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Major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by moving our economy for 160 years. Bnsf, the engine that connects us. Supported by the john d. And catherine t. Macarthur foundation. Committed to building a more just, verdant and peaceful world. More information at macfound. Org and with the ongoing support of these institutions this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. And by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Woodruff it began as armistice day, marking the end of world war one. Now, its commemorated as veterans day, honoring all those who have worn the uniform of the United States, living and dead. Today, the annual observances were mixed in with new pledges of reform. It was a day for keeping with traditions, including the president laying a wreath at the tomb of the unknowns in Arlington National cemetery. Afterward, mr. Obama used the occasion to call for more progress on speeding up medical services and disability claims for military veterans. If tomorrow, after the parades and the ceremonies, we roll up the banners and sweep the veterans halls and go back to our daily lives, forgetting the bond between the service of our veterans and our obligations as citizens, then we will be doing a profound disservice to our veterans and to the very cause for which they serve. Woodruff at the World War Two memorial on the national mall, former republican senator and army veteran bob dole paid his own tribute to those whove served. Its a day to remember all the sacrifices made in American History by people who stood up for their country. Woodruff and across the atlantic, britain observed Remembrance Day with moments of silence and other somber ceremonies, while other european nations marked it as armistice day, honoring the millions who lost their lives during the first world war. Elsewhere n. A. T. O. Troops in afghanistan held observe vans to pay tribute to their fallen comrades. It would be unforgivable of us to forget. Woodruff that sentiment also resonated at australias rainsoaked remembrance ceremony with britains Prince Charles and wife in attendance. Ifill in myanmar today, the militarybacked government promised a peaceful transition, as the democratic opposition headed toward a sweeping election victory. The party led by Aung San Suu Kyi has won the overwhelming majority of parliament races decided since sundays vote. Her party won a similar triumph in 1990, but the military refused to give way. Woodruff at least 10,000 people marched in afghanistans capital today, protesting the beheading of seven shiite hazaras. Their bodies were found in Zabul Province on saturday. One of the victims was a child. Today, angry demonstrators carried the coffins through kabul, and some tried to force their way into the president ial palace. Police opened fire, wounding at least ten people, and president ashraf ghani called for calm. translated we are committed to taking revenge for our countrymens blood. In this way, we will not spare any effort. But you have to remember that anything can happen if we dont control our feelings. We should avoid reactions that could result in anarchy. Woodruff the protesters demanded that ghani step down if he cant ensure security. Ifill the European Union pressed African Leaders today to help curb the flow of migrants. The two sides met on malta, where the europeans offered incentives, as we hear from Jonathan Rugman of independent television news. Tasked with protecting the holy land, a new champion. The e. U. s leaders still finding theifindingtheir way in the daro help the desperate and protecting themselves. Their focus tonight is not syria but africa, with 1. 8 billion euros now at the ready to buy the cooperation of African Leaders, some of it to make sure migrants turned down for asylum really do go home. David cameron visited hms back in malta, you need ladder to reach the uppermost files of asylum seekers. Reporter and the more new arrivals, the more the tide is beginning to turn. Many in germany are rueing the day Angela Merkel flung her countrys door wide open. The greeks, not prepared to take back those who arrived there first. And African Leaders demanding more visas so africans can visit europe legally, rather than risking their lives to get here instead. Woodruff back in this country, a missouri man is in jail, suspected of posting online threats against blacks at the university of missouri at columbia. 19yearold hunter park was arrested at a separate campus. He had allegedly said he planned to open fire today in columbia. Earlier this week, protests over racial tensions led the University Systems president to resign. Police are still investigating other threats and have stepped up patrols. Ifill a texas grand jury has indicted 106 bikers arrested in last mays deadly gang shootout in waco. Nine people died in the confrontation between rival motorcycle clubs. Those indicted face charges of organized criminal gang activity. The grand jury is still considering charges against another 71 bikers. Woodruff and on wall street, the Dow Jones Industrial average lost 56 points to close back near 17,700. The nasdaq fell 16 points, and the s p 500 dropped 6. Woodruff still to come on the newshour the debate heats up over illegal immigration; new york cracks down on Fantasy Sports; kareem abduljabbars book on Sherlock Holmes older brother, and much more. Ifill republicans eager to either hold on to, or steal the spotlight, took to the stage in milwaukee last night, as the debate shifted from personality to policy. The candidates used their fourth faceoff to better define their differences. The topics ranged from the economy and taxes i want a government really, really