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On a par with politics even as crazy as that was from American Public Media this is marketplace it's. Marketplace is supported by intercom business messaging platform whose chat automates manual sales and marketing tasks like qualifying leads and scheduling demos learn more at intercom dot com And by Fleishman Hillard a global diversified public relations agency helping companies tell their stories to change minds behaviors and hearts Fleishman Hillard dot com and by Western Digital everywhere data lives from personal devices to global organizations Western Digital feels the innovation for a smarter future learn more at data makes possible dot com. In Los Angeles I'm caught It is Friday today the 24th of August good as always to have you along everybody there was a point long about Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday morning politics in this country being what it is right now that it kind of felt like this week would never end and my right now for the 1st time though I will say this keep your eye on the economic news gang that is what's really going to last in economic news there was this week on a Swanson's at the New York Times anybody is at Politico they are here to help us I don't know what digest Hey everybody. So let me start with you and the news of this morning anyway the speech from Fed Chair Jay Powell out at Jackson Hole Wyoming the retreat the Fed has out there every year he gave a speech in which he said basically when everything's fine and we're going to keep on raising rates anything else folks need to take away from the. It was a steady as she goes argument that he was making the the chairman of the Fed is taking it from all sides right now he's taking it from the president of the United States who appointed him who's saying how dare you raise interest rates on my watch and he's taking it from people who are looking at the stock market being extremely over extended unemployment being low inflation climbing be like Are you really going to keep interest rates and he's saying well I'm a do what I'm going to do as long as it doesn't get too dangerous and so he is trying to make the argument that a study cautious careful approach is what we should be doing which is you know not all that different from the tone of the Fed chairman for the last few decades is just seems unusual in this moment that we're living in because everything is on you which is full of unusualness also unusual on a Swanson. The news of now after this week and I'm I'm really glad we have you on because I want to ask you something the word came out of the White House and negotiators this week that they were really close to a deal with Mexico on NAFTA and I have to ask you is in Canada part of next NAFTA as well that's true Canada has been notably absent here in Washington in recent weeks those talks have been going on and I mean about that deal if you had to bet over the past years that that NAFTA negotiators were not going to make these deadlines that they've been talking about you would have made your money back and then found I'm going to say that's what's going to happen this time again so the United States and Mexico have been talking they have been making some progress and there's a chance that they could announce that they have come to an agreement on some important issues next week but as you said you know NAFTA is a trilateral deal Canada is nowhere to be seen the trumpet ministration has talked about making NAFTA a deal just between Mexico and the United States but I think that's definitely wishful thinking you know Mexico Congress and businesses are all opposed to that idea and insists that NAFTA has to be between 3 countries but on a let me ask you this though and haven't they left the really hard stuff for the end as negotiator do right but they've left like country of origin and automobiles and all this of that really hard stuff to the bitter end. Yeah I mean they negotiators like to say that you know nothing is done until everything is done because they tend to hold out on really tough things and wait for other countries to cave they are definitely making some progress on the provisions that are with Mexico and that's part of the idea that those difficulties are mostly between the United States and Mexico and they can do a lot on that and then bring Canada in but there's a lot of tricky issues left still including like the sunset clause which would allow NAFTA to suddenly expire in less all 3 countries voted to extend it speaking of other countries caving or not let us swing our attention to the Chinese and trade please new sanctions went into effect on both sides this week there have been those 31 hearings which we're going to talk about later in the program a nobody backing down out of this puppy right and who has an incentive to back down right now the Chinese need to make sure they're being aggressive both from an economic and a geo political perspective and guess what we've got an election coming up and nobody in the United States wants to look like they're backing down so this is one of those things where it's probably gotten kind of dangerous already and they're going to keep China is going to announce more tariffs Trump is going to fire back with more tariffs and they'll keep firing these volleys until it gets a little a little scary to both sides a little scary or at about sides and then they can come together and maybe do a big deal or maybe we'll be in an economic meltdown meltdown by then who really knows but there is there isn't a whole lot of incentive to fold at the start so let me conflate 2 things here and then ask each of you the same question I want to I want to get everybody thinking about the interview the president did with Fox and Friends this week where he said if I get impeached the stock market's going to crash and everybody's going to be poorer and also the conviction of Paul metaphor the president's former campaign chairman and the confession the guilty plea of his former lawyer Michael Cohen. And everybody saying oh my goodness. If the president or not everybody but the president saying listen this is going to be terrible and everybody's going to wind up worse I have a thesis that goes like this corporate America has gotten what it wants out of the troubled ministration it's gotten deregulation and it's gotten tax reform and then if political things happen