On tonights pbs newshour. Major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by moving our economy for 160 years. Bnsf, the engine that connects us. Fathom travel. Carnival corporations small ship line. Offering seven day cruises to three cities in cuba. Exploring the culture, cuisine re at fathom. Org. S through its lincoln financial committed to helping you take charge of your financial future. And the william and flora hewlett foundation, helping people build immeasurably better lives. Supported by the rockefeller foundation. Promoting the wellbeing of humanity around the world by building resilience and inclusive economies. More at rockefellerfoundation. Org and with the ongoing support of these institutions and individuals. This program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. And by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Woodruff shooting erupted inside the u. S. Capitol Visitors Center this afternoon. Police say a man was going through security screening when he pulled a gun and pointed it at officers. They shot and wounded him and took him into custody. A female bystander was injured, but not seriously. The Capitol Police chief said it appears to be an isolated incident. I want to stress that while this is preliminary, based on the initial investigation, we believe this is an act of a Single Person who has frequented the Capitol Grounds before and there is no reason to believe that this is anything more than a criminal act. Woodruff the shooting prompted the entire u. S. Capitol complex and nearby white house to go on lockdown for a time. Congress is currently in recess so most lawmakers were traveling or back home in their districts. Ifill the governor of georgia today vetoed a bill to let religious groups deny services to homosexual, bisexual and transgender people. Republican nathan deal said theres no need to discriminate in order to protect religious liberties. Meanwhile, in north carolina, gay and transgender groups filed suit against a new state ban on local laws providing for transgender bathrooms and other protections. This is not about a bathroom, this is not about a cake, and this is not about flowers at a wedding. This is about discrimination. This is about being afraid of where this world has gone and where we will continue to go. Ifill Republican Governor Pat Mccrory signed the ban into law last week. It overturned a charlotte ordinance allowing transgender people to use the bathroom that matches their identity. Woodruff in belgium, the death toll rose to 35 in last weeks terror attacks in brussels. And, Police Called for the public to help identify a key suspect. Emma murphy of independent Television News reports from brussels. Reporter the man in the hat is believed to be the surviving bomber from the Brussels Airport attack. Who he is and where he is still unknown. Today belgian authorities released this video of him walking through the airport with the other two attackers. Moments later they blew themselves up. But when his bomb failed to detonate, he fled. Police are now appealing for those who may know the most wanted man to get in touch. As that footage was released, prosecutors confirmed that more people had died in the attacks than first thought. We know now that four people have died in a hospital after the attack. And 31 died in the crime scene. 28 of the 31 people were identified formally. And we are still trying to give the three families of the three victims news about their relatives. Reporter three more people following days of raids yassine a, mohammed b, and aboubaker o, all accused of participating in terrorist activites. Meanwhile, a man arrested at this apartment named as faycal c when he was charged with terrorist offenses has been released. Police say they didnt have enough evidence to hold him. Almost a week after Najim Laachraoui and Brahim El Bakraoui attacked airport, the memorials to those they killed remained outside. There is a wish to get this place open again soon but with additional security. Tomorrow 800 airport staff will be asked to check in as if they were passengers in order to test the efficiency of the new system. Woodruff this evening, an allfaith service was held at the brussels cathedral in tribute to the victims of the attacks. Ifill and in syria, Government Forces began combing palmyra for mines and bombs left by Islamic State militants. The army captured the ancient city yesterday, clearing the way to advance toward militant strongholds in the east. But during their 10month occupation, isis fighters destroyed some of the ancient citys most revered treasures. They include temples dating back more than 1,800 years. Woodruff former cuban leader fidel castro spoke out today on president obamas historic visit, and rejected his appeal for warmer ties. In a long letter to state media, castro catalogued u. S. Actions against his regime, and he dismissed mr. Obamas call to, leave the past behind. But in washington, white house spokesman josh earnest brushed aside the castro criticism. The fact that the former president felt compelled to respond so forcefully to the president s visit i think is an indication of the Significant Impact of president obamas visit to cuba. Woodruff mr. Obama did not meet with fidel castro last week. He did have several meetings with his younger brother raul castro, cubas current president. Ifill Chicagos Police got a new, interim boss today, in the face of a federal investigation over the use of deadly force. Veteran officer Eddie Johnson was appointed by mayor rahm emanuel. Johnsons predecessor was forced out last fall, over the killing of 17yearold laquan mcdonald, by a white officer. Woodruff california governor jerry brown has formally unveiled a plan to