Transcripts For KQED PBS NewsHour 20160509

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regardless of our religion, nationality and ideology, we shouldn't harm each other. >> sreenivasan: all that and more on tonight's pbs newshour. >> major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by: ♪ ♪ moving our economy for 160 years. bnsf, the engine that connects us. lincoln financial is committed to helping you take charge of your future. >> and the william and flora hewlett foundation, helping people build immeasurably better lives. >> and with the ongoing support of these institutions: and individuals. >> this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. >> sreenivasan: north carolina refused today to stop enforcing a law that bars new protections for gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender people. republican governor pat mccrory announced he won't comply with a justice department demand. instead, mccrory announced he's suing the justice department, and he accused the obama administration of overreaching. >> i do not agree with their interpretation of federal law. we believe a court rather than a federal agency should tell our state, our nation and employers across the country what the law requires. >> sreenivasan: in washington, attorney general loretta lynch announced justice is filing its own civil rights suit against the state. she said restricting bathroom access for transgender people is "state-sponsored discrimination." >> none of us can stand by when a state enters the business of legislating identity and insists that a person pretend to be something or someone that they are not. or invents a problem that does not exist as a pretext for discrimination and harassment. >> sreenivasan: we'll have an interview with governor mccrory, right after the news summary. >> woodruff: in the day's other news, cooler temperatures and light rain brought some relief to the fire zone around fort mcmurray, canada. that gave officials a chance to get back into the devastated city and see the damage first- hand. more than 80,000 people have been evacuated and it's unclear when they'll be able to go home. >> sreenivasan: a tough-talking mayor has been elected president of the philippines in today's election. rodrigo duterte has vowed to wipe out corruption and kill criminals. he's also raised eyebrows with sex jokes and foul language. still, millions of filipinos supported him in a bid for radical change after years of grinding poverty, poor services and insurgent violence. >> woodruff: in brazil, the impeachment of president dilma rousseff was put on hold today-- at least temporarily. the head of the lower house of congress annulled april's vote on impeachment charges, two days before the senate was to vote on suspending rousseff. she reacted cautiously to the news. >> ( translated ): i have just learned, the same way you have, that an injunction has been accepted and that therefore the process has been suspended. but i don't have this information officially. i am speaking here because i could not in any way pretend i was not aware of the same thing you are. but it is not official. i do not know the consequences. >> woodruff: the issue may now return to the lower house of brazil's congress, delaying the impeachment process by days or weeks. >> sreenivasan: north korea's supreme leader got a new title today-- party chairman. the move came as the ruling workers' party wrapped up its first congress in 36 years. state television showed the elaborate meeting, where kim jong un pledged to further strengthen north korea's nuclear weapons capability-- "in quality and quantity." also today, three bbc journalists were expelled from north korea over their reporting. >> woodruff: back in this country, this was swearing-in day for ferguson, missouri's first black police chief. delrish moss takes over a mostly white force in a city that's two-thirds black. the killing of michael brown in 2014 led to federal findings of widespread racial bias and profiling by ferguson police. >> sreenivasan: there's word that poisonings from electronic cigarettes are surging among young children. nationwide children's hospital in columbus, ohio says pre- schoolers can put e-cigarettes in their mouths and drink liquid nicotine. it causes vomiting and other symptoms. cases surged from 14 a month in january of 2012 to 223 a month by last spring. >> woodruff: wall street's week got off to a lackluster start. the down jones industrial average lost 34 points to close below 17,706. the nasdaq rose 14 and the s&p 500 added a point. >> sreenivasan: and the planet mercury made a rare transit across the face of the sun today. nasa animation depicted the tiny planet crossing between earth and sun over seven and a half hours. the actual event, viewed by a satellite, showed mercury as a black dot against the the glowing solar surface. mercury's transit happens only about 13 times a century. still to come on the newshour: we talk with north carolina's governor about the federal fight to protect the state's "bathroom" law, donald trump's battle to unite the republican party, saudi arabia ousts the most powerful man in oil, and much more. >> woodruff: it was a openly contentious day, as the fight intensified over a controversial state law in north carolina, restricting bathroom use to one's gender at birth. both the state's governor and legislature sued the federal government-- rejecting the justice department's view that the law violates civil rights. as we heard a few moments ago, u.s. attorney general loretta lynch vowed to stand by the transgender community. we are joined now by north carolina's republican governor pat mcrory. gov mer mcrory, welcome. >> thank you, judy. >> woodruff: thank you for being with us. you know what the attorney general said today. she said the justice department is going to take action to block implementation of this law. so will you comply with that move by justice? or will you go ahead and try to continue to implement? >> no, we'll actually taking them to court also thsm is what we are seeking is clarity in the judicial system to further define gender identity and gender identity's usage in our rest rooms in our high schools, our