small, so small you can barely see it. You wouldnt favor breaking up the big banks . You think theyre big enough, theyre ok as they are, as big as they are . I would have policies that wouldnt allow that to occur. Ifill . To International Affairs i know that rand is a committed isolationist. Im not. I believe the world is a stronger and a better place, when the United States is the Strongest Military power in the world. Yeah, but, marco marco how is it conservative, how is it conservative to add a trilliondollar expenditure for the federal government that youre not paying for . We have to get smart. We cant continue to be the policeman of the world. Donald, donalds wrong on this. He is absolutely wrong on this. Were not going to be the worlds policeman, but we sure as heck better be the worlds leader. Ifill and they targeted the democrat they clearly expect to face next year. We must beat hillary clinton. Carly fiorina can beat hillary clinton. I will beat hillary clinton. Ifill but the biggest chasm of policy difference was immigration. Trump, once again, argued for building a wall between the u. S. And mexico, and deporting 11 Million Immigrants in the country illegally. Dwight eisenhower, good president , great president. Moved a 1. 5 million Illegal Immigrants out of this country. Moved them just beyond the border. They came back. Moved them way south. They never came back. They moved a 1. 5 million out. We have no choice. Ifill but others on stage objected. But for the 11 Million People, come on, folks. We all know you cant pick them up and ship them across, back across the border. Its a silly argument. It is not an adult argument. And its not embracing american values. And it would tear communities apart. And it would send a signal that were not the kind of country that i know america is. Ifill bush and kasich did not say what they would do instead, but ted cruz said anything short of deportation would hurt the country. If republicans join democrats as the party of amnesty, we will lose. I understand that when the Mainstream Media covers immigration, it doesnt often see it as an economic issue. But i can tell you, for millions of americans at home watching this, it is a very personal economic issue. Ifill rubio stayed out of last nights fray, but weighed in this morning on the Obama Administration plan, known as d. A. P. A. , that would delay deportation proceedings for undocumented immigrants whose children were born in the u. S. I do not support d. A. P. A. Its unconstitutional; its the wrong way to do this, and quite frankly we need to begin to enforce our immigration laws in this country or we dont have immigration laws. Ifill economics and the politics of immigration are expected to remain front and center throughout the campaign year. Ifill for more on the growing immigration policy divide, im joined by marielena hincape, executive director of the National Immigration law center immigrant justice fund; and Josh Blackman, an associate professor at the south Texas College of law. Marielena hincapiee, let me stat by asking you what leaped out at you in watching that debate especially the immigration debate last night. Thank you, gwen. I frankly was initially shocked at what i was starting to hear from trump and then deeply, deeply troubled. It was surreal. I think many viewers may not realize when donald trump was invoking president eisenhowers immigration plan that resulted in the deportation of over a million individuals, he was actually referring to operation wetback, one of the darkest and most shameful periods of our immigration history in this country where immigrants from mexico, including u. S. Citizens of mexican dissent, were deported. That is basically historians think of it asset nick cleansing. That is shocking that in 2015 one of our president ial candidates is espousing that as his model for immigration. Ifill Josh Blackman, as you watched, what leaped out at you . I think thats correct, its physically impossible to remove 4 Million Immigrants. This cannot be accomplished through executive action. Ifill what sounded like a reasonable approach that you heard . I think senator rubio advanced proposal that immigrants who had been here for a while and not gotten in trouble, had been here for ten years, would have a pathway to remain and felons would be removed primarily. Ifill this week, the fifth Circuit Court of appeals moved to delay, to block president obamas plan to delay deportation for some people not here legally. How does this change the landscape of the immigration debate or does it . Well, right now the decision was devastating particularly for the 5 million u. S. Citizen children whose parents would have ben did from doppa, and it was an expect dead cigs, so it doesnt change things too much in that we remain in legal status quo for these families, and were glad that the Obama Administration immediately said they would be appealing the decision, this is a case of National Significance thats likely to be decided this month before the 2016 election. So i think the issue will be front and center and increase in terms of the debate particularly the election. Ifill does this help or hurt your election argument . I think the question is not whether the Supreme Court will hear it but when. Marielena hincapiee is correct. When the court is able to grant in review is based on when the government files their appeal and texas files their response. Its only at this will stretch and kicked till next year and not argued till theres a new president in office. Ifill there are as many approaches to the immigration debate on stage as candidates. I want to run through a few of them, marielena hincapiee, starting with you. Jeb bush talked about fines and talked about