Sreenivasan plus, beyonceas drops her latest album lemonade, and the artist continues on to write her own rules. O we examine her path. All that and more on tonights pbs newshour. Major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by moving our economy for 160 years. My bnsf, the engine that connects us. Fathom travel. Carnival corporations small ship line. Offering seven day cruises tong three cities in cuba. Exploring the culture, cuisine and Historic Sites through itse, people. More at fathom. Org. Lincoln financial committed to helping you take large of your financial future. And the william and flora hewlett foundation, helping people build immeasurably better lives. Supported by the rockefeller foundation. Promoting the wellbeing of humanity around the world by building resilience and inclusive economies. More at bti rockefellerfoundation. Orgotma and with the ongoing support of these institutions this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. And by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. S co woodruff the republican president ial race is suddenly boiling again, over a deal to deny the nomination to the frontrunner. The news came last night that john kasich and ted cruz will give each other a clear path int selected states. The response came today on did you see the news today, did you see where they band together, where they collude . Woodruff donald trump had already blasted his rivals in latenight tweets. Today, he railed against them in rhode island. To if you collude in business or if you collude in the stock market they put you in jail. But in politics because its a rigged system, because its a corrupt enterprise, in politics youre allowed to collude. Ll woodruff the cruzkasich noncompete calls for the texas senator to stop campaigning inxa oregon and new mexico, and for a kasich to stay away from indiana. God bless the great state of indiana woodruff today, in borden, indiana, cruz reveled in the opportunity to go headtoheadop with trump in the may 3 primary. I understand that donald will whine. Ru that is what he does. Donald is a sore loser. Il yes, i get that the Trump Campaign is scared. Theyre scared of indiana. In woodruff kasich campaigned in philadelphia, paintingg the agreement as nothing out of the ordinary. Whats the big deal . Were going to go to a . Convention its going to be an open convention and then the delegates are going to pick than person who can do the best in the fall. Le woodruff all of which had trump stepping up the insults ll he called kasich a stubborn child who eats in a disgusting fashion. P ch e and he dismissed cruz as a basket case. Shsk Democrat Hillary Clinton took her own shots at trump as she c stumped in wilmington, delaware. If you want to be president of the United States, youve got to get familiar with the United States. Dont just fly that big jet inje and land it and go make a big speech and insult everybody you can think of. Woodruff clintons increasingly longshot rival Bernie Sanders campaigned through connecticut andug pennsylvania, insisting hes still viable. In fact, if you look at some of the National Polls in the last couple weeks, guess what . Were winning a few of them. Turns out, in a campaign that turns out that in all the National Polls, in the state polls, we are 15 to 20 ahead of trump. T woodruff both sanders and clinton will appear in towncl halls in philadelphia tonight. Well analyze all of this, later in the program. Sreenivasan in the days other news, cleveland officials announced the city will pay the family of tamir rice 6 milliona to settle a wrongful death lawsuit. The 12yearold was playing with a pellet gun in november 2014, when someone called police. D a white officer shot and killed him, seconds after arriving on the scene. It irregardless of faults or i facts, or anything, that should not have happened. And believe me, if i had my rathers, i wouldnt be standing in front of you today talking about this. Meld if i had my rathers, it wouldy not have happened. But thats not the case is it . At so we deal with things as we have to deal with them. Sreenivasan a grand jury declined to bring charges, but y federal civil rightsar investigation is pending. Woodruff in economic news, new numbers show the plunge in oil prices is costing Oil Exporting Nations in the middle east staggering sums. The International Monetary fund reports they lost 390 billion last year over 2014. The report predicts theyll lose 500 billion this year. Sreenivasan in saudi arabia, the government laid out reform priorities today to steer the kingdom away from its reliance on oil. King salman announced the vision 2030 plan in a short televised address. His son, the deputy crown prince, spelled out the details in a recorded interview. N, translated the plans ambitions will encompass these issues unemployment, housing, and other issues. On our ambition is how we develop and how we can create an attractive and great environment in our country, and to be partnv of development on economic, environmental, cultural, and intellectual levels. Sreenivasan the prince saidd the country has become addicted to oil, and that a small part of the stateowned Oil Giant Aramco will be privatized. Woodruff government and allied forces in yemen today wrested control of the countryu Largest Oil Terminal from al qaeda. They recaptured the facility a day after taking mukalla, along the southwestern coast. Hw alqaeda had established a mini state in that part of yemen, as the country fell into chaos. Sreenivasan the president of afghanistan demanded today that pakistan step up the fight against Taliban Forces operating from within its borders. S. Ashraf ghani addressed his parliament, just a week after a Taliban Attack in kabul killed 64 people and wounded hundreds. translated we dont expect pakistan to bring the taliban into peace talks. We want pakistan to stand by what they pledged in the conduct military operations against taliban bases and leadership, who according to oun