I was scared to tell people i had just gotten out of the military because i didnt know if that was the reason why they werent hiring me because they thought i probably had ptsd or something. It was so hard. Ifill those are some of the stories were covering on tonights pbs newshour. Major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by moving our economy for 160 years. Bnsf, the engine that connects us. At lincoln financial, we believe youre in charge. Youre the chief life officer and this is your annual shareholders meeting. Youre overseeing presentations on research and development and welcoming new members of the team. Youre in charge of it all. Lincoln financial is committed to helping you take charge of your future. Life, income, retirement, Group Benefits and advice. Lincoln financial. Youre in charge. Supported by the john d. And catherine t. Macarthur foundation. Committed to building a more just, verdant and peaceful world. More information at macfound. Org and with the ongoing support of these institutions and. This program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. And by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Woodruff president obamas Health Care Law hung in the balance today, before the Supreme Court. At issue whether tax subsidies to help pay premiums, apply nationwide. Most states rely on a federally run Insurance Exchange, but plaintiffs attorney Michael Carvin said congress meant to limit subsidies to states with their own exchanges. I obviously believe our case is very compelling so im hopeful and confident that the court will recognize the merits of our statutory interpretation and not let the irs rewrite the plain language of the statute. Now that its the law of the land, we need it to be neutrally and fairly interpreted and thats exactly why were here to vindicate the rule of law. Woodruff u. S. Solicitor general Donald Verrilli argued the governments case, with former acting solicitor general neal katyal in support. When the federal government runs an exchange it is such an exchange, just like a state one, and should be eligible for the subsidies. And when mr. Verrilli took the podium i think you saw that heavily hammered. The idea that this isnt an ambiguous provision. This is a provision that everyone understood at the time to provide subsidies to both federal and state exchanges. Woodruff the high court is expected to decide the case in late june. Well look at todays arguments in detail, after the news summary. Ifill theres new confusion over samesex marriage in alabama. Last night, the states highest Court Ordered probate judges to uphold a ban on gay marriage, despite a federal court ruling that its unconstitutional. Today, some counties stopped issuing licenses to gay couples. Woodruff the Justice Department confirmed today it will not file civil rights charges in the killing of michael brown. His death, last summer in ferguson, missouri, touched off national protests. Thenpolice officer Darren Wilson said he feared for his own life when he shot brown, and todays report backed that account. Attorney general eric holder. I recognize that the findings in our report may leave some to wonder how the departments findings can differ so sharply from some of the initial, widely reported accounts of what transpired. I want to emphasize that the strength and integrity of americas Justice System has always rested on its ability to deliver impartial results. Woodruff the Department Also officially released a scathing report that found systemic racial bias in the Ferguson Police department and courts. Ifill the head of mexicos notorious Zetas Drug Cartel omar trevino morales, is behind bars tonight. Police and soldiers arrested him early today at his home outside monterrey. Morales is wanted in the u. S. And mexico on charges of drug trafficking, kidnapping and murder. Its the second arrest of a Mexican Cartel leader in less than a week. Woodruff the latest negotiations over Irans Nuclear future have wrapped up, with no breakthrough. Secretary of state john kerry said today there are still significant gaps. And, a senior u. S. Official dialed back hopes for a Framework Agreement by months end. Ifill russian president Vladimir Putin weighed in publicly today, for the first time, on the murder of Boris Nemtsov. The Opposition Leader was gunned down near the kremlin on friday night, hours after he denounced putins policies in ukraine. In televised remarks to interior ministry employees, putin condemned the killing. translated the most serious attention must be paid to highprofile crimes, including those with a political motive. We must finally rid russia of the disgrace and tragedy of the kinds of things we recently saw and experienced. I mean the audacious murder of Boris Nemtsov in the very center of the capital. Ifill there have been no arrests in the case. Woodruff back in this country, the senate failed to override president obamas veto of the Keystone Pipeline bill. Supporters of the project fell five votes short. Meanwhile, the president signed the Homeland Security funding bill. It passed after republicans gave up on rolling back his immigration policies. Ifill wall street gave ground today, on profittaking. The Dow Jones Industrial average lost 106 points, ending below 18100. The nasdaq fell 12 points, and the s p 500 slipped nine. Woodruff and, finally, the wreck of the giant japanese battleship musashi has been found, 70 years after it was sunk. Microsoft cofounder paul allen and his Research Team say they