just now and I'm finding that now people will call me up to their They'll be furious that I gave credit to somebody else and they were really the ones that started to lock and block for instance I got the wrong and I had and they also you know have people you know write enough about you mentioned in the book you tell what they do but that's not the point of that chapter and so you know that only saying well they're in the but but but they're doing great things and they should write their own book. Oh it's a guy in New York that Christ paid to see centers and they were fabulous and I visited him Oh no I mention him in the poem but that he has a centers but not to thank that he had all the numbers on his phone and that they would go and call Need help pinpoint to write to thank you and things like that that wasn't my purpose but I will send it people I realize that right it's interesting to me sometimes because I mean it's all I mean pride is the great syllable sometimes you feel like saying well did you do it so you'd be remembered in a book or did you do it because you. But it was the right thing to do and I'm assuming you did it for the latter for the right thing to do and the fact that you may not have got mentioned in the book I guess is something that maybe tweaks our pride a little bit but the end of the day is it me that's he was honest he was disappointed and he told me and I appreciate that and I would if I rewrote the book I'd say more but you have to like I say that this is the way I remember it this was important but it wasn't the main thing that that time that we were doing and I have always been for crisis pregnancy centers. But I don't run when I go out in front of them when we talk to the women we talked them out of abortion we saw them do a crisis pregnancy center and then they. Are not a counselor not a good counselor but did you try to be a counselor one time and found out you weren't good at I did counsel sort of off the cuff I would meet somebody as I don't want to have this abortion don't go in there is dangerous and so on and then I'd say let's go have a cup of coffee and talk about your boyfriend for about a good guy anyway if he sensed you have an abortion that would be her experience as I was sort of the counselor and it was of course another or anything like that but she would just that and and I like talking to the doctors too we brought a lot of doctors around and when you take a Tony let it out of the ocean in a. Very late age as you got used thousands of I'll believe you were involved when are nice and you consider leaving. Or you know I met Nathan soon in Indianapolis at a party and. I we were in the same motel and I said Bernie I don't trust you I don't stand when everybody else does I don't applaud because I don't the don't sound real sincere to me he said Joe let's go have a drink on the bar there he said I've I've wiped out a city and I killed 70000 including my own child and he said if I let myself really constant. And come out of my talk I'd be suicidal. Suicide runs my family I saw I got a compassion for him and so many of the I've stayed with Tony let the team know when he was out there as I know him New York and so on. You know there's wife and. You know about his little daughter he lost a daughter and that's what helped bring him out of his I holding my own little dead daughter in my arms and I'm killing other people's children so it was very important to have contact with the abortionist and. Made when we were invited into an abortion clinic just say on the day because a woman wanted to show us that she didn't have surgical abortions anymore and dish is giving out the pillars of that still abortion you have to take that home and now you don't do it here and they mortgage themselves I'm going to their convention and I met tell her I could have a ride with him. And he was very very open and they love a. Current doctor or as a. As a target for and everything else as proud of his abortion run it's interesting to be do say in the book then we you went out of your way many times to go in kind of meet the abortion whatever and you found that many of them were not very particularly happy at the time they were in this line of war that's right they knew it was wrong my and it was interesting that an abortionist would have a cutoff date baby and he would be as as adamantly opposed to abortion beyond that as we are all abortions and anybody who did an abortion after 20 weeks was was a murder was a culprit and that that same strange they had in their own mind and. The reality there that they had set up for themselves this weighs their own program I write great you ran into everything and so that's why I say it's a memoir. Can't put it all and it's 44 years of May nice people and going here and there and so I mean with other pro lifers not finding many pro lifers I want to use the pictures right now here we also talk about the fact read the book to about sidewalk to Supreme Court and that connection count as we have right in chapter one in the spring of 1987 I flipped over one of my pro-life actually business question wrote Sorry I missed you why was that such an important thing that didn't come back to what you until March of 98 what they wanted it to mean was sorry I missed you I shot it you and I messed you up I tried to burn you claim town far away now so that was the image they wanted and they put out a film brought in a Finnish company to put out a film called a racketeer. Called called holy terror the holy terror and I was I was the holy terror behind the. Fire and so on and it's so interesting to me that I didn't even know about it say I knew the people I knew the people that ultimate They went over the edge and. Even the shot that abortionist I had to take one picture out