them as a way that people obey the law. How applicable is that . Its been one of the central factors of the Immigration Reform legislation proposals and thats immigrants are ready and willing to pay a fine to stay in the u. S. To obtain lawful status and work lawfully and not have fear of deportation and contribute more to the country. Ifill Josh Blackman, weve heard much discussion about the path to citizenship but less than we used to. Jeb bush, marco rubio and even john kasich i think last night suggested it, but its been talked about a lot less. Why . One of the factors is we have to consider is president Barack Obamas president ial actions played in reform, paul ryan said its harder to trust the president. Even though in respect this unilateral action has made it more difficult to have comprehensive Immigration Reform ifill youre saying its the unilateral action and not the substance of the policy . I think any discussion must be premised on what president obama has done previously. If in fact the president is trying to abrogate and bypass Congress Makes it less likely congress will want to work with him to move forward. Ifill marielena hincapiee, ben carson suggested perhaps the Worker Program could be an approach. Do you that as middle ground, the guest Worker Program . Not particularly for ben carson and the republican candidates yesterday who talked about not being in support of the minimumwage. When they think of guest workers added as a solution to immigration, that is going to depress working conditions more for the u. S. Workers. We need to ensure the 11 Million People here already working have a path to citizenship and that we separately look at what are the legal channels for people to come in the future. Current guest Worker Programs are full of expectation because workers are tied to an employer that can exploit them and unless the temporary workers have the same right as u. S. Workers are able to leave that work and take their visa, have a portable sri sarks then guest Worker Programs are not the solution and definitely not for the 11 million here who are working and have deep ties to the communities. Ifill what about the dreamers who had their hopes up that they would be able to stay here or could at least apply to stay here. Is that going to fall apart or anything that any of these republicans are supporting . So i think the candidates are opposed to daca. Congress defeated the act and the president went ahead and enacted a significant portion of this through effect action. Many of that chilled the decision of whether congress can act. The timing of the Supreme Court appeal, the Obama Administration had a chance to appeal to the Supreme Court in may of 2016 to basically ensure this couldnt be decide till the earliest of the summer election, so whether its a priority for the Obama Administration to appeal is not clear. They need to ask. Many political elements in delaying the appeal. Ifill do you have reverse Public Opinion on this issue . I think for the most part people are looking to have a comprehensive reform through congress and not unilateral executive action. Ifill one final thought on Public Opinion. Yeah, a majority of americans support comprehensive Immigration Reform through congress but recent polling show that the majority of americans also support the president s actions. They dont believe undocumented immigrants who are here, contributing to the economy, who have children and deep ties to the country should be deported either. So there is support for the president s action as well as congress. We need congress to act so that a future president can sign the Immigration Reform bill into law. Ifill marielena hincapiee of the National Immigration law center and Josh Blackman of the south Texas College of law, thank you very much. Thank you. , gwen. Woodruff playing daily Fantasy Sports has become a multibillion dollar business, and one increasingly connected with professional sports leagues who either have a sponsorship deal with the biggest companies, or are investors in these companies. But its an industry under widening scrutiny. The latest front new york states attorney general has said they should not be allowed to operate in new york since they constitute illegal gambling. William brangham fills in the picture. Brangham the two Main Companies at the center of this latest controversy, draft kings and fan duel, have tens of millions of players on their sites everyday. Heres how they work you sign in to play fantasy football or baseball or whatever sport you want. You then create a lineup of actual professional players to be part of your fantasy team. If your players do better statistically on a given day than the other people in your league, you win money. Or if they dont, you lose cash. The sites have said theyre just games of online skill, and not actual gambling. But yesterday, new York Attorney general Eric Schneiderman called foul, saying, joining me now to help unpack these developments is Devlin Barrett, whos been covering this for the wall street journal. So how big a deal is this, the attorney generals move . A really big deal. 10 of their Customer Base is based in new york city. Brangham 10 of all players are there. Thats as best as we can tell. The largest problem, what the new York Attorney general says influences or lines up with the thinking of the federal officials who are looking at this, this industry is in a world of trouble because what the attorney general says in his letter is that this thing is illegal in multiple ways, and the Justice Department is looking at that. Now, the new york decision is important for new york and its important, obviously, for the companys reputations, but if the u. S. Attorney for the Southern District