intelligence, according to our international allies, and according to pakistani authorities, live in pakistan. Sreenivasan pakistan denies that it covertly supportsco militants who attack afghanistan. Woodruff longrunning violence in mexico, fueled by drug gangs, has claimed another victim. Gunmen killed a journalist today in the countrys southwest, thee latest in a series of such attacks. And on sunday, an independent panel accused the Mexican Government of undermining a probe into the deaths of 43un college students. They disappeared in 2014. Sreenivasan president obama made a final appeal today for a Free Trade Agreement with europe, as he wrapped up a visit to germany. He and chancellor Angela Markel toured the Worlds Largest Industrial Technology trade fain in hannover, and tested some of the wares. They included Virtual Reality glasses complete with plastic googly eyes. Woodruff wall streets week got off to a sluggish start. The Dow Jones Industrial average lost 26 points to close at 17,977. The nasdaq fell 10 points, and the s p 500 slipped three. D sreenivasan and, a federal Appeals Court panel has restored a fourgame suspension for new England Patriots quarterback tom brady. It stems from his use of under inflated footballs in the 2015 conference championship game. A lower court had quashed the penalty. Woodruff still to come on the newshour the president orders 250 more military personnel to syria. Two democrats fight it out for a u. S. Senate seat in maryland, an microcosm of the national intrac party divide. Nepals reconstruction, one yeaa after a devastating earthquake, and much more. Sreenivasan more american troops are heading for syria as the u. S. Looks to press the fight against isis. This comes just days after the secretary of defense announced the deployment of Additional Forces to iraq to take on the militants there. Ive approved the deployment of up to 250 additional us personnel in syria, including special forces, to keep up this momentum. Onme sreenivasan with that, president obama pledged to boost the number of american troopsro inside syria by fivefold. Fi most are special forces, and the president said again, to pbs, and cbs news host, charlie rose, they wont be in a combat role. Although we are not going to be sending Ground Troops in to fight, we are going to try to find out what works and then double down. And one of the things thats worked so far is us putting special forces in for training and advising of local forces but also intelligence gathering. Sreenivasan the first 50 special forces troops deployedl to syria last fall. Theyve helped opposition fighters make gains, and the pentagon says one of the goals now is to capture raqqa, the Islamic States defacto capital. Pt and we think this deployment will certainly help to amp the pressure even higher at a critical time. And speed up the overall timeline when one of these forces can retake raqqa and retake mosul. Sreenivasan turkey has also exchanged artillery fire with isis, along its southern border. Meanwhile, the ceasefire in w syrias other war, between Government Forces and rebel groups, is unraveling. In recent days, fighting hasng erupted around contested aleppo, the countrys largest city. Opposition groups say Government Air strikes killed dozens of people there over the weekend. Th translated warplanes around five people died, i carried two dead, one woman frod this location and a man from nearby. Wo the attacks on aleppo in this latest period have been fierce p and strong. Sreenivasan the resumption in heavy fighting has all but derailed u. N. Efforts at peace talks in geneva. Ig u. N. Mediators met with Syrian Government officials today, but the main Opposition Group backed out of the discussions last week. For more on all this im joined now by Andrew Tabler of the washington institute. Hes in moscow learning more about russias role in syria. And, Nancy Youseff, she is the Senior National security correspondent for the daily beast. Nancy, let me start with you. Whats the purpose of these additional troops . What are they going to be doing on the ground . Wh of 250ofe upwards special forces and support staff, medical staff and otherwise, and their job there is to build a capable, bigger, stronger Syrian Democratic forca that could eventually reclaim raqqa in syria, the islams capital. Their mission is to work with kurds and provide support and since raqqa is an ash city, they believe they need to be reclaim raqqa. Sreenivasan how likely is that to happen . Kurds are strong fighter. They lack depth, particularly demographic depth among the arab populations in raqqa. Thats why nancy said the Syrian Democratic forces is a way to get the arab forces to Work Together with the kurds and hopefully, eventually, thee Islamic State from raqqa. A sreenivasan nancy, is the pentagon concerned about the increased militarybo activityea thats been happening from russia right now in the past few weeks . Some people are and some arent. Theyre having a hard time assessing with certainty whetheh this is an attempt by the russians to really escalatea their presence in syria or a Rotational Movement thats m happening now, that theyre not seeing a full fledged assault. Theyre seeing withdrawal of some assault aircraft. There is been a lot of wait and see in terms of assessing the Russian Movement in syria and what this means. This comes in the backdrop of a cessation hostilities agreement that appears to be in peril. Because of that, its been hard to make, from what i hear in the pentagon, definitive assessments on what the russians are doingan in syria right now. Sreenivasan whats behind some of the moves where the russians seem to be pulling some equipment back and putting other equipment in . There is concern about the negotiations going on in geneva. Theft previously president assat perhaps received too much russian support, was becoming increasingly rigid in hisis negotiating positions. They were disappointed with himn on the battlefield as well. He only gained 5 back of