The beloved of God in labor will be called. Take you to Ford Field Stadium in Detroit only minutes in beatification or so long as k.c. Saturday Nov 18th at 4 pm Easter on e.w.t.n. Radio and television. Campaign trying to have a good campaign like me 3. $100.00 campaigning against our interests to lie down for an exclusive interview with represented parent handle the woman boldly depending. On top of the pro-life every week with w t n. 10 am Eastern only e.w. . Jumping. Coming out. I want to. Do anything. This is called the communion with Dr David Allen days. Everybody welcome again to the Communion this is the program for our non Catholic brothers and sisters those of you who have questions about the Catholic faith but maybe you just don't know who to ask well you can certainly ask us is our question here's our phone number not a question our phone number 180-585-9396 is that number if you have a question about the Catholic faith 180585939 sex you can also text the letters e.w.t.n. To 5000 wait for the response and the text as your 1st name and your brief question message and data rates may apply again the phone number 180-5859. 396 Michael McCall is our producer he will be the person getting you on the air as our phone screen or he'll be the 1st person you talk to as you're getting on the air and Jefferson is handling Social Media for us so you can also ask your questions via Facebook and Youtube I'm Tom Price along with Dr David Enders Sorry Tom I was distracting you with pictures of my I do have a nice puppy Yes and we're trying to show me the picture of the puppy and instead I got some mobile. Text alert something and. I was like wow what's going on it was meant to be I haven't I I suppose so you got a new puppy and yeah she's 2 pounds right now will probably grow to 10 or 12 or 15 eventually and you know they have a nice is I think it's like the perfect dog they're just absolutely perfect I'll introduce her to my dog us who has a little over 100 pounds. I am I think I think it would be very very funny to watch them interplay we're going to lead out today with an e-mail as we're getting these phone calls screen 180-585-9396 this is a chuck from Millbrook Alabama who says Hey Dr Anders I have a family a Baptist who is now somewhere in between Protestantism and Catholicism he's sort of in the twilight been there been there that he says I'm reading the Apostolate fathers right now and I'm wondering how I'm supposed to understand what I'm reading I know the Apostolate fathers aren't authoritative in the same sense as the New Testament but what differentiates between how I should read say Paul's Epistles and St Ignatius is a pencil and then again that's from Chuck in Alabama Ok Thanks Chuck I appreciate the question so St Paul's epistles are part of sacred scripture so they're divinely inspired and intended by God for our edification and salvation and they form the principal part of. The of the texts of the sacred liturgy the sacred scripture is in a level just far and above any other text that you could ever encounter because it's the product of the direct agency of the Holy Spirit on human rights criminal others the fathers of the church whether that fathers of the fathers of the 1st 4 centuries are not divinely inspired they're not divine inspired However they're tremendously useful because they are a consistent witness to the faith of the church in its earliest stages we can see it you know hot off the presses if you will and and the unanimity of the father's itself is a is a further witness to the catholicity of the faith and you know. Straight this principle so when I was sort of struggling with the question of Catholic faith and whether or not to become Catholic like many people I I wrestled with the whole idea of the communion of saints the veneration of saints the intercession of saints the real. Of the saints. And I said how can I make sense of this well as I began to study the question historically I saw that there was just no place I could go in Christian antiquity and not run into the practice you know St Jerome in his treatise against vigil and c.s. . Says does or does the Bishop of Rome do wrong when he offers the Holy Sacrifice of the bass over the birds of the Holy Spirit Paul and not only the bishop of Rome but all of the bishops throughout the world you know he adverse to a fact that was commonly recognized in universal going and the followers of the church have this effect you know so you take adoption used to be a Baptist you don't take a doctor about the efficacy of Baptism does that doesn't really regenerate us does it cause us to be born again into Christ's body which is the church get give us grace when I pick up a church father and I read this tremendous testimony about the effects of baptism then pick up another and see the same thing when I pick up another I see the same thing and I see this this this done action was universally held by all the Christian faithful you know in the 1st 4 centuries that's why the Council of Trent teaches that it is not lawful to interpret the deposit of faith not lawful to interpret the scriptures in a way that contradicts the consensus of the fathers and individual church father can and can be an error on some particular fact and that's where they're different from the Bible the Bible is not in error the truth of the can make a mistake and some of them held erroneous doctrines origin in particular origin of Alexandria had some pretty squirrelly stuff right and had to be censured by later councils but when there's a consensus among the followers like say for instance over the nature of baptism Yeah you don't you don't find church fathers teaching the Baptist auction a baptism you don't teach them you don't find them teaching the Baptist understanding of the Lord's Supper for instance right when there's a consensus of the fathers on some doctrine that's authoritative for us because it's it's what we call the universal in ordinary about history about the church many of those fathers were bishops they were. Charged with teaching the faith and we see the unanimity among all the bishops throughout the world and the bishops throughout history in teaching at Arsenal faith consistently even if it's something that hasn't been proclaimed as a dogma right that itself is is infallible it's an infallible witness to the truth of the face Ok very good Chad thank you so much for your letter I want to get to one here from Michael and this is fascinating David you remember you've done 2 