Lowered the retirement age for Supreme Court judges forcing a 3rd of them off the bench and sparking widespread protests that story coming up in this next half hour of all things considered that's the final story will. Get to you at 625 this evening here on 91.5 here see see. To 91.5 k. Or c c weekly newsletter can be in your inbox on Fridays station announcements in a quick recap of local and national news stories. To sign up programming on 91.5 k. Or c c is supported by Planet granite custom remodels with the environment in mind recycling waste into road base and recycling 100 percent of fabrication water more about Planet granite online at Planet granite dot us headline news from n.p.r. Coming up in just a few seconds programming on 91.5 k. Or c. C. Is supported by pinion real estate group in saliva 17 councillors who share a long term view striving to use their industry knowledge of Chafey County to help build relationships that serve clients for a life time opinion Real Estate Group dot com by El Pueblo history museums borderlands of southern Colorado exhibit telling the region stories with a 38 star American flag and 1940 s. Pueblo kitchen the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo and more el pueblo History Museum dot org from n.p.r. News and in Washington I'm Jack Speer a trade war is underway between the u.s. And China at midnight tariffs on billions of dollars of Chinese imports took effect in Beijing quickly responded but as N.P.R.'s Scott Horsley explains the dispute has not yet appeared to be having an impact on job growth in the u.s. June was another good month for the u.s. Job market as employers added $213000.00 jobs despite the steady improvement wage gains continue to be modest with average wages rising just 2.7 percent over the last year White House economist Kevin Hassett notes weekly paychecks have done a little better because the job market is tight workers have started to work longer hours and so that the average weekly earnings of workers went up by about 3 percent year over year which is very healthy growth the unemployment rate inched up to 4 percent. In June but only because more people felt good enough about their job prospects to start looking for work Scott Horsley n.p.r. News the White House thought he said they do not intend to immediately attempt the underwater of occupation of 12 school boys have been trapped along with their soccer coach in a cave for nearly 2 weeks now Bush will say the boys have not learned adequate diving skills to get out of the flooded cave where a lot of that also depends on the weather with officials saying if heavy rain start raising flooded areas in the cave divers might have no choice the world has watched efforts to rescue the group the 1st casualty of the ongoing rescue effort a former tiny baby seal who ran out of air trying to take supplies to the stranded group in the u.k. The cabinets agreeing on what wants the country's new relationship with the e.u. To look like N.P.R.'s Alice Fordham reports the negotiations have taken 2 years prime minister to reason may emerged late in the evening from her country retreat chakras well how ministers have been huddled in a marathon meeting well in detail discussions today the cabinet has agreed all collective position on the features I want to go see a sions with the e.u. She said that the proposal would create a u.k. E.u. Free trade area and would include a common rule book which presumably means shed regulations and standards on industrial and agricultural products there will still be a long road ahead as Britain tries to sell the plan to European leaders but the E.U.'s chief negotiator on BRICs it Michelle Bonnie tweeted that he welcomed the agreement has followed him n.p.r. News London the so-called dollar Ridge fire in Utah is scorching more ground today being fueled by dry conditions and high winds Trish now he was forced to evacuate her home and says all she has now is hope blood sweat and tears and years and years and years and it's a beautiful place and we just love it and that this would be a disaster if we lose it fires destroyed 90 structures and forced the evacuation of more than 1100 people Wildfires are also burning in Colorado and California Wall Street edged higher weeks and the Dow up 99 points the Nasdaq rose 101 points today this is n.p.r. . The European Union in response to escalating trade tensions with the u.s. Says it intends to take action to prevent steel produced from the u.s. Market from flooding into Europe due to tariffs introduced by President Trump use executive commission on saying it plans to formally adopt a level of tariffs this month which it says will protect the European market no exact date was given the Food and Drug Administration is relaxing guidelines were checking the Bloods supply against the Zico virus N.P.R.'s Rob Stein has the story the f.d.a. Is no longer saying that everyone who donates blood needs to be tested for the Zico virus instead the f.d.a. Is saying that batches of donated blood get tested for Zeek instead sneak it can cause sometimes devastating birth defects in babies born to women who get infected with the virus when they're pregnant when the danger 1st emerged the f.d.a. Recommended every blood donor get tested now that the number of the cases has dropped the f.d.a. Says that's no longer necessary Rob Stein n.p.r. News Russian President Vladimir Putin is calling for closer international cooperation to fend off the growing number of cyber attacks worldwide speaking in a cyber security form in Moscow today Putin said it's important to develop global standards to take into account the interests of all nations you noted cyber threats have been mounting across the globe his own country Putin over the number of cyber attacks has risen by a 3rd during the 1st 3 months of this year compared to the same period a year ago he says Russia will work to develop an automated system Priscilla Tate information sharing between businesses I'm Jack Speer n.p.r. News in Washington support for n.p.r. Comes from n.p.r. Stations other contributors include Sony Pictures Classics presenting boundaries a new comedy starring Christopher Plummer and be reform a guy about a daughter who takes an unexpected a road trip with her a strange Pod dealing father now playing. Get your tickets now for the 12th Annual Blues under the bridge festival with Los Lobos happening this Saturday don't forget this Friday evening in the gold room there's a free festival party with Chris Thomas King and all of the festival details are online at k r c c. Sponsored in part by the independent Crystal brewing 70 wines the mining exchange and Pikes Peak blues community. From n.p.r. News this is All Things Considered I'm Mary Louise Kelly and I'm else the Chuang the Environmental Protection Agency gets a new leader next week and you