syrian territory over the last few months. But in reality, someone among the opposition has shot down three regime planes in the last two months, and i think thats the reason why weve seen some russian aircraft cycled out of syria and some helicopters with some countermeasures brought in that can make their forces more effective. Sreenivasan nancy, is there concern in the pentagonrn right now that this could draw out into something much longer . O i mean, the phrase usually is Mission Creep or resource creep . Well, the military doesnt really embrace the idea of the term Mission Creep, but you are starting to hear the term resource creep because the reality is theso strategy againt the Islamic State hasnt changed, the goal is to ultimately dpe grade and defeat yieses i. S. I. S. As the president spelled out in 2014. Le the resources keep changing. Thereh is frustration in the pentagon about incrementalism of deployment of troops. Oy some are openingly asking what would haveki happened instead of sending one or two hundred, deploying one or two thousand, if the war would be going quicker. You start to hear resource creep about whether sending in troops incrementally is more for political reasons and whether the calculation is delaying or slowing down terrorist to defeat the Islamic State. T reporter Andrew Tabler,nd the city of aleppo, a large city in syria, seems to be almost poised for a significant onslaught. Thats right, during theng cessation of hostilities which is not a cease fire, there has been fighting and raids around the rei gem to close the ring around aleppo. We think they tend to close and then squeeze which will expel people from the neighboringe areas and create a huge humanitarian disaster. The question is willni the russians go along with it or hold back as negotiations continue in geneva . But since those negotiations arent going well, well have to wait and see what the russians choose in the coming days. It seems the military has a couple of lines of thinking here. Theres the assad regime and the i. S. I. S. Attacks. I. So how do they deploy their military resources effectively enough . What youre sealing is a real focus on the defeat of the Islamic State from a military perspective. You will hear it said repeatedly. The deployment of the forces both in iraq and syria suggest that in iraq youve had more forces moved along the route to mosul which is i. S. I. S. s capital in iraq and in syria these forces are going to be going in the Northeast Corner of syria where Kurdish Forces have been able to move toward raqqa and mill tairlt youre seeing a focus on the defeat of the Islamic State and not the assad regime. That may be russias focus butut there is been an effort by the pentagon to keep the focus onus the defeat of that terror groupe sreenivasan when you talk about the peace talks that arent going well or the cessation that isnt going wellh the tension between the unitedee states and russia now on trying to go on these multiple fronts and get cooperation from the russians. Thats right, its strange, i you know, in syria were negotiating with russia, and also trying the russians desperately want military cooperation in syria as well ate the same time that planes are buzzing our battleships in the baltic sea. Sreenivasan Andrew Tabler from moscow and Nancy Youseff from the daily beast, thank you so much. Thank you. Woodruff tomorrow, voters will go to the polls in five east coast states to choose their partys nominee to be the next president. S but in maryland, its the democratic primary race to replace longtime u. S. Senator Barbara Mikulski that is dominating the headlines, and exposing some of the same s divisions playing out in the National Democratic contest for president. S john yang has our report. Reporter at a rally for Striking Verizon workers, two candidates for the marylandd Democratic Senate nomination appealed to a key constituency organized labor. Donna edwards was elected to congress the same year barack obama was elected the first africanamerican president. I think it is time for risingme expectatives to set aside their 1. 8 billion a month. I cant even conceive of that shes running reporter shes running as a fresh face challenging the establishment. Rten Chris Van Hollen is a seventerm member of congress from a wealthy washington suburb, aur member of his partys leadership in the house. Who do you think is responsible for generating theon profits in you are the tour locked in anhe the two are locked in an unexpectedly close race, one that analysts say mirrors tensions in the residential race between mainstream democrats backing clinton and supportersn of sanders who feel left out of the political process. Whoever wins the democratic primary will be the overwhelming favorite to succeed Barbara Mikulski, the longest serving female senator. In maryland, registeredis democrats outnumber republicans two to one. Van hollen believes hes theho natural heir to mikulskis legacy. A rising star in the party, a protege of Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi who helped push obamacare through congress. My argument is that there isu a big difference between simply voting a certain way on issues and actually doing the hard work to get results. So ive always recognized when you have divided government you fight hard to the finish to protect things that should never be touched, like a womans right to choose. Ec but you also look for Common Ground to make sure the country can move forward, if not 100 yards at a time, 510 yards at a time. Rd reporter edwards says she would bring a unique and much needed voice as only the second africanamerican woman ever to serve in the senate. Ec i dont hide the fact that im an African American woman, i raised my son mostly on my own when i was growing up and it gives me a perspective about the issues that impact the workingsu people and the working families that is distinct from any that is present in the United States senate right now. S reporter nationalio progressive