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And to have a definitive view of the future here the administration says China has committed to protecting intellectual property but so far it's offered no details genuine n.p.r. News President Trump is facing a full house impeachment vote on Wednesday and in another confrontation with Congress the Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case about whether Trump can keep his financial records private a Sudanese court has found former president Omar al Bashir guilty of corruption the B.B.C.'s Will Ross reports Bashir was sentenced to 2 years in a rehabilitation facility he had been facing up to 10 years in prison so this 2 year sentence will be seen by many people as lenient Omar al Bashir is also not going to a regular prison because he's 75 years old the judge sent him to what's known as a social reform center and that's another reason why many Sudanese will feel he got off lightly The B.B.C.'s Will Ross Bashir is also wanted by the International Criminal Court for war crimes and genocide committed and are for in a victory for conservatives a judge's ruling in Wisconsin it may mean the registration of more than 200000 voters will be tossed out as my own silver from member station w w m in Milwaukee reports the judge says elections officials in the state cannot wait to deactivate the voters if they moved and didn't confirm their new addresses trial judge Paul Malloy found the Wisconsin Elections Commission violated state law he says the law gives potential movers only 30 days to confirm their addresses or be deactivated the conservative group the Wisconsin Institute for law and liberty or will file the lawsuit will attorney Rick Nelson Burke says even if people are kicked from the rolls Wisconsin same day registration means nobody will be denied the right to vote what this does is it makes our voter will accurately. And I think everyone should support others in the state including Democratic governor Tony Eve or say the move is an attempt to stay. Well the democratic process the decision is expected to be appealed for n.p.r. News I'm my own silver in Milwaukee a low pressure system over the western u.s. Is expected to bring widespread wintry weather from the central plains into the northeast this weekend into Monday it's n.p.r. News Pulitzer Prize winning historian and author William McFeely has died as N.P.R.'s Bracton Booker reports McFeely was known for his vivid biographies William McFeely won the Pulitzer Prize in 1902 for grant a biography which chronicles the life of the man who led the Union Army during the Civil War and eventually became the nation's 18 the president he also won critical acclaim for his simply titled biography Frederick Douglass published in 1990 McFeely who is white is also credited with expanding the field of black history including helping to establish the Department of African-American studies at Yale among his former students is famed Harvard scholar hin real Louis Gates Jr McFeely son publisher w. Drake McFeely tells The New York Times his father's cause of death was from a form of lung disease William McFeely was 89 years old Brockton Booker n.p.r. News a record 116000000 Americans are expected to travel this holiday season AAA says that's the most people since they began tracking the figures 2 decades ago the vast majority are expected to drive with the worst traffic expected the day after Christmas AAA says traffic delays will double in major cities on December 26th one of 4 finalists will win the Heisman trophy tonight in New York the word is presented annually to the nation's outstanding college football player last year's winner was Oklahoma quarterback Kyla Murray and Boston College announced today it has hired Ohio State's defensive coordinator Jeff it's n.p.r. News. Support for n.p.r. Comes from n.p.r. Stations other contributors include the Walton Family Foundation working to solve social and environmental problems to improve lives today and benefit to future generations more information at Walton Family Foundation dot org Ok David quick lightning round Ok dogs or cats deafening dogs who plays you in the David Greene movie. Will Ferrell. Foreign or domestic foreign high school mascot tornado smooth or chunky chunky hot or mild really hot comedy or horror both burgers or talk Scooby Doo or Tom and Jerry's group you do fan all the way favorite news source n.p.r. Really you can ask me that yes it's N.P.R.'s Morning Edition weekdays 5 to 9 am on 91.5 carat. This is Weekend Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Scott Simon British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is conservative party swept the elections this week in the u.k. Johnson Nash as he has a powerful mandate to get breakfast. But the terms on which Britain leaves the European Union are still uncertain the prime minister faces a country that is still divided and pulling at it seems we turn now to N.P.R.'s Frank Langfitt in London Frank thanks so much for being with us Hey Good morning Prime Minister Johnson's party won the biggest majority for a Conservative government since Margaret Thatcher What does that mean immediately for Bracks it well actually he's right Rex It is going to happen in fact he will happen very soon but he didn't have the votes before that's why he called this election and he has a really big majority but as you point out the future is unclear like what's this relationship going to be going for they're going to have to work on a free trade deal and the interesting thing is I think a lot of people who wanted the u.k. To stay inside the e.u. Are very disheartened by this huge majority that Boris Johnson got on the other hand it actually frees up Boris Johnson to be able to maybe have a closer economic relationship with the e.u. Going forward once they leave because he's not beholden to sort of the hard right of his party now anymore the ones who really don't like Europe and so I think's going to be really interesting to see Scott is what kind of future Boris Johnson forges now that he has this political freedom he has to negotiate this trade deal with you in an extremely short period of time yes he said he's not going to ask for an extension so isn't there still a possibility of a no deal direction you know Wednesday I might as said that before this vote it's now that he has all these big numbers I actually think that he's going back on things he's made these pledges and then gone back on them I think that he probably has the political capital to extend again if he needs to and certainly if he wants a good complex and comprehensive deal he's going to need an extension