wheeler will take over as acting administrator of course is because Scott Pruitt resigned yesterday amid many allegations of ethical violations we'll get a chance to chat about that in a moment but 1st let's take a look at Wheeler as N.P.R.'s Rebecca Herschel reports he brings far more experience to the job than his predecessor when Andrew Wheeler was fresh out of law school he got a job at the e.p.a. a Special assistant in the agency's toxics office he helped write rules about how much information chemical companies disclose to the public and after a few years Wheeler did what many young environmental lawyers hope to do he landed a job in Congress working for the Senate committee that oversees the e.p.a. Well I've known Andy a long time Scott Siegel is a partner at the law firm Bracewell and he is not an accidental administrator he is somebody who has been preparing for a position of responsibility like this really for all of us life I mean he is a student of environmental policy over the years Wheeler has helped draft regulations on tons of major environmental issues toxic waste air and water pollution climate change and in many cases he's worked to decrease the power of the federal government to regulate industry blocking or weakening rules about chemical factories refineries and manufacturers at his Senate confirmation hearing Senator Ed Markey of Massachusetts asked We'll. What he thinks about climate science do you believe human activity is driving the temperature increases on the planet I believe that man has an impact on the climate but I just must not completely understood his what the impact is the overwhelming scientific consensus is that human greenhouse gas emissions are driving global climate change Wheeler's position casting doubt on the science as he deregulates industry mirrors the broader position of the trumpet ministration Siegel thinks Wheeler's experience in Washington sets him up better than his predecessor to advance the Trump agenda to be frank with you I don't think we'll see the kinds of personal issues that doubled in the last administrator. Is a consensus builder even some Democrats are cautiously hopeful the ranking Democrat on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee Tom Carper told N.P.R.'s Morning Edition it's possible wheeler will turn a page and surprise people in his running of the agency but environmental groups are sounding the alarm one of their main concerns after Wheeler left the Senate he lobbied for years for one of the largest coal companies in the country Bob Deans is a spokesperson for the Natural Resources Defense Council going from a train wreck to a house on fire doesn't give us comfort the fact is we have an Andrew Wheeler a former coal lobbyist spearheading the worst White House assault in history on our environment and public health Wheeler is expected to stick with the e.p.a. Is agenda of rolling back multiple Obama era climate and pollution rules but Dean says some of those attempts have been held up in the courts because the e.p.a. Hasn't backed up its new positions with sufficient science these safeguards were developed in most cases over years and with normal amount of input from the public from every stakeholder imaginable and if they're going to try to take balance those safeguards the law requires that they demonstrate they have a better idea which is where. Andrew Wheeler's regulatory experience may come in handy if the e.p.a. Is to succeed with its current agenda the devil will be in the policy details Rebecca her sure n.p.r. News Mary let's turn the conversation back now to Scott Pruitt and his relatively short but colorful federal career dominated by ethics scandals including his d.c. Condo lease when you look at the facts of what I leased what I paid for it is absolutely 100 percent ethical and it was signed off and it's legal but it's got through it is doing a great job within the walls of the v.a. Because so you were not involved in that I was not involved in the approval of the $43000.00 and if I had known about it Congressman I would have refused it Scott Pruitt getting the last word there on the matter of the $43000.00 secure phone booth installed in his office we also heard President Trump there defending pro it which he did consistently up to yesterday here in the studio to talk about Pruitt's resignation and other political news of the week we have got David Brooks of The New York Times welcome back good to be here and Jonathan Capehart of The Washington Post Welcome back to you thank you so Scott pro it finally out this fall is of course months of scandal and speculation Jonathan what will his legacy be here in Washington well his his legacy will be one of scandal Well it's twofold one primarily it's scandal because some of the things that he's being investigated for range from typical Washington corruption to the bizarre but also the $43000.00 fund might fit in the phone booth that used Trump Hotel mattress the lotion but on the other hand his legacy will be that of administrator who came in and went to work e-mail rolling back some of the things that the that President Obama and his administration put into place in the e.p.a. In that regard I think that's one of the reasons why he held on so for so long is because he was doing the work that President Trump wanted him to do and specifically what industry wanted him to. Do David what about all these ethics violations and the investigations into them which are under way should that remain a priority now that Scott Peart is out and I think it's a great use of taxpayer money what strikes me to approve it is that he had these delusions of grandeur he was maneuvering to be secretary of state and attorney general at the time time his corruption was so incredibly petty you know that led to a used mattress to me the underlying story for Pruitt is just characterological it was not the deep state or the liberal media that took him down it was Trump appointees in the way and the people who were fleeing ship and have been for the last really 678 months where people within the e.p.a. Who trumpet appointed and the atmosphere in there everyone everyone's been saying it's the radio beginning was like a snake pit and so why would you want to work with a guy who just creates an atmosphere of viciousness it's just a dysfunctional workplace beyond anything else which brings me to this next question which is if if one were to agree with this characterization of a snake pit at the e.p.a. The person who will be walking into the job at least in an acting capacity comes right from that snake pit this is the Wheeler who we just heard about in Rebecca her shores piece who brings much of the same agenda but more experience and arguably more political savvy to the job David might environmentalist critics come to regret his departure. You want to in