located whats left of the vessel, off the philippines. U. S. Planes sank the musashi in october 1944. Ifill still to come on the newshour. The Supreme Court weighs the future of obamacare. The boston bombing trial begins. General john allen on the coalition to stop isis. Female vets, back home, but overlooked. And, the controversy over secretary clintons emails. Woodruff a major challenge to the Health Care Law at the Supreme Court. Newshour contributor marcia coyle of the National Law Journal was there. This is the day everyones been waiting for. Big case judy. Marcia, we know the court has weighed in on the constitutionality of the healthcare law. Reminds us who brought this complaint and what is it about . This is what we call a statutory interpretation case involves the justices looking at a provision in the Affordable Care act and deciding what it means, what congress intended and the context and text of the law itself. This challenge to it was brought by four virginia residents who claim that there is a provision in the law that says federal subsidies or tax credits for low and middle income americans are available only on exchanges established by the state. They claim that does not include subsidies for purchaseons exchanges that the federal government creates. The act allows the federal government to step in and create exchanges when a date opts not to. As you probably know, only 16 states have created their own exchanges. 34 states opted for the federal government to come in and set up an exchange. Woodruff so it sounds like the justices just jumped right in and started asking questions right away. Im going to boil down the very lengthy argument with apologies to say he made basically two arguments here. First, the language, exchanges established by the state. The plain language dictates a result in favor of his client. His second argument was congress intended to limit the subsidies to state exchanges in order to induce the states to create their own exchanges. Basically, you dont create the exchange, you dont get the federal money. His plain language argument immediately drew fire from justices breyer, kagan and sotomayor. Kagan said its not fair you focus on just a few words in the phrase. The court looks at the phrase in the context of the entire statute to see if its harmonious, if it makes sense. Justice sotomayor claimed under the act there would have been Consequences Congress could not have intended and, in fact, the law was designed to avoid. Would federal subsidies on federal exchanges those exchanges would have no customers. There would be a death spiemplet Healthy People wouldnt buy insurance and insurance costs would skyrocket. Woodruff what was the governments response . The government represented by solicitor general vonl varilli and he agreed with the more liberal justices that the traditional way to interpret a statute is to look alt the phrase at issue in the context of the entire statute. He said the consequences that Justice Sotomayor enunciated clearly show that this was that the challenges interpretation was not the statute congress intended, but he faced his toughest questioning from justices scalia and alito. Justice scalia said it may not have been the statute congress intended but the question is the the statute the congress wrote and where the language is clear and unambiguous, he said the court does not rewrite the statute. Woodruff you were just telling me, marsia it looks as if two justices, in particular will be the ones to determine. At the end of the argument, it looked like the decision might well rest with chief Justice Roberts who said virtually nothing during the argument, was very quiet, and Justice Anthony kennedy who raised with the challenges what he called a serious constitutional problem with their argument that the congress intended to induce the states to create exchanges by limiting subsidies to state exchanges. This, he said, could be coercion, the kind of coercion of the states that violates the constitution. So i think those two justices are the ones that may well hold the balance here. Woodruff marcia coyle at the court. Thank you. My pleasure, judy. Ifill we take a broader look at the case now with michael cannon, director of Health Policy studies at the cato institute. And, neera tanden, president of the center for american progress. She is a former Senior Advisor to president obama and helped write the Affordable Care act. Lets go for a little context here. Was the administration the four words marcia was just talking about putting them into the acts was it intentionally trying to conceal or was it an unintentional loophole . I actually think its neither if you look at what we were deliberating. There were hundreds of hours of hearings, thousands of hours of discussion in congress on this issue. The debate we were having at the time was about where the exchanges, the parameters of the ex changes would be, and we were discussing regional exchanges and National Exchange and state exchanges, and this is very clear. The concept was state exchange and the reason there was the creation of the federal fallback was to have subsidies available to everyone regardless of whether a state chose to establish its own exchange or not. Ifill but michael what is your argument. That by imposing the laws mandates, taxes on 57 Million People who are by law exempt and by issuing the dispute subsidies in states with federally established exchanges. The law is clear. It said in multiple stages during the legislative process that