things will pretty much stay the course a deep one on that for me would you they would stay the course under President Trump and definitely under a President pence and people in corporate America and investors must be looking at this and thinking wait a 2nd I could get all of this from the Republican Party but without the threats against North Korea and Iran and all these things that could destabilize the global economy and create a shock that hits a 10 year old economic expansion maybe I would be Ok with that and so what the president saying is obviously in his interest to make it sound like oh this is going to be big and scary but there's a difference between correlation and causation and eventually people come to realize what that is on as the goal trade policy reporter you know go ahead sorry when oh yeah I was going to say I mean I don't think it's great for markets either but you know so far the market has been pretty resilient to the president's troubles and in online prediction markets right now the probability that the president will be impeached as some point has already gone nearly as high as 50 percent so. It's more about you know solid corporate earnings that have the strong economy and if you look back I also Clinton's impeachment also had a little impact on the market as well on a Swanson at the New York Times City bready at Politico and another week in this economy thanks you too thanks guys thank you ride on Wall Street this Friday traders going into the weekend on a high note we'll have the details when we do the numbers. One hesitates to invoke the Internal Revenue code without good cause because you know taxes and all but there were developments this week in the continual interpretation interpretation of the big changes to the tax code that passed last year specifically the bit about state and local taxes and how much of them we can deduct turns out the Treasury Department says probably not really all that much Marketplace Money also Gary explains Lets say you pay $30.00 grand a year in state and local taxes in the old days when tax time rolled around you could deduct that amount on your federal tax form the new tax law capped that deduction at 10 grand that's a pretty small amount if you make a lot of money and live in a high tax state like New York New Jersey or Connecticut you might have more state and local taxes than you can claim under the deduction Jared walls AK is an analyst at the Tax Foundation Democratic governors in some of these places said their states were being targeted by the g.o.p. Tax law so they came up with workarounds they passed laws allowing taxpayers to essentially pay their state and local taxes in the form of charitable contributions to the state you were still paying the government it was just calling it by a different name and the name was the key if you call something a charitable contribution that means taxpayers can deduct it on their federal taxes with no limit Michael Savage at the accounting firm 1800 accountant says his clients have been asking whether they can do this we questions every day all day long about it but now the Trump administration is saying not so fast and so the Treasury Department is saying we see this as a way to pay taxes they will not accept this as a chair of the constitution the new rules aren't final yet a handful of states have already sued over state and local taxes Kim Rueben at the Tax Policy Center says States could sue again and then it could be certain of a court to decide whether the Ira. Well and Rubin says even if those states lose the probably look for new ways to get around the limit and Mariel's to care for Marketplace today is day 5 of the hearings in for the u.s. Trade representative that we've been covering this week the topic at hand as I mentioned to Sudeep being the next chunk of tariffs on Chinese imports the White House wants to impose 25 percent taxes on $200000000000.00 worth of goods those are the hearings you might remember there were originally so only supposed to go 3 days but had to double to accommodate all the corporate and industry interest we heard on this program this week from people in high tech fashion packing and shipping and automotive most of them opposed but let's go back if we could to the original tariffs on steel and aluminum and take a spin out to Granite City Illinois where the u.s. Steel mill in town has been able to restart 2 blast furnaces and at 800 jobs that puts everybody in a good yeah does James Amos is the director of economic development in Granite City which has been a steel town since $18.96 pretty much everybody in this community knows people who currently work or have worked at the steel mill Emma says that in addition to the jobs at the mill there are more than 40 heavy metal manufacturing related companies in town and millions of dollars being invested those workers you know they buy lunch here they buy gas here if they don't already live here and so you can see a difference in our daytime population Here's a context of why it's such a big deal that u.s. Steel mill went from employing 2100 people in 2015 to a skeleton crew just about 100 people right for the tariffs were announced we were a community that has kind of eaten the bitter fruits of being on the wrong side of these unfair trade practices for a very very long time there's a whole lot going on with all this terror of back and forth who's terrifying what from whom So some confusion is to be understood but it's not too late to get up to speed because this whole thing could go on for a while as a deep was saying Check out this new thing we've got which are we in a trade war dot com Are we in a trade war dot com spoiler alert Yes. That one point earlier this month out in California there were 17 big wildfires burning at the same time including the big one you probably heard about the Mendocino Complex Fire $400000.00 acres burned so far firefighters from around the country thousands of them and as far away as Australia and New Zealand have come to help and it's not just here either fires everywhere are getting bigger and more destructive and harder to contain which means you need a lot more firefighters which is changing the very nature of the job market places are bears reports John trap was a wolf biologist in the Rocky Mountains he was always in the field and he wanted to spend more time with his family 12 years ago a job opened up at his local fire department