junior highs, our elementary schools, our universities and our highway rest stops. we are seeking basic clarity of this. because the executive branch does not have the power to interpret law. that's the power of the judicial branch. an that's what we're seeking. but what the attorney general has done now with her new ruling is basically all employers of the united states of america and all universities in the united states of america based upon her letter of interpretation is saying that all employers must allow gender identity in the private sector for any employer over 15 employees. that means a man who believes they're a woman would be able to go into a woman's rest room, locker room or shower facility. an that's where the dispute. is and we're asking for basic clarity of that. it is a very complex and emotional issue. and i think the courts are the right way to do it sooner or later i think the u.s. congress has to get clarity on this whole issue also. >> woodruff: we will see how it plays out legally. but i'm sure you heard the attorney general say today that this amounts to state-sponsored discrimination. she compared it to the jim crow laws of decades ago where in african-american, black americans were not allowed to use rest rooms that white people were. she said this is harming innocent people. >> that's extremely devicive rhetoric and dangerous rhetoric which is totally be related to an issue on whether a male or female should use a male bathroom or a female rest room. in fact, my chief of staff whose father was a civil rights pioneer in durham where the attorney general also grew up, we are watching that together. and he went don't go there. there is absolutely no connection. this is an issue which is really about privacy versus equality. and that balance. and people have an expectation of privacy, according to many of our citizens, not just in north carolina you about again, this is now going to be a nationwide issue. when you go to a rest room or a locker room or shower facility, there is an expectation of privacy, that the only other people in that room, in a very private moment, i might add, will be people of the same gender. an we've got to resolve this very complex and new issue that was actually brought up by the left, political left, not the political right. >> woodruff: governor, as i'm sure you also know, what the transgender community would argue is that their privacy is at stake as well. we heard the attorney general say, she said, and i guess this is the language in the lawsuit, they say this is causing transgender people to suffer emotional harm, mental anguish, distress, humiliation, indignity. do you acknowledge that there is that affect from this law? >> i acknowledge we need to work this out. and what we do in north carolina and what many states are doing right now, i think over 27 other states have almost identical laws as north carolina. so this is not just a north carolina issue, is we, i actually encourage other types of arrangements for people of transgender. it might be a unisex rest room or shower facility that is not in a multipurpose area, to respect both the unique needs of a transgender or to meet the unique needs of girls and boys and men and women and their families which are the norms that we have been using in america for generations. it is a very complex issue. i'm extremely sensitive to people's gender identity, which is a brand new term in the last several years. but they are now interpreting, not only gender identity, there's a new term, gender expression which has not been clearly defined. and we need to get that definition. and i don't think it's the executive branch's role to define that. i think that belongs either in the courts or frankly, i think the u.s. congress needs to quit ignoring this issue. and by the way, i'm talking to my republicans. i think they need to get clarity on this issue for off the nation and all employers. >> woodruff: governor mcrory, do you know anyone who is transgender, and if so, what have they said to you about this? >> you know, different reactions. some of the transgender community that i have talked to is frankly upset that the political left brought this up. because they didn't think there was much of a prok. i did not know-- we weren't having a problem in north carolina until the city of char lot, before that the city of houston, brought up a mandate for all private sector employers. and i might add just six mobts ago the city of houston rejected by a 61% of the vote of the people, a similar mandate and no one including the attorney general attacked the city of houston. but for some reason they're now attacking the state where she grew up in. and again, this is not just a north carolina issue. this needs clarity by the courts, and by the u.s. congress. i don't think we should have different antidiscrimination laws relating to this across the nation. i think this is a federal issue, as most discrimination laws are. and i think we need to consistency. and this is where the courts need to step in. and i am very, very sensitive to all siesd of this issue. >> woodruff: very quickly, we have just a few seconds left. we know that a number of businesses have expressed their unhappiness about this, said that they're not going to move to the state or bring events to the state. how big a hit are you prepared to take to see north carolina take financially. >> that's why i am taking it to court. we are had one business, pay pal which does business in sudan, iran and saudi arabia where the gay and lesbian community is not welcomed at all. in fact, they are killed. so there is a little selective hypocrisy by one or two companies. but we want to work with the private sector. again this is not just a north carolina issue. this is going to be an issue for the entire united states and i think the federal government does need to step in through the courts or through the u.s. congress and give us all clarity in not only state government but local governments throughout the united states. >> woodruff: north carolina governor pat mcrory, we thank you. >> thank you very much, judy. >> woodruff: now to the race for the white house in politics, donald trump and hillary clinton