groups have stepped in with Television Ads supporting edwards to counter van hollens fundraising edge. I have worked with the progressive caucus, and i have supported progressive budgets and much more than my opponent has done and so i dont thinkne its a great surprise that long before i came into congress i was a progressive and ill be long after. Nd a c reporter van hollen has responded by emphasizing his own progressive roots. Ha in maryland, progressives are actually interested in getting results. Theyre not interested in sound bites, theyre not interested ie rhetoric. Theyre interested in results, seeing measurable progress andnd im proud to have a record of doing that. Reporter the choice between two candidates who are otherwise so similar on policy issues and voting records has torn many maryland democrats. I like both of them. I like where they both stand. Reporter tony price is a t Striking Verizon worker. Donna edwards is a single but ive talked to Donna Edwards a number of times and we have a lot in common. I think both can get the jobi done, but i am leaning more toward edwards. Moin reporter leepo yu is a van hollen volunteer. Ds id like to see a female senator, but on the other hand we have to issue the pros and cons. And i think van hollen will be ready day one to help us, to reporter the states largest city has emerged as the key s battleground. Polls show both candidates handily winning their home districts in the washington suburbs. Y the race could be decided here in baltimore, played out against the backdrop of freddie gray, fatally injured while in police custody. Voters will vote one year to the week after the demonstrations y against police turned violent. The reverend jamal bryant, a Baltimore Community leader, delivered grays eulogy. We spoke with him on the anniversary of grays death. I think that america is in a place of change. People are looking for someone different, people who areen willing to challenge the system who is not part of the old boy network. To reporter you mentioned last year. As does that make it more urgent, more necessary for representation from someone like Donna Edwards . I think its a reminder ofs whats left undone that given our Current Crisis a band aid does not take the place of open heart surgery. Rr just think that america, and all the more baltimore is looking for a new voice and a new face. T reporter making history with a new voice and a new face doesnt motivate former marylan Democratic Party chair yvetteve lewis, an African American voter backing van hollen. I think that votes are too important to be reduced to a demographic, whether its race or gender. E i think votes need to be givenen to those people who have earned it and who have shown that they will deliver the results for their constituent. I dont think you necessarily need to look like me in order to do whats best for me. Reporter a big challenge for van hollen is convincing black i voters that he can represent them effectively. Regardless of race, regardless of background and gender people want somebody that is going to be able to deliver results on issues that matter to their community. Reporter whoever wins on tuesday, the dynamics of this race have already reshaped the debate within the Democratic Party broadening the issues being discussed, and the people discussing them. Ro for the pbs newshour, im john yang in baltimore. Woodruff and on the eve of the northeast primaries, now is, the perfect time for politics monday. Amy walter of the Cook Political Report joins me here, tamara keith of npr is in philadelphia. We welcome both of you. Amy, lets pivot back to the headline on the republican side ted cruz and john kasich colluding, in Donald Trumps words, getting together to try to divide up the next few states, not tomorrow but next week, to try to undercut trump. Is this a smart thing on their part . You know that saying, judy, about the horse in the barn and closing the barn door after the horse has gone out . It feels athas if this was a really smart strategy maybe a month ago but its too late. Weve gone through 43 contestsco and now theyre deciding maybeay they should come together, we only have 13 left. Were in a phase im calling momentum versus math now, and the reality is the math is working against donald trump in some ways. There is a way in which kasich and cruz could stop, prevent p donald trump from getting thege 1237 delegates he needs to be the nominee or to get it on the first ballot in cleveland in july, but the momentum is withi donald trump right now, he is expected to do very well tomorrow night in the primaries. Hes going to come out with a head of steam, a lot of voteses and with the most delegates going into the convention. Its going to get harder and harder for the math argument to win over the momentum argument. Woodruff um tamara, does this make sense in we should point out, today after this agreement was cut, you had john kasich saying, well, i still expect people in indiana to vote for me. Right. So its not clear how strong this agreement really is. Gr in some ways it might just be a bat signal to the super pacs to say, hey, super pacs, put your emphasis here and there. In california, i know that the never ther Trump Movement or can will be going Congressional District by congressionalr district soon, telling voters directly which candidate they think they should vote for if they want to have the best chance to stop trump Congressional District byct Congressional District because thats the way delegates are allocated, but its not clears whether in california or indiana or new mexico or oregon whether this will truly work or whetherw donald trump already has a prohibitive lead. Woodruff it does seem to play into Donald Trumps argument that hes been make for weeks that the system is rigged. Absolutely. Woodruff the opponents are saying lets get together to deny him delegates. You could not have written the script better for donald trump hes saying the establishment and the system is rigged