of new york whos a federal official ends up agreeing with even half of whats in that letter, these industries this industry is in a huge problem. Brangham lets talk about what the attorney general is arguing. In one of the complaints against the companies he says youre basically a wolf in sheeps clothing. You pretend to not be a gambling site but you are. Is that fair . The biggest analogy is to online poker and if you look at the screens from what online poker used to be when it was allowed and done in the United States, the screens look similar. Similar. Brangham the actual web sites . Yes, and do i want to make this or that bet. The other thing the attorney general lays out which is an interesting argument and the crux of this debate is this is instant gratification gambling, meaning traditional Fantasy Sports was about you play for a whole season, at the end, somebody wins the office pool and they have a party and smile and everybody makes jokes. Jokes. Fantasy sports is you can bet on what happens today and get paid today. New york officials are saying this is instant gratification which is gambling, and thats a problem, thats why its in some ways a huge threat to the companies far beyond the borders of new york state. Brangham these companies have rejected the accusations and said they will going to fight this in court and hired lawyers. Yesterday in a statement fanduel said Fantasy Sports is a game of legal skill, and this is telling people they cant play a game they love and share with others across the country. You hear a lot these games of skill and not chance. Right. Brangham why do those particular words keep coming up . They matter because under the federal law, if its a game of skill, it may not be illegal. If its a game of chance, it almost certainly is illegal. That argument also failed in the online poker sky case that happd about four years ago. Just because they say it doesnt make it. So i think the other issue you have to look at when you look at their defense is if they cant beat the new York Attorney general on this, if that legal analysis holds, you know, that could threaten their entire business model. Brangham how much money are we talking about . How much is circulating in the fantasy game markets . Essentially billions of dollars. Both these companies are valued at more than 1 billion, and their growth rate is astronomical. You can argue about the valuations. I think thats kind of a fun exercise at times, especially i think the valuations might change quite a bit after whats happened in the last 24 hours, but its essentially billions of dollars moving around and, for that reason, its drawing an incredible amount of scrutiny just recently from regulators and Law Enforcement officials. Brangham and how much of this is about the involvement to have major leagues . Some of the biggest names in sports, professional leagues, are directly involved in a Financial Way with these sites. Thats right. They have a degree of institutional buyin for daily Fantasy Sports that you havent seen before early to this degree with other forms of gaming like online poker. It is a huge advantage for them, but i dont think that just the Institutional Support alone can protect them if, for example, the Justice Department decides the new York Attorney general is right. Brangham one of the other arguments the attorney general made was these firms are fleecing their customers. Thats one of the most interesting debates about Fantasy Sports is the fair. One of the things he says in the letter is the vast majority of the winnings go to less than 1 of the players. One of the things we havent had a good explanation of, as all the sort of regulatory attention has come to them, is who are the whales . What else is a term for the big finners. The big fish. Who are they . Are they Company Employees . If there is a significant number of Company Employees among the whales, that raises huge issues about not only is it legal but is it actually fair or is this just a scam on some level for the smart, sharp people to take advantage of the less sharp . Now, thats obviously the point where the online poker analogy comes in. But i think thats one of the great Unanswered Questions so far. The attorney general seems to be signaling that from what hes seen its not fair. Brangham fascinating, def Devlin Barrett from the wall street journal, thank you. Thank you. Ifill stay with us. Coming up on the newshour why more young women are living with their parents; Kareem Abdul Jabbar pens the untold story of mycroft holmes; and a heros welcome for the children of fallen soldiers. We see the veterans that come back that are wounded, but we dont really see the widows and the children, and i think it gives people a chance to say, were here for you. Ifill since january 2013, journalist paul salopek has tracked ancient mans path out of africa, what he calls the out of eden walk. Last night, Hari Sreenivasan showed you the project hell spend much of the next decade completing. Tonight, hari walks with paul in the footsteps of early man, to one point of real meaning on his global trek. Sreenivasan the fogshrouded fields and Rolling Hills of southern georgia are much more than a waypoint for paul salopek. We were nearing the ancient city and archaeological site of dmanisi. Dmanisi is finally in sight and its probably one of the most important human migration sites outside of africa. Sreenivasan salopek is following the path humans took after the ice age, 70,000 to 100,000 years ago. But here in dmanisi, that path is much older. Along these green and jagged river gorges, man has walked in one form or another for nearly two million years. The history here is stacked high, part of what salopek calls the layer cake effect