effect of opponent I guess you know I think what pretty never got which I think will now be reestablished is there is a difference between public service and private enrichment and put Never quickly understood that line and but any normal civil servant sort of gets the line and will not be exploding hand grenades in his own stomach every week the way pro-US I have to note for the record that Pruitt denies always has continues to deny that any of these ethics allegations are true he says as we heard him saying there that this was not on him and that he never did anything wrong but let me let you get the last word on this subject Jonathan I think the. One throughline will be the policy the policy stays the same the administrator the administrator is changed but the direction of the e.p.a. Will be unchanged me turn you to next week and the Supreme Court news that we are all waiting on tenterhooks for the White House says that President Trump is going to announce his choice for the Supreme Court Monday night in prime time this of course is to fill the seat of retiring Justice Anthony Kennedy n.p.r. Is reporting that Trump for now things may change but appears to have narrowed it down to 3 Brett Kavanaugh Amy Kearney Barrett and Raymond Catholic David do you see a big difference between these 3 choices there's gradations of difference of social conservatives are a little more in favor of me Koena Barrett Barrett and the more establishment conservatives a little more for Kavanaugh he has a deeper paper trail and some of the regulatory and labor liberty issues but these are differences and kinds and not anything like a feud to me when I look at these 3 they all seem extremely good but it's a testament to the Federalist Society if you want to change society build an institution that nurtures a whole troop whole generations of talent it doesn't matter who the Republican president is the Federalist Society nurtures a whole farm team and the president can pick and we should explain for people that were not so familiar with his that are a lot of conservative students in in law schools around the country started really in the early 1980 s. And for the last 30 or however many years it's been since then they've really been an amazing funnel of talent and so these are very non trumpy picks they're the establishment and the most well respected among Republican judicial types there's been a lot of talk among Democrats over whether there is any path to fording nominee Jonathan do you see it is there any way if Democrats don't like who the president picks that they can block it Democrats can try mightily but I am hard pressed to see how they do it one Supreme Court justice nominee is correct me if I'm wrong David it's now a simple majority to the Republicans they used. We hold hang tough and hang tight they can only lose one Republican vote but the trouble comes in with Democrats running in red states for reelection senators and I'm thinking specifically of Heidi Heitkamp Donnelly and Senator Joe Manchin West Virginia they're all up for reelection if any one of them decides to vote with the president and for the president's nominee different the Democrats' strategy falls completely apart David you concur agree with the Republicans who are in play so to speak or Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins they seem to be under a lot less pressure which is neither of them up for reelection this year compared to the 3 Republicans that Jonathan just mentioned Americans democratically and I think just mentioned yeah last thing to ask you both on the subject which is Roe v Wade this is the big one of the big question marks hanging over the future of the Supreme Court. With any of these 3 How real is the threat of overturning Roe versus Wade Jonathan Well it would seem that if they're being recommended by the Federalist Society their views on Roe v Wade are pretty pretty clear and for senators like Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins who for whom this is a big issue whether whether or not the issue comes up during the confirmation hearings we pretty much know where they stand so the hard part will be for someone like Senator Collins to determine whether she's going to vote for this person whether or not he or she says flat out that they would do away with Roe v Wade we've come become accustomed to the fact that they never answer any of these controversial questions to begin with David last word in the story decisis which is the doctrine that what's stablish should be established whatever they preach secretly believe that's what they will hold back on the confirmation hearings David Brooks of The New York Times Jonathan Capehart of The Washington Post thanks to you both happy weekend to you too. You're listening to All Things Considered from n.p.r. News it's All Things Considered here on Southern Colorado's n.p.r. Station Good afternoon I'm Mike Purcell 18 minutes after 6 o'clock a few clouds 84 degrees out of the Colorado Springs Airport pretty much the same weather deal here in the downtown area. The $91.00 k. R.c.c. Mobile app is making it easier to listen to music anytime anywhere listen to d.j. Rant reggae show during breakfast enjoy the blue plate special during your lunch hour and a calm down with Mickey's evening show on your afternoon commute update your app now at the i Tunes App Store or with Google Play and tap into the tunes with 91.5 k. R.c.c. Music on demand. I'm Scott Simon are you thinking about trading in your car. Donated to the station and will turn it into the programs you love go to k. Or c c daughter or g pretty tales and over gets tune in for Saturday's weekend edition with Scott Simon tomorrow starting at 6 am here on Southern Colorado's n.p.r. Station 10 minutes left in the seedings all things considered and then we turn things over to Kyra's doff for the evening edition of Marketplace g.t. Sitting in for our friend and neighbor Vicki tonight Vicki over at the Gold Room One of the preludes to blues in the bridge you can head on over there yourself catch the Chris Thomas King Banda think 20 bucks at the door unless you are one of the 1st 30 with your blues in the bridge past for tomorrow you'll get in free Tonight Show at the Gold Room. Again partly cloudy 84 degrees here in downtown Colorado Springs at 620. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from Jones Day an integrated partnership collaboratively providing legal services for more than a century 43 offices 5 continents serving clients as one firm worldwide learn more at Jones Day dot com from me on presenting 3 Identical Strangers a film about triplets separated at birth and the conspiracy that kept them apart 3 Identical Strangers now playing in select markets and from the listeners who support this n.p.r. Station. From n.p.r. News this is All Things Considered I'm else the Chuang And I'm Mary Louise Kelly to the u.k. Now where the front pages are once again filled with headlines about Novi check no joke of course 1st made headlines back in March when former Russian spies Sergei script ball and his daughter were found unconscious on a bench in Salzburg British officials said the pair had been poisoned by a nerve agent and they said the trail led directly to Russia now 4 months later another 2 people are sick critically ill and in the hospital and security officials say they too were exposed to know each arc which prompted us to wonder what exactly do we know about Nova Chuck and how it works and how it spread well for some answers we have called Allister hey he is America's professor of environmental toxicology at the University of Leeds in Britain and he joins us via Skype professor here welcome thank you very much good evening compared to other chemical weapons how we feel is not a truck Oh they are certainly lethal they're like all know the agents and they work in the same way in that they block a crucial enzyme which regulates messages between nerves and muscles and essentially sends muscles into spasm and that's the muscles that control your breathing keep you up right control your your vision your heart your gut your intestinal movement so absolutely every muscle is affected and that has very serious consequences the most important of which is anybody agree thing so help us square what you're telling me about how lethal this toxin is with the advice that British medical experts have been giving even today saying look the risk to the public is low so if you maybe have been in the vicinity wash your clothes and use baby wipes Well we know from the evidence of the script hours and the the 2 people who are currently affected there. They were exposed to a serious dose and unconscious as a result and I think in the case of this cripples it would certainly have died had it not being for the good treatment they had in hospital so this suggests that the dose that the individuals were exposed to was a little one how much would you need to have a lethal dose you're talking about microgram Conti's may be $50.00 to $100.00 micrograms you know microgram being a millionth of a gram so tiny amounts really and is it something that could wash away I mean I'm struck by the fact that the 2nd set of cases this is happening 4 months after the scribbles Yes the nerve agents generally are not very soluble in water they are degraded by water ultimately and the other factor that governs the disappearance is temperature and the warmer it is the more they will evaporate one of the interesting twists of this new carriage this couple British citizens civilians no known contacts with Russian intelligence this latest couple to get sick is that they were in a town 7 miles away from where the scruples reports and well the suggestion is that the evidence is that they visited Solsbury where the script of lived and they perhaps visited one of the sites where the scruples may have been or where something may have been discarded perhaps even by those who were the perpetrators of this incident in the 1st place and the ones who placed an order chalks on the door handle of the scruples house we don't know that yet what are the key outstanding questions to you from a scientific point of view as this is this investigation plays out well for me it's possibly having some idea whether it was from the sane likely batch of material that was used against this cripples It's also how the couple came into contact with the agent and whether that indicates anything about the robustness or otherwise of the. Approach to decontaminate the area those are the 2 major questions that I have Professor Hey thanks very much you're very welcome nice to talk to Alistair hay He's professor emeritus of environmental toxicology at the University of Leeds. Protests have erupted in Poland this week the ruling party there the Law and Justice Party is trying to revamp the Polish courts for one thing it's lowered the retirement age for Supreme Court judges forcing a full 3rd of them off the bench including the court's top judge that's raised alarm not only in Poland but throughout the European Union joining us to discuss all of this is an apple bomb foreign affairs columnist for The Washington Post we should know that her husband Radek Sikorski was Minister of Foreign Affairs in a previous Polish government Welcome thank you can you start us off by telling us about the Law and Justice Party I mean what is it trying to achieve by remaking the Supreme Court this is actually not the 1st step that the party has made in revamping the justice system under the rubric of judicial reform what they have tried to do is essentially court packing they've given all kinds of excuses for it but if you talk to lawyers or judges the legal community in Poland is pretty unanimous about this the main goal appears to be to change the legal system unconstitutional and just to be clear and we say Supreme Court in Poland Is it akin to the u.s. Supreme Court or is the phrase used differently over there the division is a little bit different I mean because they also in addition to disagree they also have a constitutional court I guess you would call this the highest court Ok implores this court I should add is also that among its other it certifies the results of elections so there are seniors that by the court that they would then be able to see in the next elections they are a party that does not have a majority of the votes they won a majority in. Element through a series of flukes and you know it's to roots to reelect Rolemaster so they don't have a majority and we've talked about the country being rocked by protests but are there a fair number of people in Poland who are cheering on these latest actions who support what is going on sure of course there are you know they have a pretty solid you know something like 30 percent of the population sports they are describing this as a kind of anti communist activity they have they've described the Polish judges as a band of thieves they've used terrible language about the woman who's the chief justice and we of course know these kinds of how this works in our own country this is nothing new coal and 6 you know if you consistently smear a particular institution and you say that it's corrupt and then it's you know that these are bad people then a percentage of the population will go along with that and they have we have a very very polarized media in Poland much again like the United States and so there yes there are people who believe that leg of the when sat who led Poland in the fight against communism later went on to become president there he's warning of a civil war in Poland do you do you know what he means by that is he being alarmist . So I doesn't feel