Joyce b. Hail. The wallach family, in memory of miriam and ira d. Wallach. The Cheryl Milstein family, rosalynn p. Walter. Corporate funding is provided by mutual of america, designing customized individual and Group Retirement products. Thats why we are your retirement company. Additional support is provided by and by the corporation for public broadcasting, and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. From the tisch wnep studios at lincoln center, new york good evening, thanks for joining us. Dramatic change under way tonight in ukraine, the former soviet republic of more man 45 Million People separating north from west. Tymoshenko set free, hours earlier, Victor Yanukovych fled the country and he was voted out of office calling it a coup. We have the latest from james blake of britains channel 4 news. [ chanting ] reporter they chant her name, the Opposition Leader in prison for more than two years, Yulia Tymoshenko has at last been freed. These images showed emotion of her release after a day of rapid and momentous change. It is a defining and iconic image of revolution, yet this is not 1989, but 25 years on in western ukraine as people here declared freedom from russian influence. Theyve always been closer to europe in this part of the country. But its not that easy. Protesters and opposition groups took control of government buildings in the capital today, the political maneuverings began. Inside parliament as they voted to reyulia tim sheymoshenktymose down in tears. Translator im very thankful to the people fighting for freedom in ukraine and me and hour fami my family paid with the blood of our heroes. Reporter after days of this bloodshed, the leaders of the responsible Ukraine Security forces and elite right police appeared on television to pledge their support to the people. The ukraine is now a country divided by region. The center of protest and nationalism in the west, where the statues were toppled, and another declaring itself independent, opposition groups now in control of kiev, yet preside yanukovych has strong power in the east. Its difficult to match didnt becoming a center of stability, for tymoshenko because shes divisive and many people dont like president yanukovych. I think the best option for ukraine would be to have some new blood. Reporter in the russian speaking region, a rally in support of yanukovych, complete with russian rippons and soviet embl emblems. Managing to get on the stage, but not for long. Back in kiev, its announced the president is to be impeached as yesterdays deal seems all but forgotten. This celebration may be premature, now they must wait to see how president yanukovych, supporters and russia respond or even retaliate to the events of today. More about how developments in ukraine are affecting americanrussian relationships after the news summary. At the united nations, china and russia joined others unanimously approving boosting humanitarian aid including food and medicine to civilians. Ban kimoon is to report back on progress and near lir 9 million syrians need assistance. One of the worlds most powerful drug lords has been detained by authorities overnight. Captured in a mexican resort town. Guzman escaped prison in a laundry truck 13 years ago and came to be known at mexico the Osama Bin Laden because he was so difficult to track down. Last weekend we told you how voters in tennessee voted down a plan to join the United Auto Workers union. Theyve now filed an appeal citing what it calls interference by politicians that it says deprived the workers of their federally protected right to have a union. Senator bob corker, who criticized the unionization plan issued a statement saying the uaw is quoting only interested in its own survival. Not the interests of the auto workers. Apple says several of its products are vulnerable to hackerss in a Statement Issued friday the company cited risks to consumers using mac computers, the iphone 4 or later models, the ipod touch and ipad 2, 3 and air. The company says the Security Risk stems from a problem with encrypted data sent to a wireless Internet Connection allowing to user names and passwords. An update can be downloaded for some of the affected products. Mac computer users are still at risk. The developments in the last few weeks in ukraine have further strained the all right fraught relationship between the United States and russia. For more on that and other issues dividing the countries, steve cone the professor of studies at the university of princeton and author of soviet fates and lost alternative niche from stalin to the new cold war. Ukraine, right next door to russia. Russia has major interests. How is putin likely to react. Look at what might happen. Take the most extreme scenario. The president , democratically elected, though not a nice man, has fled kiev, the capital of ukraine, to the east, near russia. Presumably hes going to declare that hes the legitimate president of ukraine and form a government there. Meanwhile, protesters, a mob, whatever want to call them, have taken over the president ial palace and the legislature in kiev and they are going to form a government. So we are probably going to have, if not in law, in fact, two governments of ukraine. Thats very dramatic in the center of europe. One will be affiliated with russia, if this happens. The other with the European Union and if we think tab in the worst scenario that would be a new cold war divide in europe. This time not in far away berlin but right on russias borders and that isnt good. Is there a possibility