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Or our allies will be met with a massive military response to respond to both objective and overwhelming Secretary Mabus in his strongest words says the u.s. Is not looking to totally annihilate a nation but has the option to do so he's got all the latest wake of the latest action by Pyongyang the president of the European Union council issuing a statement reading in part the e.u. Stands ready to sharpen its policy of sanctions and calling on the north to abandon its nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs in a complete their a fireball and irreversible manner just over a week since Hurricane Harvey devastated the Texas Gulf and the recovery could take years President Trump as promised help calling on Congress to pass a nearly 8000000000 dollar aid package immediately he visited Houston again yesterday Mayor Sylvester Turner on how they're moving forward with clean up the city's crude. Starting Thursday removing the debris we're working every day but we need bass funding the president was certainly amenable to that and and in fact issued a statement that it would be 90 percent reimbursable in that category on Fox News Sunday Texas governor Greg Abbott saying his office is working with the e.p.a. To make sure any toxic site impacted by Harvey is contained more than a dozen supervillain sites in the Houston area alone Fox News fair and balanced. This is the sound of a brand new outdoor grill being hurled off a 20 story building. Now as stylish class coffee to. An electric guitar. 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Department of Energy and the Ad Council announcement expected from the White House Tuesday on whether President trouble and the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals or dock a program which protects young immigrants brought here illegally as children from being deported Texas governor Greg Abbott on the so-called dreamers program we need to recognize that this is really a symptom of a larger problem the remains unresolved we wouldn't have this whole issue about DACA if Congress. Step up and pass immigration reform and do so in working with the president on Fox News Sunday the program was put in place by President Obama during the campaign President Tom called it amnesty had promised to end it Firefighters hoping to take advantage of calm winds and cooler temperatures as they struggle to surround the biggest fire in Los Angeles history is destroyed at least 3 homes and it's threatening neighborhoods and they are declaring a local emergency it's Labor Day weekend and that means we're gearing up for the fall t.v. Season Christmas in the fall and here's your list 1st up 2 new Fox t.v. Shows we're giving you one last chance the Oroville is Seth McFarlane as Ed Mercer captain of the space ship of the same name imagine Star Trak as a comedy also on Fox ghosted parks and Rex Adam Scott and Craig Robinson costar as paranormal investigators and on a.b.c. The mare has Hamilton's breakout star divvy Diggs finally Curb Your Enthusiasm is back October 1st on h.b.o. On Netflix stranger things comes back for season 2 October 27th binge season one 1st if you haven't seen it the crown Premier Season 2 December 8th Michelle pulling no Fox News a man rescued from the flame to the Burning Man festival signature burning of a towering average the last night has died running man Organizers say the countercultural festival attendee broke through the safety perimeters and ran into the blaze Lisa listen to Fox News Radio. Sears store of reading is how many huge Labor Day sale you don't want to miss it's time to upgrade your kitchen and replace your old appliances with brand new ones now's the time to save up to 40 percent off Kenmore appliances Energy Star efficient appliances and stainless steel appliances buy your appliances in a set and save even more if there's even free delivery and special financing available Sears reading sales associate for details it's time to upgrade your appliances and save big during the Sears or breading Labor Day sale it's everything for your. 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For our final round up and information overload he called and said governor whatever you need you've got and this is the quickest turnaround I've ever same. From the time that a governor made a disaster declaration to getting that granted what that means for the lay person out there is because the president so swiftly Granted my application for disaster declaration it means it triggered all of the resources of fame to help Texas and what you will say over the coming weeks and months is a tremendous rebuilding from all this damage and a large part of that will because of fema helping out and so we are very appreciative of the way the president and the White House has responded to this catastrophe and that's the governor and obviously things our top story news roundup information overload hour here on the Sean Hannity show what is happening down in Texas amazing inspiring stories one after another that we've been following today the lieutenant governor Dan Patrick of Texas is with us Lieutenant Governor 1st our thoughts and prayers go out to our friends and neighbors and fellow citizens down there and I know like me many are going to be donating and offering whatever you guys need let's 1st talk about people's safety and where we are at this moment because the rains