strategies when it comes to attracting a key group of the electorate that could determine the outcome of the election: women voters. john yang reports. >> reporter: for hillary clinton, this is what a pivot to the general election looks like: looking beyond tomorrow's west virginia primary, the democratic frontrunner was talking family issues in virginia. >> i would like to see us look at universal pre-k in the school system. then we need to take a hard look at how we have a childcare system that does provide quality childcare at an affordable cost. >> reporter: it's not just that rival bernie sanders is favored in west virginia. >> don't tell anyone tell you this campaign is over. >> reporter: it's that this bedroom community outside washington, d.c., is likely to be a key battleground in the november election. one challenge for the candidate who wants to be the first woman president: winning the votes of suburban women, like amy fitzgerald of chantilly, vigrinia. she voted for clinton in the primary, but says the former secretary of state doesn't understand the challenges of her life. >> it's like she's a puppet. it's like someone is handing her a piece of paper saying okay, this is what america wants to hear. this is what you need to say, and it's not really truly coming from her heart. >> reporter: mary mclean twice voted for barack obama and then for donald trump in virginia's primary. now, she says she hoping for a third candidate. >> when it comes to hillary clinton, i get the impression that as much as she champion's women's rights and the importance of family, i would say she is in the pockets of big banks when it came to the bailout. >> reporter: clinton's focus today on suburban women in this swing county-- in a swing state- - is part of her general election strategy. trying to win over independents and republicans uncomfortable with donald trump. over the weekend, trump tried to use raised the personal scandal that embroiled president clinton against candidate clinton. >> and hillary was an enabler, and she treated women horribly. just remember this, and some of those women were destroyed not by him, but by the way that hillary clinton treated them after everything went down. >> reporter: the all-but-certain republican nominee has also been waging verbal combat with party republican leaders who've spurned him. today, house speaker paul ryan seemed to try to ease tensions with trump, telling the "milwaukee journal sentinel" that he would step down as co- chairman of this july's republican convention that's what trump wants. "he's the nominee. i'll do whatever he wants with respect to the convention." trump is also looking ahead. today he named naming former rival-turned-supporter chris christie to head the transition team for a potential administration. for the pbs newshour, i'm john yang in stone ridge, virginia. >> woodruff: it's time for politics monday with amy walter of "the cook political report," and tamara keith of n.p.r. so let's talk about hillary clinton out on the campaign trail today. clearly trying to appeal, tamara, to women voters to make the case that she's the one. and yet as you just heard in that report, it is a mixed picture. how mixed is it? >> it is more mixed for donald trump than it is for hillary clinton, let's just be clear. and generally speaking, there is a againer gap. -- gend err gap, going back to 1980 there is a againer gap where women voters tend to favor the democrats. for the last, all those years they favored the democrat. and so she has demographics on her side, certainly. but she is working hard and as john yang pointed out, she was there in this very swing county where the-- where the congresswoman, the new congresswoman who represents that district, has said she's not ready yet to support donald trump. she's a republican. >> woodruff: a republican. >> yeah, i would say hillary clinton has a problem with women. done all trump's problems are bigger. when you look at the last polling that has come out nationally, amongst suburban women and obviously where we saw the report from john today, that's the key area. swing area, she was at mine us ten in terms of her approval ratings among suburban women. however donald trump was at mine us 46. but as you saw from these women, and i have sat down, i'm sure you have too on the campaign trail, in focus groups with women, in other suburbs. and what they are saying is they don't really love donald trump or what he-- his tone, his temperment, they like some of his positions on the issues. >> and more importantly they are not in love with hillary clinton. they are-- she's still going to have to work to get them there. the women who said they were voting for her were doing it much more as a vote against donald trump than for her. >> woodruff: is there room for donald trump to gain with women, tamara, how do you read that? >> well, he certainly has room. there is lots of running space there. it's not clear whether or not he can actually make up that ground. and how does he do it? well, probably by changing the way he's talking right now. because every time he goes out, he says another thing or repeats something. this woman's card, for instance, that was-- i don't know how many people came on my twitter feed and said i support bernie sanders, but wow, this woman card thing makes me want to support hillary clinton, things like that. so donald trump has a challenge on his hand, certainly. >> woodruff: what about-- amy, what about hillary clinton? i mean where does she-- how does she get women more enthusiastic about her? >> she has to do two things. one, she has to convince voters that it is more than just a bad thing to vote for donald trump, it's a big risk. i think will you hear that over and over again. we heard that dangerous donald was part of the rhetoric. it's going to be on issues, not just about women's issues, but security. do you feel safe with him as the commander in chief. so many of those sorts of undertones, you are going to hear in advertising. i think both from hillary clinton and others-- but at the end of the day, if to 08 was hope and change, unfortunately 12016 will be fear and loathing and it is going to be much more about without