Delimited grease programme they came calls today please. From our studios on Florida's Gold Coast and this is the women of great lives to meet us today as we discuss the issue important to you in life and. Spiritual insight compelling discussion to the wisdom women of grace for such a time as this now here's your home done that Bank of it good morning everyone and welcome to women of Grace live I am John it bank of a gap salute the delighted to be with you today I am telling you I am so happy when I'm with you and I hope you're happy when you're with us too and we all come together in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to have holy conversation at this particular moment in time Monday through Saturday so we do hope that you set your calendar you set your watch you set your phone whatever it is that you set to remind you to do things that you said it so that you can join us here on women of grace like We love hearing from you you know that love to start the day off by giving in numbers so that we can begin to spend this time together in the name of our Lord 805859396 is the number to use if you're in North America that number again is 805859396 if you're outside of North America your number is country code 120-527-1298 extension 5 again that's country code 120-527-1298 extension 5 always eager to hear what's going on in your life so please to call in let us know. If we can let you know about what's going on in our lives and yet this very same time and there's a lot that's going on in the women of grace life I'll tell you that much Oh my gracious sakes I would have to take the entire program to catalog for you everything that is happening through women of graceful television and radio out there in our Apostol it work with women our young women of grace our women of Grace program I Benedict a leadership in. 2 for women are Benedict a leadership enrichment seminars and the good news is you can participate in all of it yes you can and we certainly do want to remind you to get out to our website women of Grace dot com and read about it in reading all about it you become informed not only about our events that take place all over the place all through the course of the year but in addition to that you know you you get to participate in some of these great opportunities to grow in our life of faith together we've got fabulous resources available for you there we have recently revised our women of Grace exclusive section I am so excited about this it functions much like the video selection opportunities that you have in secular media it makes it abundantly easy for you to use to stay tune to search by time pick I mean really and truly this is really we've been working on this for some time and we're so delighted it's now available we want you to get out there and check it out if you've never checked it out before this is the time to check it out if you have checked it out before you know and you've stopped using it I want you to come back and take a look at it again and if you are current subscriber Well I just do want to tell you this you're in for a treat if you haven't checked this out lately so get out there and take a pickerel and see how it has been facilitated so that it can facilitate you know yeah we like that in addition to that do want to remind you that we have events all over the place and I am going to be talking with you a little later in the program after the hard break about our upcoming event is going to be taking place oh yeah we're going to be with you very very soon at a very special location but if you want to read about it you can get out there live in of Grace dot com it's 1st in the slideshow and all of the information is available for you there but I will be telling you about it a little bit later on in the program again those numbers to join us live here on women of Grace live is 805859396 Again that's 80585. 93900 phone lines are open for you Matt Kaminski our telephone screener there is waiting to hear from you additionally you can reach us if you're outside of North America and country code 120-527-1298 extension 5 managing our social media is Jefferson Yeah we're out there for you on the w t n radio's youtube channel and Facebook page and our producer is Tom Gray Well I'm going to tell you you know I've been sharing with you so much about this delightful little book that I've been reading and I shared with you a little bit yesterday about the fact that it can be a bit of a heady book not overwhelming but it does make you think a little bit makes you stretch a wee bit which I think is very very good but in addition to that it just gives us to life full insight into this into all the presence of God in our lives and I just wanted to reach of this one paragraph I just want to give you a little taste Now again I tell you this book is out of print but it is available from out of print book sellers but listen to this and this is Father Thomas do and this is the kind of thing that you could take away and you could really form the substance of your prayer time around you know because it gives. And what I want to say it gives is a window it really does it gives us a window into the person of God and into what delights God and it gives us an insight into how he wants to delight us and this is what Father Thomas to be right in this book and I really you know just listen up to this very nicely just as the Holy Spirit to open your heart the reality of this and the truth of this he has the Father meaning Father God the Father has not created a neutral gray pleasure Liss universe. The father has not created a neutral gray pleasure list universe he who is pure joy has chosen to crown good action with pleasure. Especially he has crowned human in love with delight we should expect then that the life he is lives would be crowned with the last dish to light. We should expect that if the divine into Welling includes a new knowledge and a new love it should include a new delight Isn't that beautiful. Is the joy is an attribute of God any joy that we experience is a test of the joy that is intrinsic to the trinitarian life. When we