in Red Lodge Montana and they told him you can be on every night if you want to you have to go put out a fire that you know about every night so Trapp now 47 became a firefighter in the beginning he stayed close to home but as he got more experienced he would help fight big wildfires wherever he was needed now that there are so many big fires trappers away from home more than he was during his days as a wolf biologist it's hard you know and I try to put all my family activities the 1st part of. Before the fire season really gets the full story he spoke to me from an airport he was heading home after back to back tours in northern Montana and Oregon his daughter was about to celebrate her 12th birthday I asked him if he had known he'd be away for so much would he have chosen this work I don't think so. Yeah I don't think I'm going to get place right now or trying to find out that but I think for a majority of firefighters it's very difficult. I find it difficult because we are seeing more fires more catastrophic what we call catastrophic wildfires Randy Brooks is a forester who teaches fire science at the University of Idaho he says wildfires are natural but a combination of factors including drought advances in fire suppression and climate change are creating monster blazes that can quickly engulf thousands of acres and take weeks to contain that's made the fire season longer and fires harder to fight imagine you're running a race years ago it was 100 meter dash now we're running a marathon and imagine how much more energy it takes to run that marathon versus that 100 meter dash and Brooks says firefighters pay the price working 12 to 16 hour days in heavy gear and often not getting enough food water or sleep for months on end some of them are contract workers and go where the money is with hazard overtime pay that can be lucrative others like John trap work for fire departments that have mutual aid agreements with other departments those fighters are sent where the need is Rick Robinson chief for the oceanside fire department in Southern California says that can create problems back home so it's very difficult for me to send a lot of resources out of mutual aid assignments because I can't cover my home turf for the firefighters who stay behind you're working 244872 hours and there is no work rest cycle it is just routine business and that makes it hard to hire at the moment Robinson is down 7 people in his department and a couple of his guys are in Montana fighting those fires but mutual aid is still the best system they have last year when Oceanside was hit with a catastrophic fire department turn to other towns per Quitman and manpower and the help was there America bears the marketplace. Coming up that's a husband could say comfortable for study on a bad never did know what those things were called what every well avoid the dorm room barely has to have in 2000 they deem But 1st let's do the numbers. Picked up $133.00 points the day a half percent close to $25790.00 Nasdaq found 67.810 percent 7945 this p. $500.00 gained 17.610 percent $2874.00 for the 5 days gone by the Dow gained 4 tenth's percent the Nasdaq advanced one and 6 tenth's percent the s. P. $500.00 up 10 percent Nasdaq up Nasdaq no Netflix rose 5 and 7 tenth's percent today after analysts upgraded that stock to buy they said current quarter subscriber growth solidly in line or ahead of best of its software company Autodesk jumped 15 percent after quarterly sales beat estimates Autodesk me software for designing stuff Wall Street Journal reported u.s. Forces are investigating Microsoft over potential bribery and corruption related to software sales in Hungary Microsoft up 7 tenth's percent day on prices rose yield on the 10 year Tino fell to 2.81 percent that is relatively not you know in the scheme of things but is relatively relatively low as of late you're listening to Marketplace marketplace is supported by home and visor matching homeowners with home improvement professionals for a variety of home projects from repairs to remodel most homeowners can read reviews and put appointments online at Home Advisor dot com and buy Makushi test prep for the a c t n s a t that's designed to improve scores students can get video lessons practice questions and expert support on mine prep smart go far and enjoy the ride at Makushi dot com. And by Fidelity Investments taking a personalized approach to helping clients grow preserve and manage their. Services seen. On marketplace the one. Don't you wish you knew what it was we got the whole list of the music we play on the show at our website marketplace dot org slash music. From news to number as you count on Marketplace to explain what you need to get marketplace delivered to your inbox every day and never miss a beat subscribe to the newsletter at Marketplace. This is Marketplace I'm the u.s. Open kicks off on Monday in Flushing Meadows New York the last Grand Slam tournament of the year that's tennis and not a fan there's going to be set the new courtside this time around a shot clock to make sure Serina an ROV and the rest don't dilly dally too long before they serve Marketplace's Justin ho tells us why technically Grand Slam tournaments have had rules about the clock after a point players have 20 seconds to serve the ball. He said they'll be in Iraq he is a professor of sports management at George Washington University she says while the rule was in effect for years some referees were more strict on that role than others some players have been slower than others take the world's number one men's player Rafael Nadal between serves he bounces the ball with his hand bounces it with his racquet wipes his face sometimes nearly a minute that sits. In a recent press conference and all said that's part of his game I can be faster but I like to think at this year's u.s. Open he'll have to speed up players will have to serve within 25 seconds of a point on the 1st offense they'll get a warning and if they do it again they'll be penalized the right he says tennis is just following a trend baseball's trying to speed up the game I'll sports are trying to speed up the game that's because there's a lot of competition for t.v. Viewers they can tune out when games are slow but faster games might not appeal to everybody what a lot of canis fans enjoy is probably the exact opposite of what might appeal to a national audience or a global audience that sports