the idea of doing this in 11 months with the European Union is nobody in Brussels believes that's possible so I think that the cliff edge that we are expecting maybe at the end of next year he can probably work his way through and then there's the challenge of what's going on in Scotland because of course the Scottish National Party ran the table did very well in the election on a platform. If opposing breaks it and they're claiming their own mandate for a new referendum on Scottish statehood that's got to be a challenge too it's a big challenge and I think that what you're going to see is Nicholas sturgeon the head of Scottish National Party asking for another referendum Boris Johnson has said under no circumstances and in order for that referendum to be real to have actually have an effect here it has to be approved by the u.k. Government to have that kind of referendum what I think is going to be interesting is you go and get into 2021 the Scottish parliamentary elections and if the s.n.p. Does well then it's going to put a lot of pressure on Boris Johnson to continue to refuse this request from you know what looks like from the Scottish people themselves if they keep voting in this direction the other thing though that's really interesting Scott is you look at the European Union you know the Scottish National Party says we want to leave the u.k. And rejoin the e.u. We never want to leave in the 1st place is the European Union to be willing to take a Scotland back it does not want to be encouraging countries breaking up so it's very complicated in the next I think the next couple of years are going to be very important see what happens in Scotland for the future of the United Kingdom Prime Minister Johnson has vowed to get this all done by January 31 2020 is that possible Yeah it's full steam ahead now now that he has this majority it's going to be opposite of the paralysis that you not been talking about the last 3 years or he's got the numbers he parliament's going to reopen next week he's going to introduce his what has been a failed Bracks of withdrawal agreement up until this point and it should easily pass and I think everyone's expectation is at the end of January the u.k. Is out of the N.P.R.'s Frank Langfitt thanks so much happy to do it. The house moves forward on impeachment but some subpoenas are still in the air and are just Secretary Rick Perry declined to provide documents as to defense secretary Mark esper vice president pants chief of staff Mick Mulvaney and Secretary of State might bump a 0 back President Trump as often stiffed the u.s. Congress when it sought documents and testimony what power does a subpoena have any more curious than Carlson teaches law and political science at Wayne State University she joins us now thanks so much for being with us thank you for inviting me has this Congress made effective use of its subpoena powers in your judgment I think they're doing the best they can you know the subpoena power is an important part of Congress's investigative power it's also sort of a last resort congressional committees usually try to get the information willingly from the executive branch and historically presidents have been willing to negotiate and so they haven't had to use the subpoena power as heavily as this Congress has had to we have a president that's on record saying he's not going to negotiate with Congress so Congress doesn't haven't another option they've got to subpoena the documents and information that they want and they have got to work it through the courts to get them and forced Well help us understand that because federal judges have often been reluctant to rule instead they hope the Congress and the executive branch can can work something out don't they would but what happens when. Nothing's worked out absolutely the courts have said for several decades that they would much rather for the executive branch and Congress to work it out but they also have been open and honest that they have the power of judicial review and they will step in if they have to did Congress or some people in Congress and some of the committees perhaps make an error by going ahead with the proceedings and not waiting for court judgments as was suggested by Jonathan Turley For example I think that's a hard question to answer I think Congress is concerned about whether there's an abuse of power here I think there's strong arguments that maybe they should have waited but I think there's also reason to be concerned that how long do you wait and with the end election cycle they had to make a judgment call about whether they wanted to wait or not I'm wondering what that does to the president of the law though I mean that's a political argument understandably but what does that do about precedent. Well it depends on how badly Congress wants a members of Congress want to precedent here what do you mean well any time you ask a court to make a decision it may not come out in your favor and while the law here suggests that there is not absolute executive privilege in the face. Of a congressional subpoena all we have is District Court opinions which are non-binding in this area yeah the closest analogy we have is the United States versus next then which the jazz it's not the congressional subpoena should stand but until the Supreme Court says that we don't know. I think the most significant case in terms of the president's powers of executive privilege and response to a congressional subpoena as the McGann case the began case is separate from the impeachment inquiry it stems from the Muller investigation doesn't it yes if that case goes up to the Supreme Court we will have binding precedent and this area there's a hearing in the in the Donegan case I gather that set for January yes there is how long could the process take and I think that's a great question and I think it depends on how how fast. The circuit court. And then it's a question of whether it gets appealed up to the Supreme Court the Supreme Court takes it I mean it also depends I mean this Supreme Court has the power to expedite that's what they didn't Bush versus Gore and so you could have an opinion sooner but yeah it will probably still take several months they they also have the power not to expedite too don't they yes they have the power not to grant cert in a case that all perished in Carlson is a law professor at Wayne State University thanks so much for being with us thank you there's a ceasefire in the trade war between the United States and China the 2 countries confirmed yesterday they'll sign what they're calling the 1st phase of an agreement that addresses some of the trade friction