the russian annex back that section of ukraine that likes it . Today its eight hours later, nine hours later there. The legislature of what calls itself the southeastern parliament of ukraine. The area where its mainly russian speaking and adheres to russia passed resolutions saying they dont recognize the authority in kiev meaning theyre saying theyre sovereign and independent. In effect, in line with russia. Russias red line, if want to ask me about whether russia would intervene militarily, its red line are the two russian enclaves in eastern ukraine. Not only because those are ethnic russians but thats where the Russian Naval bases are. Okay. So president of the United States and president putin have a Conference Call yesterday. What are the u. S. Interests in all this . Well, you ask me two confess. What does washington think its interests are . Because theyve spun a nair theyve isnt correct and worsened the problem and what i think washingtons interests ought to be and they ought to be a stable and united ukraine, at peace with itself, and not trapped in an either or proposition between russia and europe. Theres no reason why ukraine must choose. Ukraines an economic basket case. As putin hems said, let both sides, russia and europe help ukraine. But things may be out of control. This may be something of a revolutionary situation. Nothing written on paper holds to that evening. Finally, turning to something else, sort of in the news about russia. Considering the olympics are ending now, and there are concerns putin will crack down harder on his dissidents, because the media spotlight will be away. We saw the band, pussy riot stage a protest in sochi, beaten horribly and writing in opeds in the New York Times saying, look, next week its going to get worse. Look. Putin isnt going to crack down inside russia because the olympics are over. One of the bad things thats happened in ukraine is a democratically elected government has been overthrown and forces sponsored by the web are coming to power. Putin wants to know, is that a paradigm for russia . Is the west going to try the same thing in josh norussia . Now, you and i might say thats paranoid. Even pair noiranoids have enemi might crack down because he fears the kiev scenario might be attempted in russia. I dont think wed do that but russians have seen something fairly unnerving. Steve cone, thanks so much. My pleasure. And now to our signature segment. Our focus tonight, the end of federal emergency benefits for the longterm unemployed. For weeks youve heard the debate in washington whether to restore the benefits program which ended in late december. As that debate keeps going, the number of unemployed doing without benefits continues to rise. From an estimated 1. 3 million in late december to 1. 6 million by the end of january, to 1. 8 Million People now. Tonight, a profile of one woman who lost her sglob late 2012, and lost her benefits at the end of last year. Newshour special correspondent John Carlos Frey reports from georgia. I open it up, and just rip it down the middle. Reporter trista cuts a lot of coupons these days. In fact, shes become a bit of a fanatic about it. This is my coupon box. Container. I carry it with me to the grocery store. Coffee, cake, butter, milk, pasta. Sugar. This one here is for Household Goods and personal items. You never know that coupons will save you as much money as it actual lay. Reporter the 38yearold who lives in a suburb just outside of atlanta, georgia, has been saving all these coupons, because as of december 28th, she has no income. She was one of 1. 3 million americans who lost their Unemployment Insurance when an emergency federal Unemployment Insurance program expired. That same week that i expected to get that next check was the same week that i had a bill that was due, but i wasnt able to pay it. I had to ask my husband to start paying my part of the bills, and thats the sad part. Not being able to help my husband. Pay pay the bills. Reporter trista, who used to make 30,000 a year working for a medical Billing Service was laid off from her job in november of 2012, and hasnt been able to find a job since. A year out there in this job market has kind of beat you up a little bit . Yeah . Its very sad that, to have the qualifications, and not be able to actually work. You know, get a job, in your field. And ive been doing it since 2007. Reporter why do you think its so hard for you to get a job . Im not sure. A lot of companies are still laying off. Reporter trista has been without her benefits for eight weeks. To make matters worse, her husband, whos a truck driver, was hurt on the job, and is now on whats known as light duty, working fewer hours and only taking home about 60 of what he used to, which now equals about 2,000 a month. So thats another whammy, you know. Something else that start started started the downspiral. Excuse me. Reporter they say they now have to dip into their savings just to pay their bills. She says things have gotten so bad, that when shes not at her computer for several hours each day looking for work, she and her husband spend their free time watching tv, just to lift their spirits. Cartoons and comedy, it has us laughing. It takes your mind off of the things that you might be going through. Reporter theres some people who would say people on unemployment dont want to look for a job. They just want to live off the unemployment and its a free, easy paycheck. Its not a free, easy paycheck. Thats for me, its not. I know what i like in life. I know what i strive to have in the future, and i can say some people might try to use that, but me personally, thats not me. Reporter while trista believes extending her benefits would give her the cushion she needs to get another job, economics professor jeff dorfman who teaches at the university of georgia says the extended urn Employment Benefits are the problem. The studies show it raises unemployment more by allowing people to stay unemployed longer still searching for a really great job instead of taking a job thats available. Reporter dorfman points to North Carolina. Last july the state cut unEmployment Benefits from. We 76 weeks. It dropped from 8. 