againsg me and then his two opponents go, yeah, it kind of is, weree going to do whatever we can to prevent you from getting theth needed number of delegates before we get to the convention, so it only further plays into this momentum argument youveu made before, plus if you look at the polling thats been coming out in the last few days asking about republican voters, how dor you feel about a contested convention and what if the candidate with the most votes doesnt get the nomination, now 38 of republicans say it will be acceptable to them if the person with the most delegates didnt have the majority but came in and lost the mom nation, and most of those are trump supporters, but 45 or 46 of the people say it would be unacceptable for trump or thehe person with the most votes not to win are cruz voters. Uz woodruff a sense of fairness, at some i want to. Exactly. Woodruff tam remarks ted r cruzs camp put out the word today hes already got a short list of Vice President ial runningmate possibilities. This is crazy times. You dont know whats going to happen with the republican convention, a possible contestec convention, and seems candidates could potentially be trying to do things to help themselves look more like theyre runningg for president , like they couldld be the nominee, having a short list for Vice President even though youre way behind in the delegate count, could be part of that. Woodruff amy, on theh democratic side, Bernie Sanders has in the last few days talked about what he has been able to get Hillary Clinton to shift ins terms of what she believes in and what shell push for. She started talking friday about Andrea Mitchell on nbc looking at what clinton will do with her platform at the the convention. Thats a shift for him, isnt it . Yeah, weve already seen a shift in him saying well take it to the floor and to june which is the last primary. But its happening on the d. J. O side, too. Si math is on Hillary Clintons side, but the momentum is onn Bernie Sanders side. He continues to do better andn better in national polling. His Approval Rating numbers are much better than hers. In fact, its quite remarkable shes going to have a very good night tuesday, likely be close enough to wrap this thing up if she does as well as the polls are showing and yet her overall negative ratings among all voters has really skyrocketedy since the beginning of this campaign. So hes done two things. H i think the debate within theh Democratic Party has shifted her focus in some ways a little more to the left, but its also taken a big toll on her standing with all voters. Woodruff tam remarks how are you reading that in talking to the clinton people . How are they dealing with thishi right now . Theyre out with a new ad today that is running in some of the states and will be voting tomorrow. That is a very positive campaign ad. It shows Hillary Clinton being very human, engaging with people, including Sandra Blands mother, and really just giving people hugs. Its a very human ad and its about love and kindness and, really, theyre turning toward the general election with that ad, trying to paint an opposing vision to that of donald trump and his negativity. Donald trump today again going after his opponents, saying tha john kasich is disgusting when he eats. So clinton is trying to paint that contrast that she thinks that her campaign thinks will smooth over a lot of the challenges that she may be having in this primary. Pr woodruff sandra bland, the young africanamerican woman who died in her jail cell in texas. Charles koch, the billionaire giving money, saying he might even consider Hillary Clinton if she shifted positions. That shows how uncentered the republican establishment is on so many Different Levels and how much focus well see from the donor class on races that arent the president ial. A lot more money will get spente at the down ballot level toto protect reps in the senate and the house more so and, p. S. ,. Hillary clinton doesnt want Charles Kochs money or endorsement, as you well know. N that would play right in the i hands of Bernie Sanders and her detractors who think shes too close to big money interests. Nt woodruff thank you both. Youre welcome. Sreenivasan stay with us, coming up on the newshour beyonces marketing genius in the changing world of music. And getting to green, a bipartisan solution to climate change. But first, one year ago today, a massive earthquake shook nepal, killing more than 8,000 people. Some four billion dollars of assistance was pledged, but the rebuilding has been hampered by rugged conditions, poverty, and politics. Special correspondent fred de sam lazaro explores the reconstruction efforts as part of our partnership with the p Pulitzer Center on crisis reporting and with the undertold stories project at theoj university of saint thomas, in minnesota. Reporter kathmandu still bears scars from the quakes, bu, many people in nepals bustling capital have pushed the rubblehe aside and started rebuilding their homes and lives. Thats not possible in the quakes worsthit regions, villages high up in the rugged himalayan landscape, places that were hard to reach even before the disasters struck. Most people here were displaced into make shift camps miles away in valleys miles away. On april 25, 2015, the villagela of milung literally slid out of existence. 