of the caucasus. With a happy dog welcoming us, we passed what was likely an outer defensive tower of the 1,400yearold city of dmanisi. Sreenivasan this has been a crossroads for a long time. Since day one. Pretty much everybody invaded it. Sreenivasan was this a trading route . This was a silk road trading route city, a big shining city on the hill, very rich until the mongols came and plundered it. And they were here a few hundred years until the georgians and armenians pushed them out. Sreenivasan its an archeological goldmine. With the summer digging season finished, we arrived at a sort of bunkhouse for archaeologists nearby to bed down for the night. If we did, by some miracle, get a clear sky, itll really change everything completely. Sreenivasan the next morning, a miracle had indeed swept away the fog. Within what youre seeing is nearly two million years of history; the medieval city, whose walls still stand, built on top of a bronze age settlement thats 5,000 years old. And still beneath that, the 1. 8 million year old remains of one of modern humans earliest ancestors. Salopek, dima bitsuleiman his walking partner in georgia and i were joined by the director of georgias National Museum, David Lordkipanidze for the walk up to the hilltop dig site. What we found here changed our understanding about early traces of human evolution, about first dispersal of our ancestors. And also, its changed our views about who, when left africa and how they were looking and what they were doing also. Sreenivasan what were these guys doing . These guys were enjoying life here. Sreenivasan enjoying life in a place much more lush and temperate 1. 8 million years ago, thanks to bones discovered here. At the same latitude as boston, we know this was a land with game like elephant, giraffe, and rhinoceros. But also, large predators like sabretooth cats. Sreenivasan so, when they come here, are they the predator or the prey . I think they were both. On the bones of the humans you can sometimes see cut marks, so you can see that they were prey. But its lucky for archeology, right . Sreenivasan laughs bad day for them, good day for you we are very lucky, i can say. Sreenivasan and that lucky day came 10 years ago, with the discovery of a skull the last of five found that is the remarkably complete skull of an ancient ancestor of modern man. So this is it . This is it. Sreenivasan david took us to the National Museum in the capital city of tblisi to see the actual skulls, kept in a vault and handled with kid gloves because they are indeed national treasures. This is how old . This is 1. 8 million years old. Sreenivasan the brain capacity was about 40 of ours, and they stood about fivefeet tall. The skull has features of three different species a possible snapshot in time of evolution. An older adult, probably a male, was among those found. And the toothless, worn jawbone might tell us more than just size and age. It means it was weak individual who could survive only with help of others. And i think the dmanisi shows also the first traces of compassion, and solidarity from homoerectus. Sreenivasan so homoerectus, even though they had a brain that was a third our size, they still cared for someone other than themselves. One of the human characters could be taking of others. Sreenivasan how did these guys get to dmanisi . I dont think there was just one reason. They were able to do it; they wanted to do it. I think main human character is curiosity. Sreenivasan so this is the same instinct that we have today. Paul is doing the same. As these guys did. Paul is follower of homo erectus. Sreenivasan and, in a sense, so are we all. But for salopek, their ancient journey to this spot has particular meaning. These are the first pioneer wanderers. These are kind of like the first, dawn people who left our collective home in africa. So being here is a terrific echo of my own project. Im following people who came much later, but these were the trailblazers. Sreenivasan only 10 of the sprawling site has been excavated. That layered effect was evident everywhere. So, where are you taking me . In a deep pit, david showed us where an ancient winemaker had sunk his vat and in the process, that person had tossed aside some of those much older bones. This wine jar is how old . Its a thousand years old. Sreenivasan you know, finding a thousand year wine jar would be kind of a big deal. For anybody else. Not for a paleontologist. Sreenivasan but there are few better places for a writer gauging the crosscurrents of history. So, with sunset not far off, paul and i walked to the top of the citadel that has stood here for a thousand years, a relative blink of an eye geologically speaking. The majesty of this place, clear, spread out before us, and perhaps a key to its fraught and important past. So why is this place such a crossroads . Well, its an antique bridge for millennium. There has been migration routes going through here since back before memory. The silk road passes through here. But it also is the epicenter where three major empires meet and theyve always contested this area. From the south the persians, from the west, the Ottoman Empire which is today turkey and from the north, more recently, russia. Theyve overlapped and contested and fought over this corner of the world for centuries. Sreenivasan so, if theyve lived here theyve also died here. Were standing on one of the oldest boneyards in the world. Sreenivasan atop the boneyard, in dmanisi, georgia, im Hari Sreenivasan for the pbs newhour. Ifill paul salopek has continued walking since hari caught up with him in georgia hes now crossed into azerbaijan. Salopeks work is supported in part by the Pulitzer Center for crisis reporting, which also partners with