episodes of The Journey Home with Marcus Grove I have the 1st one was you were basically telling your story and the 2nd one was more a q. And a that's right as I recall Ok so he's referring more here back to. You or me both buddy he says Michael says Dear Dr Randy you mention in your journey home q. And a episode that cessation ism was forged and anti catholic polemic to get rid of the Catholics unquote can you trace that out a little bit more for me I want to talk to my Catholic religion class about this who started that doctrine and why what is the history of sensationalism do you have any good quotes from its inventors that I could show my class about its anti-Catholic roots God bless Michael Yeah thanks I appreciate it so cessation ism is the doctrine that miracles ceased after the preaching of the Apostles and that's that's the position that is as Asian as well as the motive for cessation as a it's a Protestant auction it's not a Catholic doctrine the motive was that when Luther came and proclaimed his his innovative doctrines he recognized that he himself recognized that he was innovating that he was saying things that nobody else throughout the rest of the world had said or or was saying and sometimes a little kind of woke up in a cold sweat and said Am I alone right and then he went again and then went back to sleep. But but they he recognized and everybody recognized that he was really kind of turning the page here and doing stuff that had been done before and so Catholics at the time said Luther. How can you be teaching this stuff that nobody else in the whole world knows nobody else in the whole world has ever said you're you're really innovating when when there was a if there were some sort of major change in the way we're to understand the Christian faith don't you think God would accompany your message with Merrills because because it each of the major stages of redemption when God did a remarkable new thing and history the people of God those he say some miraculous son he takes Moses and the people to the Red Sea you know Jesus is resurrection from the dead the miracles of the Apostles miracles of allies and so forth did you think if God wanted to radically reform the Christian faith in the 16th century that he your message would be accompanied with miracles some sign of divine authority and in response to that what course the reformers were not doing miracles they had to have a counter to that all right and so the counter was well know for 2 reasons one they claimed were not teaching something new we're just going back to the way it was before now that's a spurious claim right that's a false claim Protestantism was not a return to Christian antiquity at all it was a radically new form of religious faith but they claimed we're just going back to right so we don't need to be validated by miracles and you know what God did the miracles anymore they that's were they the doctor says sation is so it's so the claim itself is is is false is based on a false promise the idea that God still does metal's I said no God and a miracle him or he just did it to set up the church and the Gospel got that formulated and then you know the Holy Spirit kind of is out of the picture and the Gospel goes forth you know unchanged which is going back to that original formula that was their position and so the idea that God doesn't doesn't do miracles was necessary as a retort to the Catholic charge hey you better do some miracles to prove your You're right to do what you're doing right now and you find that argument in the writings of Luther and Calvin. It got picked up again. In a big way in a very explicit way in the 19th century by the Princeton theologian baby Warfield. And I believe Warfield's book is simply called miracles and it was a largely a refutation of the claim of 1900 Protestants that were trying to promulgated healing ministry Ok and sort of proto Pentecostals if you will and Warfield. Really sort of hardened and articulated very precisely what had always been implicit there in the rift and the the Reformation response to Catholicism so were filled as your guy and then reformed Protestant especially reformed Protestant takers of the 20th century have fallen upon Warfield with attacks on modern Pentecostalism if you want a history of the Protestant doctrine of cessation ism there is a books by Protestants by Pentecostal scholar named John Ruth an r u t h v e n. And I believe the title of the book is The sation of the charisma ta I believe that's the title and it was a doctoral dissertation I believe that he then turned around and published in book form written will give you the skinny on the. Reform doctrine of cessation ism there you go Michael hope that's helpful for you we're getting a lot of calls right now 180589396 We'll get to those in just a moment we'll also get to some questions posed by texters Let's see there's one here from Nate check it from You Tube Anthony on You Tube as well again that phone number 180-585-9396 extension 2 stay with us it's called communion on e.w.t.n. . On the global Catholic Radio Network. This is Dr David. This is. Father Spencer host of Father Spencer's universe Aloha this is there was like host of deep adventure radio. Listening to e.w.t.n. Radio. There Larry Britt area you know I'm from the city of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania and both of my parents both of them were police officers type father was a police officer and my mother was a police officer they always thought I'd be a cop killer in some ways I am a spiritual cop but we don't we do come from where we come from it doesn't matter what it is calling us is the most important. Larry breaks or if there is day drink plenty stand delegate t.v. And radio. Listen to each other your t.v. And radio day or night audio want to me and brings you your favorite e.w.t.n. Programs prayers and devotionals instantly to you for free visit e.w.t.n. Amp stand cam and get started today. $6910.00 with Monsignor Charles is commanding. The heart of this commandment is an absolute insistence on the live can feel like. Stopping. Can. This is called. Dr Doolittle. Ready now let's go to the phones 180-585-9396 we began with Sam and Perry Bill Missouri which if memory serves Sam is the home of the shrine of the Miraculous Medal is that right. It's a fantastic place I What's on your mind today. Well you know it's. Not I'm for bed now I'm pretty new to. The years I'm a life. And I was really curious about the dates so. That all of