to me right now that there's going to be violence you know one choice Iran with these things that I don't think that's correct but there is I think metaphorically there is a kind of civil war I mean it's clear that there are very clearly to Poland I mean there's one Poland which is Western oriented which believes in the rule of law which is you know angry about this and many of the other changes that have been brought about by this government and so there are people who are angry about that and then there's a part of the population you know who support it somehow we've managed to create 2 tribes even though it's. Tricky you know everybody's total And yet nevertheless there are these that the ruling party says that those who oppose us aren't really of course they are. An apple mom is a foreign affairs columnist for The Washington Post she joined us via Skype thank you very much thank you. This is n.p.r. News. President Trump zeroes in on his pick for the Supreme Court we look at the candidates and we talk about how t.v. News talks about Supreme Court decisions using language that evokes sports or war who won who lost why what was the strategy what were the tactics how that kind of coverage could hurt public opinion of the high court Saturday and Weekend Edition from n.p.r. News. Saturdays Weekend Edition begins at 6 am tomorrow here on 91.5 k. Or c. C. In catch Sunday we're going to dish in as well 6 am on a Sunday. Programming on 91.5 k. Or c. C. Is supported by the independent presenting the 5th annual Indy inclusion awards July 10th from 6 to 9 pm the inclusion legacy awards and garden party will celebrate past winners to get link at c.s. Indie dot com by café Red Point serving smoothies like the Green Machine organic spinach and kale blended with ginger lime and pineapple and sweetened with Lockhart farms on e menu and online ordering at Cafe Red Point dot com. Get your tickets now for the 12th Annual Blues under the bridge festival with Los Lobos happening this Saturday don't forget this Friday evening in the gold room there's a pre festival party with Chris Thomas King and all of the festival details are online at k. Or c.c. Dot org. Sponsored in part by the independent Crystal burrowing 17 wines the mining exchange and Pikes Peak blues community. And don't forget the Chris Thomas King band over the golem tonight a prelude to blues under the bridge I believe Tickets are $20.00 at the door tonight unless you are one of the 1st 30 with your blues in the bridge take a tad at the door tonight that will get you in free. Meanwhile 84 degrees here in downtown calorie Springs at 630 programing on 91.5 k. Or c. C. Is supported by salsa Bravo announced serving menu items featuring locally sourced ingredients from the Colorado tortilla company and savory spice shop to the polar dory sausage company and Schmidt Aires menu and more it's also Colorado dot com. Marketplace is supported by staples with printers printer ink and toner cartridges for home and business and in-store print shops for customized presentations booklets and manuals in-store and on line Staples look around for me would to tally up all the various bits and pieces of globalization that you can see your car that phone in your pocket some of the jobs from today's jobs report for sure now while you think about that think about this 2 little words trade and war from American Public Media this is Marketplace. Marketplace is supported by Western Digital everywhere data lives from personal devices to global organisations Western Digital feels the innovation for a smarter future learn more at data makes possible dot com and c 3 I o t addressing the world's most challenging problems at the convergence of artificial intelligence io t. And elastic cloud computing Moritz c 3 I o t a I and by college find near peer mentors use guidance technology to help high schoolers discover interests improve S.A.T.'s and navigate the college admissions process college find dot com. In Los Angeles I'm Carl result Friday the 6th of July that is always to have you along with everybody. Well here we are I mean we all knew things were heading this way right but now it has actually happened we find ourselves on this Friday officially at odds with our biggest trading partner and most of the rest of the world's 10 or so biggest economies and it's happening this trade war time went by a whole lot of indications by which I mostly mean today's jobs report the economy is doing pretty well so on with it here are up the last 5 days for really if you had Wednesday off are honest once and she's from the New York Times when it Lopez is a Business Insider everybody. So let me start with you yeah 213000 new jobs unemployment rate is up a little bit but that's kind of a technicality who wages right still stuck still stuck and you know this is part of the story that we've been seeing for a long time you know employers are starting to complain that they might have to give people more money but that it hasn't quite started yet and this is a mystery that everyone will continue to debate about and it's something that. You know is probably not going to be helped by a trade war Well you know yeah so it sort of go ahead I mean most of what we're dealing with now the the trade actions of the top administration has put in place since this morning was they have to deal with inputs and so things that companies use to make the things that you buy that is going to hurt companies it's going to car consumers if you like Chick fil a then the pressure cookers at chick fil a are going to cost more money so you're saying which will probably eventually cost more money and we haven't really started to see this play out yet but. It once we do. The American people will be able to decide whether what they want to see more right well so I know that's kind of my question right there's been a whole lot of anecdotal data about some prices going up right steel prices going up aluminum prices are going to go up but the headline data is data in this economy right the jobs numbers the g.d.p. Growth all that stuff is still good how long do you figure as a person who covers international trade how I'm going to take the trickle down if I could corner for it. Yeah well it certainly takes a little bit of a while and this strong jobs report that we had today is certainly masking some of that effect I think other effects haven't really yet taken and taken taken action and we're going to you know maybe see a few months before we really start to see that in some of the prices I mean overall economists are saying that actually the effect of the trade war on the economy is pretty small maybe a few percentage points of g.d.p. But you can still experience a lot of pain without something that knocks you into a recession right now and there are isolated communities there are lots of communities