raise the states minimum wage to 15 an hour. Brown says its a landmark deal to increase the current minimum from 10 an hour, in stages, by 2022. If approved by the legislature, it will be the highest statewide rate in the country. I its widely reported apple the dropping effort to unlock the iefng yods which a intrerndo shooter. The Associated Press says the f. B. I. Used decrypt the data. Ifill wall street had a quiet easter monday. The Dow Jones Industrial average gained 19 points to close at 17,535. The nasdaq dropped six points. The s p 500 added one point. Woodruff and, president and mrs. Obama hosted their final White House Easter Egg Roll today. Thousands of children turned out to take part in a tradition that goes back to 1878. The president also read the childrens classic, where the wild things are. And there was basketball, tennis and a run hosted by the first lady. Ifill still to come on the newshour the group and the motives behind the deadly Easter Sunday bombing in pakistan. A fight to push back isis in northern iraq. Our politics monday team on the week ahead on the campaign trail, and much more. Woodruff in pakistan, the mosul was overrun nearly two years ago and has become a vital hub for the groups operations in iraq. But whether iraqs military is up to the challenge is an open question. Even as the potential grows for deeper american involvement. Special correspondent Jane Ferguson reports from special correspondent Jane Ferguson reports from the frontlines, near makhmour, iraq. Reporter in an effort to soften isis positions, iraqi forces bombard them repeatedly. They are trying to push forward from this sandbank, up the hill to a village Islamic State fighters are dug into. Last week, the Iraqi Army Suddenly announced the launch of the longawaited battle for mosul city. In reality, so far just several villages have been retaken in the makhmour area, well south of mosul. This is as far as the front line comes for these iraqi troops. They are mortaring the village in that direction that is just on that hill. Thats where isis positions are. That village is called al nasr. They plan to then move in and try to occupy the village but they have been trying to do that for three days. Far beyond that village is the city of mosul, and bitbybit, inchbyinch, they plan to re take it. So far, progress is slow. Iraqi forces swiftly abandoned their positions here in 2014, when isis swept across the country. Morale in the military has yet to fully recover. So, when iraqs commander of ground forces, Major General riyadh jalal tawfig, showed up near the front lines in an unexpected visit, there was great fanfare. But he didnt wish to talk about past mistakes. When isis took Mosul Iraqi Forces quickly withdrew from the city when isis were moving quickly. How do you feel you can prevent that from happening again . translated these issues depend on the timeframes and plans designed for them. After that, for every incident there will be a response, if god wills it. We will retake mosul. Reporter the battle lines in iraq are as complex as the countrys woven identities. Iraqi forces are holding this ground alongside kurdish fighters called peshmerga. They are a skilled fighting force, protecting the semi autonomous kurdish region, which borders mosul. They are holding the line on both ends of the iraqi army. Peshmerga fighters are supported by u. S. Air strikes when they confront isis, but are not given the extensive military equipment the official iraqi army receives from america. This peshmerga commander, colonel naji bedaroni, wandered over to inspect their progress. He was not impressed translated the operation is very weak. Its not strong enough. I believe that if the peshmerga had the equipment they have we could liberate this village in 3 to 4 hours. Not 3 to 4 days. Reporter Kurdish Forces have pushed isis out of most of their areas. An agreement for them to take part in the battle for mosul, a mostly arab city, has yet to be reached. But without the peshmerga, the iraqi army will struggle to retake the city alone. Are the peshmerga taking part in this fight . translated for this we need a political decision. That area that is being targeted for this operation is not a kurdish area. We are just guarding our bunkers. If we get orders, for sure we can do that but until now we have no gotten any orders. Reporter how is the relationship between the Kurdish Peshmerga fighters and the iraqi army . translated we are coordinating with them, we are helping them. But they are weak, they dont believe strongly in the cause. Reporter soon we are on the move, to another part of the battle field. Unseen on this frontline, but still playing a major role, are u. S. Forces, providing advise and assist support for iraqi and Kurdish Forces. An American Marine was killed earlier this month just a few days after arriving at a base in here in makhmour. Only after his death did the u. S. Military announce the presence of the marines. The chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, general dunford, admitted last week there will be more u. S. Boots on the ground soon. We have a series of recommendations that we will be discussing with the president in the coming weeks to further enable our support for the Iraqi Security forces. The secretary and i both believe there will be an increase to the u. S. Forces in iraq in the coming weeks but that decision hasnt been made. Reporter the u. S. Military in makhmour declined requests from pbs for an interview. Fighting between isis and the iraqi army and Kurdish Forces has flattened village after village here. The scenes are of complete devastation. Civilians are running from their homes where the fresh fighting has broken out. These people came from