journalist Keith struggler he says passion of years of the game the love the long grueling matches the casual fan wants something different namely star power the match up between Sloane Stephens and Madison keys in last year's women's final helped drive up ratings ratings for the men's final between the doll and Kevin Anderson we're down in New York and just imho the marketplace. Even with college tuition being what it is one doesn't normally think of higher education as a business opportunity but perhaps one should consider for a moment all those incoming freshman Gone are the days when maybe a faded comforter from childhood or a couple of posters from the bedroom at home or good enough students these days well they're more sophisticated they want fancier accommodations and high thread count sheets which gets us back to the aforementioned a business opportunity what retailers call ready to go merchandise delivered straight to school workplaces run out of Sago has that story from Orlando. It's moving day students and parents hall hand trucks across the lobby of the freshman dorm at the University of Central Florida is the start of a new and scary chapter for 4001st year students at the arrow is moving and her daughter Gabrielle this will be the 18 year old's 1st time away away from Westchester New York but she has everything to make her $170.00 square foot dorm room feel like home she practically brought her whole closet she's got belted hangers space savers in a box there's a bread a pitcher I look at this thing that's a husband it's like comfortable for study on your bed Oh to have the. Comforter. Gabrielle received a dorm checklist as soon as she got her room assignment from the university her mom shipped some items others they ordered online for in-store pickup and while inside the store they got sidetracked every time we were walking down the aisles Oh I need this oh I need this Gabrielle's mom says she spent more than $700.00 in 3 stores her money's part of the $25500000000.00 die. Alors Consulting Group Deloitte estimates parents will spend on dorm and school supplies this year Rod side says retail distribution and malice is that deliberate he says retailers are starting to realize how big the actual season is big box stores have created sections where parents and their kids can pick up a desk stapler shower caddy blankets pillows all in one swoop online retailers are offering bundles in one click you can get any customized variety of things like comfort or bedding might be night lie it could be a storage units we've seen much more focus especially friend coming freshman side says parents spend on average at 121400 dollars and that's mostly a brick and mortar stores they can walk in and see what they're buying but since we're talking room decor we're also talking a nice market Jeff says high demand for specialty items in one click have opened the door to a handful of online dorm room Outfitters like his dorm Co We carry hundreds and hundreds of styles of different comforters He says one of the company's top sellers is its $44.00 piece college essential dorm set which comes with bed risers custom bath towels and even a loofa grants he also partners with universities to deliver dorm and school supplies right to campus a different landscape from when he started the business in 2004 it was really more almost treating it like you're going away to camp or you're going oh you're going away for the semester we'll see in the summer and now it's treated as like the the teenager or young adults 1st 1st home college costs more students are traveling farther some companies are seeing this trend as an opportunity to expand their reach Chanelle was a rally started room in 2013 selling dorm supplies now the online retailer offers apartment decor with items that change throughout the year customers can text orders and local service reps are college students he says the idea. For them to get used to the convenience and feel like you know where that one service provider that they want to back to who says you don't need batting beyond graduation day I'm Renate say go for Marketplace. Down or anything but once you finish college probably going to spend at least a couple of years working in a cubicle with the modern off workers far in the idea of the cube started was a really good intensions we've got a really interesting history of the modern cubicle you have to do is say make me smarter than your Amazon account. This followed today you know it's not often I surrender the end of this program but Robin Leach only does once as he did today at the age of 76 who I hear you ask was Robin Leach maybe the soaring about. Returning are going to. Find which is a family I agree we will look forward to joining you want to finish the lifestyles of the rich and famous I mean could you be more 19 eighties but I got to tell you I did spend a distressing amount of time watching that program. Marketplace is supported by intercom business messaging platform for automating sales and marketing tasks the intercom chat qualifies leads and schedules demos with them automatically for more than 25000 businesses more akin. Com dot com and buy Forex dot com committed to empowering and helping traders seize opportunities in currency markets since 1994 x. Dot com It's your world trade it for x. Trading involves significant risk of loss and I Kronos payroll talent and timekeeping in one unified system learned stop com Kronos workforce innovation that works all right we've got to go down to 133 points today a half percent Nasdaq 67 points to the good 810 percent s. And p. 500 gained 17 that is 6 tenth's percent on that particular And that's our theme music was composed by b.j. Lederman marketplace is executive producer is 94 Gali our executive editor is Evelyn the ruby of never Clark is the senior vice president and general manager. Of the great weekend everybody we will see again on Monday. This is a pia and this is 91.5 k. Or c c Southern Colorado's n.p.r. Station Good afternoon I'm Mike Purcell 29 minutes after 3 o'clock 87 degrees under mostly sunny skies little hazy but mostly sunny and warm here in the downtown Springs area. $91.00 k. R.c.c. Is that of Facebook and Twitter you'll find news headlines local stories station events and announcements find us and follow us on Facebook and Twitter i k r c c. America to me that is the title of a new 10 part documentary series premieres on Starz this weekend