of my book because I was having lunch with one of these guys who turned in to turn to violence really and I was never for violence in my 1st book closed I have a whole chapter on why violent itin fact it's interesting because the publisher right in the beginning makes that point clear that in publishing this book you never advocated line right that support and that's true of violence is counterproductive and the violence I want to these places after they've been bombed and so on and people could have been killed right even even though the bombers were pro-life and they were very careful to call sure nobody's in the building no cards around so I still 11 that hit me was a bomb that went off in the front porch of a clinic. In Baltimore area and the shrapnel had blown out and somebody could have been out walking their dog around or coming home from a party or something and hit some of the shrapnel that dangerous that's not what you do and I make that clear in the book but the abortionists had to have the. Does not justify the means right as well to Saul Alinsky Price Well I made him change that in there because it's. A proper end to get a and says it does not allow And let me ask you you know you're with your well known you're attached to the firm from way back when you in 1983 you're working as an account executive in a public relations firm so you don't go to college to be a pro-life advocate Oh no what did you think you were going to be doing it with your life I thought I'd be teaching at Notre Dame when I got there when I got to bed because I love Notre Dame I love teaching and I taught speech I taught layout and design I did a little bit most of the Year Later I mean. I love Notre Dame and I thought that's where I'd settle down and but I needed another degree so I went to Marquette got a message came back to Notre Dame and they had got a substitute for me I liked him I could have talked myself back to my job but I I was a little tired of Southend it's great during football season but after that happened you got to Chicago. Plays and stuff so I don't I love Chicago because it's going back and forth from I can't I went to the enemies I have a little town I've had city and Rihanna and so I fell in love a Chicago so I just tried out for girls' schools in Chicago the 2nd guys I didn't and then maybe the 2nd I Hear Them Honest a dollar a day well you had us you talk about in the book you thought you had a vocation right I did the 11 guy thought though the location director thought if you could be a priest the only one type you could be would be a monk a sad you weren't interested in being a monk not really not. I loved I live the sense and I prayed and all the seminary and are good buddies as I was as pretty core in the cement I like the. Better and I really didn't want to be a moment by the time he told me I should be but his his are you know as you probably will never get over again unless your mom was right but then you also went to one of those review processes which is amazing what the late fifty's they gave sodium pentothal Right right I saw a movie just say that they were they gave a little gal sodium pentothal while movie they used to do that there are my whole bunch of questions and you just answer the 1st thing that count and they said if your mother were dead would you go on to become a priest and I said no and I remember that all I was under my but when he read that to me it it hit me I get Mom wants a priest doing this because your mother would be very proud. And that's not a good enough phrase and right so I came right to retreat for ordination I thought I don't have my my uncle bishop personally a term for when Southend at that time or I do talk about him in the book as well because of some discussions at the us he. Is right for he was very sorry. But anyway I talked to him he was going to ordain me and I just said I don't I don't have occasion I cannot believe I have the only mass I attend as my own I don't feel that I can do that and he was surprised but they went along with it and it broke my heart mother my mother's heart until I brought me home Ok then. It was your father was not big on priest was going he had 2 brothers who were priests and when I came out he had never really thought about me and said I never want to be a priest run a doctor and bother him at all but it really did hurt my mother so you did have a lot of family pressure in a sense that you had all these I did because I had a brother Jim who had 6. It was in a seminar in Latin became a doctor and he's very successful doctor and I had another brother Bob who went 9 years in the seminary and. So I was the last hope really and I didn't become a priest. And it's also when you 1st when you went to work for the Illinois Right to Life Committee early Sr It became called you were kind of doing public relations work but you left there because you said I believed in direct action right why did you believe that and what does that mean in your mind well one thing I believed in the pictures I believe you had to say what abortion does to a fellow human being they didn't like that too well that we had we had an exhibit up in city hall and one of their. Actually an officer and Ellen are at a life for the picture down through and picture of plays in Portland and I are both those the most poverty both because of the film running that showed the baby in a woman then the baby after it was aborted and people were swarming around are both worth trying they are here there but that was part of it and also I went down to Notre Dame when Birch by was speaking and I stood up in the auditorium and just as he was ready to talk and I said Birch by Whitey support abortion so much and the whole place you know people started booing me and that that kind of