the villages recently retaken from isis, seizing the chance to escape the fighting. Weve just come upon this scene here of civilians fleeing the frontline. Further back there, as far as the eye can see, where cars are coming from, there are several villages where isis have either retreated or have been pushed out by iraqi forces. Civilians are fleeing while they can, anticipating perhaps more maneuvers. Not everyone is jubilant. Traumatized and exhausted, these women and children arrived at another frontline position while we were filming. They ran from their village as isis retreated. A girl was killed. We are told isis shot her as she ran away. This elderly woman said they were being held as human shields they were wearing explosive belts and we couldnt leave because of them, she cries. Where are the men . Where are your men . translated they took seven from my family. Reporter this outpost is manned by another group involved in this offensive, hashd al shaabi, or Popular Resistance committees. They are militia, and quickly descend into fighting with the official Army Commanders accompanying us. We are told to leave. On this battlefield, its not always clear whos in on this battlefield, it is not always clear who is in charge. The fight to take back mosul from isis will be the toughest yet. Loosing the city could be a deadly blow for the terror group. Given the chaos of this battles earliest stages, a quick victory seems out of reach. For the pbs newshour, im Jane Ferguson in makhmour, iraq. Woodruff in pakistan, the government and people were reeling from yesterdays terrorist attack in lahore, the countrys cultural capital. The crime scene was strung with police tape and emptied of visitors this morning, while investigators searched for evidence. Sundays suicide bomber targeted christians at an easter celebration. But most of the dead were muslims whod been enjoying the park on a weekend. translated i was standing there near the seesaw when the blast occurred. The explosion was very loud. As we rushed over here we saw a pool of blood and people lying here and there. Woodruff a breakaway taliban faction claimed responsibility, its fifth attack since december. In a challenge to the government, the militants said in a statement we have entered lahore. The eastern city in punjab province, the countrys richest and most populous, is a power base of Prime Minister nawaz sharif. His government launched a paramilitary crackdown in punjab today. And, after visiting the wounded, sharif returned to islamabad, vowing to defeat what he called the extremist mindset. translated we will not let them raise their heads again, we will not allow them to play the lives of the people of pakistan. This is my resolve, this is my governments resolve and this is woodruff but in the capital, islamabad, muslim extremists rioted outside parliament for a second day. They chanted death to nawaz and demanded authorities impose islamic sharia law. Back in lahore, funerals played out all day as victims, including some of the children, were laid to rest. translated these people were innocent. They had no idea when they left their homes what was going to happen to them, terrorists killed these innocent people. We demand strict punishment for woodruff and at the vatican, pope francis called the attacks vile and senseless. We explore the situation in pakistan now with husain haqqani, who was pakistans ambassador to washington from 2008 to 2011. Hes now director for south and central asia at the hudson institute. Hes also the author of pakistan between mosque and military. And pamela constable, who has covered pakistan for the washington post, and is the author of playing with fire pakistan at war with itself. And we welcome both of you back to the program. Mr. Ambassador, let me start with you. This group, who are they ant where do they come from . Its a group part of the Pakistani Taliban, the t. T. P. , an affiliation with al quaida. They are an offshoot of the t. T. P. , they have flirted with supporting i. S. I. S. Recently aud have been responsible for other actions including a kidnappings for ransom and terrorist acts in the past. Reporter when you say they flirted with i. S. I. S. , what do you mean. They issued a statement saying we agree with i. S. I. S. s objectives but did go to far as to disassociated with al quaida and affiliate with i. S. I. S. Woodruff pamela constable, what would you add to that . Help us figure out how they fit into what we already know about the taliban and i. S. I. S. In this part of the world. Its interesting because, of course, the Pakistani Taliban has always been ferocious and antiwestern and very antistate, but this group seems to have been even more hard line. They split off from the Pakistan Taliban because it wasnt hard enough on sharia law and fundamentalist values and the leader of this group is from the border tribal area up in the northwest, but the fact that theyre focusing on punjab is extremely interesting and a major challenge for this government, unlike anything before. Woodruff why is that significant they went after punjab and significant lahore . Partly because as the tape mentioned, this is the power base of the government, but its also because punjab has always been a little bit offlimits in terms of the antiterror fight. There are some groups based in punjab that have government support, whether its acknowledged or not, theyve gone very lightly on them, theyve tried to appease them and now it really is coming back to haunt them because you have much more radical groups coming in and building on that foundation. Woodruff so why is punjab and lahore such a target . Lahore is only a target yesterday, but the fact remains that the rest of the country has been a