38 people died as boulders rained down the mountainside. Five bodies were never recovered from under them. Parma singh tamang ran a Grocery Store and tailoring business in this abandoned community, once home to 400 people. Remnants of his shops peek out from under tons of granite. Two daughters in law and two grandchildren perished here. Nd others in the large extended family that lived here barely escaped. translated when they heard the loud rumbling they were very confused and ran down to the side of the river down below there. Reporter down the street iss the spot where selnam temange lived. She wasnt home on that fateful day. Sh she was visiting her mother, leaving her four children with her in laws and eldest child, asmita. R translated her grandfather was cooking fish and all the family was gathered in the main floor area, but asmita did not like fish, so she climbed to the second floor of the house. Li then suddenly the earthquake came and the whole house fell and she was thrown some distance away. Ou but the whole family, they were crushed. Ay reporter including two younger daughters and infantng son. She did manage to rescue their pictures. Im sorry. Their Current Situation stokes the despair. Most people in the camp say they have no money and have received little assistance to rebuild. Pl Selnam Tamang scrapes by on about three dollars a day as a daily laborer, working about ten days each month. Mo and conditions in the metal roofed shacks are not healthy, says 12yearold asmita, who is learning english when sun is rising is very hot. Reporter its gets very hot when the sun rises. Are there many people who getny sick in this camp . Yes. Reporter what kind of sickness do they have . Diarrhea and winter season people have pneumonia. Reporter for nepals Inadequate Health care system, the quake has added demands. Shanti uprety, a Public Health nurse says many of the displacep have migrated closer to Population Centers like the one she serves in pursuit of work translated they cant farm their land, and have no source of food, and conditionsso in the temporary shelters are hazardous. Pregnant women are especially vulnerable now. Reporter we followed along as she coached anu biswakarma, a new mother on breast feeding. Her 19 day old son was not thriving. Days earlier, shed urged that the child be taken to hospital but this family could not afforf the bus fare. Uprety has seen many preventable illnesses end in tragedy, and recalled another recent pregnant patient. translated i knew that the mother was anemic and told them to take her to hospital toh deliver, but they couldnt afford it, so they both died. That case happened three months back. Fo ive experienced a few cases like this since the earthquake. Reporter the health systemh she works for cant do much to help. It has barely begun to rebuild facilities. Some social enterprises did try to help. One heart worldwide has worked for years in nepal on maternal and child health. We had met a company in utah that made these tents that are 12by12, and theyre big enough to set up as literally a birthing room. So, we distributed those and set them up immediately after the earthquake. Ed in less than a year, weve delivered over 1,000 with no maternal or newborn deaths in any of those situations in ourua tents. Reporter but one hearts founder arlene samen says much of the International Relief efforts were uncoordinated andfo have met only a tiny fraction of the need. Theres millions of dollars that were raised that still have not been deployed and could be, and should be given to people so that they could rebuild. Reporter she says many non government aid groups were reluctant to deploy in nepal, blaming the political dysfunction in a country thats endured years of instability. For five months last winter, an internal dispute over a new constitution and regionalin politics led to an unofficial blockade of the main tradeoc routes into landlocked nepal from india, for which the two neighbors blame each other. Even today people spend hours in line for cooking fuel and gasoline. So the country is essentially paralyzed by political gridlock . Yes. It has been uncertainty has reporter and as a result, economist sujeev shakhya says,su some four billion dollars in s earthquake aid pledged by several nations have remained largely unspent as rival factions fight over who shouldve control how it is dispensed. For folks in politics this is four billion dollars coming inti so how much can we make out of this. Onh this is how they think. Reporter how much can they line their pockets . S line their pockets, yes. And thats the whole question. N. Reporter however, the newly formed National Reconstruction authority says it now has support from all political factions and will soon shift into high gear. Om families will be entitled to grants of about 2,000 dollars to rebuild homes. Communities will receive aid for schools and health facilities. translated within this four years we will make a new nepal. Wwi this new nepal will not be made by government but by the people. The process of making the newof nepal will be created by the government for the people. Reporter spokesman Ram Prasad Thapaliya said the slow start was also due to the task of surveying the extensive damage over daunting terrain and setting up a transparent system, translated to spend this amount of money that is coming into the authority has to spend that money with partners. Thas the donors and the people are going to be watching to see if there is any corruption. E reporter and theres growing Public Access to information to hold the government accountable. Civic groups, using technology and media have set up websites u to track aid dollars. T theres even a tv show called integrity idol, to single out government officials, a group widely viewed as corrupt. In the beginning we had many people say you wont find anyone. Th we got hundreds of nominations and the five finalists were incredible people at the local level to build integrity within reporter Blair Glencorse ant Narayan Adhikari are with and washington based non profit company, accountability labs that produces the show. Seeing all this energy coming from young people and also Technology Front gives me a hope. Ng reporter but back at the displaced peoples camp, parmama singh tamang and his wife jyomo say theyre not holding their breath for the promised government assistance. T translated i have no hope that well ever get back the life we used to have. Tr reporter a few doors down, Selnam Tamang is spending a lotn of her meager income on schoolol fees, investing her hopes in asmitas aspiration. Doctor. Reporter you want to be a doctor . Yes. Reporter