experience joy I don't mean happiness which is fleeting and oftentimes dependent upon emotion I don't mean temporal Joy I don't even like to use that word I don't mean temporal pleasures. I mean when we experience joy real joy that lightens our heart that delights our heart to becomes an experience of the heart when we experience that it's a taste of the divine life itself and so what Father Thomas today is sharing with us here is that if we delight in such things that God has gifted us with to begin to see the good pleasure that is his such as the created world then in fact when we experience his presence within us it should be a new delight and it should be the Lived of all of July which because every other delight every other joy is really just to take the full meal of the joy is it an appetizer it's a prelude to what we will experience for all eternity. And behold to be a typical. But this good God 8 he overflows with such love for us that he doesn't want to have to wait for eternity he gives as these little morsels along the way that it keeps as they keep his hungering for more and the more we hunger for him the more our heart expands and the more our hard expands the more joy out of him we can appreciate and realize in this life and when that begins to happen you know it begins to happen you begin to project the joy of the Lord. There is a remarkable man of the 20th century who made this statement he was a philosopher his name was Leon Beloit now it's a French name I don't have a French accent so I can't say it right that b l o y in English it would be Leon Beloit. And he says that joy. Joy is the in fallible sign of the Holy Spirit and surely not happiness not temporal pleasures but chili is the infallible sign of the Holy Spirit so when you're tasting joy when you are experiencing joy you are experiencing God himself to the extent that the poverty of your spirit can proceed hit can taste it can experience it and the more we grow enjoy the more we grow in God and the more he grows in us the greater can be that taste of joy anyway I just thought it was a marvelous little reading and I wanted to start the program with it today because it touched my heart so deeply so going to read you one more time and then we go to a break and then we come back and we're looking forward to hearing from you let me give you some numbers that you can use 805859396805859396 if you're outside of North America country code 120-527-1298 extension 5 that's 120-052-7129 extension 85 Here you go listen and ponder the father has not created a neutral gray pleasure list universe he who is pure joy has chosen to crown good action with pleasure especially as Crown human love with delight. We should expect then that the laugh test lugs would be crowned with a lot of delight we should expect that if the divine into Welling includes a new knowledge and a new love it should include a new delight and I had. In the light I think about that going to a break you're listening to in the u.k. Side I'm giant thank you we're going to be right back let me know what you think when did you experience a true taste of the Holy Spirit when did you know that Joy to tell I was and having your heart I'd love to hear from you going to be right back stay with us if you've heard about the church church part of features new on line Christian content that's fun and inspiring every day going to that snapchat Instagram and on the web it church pop down it can. Go on the keg and this is a bookmark brief I just finished interviewing father Joseph Mary well far chapel here in. New book published quite a bit in publishing mother and tell about suffering at burnout so Father tell us what is this book about it's 6 many books that have been put together suffering burnout consolation 3 things here suffering really is a question that's universal right how do we deal with suffering what is the meaning of suffering is there a meaning to suffering she also looks at trying to some prayer that we experience sometimes we don't feel like the Lord's distant Where is he when he's actually purifying my heart and helping me to grow and love and less selfish. Then she concludes the book by looking at his silent presence but also that he needs me the book is on suffering a burn out look for the entire interview coming soon to bookmark and this has been an easy one brief this book available most of the villages have a beach in r.c. Dot com Thanks but using it is now on Twitter get short timely messages from e.w.t.n. On your computer or cell phone it's easy to stay up to date on a wide variety of topics like use Benteke and announcements Caddick he says apologetics the latest e.w.t.n. Programming and more you can link to e.w.t.n. On Twitter from our home page or go to twitter dot com slash d.w.t. At work at home and screw it all in the room. Stay connected to your world with e.w.t.n. It's Twitter page this is Bradley of the diocese of Kalamazoo Michigan hi this is Jim Staples from Catholic Answers like this is Father John Ricardo thanks for listening to the d.w.t. And. Welcome back this is a most core of women of grace pleased all phone calls today God bless you. Welcome back to let me do it in a brace I am John it and they carry it out to be with you today and idea to join us live here on women of Grace live this morning let me give you a couple of numbers that you can use that you can be with us here if you were in North America your number is 805859396 Again that's 805859396 if you're outside of North America your number is country code 120-527-1298 extension 5 country code 120-527-1298 extension 5 join us today and let's see what the Lord is doing in your life of faith yes indeed we want to hear from you you know we are celebrating a beautiful feast day to day blue reminded of the fact that God every day is giving us these holy models to whom we can look for guidance and direction who witness to us the way in which we should go I have many favorite saints and it seems as though I keep adding new favorite saints every single day is a matter of fact every time I'm introduced to a new saint that becomes my patron saint the day