between them N.P.R.'s Jim Moore the trumpet ministration was set to raise tariffs on more Chinese imports this Sunday now that won't happen in the New Deal The administration says China has agreed to buy some $200000000000.00 in additional goods and services from the United States over 2 years including $50000000000.00 in farm products economists Mary Lovely of Syracuse University says the agreement should bring a truce in the bitter trade war between the 2 countries we basically in some sense stopped slapping ourselves stop slapping them I think that's good I'm happy to see it but there are still a lot of questions about the agreement u.s. Officials say China has promised to address some of the longstanding issues between them such as forced technology transfers and the theft of u.s. Intellectual property by Chinese companies China has made such promises before without much follow through and because neither country released the text of yesterday's agreement it's hard to say whether this time will be any different again Mary lovely here are the devil is very much in the details and we don't have the details some Democrats were quick to criticize the deal Senate Democrat. Atic leader Charles Schumer of New York says The administration has quote sold out for a temporary and unreliable promise from China to purchase some soybeans unquote but administration officials pointed out that the u.s. Was reducing tariffs not eliminating them and could easily reinstate them if China doesn't come through Larry Kudlow who heads trumps national economic council spoke on c n b c yesterday this deal today gives up some both sides that's the way to go Shay but we definitely continue to have an insurance policy and surrender some of the ongoing terrorist Kudlow said the text of the deal will be released within a few weeks and it should be signed by the 2 countries after the New Year Meanwhile Trump said the u.s. Will proceed with the next phase of trade talks with China phase 2 is expected to deal with the way the Chinese government props up its own companies by giving them massive subsidies and that's an even thornier issues than anything dealt with before now Jim n.p.r. News New York. And you're listening to n.p.r. News this is Southern Colorado is n.p.r. Station 101.5 k. Or c.c. I'm John rivetted It is 19 right now coming up on Weekend Edition Saturday we'll hear from the American Civil Liberties Union about the Justice Department inspector general's report on the F.B.I.'s Russia investigation and we visit a cowboy Christmas ball in South Dakota's Black Hills. The story is more up next on 91.5 k. Or c.c. N.p.r. On 91.5 k. Or c. C. Is supported locally by AAA car buying helping listeners find purchase and finance all makes and models new and used Clinton Josh in Colorado Springs are committed to finding listeners a car to suit their needs Mort 59122225 planted granite stocking marble granite Quartzsite and more from sink to sealer for Kitchener abaft planet granite countertops 3020 north stone online at Planet granite dot us I mean me held with these headlines President Trump heads to Philadelphia today for the annual Army Navy college football games it's his 3rd time at the match up and it comes one day after the House Judiciary Committee approved 2 articles of impeachment against him Hong Kong Leader Kerry Lam arrived in Beijing for a 4 day visit she'll be discussing the un rest back home when she meets with Chinese officials protesters have been taking to the streets for 6 months in anti-government pro-democracy demonstrations and a Sudanese court has convicted former president Omar al Bashir of corruption sentencing him to 2 years in a rehabilitation facility but she was deposed in April following months of protest against his 3 decade rule Amy Held n.p.r. News Washington. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from Drexel University recognizing 100 years of a cooperative education program that prepares students to address the challenges of a changing world more it Drexel dot edu slash ambition can't wait. And from Total Wine and more where in-store teams can recommend a bottle of wine spirit or beer for any occasion shoppers can explore more than 8000 wines 2500 beers and 3000 spirits more it Total Wine dot com This is Weekend Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Scott Simon Minnesota congresswoman Illinois Omar hit the campaign trail in Manchester New Hampshire yesterday and said she was there for one reason to welcome a champion of just as a fighter and a man I trust Senator Bernie Sanders. Representative in 3 other progressive Congress women in their 1st terms of become known as the squad as N.P.R.'s Scott Ritter reports from Manchester They're the highest profile endorsers insurer gets in the Democratic presidential primary usually endorsements from longtime power brokers in the ones that matter most but a newer face made the biggest impact in this race New York congresswoman Alexandria cacio Cortez when she endorsed Bernie Sanders in October the 2 drew more than 25005. Times. She came in at a critical moment for Sanders he had just suffered a heart attack and was facing a lot of questions about the future of his campaign suddenly acoss who Cortez was stumping with Sanders in Iowa. Or me when I gave you have health care as a way for us to fight for me when I graduated with $20000.00 over $20000.00 in student debt he bought for me when I wasn't making a living wage when they 1st arrived in Washington a cacio Cortez and the rest of the squad quickly became the face of the new House Democratic majority it became even more visible after President Trump repeatedly attacked them using racist language Ilhan Omar and Congresswoman Rashida to leave of Michigan are also backing Sanders Massachusetts congresswoman Ayana Presley went a different direction co-chairing Elizabeth Warren's campaign. Presley had a high profile moment last month stepping in when protesters repeatedly interrupted Warren who was trying to give a speech about the history of black women activists I want to say something no one is here so quiet you please not this a black woman speaking especially in directly in a way that Warren is a white woman probably couldn't Pressley urged the protesters to stand down. For you. And your voice and you are welcome here and we would love to kind of being after there is about the issue that you are here to sell our consciousness about but when you have. This man. Who was Presley was campaigning for Warren in New Hampshire Friday Omar was there too alongside Bernie Sanders how Monier Hampshire she told the Manchester crowd that both she and sanders are often