target for much longer. The real problem lies in that attitude of the government of trying to protect the punjab while going to after terrorists in other parts of the country but not punjab and thats come bag to bite them. The fact is the Pakistani Military and civil leadership easily gets distracted by dilution of fighting india and influence in afghanistan and allowing synergy hadi groups to pursuenr those objectives not realizing they can end up having offshoots like the Pakistani Taliban came out of the after gan taliban and became a separate group and mu jab has broken away from the Pakistani Taliban. Pakistan has to make a decision to go after all terrorists and the mindset that breeds the terrorists and pakistan has not been able to make that decision. Every few years, in fact i can recall being in this studio at least six times saying somebody is staying in the studio pakistan is going after these people now. It hasnt, and 16 years have gone by. Woodruff how do you explain, pamela constable, how much the government appears to have taken its eye off the ball and what is it this group wants . Just to destroy anything that doesnt agree with them . Why specifically children . This was a playground. There were children, women, and ended up mostly killing muslims. Well, they want power. They want religious power. They want their vision of the religion to prevail in what has been historically at least in theoryni a multireligious democracy which islam dominates, but this country has always been very not open to christianity only but benefited enormously, some of the best schools and colleges in pakistan have been christian, so its always been a popular group, a group thats fit in and benefited greatly with society. I think its important to point out these extremists dont only go after christians. They go after Shiite Muslims and amity muslims which is an ostracized muslim authority, they have been very badly attacked by groups like this. So this really is sort of the sword arm of extreme sunni islam acting viciously without regard for any human life, simply to make a point. Easter, a park, children, mothers, playground, notably very few guards there. And they justify killing muslims as well on the grounds this is necessary for advancing their cause. Two things are at play here one, pakistans informant for jihadi groups initially was primarily a strategic investment which was supposed to bring them benefits through influence in afghanistan and the liberation from india. That has backfired. Even though it backfired, pakistan has been selective in going after these jihadi groups and has the reason why the jihadi groups pick up specific targets like shias or amadis or christians as a means of improving their recruitment, playing on polarization and taking advantage of that advance in society further. Woodruff pamela constable, how much do we look at this as an extension of what i. S. I. S. Is doing in other parts of the world especially in the middle east and how much of this is internal to pakistan . I think its mostly internal, but i think this group even said so. Groups like this are taking a leaf, taking an inspiration, if you will, from i. S. I. S. And saying we can go farther and do more. Lets get up to the plate here. But its been going on a very long time within pakistan, sort of creeping up bomb abomb and attack by attack. Its not new news. Its the pace and the fe ferociy that increased and i believe because theyre emboldened by i. S. I. S. And the state has not taken steps to isolate them, and there are groups which attack india and once spared its very possible some of their members will actually join splinter groups which will attack pakistan. Woodruff just quickly, in less than a minute, to both of you, when Prime Minister sharif says were going after the people responsible and do something about this, how realistic is that . People like me say i hope you can, but pakistan has had eight Prime Ministers since 9 11, each one who said the same thing. It hasnt happened. We need to exam why it hasnt happened and chi to change that the government said unofficially it will send in paramilitary rangers in punjab. Lets see if they can do it. I have serious doubts but lets see if they can do it. Maybe it will be a turning point. One can always hope. Woodruff pamela constable, ambassador husain haqqani, we thank you both. Youre your welcome. Ifill stay with us, coming up on the newshour waste to wattage creating energy from livestock manure. A chronicle of the 14year manhunt for balkan war criminals. And, remembering an author with a love for the great outdoors. But first, from Bernie Sanders saturday sweep, to the continued war of words between the two g. O. P. Frontrunners, theres lots to talk about this politics monday with tamara keith of npr, and joining us from phoenix, arizona tonight, amy walter of the cook political report. Tam, three states for Bernie Sanders this weekend. Does that mean he has momentum . Hes definitely claiming momentum but still has something of a math problem. Going into saturday, he needed to win 58 offall the remaining delegates to clinch the nomination pledge delegates. After what huge, huge series of wins by larger margins than his campaign expected, he needs 57 of all the remaining delegates and not all the states that are coming up are as favorable to sanders. There arent very many caucuses left and there are several closed primaries coming up, including in new york state where sanders is planning to contest it, but a state where Hillary Clinton was elected senator twice. Ifill so hawaii, alaska and Washington State were fine victories but dont actually close the gap that much . They close the gap a bit. He did cut into Hillary Clintons delegate