do you dislike less than who you like more. >> woodruff: brace ourselves for it. >> it will be a grim six months. >> woodruff: let's talk a little bit more about donald trump. clearly, tamara, we're witnessing some kind of split, not just splilt, mega divisions inside the republican party, as one republican after another figures out what he or she is going to do. how serious is this split in the party right now? >> it is very serious. and it is very public. and the mere fact that there is a nominee, essentially, there's nothing standing between donald trump, the nomination, and his party is not falling in line. is a significant sign. that there are various members of congress, the speaker of the house saying he's not ready yet. and i think that the establishment republicans don't know what to do. they still don't know what to do with dorn and trump. you know, the whole never trump movement was about he is not conservative enough. he's not a real republican. well, voters didn't care. republican voters didn't care. so i think that the republican establishment is now in this place, just not knowing what to do, how to proceed, how to keep their party, the party that they think it is or should be. and i think there's a big-- i think there is a big divide how republicans in washington see this and how republican voters are seeing this. that is what i am watching. i'm less concerned about what paul ryan an other elites are doing and much more concerned about how republican voters feel. and right now it is true. they are divided. only 72% of republicans right now saying that they would vote for done all trump up against hillary clinton. that is very low. normally you want to hit 90%. >> if that number starts moving closer to 90%, then whether paul ryan is with him or not is not as significant. if it durcht move, then that shows that paul ryan reflects a lot of lot of the views of the republican. >> you do hear the argument from the trump camp that yes, we may not have all republicans on board but we are broadening the picture of voters who we can appeal to. >> that is exactly what they are saying. >> and it's not showing up at all. right now his numbers with all these that are you talking about, women, democrats, latinos, younger voters, independents, she is doing better among them than obama did against mitt romney. so is it-- so is this just what they say while they figure out what they're going to do? >> yeah, unless you say it's over. looking at the demographics. the clinton campaign is very concerned about donald trump. they are concerned that this is-- that people think this is going to be easy for her and it's not. as chris cristie said, donald trump threw out the play book. and i think every one is trying to figure out how to react. >> well, we have a little bit of time left. >> a lot of time left between now and november to see what's going on, tamara keith, amy walter, great to you have both. thank you. >> you're welcome. >> glad to be here. >> sreenivasan: stay with us. coming up on the newshour. reconciling the muslim population in the balkans after a brutal civil war, an investigation sheds light on rampant sexual abuse in private schools, and how america is struggling to recycle its electronic waste. but first, saudi arabia's bold plan to diversify its economy by moving away from oil while facing a rise in iran's influence in the region. we examine the kingdom's challenges with: simon henderson, director of the gulf and energy policy program at the washington institute and sarah ladislaw is senior fellow at the center for strategic and international studies where she is director of its energy and national security program. sarah, let me start with you. oil prices have gone up in the last few days, maybe because of the fires in canada. but how big of an impact is the change in specifically oil or energy leadership in saudi arabia? >> well, it's pretty significant, especially if you take the long view of leadership on energy policy within saudi arabia. i think both of the sponsz that they had-- the response that they had to the sort of overcapacity of oil supply in the oil market in 2014 which lead to the period where we are now where you have lower oil prices was really the turning point for the way people viewed the role that saudi arabia was going to play in the markets. i think what happened over the weekend was a much anticipated leadership shift that falls in line with that broader message of, you know, we're going to play a new and different role in the oil production market, we have a new diversification strategy and the institutional structure and leadership to lead that. >> sreenivasan: simon henderson, how much of this has to do with a power grab or power shuffle inside saudi arabia. the deputy crown prince putting his fingerprint on things? >> well, he's certainly putting his fingerprint on things. this is a young man, 30 years old. and he has risen from nowhere, or mostly nowhere. but he is the son of the king, king salman, so when the king came to the throne last year, since then, this young man has had a met yoric rise. and he appears to have a vision. an economic vision. he's announced a grand plan for vision 2030 which is a much less of a role for oil. and i suspect also he's got a vision for himself that he wants to be the next king of saudi arabia. >> sreenivasan: sarah, what about that vision to 30 project, the idea-- we quait or we connect saudi arabia with oil in our heads. the idea that they could be less fossil-fuel depend enterin 15 years. >> well, i think it follows along the lines of what you have seen coming out of saudi arabia energy ministers and political leadership for awhile which is this recognition that the energy landscape is changing, right? they understand that climate change is an issue, that a lot of different countries take seriously. they talked about it quite openly. they are involved in most of the major multilateral initiatives to deal with climate change. and i think if we weren't talking about their broad reform effort, we would be talking about their need to undertake economic reform at some point given the outlook for oil markets, given the outsized role it plays in their own economy. so