continue to show on always good to be with you I wish there were different circumstances this time 1st of all we are as the governor said we are in a rescue to save lives right now you know you do 3 steps you know it's 1st of all it's rescue and then it's rescue and recovery of loss loss and then it's rebuilding so we are built still in step one Sean because this storm in essence is still kind of the 1st that he you know the hurricane hit rock or as you know and think about the show on that would be like a hurricane hitting New York and then Boston gets flooded because we're about the same distance close from Rockport and Boston is to New York and so that's the breadth of the storm and there are hundreds of thousands of people who are displaced from their homes it could be close to 3 quarters of a 1000000 want to all said and done either in a family's home or friends all work or in a shelter somewhere and so. Right now we're still looking for a lot of eyes were rescuing people off of rooftops and balconies and trees and Sean every story is the same every story that you see is people just grateful to God for their life grateful that their family a survivor grateful to either the 1st responder or the pollen tears that helped them and they end because they realize when it gets down to the small bits of life the stuff doesn't matter you can buy a new t.v. And want furniture you can you know get the sheet rock repaired and it may take 6 months or a year to get all of this done or more but it's your life that matters and they're so grateful Shaun The stories are incredible I don't have enough time to tell you all of them but it's incredible and we are Sean in a country that is so divine and so many ways right now Texas has won no Democrats or Republicans the liberals or conservatives don't black white and brown it's neighbor helping neighbor volunteers you know this movie Dunkirk is about the great volunteer effort one on the Armada one to France to save the soldiers Well we have an armada not quite as big as the Dunkirk but we had people bring in boats from everywhere just jumping in the water or getting our high will trucks and rescuing people and it's just in this terrible time it's so uplifting to see Texas come together as I do they what you really need as you deal with the 3 phases Lieutenant Governor you talk about rescue rescue recovery and of course the rebuilding is going to take off a long time and it's look it's heartbreaking because you know what it's like everybody in life they worked their hardest to maybe get a down payment to buy the 1st home and everything they worked their entire lives for you know now it's just gone and that's the least of the story when you're talking about saving human lives but they really to have a successful rescue I think you've got every component in place and that is you've got neighbor helping neighbor which is amazing you've got local government state government doing their job coordination seemingly to me with the federal government has been amazing Also is there any one component that has gone shy for the. The used mayor defending the decision not to evacuate which I know is become a big controversy Well 1st of all let me thank our mutual friend Donald Trump he has he responded not just like a president would Shawn but like the c.e.o. Of the company you know that's how he thinks and that is he saw a problem the governor contacted him with our need to contact the governor they talked several times early on and we got out in front of this so that the theme of the game and the federal government were ahead of this by days and trailing it by weeks which we haven't seen in the past so 1st of all we've got a president who thinks like a business guy tell me what you need He's an action guy get it done and he's coming to Texas tomorrow the next thing is the governor and at the state level we have done the very best we can to getting ahead of this storm even though it was a short notice bomb a week or less and they got very big and then you have the local officials you work in tandem and and for the most part it's working well the biggest issue I would say Sean right now there's so many people needing help yesterday the 911 systems just in Houston had over 50000 calls I had a neighbor this morning and I'm in I'm in the northwest corner of Houston has been hit one of the hardest right now as I talk to you I got out yesterday I'm surrounded by water right now but one of my neighbors down the street 34 year old father had a stroke and they called 911 and there was just no answer because they're overwhelmed with calls and doing the best they can and so it was you know getting some of the high truck to get this 84 year old father had a stroke out to a hospital and thank God he's doing fine but it's all of these all of these issues that you right now if not the bureaucracy that you counted on it's just people doing instantly the right thing at the right time but it starts at the top the president has jumped out there and been a significant help to we're very grateful to governors doing his job doing the best to do my job all that all the local elected officials but it's the people it's the firemen it's the police it's the call. Scarred it's a bomb what about these guys the Cajun Navy is out again and forces people are amazing right you know what I think to me it's like it's like are going to I mean it's it's a flotilla I've got a friend of