the newshour. For more on salopeks walk, including some of haris photos and thoughts, head online to our site at www. Pbs. Org newshour. Woodruff parents and plenty of twenty and thirtysomethings are well aware that many young adults move back home these days after they finish school. But a new analysis of census data out today from the Pew Research Center underlines the extent to which thats happening. It finds that 36 of women between the ages of 18 and 34 are living at home with parents or relatives. Thats higher than at any time since 1940. An earlier analysis also found that nearly 43 of young men lived in a similar arrangement last year. Lets break down some of these findings. Richard fry wrote todays analysis for pew, and Gillian White is with the atlantic. She writes frequently about millenials lives. We welcome you both to the program. So, richard fry, 36 , more than 36 , the biggest percentage weve seen since the great depression, whats behind thisle . I would then point to three factors of sort of a longrun sweep. The low point was about 1960 where about 24 . So its been on the rise slowly, markedly picked up in the new century. Three factors. Number one, young adults are much less likely to be married than was the case 50, 60 years ago. When young couples get married, they dont live with their parents. So that delayed marriage has sort of reduced the incentive to leave the nest. Secondly, particularly among young women, many more of them are college students. College enrollment of women has gone up five fold since 1960. College students at local universities much more likely to be living at home. Particularly, since the 1970s, young adults are more racially and ethnically diverse as a result of increased immigration. What we know is young adults from minority backgrounds are more likely to live with parents than white young adults. So as young adults become more diverse, more of them are living at home. Woodruff family patterns, more multigenerational households. Quickly, for young men, some of the same reasons . Yes, and young men follow a very similar trend. Woodruff before i turned to you, Gillian White, we put out a callout on social media today asking young people if youre living at home with family or relatives, tell us about the factors that led you to do this. Two quick comments, one from facebook, from janice smith. She says my collegeeducated 30yearold daughter riffs at home with her parents because her Public School salary is too low for her to fully support herself and her 1yearold son. Then from twitter, we got this comment from stephanie ibana, she tweeted, im 25, living at home, still in college, plan to stay at home after graduation to save money and pay off loans. So, angela, i mean, so so, gillian, im sorry, do these sound like common reasons . You have been reporting on this generation for some time. I think these two comments illustrate a lot we hear when it comes to finance and economics and why people are staying at home. The first piece, wages have not seen growth for young people especially since the end of the recession, the economy is better but wages havent skyrocketed. If you still feel you might have a difficult time paying for rent and utilities and all these other things, it might feel safer to stay home. In addition to that, we know Student Loan Debt loads are rising, so a lot of people are saying until i can get a handle on my finances and pay down these debts, maybe i should stay at home with my parents where i can pay a nominal amount or nothing and catch up on my finances. And what about richard fry, in your looking at the data, does it back this up . Because the economy, if you step back around look at the economics its supposed to have gotten better. Yes, i did a report three months ago where i focused recently since the Great Recession and whats been happening and from 2007 to 2010, when the economy was sinking, more young adults lived at home. The expectation, and it was my expectation, and there are others expectations, that after 2010, as the job market started to improve and unemployment rates came down, that young adults would start leaving the nest. Young adult employment rates have come down, more have jobs. There is even evidence that their earnings are starting to rise a little bit and yet more of them are living at home than was the case five years ago. So its not clear how much the job market and whats going on in the job market for young adults is driving this. Woodruff so Gillian White, what do you think is going on here . I think, even if things get better, i think people really have it in their heads, especially young people, that finances are a problem, maybe jobs arent as secure as they once were. So they dont move out on their own in case something happens. Other than that, and this is anecdotal, could be cultural norms have changed. A few years ago or decades ago, having a 30yearold who lived at home might have raised some eyebrows, but now not as much because we have that excuse of the Great Recession and of student loan, we have that excuse of the economy. Woodruff i did reporting on millennials eight or nine years ago and at that point, and this was this cohort, the younger, we found they were closer to their parents than any young generation had been in history. So are you picking up, gillian, any of that . Yeah, absolutely. I think the feeling of cultural shift occurs both for millennials and their boomer parents where a lot of those parents arent really trying to push them out. They are happy to have them home. They are happy to kind of feel young and have somebody around to teach them about new technology, and kids arent feeling as alienated from their parents. So the idea of staying home with him doesnt