in many ways, this new vision is actually an extension and a much bolder extension of dom tes-- domestic economic reform that people have thought needed to happen in the kingdom for a long time. i think the thing that people are surprised about is that it's happening at a much faster pace than people are used to seeing coming from the saudi kingdom. >> sreenivasan: put this in perspective to the struggle that is happening between saudi arabia and iran right now. >> it's such a struggle. and it dominates so much thinking, certainly in rhiad. the house of saudi family immensely suspicious of iran and frankly on relige is terms, as sunni muslims they're very suspicious of shiite-muslims of iran. on top of that the iranian nuclear program concerns them and they think the deal which the obama administration lead last year is a lousy deal. and so they're very concerned about that. for the moment though it's a question of oil price. originally when the saudis allowed the price of oil to fall, their target were u.s. shale producers. and to an extent they made it uncomfortable for u.s. shale producers. but they have a renewed target now, which is iran. which which wants to expand its oil production. if that's going to happen, the saudis don't want the iranians to get much revenue out of it. so they, this is an additional argument, why they want to keep the price of oil comparatively low. >> sreenivasan: sarah, how do they stay competitive here? iran wants to wake up out of these sanctions. they want to get their market going and find a lot of kuses meres. at the same time saudi arabia can pull more crude oil out of the ground faster than anybody else. but they need that money for their society to function. >> it's a great question. i mean, i think when you look at what the saudis contribute to the oil market historically and currently it's about 10 million barrels a day and they have the lowest listing costs in the world and they have their capacity which means they can bring more on quickly. i think the real challenge for them is looking at this period long-term, is to try and insulate their economy from volatile oil markets, right? i mean part of what people see in their activity today is some of this sort of geo political rivalry. but if you look at it from an oil market perspective back in 2014, there is really nothing they could have done to stablize oil markets at that time. and therefore they're using the market to basically get rid of the higher cost oil in the system. and then, you know, look for being able to keep market share perspective going forward. it's been fairly successful thus far. we were oversupplied by about 2 million barrels a day a year and a half ago. things are starting to come into balance. the question going forward for any major oil producing economy is how in char of their oil economy will they be. what kind of-- what can they do to ratchet up or down production. and for them it's really a question of how depend ent they are on that revenue. >> sreenivasan: sarah ladislaw, simon henderson, thanks so much. >> thank you. >> woodruff: the nation of bosnia herzegovena remains bitterly divided more than 20 years after a vicious civil war. tens of thousands died, and millions were made refugees. bosnian serbs were largely responsible for driving muslim families from their homes during the early stages of the war, now, many hope the reopening of a united nations heritage site-- a mosque-- in the serbian town of banja luka is a big step on the road to reconciliation. special correspondent malcolm brabant has the story. [chanting] >> reporter: the muslim call to prayer rang out from the 16th century ferhadija mosque 23 years to the day that serb militiamen blew it to pieces. 10,000 muslims traveled to banja luka to witness this act of renaissance, a generation after the serbs had attempted to systematically erase not only the population, but also their culture and heritage. ibrahim ahmedbasic lost his legs in one of the worst single attacks of the war. he was 21 when a serb mortar exploded in the town of tuzla killing 71 and injuring 250. >> ( translated ): when the mosques began to be reconstructed people started to coexist again. so you can see, that generally speaking, people are capable of living normally. >> reporter: the bosnian war was the most vicious of those that accompanied the break up of former yugoslavia. largely because of the population's complicated ethnic and religious mix. the conflict began in a wave of nationalism in 1992 when the christian orthodox bosnian serbs attempted a land grab and attacked areas occupied by predominantly catholic bosnian croats and muslims. in 1993, the country fragmented still further when the croats launched an offensive against the muslims. peace finally arrived in 1995 with a deal signed in dayton ohio. the accord preserved bosnia as a single state, but as two separate entities; a muslim croat federation. and the serb republic. 21 years later, the divisions are as entrenched as ever. banja luka is the capital of the serb republic which makes the restoration of the mosque so symbolic. it took 15 years to reconstruct. craftsmen employed 16th century techniques and recovered 75% of the original masonry that had been discarded in city dumps and in nearby lakes. >> this is one of the most beautiful mosques in the world-- not just in bosnia herzegovena. >> reporter: osman kozlic is the imam of this world heritage site. what is your message specifically to the serbs? in terms of trying to move forward. >> our mosques, our cathedrals, our temples-- belong to us, this is holy place not only for me the muslim, but for catholics, orthodox. if we are think in that way we have a good future. >> reporter: the mosque has special meaning for 21-year-old emir galijasevic, even though he was born just a year before the war ended. his family came from banja luka and were among those driven out during the ethnic cleansing. >> all the criminals who had done bad things in the war i still think people can live together, we can be friends and work together and be as a mirror to other places in europe. where multiculturalism can live, and the best example is this mosque. >> reporter: but segregation has