mine bringing a 26 boat down from from Dallas today driving down here and it's funny you know it could be hard for me to get to him but I'm going to be out driving I'm going out today with a guy who you know have any yesterday at 20 like your joint did your house get flooded your house get flooded did your house around it right now the water is happening to my door over the mailbox and we are surrounded by water and my daughter's house if it's not flooded has water at the door my son is dry but look this this storm took everyone Sean if you look. At your story I want I want to hear the rest of that story go ahead with the rest of the story so yesterday I'm out because my son in law has got to get to his house he had a walk about a half mile through water and I see this big army truck come by and there's a road closed sign and this big comics truck comes by and all these people and I think Army truck Big World War 2 you know big army truck and I guess I get out and I walk through the water and I said hey who's truck is this and the 25 year old guy gets out. And he says my truck and he has a cape I'm sorry 3 off road and he has a car business a place called Tomball Texas and he said I bought this truck to help out strong like this 2 years ago when he was 23 we had big floods here too last year and so he has the fact I'm joining up with him shortly and I'm going out going out with him and we're going to go the neighborhood house by house and see who needs help and and he's just been doing that on his own and yesterday there was just there was a young man who got picked up by the Coast Guard off the balcony and we landed on the ground reporter asking the question and he had his small son with him and he said and all they had was a backpack and I'll never forget this kid John because the kid had one of these cartoons that actually know the character on his back and they walk away and the man said. I've lost my car I've lost everything I don't have any clothes my son has nothing for school no clothes but we've got we've got our lives and we're grateful and thank God thank God And so this is when we as a Christian nation are tested to help each other and this is when we as a Christian nation really say to God It's in these times when it's tough that we look to you and we know it's in all of your will and that we will be fine and I just see that spirit coming alive and you hate to see things like this happen to bring that about but you know better than anyone else I know your heart and I know better than anyone that's who we are as a people and sometimes we let politics and we let you know headlines of the day and the haters out there try to divide us we're not a divided country we have a common bond that we love no other and we want to help each other lieutenant governor I was here in New York on 911 and we saw the same thing happen I mean instantaneously people just came out to help their neighbor they want to ask them what their political orientation was either you know I remember I just it sticks in my memory I mean Campbell Soup set up free food immediately for everybody that was working down to Ground 0 is there anything that I'm wiring money to Samaritan's Purse I've worked with them for years and they are simply Yeah I mean they're specifically targeting the people in Houston you know but so many people I've watched on social media and there are a few haters out there that just want to turn everything into politics but they're the minority and you know I but everybody those of us that are not there we kind of feel helpless and we want to help out our friends in Texas what do you recommend we do 1st of all our prayers are and never never under best estimates power of prayer but number 2 money is needed you know we will have team of dollars and that's why the president has already been so helpful that will help us rebuild the state we have thank goodness we protect our rainy day fund the economic stabilization fund we have about 10000000000 and it which is for the most aids combined with that will wow that's a great depleted that's depleted the quick. Plea in times like this and then many people have insurance and many people don't but when you send the money to charities purse or you send the money to redcross other org You're helping the people like those I talked about who have nothing to laugh and there will be some government assistance but there are going to have to be people to rebuild their lives and so give now as much as you can get your audience I was very generous in getting the audience really are tremendous person again is awesome or RedCross dot org and help out folks here and then you know. People who live nearby if they got a boat and they can come here and help I got to take a quick break we'll come back more with the lieutenant governor of Texas he's in Houston now as we speak still unprecedented rain as we as we continue our coverage and that's Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick of Texas then Franklin Graham of Samaritan's Purse will join us. Know less do is trying to extinguish conservative voices that easily fight fire with fire. For your beliefs. 