that awful or that more you know. Kind of get out Ok thinks so the the dating of Easter is a very very early and in fact one of the most contentious controversies in creation and take what he and the 2nd century was over the question of the dating of Easter and whether or not it was going to be the Sunday like we have it now where of course the date would have to shift always fall on the Sunday equinox or whether it was going to be coordinated with the Jewish calendar and the 14th of Nissan and and there was a split 20 east and west and is actually Pope Victor in the 2nd century real worked up about it and actually threatened to excommunicate the Eastern Christians for not following the Roman calendar and and then the bishops impressed upon him that that would be a very charitable thing today when we should let it blow over but there was a big controversy over it so the question of the date of Easter is extremely early in the celebration of Easter this is the 1st liturgical faced side a Sunday that was universally celebrated in the church Christmas is another story Christmas is of a later date and I'm thinking it was memories kind of going blank here but I'm thinking it was 4th or 5th century before we had the feast of Christmas and there are arguments that have gone back and forth on why December the 25th Taylor Marshall his like after theologian has a strong believer that the December 25th is actually the date of Christ's birth and he's got arguments to that effect on his website you can read him there are other there are. Positions people to take the position that it was a coordinated with pagan festivals and it was a convenient time and you know we got to celebrate it sometimes I want to December 25th I don't really have a dog in the fight one way or another doesn't really matter I mean the church could decide to celebrate the birth of Christ on any day if it wanted to there is declare that is the face day but but it's a later date than Easter Ok same Thank you so much for your call that opens up a line for you now 18058593961805859396 Anthony watching us right now on You Tube says does the Catholic faith reject justification of faith through grace absolutely not we believe that we're justified by grace through faith Ok we have a different understanding of what the word justification means and what it accomplishes in the in the Christian's life but but but the cause of justification is Grace and it's effectuated through faith absolutely Ok Nate also watching us on You Tube right now says the main thing that is stopping me right now from becoming a Catholic is that I don't see a consensus on papal supremacy at the end temple Taishan. Peter and the key is verse in the early church fathers until 300 to 400 a day can you convince me. Ok Thanks so you know. There's a couple ways of handling this all right one of them is to talk about the exodus of Matthew 16 All right. And I grant you that there were. Different church fathers executed the text in different ways as another question about whether or not Rome was considered to be. The end heretic or of Peter's authority however that authority was constrained by what basis it was construed I should say and whether or not the universal church had to Virtue room to have her their doctrines approved and that question there's unanimity and Christian antiquity and I would you know we can talk about some of the evidences but you know one of the classic texts a course is from erroneous is against terrorism book 3 were in error as says it's a it's a necessity that all the churches throughout the world agree with this church namely room on account of the preeminence ever founders Peter and Paul and it's not just a Western doctrine it's not just a Latin doctrine we find it's articulated in present in theologians and Syriac the legends in Arabic theologians and Assyrian theologians and bishops and so forth so the fact that Rome enjoyed a universal primacy that's that's that's a Catholic doctrine Catholic means universal and that's a doctrine that's held universally throughout the church to change the same church that promulgated the text of the Bible if you trust the church to deliver the right books of the Bible you have to trust them also when they say that Rome inherited the authority of the state of Peter and and on what basis did Roe make its claims to authority Well divine authority All right so of course be mentioned here and this is claims because of the 7 apostles that were there and the Pope's themselves like pups even in the mid 3rd century. Climbs explicitly to sit on the seat of Peter and that claim is not contradicted right I mean if that were heretical or novel claim you would expect all the other bishops in the world it will not go down that's a silly thing to say no but they all admitted that exactly Ok appreciate that and this is called a communion Hirai e.w.t.n. We go now to Misty in Bloomfield Indiana listening to us on The Today an app a best of what's on your mind today. Good actually and thanks for taking my call. And I've been exploring a couple of years now and I do not question your technical to the list. It really needs to do that well but my question regards the Current event in a later date I believe it's called the. Catholics are bound to get on infallible god what. They really did. I did. That are bound to get on doctrine and that means. It required at least greatly. Needed I think. I'm questioning agreement and I don't. Think you sure are sure now for a detailed analysis of. The the levels of authoritative teaching and the nature of the assent there is a document produced by the congregation of that action of the effect of the faith under the leadership of Cardinal Ratzinger who later became Pope Benedict and it was his commentary on the professor feeding his commentary on the profession of faith and precisely what that ascent of faith looks like in great detail so if for further information I would direct you to that to that document in a 2nd document touching it's longer touches the same question is don't think it's done I'm very tired of Saddam fading I can remember things done very taught us which was on the. Although cation of the theologian so that's a more technical judgment about the kind of faith that theologians need to exercise a magisterial statements and it's pretty finally parsed and nuanced and I won't go into all the details right now but in a nutshell. Divine and supernatural face to those dog was that are proclaimed by the Magisterium to be