been exacerbated by economic stagnation. on both sides of the tangible partition, unemployment is sky high, especially among the young. when part of yugoslavia, this region was reasonably productive. now it's anything but. potential investors are frightened away by corruption and political uncertainty. pero slavnic, a former major in the bosnian serb army, is campaigning for better benefits and pensions for military veterans. financial hardship contributed to his divorce. three of his sons are unemployed. and he is weary of politicians manipulating public opinion. >> ( translated ): i think we are now further away from being together without borders than just after the war. when foundations are flawed, you become skeptical about everything, including the hand that reaches for you from the other side. we are constantly asking is this an honest hand? we have a lot of problems in the area of trust. >> reporter: this was the perfect occasion for the bosnian serb leader milorad dodik to address the issue of reconciliation. of all the dignitaries present, his words would have been most significant. because for many muslims, banja luka represents the lion's den. he was due to make a key note speech,but he clearly didn't like the tone of this event and he elected not to speak. so to find out what he thought, we headed past the glittering serb orthodox church to the presidential palace of the serb republic. >> ( translated ): i am sorry that ferhadiya was destroyed. but since then, we were the ones to support its reconstruction. evil times happen. but people can't choose those times. we were born in that period. but what we can do is to ensure that we don't behave in an inhumane way. regardless of our religion, nationality and ideology, we shouldn't harm each other. >> reporter: but former austrian diplomat valentin inzko is skeptical. he's responsible for the civilian implementation of the dayton peace accord and is concerned that dodik's threat to secede from bosnia is poisoning the atmosphere. >> there's some mixed signals-- for example, he gave some money for this renovated mosque. on the other side, the refugee return is many times not so easy, people have problems with papers, et ceter. in schools they don't allow them to speak their own language. he invented a different name for the bosnian language. so we have to measure him on the ground. >> reporter: this student dormitory in the wartime bosnian serb capital pale-- a short distance from sarajevo-- is the most current source of inzo's concerns. it was named in honor of the wartime leader radovan karadzic, just as he was being sentenced in late march to 40 years imprisonment for crimes against humanity and genocide. >> imagine in our country we had such dormitories glorifying nazi people. it's totally unacceptable and it's something where mr. dodik has crossed a red line. >> reporter: in sarajevo, besieged for three years during the war, professor muhamed hamidovic is a symbol of reconciliation. his wife was killed by a serb mortar fired from the surrounding hills. he led the reconstruction of the banja luka mosque, but he too is disillusioned. >> ( translated ): we are still living in the past. we need a new global system. we need a new approach for young people. the current situation is horrible. i have a son who doesn't know where to go or what to do. for five years he's unemployed. that's a tragedy. we're talking about reconciliation and that's so abstract to me. >> reporter: back in pale, radovan karadzic's old stomping ground, three young students are weary of the lack of hope, and of being tainted by the serb wartime legacy that has nothing to do them. >> it really is pointless to make some differences because we are all made of bones and blood and we are all here for some reason. we are here to live, and we are here love, and we are here to improve this world. >> bosnia herzogovena is a place with too many fights between people. >> they were affected by everything that happened here a long time ago and people cannot let it go. there is like no opportunity. when you go somewhere else you see all those opportunities and, what can you actually do? you cannot do here in my country. >> reporter: if the ferhadija mosque is to be a component in breaking down the barriers, western officials believe more muslims need to pluck up the courage to return to their former homes in what is still the serb heartland. but the serbs also need to offer genuine guarantees. ordinary people on either side are forging bonds. but it's widely accepted that politicians are getting in the way. for the pbs newshour, i'm malcolm brabant in banja luka. >> sreenivasan: the past couple of years have brought new revelations about sexual abuse at private schools. at least eight private schools in new england have launched or disclosed investigations this year. now, a "boston globe" investigation has opened a wider window on the scope of the problem. the report-- done by the "spotlight" unit that exposed the sexual abuse scandal in the church-- found at least 67 new england schools have faced accusations since 1991. "the globe" also found: more than 200 former students say they have been assaulted or harassed, and years of alleged cover-ups in some cases. st. george's school in rhode island is one school under investigation. anne scott is a survivor who was allegedly raped in 1977 at the school by a former athletic trainer when she was 15. her family later brought a lawsuit, but the school fought back and pressured her to sign a gag order. here's part of what she told "the globe." >> they really turned hostile and were trying to come after that, deposing all our neighbors, deposing all my roommates, all community members. so i got shocked. i was not as strong then, to put it in context, as i am now. and it became a lot of pressure. i just said, no amount of money is worth tearing my family apart. when you are assaulted as a child and a victim of rape, you lose your voice. you lose your soul. you are sort of destroyed as a person, your confidence, your self-image. and the gag order just seals all that in. >> sreenivasan: the trainer died in 1996. lawyers for victims now say as many as 50 alumni from the school were