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Rescued about 800 people yesterday we had 56000 phone calls and 9000 into K'naan 11 yesterday we still I mean and 2 and I want one we still have people on rooftops we still have people on balconies and Sean we getting them food and water in the meantime as the rescue effort moves forward nobody in other words we don't expect any more fatalities here are we able to get these these people in these situations the food and water they need to just hang in there to fill the bill help arrives or we're doing our best we don't know from the state level we're doing our best volunteers are doing our best churches are stepping up and I think this is an ongoing issue Sean this is not like look nothing like this has happened in American history you think of the great disasters the San Francisco earthquake the Chicago Fire the Galveston flood but this is going to be sadly maybe at the top of the list not even the last lot but in terms of economic damage and. In calculable incalculable and the stories you're right about humanity are amazing glad the president is coming tomorrow absolutely look you know I think this president is has done a great job as president and he cares about people and I know that he loves Texas and he loves every place else but he's got a fondness for Texas and and he was on the phone right away with Governor and I last talked to the president about 3 weeks ago before all this happened but I I know he's a person of action and he wants the magnums get this done and held up with the right resources and it will do all it can so now we're happy to have them in our Texas loves and he loves Texas and that it will be but it will be eye opening for him I could tell you can see it's like 911 Sean I was not there in New York many times in my life but it was not there at that time and I the pictures never tell the story and you know. I don't understand don't tell the story here I listen I saw all these elderly people and this goes back to the evacuation of Joe I just don't I'm not in a mode where I think anything should be politicized right now but you know I mean listen I understand Texas and I understand it's hard for government to tell anybody they want to stay in their house if you're an adult and you're capable and you want to take the risk My attitude is government shouldn't have the right to do that but when I saw all these old people in a nursing home at that point we've got to make decisions for people and I saw this horror woman knitting and she's up literally up to her waist in water you know I didn't understand that part of it why did why did they not in that instance when they were given an evacuation order by you and the governor that the local people didn't want to do I don't understand it always happens there are there are people who just decide they don't want to leave because that's their possessions there are other people who can ride it out and you know what is so happened so often Sean Unfortunately I guess fortunately is the right word big strong or protected the nothing happens and after a while people get a little jaded Well you know it's really not going to be as bad as they say and every now and then it is and this is one of those times of the thing that concerns the governor the reason he said I think appropriately a few days ago before the storm hit that you know you had a few vacation days get out of Houston get out of Corpus and corpus was spared for the most part because the storm moved a little to the right in the last minute but Houston it was clear Sean it was clear that we were going to be hit with somewhere between $15.25 inches of rain but there was the potential to get 40 or more and now we're in that potential and I know to my own son and my own daughter I said that 5 grandkids and I said to them Look you can't risk you can't take a chance on the worst will happen in this case because if the meteorologists are correct and if the storm stalls and we get 40 inches of water that's unprecedented and never happened to happen and my so my my my niece is a da. Her and she lives down and Houston and yeah she sent me pictures I mean everybody's home is on the water it's unbelievable. Listen to Lieutenant Governor we will we will take you up on your challenge the country is with you we are sending our many thoughts and prayers to our friends in Texas and you guys hang tough as I know you will under very difficult circumstances and you have are many parents are thank you show on it that the size that is that robot will have a Texas sized effort we've got a Texas sized art. Through it all right sir thank you so much Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick of Texas and you're listening to the best of the Sean Hannity show we'll have more of your favorite cast topics and memorable moments that's all coming up. 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Stay in touch with the head of a faithful join the message board and a day dot com The National Weather Service says a parts of Texas might be uninhabitable for weeks or even potentially months after the hurricane are you prepared is Fema prepared to be there for months on end fame is going to be there for years or this disaster recovery is this disaster is going to be a landmark event and we're already in the stages while we're focused on response right now on helping Texas you know respond we're already pushing forward recovery housing teams we're already pushing forward forces to be on the ground to employment National Flood Insurance Program policies as well and doing the inspections that we need so we're setting up and gearing up for the next couple years chasing his friend Brian breeze helped a family