feel as awful. Woodruff richard fry, looking, i know this is hard to project into the future, but can you see any patterns in the past when Something Like this has happened, how long does it take before it shifts or does it shift . I mean, could this be the way its going to be . I think that there is some sense that this may be, in some ways, a new normal. What i mean by that is we know, for example, that the racial ethnic diversification is likely to continue, okay . We also know that the job market cannot get a whole lot better than sort of where were at. I mean, the National Unemployment rate is now down to 5 . So if you think its all about the job market, its not clear that the job market can get a whole lot better. No one really knows. I do think that a return to the levels of the early 60s is probably not in the cards anytime soon. Soon. Woodruff the new normal. Well get used to this. Richard fry, Gillian White, thank you. Thanks. Ifill he is the elusive older brother, who even Sherlock Holmes claimed was smarter than he. Mycroft holmes is the title of the latest addition to the newshour bookshelf. Its coauthor is former basketball great Kareem Abdul Jabbar, an Arthur Conan Doyle devotee who says he applied holmesian deduction and reasoning when playing pro ball. He recently talked with Jeffrey Brown here in washington. Kareem abduljabbar, welcome to you. Thank you so much. Its interesting, reading this book, youre taking one fiction, the Sherlock Holmes books, and creating a new one. Yes. Tell me how you thought about it. What you were doing. Mycroft has never been really explode as a subject. In all the stories that are the closest. So i was curious about him. Hes the older and etch the smarter by sherlocks terms. Yes. But dont know that much about him. He got to be who he was because by the time hes in the Sherlock Holmes stories, hes middleaged, overweight and just really has withdrawn from the world. He only goes to his offices, his club and his apartment. He doesnt go any other place. We wanted to explain how he got to be like that because, probably, as a younger man, he probably had a much different life. Brown in filling in the story, though, you get to look at a lot of bigger issues because youre seeing britain as a colonial power. Yes. Brown taking us to trinidad. The dr. Watson character is a black man, so youre taking this into racial issues. Slavery is in the story. And just what it is like in england after slavery has been abolished and how people relate to the colors. Because every time you see victorian england depicted, they only look at london. Well, london was attached to all its colonies so that attachment really hasnt been explored. Brown what explains the fascination with Sherlock Holmes that continues, the books, movies, popular pbs television, movies, what explains that . People want to see crime detection in a way where we get it right. Brown where we get it right . Where we get it correct. We identify the guys and either incarcerate or punish them or get them out of the picture, and we want the innocent people to go free, and Sherlock Holmes is the only person that gets it right every time. So i think we all want a sherlock in our lives in terms of the way that our police and crime detection people work, that they get it right and not understand who the criminals are and dont punish the innocent. Brown and he does it through mental deduction. Through deduction and careful analysis of the facts. And sherlock is a genius, literally, at understanding the facts. And relating them in a way that he figures out whats going on. Brown what about your own fascination with Sherlock Holmes . There is a fascinating authors note attend of the novel in which you say you first read the Sherlock Holmes stories early in your basketball career and adapted holmes power of observation in order to gain an edge over your opponents. Explain that to me. By being able to see into everything in depth, sherlock always has an advantage over the people around him. So i always use this example, which is the best one i have. Used to play against a great center but he had a bad habit, he was a nicotine fiend and at half time he spoke cigarettes. I heard the players talk about it saying they dont like going into the shower because bob had been in there smoke cigarettes. So i realized bob smoked cigarettes at half time, if i could get him to run a lot in the second half, he would be in pain. Brown your sherlock moment. Yes, and i would gain an advantage at that point. So things like that, i just try to Pay Attention to whats going on and use my powers of observation. But, you know, sherlock is much more in depth because of all the different facts that he can correlate. Hes into so many arcane bits of knowledge that helps him see things, i describe it as sherlock sees in tec technocolod we see in black and white. Brown i never imagined Sherlock Holmes was somehow playing into all your success in basketball. For just anyone who has to figure out things, if they read, they will get an idea about how keen the powers of observation can be. Brown you publish books, youre writing a column for time magazine, theres a document ricominary coming out. You had quadruple coronary bypass surgery. Yes, scary time. Brown and sort of a brush with mortality. A very close brush with mortality. I had massive blockages that i was not aware of. I only became aware of it when i started to exercise one day and things didnt feel right inside my chest and i knew something was up. But i still postponed going to see the cardiologist for a couple of months. Brown its hard for a man whos been an athlete all his life and in good shape, right . My son whos a physician said, jeez, dad, dont worry about it. You might