abused, mostly by staff. todd wallack is a member of the spotlight team and joins me now. so give us an idea of how widespread this is, this isn't just a couple of private schools in new england? >> no, it's much wider than a lot of us ever imagined. we originally started reporting on this after ann scott, the survivor you featured, broke her silence, broke the gag order and spoke out about the abuse that she suffered at st. george's in december. and that prompted other victim totion come forward, many after decades and decades where they kept this secret. and they started building a list. and it kecht getting longer and longer. some were reported before individually. others hadn't. we looked through lats, we talked to lawyers. since our story on sunday we've been getting flooded with tips about additional schools showing that we have not even captured the full scope of all the abuse that's gone on scrz given by the nature of their name private school, they are private institutions, do they have to report allege or abuse by the teachers. >> generally in public schools teachers are required to be licensed and they're overseen by licensing agencies that can publicly dises discipline them and let other people be aware of po text problems. that isn't true with private schools which generally don't have to license their educators. they're also not subject to public records law. they're not overseen by public school boards with open meeting blotion. so a lot of this information is kept secret. they are able to sign confidentialallity agreements. and for that reason it allows a lot of the abuse to remain secret, and potentially allows abusers to go to other schools. >> sreenivasan: there were actually abusers moving from school to school but the parents in these new schools, or the faculty, nobody actually knew that. >> yeah, exactly. there was a person that worked at st. georges, for instance, george thompson who had been accused by i believe a dozen students of inappropriate touching. went to another school, taft a few years ago with great recommendations. and taft had no idea that he had been previously subject to those allegations, the st. george's hadn't told the state and said at the time they didn't realize it was fell in the definition of sexual abuse and needed to be reported. and we found 11 people who had been accused, went on to other schools. >> sreenivasan: so what do the schools say? what is their rational or justification for taking so long to go public with this information? >> well, in some cases, schools will say a lot of these abuses happened in the '60s or '70s or '80s and they now know more about how to handle it than they once did. some will say that sexual abuse allegations are very tricky. they want to respect the privacy of the victims. they want to also be cognizant that they can't always prove allegations. in a lot of cases you have an alumnus who makes some accusation and the steafers, the only other person who was in the room and the staffer denies it. so they say they're trying to be careful about not ruining somebody's career. some of the students who had been abused say they are too worried about their reputation. and wish they had done more to at least tell the community about the allegations and find out whether there are other steuts wanting to come floor. >> todd wallack of the "boston globe," thank you very much. >> thank you, appreciate it. >> woodruff: you buy a new smart phone or computer, and you take your old one to a local recycler. it's the green thing to do, right? well it turns out a lot of those devices may not be getting recycled at all. from seattle member station kcts and public media's environmental partnership earthfix, ken christensen and katie campbell, who tells the story, follow the e-waste trail. >> so, everybody, this is scenario one. we're buying equipment. we look around and see what they have and we start haggling over the price. so any questions? >> no, sir. >> i think it's right up here about a quarter of a mile. >> reporter: jim puckett is leading a team that's going undercover to find out what actually happens to electronics that are sent to u.s. recyclers. >> most of the public still thinks that the recyclers are recycling, and that they recycle right there in america. it shows us ten meters out. >> reporter: puckett is the founder of the basel action network, a seattle-based watchdog group that investigates the afterlife of electronics. >> we are basically trying to stop the rich countries from dumping their hazardous waste onto poor countries. >> reporter: in this case: china. >> they're running! >> running away? >> reporter: to get inside, a local driver and translator posed as e-waste buyers. >> ( translated ): hello, we're here to buy goods. we just want to see the electronics. >> reporter: with people buying new computers and other electronics more frequently than ever, electronic waste is now the fastest-growing waste stream in the world. on top of that, it contains toxic materials that can poison people and the environment. this investigation began months ago, when puckett's team put g.p.s. tracking devices inside 200 old computers, printers and tvs. then they dropped them off in locations across the country-- at recycling facilities, donation centers and electronics take-back programs, including some of the industry's most reputable companies. >> we sat back and said, "where are they going to go?" and the little devices went out and spoke to us, saying, "this is where i am." >> reporter: puckett's group partnered with carlo ratti of the senseable city lab at massachusetts institute of technology. >> tracking is really the first step in order to design a better system. one of the surprising things we discovered is how far waste travels. you see this kind of global e- waste flows that actually almost covered the whole planet. >> reporter: each device traveled an average of about 2,500 miles and around a third of the tracked computers were exported. of those, most ended up here. hong kong is home to one of the world's busiest ports. ships deliver more cargo than is possible to inspect. as a result, hong kong has a reputation for being a transit point for illegal trade and