lead but it doesnt change the math fundamentally. He still has a lot of work to do, and his Campaign Today and Conference Call said that theyre going to keep fighting this all the way and they think that neither candidate will get a majority of the legend delegates needed to actually clinch it with just pledged delegates, so theyre going for superdelegates which are the Party Establishment people, and Sanders Campaign announced its got one super delegate to support him, Collin Peterson from minnesota. Thats not a tidal wave. Ifill so, amy, there is still on the clinton side an Enthusiasm Gap which the sanders people say will make all the difference. Is there anything to that . Well, i think the real challenge for Hillary Clinton has been the fact that Bernie Sanders, to his credit, has really driven the terms of this campaign and this debate. It has been on the terrain he wants to be playing on. The talk now is about issues that Bernie Sanders has been talking about really since he first got into politics, the talk about income inequality, the rigged economy, this is where the debate has been, trade, et cetera, and this may or may not have been where with Hillary Clinton wanted to have the debate but its where she beans forced to go. At the end of the day, though, completely agree with tamara where it becomes a math problem. Not only has she secured more delegates, pledged delegates, the people you get when you win primaries, shes won more votes as well, so she has more people who have turned out and voted for her, but i think youre right, gwen, that were seeing an Enthusiasm Gap with a group of voters critical in november and thats Younger Voters. We know it was critical for president obama and his victories in 2008 and 2012. What Hillary Clinton will have to do is prove to the Younger Voters who keep turning out for Bernie Sanders even though they probably intellectually know he may not be the no, maam neerks but they keep turning out for him because there is something about him that strikes them, and that she has not figured out how to crack. Ifill there has been something of a war of words between the sanders camp and the hillary camp today on the republican side. The war of words has been a little less elevated, shall we say. Lets listens to ted cruz today. When it comes to civility, there have been other candidates who have demonstrated a willingness to go to the gutter, to make personal attacks, to make sleazy attacks. I think the American People are sick of that. That has no place in politics. No candidate should be doing what donald trump did last week which is attacking p my wife and attacking my family. Ifill its been welldocumented everywhere how much of these attacks and counterattacks have been going on between trump and ted cruz, and john kasich said, please, lets leave the family out of it. How far can they go, tam . Thats question i ask a lot again and again. Its not clear. There is the old saying and i dont know who gets full credit for it, i think john mccain is one of the people who gets credit for it, is when you wrestle with a pig, you both get dirty and the pig enjoys it. In this analogy, and im not calling donald trump a pig ifill no. But people who wrestle with donald trump end up worse for wear. Ifill what do you think about that, amy . Absolutely, it does not do anybody any good. If youre the Republican Party right now, the architects or the establishment of the Republican Party are desperate to figure out how to bring the party together. This party has been now fracturing and the divisiveness is significant, and this is not helping at all. In fact, if you want to look at the trajectory for the Republican Party and Approval Ratings over the course of this campaign, its only gone like. This this is not helping the overall whoever the nominee ends up being, this is not helping the image of the Republican Party, this isnt helping republicans in congress, and this is going to be the major challenge for republicans Going Forward which is how do they unify these disparate parts of themselves when the candidates cant even have a civil conversation, nonetheless agree on the direction forward . Ifill let me ask you about the story in the New York Times about the fact the republican establishment finds itself in such a big corner because the big donors and people who go to the cocktail parties didnt see the trump train coming . Its a challenge. There is this thought that the chamber of commerce Republican Party is not the Republican Party of people who went through a wrenching recession, who feel like their lives are not back, even if the jobs report says they are. Their wages are stagnant. You know, they dont know how they feel about trade deals, and there is donald trump, and he is sort of emoding in the very way hes saying things people want to hear. Ifill amy, seems were not just talking about bluecollar, underemployed and unemployed people, were talking whitecollar business people, too. Thats right. Donald trump has tapped into the anger and angst with bluecollar, workingclass americans, but hes also doing well enough with the socalled establishment, chamber of commerce types in. People says, yes, he says things that are outrageous, no, i dont believe hes going to follow through on a lot of things he says hell do, but i believe hes a good businessman and negotiate and they say we just simply need to shake things up. So hes able to win because he has a group of voters who believe hes a hard liner who wont negotiate or iompensate in any way, shape or form, and then hes able to get another group of voters who believe his success is based on the fact hes such a good negotiator, thats why its been a challenge for the nontrump folks to stop him. Ifill the gap on