the subsidies and taxes they trigger occur only through an exchange established by the state. Theres no similar language authorizing those measures in the federal exchanges. The law is clear state establishes exchanges and when the federal government establishes the exchange its established by the secretary of health and Human Services which is not a state and so a clear bifurcation when it comes to the subsidies. Ifill justice kennedy, the one who made both sides nervous, in your case because he said he was concerned about the impact if suddenly the subsidies that they made available in a couple three dozen states suddenly went away. It doesnt make me nervous for a couple of reasons. One, he only gets to the analysis if he agreed with the plaintiffs that the text of the statute is clear, and it appeared he does agree and he had a lot of skepticism for the governments argument that the court should defer to the i. R. S. As interpretation and expansion to have the statute. But even if he finds the statute is clear and the playoffs are correct, if he says thats an unconstitutionally quoarsive condition that congress placed on the exchange subsidies, that would create new constitutional law, that would call into question the constitutionality of any number of programs including the medicaid program. Ifill obviously, you can respond to that but i also want you to respond to Justice Kennedys about i. R. S. Overreach. I was very heartened by Justice Kennedys arguments because i think he asked questions about the i. R. S. , the Surgeon General responded clearly, but he raised this issue that a number of justices followed up on which is the conception that the plaintiffs want us to believe is that the Congress Passed a law that basically said to every state, youre going to have all these requirements on insurance, if you dont set up an Insurance Exchange yourself you still have to have those requirements on your insurers, which will raise the cost of insurance in your state and could create death spirals and, according to insurers who have filed, will raise cost force people outside the exchanges and, at the same time, there will be no subsidy for them. So youre going to leave millions of people harmed in these states, and one of the most important points, i think, came out in the assistant generals arguments is not a single state during the rulemaking process noted, complained, said a word about this problem because they didnt see it because it has been, frankly, an argument made out offwhole cloth by jew durable activists who have not been able to get their congress to pass but they would like to have happened so they used the courts. Ifill is there a legislative remedy instead of the courts . Certainly. One of the benefits of ruling for the playoffs in the case is it will create an opportunity for better healthcare reforms than what weve seen in the past five years. Ifill you base id on the Action Congress has taken so far . What would happen if theres a ruling for the playoffs a lot of people would see the full cost the mandates that the Affordable Care act imposes on them and thats a lot of dissatisfaction for that, causing impetus for change. A lot of the people who supported passage of the law continue want the costs to be transparent a, they want the law to operate another way. They tell us theyre having buyers remorse, didnt know what was in the law when they passed it now they see that how it works they dont like it any more than nine one else, but now that theres public dissatisfaction, that causes an opportunity for reform. Ifill is this a political debate the Supreme Court about the worth itself of obamacare after the Supreme Court upheld it or is this Something Else . Could i briefly respond . Its not that someone else is doing this the Supreme Court would decide to take healthcare away for millions of people nearly 9 Million People would lose healthcare coverage, that is the result of what the Supreme Court would do. If you look at the congress in the last several months, its hard for me to believe they would do this its hard to see this as a political fight. If that happens thats how the Affordable Care act works and we should change it. Ifill Michael Canon of cato and neera tanden, center for american progress. Thank you both very much. Thank you. Woodruff after weeks of delays, the trial of the Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev got under way today in boston. Heres Hari Sreenivasan with more. Sreenivasan the trials start was delayed in part by a long jury selection process. 18 jurors and alternates were ultimately selected from a jury poll of more than 1,300. Despite numerous motions to change venues, Opening Statements were finally heard today and it was a dramatic opening day. Emily rooney of wgbh was in the courtroom and starts off with this report. Reporter early this morning victims and their families were bused to the courthouse on bostons waterfront, and escorted straight inside. They have waited almost two years, and today they first heard from the federal prosecutor attorney William Weinreb who said both Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and his brother tamerlan were terrorists Whose Mission was to maim and kill. Weinreb said dzhokhars computer was full of terror schemes and instructions on how to build a bomb out of a pressure cooker. And he described in gory detail how the three victims died saying one bomb tore large chunks of flesh off 8yearold Martin Richard who was just 45 weighing 70 pounds. Shockingly, the