divinely taught by God right and say things like the dog of the Trinity or the perpetual over regenerate of us a Virgin Mary the 2 natures of Christ to the transubstantiation of the Eucharist they say these are things that we believe because God has revealed them. We believe them completely and entirely because God has revealed them all right and when one becomes Catholic one says I believe everything that the Catholic Church declares to be revealed by God So when the church says this has been revealed by God then we give the a Santa Fe to those doctrines as dogmas now we owe the religious submission of mind and will to the ordinary teaching of the Magisterium even when it's not infallible and what that means essentially is the pope and the bishops have the job of handing on the face all right and in living practice and they have to operate in real time and they have to engage in and in the application of the faith to the details of daily life and they have to make judgments about how to articulate that and that's their job that's their job Ok so so you know I'm a lay apologist and a lay theologian who gets on the radio tries to talk about the Catholic faith all right but I'm a private person and so when there's a judgment about what is the faith really teach on this I often and it's it may not be clear from dogmatic teachings that I just hear and I give my judgment as a private person and I usually try to qualify I go this is my opinion as a private person Ok and I have no jurisdiction or authority to teach in the name of the church on those issues but my bishop does Ok my bishop does that doesn't mean he's always going to be right all right but you know if I'm in a public venue and somebody raises their hand and you know asks a question about the Catholic faith in the bishop gives out an answer I may not thank you family late it is best as he could but I'm keeping my mouth shut. You know to say I am his job his job and and if he if he represents Ok this is the position we're going to take all right this is how we're going to teach this in the diocese and that's his job that's his jurisdiction this is a party that doesn't mean that I'm going to say we don't. He said in the most when some way or the most prudent way possible and if I don't think you formulated it just right the canon law gives me the right to say I'm not see and how that you know I don't I don't can you explain this to me let's have a dialogue about that and I can make my concerns known all the way up to the Holy See right and and and so you know. The power the bishops did their job was to hand on the faith in real time. Era to teach truth all right most of the time they're not operating in the domain of infallibility now in between those 2 levels of assent so you say religious submission of mind and will is basically an acknowledgement that he's the pope and I'm not the right doesn't mean I have to believe. Everything that the Pope or the bishops say in the way in which they formulated it because there can be deficits and the way in a particular area the way that that a leader of the church are taken lates adoption of the faith and it may even be a misunderstanding I mean there can be a there can be corrections and elaborations you know down through time as new information comes apparent and we see things in a different light we can reformulate and and that religious submission takes into account that lower level of authority sure Misty thank you so much for your call we do appreciate that our phone number here 188-9396 when we come back we'll talk with Jenny in Spirit Lake I want to get to a few more texts and we're getting a phone call 18058593 called communion and that's when the next tuesday Hirani the body t.m. Telling e.w.t.n. Talent is in on Nov 13th and 14th bishops from across the country will gather in Baltimore for their fall General Assembly e.w.t.n. Will take you there mind as the bishops are addressed by their new president for the 1st time receive an update on the recent complication of Catholic leaders on several causes for canonization and more live coverage of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops fall General Assembly begins Monday November 13th it 10 am Eastern on e.w.t.n. It's time for a family man to talk to Greg. No one likes to get angry but sometimes we can't help it anger is a God given response to injustice that supposed to motivate us to address the problems we encounter of course wrath is one of the deadly sins but anger isn't always sinful It all depends what you do with it for instance anger is righteous even godly it causes us to make an appropriate proportionate and productive response to an injustice alternatively anger becomes sinful if it causes us to lash out in ways that are inappropriate disproportionate or unproductive be careful to not let your anger adds to the injustice. So learn how to manage anger and all your passions more gracefully check out my book broken God's hope healing on the set of lungs of the human heart I'm Dr great project but you can call me. To discover more Radio straight ahead here on in w t n the global Kathy Granger network today at 4 on press in the afternoon our friend Steve Wood we're going to talk about what evangelicals believe about Grace and justification and then Kevin votes in the 2nd hour talking about the his book The Catholic guide to loneliness should be a great show today at 3 pm Eastern Crestor in the afternoon here on e.w.t.n. Radio and of course tonight at 6 Catholic Answers live a lot of great stuff coming up here audio w.t.f. But back to the phones we go now for Jenny in Spirit Lake Iowa listening via pod casting Hello Jenny what's on your mind today. I think I'd like to make sure I think it is Mary was and. Had had them thanks Jenny I appreciate the question so you could ask the same thing about Jesus. If we believe that Jesus was free was it also Desiree that he be able to sin and of course the answer is no Jesus was impeccable it was not possible for him to said and in fact we could ask the question about the eternal Godhead is God for me was God compelled to create the Catholic faith says no god was not compelled to create the world the world is not an unnecessary emanation from God but was God's free act of creation out of love and yet of course the concept that God would would need to be able to sin is 1st of all an intelligible but absolutely untrue the freedom of God does not require his ability to send more so Christ no more so the blessing Virgin Mary