of 4 evacuate their flooded home Sunday night the family have been calling 911 since 6 am putting yourself in harm's way. Out there. On the chase is just one of hundreds of people showed up wanting to help with this . Big Rig drifted into danger civilian Samaritans grab some rope and pull the driver to safety steered It's a desolate is all about we found a nice Lucille holding her 6 month old son were wading through waist high water you have a place to go yeah it was. Just it was. Soo Madison has 4 feet of water in her home when we found her she was just looking for a place to sleep so the house is told my furniture is totaled but what's the smile could be we're sure here. All right. Good luck right 24 now till the top of the hour 809 for one Sean is our toll free telephone number you want to be a part of the program amidst unbelievable tragedy and loss on now news has reported that 6 people have died and we'll continue to update you throughout the day and tonight on Hannity and at 10 Eastern the president will in fact go down in and visit Texas tomorrow obviously Fema is working now they're going to be on the ground for years when you look at the damage and destruction and loss of property it's incalculable how big a massive This is never before seen and in Texas history you know but during the worst of times you see the best and the capability of the best in humanity you see Texas men rushing into flooded waters to save a a baby after an overturned tractor truck you know went down in front of them you know amazing stories about even a news crew stepping up putting their cameras down and saving a man's life while covering the hurricane you got people in their efforts to save their animals one story after another you've got heart breaking videos of people at their homes in tears it just breaks your heart and then there's the Cajun Navy again we met these guys down in Baton Rouge when they had experienced the flooding we also met down there Samaritans Purse and the Reverend Franklin Graham and I'm literally wiring money today but the. They have a special earmark just for hurricane relief efforts that are going down and this southeastern part of Texas and Reverend Graham you're back with us and you know it's so sad on you know everything that we're witnessing and Samaritan's Purse is always there and you guys I've seen the efforts I work with you know enough over the years to know that this is money that goes directly to the people or Sean thank you. We appreciate everybody that donates and we appreciate everybody who prays. That we can only respond Sean is people support us and we'll have right now 5 we will set up 5 different locations and south Texas that we will work out of we don't have thousands of volunteers and we need proper right now Sean more than anything else we need people to call who are willing to volunteer we need we need people who are willing to be the hands and feet of the Lord Jesus Christ in these next few months because we will it's not just too much on we'll be down there will be down there probably for 2 years. When you have this kind of damage right now the 1st thing is helping people to dry in their homes at the roof blew off will come tarpit if you got flooded we will come in and will we will drag your your what furniture and carpet and bedding and stuff like that out to the street will help you pick the dry wall off the wall so you can your house can dry out and then when all that's done then we come back and we find the people without insurance we find the elderly and then we'll come back and we'll help rebuild those homes at no cost and all of this is at no cost to the to the to the individual we look for those that are uninsured those people that fall through the cracks and try to help them 1st you know Reverend I've just known you over the years and I've seen your work up close and personal and when you make a pledge like that I know you follow through and I just look I just have some bunch of love and admiration for all the work you do and you do a lot of other great work around the. World I mean people can specifically I know right now these are fellow Americans Texas in need and they can earmark the money specifically for what you describe Right right and it will go on a percent to that. They can go to our Web site at Samaritan's Purse dot org And they can find out how to volunteer but also if they want to make a donation they can do it right there and I've watched I actually was able to work with your group of people when we went down to Baton Rouge and I remember then President Trump aboard candidate Trump I guess he was elected at that point I don't even remember but he went down there and he was handing out water and he was donating money and I know. I just I think it's incalculable how much money you're going to have the need for this and when you talk about the volunteers I've watched the efforts of Samaritan's Purse over the years you you will find those people without insurance you will find those people that literally have lost everything in this world that they have and I've watched you rebuild people's homes and lives in the process and and that's that's why I have such admiration for you Sean I appreciate very much they the people of South Texas right now if you like the shoe scenario where they're just annotated with water that water isn't going to recede for several days and manufactory will probably keep rising maybe