it's a look at race and class issues in a suburban Chicago School District. That's story coming up in about 15 minutes here in this 1st half hour of All Things Considered that report up at 344 weather wise again mostly sunny 87 some areas of smoke still possible into the evening hours through our listening area well it's really warm evening tonight mostly around 60 for the lower elevations closer to 50 for the high country and then this weekend very summery forecast late summer but summer forecast nonetheless daytime highs in the mid eighty's to mid ninety's for the lower elevations a very comfortable mid seventy's up in Teller County Saturday and Sunday and that standard or so 20 percent chance for late day showers both Saturday and Sunday again 88 here in the downtown area to 91.5 Care c.c. Weekly newsletter can be in your inbox on Fridays station announcements in a quick recap of local and national news stories. To sign up. Live from n.p.r. News and Culver City California I'm to Wayne Brown before the trumpet ministration move to end temporary protected status for people whose home country suffer from war or natural disasters federal officials were falsely trying to show the countries were getting safer that information comes from internal Homeland Security e-mails obtained in a lawsuit filed by the a.c.l.u. N.P.R.'s Bobbie Allen reports the D.J.'s e-mails show officials making minor changes like using challenges instead of disasters and more significant changes like when a d h s employee told staff to find quote positive jabs about war torn countries to justify ending temporary protections for more than 300000 people a.c.l.u. Lawyer in our Elan Dunn says d h s cut concern diplomats out of the decision making process they rewrote their reports downplayed sometimes really horrific problems in countries and basically did everything that they could to justify the result that the truck ministration wanted the h.s. Says t.p.s. Was never meant to be permanent and that officials stand by the decision to revoke the protections Bobby Allen n.p.r. News speaking in Washington to the Republican National Lawyers Association vice president Mike Pence accused Democrats in Congress of pulling out all the stops to defeat the confirmation of the president's Supreme Court nominee 5 Senate Democrats announced they were opposed to President Trump's nominee to the Supreme Court before President Trump nominated Judge Brett Kavanaugh that's not advise and consent that is simply obstruct and oppose the vice president's remarks came as Democratic members of the Senate Judiciary Committee called for a delay in Kavanagh's confirmation hearings citing the possibility of criminal wrongdoing by President Trump and Kavanagh's expressed doubt about investigating sitting presidents stocks finished the week higher on Wall Street today you're listening to n.p.r. . In Ohio Republican Troy Balder sin has been declared the winner of the 12th Congressional District special election from member station w o s u Adora nummy Gunday reports the Republican Party will maintain control of a district that's been bred for almost 40 years Friday was the deadline for 5 counties to verify their election results with provisional and absentee ballots accounted for Balderson defeated Democrat Danny O'Connor by a margin of point 8 percent that's 1006 $180.00 votes Balderston will serve through the end of the year finishing the term of Republican Representative Pat Tiberi who retired in January he will face O'Connor again in November to determine who holds the seat for the next 2 years for n.p.r. News I'm adore and I'm a God day the government says electric utilities across the country are spending billions of dollars to prevent terrorists from shutting down the power grid homeland security detail last month how Russian hackers have targeted the nation's energy grid officials say they could have caused major blackouts but the hackers appeared more focused on reconnaissance concern over cyber threats comes as power companies race to upgrade software for a more flexible distribution of electricity stocks finished the week higher on Wall Street led by tech and energy companies the Fed chair also signaled he expects to raise interest rates again saying the economy remains strong you're listening to n.p.r. News and you doing that here on 91.5 k. Or c c Southern Colorado's n.p.r. Station Thanks for tuning in for All Things Considered today we will begin the program promptly coming up but in this 1st half hour of the program waiting for the sunrise that is the title of a new album from a rare jazz double fret sex phoniest and singer Camille Thurman she speaks with N.P.R.'s Allison Chang about her new album called Waiting for the sunrise that conversation and $350.00. Now you can tune into 91.5 k. Or c. C. Without lifting a finger just tell your smart speaker to listen to 91.5 k. Or c c and you'll be the boss of technology 87 degrees mostly sunny skies lazy but sunny here in the downtown area at 335. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from indeed used by over 3000000 businesses for hiring where employers can post jobs and use screener questions to build their shortlist of preferred candidates learn more it indeed dot com slash hire from Log Me In makers of Go To Meeting a collaboration meeting platform allowing people to connect around the globe to get work done learn more go to meeting dot com and from the John s. And James l. Knight Foundation helping n.p.r. Advance journalistic excellence in the digital age. This is All Things Considered from n.p.r. News I'm Elsa Chang And I'm Audie Cornish Hurricane Lane continues its approach toward Hawaii this morning it was downgraded to a Category 2 storm but with sustained winds of 105 miles per hour and rainfall it still poses considerable danger to the state on parts of the Big Island officials say more than 30 inches of rain have already fallen causing landslides and flash flooding in the garden N.P.R.'s Adrian Fredo on the line in Honolulu and Adrian if you can hear me what does the damage look like so far. Under the Big Island there's been a lot of flash flooding and landslides as you mentioned both of those things have shut down roads and highways there haven't been reports of death or injury but at least one person has had to be rescued at because of floodwaters There's also been power outages largely because trees and branches have been falling