or it gets added to that list of every that ever growing list I have to say I'm a favorite sage and you know it these witnesses to this say really help us in so many ways I like to read the lives of the saints and see how it was that they face certain challenges trying to if you will see the way in which God directed them and guided them and how it was that they responded to that and more move forward in the . Making their way in their own particular day in time meeting the challenges of the day was pressing upon them but also carrying out their missions their duties their responsibilities and I have found that the Saints are very open they're rather candid you know the Saints are very candid about sharing in a way the way in which we should go many of them have given us great treatises on spiritual life and within that context of their own scholarly work as well as their own prayer lives they remind the treasures of those and they put them down for us in these beautiful treatises I'm thinking of Francis de Sales for example introduction to the devout life and his treatise is on love I'm thinking about you know St John of The Cross trees of Abbey law who who have given us the best of themselves I'm thinking about the great gifts that we have through it through giants of saints in terms of theological acumen like Thomas Aquinas but underneath all of that what was underneath all of their ability to talk about those things was their life of prayer it was their life of prayer and so the question I would ask today is where is our life of prayer you know are we striving every single day to grow in that life of prayer are we giving that time of the day are we giving time to the Lord so that we can growing relationship with him I recently I gave a talk. In Westchester actually in Westchester Pennsylvania and I know it was a talk about you know the realities of the day in time and what it takes for people to be leaders today in a say in time Catholic leaders what would a Catholic leader look like and I have to say that we can't lead anybody nor can we be led unless we have a solid life of prayer and I was suggesting you know we we think about tithing and oftentimes when we think about timing when we think about we think about timing in relationship to finances right and we know that this crucial standard is 10 percent . Now sometimes we can't jump off a 10 percent you know this God has abundantly patient with us and he allows us to grow and therefore he encourages us to at least begin so we begin where we can and if we can't do a full 10 percent then we strive to do what we can it is supposed to be a sacrificial offering right so it's coming from not our surplus but it's coming from basically that which we need our sustenance that which we need to live on and so we think of that 10 percent in reference to the capacity to give money but there's another I think deeper aspect to this that we've also got to consider because if we get this aspect in place then that other aspect the financial giving is just going to flow forth and what is that it's timing 10 percent of our day to the Lord yeah 10 percent of our day now this is how I figure you know we can fall asleep at night and let's suppose that we get 8 hours of sleep it's a good night when we can get 8 hours of sleep at least for me that is but let's suppose that it's 8 hours let's suppose it that standard number of hours a night so I say this we can fall asleep and we can say Lord even as I rest even as I sleep here I ask that your Holy Spirit we continue his work in me and I offer all of who I am to you in the midst of even my sleeping well that prayer you're offering the Lord all of those hours now that doesn't get you out of the other you know 68 hours of the day so what I say is Ok so let's just let's just subtract off our sleep time 8 hours and we were going to put that into the hands the Holy Spirit he's going to do it is he does not as we sleep but for our part you know there's really little cooperation there were to sleeping What do we do with the other 16 hours. If we're to tie those other 16 hours right we would want to give the Lord 1.6 hours every day. Yeah 1.6 hours that would be tithing 10 percent of our day to the Lord wanted to tithe our time we to tithe our treasure or to tie their talent. To 10 percent of our awake time should be long to the Lord 1.6 hours now we can say what she was shot and I can't do that but we can do that and how can we do that we can do that through our morning offering everything that I do this day Lord I offer to you we can do it in a formal way spending time in sacred scripture 15 minutes a day spending time with our rosary you know I know some can pray the rosary in 20 minutes a day so 20 and 15 that's 35 minutes. For me it takes a little longer to do that 37 minutes is my average and it can go 2 hours but 37 minutes is the average those are very very graceful omens when it goes longer than that so 37 minutes 371552 right and you see that we're beginning to mount right we're beginning to mount that time if you go to the Holy Sacrifice of the mass on daily basis there you are so pretty quickly we can get to 1.6 It doesn't necessarily mean 1.6 hours sitting in a chair you know reading and having mental prayer that might not be possible given your state in life but the other at ways in which we incorporate prayer into our daily life will accrue that Additionally how about just taking little minutes out of the day just a little we minutes out of the day where you know we just reflect on a large For a brief moment. You know when you finish a meal for example thanking the Lord for the food that you've just that you've just eaten and then just spending a couple of maybe 23 minutes just just opening yourself up to what it is that the Lord wants to do in you in those 2 or 3 minutes or little Asper. Throughout the course of the day she says I love you please help me right now am I going to get a photo of the Saundra you know what or I am going to offer this laundry folding to you and I'm going to do my very best to fold this laundry now I don't have pastored way but as