it will be an uncertain, at times desperate journey for many years for herer and so many nepalis. For the pbs newshour, this iss fred de sam lazaro in nuwakot, nepal. Sreenivasan explore more of nepal a year after the m earthquake on our website. We have a 360 degree video of several locations from our reporting trip at pbs. Org newshour. Woodruff anticipation had been building all week, and it took just a matter of hours over the weekend for beyonce to create a major phenomenon surrounding her latest work, lemonade. Its her sixth solo album, but it charted New Territory for how shes creating a different a path in a digital era of streaming and downloading Jeffrey Brown has the story. Brown its was a surprise record, released at first exclusively on the music streaming service, tidal, butt also as a socalled visual album a one hour film, shown on hbo. Al once again, the pop music phenomenon, beyonce, is doing things her own way, and this time with songs and stories that address both personal troubles and the larger history of black women. Joining us with more, is salamishah tillet, a scholar and professor on black women performers at the university of pennsylvania. Welcome to you. Surprise albums arent such a surprise anymore, but beyonce and lemonade takes it to a whole other level. Tell us whats going on. What do you see . Well, i think its beyonce pulling a beyonce and, by that, i mean she is an artist who this is her second consecutive visual album that was dropped unexpectedly. I think its akin to Michael Jacksons thriller premiere on mtv in 1983, and this may be controversial, but its comparable to dylan going electric at the folic festival in 1965. You have an artist whos at their peak converging with sound technologies and the political demands of the moment. T its unexpected an and a surprie but only beyonce could do this in this magnificent a fashion. A brown is it fair to see a battle of changes of artists, streaming labels, services, to figure out whos in troll carol whos in control . Definitely. I think its beyonce aligning herself with the new technologies, whether the titlee came about as a way of artists being able to control the contest and benefithe from the w streaming Services Like spotify or apple music. Benby i dont understand is responding to that and also innovating. Shes innovating the artistic form of what we think of as an album or a music video. V so its a convergence of an artists reinventing hoa her sod and self and using and benefiting from new technologies and also making a statement to the Music Industry that artists can continue to benefit from not simply be exploited by these changing tides. I brown so a statement to the industry and gabbing quick attention from consumers with aa message that in this case got ao lot of attention because it went to perhaps some marital inphi dealt with her famous husband,ba jayz, and to much larger issues. Yeah, i think its the way in which beyonce has been able to tightly control her narrative,a whether around issues of marital infidelity or simply what she wants to say i politically, so i think this album is a convergence of these things but i think its a mistake to think of it simply as a con tensional tale, its not simple lay woman scorned speaking truth to here man or to her power. It exposes another truth about the United States and its reimagining American Historyis through the performances, through music and visual imagera of black women. Of it starts in louisiana plantations, and yet its clearly tied to a narrative of racial oppression and gender oppression that beyonce feels like she can now be a spokesperson for and an activist in a movement such as blackas lives matter. Thats why you have Treyvon Martin and Michael Browns mothers featured prominently and eric browns mother featured prominently in this video. Its not just about beyonce and jayz, its deep around largerla and retelling American History h through the voices of those usually on the margins, beyonce recenters them and then allows us to see north america differently as a result. E brown briefly, shes one of the few artists who can do it her own way. Shes one of the few artistsr who can have this kind of platform, but that doesnt mean the artists will do that. Ha i think shes coming from a tradition of political activistc who is an artist as well, so i think this is a new beyonce. Well figure out what we do with a pop star whos gone political and i think its tremendous. She featured someone like nina simone in this and sees herself as part of that tradition and an heir to that. Brown salamishah tillet,sh thank you so much. Thank you. Th sreenivasan last friday, earth day was celebrated for the 47th time since its inception in 1970. From the beginning, the Environmental Movement had strong support from both s democrats and republicans. Returning to the movements bipartisan roots is key for future success says fred rich. S i recently spoke to rich for this latest addition to thepo newshour bookshelf. Fredericks, thanks for joining us. Glad to be here. Sreenivasan you have been a corporate lawyer and worked with companies the Green Movement wouldnt find well and worked with land trusts where are you coming from . Om when i called the Green Movement on fails they know its from a position of solidarity, complete sympathy with the goals. I want to see the Green Movement succeed so they know im coming at it from that side. Equally, the right at leastg knows i was a registered republican until 2012, pretty solid fiscal conservative. It breaks my heart to see the conservative movement in america has really abandoned a century of tradition of support for conservation in the environment. So i hope each side will have something they dont like and something each side sees they do like. Sreenivasan from the state of the union address, shall we make peace with nature and make reparations for the damage wevh done to the land, air and watert it has become a common cause of all people, clean air, open space, these