on the power lines several 1000 people have lost power on the big island on Maui and I'm Ok Coase electric company though says that it's been working quickly to get those customers back back on line in the capital what are officials saying residents should do at this point. So as the storm moves closer toward the Wahoo officials are telling people to continue to stock up on food and water because pounding rain is expected there's that fear that washed out roads or landslides could cut off people's access to to stores and they're also pleading with people to stay away from the beaches as tempting as those big waves may be to surfers but I can see the beach from where I am now and clear that not everyone is is taking that advice. And then as the winds and the rain begin to pick up they're telling people to shelter in place unless of course people don't feel safe in their homes and in that case they are being told they can go to one of the shelters that the Red Cross has set up and you said it's clear people are not everyone's taking that advice and what are you hearing from. Well in terms of the evacuation advice about a 1000 people had gone to shelters across across the state as of earlier today that includes homeowners tourists and people without homes because Hawaii has a big homeless population and that's actually one point of concern for officials I went to a Red Cross shelter here in Honolulu and and met a woman named and Nato's who said that she lived on the streets in Waikiki and listen to what she said Are you worried about people who like and decide like you can push up there yeah I am actually tell everyone that. That the schools are opening its old like a bunch of people but most of them are ready here before I was. So as you heard many of her friends who are also homeless have taken shelter but she's going to tell me that there are also plenty of people who are homeless who haven't because these are evacuation shelters they're not homeless shelters and people are being told to bring their own food and a lot of people don't have a need any food to bring. All this is going on there's also a wildfire burning on the island of Maui houses affecting people storm preparations . Yeah this is in western Maui and it's unclear what caused the fire and whether it had anything to do with the storm it has threatened one of those Red Cross shelters that and so people had to be moved from the school where the shelter had been set up to a civic center in the meantime what are forecasters saying about the hurricane. So it continues moving north toward the central and sort of who are moving slowly and the eyes showing signs of weakening. The forecast is expected to turn west starting tomorrow but officials warn that that is not a sure thing and so they want people to continue to take preparations seriously that's N.P.R.'s agent in Honolulu thank you. Thank you Audie for 17 years Afghan and Iraqi interpreters have served alongside u.s. Soldiers at war they face not just the danger of combat but death threats from the Taliban and Isis This is why the military has promised American visas for those interpreters and their families but this week the Reuters news agency reported that the Pentagon is alarmed because the number of visas granted to Iraqi allies has plunged the program to get Afghan allies to the u.s. Has also slowed to a trickle Here's N.P.R.'s Quil Lawrence 2 decades of war about 3000000 u.s. Troops have served so it shouldn't surprise you that there are 17000 Afghan citizens on the wait list for visas Afghans who volunteered to help u.s. Troops or diplomats I improperly have walked with such wonderful people and they you know those 10 Stand By Me Fida he asked we only use his 1st name for security started working with u.s. Special forces in 2006 then USA id then the Marines in 2010 the State Department in 2012 he helped arrange meetings between Afghans and u.s. Diplomats and the enemy took notice us were not so I arranged a meeting for m I had a call from the target and saying hey you know they would kill me for that fear spoke to us by Skype from Afghanistan where he has waited since 2011 for a visa for him and his family of 8 to come to the u.s. He says the Taliban still send threats and interrogate his relatives about where he is he won't speak ill of the u.s. But he says the American reputation is suffering in the future people will think you know say that you know they broke the promises to a lot of interrupt Arabs. Who are treated at the shore and are with them and who was saved who saved American lives lives like Matt Zellers I shouldn't be sitting here talking to you today at all. Zeller was an Army captain in 2008 the only reason I am is because my Afghan translator saved my life in a battle 10 years ago when he killed 2 Taliban fighters who were about to kill me Zillah came home and founded no one left behind a group that helps interpreters get resettled in the u.s. But Zeller says it's taking Afghans and Iraqis longer and longer to get a visa and that gives the Taliban or ISIS more time to hunt them down they served and they were alternately through their service eligible for a visa were supposed to issue those visas and bring them to the United States and the reality is we're not doing that State Department numbers show that at the 1st month of this fiscal year 1875 Afghans arrived on the special immigrant visa program last month only $177.00 Iraq over a 90 percent drop for Iraqis the numbers are worse they have to apply under a refugee program which has seen numbers drop from 3000 derives last year to around 50 this year there are about 100000 Iraqis waiting for visas according to the International Refugee Assistance Project which is helping the Afghan interpreter feed out with his case his lawyer Julie Kornfeld says in past years Congress put money aside for their resettlement this is the 1st time that the and National Defense Authorization Act is not budgeting for these additional these as Kornfeld says it may be additional security checks by the administration are slowing things down but explanations are hard to find the White House deferred to the State Department for comment the State Department acknowledged the problem and said we are working closely with the u.s. Government partners to resolve these issues Kornfeld says it's a matter of national security to maintain the trust of Afghan and Iraqi allies we need to do everything we can