need a stent but youre in a good shape and you eat right and exercise and it probably wont be a big deal. As soon as i had an angiogram, the doctor said we have to do surgery and scheduled the bypass in two days which happened to be my birthday. Brown happy birthday. Yeah. Brown kareem abduljabbar, thank you for talking to us. Its a pleasure. Woodruff on the day when we recognize the service to our country by veterans a story about those who have lost a Family Member due to the casualties of war. At the nebraskamichigan state Football Game this past weekend, a special tribute was paid to the Family Members of the more than 60 nebraskans who gave their lives in the global war on terror. From our pbs station in nebraska, Dennis Kellogg reports on one organizations efforts to support gold star families, who are still coping with their loss. Reporter nebraskas Memorial Stadium is packed with 90,000 fans to watch this college Football Game. In this sea of red, 55 women and children stand out and not just because of what theyre wearing. Theyre gold star families. Its a unique group. Ive been told its not a group that you want to be a part of, but you are a part of because things happen. I think of it every day. Yeah. I think of it every day and i think the boys, too. Reporter those boys, nine yearold kody and eightyearold wyatt, work hard to hold onto the memories they have of their dad. Everybody says i look like him. I get dirty a lot and im just really rough. Its just when i was younger i always wished, maybe someday hell come back, maybe someday hell come back. But as i got older, it started to get to me. And i started to realize hes not coming back, and its going to be a long time until we see each other again. Reporter the Football Game was the culmination of the first of its kind gold star honor flight weekend, honoring families who lost someone serving their country since 9 11. First, the families were given the royal treatment. Massages, manicures, and pedicures for the moms, handmade quilts with special messages for the kids. Organizers bill and Evonne Williams dont want anyone to forget their sacrifice. Why is it so important for you to do this . Because every fallen familys feeling is the same, is that theyre loved ones are going to be forgotten. So thats our mission that they not be. We see the veterans that come back that are wounded, but we dont really see the widows and children, and i think it gives people a chance to say, were here for you. Thank you. I thought it would be fun. Weve gotten a couple of hugs already. laughs this is my first time riding on a plane reporter a half hour after takeoff, they land in lincoln, where the airport is packed with even more people to greet them, including iraq veteran robert kugler. He served with his brother, who was killed in the war. I think its really important for them to know that there are people that are still hurting with our own pain, but were still here to support them cause were all in this together. Reporter one of the most difficult and memorable parts of the day comes when the families place a rose next to photos of their loved ones. The williams are creating similar displays remembering the fallen from each state. Wyatt robinson reads the note his mom wrote thats posted next to his dads photo. Josh, so proud of you and thank you for all your memories. Kody wyatt and me will keep your story alive. Your wife, rhonda. Reporter its just a short walk from the quiet of the Photo Exhibit to the noise of the football stadium. But its long enough for these fans to let the families know on this day, theyre cheering for more than the home team. Once inside, the families receive special recognition and a standing ovation. They wait for the final notes of the national anthem. Thats when they release gold balloons, each carrying a very personal message theyve written to their soldier, their husband, their dad. Dear father, i miss you so much. Miss you. Love you. Want you. Your son, kody. Xoxoxo, gold star son. Your memory will always live strong through your little girl. Love always and forever, mama bear. Hey dad, i love you. I love you dad, and i know you love me too. Reporter for the pbs newshour, im Dennis Kellogg in lincoln, nebraska. Woodruff tune in later tonight. On charlie rose model and actress gisele bundchen. And thats the newshour for tonight. Im Judy Woodruff ifill and im gwen ifill. Join us online, and again here tomorrow evening. For all of us at the pbs newshour, thank you and good night. Major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by and by bnsf railway. Supporting social entrepreneurs and their solutions to the worlds most pressing problems skollfoundation. Org. And with the ongoing support of these institutions and individuals. This program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. And by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org announcer this is nightly Business Report with Tyler Mathisen and sue herera. Macys meltdown. Its the worst day for the stock in seven years after the retail bellwether reported a slide in revenue and said the outlook for the Holiday Quarter isnt much better. New normal. Are you harming your portfolio by following one of the most traditional and popular rules of investing . And from the battlefield to the business world, the real reason some veterans are becoming entrepreneurs. All that and more tonight on nightly Business Report for wednesday, november 11th. Good evening, everyone, and welcome. Tyler mathisen is off tonight. Well, the magic of macys was nowhere to be found, and it sent a chill through the retail sector. The Department Store that many consider to be a bellwether for the industry

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