portrayed as radical if believing that mental health vision health dental health should be guaranteed to all Americans. It's something that they consider radical then we should all be proud to be radicals University of Denver political scientist Seth mascot says Sanders squad support demonstrates what's changed for the candidate since 2016 on one hand his base is about the same size but those people who were with him 4 years ago a lot of them are in more prominent positions than they were 4 years ago some of them are d.n.c. Members some of them are in Congress with Elizabeth Warren vying for progressive support this time to the women can serve as validators and I feel like she speaks of mean she thinks my friends so I us who are just like fed up and tired of the system as it is now Robbie St Lauren back Sanders but came to the rally to see Omar I know a lot of people who are big warning supporters but also are you know huge a.f.c. Fans huge risk to the fans huge fan of our fans and I think this does help and swing in their vote Sanders campaign says one of Friday's events with Omar was the largest New Hampshire crowd they've gotten this year and next weekend Sanders and a cacio Cortez will campaign again together in 2 other critical early states California and Nevada it's got better n.p.r. News Manchester New Hampshire the inspector general's report on the F.B.I.'s Russia investigation may be the deepest public look into how the f.b.i. Investigates u.s. Citizens on u.s. Soil using Faiza the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act phase outlines the process for obtaining and renewing surveillance warrants in the name of national security the American Civil Liberties Union has criticized many trip administration policies but the organization says the inspector general's report illuminates many abuses in the Pfizer process including the case of Carter Paige former Trump campaign advisor. In a Shamsi direct c.s.l. Use National Security Project and joins us from New York thanks so much for being with us thank you for having me what did you note that was wrong as far as you're concerned in these surveillance of Carter page well for us this comprehensive 1st ever investigation essentially into the government's Pfizer's system was confirmation of something that we have long been concerned about that the one sided secretive nature of the surveillance approval process breeds abuse and do you believe that they needed material that might have been in Mr Page's favor certainly there was information that was selectively provided. There was information that essentially supported the f.b.i. Side of the story but didn't present information to the court that undercut that side of the story in a regular process criminal defendants for example will get information disclosed to them about why the government suspects them of wrongdoing and in a regular process people would then be able to say actually no you got that wrong that ability simply does not exist in the file approval process so you're unable to correct the government's errors emissions and potential false it's if they exists what about the argument that surveillance requests under fire as I don't have to tell you are almost never rejected by courts and therefore that shows that great care is taken in preparing these requests and that they meet a very tough standard. You know in many ways it's an argument that is disproven by the inspector general report so some of the reforms that we have been proposing to Congress are to say for example that individuals who are prosecuted with the aid defies the surveillance should have the opportunity to access and review the government's applications and orders and people who've been targeted by surveillance and right now people targeted never find out that people are provided even notice after the surveillance in order to be able to challenge or correct the record. Is it your feeling that if something like this can be done in the case of a former campaign adviser It means it can be done to a lot of people that don't have the resources to defend themselves or the public platform that's exactly the thing what's so striking here is that this surveillance application the Carter page surveillance application was subjected to far greater internal scrutiny than most applications usually are by the f.b.i. And if that still overlooks these serious omissions and errors then you have to as we have long done what kinds of errors occur in less scrutinized cases that never actually receive the benefit of an inspector general's review there are a lot of Americans who are concerned now about foreign influence on u.s. Elections are you concerned about changing Pfizer restrictions at a time when they might be most needed. So Scott our concern is that national security policies and programs to be both effective and have basic safeguards to protect people's civil liberties and rights the kinds of harms and errors that the inspector general identifies our you know concerns that equally applied to very intrusive investigations all of others on a regular basis is specially Muslims racial and religious minorities those who dissent and our system needs reform because we need far better safeguards against government abuse that is aided by government secrecy in a sham She is director of the A.C.L.U.'s National Security Project thanks so much for being with us thanks for having me. One in 10 elderly Americans experiences some form of abuse or neglect according to the National Council on Aging that can be physical injuries emotional assaults willful deprivation financial exploitation victims often have to leave their homes for care then risk being preyed upon again if they return because Rachel Gotbaum reports the country's 1st elder abuse shelter provides a sanctuary a path back home and a model for others. Janet Jones lives in a spare one bedroom apartment in this housing project in Coney Island Brooklyn there's little in the way of furniture but she says for her this place is paradise Lowden it's a problem that's all many many moons love tell you many won't someone tell you you like living here yes yes I love living here what do you like about it. All the people that don't know Jones is in her eighty's and is mostly bedridden her daughter in law and granddaughter were helping to take care of her. It turns out they were also stealing from her I had a stroke and their last taken my money my granddaughter with them all due to to the 2nd my money for 2 years Jones's daughter in law bought limited amounts of food and supplies and then pocketed the rest of the money a home health aide noticed the Jones looked