in the same way to saints and haven't are radically free absolutely free and yet they're impeccable they they no longer have the power to send sent a gust and put it this way he said that before Grace comes it's not possible for us not to some after we receive grace it's possible for us not to and when we're glorified in heaven it's not possible for us to send Now here's the thing for the further you advance in grace. Rather than restricting your freedom it actually increases your freedom you become freer in freer the more grace you have and the reason why is that freedom. Is something that is derived from our rational nature and as we talk about humans having free will I don't talk about my heavens puppy having free will my little dog is more or less compelled to act according to instinct you know she doesn't rationally deliberate about you know whether it be better to learn not to potty in the kitchen or perhaps if she lost you know the new toy we got or she's just got to do whatever instinct says I'm literally going to bet you later otherwise doesn't have free will. You had intellect you had a rationality to a species and now you have the capacity for freedom it's that ability to rationally deliberate well does semi enhance our capacity for rational deliberation absolutely not quite the contrary send chains us. Down to the irrational demands of our passionate nature Yeah all right and the further a person descends into Sen the less freedom they have and there's no better illustration of this than the life of the addict who has you know for whatever reason given themselves up almost entirely to the pursuit of. The the basis kind of physical pleasure and it absolutely destroys their freedom and ask anybody who's been a dad has come out of it whether they feel more free or less free you know on drugs or not drugs and sometimes obviously illustration before of the of the artist who is say free of heroin addiction is no longer on drugs not bounded chained in that way and has before him in a room with 100 empty kava says it all the paints and brushes he can use though it is compelling him to paint any picture on any canvas he has utterly in a radically free to create one beautiful thing after another and total free choice of the will and yet everything he does is good every penny he paints is magnificent that's come with a life of graces like were freed up from 7 and the bus a Virgin Mary was like that she was utterly free you know she didn't have to go to see Elizabeth she got a gun and shot pool with her buddies instead you know. Freed her up to go visit Elizabeth to go look for Jesus in the temple to presentiment in the temple you know today all these good things that she did they were freely chosen by her she could have done something else and it would've been Ok it wouldn't have been a center right you know unless the Holy Spirit told her to go visit Elizabeth but it would have been a said to do something else but she did better thing because she was more free does that helpful for you Jenny. Very good thank you I'm still working on the idea of our our lady playing pool that's quite a concept of it I don't they had pulled back probably don't but I Phone number 180-585-9396 is a text now from Jay It looks like if God is maximally powerful and knowledgeable why is it necessary for him to have 3 personalities God could do anything with just one personality correct so wouldn't the additional personalities be so perfect of us Oh Ok I think that you are misconstruing what Catholics mean by the doctrine of the Trinity All right we don't 1st of all. We believe that God is utterly one in his nature all right and the attributes of nepotism omniscience and so forth. Pertain to God in his in his unitary divine nature Ok and and and God is so this this is so unitary right God is so want he so simply one that we don't even differentiate God from His Attributes all right in humans we can differentiate a human from his actual buttes So take Tom Price over here Tom Price a kid sense of humor that comes out on the radio show trouble till exactly right but you are not your sense of humor and yes God forbid you lost your sense of humor you would still be Tom Price right the attribute your humor is after abuse are not your identity God is His attributes he is his obligations he is his omnipotence That's how singularly one he has right. And so the the persons of the of the Godhead the 3 persons are not super added on to his divine identity as being. As entailments or or as you know we're not adults right. What do we lead by a person well in a human person. Person is the answer to the question who by looking at Tom Price What is he he's a human being who is he he stopped price all right human nature Tom Price person all right in the Godhead there is one divine nature that's utterly and radically simple completely one to which nothing is superadded right but in answer to the question Who is God. We say Father Son and Holy Spirit there's a there's a 3 of us to the answer who and wonders to the answer what right and the persons of the Godhead are not differentiated from one another in substance the father is not a different thing from the Son The Son is not a different thing from the Spirit. They're there differentiation is relational only there they differ only by relation the relation of paternity to filiation aspira. Right there's nothing in our experience that's like that there's no other reality that that's differentiated it just this way The closest analogy that we have and it's a bad analogy but it's the best analogy we have would be the that the differentiation within the human intellect of the idea proceeding from the intellect that contemplates itself if you can think about an intellect not a brain but an intellect Ok from which an idea of itself proceeds contemplating itself that's the analogy that Augustan and Thomas used to help us wrap our heads around how something could be substantially one and yet there could be a a a a division of relation with and that simple unity because the intellect is one you don't you don't have to intellect of one intellect and in a sense your idea of yourself in your intellect is coextensive with your intellect . Ok got it thank you so much you got it you do it better than I do. My best thank you so much for your text we do appreciate that we appreciate your phone calls as well 18058593961805859396 called community here on e.w.t.n. Now carried on golly almost $400.00 radio stations here in the United States