9 percents for 6 poirn 9 . You atlabt to cutting 50 weeks of unemployment . When you suddenly get cut off you realize, i need to cut a job. And people in North Carolina apparently found jobs. Reporter others attribute the decline to unemployed workers giving up their search for work and they note the drop in unemployment has been coupled with a big increase in the number of people there on food stamps. I get job online alerts. Reporter as for trista, she says shed be happy to take a job outside her medical billing field. She says shes applied for all kinds of jobs during the past year. Everything from driving a school bus or truck to clerical jobs at cvs and walmart. Even as a Flight Attendant with delta. All met with rejection. We regroat inform yet to inf have not been considered for this position at this time. Thank you for your time and best wishes in your future endeavor. Delta acquisition team. Ive gotten that three times, from delta. As you know, you hear the theory some people are just a couple paychecks away from homelessness, well, we actually see that. Reporter tracy mosley is a Transition Program coordinator for the urban league of greater atlanta, an organization that helps africanamericans find and train for jobs. He warns of dire consequences unless unEmployment Benefits are extended. We actually see people that have had a sustainable income that had a good job, good employment, that all of a sudden they find themselves homeless. Reporter the problem is particularly acute in the africanamerican community, where the Unemployment Rate is nearly double the national average. Mosley says the interview and job prep classes his organization offers have been filled to capacity with people like trista who he says are desperate for work. She recently met with a job counselor here. So youre being recommended for position with marta, the Transit Authority for atlanta. Thats our bus, Railway System that we use here. Okay. So thats one of the opportunities youll be considered for. So i want to make sure are going to be available on march 3rd. I have you lined up for an interview. Okay. Well, thank you so much. I really appreciate this. This is a big help. Reporter trista is crossing her fingers that this lead might just pan out, but for the time being, just getting to the urban leagues office in atlanta, a 45minute drive from her home in the suburbs, is a financial burden now that she doesnt have an unemployment check every week. And so if their source of income of temporary income, is cut off, a lot of them cannot even afford to come down here for the training. Reporter but professor jeff dorfman says government benefits cant go on forever. Our compassion has never been unlimited in this sense. We always eventually cut people off. We already had some mechanism for deciding at some point weve got to stop paying for you. And some argue were not there yet, there in the recovery where we should cut back . We still need to fund for an extended period of time . The longest weve ever kept benefits before is 35 months after the end of a recession, and were 55 months now. So were 20 months, over a year and a half longer than weve ever provided these extended benefits for. Reporter dorfman believes if the government is going to intervene that money could be better used retraining for new jobs. For now, with congress at an impasse, it looks like trista and nearly 2 million others will have to survive without the federal lifeline theyve come to count on in these hard times. I mean, it dampens your spirit a little bit, but the only way you can prosper, ive learned is to keep a high spirit, and so i just look at it as, where one door closes, someone will eventually hire me. Reporter after a year, you still feel that way . I still feel that way, yes. Hundreds of people unemployed and living without benefits shared their stories with us. You can find those by going online to newshour. Pbs. Org. The transportation secretary of the United States warned this week that federal Highway Trust Fund could run out of money later this year. With the implications of that be . Joined from washington by bob kuzak, manager editor from the hill. Those not paying attention what is the trust fund and how did we get this close it running out of money again y. Because fewer people are driving and basically its funded by the gas tax, and that gas tax goes into this fund and this fund from the federal government goes to states to pay for infrastructure spending. Theres going to be a shortfall and thats causing a lot of concern on capitol hill, especially with the transportation secretary. Hes urging congress to start thinking about remedies of how theyre going to deal with this shortfall, but with partisan gridlock in washington, this is going to be a tough one to solve. So interestingly enough, the aflcio and chamber of commerce both went tolt hill and said were for an increase in the gas tax. Incredibly unpopular