malnourished it be $19200.00 that was taken from Mr Jones from her family from her family yes that's Glenda Lee Alvera She's with the Weinberg Center for elder justice she says Janet Jones's case is typical it's not strangers what people would like to think it's people that they love and trust that is the dynamic of alter views and says all of era that's one reason elder abuse cases are under reported if an older adult is abused by a family member it's so much more complicated because you're not dealing with a stranger there is shame there is guilt there is still the love and wanting to protect that person from being in trouble so they're less likely to want to report older victims of abuse often cycle through the hospital and then go back home again where they continue to be preyed upon older Vera says she didn't want that to happen to Janet Jones It was very clear that Ms Jones wanted to return to her apartment that was her primary goal 'd since the day I met her is that she wanted to come back home but we needed to make sure that was done in a safe way Jones was sent to the Hebrew Home at Riverdale in the Bronx where the Weinberg Center created the country's very 1st shelter for victims of elder abuse what we're trying to do 1st and foremost is to take the elder abuse out of the shadows that's Dan Rheingold he runs the Hebrew Home The 2nd thing that we've done is to use an existing resource which in our case is a nonprofit long term care facility and shelter victims who need to be in a safe place the 3rd thing that we've are trying to. Do is to use the legal system to empower victims of abuse when it was 1st created in 2005 Rheingold and his team planned to house the shelter in its very own section of the nursing home but they soon realized they needed a virtual shelter were victims live as nursing home residents somebody was coming in with dementia had been exploited somebody was coming in in relatively good shape and didn't need skilled nursing but needed the trauma informed support we had one client who came in the Son was a drug addict and he ended up selling his mother's prosthetic leg on the street for drug money we had a fit or with a new prosthetic leg teacher had to walk again for seniors who want to return home the Weinberg Center provides legal help to make sure that when that happens people are going back to a safe place like Janet Jones she was able to return to her Coney Island apartment after shelter lawyers got her court appointed guardian and also an order of protection against her daughter in law the one who was stealing from her you know I happen to be you know what day it. Happened to be and she says she's forgiven her granddaughter my granddaughter only did what I'm a little to do. And that will to take my money my leg my lawyer you know since it's opened its doors the Weinberg Center has become a model for some 21 other elder abuse shelters across the country the staff works closely with police local judges health care providers and even apartment doormen to educate them and help them identify seniors who may be victims of abuse and who may need help for n.p.r. News I'm Rachel Gotbaum. You're listening to Weekend Edition from n.p.r. News. Cowpokes come in from the open range to party in town is as well known as b.j. Lederman eretz or theme music Christmas was traditionally a time of great cowboy migration towns across the country held cowboy Christmas balls under various names and they still are Jim Kent takes us to the Black Hills cowboy Christmas concert and dance in lead South Dakota for a taste of the holidays cowboy stuff. The image of cowboys fur and cattle in all kinds of weather and at all times of the year is fairly accurate but even cowpokes got time off now and again including at Christmas the 1st cowboy Christmas Ball dates back to 1905 in Texas and spread across the west the traditional way and after World War One was revived after Prohibition and came back in vogue with Michel Martin Murphy's 1991 album cowboy Christmas and Michael he kind of started what I call the cowboy Christmas craze but there's so many now that it's just a it's an ongoing phenomenon if you would Paul Larson is the organizer and a performer in the Black Hills cowboy Christmas concert now in its 10th year. Orson's also working cowboy who discrepancy on the side to help keep his lifestyle alive he says his 1st show called a cowboy Christmas Ball was a local fundraiser that sold out his popularity has continued ever since it's good for the soul and that's where tabloid poetry and music takes over where it's not you don't lose your farm you don't lose your dog you don't lose your wife we. We embrace Mother Earth we embrace each other's lives grandpa and grandma and the whole way of life that's what music is about that good for the soul in bracing each other's lives cowboy spirit comes through during the show even when the performers are singing a mainstream Christmas song. The . Player in Black Hills need of Kenny Putnam spent 8 years touring with Roy Clark he loved the experience but says that was more Vegas style music and we did some country but this is real traditional and it's a little romantic about the past and the way it used to be but it's the way of life for a lot of South Cohen's. You don't have to be a South Dakotan to be a cowboy or go to a cowboy Christmas ball according to Paul Larson it's not the hat and it's not the boots it's what's in your heart that makes a cowboy and it's about passing on your traditions whether it's writing a sleigh a horse or a 4 wheel drive to your Christmas party for n.p.r. News I'm Jim can't at the Black Hills cowboy Christmas in lead South Dakota. Yes serve it to n.p.r. News. You're listening to 91.5 k. R.c.c. Right now in Colorado Springs it is 32 degrees today will have most mostly sunny skies with a high of 40 for them tonight a chance of snow showers with low 20 and in Pueblo right now it's 33 degrees today in Pueblo mostly sunny skies with a high of 50 then tonight a slight chance of rain and snow showers and a low of 23 degrees programming on $91.00 k. R.c.c. Is supported by Poor Richard's organic food and locally roasted coffee fair trade and handmade gifts supporting local authors artisans and musicians Poor Richard's books and gifts Little Richard's toy store and Rico's cafe with $117.00 solar panels downtown by Andersen law group focused on solutions for nonprofit and tax exempt organizations charities and foundations from formation and compliance to i.r.s. And state matters Anderson Law Group 719-539-7003 I mean he held with these headlines China's top diplomat is addressing the 1st phase of the u.s. Trade deal announced yesterday while he says it will provide stability and global trade the u.s. Says it averts new tariffs on Chinese imports and includes a Chinese agreement to buy billions of dollars in u.s. Goods and services a dangerous heat wave is headed to Australia in the midst of widespread bushfires and a severe drought by mid week temperatures are forecast to top 104 degrees in many parts of the country recovery efforts on New Zealand's White Island are continuing this weekend after Monday's volcano eruption killed more than a dozen people and injured dozens more but ash is reducing visibility and fears of another eruption are complicating efforts Amy Held n.p.r. News Washington. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from the Pew Charitable Trusts working with states to develop data driven nonpartisan solutions for complex issues more information is available at Pew Trust's dot org from Numa offering a personalized weight loss program that uses psychology and small goals to change habits with a goal of losing weight and keeping it off for good learn more it knew him an o.m. Dot com and from listeners like you who donate to this n.p.r. Station. This is Weekend Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Scott Simon it's time for sports. Omar Jackson and his historic season and in the n.b.a. Not a collection of powerhouses l.a. But Clippers and or Lakers and. We're joined now by Howard Bryant how are you Howard. I'm fine Scott I was going to say that never gets old but it kind of does get old oh oh oh oh oh oh I have an opportunity to say it once more you'll be saying you know see how they did all the oh my god I didn't think I could begin this early. Let's talk about Lamar Jackson of the Baltimore Ravens the most electric player in football right now as teams got the best record he leads the league in passing touchdown just broke Michael Vick's season record for most rushing yards by a quarterback. He's the next m.v.p. I think almost for sure and he was there's a tradition about quarterback for this is concerned he was kind of overlooked in the draft was no it wasn't kind of overlooked at the last He's a Heisman Trophy winner who is at the bottom of the of the 1st round and let's face it the controversy the reason one of the reasons why Lamar Jackson is being talked about so much is that so many people at the beginning of the of his career thought he should be converted into a wide receiver that he shouldn't even play the position and that's what's been really fascinating about watching how good he is and how dominant he's been and it's not just that he's electric and fun to watch but the Ravens are also along with San Francisco probably the best move the best team in football but I think that the real question goes back to this quite piece this idea of the institutional racism that's going on with quarterbacks it's one thing to miss on Joe Montana or Dan Marino or even Tom Brady who was 199th pick in the draft back when he was drafted but to say that Lamar Jackson should be converted is to say that he shouldn't play the position at all and I think. That's one of the areas where you really where Lamar Jackson supporters feel vindicated because he has been absolutely fantastic and does a succession of think about where football's headed it does and it should at least because the game is so fast that you have to sort of the technology and the culture of the game is outstripping it's racism in a lot of ways because you need somebody back there who can actually move because these guys are fast and they're coming to kill you you can't just stand back they're like You're a pair of shoes you've got to be mobile you've got to be athletic and that's where the game is headed we got just a minute to talk about basketball in the West the Lakers and the Clippers are top the standings Le Bron James is still the king even under 17 season coauthored Paul George are really clicking on the Clippers what's making these teams click Well I think you got that deal that everyone was waiting for Anthony Davis didn't know he was going to go to the Celtics the last couple years didn't know where he was going to go he engineer to move to the Lakers and now you've got a revival of Bron James and Anthony Davis dominating there 23 in 3 The Bucs are 23 in 3 they've got the reigning in the p. With the Yanis and they've won 17 games in a row but let's not forget the Clippers are tremendous and the Philadelphia 76 are also very good the Celtics were 100 at home in the Sixers broke that streak the other night you've got 4 really really good teams and I think what everybody would like to see at least I know I'd like to see it is the battle for l.a. In the Western Conference where you've got the Clippers and the Lakers because you've got of course Cohen Are there as well terrific matchups this year and for really good teams we'll see if anybody else can join that group Howard Howard and yes they are they. Actually I did know that was coming we're going to hear it a lot yes perhaps Howard Bryant thanks so much thank you. Ronnie Chang has a Netflix comedy special Asian comedian destroys America launches globally on Netflix next week in which he holds forth about coming to America being amazed to going to casually Paul all at the same time so much content only goes so much content on demand so many screens the most screens per capita. In the world every night in America is like a competition to see how many screens we can get between our face and the wall. So i Phone i Pad laptop t.v. . And an apple watch. Ronnie Chang The Daily Show correspondent costar of crazy rich Asians and former Australian law school student joins us from our studios in New York thanks so much for being with us thanks for having me you were born in Malaysia or raised in New Hampshire and Singapore wound up in Australia yes how did a law school student become so funny. I don't know I wish I knew. I don't I'm still trying to figure out if I am funny that's what the special is you were hilarious thanks so much Yeah I went to Australia for law school and I couldn't get a job and I started doing comedy and I was getting more work from Santa comedy and I was the law and I just kept doing comedy and then 10 years later to join em in n.p.r. Studios in New York I'm wondering if you were off in the new kid in class or the new kid you know immigrant kid from outside the country wherever you were yes and we felt that way I 1st started going to school in America in Manchester New Hampshire then we moved back we were good immigrants we moved back to Malaysia we didn't take jobs we went back to where we came from and then I went to