and over $500.00 around the world in English and Spanish how do we do it well. With the grace of God and people like you who have answered the call to start a Catholic radio station you know we are just coming off this week we're just coming off of our Catholic Radio Conference which we held last week here in Birmingham and. You know imagine entire ball room full of people who answered the call by getting involved in Catholic radio it's not for everybody but it might be for you if you feel like God just might be calling you to start up a Catholic radio station where you live you will need to contact Jack Williams Here's the number 257955756257955756 I'll give you his email as well Jay Williams at e.w.t.n. Dot com Jay Williams at e.w.t.n. Dot com or you can visit our website called ear which stands for. Affiliate relations e.w.t.n. Dot com That's e.w.t.n. Dot com Look at what he might be surprised let's go back to the phones here of 180-585-9396 Michael is acing in New Orleans on the Almighty's 690 Michael what's on your mind today. You know we always wondered what. Church I mean it's an act preaching is what we're trying to. Congregation Oh I don't understand. Yeah sure let me let me speak to you about my experience Ok and I won't I won't generalize about all products and something about the tradition which I was raised and I do think it is to a certain extent representative. So you know the word Protestant protest it if bedded in the concept embedded in their identity is an awareness that the the tradition was born in rejection of the Catholic faith so the rejection of Catholicism is really enter girl to their self understanding and in it least in the way some Protestants formulate it they see their religion as unique in world history and as contrasted with sort of the natural religious state of mankind which is one in which man tries to justify himself or save himself or philosophize himself up to heaven and at least in the way that some Protestants Perche riot Protestantism alone is the religion of grace in which God reaches down in saves sinful humanity that cannot save itself. And so they see Catholicism is kind of the this arch typical example of this sort of worldly natural prideful human tendency to try to climb the ladder up to God right now that of course radically misconstrues but with the nature of Catholic dogma and the history of world religion because the fact of the matter is Protestantism is not the only tradition that teaches a religion of grace that comes from from the transcendent down in fact there was a Buddhist monk named Chevron in medieval Japan that used to teach that people could be saved by grace through faith alone in the atoning work of Amitabha Buddha All right it was like Martin Luther you know a couple centuries earlier in Buddhist Japan so it's it's it's a false position to take on world religion and it's a false position to take and Catholicism believes I've heard that that case made and and of course you know Catholicism is the biggest game in town when it comes to the history of Christianity so if you're trying to differentiate yourself. Which the Protestant tradition does you know you take on 800 pound gorilla because that's . It that that that it's against that you're trying to frame an articulate your own position so your question what do they want to gain are they trying to build up the faith of their people well absolutely yes all right because you've got to make the case why is it I mean that. You know the $64000.00 question for every Protestant is how is it that my particular tradition only came into existence and say the 16th century only 18 century ago the or you know what last month or whatever it is how do I make sense of that in light of the fact that this is 2000 year history of Christianity called the Catholic Church and the way you do it is you have to show how everybody before you was wrong and your tradition was the 1st I want to you know think it's way out of the Scriptures and you know better I had to get it right and that and that story's been told over and over and over again with every denomination we finally worked the kinks out got the thing working right the other motive I think is more benevolent and that is well from a certain point of view and that's proselytism all right and in the tradition I was raised down we were taught to believe that Catholics were all going to hell all right and it was an actual act of benevolence to to convince them of the error of their ways and to proselytize them into try to move them over into our tradition now fortunately for me that dynamic led to my conversion to the Catholic faith because I actually I went whole hog into this I went to seminary in grad school to kind of train myself up to take on Catholics and after I read the sources of the of the faith I realized I was in the wrong church and I switched sides you know but I think there's at least 2 motives it's interesting Michael a pose the question What is the end game do you think the end game is conversion all around and. Again you can't generalize about all process understood understood that the traditional motive yes would be proselytism I mean I did a lot of work on John Calvin that's what about doctoral dissertation and Calvin divided the world into the pious and the Empire us all right that's one of the categories he had of the categories one of his categories. Was the pious in the Empire and for him pious meant people that practiced reformed religion All right the excluded reformed religion of prosecution and for him that many in particular the abandonment of what he would have considered to be idolatry and superstition that is the Catholic form of worship and people that were still in meshed in Catholic superstition as he understood it where the empire us all right and and he had one goal obviously which was to move people from the Empire to camp to the piety camp which meant you know abandoning Catholicism and moving into the Reform Church Ok Very good Michael thank you so much for your call It was a fascinating call to Communion as our program here 180-585-9396 where the line open feel try to get as many calls we can end in the last 10 minutes of the shell Matthew send us an email it's fascinating Hi Mr Price and Dr Anders My name is Matthew I am 17 years old I am discerning the priesthood good for you but I need some final doctrinal clarification before I begin pursuing religious life I have 2 questions number one how can we use Old Testament books to substantiate