hurt to. The right tell I see anything that was part of cause a lot of people at that called the Right to Life obviously intervention and said this guy ruined the Billy graduation you know I go into Ukraine try it once and he stood up and. Things like that and I wouldn't time Rose or was was a buddy of mine and bar Heffernan and some of these doctors and lawyers they understood what I was doing and why I had to do it but the rest of the board. Did not like it and so they were going to fire and you went off on your own then I started my own group. Pro-life actually connection with the Thomas Moore society started my was the chairman of the board and we had to have a lawyer who understood Rico racketeering is the stuff that's where the title comes from the records. Under the Rico statute right they 1st. Violating the Sherman slate and it was really promulgated to go after the Mafia right we're going to say . That's what the Rocketeer is he sets back somebody else as a crime scene he gets the money and and. They were trying to charge through it and the thing is the penalty is triple damages whatever damages that the court comes up with you have to triple the size and they wanted that they wanted to break the movement the idea was if they can get Joe Shiner to stop scare him off we can scare off they are going to because we're bothering them we're cutting down that there's a saying and so on doctors are converting a lot of that was due to our activities our grass evacuated to shut you down they they want to very desperate. And my co is I had gone there was a gal who were at an abortion clinics in Wilmington Delaware down in Florida I went to all her clinics for some odd reason I didn't know I didn't plan at it see but she had 12 clinics about to hit them and see which one of the instigators of the racket Terry. If you were targeting her systematic Yaz and change she saw it as a systematic effort to shut her down and so she got together with some other boards and they filed this and I didn't think much of it was handed to him. When I. But I thought. Let me ask you what was the Lindbergh baby's kidnapping why. Well because I was a little kid when when Little Charlie Jr was kidnapped and apparently he was dropped to an area taken down a rickety ladder and buried. But the guy went ahead and one of the ransom and so this was big I'm from a little town in Indiana Harper said they never had newsboys but actually read all about it Lindbergh baby kidnap and so I had a little sister l.a. And little brother. And I thought they'd take babies they would take babies out of their cribs and get money for and so I think it just I was I was at that impressionable age and so defending little children you know babies and so on just saying I was concerned about that and that stayed with me you also talked about the fact that when you went and visited. And a connection to the Scheidler family. What was the issue well I I was I was bicycling through Europe and I was and Munich by myself and I thought we were about 12 miles from Dhaka say I'm still intact all those up on the wire and. Not try over that with. Labor free anyway so I went in and I spent an afternoon going to the barrier it was kind of like no guide or anything. And I'm going to stay in town beautiful little city. And I couldn't they gloom and. All these deaths that took place that people starved to death and so on so I went back to me and I and I went to Mass and they were having massive reparation but that Doc shall saying was. It was important because it was a show what can happen to a society they take lives and that's what abortion is and so I went to the phone book I thought What did the Scheidler to do during They must have known about it and I looked and there were 18 Scheider is because that's where we're from we're from that they believe area I say and so I thought what would I have done if I had been one of these Munich Scheidler is what I've done anything about and I did have a good answer and I thought I had to get me underground or something because I knew they were killing people out there so this comes up in America same thing basically we're going to kill human beings under the law that's the law of the land we can kill our posterity we kill every baby unborn and we would die as a country. My. Ideas so then impacted you it impacted me going forward it's interesting too in a chapter on grower judicial power you talk about Roe v Wade in Bolton the other case that most people don't think about that happened at same time but this was the part I didn't know about it was in 1982 that the abortion issue broke into a wider national constant host of children's program the Sheri Fink mind of Phoenix Arizona right what happened with her when her husband came back to Europe. A group of students and he had a headache and has a thing called a letter by happen to be good for headaches Well they found out they were taking it in Europe and the babies were being born will it's really little friends and and you know it affected the baby if you're pregnant so Sheri think I was pregnant and her husband had a home with a little bite and she took some for a headache and then she got scared and she thought I'm going to have a day for maybe so she signed up at the hospital Ok. Never done do an abortion for health reasons and I was allowed to go but she started wanted to warn other women if you've got a little mite around don't take it if you're pregnant they from your baby maybe that was like less than 10 percent but anyway it was a really only that there wasn't much. But still horrible obviously. And so that was her point and but it could lead to hospital when I got it was probably my station about a hospital cancel the abortion to she flew to Sweden and got it there and they did