particularly as I can fold it without becoming you know obsessive about it as neatly as I can for your Honor and Glory Lord right now I am absolutely tempted to leave that and then she dishes in the kitchen sink I'm absolutely tempted not to weed the garden I'm absolutely tempted not to attend to my normal duties and responsibilities because I really just want to plot myself upon his couch and put my feet up but you know what I'm going to do these chores and it's going to be a sacrifice of praise for you and I'm offering it to you as a form of prayer you can do that so what this then does is it begins to form a supernatural outlook we begin to look at our day and everything in our day just a little bit differently and of course this also applies to those those functions that you do in your place of work when you are there in your place of work everything that you do every frustration you experience not that any of you ever experience frustration in your particular profession your particular I can patient I'm sure you never experience frustration but I have to admit that from time to time I a little frustrated. I can get frustrated and I get complaining about a whole lot of things right so what about sacrificing that Lord I am so frustrated right now but you know what I have to give you in this moment is this frustration I offer this frustration to you and I ask for the grace of the Holy Spirit that rather than acting out of my frustration I am going to act out of patients oh yeah it's going to take tremendous self-mastery tremendous self-discipline because right now I could just explode but I'm not I am going to employ the Grace you're offering pull myself down off of the ledge away from the ledge and I'm going to entre this you Olive that becomes prayer. Then we begin to see what Saint Paul said about praying use the opportunities of daily life to be able to pray without ceasing when something is going on we want to train ourselves. So through virtue to immediately turn all things to God to immediately see how it is that he can use this situation to help us grow in relationship with him when we do that and I'm going to tell you the sacrifices of praise you know that they're great when we are able to praise God in the midst of a setback a reversal frustration anger you name it when we're able to do that there is a joy to Chile in the Holy Spirit like we were talking about earlier that just comes in and floods your heart each continent as it we don't even have to ask God for it it just comes. And you know that you've been operating in the Holy Spirit because what was that quote we said earlier my joy is the infallible sign of the Holy Spirit. And so you know the spirit is at work in me and that then produces an additional delight and we begin to discover that we are growing in union with God and He wants to know that we're growing in union with hair salon only listen and talk let me give you some numbers again 180-585-9396 it's 805859396 that's a way that you can join us live here and women of Grace live if you're in North America if you're outside of North America you can join us too and that number is country code 120-527-1298 extension 58 is country code 120-527-1298 extension 5 looking forward to hearing from you right here we're also available to you out there in the social media world yes we are e.w.t.n. Is ubiquitous it is indeed everywhere and so is e.w.t.n. Radio and Abt and radio is present c.n.n. To the social media outlets to Facebook and You Tube so we invite you to get out there and check all of that as well so we have no excuse in the end do it we have no excuse for not raising our hearts and our minds to God every day and being able in the midst of it all to accomplish that 1.6 hours you know I know it's a challenge that you know find it so simple you know find it so easy and you are going to truly begin to recognize that this god never asks us to do impossible things that he needs us in what we consider to be impossible and guess what he does he in fact then shows us that indeed we can achieve this great good of daily prayer in all kinds of ways so we've got to. People out here and the good people that we've got out here on You Tube talking about a few different things and one person writes in and Brennan Gerard I'm reading about consciousness exam and hoping to add it to my prayer life and he thought Well I'll tell you what and I need to find out what this means consciousness examined you know there's a lot of ways that I could read that now an examination of conscience I understand but this is consciousness not conscience at least as as you or your know here has it typed so you know now is an examination of conscience is very very important we are encouraged by Holy Mother Church to do and he stand in every day to cast a backward glance over the course of the day and see how it is that with lived according to the laws of God and how we have not how we have exercised virtue and how we have not how we have lived out the spiritual Corporal works of mercy and how we have not how we have lived out the beatitudes that she has gives us in the Sermon on the Mount and how we have not and notice that there's a positive and a negative in that right how we've done it for which we give glory and praise to God that through the power of the Holy Spirit we've been able to cooperate with grace but then there's the negative and we take full and we take full responsibility for the ways in which we have not measured up in those ways right so then we say to the Lord you know you've got to help me in these areas and we lay all of those ways at its feet if it is serious matter then we know that we need to take it to the sacrament of confession so countries on a daily basis obviously an examination of conscience before we receive the sacrament of reconciliation. But then of Loyola it gives us one more way in which we can go in the spiritual life and that is through a particularly examined and I especially like a particular examine it and this is where you recognize a fault you know you recognize that. Let's just use an easy one you lack patience All right so