ensure that people like feel are safe and can come to the us as promised she says anti immigrant sentiment is high right now but these interpreters have been vetted says cornfield many of them by gunfire and shown that they are no. Threat to Americans Quil Lawrence n.p.r. News. You're listening to All Things Considered from n.p.r. News. A filmmaker Steve James says too many documentaries about kids of color struggling in school focus on poor deprived neighborhoods so in his new docu series America to me James examines the elite progressive Oak Park and River Forest High School near Chicago n.p.r. T.v. Critic Eric Degen says the show which debuts Sunday on Starz proves issues of race and education often transcend class boundaries Oak Park is a Chicago suburb known for celebrating its diversity but test scores at the local high school show a problem black students have perform worse than white students for many years to examine the dynamics behind the school's achievement gap filmmaker Steve James pulled off a gargantuan task assembling film crews to track 12 different students in 2015 they followed students parents teachers coaches and even the security guards over a year's time the result is one of the best documentaries on t.v. This season America to me is an intimate portrait of an institution struggling to even talk about these issues shallow Holland a black woman who's eventually shown leaving her job as assistant principal at Oak Park and River Forest High School identified one problem every space has a culture. In this school is grounded on white cultural norms the star of this series is the students mostly nonwhite who slowly reveal themselves before the cameras African-American student Charles Donaldson talks about how many non white students feel the school doesn't include every activity every single Everything is made for my kids because this school was made for white kids because this country was made for white kids. They have to realize this some things just have to be ours Chante real a biracial kid who doesn't identify by gender speaks on feeling like an outsider in the school spoken word club I don't have the long skinny would raise the constantly shaped legs don't respond to good game ladies practice on Tuesday maybe see you soon I just feel. Weird being on like an all girls team because like on the outside like I look like I belong but on the inside like I feel like I don't know James who directed the asker nominated 994 documentary Hoop Dreams at the school board to approve filming over resistance by the district superintendent and the high school's principal the filmmaker told me at a press conference that students have sophisticated insights about race they also had a little patience for micro aggressions the small slights based on stereotypes that they might encounter in a day what those micrographs sions reveal is that deeper seated racism that is is extremely hard to root out unless you call it you know a lot of white people I'm a white guy we say some pretty insensitive stuff all the time and if people don't call you on it then you'll never learn the show caches this dynamic in a conversation between a black student and a well meaning white teacher when I see black students in my class I kind of label it as an extra priority so I have an issue with that they use just the is interesting Oh yes how Marxism had 2nd jab what turned Chinese see if I can relate if I want to raise the chief in my collections I have to do something so that they have the comfort level to be in the class now the things I've done with you have made you uncomfortable and use it yes and that's why I'm saying it because it actually room my whole day can make me think about that for the rest of the day the tough question how to help non white students without making them feel unfairly singled out over 10 episodes American to me starts an important conversation at the heart of the struggle to achieve racial equality in America because in a country where children aren't educated equally people can't live in. America. This is All Things Considered from n.p.r. News and this is 91 point. The Southern Colorado's n.p.r. Station just getting started with today's edition of All Things Considered this week President Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen made a deal with prosecutors this whole thing about flipping they've. Been watching flippers We'll take a closer look at Trump's week and what it all means for the Russian investigation that's right after headline news from n.p.r. And for 6 here on 91.5. At 91.5 We have increased our daily news services so please consider upgrading your sustaining membership color membership department at 719-473-4801 as a widening circle of. Charges investigations and even convictions the president tacks on his attorney general for refusing to shut down the Russia investigation he took and I'm going to myself. What kind of a man is this we'll ask what the week's events mean for the Justice Department and the presidency that's next time. From n.p.r. News that's a peek ahead at Saturday's all things considered you can hear both Saturday and Sunday editions of all things considered beginning at 3 pm here on 91.5. N.p.r. On 91.5 supported locally. Charter High School offering college prep courses advanced placement and a variety of Arts electives appointments to learn more about Seba may be scheduled any time more charter school daughter org by 91.5 underwriters thank you for helping to fund Southern Colorado's n.p.r. Station 91.5 k. Or c.c. More information on how to underwrite your c.c. Dot org. 89 degrees right now in the downtown Springs area at 350 m. N.p.r. News this is All Things Considered I'm Audie Cornish and I'm Elsa Chang in the world of jazz most musicians try and get as good as humanly possible at one single thing not our next guest just found out a band others are learning yet that Camille Thurman is the rare double threat she sings with vocal chops that have been compared to Ella Fitzgerald and Sarah Vaughan but she's also mastered a highly technical instrument the tenor saxophone as both an improviser and a composer of the a with. Both of her talents are on full display in her new album Waiting for the sunrise it's a collection of songs by other artists reimagined in Thurman's own way there are songs from a bunch of different genres and styles from pop to Brazilian soul and jazz she's some of the band of