the democratic side works in his favor and the republican side. Amy walter, tamera keith, its monday. Thank you both. Youre welcome. Woodruff now a unique look at a completely different kind of power the potential of organic waste as a Renewable Energy source. A fair warning of sorts for those of you either preparing or eating dinner, given the subject matter. Public medias inside energy and Rocky Mountain pbs, dan boyce explains. Reporter john slutsky has been milking cows since the early 1980s. His professional life rising and falling with what his livestock excrete. And not just from their udders. Its like a buffet for the manure connoisseur. Reporter manure. The dirty dark side of working with these adorable holsteins is the enormous logistical challenge of dealing with waste. Slutsky considers himself an environmentally conscious guy so he worries about all the methane produced as that manure breaks down. The whole methane thing and Greenhouse Gases. All of that is becoming more important to many in our industry. Reporter if only he lived about 50 miles southeast. This is heartland biogas, a new facility bringing in truckload after truckload of manure from nearby dairies. All of the buildings and pools here add up to whats called a digester. You can think of the digester as the same as your own guts, if you can. Reporter so this is where the cow poop goes . This is it. This is where the cow poop ends up right here. Reporter bob yost is showing me around heartland. Whats brought in gets liquefied, cooked up and mixed together, speeding up the production of methane. And here, they actually want methane. With a little more refining, that methane becomes chemically identical to the natural gas drilled from underground. The gas produced here goes straight into a pipeline on site just like any other natural gas. Its injected into the pipeline and then its delivered to anywhere in the country. Reporter destructive Greenhouse Gases that would be escaping into the atmosphere anyway, going to good use. Dairy farms have been building digesters for years, but the technology is advancing, and diversifying. It turns out, the way to get the most methane from your digester is to have a mixture of manure and food scraps. I got the turkey bacon guac burger. Reporter thats where restaurants like denvers park burger come in. We do have gray recycling bins as well as bins with no bag which is our composting setup. Reporter general manager t. J. Mcreynolds pays a little bit more for Composting Services on top of his trash bill. He thought it would end up as mulch somewhere. Never once did i consider it being used for natural gas. Reporter hundreds of colorado restaurants, schools and groceries have begun sending their scraps to heartland. There could be 25 to 30 semi loads per day of food waste coming in and then the manure is added to that. The company yost works with, a1 organics, coordinates the delivery of all that food waste. It comes in all types, a lot of it still in packaging. Well, this had sweet tea in it. Reporter luckily this machine at the digester can tear all that apart to get to the valuable organics inside. Unfortunately, all of this is a prospect tantalizingly out of reach for slutsky. His farm is too far from the heartland facility, and too small to build his own primitive digester, which really only makes Financial Sense for operations with 2,000 cows or more. Slutsky has 1,500. We have a business to run, its not gonna do us any good if we build a digester and go out of business. Reporter its a tough position to be in big enough to have to deal with mounds and mounds of manure, too small to make any money off it. Its where most american dairies find themselves their methane remaining wasted. But there is another source of biogas, sitting right under our noses. Well, this is what eight million gallons of sewage a day looks like. Reporter yes, human waste can also be turned into power. Were at the Wastewater Treatment plant in Grand Junction, colorado. And that distinctive smell of sewage is starting to smell like money to manager dan tonello. The plant has had a digester for decades, but most of the methane used to be flared off into the air. Not good for the environment and a waste of a wonderful resource. Reporter so the city spent just under 3 million for the natural gas refining equipment. And, rather than just putting it into a pipeline or generating electricity with it, tonello had another idea. In the evening, when the trucks are done with their routes, they hook up, fill up. Reporter Grand Junction has been replacing an aging fleet of garbage trucks and buses, with natural gas vehicles fueled mostly by the humansourced gas from the treatment plant. Tonello says Grand Junction is the first city in the nation to do that. Were looking at hundreds of thousands of dollars a year being saved by implementing this process. Thats a model for small Wastewater Treatment plants anywhere in the country. Reporter Joanna Underwood works with energy vision, an Environmental Group which promotes the use of this renewable natural gas. She says using biogas to run a fleet of vehicles is the most efficient way to use a digester. Every time you convert a bus fleet or a refuse fleet or a produce Delivery Fleet to renewable natural gas youve had a huge impact. Reporter because more often than not, those natural gas vehicles are replacing older, more polluting diesel trucks. Underwood says if all the organic waste in the country were gathered, from dairies, Food Producers and sewage plants, Current Technologies could produce enough natural gas to replace about half of the diesel fuel used in the u. S. Transportation sector. And Wastewater Treatment plants could provide as much as 12 of the