for the next 24 hours or so and we can't do anything in that area until the water goes down but when it goes down what happens is the mold everything to get swept every house that gets wet every car that gets wet. Temperature the black mold starts to grow and it is extremely dangerous at that point even to go in and work in these people's homes that the mold is and so we took me to pray for the protection of these volunteers it's it's tough and it can be dangerous and then you also have to understand just things like snakes when when you have floods like this these snakes are trying to survive too and they crawl up in the rafters and get them into houses and that's another. Sure so just we ask people to pray pray for our teams as we go ram or we crank everybody of regret for their financial support for a lot of people want to help every dime counts are even if a person makes just a small donation that is something that that helps and it almost all goes to helping the people of South Texas well you're going to be headed down there yourself I know you often actually get go down to these projects that you're involved in and help people and and you do as much as you can obviously you have to run the organization but I mean I know I've known you to go down and do a lot of the work yourself Oh I'll be down there probably next week right now you know I just want to maybe I'll come down with me and well we'll do everything we can do to make the country aware of what the losses are and what the needs are and I've been on a few trips with you in the past I've watched you up close and personal and it's amazing you inspire me because I'm I'm the horrible Center and you're the guy that's getting to heaven so I'm trying to hang on their coat tails risk I'm sure we're all. Going to make it to heaven is a state park upgrade to faith and if you say that to me every time you know I'm giving you a hard time well but in all seriousness. I just urge people to go to Samaritan's Purse and I actually need your I usually send the routing number but we'll send it whatever way it works out best of we'll get that done for you today and I just our prayers are with these people ice I've seen so much good come out of other people in moments like this and we see it down there in Texas it literally takes my breath away how good people can be considering people people can be horrible to and this this is in the worst of times it seems to bring out the best and humanity and i'm so I saw a lot of good on display all weekend. Reverend Opata I heard you saw my movie did you like it yes very much I like it all a lot on Glad you got to just as well doesn't come out so I told her but I wanted you to get an early cut is a faith based movie. You just inspire me you and your dad and your whole family and our thoughts and prayers are with Houston. Today Sir thank you for being with us Dr Song from plant shut Plus you took 809 point one Sean as a toll free telephone number you want to be a part of the program All right let's go to Katy Texas Billy standing by Billy thoughts and prayers with the great state of Texas my friend what's going on Hey Sean well wires are still rising and we are pretty much ringing didn't but somehow the power and the cable are still on well there are some reports of power add outages in the wake of Hurricane Harvey So we got to be clear about that but Centrepoint serves $2400000.00 people customers. 97 percent of those people's still have power which is your right that's a bit of a miracle in and of itself right absolutely yeah I mean we've got 3 little kids in the house and you know just you know what have cartoons on and cook from out there is great yes we really they're really appreciative of that talk about small blessings right you get your lights on you can watch cable t.v. And you can cook for your kids that's very helpful actually that's a little yes or yes or we're pretty well stocked up on everything else I mean if the lights were to go out we've got enough food and water and fuel and all that other good stuff you know amazing how how incredible this entire group of people come together and all the stories that we saw over the entire weekend of of people stepping up and helping out their neighbors and and government not screwing it up as badly as they usually do and botching it here to see my neighbors come together and we've all got each other's backs you know we were sharing whatever we need if we need extra water and baby formula diapers you know everybody's really bonded together and nobody just anybody today what their political No you have value on a refreshing it doesn't matter we're all Americans today you know well I know the president's going to draw attention when he goes down there tomorrow and I look I just say this because I've I just talked to people on social media and everyone's was saying to me well can we do what can we do what can we do and and I just happen to know the great worker Samaritan's Purse and I work with them over the years and I know how they they literally turn over every. Dime you send them and so I know they're going to help those people that are most in need and and so whatever you do donate to whoever you donate to it's extraordinarily appreciative pretty she had by all the people down there I can tell you that and this is not going to end when this rain goes away in the sun comes out it's not there's going to be a lot of destruction and the