in the United States that are going to be feeling the pain from this you know specifically with those tariffs targeting inputs a lot of small and medium sized manufacturers and a lot of farmers both of whom are really so important groups of support for the president and limit we should say or you know 34000000000 in tariffs against the 1000 trillion dollar economy is not a whole lot but I want to ask you about. Not how it ends because we've got a piece coming from Sabrina better short about 3 and a half minutes on what that's going to look like and what it might take but the language here from both sides does seem to imply that they are in this for the long haul the Chinese on the president right that's that's a key point this is just the beginning and it doesn't look like either side is willing to. Is willing to back down the trumpet ministration is asking for fundamental changes from the Chinese about for. For their economy and then the Chinese are saying no we need these things that you want for our future there's absolutely no way we're changing them this trade war is actually coming at a time when the Chinese economy is doing the exact opposite of our economy it's not looking great usually what Wall Street is becoming used to is seeing that in the beginning of the year the Chinese economy starts to hit the skids and the growth numbers start to reverse and then the Chinese government has to help its economy. In order to sustain growth we did not see that this year but actually we saw that slowdown that kind of hit the brakes moment just last month and at the end so China's economy is actually in a in a precarious position that said. You know the Chinese government can do whatever it was you know it can prop up its banks that can help certain industries it can you know move the pieces around in the chessboard in a way that the u.s. Economy cannot the u.s. Government cannot so that has you know anybody calling this match scratching their heads because perhaps in the early in the early rounds so the Chinese government can go in and support the companies and industries that are getting knocked by American tariffs but later in the cycle. You know it's a little tricky We don't know a little trick you don't know don't let me ask you this because people have asked me and I've given the standard answer of well they want free and fair trade but what does the White House want out of this trade war. That's a great question so the term ministers in has described this is kind of a negotiating bed that will force China and other countries that it's dealing with into capitulation but right now we're just not seeing any signs of there are apparent negotiations with the Chinese scheduled so you know when big question is whether this is really a negotiating tactic and then as you know as you're kind of alluding there are a lot of different goals in the Trump administrator in a lot of different advice hers have different opinions and they're there I think trying to play to those but then also respect the president's really intense focus on the trade deficit to do something about that so we really have a clue of negotiating objectives here that have kind of bewildered the Chinese from what we're hearing and some of the rest of us to want to Swanson in the New York Times and let it look as a Business Insider thank you to thank you Daryn have a nice weekend eye wall street today traders took a look at that now official trade war and so really only this morning is jobs numbers because stock trading is about nothing if not about looking for short term rewards We'll have the details when we do the numbers. Are we're going to dig a little deeper here for a couple minutes about jobs and the whole what the what with global trade thing because there is some stuff to begin to trade war 1st I think and this thought without straining the metaphor too far when there's an actual war there is usually supposed to be an exit strategy right how do you win and then how do you recover what about with trade wars how are we going to get out of this one and then get things back to normal marketplaces we better sure has that story normally trade conflicts between countries start slow and build don't just jump right there. Rufus Yorks is head of the national foreign trade council he used to be deputy director of the w t o and before that deputy u.s. . Trade Representative he says when he had to negotiate with other countries exit strategies would be there all along the way before tariffs were ever imposed we always used to say in the press if you got to the point of actually having to impose the measures you know you've already sort of lost the fight because it's much harder at that point to get to a deal with China he says the administration went right to tariffs China of course responded with tariffs and in such a public showdown it's much harder politically for either side to back down Brian Hass as an analyst at the Brookings Institution there is not yet a clear exit strategy nor is there a channel he says to work things out the Americans haven't identified clearly what objectives they are pursuing and there is not a mechanism built into the relationship that allows both sides to negotiate the subjectives both China and the u.s. House says overestimated their leverage and are waiting to see who blinks 1st both sides appear to be entering into a period of testing each other's political pain tolerance and there is not a pathway out of the moment the problem of course of testing pain tolerance is the pain part prices will rise customers will find other suppliers investment flows will dry up supply chains will reroute again Rufus York with the national foreign trade Council this is not something where you know both sides suddenly say Ok we've got a deal and everything returns to normal the longer the world's 2 largest economies play chicken the harder it becomes to undo the damage in New York I'm Sabrina short for marketplace right now jobs in that whole thing with the unemployment rate that I was talking about that went up last month to 4 percent but for the paradoxically paradoxically a good reason that more people enter the labor force started looking for work in other words over the past year almost 2000000 people have put themselves out there people who've been discouraged by the post recession economy who maybe decided to get more education so we sent Marketplace's Mitchell Hartman out this morning to see what is getting them back in the job market again Steve Rodriguez is 32. He lives in Los Angeles and he's about to start a new job on Monday patient admissions at a hospital he's worked in a pharmaceutical lab driven for he was injured and couldn't work for several months earlier this year he started looking again to go through fire was of online application no one calling to our system