school in Singapore and I changed schools once in primary school they went to secondary school they went to junior college and then went to university in Australia so yeah I did feel kind of like perpetual new kid outsider I mean that will sharpen a sense of humor some to. I guess so yeah I mean in my head I don't imagine it made me any fine you know but it definitely made me more do things more objective Lee you know and that's part of what I enjoyed so much about you're special here. There's a moment you deliver a line which sets off a shriek in the audience Ok I'm not going to give it away let's just say you manage to put ISIS in a punchline not get a. Yes a special Yeah did you hesitate no no hesitation no hesitation for many reasons I mean 1st of all that's not the 1st time I did that joke and I practiced this special quite a bit I toyed around the country before I taped it so you know I think great comedy should be edgy. Issues should push the line push the boundaries Well that's what I can say you gave an interesting interview to The New Yorker too where you talked about why you do research. That's Thanks for doing it a lot people don't you know I so I'm told you say there's a lot of stuff that you try that you probably shouldn't say publicly frankly if you do comedy professionally that's just the way your brain works yeah yeah that's the case for me anyway I think you know as a professional stand up comedian I'm trying to think of jokes all the time and tried to give jokes about anything I read a thing you tell me I know expressed the joke but in my head I'm like oh is this How how would I make a joke about this and especially if you told me you should never joke about these topics in my head I'm like well I'm already trying to figure out that you know because it's like a challenge to you know it's like a puzzle to be solved is how to hit miss process sometimes absolutely it's a form and sometimes you get it wrong a lot of time you get it wrong Probably but as a style comic I believe you can joke about any topic but if you're going to if you're going to pull the dragon then you better be spot on with what you're saying I think that's the best explanation I've ever heard Thank you. I'm not clear in my mind you've been married 3 times but not really right I've been there 3 times to the same woman yes we had 3 wedding ceremonies was she trying to change her mind and you were giving her the chairman and I fully understand this but I know it's it's more that when your families are spread out across the globe as ours are Chinese weddings are a lot for the parents to kind of brag and so as part of our duty to then we make it easier for them to brag so whole families in Australia will go we'll have one wedding there for them my family's in Malaysia will go Malaysia have one for them. That's not the most important question I've asked but does that mean you get gift certificates to create. Barrel in 3 different continent No I specifically said no gifts but if you must give a give give cash money cash money only that actually that's that is a Chinese family yes it is and it's awesome if you want to save the environment cash doesn't create waste no wrapping paper you know I'm not lifting because I was telling people in the wedding and by my wife made me tone it down because I was going too aggressive with it but I was 10 people that you know were having a way Malaysia and in Australia we're going back to America so number one I don't want to log a blender all the way back to America 2nd of all the different Ok so it's not going to work anyway I'm going to have to buy the converted all that all that crap 3rd of all I'm very specific about what I want Ok so the blender you're going to get me is probably not going to be the best blend. So don't even try I know what I want just give cash money or don't give anything at all I can't imagine why your wife would tell you to tone that down does the tone down the ocean of that I find that speech very moving action Thank you I thought so too if you didn't agree but I was trying to simplify the process for everybody Ronnie Chang his Netflix comedy special Asian comedian destroys America thank you so much for being with us now thanks so much for having me I love n.p.r. May I give money to you guys all the time as I paid off I'm paying for paying for my donations in a well that will thank you very much and you know I mean if you made as much money off 3 weddings in the special as you suggest. I'm just saying to the time of year you know Ok thank you thank you so much for more than 15 years Boston area filmmaker Mark Fields has been on a quest to capture and share the story of the banjo he's assembled more than 300 hours of original video and piles of research that's the fuel for his new banjo museum. You don't need to leave the couch to visit as Andrea Shea of member station w b u r reports Mark Fields production team is wiring up collector Jim Bowman and his rare 858 banjo yes they wanted. To because they. Were involvements artifact filled home just outside Boston it's a place that I came to one 1st started this project and realized how much there is about the banjo which people don't know about and which people should know that that's fields he says Bowman's trove of $200.00 plus instruments and banjo related stuff is a portal into America's social history and Volman is happy to share it with a lot more people being an old fuddy duddy and being electronically challenge to all my information is on 3 by 5 cards in the collection and yet he can bring that to the digital age the world so it was that I going to play a tune called Vance's song which was written about them Vance who is part of the Hatfield McCoy a legend of West Virginia again we're. Back in his office at nearby Emerson College fields leads a tour of his digital museum in the making called the banjo project it includes interactive timelines archival footage of famous players and dynamic displays of the instruments themselves field zooms in on one photographed in 360 degrees you can look at the detail all the way down to the grain of the wood the brackets the hardware then with the click of his mouse fields does what would be alarmed tripping in most museums he flips the banjo over so we can see the maker's signature on its back the banjo project traces the. Instruments history from its African origins to the present day through interviews with historians makers and such contemporary performers as Rianne in Giddens co-founder of the Carolina Chocolate Drops there's so much history in this music that is not in the public vein the good stuff and that stuff some of that sad stuff is the