with congress . Absolutely. Thats why the gas tax hasnt been increased for two decades, and its not going to be increased anytime soon. Its a nonstarter in the republicanled house, and even though the chamber of commerce wants congress to do this and the administration hasnt gone that far, but the transportation secretary commended the chamber for having the guts to do that. So its gotten the dialogue going. Gotten the debate going, but thats not going to be the remedy, because that simply doesnt have the votes and Speaker John Boehner is not going to increase the gas tax anytime soon. Especially with his tea party conference. All right. So what are other possible remedies that could close this gap . There arent many. You know, transportation spending, the politics of it, have changed dramatically since the stimulus which was a very partisan debate before that transportation funding was more of a bipartisan feeling, initiative, but now, i dont know what theyre going to do other than just maybe moving money from the general fund to the transportation fund, which congress has done before, but still, theyre going to be a lot of conservatives on capitol hill who will oppose that but not a lot of easy remedies. Otherwise, they would have already done it. What sort of road repairs are affected when this fund is short of money . Oh many, across the states, and basically what this is going to whats going to have to be sdun that, that states are going to have to cut funding for infrastructure projects. States across country are going to have a shortfall. Theyre not going to get the money they normally get from the federal government, in all likelihood, unless Congress Comes up with some big bipartisan agreement, and thats unlikely. So the amount of money that states are spending on infrastructure a going to go down, and thats a significant concern especially in the wake of the storms weve had, which have throwed a number of potholeses across the country. Thats only a small percentage of transportation funding to fix those, but no doubt about it. States will have to cut the amount of spending they use on transportation. All right. Bob kuzak, managing editor of the hill. Thanks so much. Thank you. This is pbs newshour weekend saturday. Finally tonight, a preview of next tuesdays frontline. Secrets of the vatican airing at a special time, 9 00 p. M. On most pbs stations. This excerpt looks at Pope Benedicts butler for leaking sensitive documents. Pope benedict xvi opened on saturday. Vatican television put a cram in the courtroom and a select group of journalists were invited inside. For those who witnessed the proceedings, it had all the elements of a show trial. It was so scripted and so narrowly focused on the fact that the butler had to have been the only one that showed the documents that leaked them to the journalists, that took them out of the safe the safety of the vatican. His defense lawyer was very much aligned wit prosecutor. Everything was really kept on message. I was at the mans trial. There were documents that were leaked. He supposedly leaked nap were written in languages that he does not speak. How would he even know that they were important . Nobody that ive spoken to, that i continue to speak to in the vatican, really believe that the butler did it. Hes a scapegoat. The highest authorities in the vatican didnt want to show to the Public Opinion the network, how many supporters there were around the butler in this planned action. The trial lasted for just five days. He was found guilty and sentenced to 18 months. Just before christmas of 2012, benedict pardoned him. I assume that there was a deal done that he will remain quiet, and we will give awe job. Give you a job. Join us tomorrow onair and online. Indigenous People Living on remote rivers around the world are communicating with each other about cleaning up the waterways and exercising their rights. Those tens of thousands of voices, they have been ignored over the years. Theyve been disenfranchised but as they come together theres been some realizations along the way. Thats it for this edition of pbs newshour weekend. Thanks for watching. Captions by vitac www. Vitac. Com pbs newshour weekend is made possible by judy and josh weston. Joyce hail, the wallach family, in memory of miriam and ira d. Wallach. The cheryl and Philip Milstein family. Bernard and irene schwartz. Rodlyn p. Walter. Corporate funding provided by mutual of america designing customized, individual and Group Retirement products. Thats why we are your retirement company. Additional support is provided by and by the corporation for public broadcasting, and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Welcome to independent lens. Im your host, stanley tucci. Ham hocks, collard greens, and Fried Chicken this sounds like a perfect sunday meal or a heartclogging recipe for disaster, depending on your perspective. The reality is that in america, there is a classbased apartheid in the food system. For independent filmmaker byron hurt, soul food was a way to connect with his culture, his roots, and his father, a connoisseur of this cuisine. But when his pops faced a health crisis, byron began to question whether this highfat, highcalorie fare was bringing his Community Together or tearing it apart. Should call it death food, because it will kill you. This is the story of food deserts and community gardens, of black identity and health politics, and how to honor our heritage when tradition may be too tasty for our own good

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