defense said they wont dispute the governments account of what happened that day. Attorney judy clark said Dzhokhar Tsarnaev walked down boylston street, carrying a backpack, and put it down. She said what he did was inexcusable but that he was drawn to a path of violence by his older brother tamerlan, a special kind of influence dictated by age, culture and sheer force of personality. That will be a tough argument as the jury is reminded of what started on april 15, 2013. The winners had finished hours earlier but back of the pack runners were still streaming in and spectators still lined the streets. In addition to the three people who were killed, hundreds more were maimed and injured. Then the shooting of m. I. T. Police officer sean collier four days after the bombings triggered a dramatic manhunt that crippled boston and surrounding communities. Over one million residents were ordered to stay inside, the chase ended after a wild shoot out in the boston suburb of watertown where Tamerlan Tsarnaev was killed, run over by his own brother dzhokhar as he eluded police for another 20 hours until he was discovered hiding in a boat a few blocks away. Meanwhile, the projected four month long trial is going to be a hardship for everyone. Between a massive construction site in front of the John Joseph Moakley courthouse, intense security, mounds of snow and a dearth of Public Parking just maneuvering the terrain will be tough. Snow was just one reason for a slow start to the trial, but today was progress with one victim telling me simply i couldnt believe it. Sreenivasan and emily joins us now. Sreenivasan emily, you were in the courthouse this morning. Tell us what it was like in there. There were survivors in the benches. I was sitting right across from them and looking very intently at them. At one point the parents of 8yearold Richard Martin looked over and the father got up suddenly and left the courtroom. I thought, wow, this is too intense for him because it was right in the middle of the opening statement. He came back, i guess it was just sort of an emergency break. But some were very, very intently watching and looking and trying to strain to see Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. Others were focused on what the prosecution had to say. Sreenivasan what did tsarnaev look like . He was facing potential jurors and the media yesterday. Today his back to us. H he looks sallow thin. Has bushy black hair, a goatee he strokes constantly, gijty, but is laid back and seems completely disengaged. Sreenivasan as you mentioned in his report, his lawyers strategy seems to be not that he deny doing this but just to prevent him from getting the death penalty. You could have knocked people over with a feather when judy clarke came out and the first thing she said is were not going to argue with what the government has said. He was on there on boylston street, put on a backpack loaded with bombs, set the backpack down, detonated his own bomb. She basically made him a guilty man. What she did say we are going to dispute the governments version that he was a coconspirator. She is saying he was led along and that his age and youth played into the fact that he was unduly influenced by his brother tamerlan. Reporter emily rooney of wgbh. Thanks so much. Thanks, hari. Woodruff now to the Challenging International mission to defeat the Islamic State group. We explore the u. S. Led coalition effort, and irans role in Iraqi Military offensives, including the biggest one to date. The battle to retake tikrit, saddam husseins hometown, began monday. translated our troops are now advancing according to the drawn up plan, though there are so many bombs planted by Islamic State militants to hinder our progress. Woodruff shiite militiamen have joined the offensive directed in part by a top iranian general. American warplanes have stayed out of the fight, by baghdads choice. The militants still control much of northern and Eastern Syria and northern iraq, seized last summer. But since then, a dozen nations have flown more than 2,000 strikes in the two countries. Backed by that air power, iraqs military has slowly retaken a little of what it lost. The countrys second largest city of mosul, captured last june, remains in the hands of isis fighters. Two weeks ago, a u. S. Central command official suggested a campaign to retake mosul could come in april. Other pentagon officials disagreed, including defense secretary ash carter, yesterday. That clearly was neither accurate information, nor had it been accurate, would have it been information that should have been blurted out to the press. Woodruff today, an irritated Iraqi Defense minister said baghdad, and no one else, will decide when to attack mosul. In syria, Kurdish Militia fighters have pushed isis back from kobani, near the turkish border. In turn, the militants, also known as isil, have beheaded hostages and carried out mass executions. But president obamas special envoy to the coalition, retired marine general john allen says the atrocities wont work. Is that the series of brutal acts isil has broadcast to the world has, in fact, galvanized the coalition to greater action. Woodruff overall, the u. S. Military says the air campaign has killed more than 8,500 militants and blunted their momentum. And general allen joins me now. Woodruff welcome to the newshour. Good to be with you, judy. Woodruff the pentagon is saying the momentum of i. S. I. S. Has been blonted. Does that mean i. S. I. S. Is on the defensive