let's suppose that you see that consistently and maybe these things come in little smatterings it's been that way for me I noticed it sometimes I'm lacking patience for a period of time then I do pretty Ok with patience and then another thought crops up well whatever we're seeing as. A disability of the spirit in a given moment of time using patience as an example we set out on a holy quest and our holy quest is that we're going to be a soldier for Jesus Christ in that area and the way that we do that is through a particular examine so we get up in the morning and we say Ok today you know I am strapping on the armor of God and I need a shot off after this particular witness that I had in my impatience and so we start off and it 12 noon are right around our lunch time we do examine in the morning how did i do was I able to slay that day impatient dragon or did I succumb and then we make resolution to continue through the action and check it again at dinner time and I doing here do the same thing and then again before bedtime and all of that to say I think it would be quite helpful again I doubt I think might be what you're referring to and when you talk about a nation to. Follow the 1st time message that you say so we're out here for you we invite you to college 800. 9396 they're listening to women to pray so I by and John attend they looking forward to hearing we're going to be right back. The e.w.t.n. Warriors rosary is a fitting tribute to all the spiritual warriors who have stood by his over the years handcrafted each rose renews a unique creation get yours today does it e.w.t.n. Or see done. Right in 100 years of Whitman senior Charles Pope on October 13th 970. To the children of Adam and he You'll get a great deal as it's training for the troops say in church adhere to camp the folks who listen to grow in their faith grow in charity all virtues they then go out and exert influence far beyond just themselves Catholic radio has an exponential for bringing people. Into regular in dating scantily Grady always important to show you. This is basic Bramley the diocese of Kalamazoo Michigan hi this is Jim Staples from Catholic Answers live this is Father John r. Carroll thanks for listening today in w t m global a. Welcome back this is a man core of women of Grace please also in calls today God bless you. And to listen to him if they find China template happy as I am to be with you today said Madame. With you in all kinds of different ways we do want to give you the phone number to join us here on women of Grace live we're going to the phone lines 805859396 it's 805859396 here outside of North America is country code 120-527-1298 extension 5 that's country code 120-527-1298 extension 5 I promised I was going to tell you a little bit. About some of what's happening at women of grace and some of the great opportunities that we have coming up and I do want to let you know that we are going to be in Albuquerque New Mexico we're going to be there on the on the 8th which is the Saturday I believe that's the Saturday I should take a look at a calendar really. But we are going to be out there for a beautiful beautiful weekend with the women beginning on the Friday night going all the way until this Sunday it will begin with a Benedict a leadership institute that started today before so it starts on that Thursday we want you to check it out at women of Grace dot com All you need to do is you get out there to triple w. Women of Grace dot com That's women of Grace dot com and you are going to be able to see everything that is going to transpire through the course and that weekend and we certainly do want to invite you to check it out because if you're out in that area we want you to join us so we're inviting all of the women from New Mexico we're inviting from California we're inviting you from Texas everybody to dot West we want you to join us there is it tell me the 8 through the night and that through the 10th that is the Friday Saturday and Sunday for this event and it begins on the 7th it begins on a 7 which is the Benedict a Leadership Institute we've got marvelous speakers who are going to be with us it's going to be beautiful beautiful beautiful St Jude that is Catholic Church is the location information for you out there women of Grace dot com All right let's go to David David is with us today and he is with his Viet k.-e. Acts Good morning David Kansas City Missouri. How are you good are you very well thank you for asking. Your group program and I thoroughly enjoy it but I'm so glad. My course. Ok well you know I'm going to tell you something it's not it seems to me that it must be a type of an apocryphal book that did not meet the scrutiny of the church to be included in the canon so it very well could be that it is a gnostic text I don't I'm not familiar with it David but what I can tell you is that there are those that can tell you more about it so I would invite you to call into e.w.t.n. Life that happens every day I'm sure you'll get a fuller answer but it parent Lee It just didn't meet the muster as an inspired work everything that is in the canon of sacred scripture was determined by the church centuries and centuries ago and it met the it met the standard inspired work this obviously did not it may have even stood in opposition to some of what a sacred scripture provides for us so that's about as full of an answer as I can give ya now and David are the words You're welcome and God bless you. Thank you but by now you know we do have to be careful friends because there are a lot of books out there that are similar in and phraseology he can be similar in an hour and change can also even carry the name of an apostle you know like there are some gospels that are named the gospel so and so the Gospel is so and we have to be very very careful about these because oftentimes these are esoteric works they they are not they're not theologically accurate they are not inspired and they can lead us down a path they can take us actually in some cases to be a call to we want to be very very key. Careful inviting you to college and 805859396805859396 let's go to