become so disheartening after a while then someone he knew said the hospital where he worked was looking for people and so now you know when our friend reaches out and says they are you looking for a job you don't own it it pays just above minimum wage less than he was making before Keith Reynolds was working in advertising technology until late last year then 12 punch on the 1st of December I was laid off and I told my wife she said don't worry it'll be all right and then the next Friday she told me I have a little bit of cancer and I told her I said you know we're going to figure this out Reynolds took time off to help his wife through chemo he says she's doing well he's started applying for jobs and gotten some interviews but no offers yet keep Connors 32 she taught for 7 years and graduated with a master's in public policy from Georgetown in May I thought magically I would have a job ready but I just found myself struggling to secure places created a spreadsheet she landed a good job in the end but she says job searching is not easy even with a strong economy and low unemployment and I'm Michel Martin for Marketplace. Coming up right where you put it in your mouth you would double that for at such a delicious persist I know but I mean it's really expensive you know all 1st though . Let's do these numbers. These numbers one is that the let's do the numbers Dodos again for 10 percent 99 points 24000 for 56 Nasdaq climb one and 3 tenths percent 101.7688 the s. And p. $500.00 rose 810 percent 23 points $27.59 for the 5 There's gone by the Dow gained 7 tenths percent Nasdaq climb about 2 and a half percent 2.4 percent technically s. 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This is Marketplace I'm Just because you can't say it often enough this is a global economy we only live in it education division at the moment nearly a 3rd of the foreign students studying in the United States are Chinese and in the process of paying for school and just living those $350000.00 or so people spend billions of dollars here what with the trade war although I want to focus by the drop in ministration on intellectual property theft and forced technology transfer things for Chinese students might be changing or China correspond Jennifer Pak has more now from Shanghai don't why how has a chemical engineering degree from Tianjin University a good school near the capital of Beijing it's no small feat colleges limit the number of students they take from each province for every 10000 students who took the national entrance exam in one province in 2014 only 3 were accepted into tinging university don't why how was one of them now he wants a bigger challenge a graduate degree from the us. American universities are better than China's they usually have a long history their libraries are big and their learning facilities are more sophisticated Americans are good at critical thinking which is very different from our culture for the past 3 years he has been taking us test preparation courses and hired an agency to help him navigate the American admissions process so even before he's accepted into a university don't White House parents have spent more than 7500 dollars which in Hunan Province is the average wage for an entire year the investment paid off don't why how is attending the University of Southern California in the fall to pursue a master's degree in chemical engineering he says news of stricter rules in the u.s. Didn't stop him from applying for a visa back in May. That's a myth I had to prepare a lot of documents like proof of my parent's income and assets but the officials at the u.s. Embassy barely looked at them they asked me a couple of. Questions and then said I have to undergo an additional checking process he's heard of classmates who are in the same boat the deputy assistant secretary for visas services from the Us State Department Edward Roma Tusky told a Senate subcommittee hearing in early June that Chinese citizens in sensitive fields may be limited to a one year visa in an effort to prevent intellectual property theft Professor John Hiatt June from just young Chinese Medical University says it isn't fair to students. When Chinese students study abroad they learn foreign technology is through recognized academic programs and exchanges they are not there to steal or hurt America's national interest in 2013 u.s. Authorities charged Professor John June with economic espionage when he was working as a researcher at the Medical College of Wisconsin that was later dropped when he pled guilty to a lesser charge of illegally downloading data which he maintains was an act to safeguard the research. At a conference room in Shanghai a dozen parents gather at an information session held by the education consultancy group Focus International among the 1st questions was how to prepare for a campus tour but visa problems are also at the top of their minds these days says General Manager Michael again he says the u.s. Has been tightening visa rules for the past 5 years despite that he sees a growing appetite among Chinese families for an American education his clients are not just sending their children to American colleges but also to junior high and high schools Thomas all the Huns all high school high middle school one of the reasons parents send their kids to study in the u.s. Earlier is because they hope that this will give their child an added with American colleges later a big reason people want a u.s. Degree it's valuable in the China job market says college student Tom face yet. There are too many Chinese students with graduate degrees from top universities in China so I want to degree from a famous American college to stand out in the job market. Recently she got a visa to study for a master's degree in chemical engineering at Columbia University in Shanghai I'm Jennifer Pac from Marketplace. How to Hollywood a couple of weeks ago late in the afternoon to go to a butcher shop basically the butcher shop it's a butcher shop attached to a really high end restaurant it's the latest venture from Australian celebrity chef Curtis Stone you might know him from Top Chef Masters among other things the place is called the Glen he runs it with his brother Luke is mild a brother it's He's he's the boss of course and he runs a fund a hassock I guess are on the back yes something like that that's not supposed to let anyone tell me about this place so it's a mate centric restaurant a meat centric mate century that's also like every kind of place that's funny you know we we don't call it a steak Haskins it's not a steak asp it's kind of like a steak house if you know out of a that's a butcher shop festa for myself and as you walk through the front door you find the glitches count the butcher shop sort of services the restaurant and the restaurant services the butcher shop a little