the argument of purgatory if nobody went there in the time of the Old Testament didn't everyone just go to either hell or the legacy of the fathers until the redemption if this is true doesn't the practice of Jews praying for the dead in the Old Testament do nothing for the cause of purgatory and then number 2 his 2nd question of Pope Pius the 12th declared the Vulgate tree of error in matters of faith and morals how can we reconcile the mistranslation of Genesis $315.00 notably that the woman would crush the serpent's head and not her seed which is later corrected in the new Vulgate thanks for your answers love your show Matthew Ok thanks Matthew I appreciate it with respect to your 1st question so what we do know from the text of the Old Testament is 1st of all that there is a that there is a or. Real distinction between the guilt of 7 that is forgiven for repentance and grace and a debt of punishment that is in reparation for the offense against divine justice and that that's the sort of the bedrock theological basis for the Doctrine of purgatory and that's a clearly Old Testament Darshan and we can see it elaborated in passages like 2nd Samuel Chapter 24 our 2nd Samuel 12 where David repent of his that is forgiven and then God imposes a penance on him Ok. We can also discern from the text of the Old Testament that that prayer on behalf of the dead is efficacious right that prayer on behalf of the dead is efficacious however you conceptualize that Ok. And and and 3rd we can also see that that purgation from attachment to sense is necessary for or for the vision of God and that's clear from the so missed who says . What's the passage I'm trying to think of my mind is just gone blank I quote it all the time you hear me all the time. Who can ascend the Lord's mountain and stand on his Holy Hill he has clean hands and a pure heart sure all right you know Jesus as the same thing bus of the pure in heart for they will see God and I think we see that type of logically displayed for us in the in the Theosophy of Azea chapter sex where as a ses the Lord High and seated on a throne and he says oh I'm a man of unclean lips and so God sends this Sarah with a burning coal symbolically to cleanse him from his attachment to sin and so forth through the burning fires of the cold so so however the metaphysics of the thing work out in terms of the temporal location of purgatory in relationship to the limits of the father's And that's a very astute question by the way I think that the the theological principles that are there articulated. Still hold and so the logic of purgatory still whole. And to be honest with you I don't think that I necessarily have to know. The questions about the temporal initiation and duration of purgatory whether there was a purgative aspect in the limbus of the followers all these kinds of. Since the Church doesn't teach a definitive answer to those kinds of speculative questions as a dog. We're free to speculate we're free to speculate on those kinds of things now with respect to pious twelfth's teaching on the Vulgate I wish I had the text in front of me because I'm just I'm just going to take it for granted that you've represented it correctly and I hadn't got that in memory right now Ok but let me tell you how to approach that difficulty. So so. To say that the whole get is accurate in matters of faith and morals is basically to say that I can adequately derive the Catholic faith from the text of the whole good and that's true all right and the mistranslation of Genesis 315. Does not offend against any dog of the Catholic faith or against any morals in the Catholic Church is not to say that the Vulgate is a perfect translation of the Greek and Hebrew text Ok Matthew we will be praying for you and for your discernment of your vocation called communion Hirani e.w.t.n. We go to Rose in Buffalo New York listening to us today on the station of the cross it rose what's on your mind today. How do you make it I know you're going to be and I got. It but it's not a good thing that you added about one thank you out to be with somebody and that you're going and it was unfair that he got it and that didn't make you a bad day or actual. And you know that you're going in front of people and I don't mean. You know no matter what your you go you know you're not going to feel bad you know people are going to make you feel bad why did I going to ask you when you walk in here you can't and here but you know if you go to if you want to learn about even if you don't I don't care. Well defined the way that what I said that it matter is that you know that it's. That bad that I'm actually not a bad one fortunately you won't find anywhere and then there are people commenting that are saying oh yeah yeah well and then they were getting all the example like areas they don't want to hear about it like communitarian church I want to know and they're such a church a Bible the church that actually did that it you know I mean but I didn't know what they are thanks for as Appreciate it well a couple distinctions the church does not teach that the state of having same sex attraction is morally culpable you know to say if a person a dignified as a sexual says I am him sexual basically if they're making the claim I'm attracted to members sexually attracted members of my same sex that condition is not sinful what is sinful is sodomy Hama sexual activity homosexual sex any any form of unchastity any any sexual union outside the bond of holy matrimony is sinful and that's true whether you're gay or straight or you know wherever you fall on the rainbow we have to live chaste lives right the pure in heart will see God all right now you know I'm a I'm not a homosexual but I'm a married man I'm a broken married man who have who has disordered appetites and have you know my entire life and that's why I'm a Catholic you know send Augustan became a Catholic in large measure to find the grace to deal with the overwhelming power of can keep a sense and to Congress in full nature and to live a holy and chaste life and elevate his mind to things of God right. Does that make me feel bad well sometimes you know sometimes and not just on chastity but but but but any cleanings of the flesh pride or anger or gluttony or slaw then all in all the 7 deadly. Sense today make me feel bad make me feel bad right is that a reason not to go to church on the contrary it's a reason to go to church because I want to be healed of my broken nature and find the grace necessary