banjo's role in the minstrel era from the mid 1000 hundreds through the early 20th century . With my band for morning the point of the March the no quarter let's face it the whole American entertainment industry was founded on the minstrel show for better or for worse that's a good starting place for understanding a lot of things that have happened since then Field says White Minstrel entertainers co-opted the banjo donned black face and created caricature of slaves and their music that endured for decades on the site ethnomusicologist Gregory Adams elaborates I can't talk about the history of the banjo if you can't talk about racism slavery massage any appropriation exploitation all of the things that run counter to what we love about the banjo but the instrument was also a tool for liberation as scholar Rex Ellis of the National Museum of African-American History and Culture points out in the banjo project he reflects on the life of Gus Cannon who was born on a Mississippi plantation and went on to write a song in the 1920 s. That would become a pop hit nearly half a century later so when a banjo not become something there in chain of express himself Oh truly with it also over to become something that you have up on the back wall. And. One. Down. The banjo was also a ticket to a more independent life for child performer a lot of Crabtree says the banjo projects Mark Fields she was known for never having married wearing trousers on stage smoking cigarettes and playing and she became a 19th century superstar much to the surprise of project manager Sean Clark he's been working with fields for more than a decade the 1st time that I saw a woman who was playing the banjo the 1st black banjo player that was a challenge to the stereotypes that I had associated with the interim and. Of course the banjo project includes such bluegrass stars as Earl Scruggs and Ralph Stanley who Mark Fields was able to interview before they died but fields wants to make sure visitors to the site understand the instrument is very much alive and still evolving the banjo is still being used to create amazing original music today and it's not being done in ignorance of this past the past and the present are on line now in a banjo project prototype Mark Fields and his team hope to launch a fuller digital museum in the new year for n.p.r. News I'm Andrea Shea in Boston the. This is Weekend Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Scott Simon. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from Ebsco building the next level of clinical decision support with the all new dynamic clinicians and health care providers used to leverage evidence based medicine for patient care learnmore it Dinah med dot com from Capital One committed to reimagining banking offering savings and checking accounts that can be opened from anywhere Capital One what's in your wallet Capital One and. And from listeners like you who donate to this n.p.r. Station. On Wait Wait Don't Tell me we wonder why only the 3rd presidential impeachment in history seems not to be generating a lot of interest like what he's a native Game of Thrones you're either watching at this point or you're not I'm Peter Sagal we won't spoil who ends up on the throne but he's probably tweeting from there right now join us for this week's wait wait don't tell me the news quiz from n.p.r. . Stay tuned to 91.5 Care c c Wait Wait Don't Tell me is coming up next programing on 91.5 k. Or c. C. Is supported by common weale artist co-op with their annual holiday market now through December 30th featuring work from local Colorado artists located at 102 Canyon Avenue in Manitou Springs common weale dot com by the Pueblos to helping to create a holiday tradition with electric critters November 27th through December 29th featuring refreshments at the candy cane cafe visits with Santa and 250000 dancing lights tickets and more at Pueblo Zoo dot org currently in Colorado Springs it is 35 degrees and in Pueblo It's 37 you're listening to Southern Colorado's n.p.r. Station care a c.c. And k. Or c c h d Colorado Springs. Into. Starkville and k w c c f.m. Woodland Park. Streaming online. Dot org. From n.p.r. I'm going to be easy Chicago this is wait wait don't tell me the n.p.r. News quiz. I'm Bill Kurtis and I'm Peter Sagal in 2016 the United Kingdom had an election that ended up being a preview of the choice America would make later that year if that's true with their election that happened this week it's good news for any candidate here with terrible hair will parse all the results plus we try to throw Washington Nationals pitcher Sean Doolittle a curveball and Bill Kurtis apologizes for forgetting to include me in the wait wait gift exchange. Every year someone has to be left will ask who really got snubbed on our quiz coming up right after this hour's news. Live from n.p.r. News in Washington I mean he held North Korea says it has conducted another test at one of its satellite launch sites N.P.R.'s Anthony Kuhn reports from Seoul that pealing Young did not specify what exactly was tested but said it would strengthen its nuclear deterrent against the threat from Washington the Korean Central News Agency says the test was conducted on Friday evening at the So hey satellite test site it follows another unspecified test it so had last week which South Korea's defense minister says was for a rocket engine the site was dismantled last summer but reopened this year the test comes as u.s. Envoy Stephen begin is due to arrive in Seoul on Sunday for talks it could be his final visit before a year end deadline North Korea has set for the u.s. To make concessions Pyongyang has indicated that after the deadline expires it could scrap a self-imposed moratorium on testing long range missiles in nuclear weapons Anthony Kuhn n.p.r. News Seoul California Governor Gavin Newsom is denying p.g. And E.'s proposed path out of bankruptcy from member station k.q.e.d. Lily Jamali reports the rejection comes a week after the utilities company struck a multi-billion dollar deal with Wildfire survivors as part of the plan that colossal deal that p.g. County announced last week with Wildfire survivors it wasn't enough to win Newsome over he made it clear he was unconvinced that p. Genies bankruptcy plan would improve safety Newsome also said he expects a complete overhaul of p. Genies board the utility now must rework its bankruptcy plan as it tries to emerge from Chapter 11 by this summer a Congolese city at the center of the Ebola epidemic has once again come under attack overnight from rebels leaving at least 6 people dead in many.

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