bit and then we got there just as prep for dinner service was picking up things were getting busy but I did manage to get a taster to say this is the important stuff here yeah so this salami we make with leek ash and porcini mushroom or sell like an idiot what's leaked ash where you burn leaks in the charcoal burn of and the charcoal. And you cook it down so it's an ash you know you don't use those ashes with the pool on the porch any powder no matter I man. Oh and then the finish is really good everything that we make we set out to make it as delicious as that you know every singer. I think I was going to ask you what happens when you get it wrong but when you generally never see the light of day that's what my family eats and of us like. The stone brothers opened went back in 2016 which puts them right at the point of maximum risk because a lot of new restaurants the do wind up closing shut down in their 1st couple years so after we had the leak ash salami we had the How's business going conversation who's your clientele for this place right this is 87 seats who do you want in the door we want people to come in he had that love good food. And you know I think at the end of the day we have a premium products you know in terms of the puts the shelf we take real care in the source in the age in the butchering of the baits and then we. Treat it pretty carefully over a file but it's also just a piece of a data file you know we don't take it too seriously and we have fun when Kid us and I started talking about it he came up with his idea of opening a butcher shop in the restaurant which we're quite familiar but we spend time in an area but then there's not too many of them you know lice people think are a little bit crazy doing it here but it really is kids who are saying before Does the hot plate of the restaurant and the way it can I just love can I just does it actually say 129 dollars Yeah that's right Ok why well you see all those white specks Yeah that's into muscular foul Moblin we call it and that is not easy to Tynes that's when you have fat running right through the muscle and those you can see why your New York Strip right as I were talking about here it is yeah that's black moles ranch from Australia and that makes it a 129 dollars but may when you put it in your math you would pay double that for at least I'm going to have to come here for dinner because you know yeah I mean we have reasonable stuff so you know this is obviously an extremely premium product but we have grass fed beef and grain fed beef that's grown domestic run well and it gives me back to the you're looking for a certain clientele to come in the door yeah very much so it's been you know if we're not we can. Compete with the supermarkets so we don't try to make sure that we have the very best of of what we can source from you know as you say from the water from astride it's an across the country so you have a meat buyer I guess or is it you guys it's us I mean we have actually you go and get the beef Yeah yeah we do we have relationships direct with the ranches I usually go to most of the farms that we we brought from So riddle me this are you are you a chef or are you an entrepreneur I'm a chef are you. Your sourcing your materials and doing once a part of being a chef you've got to know where your ingredients come from whether it's made vegetables or. Dry goods come from you know you have to have really good relationships and I think that's the most important part so so what's it like running this place what's I mean as you sit here right you're you're in the yeah not in charge of business out of the house right yeah it's challenging it's a lot of fun we roll around 60 stuff at any one point so I'm in here between the butchers and sort of Oz and events and kitchen in front of house there's a lot going on at old songs how tough is it for you to find people to be the servers and the front of the house folks. Yeah it's tough it's Hollywood's Well I think it's an interesting sort of demographic in there is a lot of actors and writers and producers and whatnot but they all end up working here was it this place or Mog where you had the new actors or all that was it more yeah it was a joke we'd love actors my last act I kind of an actor's role if we wanted to hire floor stuff that were dedicated so that the out of hospitality out of being an actor you know we tried not to employ people but it was an in-between job for so that's the joke was we didn't play actors but you know the truth is where I put it whoever it is that that sees this is a Korea and really wants to you know wants to do great things in the hospitality sense for director of operations he has another head shot policy so if you head shots on your regiment. It's very hard to get in until it's a beauty radioman you know that the old adage Yes it's true. What is it that people don't understand about the restaurant business because you can meaning here and it's a bustling great place looks like a lot of fun but clearly you guys are killing yourselves in the back of the house it's a lot of work yeah for sure we start at days at 9 o'clock in the morning my stays and less but I comforted until 7 or 8 o'clock at night say we've had a full day before the evening even really Staats same with the from the house you know there's a there's a variety in these guys he sometimes until 2 o'clock in the morning sun it's a scrappy industry but I love it you know that's why they want a lot of us on the high I think that it's always just an inch from a disaster and that's kind of exciting does lie doesn't sound like a great business model but you never bored you notable it and it's sure you'd like it you look at you look at you watch in the Oh I see at the top already and ever think. That I was taking forever the days just flashed by you and that's I think that's good if you can enjoy your work it's crazy cool stuff you look like you're in I'm a commie and they had was I am I am I'm a guy I had to you know a good short career played as my go to have been really generous on reparation estimation Isilon chef Curtis Stone at his 2nd l.a. Restaurant when prepped for dinner service couple of weeks ago. This final note on the way out today in a sad sad saga of the cargo ship peak Pegasus it had soybeans on board American soybeans approaching yesterday the Chinese port of Dalia an regular listeners to this program will remember that soybeans were on China's list of American imports they had threatened to hit with tariffs if u.s. Tariffs went into effect as they did last night so there had been an internet watch party of sorts tracking peak Pegasus the past. Pick up speed as it tried to beat. Missed it by. About $25.00. More information is available by searching for tick watch or we got to go down.

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