smuggling of all kinds. most of the exported tracked devices led puckett to a little known part of hong kong called "the new territories." >> it's really a frontier, it's really cowboy land out there. >> reporter: puckett followed one tracked printer here to a place that calls itself a farm. >> farmland? yeah, that's a great farm in there. you would have no idea that there was a huge scrap yard there until you look over the fence. >> reporter: inside they found printers being taken apart by immigrant workers. >> i am looking for asset tags to tell me where the material came from. i look for the environmental harm issues. i look for the workstations to see how these workers might be exposed. >> reporter: many of the workers handle hazardous materials without protective gear. one concern: printer toner, a probable carcinogen. >> there is no protection of this labor force, there are no occupational laws that are going to protect them. >> reporter: jackson lau is the head of the hong kong recycling association. he runs a licensed recycling facility in the new territories. he says the junkyards in the area that import e-waste are unlicensed and unregulated. >> ( translated ): these old electronics are usually being sorted and dismantled. because the leftover components are worthless, they are being dumped indiscriminately. >> look at the tubes. many, many tubes thrown on the ground here. >> reporter: the white fluorescent tubes light up l.c.d screens. each of them contains mercury, even a tiny amount can be a neurotoxin. >> day in and day out, these workers are completely oblivious to this hazard are smashing these. the tubes are breaking right in front of their faces, and mercury is very toxic. >> ( translated ): do you wear a mask? >> ( translated ): no. >> i ask him if he knows that the white tubes are dangerous, he has no idea. >> reporter: the united states is the only developed nation that hasn't ratified an international treaty to stop first-world countries from dumping e-waste on developing nations. other developed nations set e- waste collection mandates and require electronics manufacturers to pay for domestic e-waste processing. further, the united states has no federal laws requiring electronics to be recycled. half of states allow electronics to be dumped in landfills. john shegerian is the c.e.o. of electronics recycling international, the largest e- waste recycling company in the united states. >> it takes hundreds of employees in each facility to do the real work of electronic recycling. >> reporter: he says that some recyclers are exporting to cut costs because in the last two years, their biggest source of revenue has plummeted. >> at the height of the market, when we would go to sell our steel, plastic, aluminum, gold, silver, palladium, copper, we were getting about 14 to 15 cents a pound more than we are today. >> dell reconnect an exciting program that makes getting rid of old technology easy. >> reporter: dell was the first major computer manufacturer to ban the export of non-working electronics to developing countries. they partnered with goodwill, allowing people to drop off old computers of any brand for free to be refurbished or recycled. the electronics are either dismantled on site or sent to dell's recycling partners. dell says more than 400 million pounds of e-waste has been diverted from u.s. landfills because of their program. but the basel action network and m.i.t's investigation concluded that the tracking devices placed in old computers and dropped off at participating goodwill locations ended up in hong kong, china, taiwan and thailand. beth johnson manages dell's program. >> reporter: in a written statement, goodwill industries said it is committed to responsible recycling, and encouraged its member organizations, which are autonomous, to review their contracts with dell. back in hong kong, puckett finds more clues to the scale of the problem. >> a laptop with an l.c.d. screen, ending up here in hong kong in new territories from the los angeles school system, unbelievable. >> reporter: puckett finds electronics from u.s. police departments, jails, hospitals, and libraries. >> the government is always trying to save taxpayer's money. so they are obliged in some cases to always do the cheapest thing. >> reporter: for now, market forces are driving e-waste exports. >> they're just dumping on the bank here. >> reporter: without a federal law banning the export of e- waste, there's little incentive for the industry to change. for kcts and the pbs newshour, i'm katie campbell. >> sreenivasan: tune in tonight on pbs for a special two-night event examining the nation's rising gun violence. watch new documentary films from independent lens-- "peace officer" and "the armor of light"-- followed by special town hall discussions hosted by npr's michel martin. and that's the newshour for tonight. i'm hari sreenivasan. >> woodruff: and i'm judy woodruff. join us online and again here tomorrow evening. for all of us at the pbs newshour, thank you and good night. >> major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by: lincoln financial is committed to helping you take charge of your future. >> and by the alfred p. sloan foundation. supporting science, technology, and improved economic performance and financial literacy in the 21st century. >> supported by the john d. and catherine t. macarthur foundation. committed to building a more just, verdant and peaceful world. more information at >> and with the ongoing support of these institutions >> this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc captioned by media access group at wgbh >> this is "bbc world news." >> funding of this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation; newman's own foundation, giving all profits from newman's own to charity and pursuing the common good; kovler foundation, pursuing solutions for america's neglected needs; and aruba tourism authority. >> planning a vacation escape that's relaxing, inviting, and exciting is a lot easier than you think. you can find it here, in aruba. families, couples, and friends can all find their escape on the island with warm sunny days,

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