live out Lavelle is driving through Missouri at the present moment and we're happy to have labelling as good morning good morning our Yes. I am Blair. And I do. Truly. Fight about what I'm hearing oh I'm so glad that makes me happy. By the way to look at are you going to everyone including you could bring up this. Bottle and we live in a different era and. We are the children of God people we're looking for and. We all agree we are 33 we will. I have it negative that. Well you know the good news never grows old doesn't live out and you know I think that sometimes and you're so right I really appreciate what you're saying here we want an answer from heaven and so I want to turn that around a little bit and I want to consider something could it be that we are God's answer from have been in that I mean could it be that it is the people of God in this moment in history of man that God is chosen to meet the challenges of the day and not to flee and not to try to isolate ourselves from the realities that we face but rather to to to charge head into them it's an interesting thing soldiers are trained not to retreat from battle but to run into the battle to run into the battle and here we are we are soldiers for Christ this is why we have the armor of God This is why we we place in our heads the helmet of Shell. I cross our chest the breastplate of Justice is why we gird you know our waist with a belt of truth in which lift high that the sword which is the Word of God and the shield of faith and slip by our feet and the boot to deal to propagate the Gospel that that spiritual reality of who we are in the eyes of God So during that he wants to do indicates to us that he wants for us to run into the challenges of the day because we have the answer and the answer is always the same answer in any day and any time the answer is Jesus Christ he is the answer the answer is God Himself He is the answer and so it is then that I think you know what your expression year we need to be for the fires of each other and what soldiers do I don't know I was not a soldier and a military sense of government but soldiers what do they do they tell their war stories right that I magine at night they sit down and and they and they talk about what they face in a day and what was going on in Indiana how they how they were able to accomplish this mission and that mission and not gloating but just talking about it and what to do it fortified it edified it edifies that military installation edifies those soldiers it advised that platoon edifies them and it builds them up and it's reinforcing and so they go out there into that fray. With with with renewed energy with renewed strength and we do that Leavelle we do that that's why I think you enjoy listening to Catholic grade you we do that we build each other up where the soldiers out there on the battlefield of life at this moment in history of man and we suit ourselves up every day and we don't retreat from the battle we run headlong into the battle and we come back then to to be fortified and strengthened by each other to build up in the things have gone to be renewed in return. And encouraged so that we can be we can be fine tuned and ready to go the next day and to get back in there but we do need that rush that we do need that coming together we do need this opportunity to talk about what what the works of the Lord have been for us in a given circumstance a given situation a given trial and when we see it to that land we realize how important we are to each other right and we realize that God was in us doesn't each of us and we feed off of the god life in the other person right it becomes a form of nourishment for us so I appreciate your comment could be and I want you to drive safely out there I appreciate your comment and I want you to suit up every day and I say that each want to shoot up every day shoot up every day you are God's answer for this are day in time it is through you that he wants to work it is through you he wants to do this and things. Things are in comprehensible things and it's all possible because it isn't you doing it it's that God life in you doing it is the grace of God It's the power of God It's his omniscience his omnipotence his only presence he's doing it in you he's doing it through you all we have to do is say yes that's all we have to do make you want to say Yes Lord yes Lord yes yes Lord right if you want to get up and dance quite frankly you know it's exciting exhilarating to think about what it is that God wants to do and I say so thank you Lavelle for your very nice comment and remember who you are you're a soldier for Jesus Christ he's put you on the battlefield you know you are commissioned officer in His kingdom get out there let's see what we can do all right let's go to Margot Margot is calling us from Syracuse New York this morning good morning Margot how are you I'm wonderful radio Oh I'm exhilarated Now I talk to live out everything is good. And I want to begin to talk about Joy Yes happiness joy. And I want to that's the joy that I have. Out I went to the Divine Mercy chapel it several years ago are the chapel and had a total conversion. To confession and 25 years. I went back to confession was. I was frightened but I got through it and the priest that was there was so gentle with me and said I want you to follow it I better brought you here is your eyes my gosh I came back to hold the person I came back transfer transformation it was a total transformation for me. I had the joy that I've never felt I always had a strong faith on my I'm a prayer Catholic and. I can't even explain how the joy would they may enter still burn for then the several years ago. And I I'm a hairdresser so I try to I try to gently tell people about this just a transformation that I had for the. Sure sure and is still burns and I talk about it and I still feel that spark of the Holy Spirit within just burning but then I can explain it never burned out and. Beautiful I'm telling you. It's so funny because I had bought God cd of the Divine Mercy and my husband was playing it one day he was sitting at the desk and he