or a standoff, that neither side is advancing. I think its on the defensive. We are advancing. There are advances there has been progress in many areas. Theres been progress from the air in arresting its Forward Momentum and putting it on the defensive, as you have described it. There has been progress in the training process that we have undertaken. There are four camps that have been established in conjunction with our iraqi partners to do training of the Iraqi Security forces and tribal elements. Heavy Coalition Presence in all those camps. There has been an advising thats occurred for the Iraqi Security forces and some of the tribal elements as they seek to recover the ground and deliberate populations. So its not just i. S. I. L and daesh on the offensive were seeing momentum on the part of the iraqis. Woodruff this involves some iraqi troops, large numbers of shia militiamen, irani military advisors it doesnt appear the u. S. Is directly involved. Is that the case . Separately, are you concerned about the heavy role of the shia fighters . Well, i dont want to get involved or i dont want to comment specifically on the role hat the United States may have in this operation either today or as this operation continues to unfold. We are many close contact with our iraqi partners right now, as we have been, and well watch owl of this unfold but be in close contact with them and the fact that it does not appear we ear involved at this moment doesnt mean we wont be later. We have been very clear that, with the presence of shia elements the militia elements in the military activities associateassociated with the liberating populations, we expect that as they conduct these operation and would liberate these populations that they would not take revenge out open these populations. Prime minister abadi has been very clear. The grand ayatollah has been clear in that regard. As this operation as it has unfolded, the provincial governor has supported the operation as well as the chair of the council. Key sunni sheikhs from various tribes have been supportive of the operation. So as it has unfolded to this particular moment, the actions of the forces involved here have been about clearing daesh and we would condemn instantly any retribution or any revenge being taken out on the population. Woodruff just by your making that point, sounds like youre concerned about that and i know Vice President biden spoke today with abadi and made a point about speaking and making sure that the populations whoo are liberated are reintegrated back into society. Than important outcome. In each one of the occasions in which populations will be liberated, embracing the population and reincorporating the population from being under the heel of daesh or i. S. I. L back into the main stream of society and into the broader of concept of iraq is important. Its also important to make the point this is not just about the clearing force. We see clearing forces at work right now. What will be equally if perhaps more important will be the role of the police which will probably emerge from the local populations so there well see the role of sunni security elements in securing that liberated population. It will be the governance element which reconnects that population back to the central government, and very importantly, perhaps most importantly, how we provide humanitarian assistance and relief and Immediate Care for the liberated population, all those together. Woodruff not only Iranian Military advisors are part of the effort to retake. Multiple reports, its an iranian general who oversees the elite revolutionary guard force who is directing this military effort. Is that accurate and does the u. S. Coordinate with him . We dont coordinate with iranians or we have seen the reports. We have no specific information his presence is a presence that is leading the process. This is an iraqi process and the iraqis have been very clear that taking back these Population Centers are going to be abiraqi effort. Now again, we shouldnt be surprised that theres going to be an iranian element from time to time that will be involved here. But this is an iraqiled and executed evolution. Woodruff is iran playing a helpful role in that it is part of the fight against i. S. I. S. . We have said from the beginning we welcome the constructive role of all participants in this battle and iran perceives daesh or i. S. I. L to be as great a threat to its own security as iraq does and Prime Minister abadi has been clear that he desires a Good Relationship with the United States and his neighbors and seeks to balance that and we should give him that opportunity. Woodruff two other quick questions, you said a big part of your goal is to stop or reduce the flow of foreign fighters into the area. Have you had success in doing that . At this point the foreign fighters are still flowing into the battle space into syria and iraq. The activities that we are undertaking in our partnership with our Coalition Partners seeking to do everything from Broader Community outreach to potentially atrisk populations that could generate these foreign fighters, these recruits to increasing our cooperation with the sharing of intelligence and tightening border controls. So were taking concerted action across the coalition to staunch the flow of foreign fighters. It hasnt occurred yet. More work needs to be done. But were, i think, in a good position to start to build momentum towards that end. Woodruff syria right now the u. S. Focus against i. S. I. S. Is