billions and billions of dollars it's going to cost to rebuild that's just too massive even to think about right now but we've got to get it done absolutely there's thing that we can be effective for at least 3 months with standing water and of course long term there's going to be a lot more consequences to that so a lot of it for us is just keeping a great face and keep the kids know understood that they're concerned it's like a snow day you know that's kind of cute you know when I see people fishing in front of their house or a guy catching a fish inside his house I don't think that's the kind of play date that anybody really wants but amazing stories amazing courage of the people of Texas you're in our Prez my friend God bless you thank you for checking in with us 809 point one Sean Michael Phoenix 550 k. On why I What's up Michael how are you son thank you very much for taking my call you're a great American Thank you so welcome to the program you 1st our prayers to Texas God bless them hope all is well 1st thing I see I think some light at the end of the tunnel for these people I see a public works in the break I think where he can take this disaster and move it in a great direction to make our country and bring industrious back to these areas you know look I mean. I guess at this point we're just still focused on are the rain still coming down the flooding is in the water is rising still dramatically there's still rescue operations going on and we're going to have rescue and recovery the death toll right now is about 6 and when you think of the magnitude and the distance we're talking about here I mean you're talking about a drive from New York to Boston which is 4 hours that's that's a long distance. It's so there's going to be a lot of people that need our help and need our assistance and you know what Texas has always been there for the American people and we'll be there for them that's just the way we roll and I think I think President Trump is 2 steps ahead or body else about point that he's already putting something in the works and that and being a smart businessman that he is he was 2 steps ahead of is you know this fight. In this is where little 10 a governor who we just had on in this where the governor deserve a lot of credit they were all coordinating as soon as they know the storm was coming they did everything they could do possibly do and it's kind of refreshing to see government not screw it up again because they screw everything else up and it they actually did their job this time let's hope that the left as of swing it and you know hurricanes move to the left let's just hope it doesn't happen that way care you know our government let's hope they will some of those people that I saw on t.v. Over the weekend I will get to that I have a lot to say to them but it's not today you know today is about let's rescue everyone that needs rescuing let's let's offer all the recovery you that we can let's get people settled into their new lives or temporary lives and then let's rebuild but I do have things on my chest that will be coming out about how people have politicized this tragedy is typical you know need jerk arrogant hateful selves come flying out of some but to the credit of many it was not even close to the majority most people understood the magnitude and the needs should transcend all of politics anyway thank you God bless you Michael preachy at the call you know imagine this you're out barbecuing backyard and maybe you're out on the golf course and you're taking a summer road trip and everything's fine and you're wearing your typical cotton t. 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Make a difference in someone's life by volunteering at the American Cancer Society's discovery shop the discovery shop is an upscale resale boutique that helps raise funds which benefit cancer patients the funds go towards rides to treatment freeways and supplies to cancer patients and outreach programs when I 1st started as a volunteer I think it was my 2nd week when a woman came in and said she had an appointment in the resource center the woman seemed to be very shy she was wearing the scarf around her hand and our eyes never met mine the resource center was where we fitted wigs and gave them free of charge to cancer patients it wasn't but a few hours later when the woman reappeared scarfed on a huge smile on her face beaming with self-confidence I knew we touched someone's life that day and the feeling I had was proud to be a volunteer it's only 4 hours a week that will make a difference in someone's life and in your life stop by the American Cancer Society's discovery shop today at 2961 churn Creek Road and start making a difference today breaking news updates online that. On Facebook. Right that's all the time we have left today. Hurricane Harvey now makes its way back to Galveston it's not all over this still 30 percent more rain that's going to be dumped there and we'll have the very latest major protests out in Berkeley and we'll get to the double standard of Democrats and liberals on pardons All right so Hannity 10 Eastern tonight Fox News and our thoughts and prayers obviously with the people of Texas back here tomorrow and always thank you for being with us this is the best of the Sean Hannity Show Don't forget stay tuned for more right after the latest news right here on this radio station. 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