said Here's your C.D.'s get paid you know that's a Divine Mercy chapel. So he now on Saturdays we have wanted to have Mark on Saturday afternoon and we try our need every piano and we did find 1st the chapel togetherness beautiful. Home My husband has my husband has also had some water conversion and he's you know guys I'm telling they don't have a shot but I wanted to express a joy that I felt and how wonderful it is that anybody could experience God's love and. That is so beautiful I am so happy you shared this with us today and I am so delighted by your conversion I'm thinking to myself that or I should say reversion right I mean it's still light full to know that this god of ours is always there for us that he's always waiting for us to return you know you get the picture of the Father in the parable that she tells about the Prodigal Son and the father is looking form you know he's looking father is actively engaged in seeking his son and I think that's how it is for each of us God is always seeking us he's always there we just have to turn in his direction and it thrills me to no end that this flame of the Holy Spirit this joy which is the presence of God in you the infallible sign right of the Holy Spirit is joy so that's never burned out in you and it also caused me something else we have a great lesson in church and it's p.r. To start and I don't know if you're familiar with him or not Margot but he was a hairdresser he was and through his his his I could patient of being a hairstylist and this is all the way back in the 700 into the 800 all of the all of those who came to him he ministered to them through his work and you know I'm sure that sometimes it was very overt it was probably over even Angela's ation but at other times maybe not so much maybe it was just the gentleness of his spirit the way in which he he. Listened to what their cares were and you know I just you know I just have to say this it seems to me that maybe this beautiful beautiful I get patient God isn't trusted for you is is your place of evangelism and it's your place of being a living witness of God's love in life it's a way for people to experience your joy and ask about it and then you can tell them more or listen to their concerns and was I mean I being a woman myself I'm going to address or isn't. And all the tension that we women talk about all kinds of things you know getting our hair done and oftentimes there's their treasures of the heart that are shared there and it's just a beautiful thing and I couldn't be more delighted for you thank you for sharing your story with us today. So much you have a wonderful day God bless you know absolutely and pray because I think it's a blessing Pierre is very close to becoming canonized and so you might take him on as a special patron to you and find out more about him if you don't know anything about him. Thank you so much you're welcome honey God let us say thank you thank you bye bye and how beautiful isn't French you know her playing of the Divine Mercy chaplet ministers to her husband and all of these beautiful things are happening in her life on because she said Yes you know what why sure i do we miss when we do not say yes something I think about frequently Well let's go to and she's calling us from our Nivelle Louisiana listening to us via Christ our King radio Good Morning in. Good morning John it hi I'm glad you called back I saw you were with us earlier I won't tell you how it went you got to tell me but to be a mind blowing at it like it day to me it's like oh I can't wait to get. My goodness what's going on with you sweetheart so glad I was able to get all I can I get I would get Margot would fail with her return to the church and. Saying it was to go to confession and appreciate it a bit different to let a little dash that and I. Having actually trial today we have. A lot of going on and I was actually going on for 8 months or so and the courts have decided. Yesterday barely there that it pushed it rely only on the load of culture re Eula. Occasional awards they are good to put a child back with the family. It's quite what may have gone on. But I'm on it I have been really struggle with my joy yes and relinquishing control I'm like I keep personality I am working on it. And having to pack up the ng and now. It's very hard today because it will have to get him back. And let me and she's really had an admiration clearly about it it on our link it go up now you go hi. It's Lee Goleta aeration clearly in my heart that you're going to keep it going home and you don't know what I've asked you to do I need to let it was here. And help. Ok large and well you know what I asked you not the way. I was waiting until I started acting local yesterday and I don't feel like my husband and I were going to school in Alaska ill. I'm tired of one Dr Evil pain will be taking will. That they'll be here shortly to pick him up. So now let's let's talk a little bit about this and let's just talk about practical levels 1st of all. Eve had this grandchild for a while apparently he was remote from the custody of his parents for reasons that the court felt were appropriate and. Now they want to return him has there been work that's been done within his nuclear family there to resolve some of their apparent issues that might have led to this decision. Here they are telling us that they or the family there are other children that were. Returned but because of his special needs it's a refit what I see but their children and a mom and dad or. Going. To work at the me that they get middle the smart. Air that they will be keeping a watchful eye on the family got $800.00. For. Like. But we are out of the picture. And you know what the 1st thing I want to say is and I got a gracious God you know this guy who is on mission and knows all things on impotent can do all things and I me present always with us and keeping us in existence by his very life within us. He prepared to you know I mean we we have to look at that moment and the adoration chapel and the intimation of heart that the Holy Spirit gave to you as being a prophetic word about things to