nations electricity, turning waste into a serious powerhouse. For the pbs newshour, im dan boyce reporting from Grand Junction, colorado. Ifill last thursday, a u. N. Tribunal convicted former bosnian serb leader Radovan Karadzic of war crimes and genocide in the 1990s balkan wars. A look at how tough it was to hunt down those indicted is the focus of the newest addition to the newshour bookshelf Margaret Warner has that. The servian president was served. The u. N. Set up an International Tribunal to investigate and indicted some 161 people it found most responsible. The challenge was to actually apprehend them. How they did so is captured in a gripping new book by julian borger, longtime correspondent and editor at the Guardian Newspaper titled the butchers trail how the search for ball can war criminals became the most warner julian borger, welcome. You open this book with a really vivid account of the capture of the last of these criminals in a forest in serbia. Who was he and what had he done . He was goran hadzic and he used to run a serb statelet inside croatia which had been carved out of croatia by what was called ethnic cleansing, a euphemism for mass killing of other ethnicities. So he had overseen that killing on a large scale. Warner and you had a particularly horrible example. I mean 260 men and boys taken to the forest and just executed. Yeah, that was the vukovar massacre and that was the first large scale massacre since the nazi era, so it came as a complete shock to europe. Warner so you cover these wars how typical was hadzic in terms of the perpetrator . In another war, what did you discover about what drove these people into the most grotesque, most savage brutality . A lot of them, a lot of the people who rose to prominence and ended up indicted war criminals, as war criminals, came from very ordinary backgrounds. And i think the lesson that i learned by going through their life stories is that there are these people all around us. And when a permissive atmosphere is created in which they can rule the roost, then they create the conditions for which these mass murderers can take part. Warner and how much of it was driven by ethnic hatreds . I mean you had christians, serbs and croats against Bosnian Muslims but also against each other, versus just being perpetrated by outright psychopaths . It was perpetrated by political leaders. As political leaders who had the aim of expanding their territory and consolidating their own power set one ethnic group against the other and brought nationalism to the fore as a replacement for communism, which was in collapse. So they offered something that seemed visceral and certain and they drove this largely for their own political motives. Warner whats really truly groundbreaking about this book is what it took to apprehend them. The International Tribunal headed by a canadian judge, louise arbour, didnt get much help apprehending them from this nato Stabilization Force the u. S. , the brits, etcetera. Why is that . Well, when the nato went in, initially as a peacekeeping force, all it wanted to do was keep the peace. It didnt want to do any other task that might be risky, that might risk upsetting the peace they called it mission creep, and its really hard now to look at that time before 9 11 and remember how casualtyaverse, how riskaverse these u. S. Military, these british military, were. It was said if you were a general officer at that time, you were unlikely to get another star if you had casualties under your watch. Warner you managed to get those that did hunt these men down to talk you for the first time really that they really had. If you could sum it up, who were they . It was a shifting cast of characters involved. Diplomats, special forces from six nations altogether, intelligence agencies from others, but the first one is an interesting arrest. The first arrest specifically for the war crimes tribunal in the hague, was kind of an International Pick up team, working for the u. N. That involved an american diplomat general, an american prosecutor, a British Police man, a czech homicide detective and a newly formed, a polish special forces unit that had been only a few years ago the opposite side of the iron curtain. And together, they did something that nato at that time was afraid of doing. They took a risk to carry out the u. N. Mandate to make an arrest and that really broke opened the floodgates. Warner but what did it take to get these guys . Some of them were hiding in plain sight, as reported in the press at that time. It was very different in different circumstances. In the early days, they knew where they were and it was just a question of getting them to a place where there was unlikely to be collateral damage, where passersby to be hurt. So it was a question of following them often in their cars, stopping their cars, ripping them out scenes that have since become familiar after bosnia in the form of renditions. These were the kind of early forms of renditions. The important difference is they were underpinned by the Security Council resolutions and a body of international law. Warner so, jumping forward, did this have any deterrent effect, the success of these apprehensions and so many of them brought to justice . I mean, we see mass atrocities of civilians now in syria and other parts of the middle east and the perpetrators dont seem at all afraid of being prosecuted. I think this manhunt represented the high watermark in terms of enforcement of International Humanitarian law and i think it pushed back the boundaries of impunity for these kinds of mass crimes. But, i think since that manhunt, that achievement has been allowed to unravel. The hague International Tribunal had international support. Its