to live a holy and chaste. Faithful devoted servant like wife in imitation of Jesus. Then answer to the question. Are there religious communities out there that teach that on chastity is not sinful You bet you asked me other Bible based communities well I guess it depends on what you mean by bible based other communities out there that have Bibles that that teach that unchastity is not a sin and I suppose you know you might find some Bibles in the backs of their peers there after obviously playing. Their playing fast and loose with the meaning of the sacred text which is pretty obvious that were called holy in Chess Life exactly Well thank you so much for your call we're going to close with a gotcha question here from Johnny says My sister just informed me that her Southern Baptist Church believes that Jesus is not God Son of God Don't all Southern Baptists believe that. No Southern Baptists I've ever met. Know the Southern Baptists traditionally are extremely Orthodox and they're trying to Tarion the ology. And and I think you know Dr Albert Mohler who is the president of the Southern Seminary the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary would have a fit if. There were 7 Baptists running around teaching that Jesus was not God. My own training included a certain number of years in the Southern Baptist church and that certainly wasn't taught I know one of my 1st systematic theology textbook was by military x. And Southern Baptist the a legend back before I was Catholic theology textbook at least as as far as Baptists the ology goes and I remember very well is extensive treatment of the dock . Of the Trinity and it was it was pretty straight up and you know Catholic Orthodox stuff but he was repeating all the engineers isn't taken the Catholic line Dr David Ensor thank you my friend My thanks also to Michael McCall Matt the bins key and Jefferson remembering to the show each and every Monday through Friday Eastern with an encore at 11 pm Eastern and Tom Price Have you saw the wonderful day. Right here on all the clean then God bless. To reassure him Debbie Georgie you know I told Dr this yeah I'll take you with Jerry and Debbie is next in radio back to regular n.d. Now let myself in the mirror and I think I was the young guy when when he Where do you go wrong with this mirror honey my temptation is to focus on what I've lost because I think back on it in my youth I did not ponder the stuff of faith like I do now when I gain is. A closer relationship with the doctors then with regular windy days when t. I mean stand on e.w.t.n. Radio. The w c live Truth live can feel like down can you give them wisdom with me regularly and father Larry. Has more wisdom about living right capital founded by Jesus Christ being on earth approximately 2000 years well thought of psychology which tell folks how to live better let me tell you what the catechism says about marriage being stuck in the way I would think you know this but I'm going to tell you. The x. In marriage by which the intimate and chaste union of the spouses takes place are noble and honorable the truly human performance of these acts and riches the spouses enjoy and gratitude that father Larry. I mean I really kind of don't want to criticize some of the things that you preach from the pulpit but this whole idea that sexual union is reserved for marriage I would cap asked that no never because the reality is by definition is a giving of your life for somebody else and so if you're going to give your life away to somebody else than all the other preconditions got to be there or it's not truly a pretty good way of your life a condition that you have to get I love I love the person that's a precondition then you haven't died for them unless she'd given their life spirits least psychologically socially financially everything that's the point that's why marriage is the place where I give my life feel so anytime sexuality happens outside of a marriage it's a lie because it's not here I'll give you this to make me feel good sex by definition isn't about me and I feel it's about you and I can give you my life you know I am more intimate with more men and women than they are with their spouses why because I see their soul and I share with me as their priest their soul but even only share their bodies but sometimes these couples they never share their soul so every element of sexuality also means that spiritual element and when people enter into this sexual you know spiritual element it's a horrible reality instead of a reality of life here with others are saying about listening to the u.t.m. Radio I want everyone out it only the l a l a h a l n people like that I just cannot believe they will. Obey the end of. It I have a. Little. By little you guys listen daily to the e.w.t.n. Global Radio Network. Everyone feels lonely at times for a college freshman to homebound people married with kids but the reality is the moon is alive it never existed even in the best before space and time there was the Trinity. God it was a communion of persons and not only is he with the surrounding you with angels and saints but Elysia the trial that was surrounded by an army that wanted to kill him his servant was terrified Italy had a vision. Forces in chariots of fire all around of the ship you might be in a hospital experiencing a broken relationship or feeling rejected because your face but you're surrounded by an unseen on the part of the Body of Christ connected with people all over the world struggling just as you are eventually easier side to experience the pain of isolation to the feeling you feel really lonely because I want to feel really believe. This is Christopher and realize Catholic. Ministers planters and I just order please search for a little path and not a community just like retirement plan has been to live for years as it matures I just interacting with this to get to the time in time for it can provide for meditation. And angle collection is held in parishes the cost commission I always remembering you in my prayers please get to tell it to end to end like telling me that. This is Eikenberry clear transitional Deacon for our Stacey and then and you are listening to your e.w.t.n. Radio station k r c n n 1060 am one month older and then her mother Mary pray for us. The reason for our hope with other Larry bridges once someone has died you remember explicitly what that person said to you now so we don't back in style with King David King David is a good man to begin with because.