say the baby was due for anyway that got people thinking about it for maybe a bad virus on and she got an abortion for that and that just sort of opened the door interesting here you know obviously there's so much in this book we're not it's just a taste of people to read but you've got a myriad of pictures in here who was Ronald Reagan everybody you met one of the people that strikes me and you talk about him is that you want so many television shows you get a picture of you with Phil Donahue who used to be incredibly popular and I believe was the Notre Dame guy. And you actually say that you and him were sort of like buddies and what we did to me Well we ran around a lot together he was interested in a borsch and think he'd go to the clinic with May date at the cameras there and they want to be honest program to talk about it and. My understanding was I could use pictures but he said romper room is right before our program it was the bozo circus that I let all of kids watching right said some little kids might still be watching t.v. . And these pictures would offend them so we got to put it in sable cancel the program put it in the evening and I thought that's not going to get the coverage I want women to say this I want to show about. To me it was a tool for him a chill was very pro-abortion. Not very Ok he was subtle I did have one on a show I remember actually having Yeah we went to that. But we. Behaved he was kind of like so many people that they don't like abortion as a woman's right what can I say I can't be their contents and so on and we've got that. For a marriage by was really not pro-abortion he would talk a pro-life event but he also would support abortion rights you also talk about there's a chapter in here which is interesting a little guarding the seamless garment and we hear about that a little bit again today that kind of went away for a while and you got a story about Malcolm Muggeridge and discussion with the woman the. Believe and say what you will you know Eileen told them the same goes for capital if you're against taking life the life the unborn or life of the born then it all goes together protection of life is a seamless Carmen can't protect some lives and not others and his point was well there's a certain defense ability you know the country can be defended but this is sometimes we hear this seamless garment which in many ways is true but sometimes can be misused right it puts the Bush and which is. Human life in the same category with capital punishment. And almost anything that would take a life some Sometimes you have to take a lie and sometimes they get extended beyond that to like how you treat people or intolerance or even poverty and things like that almost get put on to the same and so more should just part right and for abortion was the line it was definitely the taking of an n.s.a. Helpless him and they also bought mentioned so many people. Well in this book one of Mark my great friend Jerry Horne from Priest was married and in there as well how will that take actually put this together. Well I have you know I had I had a date a hotline where I would. People would have to call and and so I had boxes and boxes thousands of I had letters clippings like we were to start to put it together how long to take it a couple years hopefully years Ok Very good well thank you so much Joe Scheidler for standing up for the unborn all these years and I'm sure taking on the chin many times when it would have been nicer to be at home we're teaching at Notre Dame and the book is racketeer for life fighting the culture of death on the sidewalk to the Supreme Court published by Ted and available to the religious catalog in r.c. Dot com The history really of the pro-life movement definitely worth a read check us out next time right here I need a b.t.s. Bookmark thanks for being with us I. take it really just kind of. Carry it. And with you everywhere when you download the e.w.t.n. Amp you can enjoy w.t. And t.v. And radio live streams shows and demands prayers and devotionals and the latest chance like news visit e.w.t.n. Apps that can today and then coming up next joining our team of polite experts might have true e.w.t.n. Pro like Weekly is not going to need to be you can radio Good morning today is the 3rd Sunday in ordinary time the 21st of January you have already New Year's resolution coming I'm Tom Gray on e.w.t.n. Radio we have e.w.t.n. Pro-life weekly coming up with Katherine's alter I wonder what she'll have to say about the March for Life or The War for life for that matter it's the Catholic cafe after that then comes register radio aimed at 11 30 am Eastern 830 Pacific tune in for Father Thomas lawyer with light of the east this is e.w.t.n. Radio John Martin any Ok the serpent was a he says he had taken the form a certain state is culpable because he can't take them to evil he is responsible for their sin they had free will they could have said no state is culpable because he can't get them to do something to the little guy in line with Sam Martin any day 3 pm Eastern on w.t. And Radio this is serious with the Archdiocese of Denver Catholic cemeteries and much wary and you are listening to your the t.v. And radio station a r c n 1060 a one man there in Denver mother Mary pray for us. Is the. Global Catholic radio. Prayer for of a legislative body. Creator from your providence and we have received our right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness you have called us as your people and given us the right and the duty to worship you the only true guy and your Son Jesus Christ through the power and working of your Holy Spirit ecologists to live out our faith in the midst of the world bringing the light and the.

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