permanent successor, the International Criminal court, hasnt had that support from the big powers from the u. S. , russia, china and india and because of that, it doesnt have that clout. It hasnt beenble to enforce its judgements and i think the consequence of that is the return of impunity. I think we see the results of that now in the middle east, in syria, in iraq where terrorism has had its roots in mass crimes committed by regimes. Warner well, a very disappointing result. Julian borger, author of the butchers trail. Thank you. Thank you. Woodruff finally tonight, remembering one of the nations most versatile writers. Jeffrey brown has the story. Brown jim harrison was a prolific writer of fiction and etry, most often of men and women in the drama of Rural America and the natural world. Among his best known works are legends of the fall, dalva, and the more recent brown dog. A new novel, the ancient minstrel came out just this month, and a new volume of poetry, dead mans float, earlier this year. Hed been a hollywood screenwriter, a food writer for esquire magazine. A man of many pursuits who lived large and died this weekend at age 78. In 2009 i visited harrison at his home in montana. Heres a look back. Out there fishing and a little bird hunting. Brown harrison is a determined outsider in all senses. You really get a hang of the country rather than be stuck in what i call the geopiety of the eastern seaboard. Brown careful, because thats where i am. I know it, but you deserve it, too. But it does happen. laughter brown now 71, jim harrison is blind in his left eye from a childhood accident, chain smoking his american spirit cigarettes, part wild man, part cultivated literary lion who peppers his speech with birds and great poets of the past. Its poetry, in fact, that has remained harrisons first love. His new collection is called in search of small gods. Your sons spirit in remote places, whether the spirit of animals, the spirit of trees. Those are the small gods. Brown and they appear throughout the poetry, so sounds like theyre coming from your walks. I think thats true, you know, because sometimes you have little breakthroughs. Ive known this group of ravens for 19 years, for instance, chihuahua ravens, mexican ravens, and last year several times they began to take walks with me. Brown but then you put them into poetry. Yes, then you do, you know. What is it that blake said how do we know but that every bird who cuts the airy way is an immense world of delight close to our senses five, that perception, what is possible in the natural world. I have been inordinately productive in the last five or six years, and i think it was boiling down your life. 14th century philosopher talked about cooking down your life. You cook down your life and then the sauce is just right so you can let go. Brown there is, in fact, much about loss and grief in harrisons writing these days. His brother and a number of friends have died in recent years, and on our walk near antelope butte, he told me of a talk he had with one of them, a native american, just before his death. I was really falling apart. He said, dont be upset, these things happen to people. Isnt that an incredible thing to say . Brown yeah. Of course, a lot of characters in your books are like that. Are like that. Brown these things happen. Well, native americans, you know, they tend to see the whole arc. Moving higher my thumping chest recites the names of a dozen friends who have died in recent years, names now incomprehensible as the mountains across the river far behind me. Ant lope butte, perhaps their names are taken from us by divine, and a flutter here and there been the bodies of the birds. Ill be a simple crow who can reach the top of antelope butte. Woodruff you can watch jeffs full profile of jim harrison on our homepage, pbs. Org newshour. Ifill on the newshour online, the weather phenomenon known as el nino has a new cousin. Atmospheric scientists have identified an ocean temperature anomaly that can predict droughts on the east coast up to two months before they hit. Read how the team plans to build an alert system based on these findings. Thats on our home page, pbs. Org newshour. Woodruff and thats the newshour for tonight. On tuesday our series on foster care continues, with the inspiring story of a track star who beat the odds. Im judy woodruff. Ifill and im gwen ifill. Join us online, and again here tomorrow evening. For all of us at the pbs newshour, thank you and good night. Major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by lincoln financial committed to helping you take charge of your financial future. And by the alfred p. Sloan foundation. Supporting science, technology, and improved Economic Performance and Financial Literacy in the 21st century. Supported by the john d. And catherine t. Macarthur foundation. Committed to building a more just, verdant and peaceful world. More information at macfound. Org and with the ongoing support of these institutions this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. And by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org this is nightly Business Report with Tyler Mathisen and sue herera. Stocks stalled. Staggering run higher is quickly losing steam and there are reasons why things could start to get rocky. Took too much. A number of fed officials are speaking. Will that bring clarity or confuse things more. All that and more tonight on nightly Business Report for monday, march 28th. Good evening. Welcome. Recent rally in stocks appears to have stalled. Those double digit gains since the midfebruary lows have take an breather and that shift in the market coincides with the winding downth

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