come because what was spoken to you has come to pass and you know this God he was preparing your heart he was perturbed he was preparing to maternity of your heart. In some way you've given birth to this child and now it's time for this child to move on that is not to in any way diminish the suffering that you're feeling. Because you're grieving you know you've taken a sort of one under your wing you've provided shore this little one you've met all of those needs and most importantly in that in need of maternal love and eternal beatitude and none of that needs to change just because of distance right none of that is ever going to be taken from this child what you've been able to do for this little one is to prepare him. For this next step in his own personal growth and journey and. I don't think that you know the. Governmental inst government agency would put him back if they felt it was any kind of concern for his safety or his welfare so now cause you to do is to trust and you know that you know your prayer for women say you know that but you do have to allow yourself to grieve the movement forward of this little one out of your care. That would be natural if you weren't grieving I would say that you didn't last much if you want grieving I would say that that maternal heart of yours need some stimulation but you know you are grieving and it is natural so grief to take it to Our Lady. In trust all of this to her immaculate heart and trust yourself your grieving self to her immaculate heart she will she will nurture you through this I promise you she will nurture you through this she will and she'll give you from her own heart the grace that she was given at the passing of her Son our Lord Jesus Christ for those 3 horrifically long days until he rose from the dead so you know she is there for you now I asked for joy has a funny thing about joy. This joy happiness is fleeting I'm sure you don't feel the happiness now and I'm sure you're not feeling temple pleasure but joy is another matter completely it's the fruit of the Holy Spirit and joy exists in all moments when we're united you guys that actually is there it's that peace it's a passion understanding even in the midst of the struggle. He may feel at some future point in time. They are mental as they call it a way to experience. And motion of joy it now now is a time to unite yourself to the passion of our lawyer $2.00 it is a mother's heart I mean praying for you to day and gutless she sweet heart and thank you for your call and I ask all of you to pray for you today as we make our way to stay close friends until we have the opportunity to be together again which actually will be tomorrow we want to wish you all of the spiritual blessings and have insisted on it thank you then give a care signing off for now until we are together again by now. If you get it your journey I'm sure you are sure take care is next e.w.t.n. Radio. Whole journey on family next time I welcome David Chalke into the program David was a Muslim publisher what led him to embrace the Catholic Church show the journey What you hear No I really. Love his word more than gold and silver as we sing in this Sunday Psalm would you like the characters in this week's gospel song all that you have in order to possess the eternal kingdom that he promises of God what a great Any wish what you follow Solomon's example in this Sunday's 1st reading asking not for riches or long life but for divine wisdom to know God's ways and to desire his will the background for this Sunday's gospel is the rejection of Jesus preaching by Israel the kingdom of heaven has come into their midst yet many cannot see that Jesus is the fulfillment of God's promises a Gift of Divine compassion given that day and a week to might live we too must ever discover the kingdom afresh to find as a treasure a pearl of great price by comparison with the Kingdom we must count all else as rubbish and we must be willing to give up all that we have all of our other priorities in plans in order to gain this eternal kingdom Jesus gospel discloses what Paul and his Sundays of its all calls the purpose of God's fatherly plan that purpose is that Jesus would be the 1st born of many brothers and sisters his words give understanding of the simple to the child like as Solomon does in this week's reading we must humble ourselves before God giving ourselves to his service let our prayer before the understanding and wise heart one that desires to do His will. We are called to love God and to take delight in this law for sake every false way and we are to conform ourselves each day ever more closely to the image of the sun if we do this we can approach although as a pleasing. All things that happen to us will work for the good that we whom he has justified will also be glorified. This is the break for. Breaking the bread is a production of the same call center for biblical theology if you'd like to receive written copies of Dr Hans Blix on the Sunday Mass readings you can contact us by email. Down at salvation history dot com or call us at 740261535. 74026453. Let us continue now with the best of take 2 with Jerry and Debbie God's work or roles only tell a deity and radio will call me Catholic with thank you no Madden That's right after take 2 with Jerry in Delhi it's the good fight with Barbara McCall going to 2 Eastern 11 am Pacific followed by the Catholic Cathay with decongest resume ski in town Dorian tune in for but my quick docket for then comes to location radio with Jerry assured God bless I'm John Gray and you're listening and learning to e.w.t.n. Radio. Encounter with the endemic a natural Christ the Holy Spirit is about a new and exciting work in the church of today an encounter between young adults the mighty testimonies of ordinary people the months in the lives of extraordinary mission bringing heading down to the tower of God in your spiritual life an encounter encounter with the endemic a and Patrick right. 8 pm Eastern on e.w.t.n. Radio. Unless it is Natalie Mexico which feeds itself and you're listening to chaos t n $1060.00 am none at all Terry enchanter station she live.