should once again be the birthright of every american. This was 1970, Richard Nixon deliveringx this. I correct. Sreenivasan to bipartisan applause. Correct. It was amazing. C Richard Nixon, who i have to say was no nature lover, but he was a very savvy politician and Richard Nixon believed clean ai and clean water was a cause that transcended class, it transcended party. He was very nervous that the democrats not get out front on environment, and he was dealing in 1970 with deep divisions inv the country from the Civil Rights Movement and especially at that moment the vietnam war, and nixon had the idea that environment could heal those wounds, that environment was an issue that would bring both sides together. Pretty ironic, given where we are today. Od sreenivasan now were in a hyper partisan world that cant imagine the other side would have a right to exist. You call great strain that happened. Explain. We always think the current Political Landscape is permanent. Its not permanent. E i think its absolutely not only required that we return to some degree of bipartisan action but also that its possible, and if you study what happened as late as 1990 when we solved acid rain on a completely bipartisan basis, you understand that it is possible and its the norm. The Current Situation is the abberation. Sreenivasan how didw individual americans get to this point where in the 70s we thought the environment was onem of our top three priorities and today not even in the ballpark. I looked at a lot of very interesting social science worke and also work of the socalled moral psychologists who look at how we develop our political opinions in the first place, ana there were two things that came outam of it. This was not a bottomsup change. It was a topdown change. The leaders of the movement conservative, and the tactical leaders of the right, decided, this change of position was tactically desirable and the rank and file followed suit. We it was not the other way around which i think is fascinating and promising. Moral psychologyna teaches us to change the hearts and minds of people for whom antienvironmentalism is a mark of 50eudty. 0 its the mark of what it is to be a conservative. To change that requires leadership from within thatm community and some people have emerged to do just that. Th sreenivasan you also takee the Green Movement to task. As there is a quote here you say its aging, lacks the diversityv of the nation it serves and rests on a basis of support that is broad but perilously shallow. Thats right. 70 to 80 of americans say they care about clean air and waterat and consider themselves environmentalists, thats what i mean by broad. B when you ask them to rank the things they care about in order of priority, consistentlyit environment has come in dead last. It will never translate into political power until people prioritize it in their list of issues and hold the politicians accountable. The movement has to become politically active again, hari. Earth day in 1970, 20 million people9 from both parties turned out on the street. We have to recover thatt energy of a e Mass Political Movement that we had in the early days. S. You have prescriptionscriptions here. You say reconnectingon conservatives to conservation, the philosophy that puts peopleo first, and reforming the Green Movement. How would your prescriptions work . We have to take away the some of the reasons and some of the perceptions on the part of o right that have led to the attitude on climate change,at right, and one of those is that the Green Movement is against growth, right, is against business, is anticapitalist,ta that it doesnt care about people. I mean, the criticism that environmentalists care more about the snail than the people is politically devastating andta can be somewhat true. 50 of our population will now live in cities. We have to be relevant to that 50 or well never have the political power to do what it takes on climate change. Im we have to learn to take smaller, inc. Mental steps and show there are things we can do to make progress. To get rid of hopelessness, you know, one of the great critics of the Vice President ial movement said that Martin Luther king said, i have a dream. 40 years later, we had an africanamerican president. Am the environmentalists said ime have a night nightmare and 40 years later havent accomplished much. The peoplehe respond to hope. We have to change the style and perceptions of what we want and cant do it ourselves. T people on the right have to show leadership and theyre startinga to do that, one of my reasons for optimism. Sreenivasan fred rich,fr getting to green saving nature a bipartisan solution. Thanks so much for joining us. Thank you, hari. Gth woodruff on the newshour online right now, thousands of people leave incarceration every year without access to Health Coverage and care, jeopardizing their own safety and sometimes the publics. In maryland, fewer than a tenth of those who leave prisons and jails are being signed up for medicaid. Our partners at Kaiser Health news examine the sometimes dire consequences for these former inmates. All that and more is on our webr site, pbs. Org newshour. Sreenivasan and thats the newshour for tonight. Im hari sreenivasan. woodruff and im judy woodruff. Join us online, and again here tomorrow evening. Five states go to the polls and we will have on the ground reports as part of vote 2016. For all of us at the pbs newshour, thank you and good night. U major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by lincoln financial committed to helping you take charge of your financial future. Supported by the john d. And catherine t. Macarthur foundation. Committed to building a more just, verdant and peaceful world. More information at macfound. Orh nd and with the ongoing support of these institutions this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. Pr and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. 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