season musicians people who had played with everyone from Ray Charles to Miles Davis and she told me that they recorded the album in a unique way you have this object that's shaped like a human dummy. Like that torso ever manic and it has a head like a human and there's one single microphone there's a receiver going through the years there was no mixing no dubbing extra tracks later just Thurman and the band gathered around that one human shaped microphone which captured the sound in 360 degrees if you were they would have been laughing because I'm positioned directly in front of the microphone and to sing I have to be right in front of it to play I literally have to run to the other side. If there is some check so you can actually hear me walking to the other side of the band to play the horn and pick it up and putting it back. Data walking back and time to sing again and. Again. So that's you playing the sax. And that's me running and walking. And she was. The and. The. Good and you have to make sure you get back in the perfect that is the thing to. Me . I want to understand how someone takes on 2 different realms of jazz simultaneously like Sax and singing because with either of those it's incredibly hard to set yourself apart how old were you when you picked up your 1st sex. While I was about 15 years old and I picked up my 1st saxophone and actually the horn that I ended up getting it was kind of faith in God because my mother in law who I call my op she saw me one day and I was kind of really down and I was like you know I got this scholarship I have to play tenor and taters a big huge hit is really it is low and I have a girl and a leg for heavy and she was like oh my god that's there it's very Yeah I mean it was like a story you would like I call it The Lion The Witch and the word rogue that the jazz version because like she literally said let's go up stairs and I went upstairs the house was all dark stairs a rickety the over in the door and as I. Like the all these papers on the floor looked like the room hadn't been touched in 30 years and in the closet was a 967 a silver mark 6 tenor saxophone on touched behind all these heavy coats and I'm sort of imagining the book in my head now yeah. Yeah I was like that so when did you begin to sing La I had been singing since I was 4 years old but once I start. Picking up a saxophone I would learn the solos by saying yes. And I didn't realize that I Lisp scatting And I remember one day I went to a jazz until I can and I was in the shower and I thought everybody was gone so I started practicing my sketch. And one of the ladies later on the class act Sheila Jordan like hey this is possible for instant mentalist to sing because we think we have one of. The rare space. To. Live in as I started getting deeper and deeper into it I also started realizing the realities of you know society like I would go to school every day and people would ask me all the time can you really play this show me I want to know right now do you really play that thing and as a young girl it's like Ok society's making me feel like there's something wrong with me playing an instrument that is big is big or it maybe isn't normally seen with the woman but then you're like well but I want to prove that I could be the best that I could be. Is there pressure in jazz specifically for women to be vocalists 1st and instrumentalists 2nd you know I think is even outside jazz I think a society in general because it's what's. How can I say it like I remember when I 1st found out that's terrible I was a pianist and it blew my mind away you had no idea I had no idea when I was younger and it dawned on me as like Wow So in a minute the majority of her career was promoted being a singer and then I found out she was a composer too but a lot most of stuff you hear was the American songbook like wait a minute how can you just put one part of a person are artists give out there when there's a whole person but then even today like I've had many people talk to me I will talk and automatically those I'm your vocalist Well yeah but I also play an instrument too and sometimes I guess those people off 0 one actually playing instruments to that well yeah if you read crack open a history book you'll see so I think it's getting that awareness to people to see and to hear that this exists and that there's a high level of it to that's really really good Matt you should consider opening your expanding your mind to include that into what you think of the musician to be . So easy to. I love the story of how you got into singing. Because you were just imitating the sounds of instruments in your head and yeah you know scat singing it's this dying art and when I listen to you do it it blows my mind away and I hate to sound like such a fan girl right now but I'm just going to do it can you do a little bit for us can you give us a little demonstration of some scat sure. Let out a little bit it is. A little bit it allows. You to do they didn't do. It out it is. 6 saxophonist and singer. Her new album is called Waiting for the sunrise it is. The leading lady you're listening to All Things Considered from n.p.r. News support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from visit St Petersburg Clearwater along Florida's Gulf coast offering artistic draws including St Pete's Dali Museum the true Hooley collection and the Museum of Fine Arts more at visit St Pete Clearwater dot com from Sierra Nevada Brewing Company family owned operated and argued over since 1900 proud supporter of independent thought whether that's online over the air or in a bottle more at Sierra Nevada dot com and from Wells Fargo established 850 to reestablish 2018 with a recommitment to customers working off the principles the company was founded on Wells Fargo dot com slash Renu Wells Fargo Bank and. Good afternoon it's 359 Mike Purcell and this is Southern Colorado's n.p.r. Station care c.c. Care c c h d Colorado Springs k. K C.C.'s Starkville k w c c f.m. Woodland Park and streaming a k. Or c c dot org The American Legion is holding its 100th National Convention this week and it's trying to keep the organization relevant for younger vets the story of post 40 in Seattle which split between older which is split between older and younger veterans illustrates this challenge and that story coming up in 20 minutes as we continue all things considered.

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