clearly mainly in iraq. In syria you yourself have said its more complicated. We know that the coalition is divided in syria, divided among itself. Some of the Coalition Partners want the focus to be more on president assad. The u. S. Wants the focus to be on i. S. I. S. Doesnt this make progress in syria almost impossible . I think were all of one mind on dealing with daesh as an entity. We dont see daesh solely as a syrian entity or as an iraqi entity. We see daesh or i. S. I. L as a regional threat. So while well take concerted action now in iraq because we have a Strong Partner in iraq well have to build that partnership over time to deal with i. S. I. L in syria. The the solution to syria will never be solved by military means. It has to require a political diplomatic track and were seeking that diplomatic track. But at the end of the process of the political transition in syria, Bashar Alassad will not be part of that and i think the Coalition Members are of one mind on that issue. Its the modalities of how to get there that we would have a different discussion. Woodruff general john allen, thanks for talking with us. Good to see you. Thank you for let meg be on tonight. Ifill after serving in iraq and afghanistan, many veterans face an uphill challenge in finding work in civilian life. Theres been an increase in programs to help ease their transition, but one segment of the vet population is often overlooked. Special correspondent Gayle Tzemach lemmon reports. Reporter Katrina Holley finds satisfaction in bringing order to peoples lives. Ever since i was in 4th grade i loved cleaning house. Reporter her attention to detail is just one of the skills she honed during 11 years in the air force. Holleys Small Business in hillsborough, North Carolina cleaning homes calls on some of those skills, but for years shes sought a civilian career that better values her military experience a background that often catches her clients off guard. So often people are surprised because they dont think about female veterans, we are coming more into the light in 2014 and 2015 and after iraq of course but i think it is interesting because it adds such diversity to your life. That experience is something that i value so highly. Reporter the transition to a civilian career may be most problematic for female veterans like holley, who face the greatest challenge in the job market. Female veteran unemployment rates are higher than civilian womens, and a full 20 above their male veteran counterparts. More than 150,000 women have served in iraq and afghanistan, yet veteran services have not fully caught up with womens needs, leaving those vets who do seek help once they return to civilian life often find the support they need is not yet there. A Pilot Program here in North Carolina backed by computer maker lenovo and run by the non profit dress for success hopes to help change that. It aims to help female veterans look and feel their best in job interviews. For holley, dress for success is a chance to get a new uniform for a new mission. I like dresses. Reporter dress for success started by organizing a roundtable to understand these former Service Members needs. The more information you share with us, the better we will be able to develop programs that fit your needs. Converting what you did in the military to the english that is spoken out in the civilian world, that was probably the most difficult. I did have one person who hired me because when she found out i made bombs. She was like, that was cool, and that is how i got started working as a lobbyist and what i am doing today. Just because one woman thought it was neat. Reporter some of these veterans who have successfully made the shift to civilian life now help mentor other women. They know the road back can be rough. They are not making enough money, they are not finding the jobs they need, their skills are not translatable, or they dont know how to translate them, and some of them are kind of shell shocked. Reporter at another gathering of female veterans near washington, d. C. , the bond of a sisterhood formed in service is just as strong. But these women have something other than years in uniform in common all have been homeless after struggling to find work. That first two to three years after getting out was the worst. I couldnt find a job, i was scared to tell people i had just gotten out of the military because i didnt know if that was the reason why they werent hiring me because they thought i probably had ptsd or something. It was so hard. Reporter four years ago jas boothe founded final salute which offers housing and services to women vets. An army veteran, boothe lived out of her car after being diagnosed with cancer and losing her home in hurricane katrina. She says america is failing its female veterans. I took an oath to never leave a fallen comrade. This is why i am doing this. I am doing this in response to the lack of the American People being involved. Reporter demand for rooms at final salute far outstrips what boothe can provide. Female veterans are at least twice as likely to be homeless as women who never wore a uniform. Salanika is a navy veteran who found herself trapped in a marriage filled with violence and abuse. And i tried to hold the lifestyle by myself, my apartment, the kids independently reporter she lived out of her car before finding a haven here. She now works fulltime and takes a full College Course load as she fights to get back on track. Life is good but it is just busy and if it wasnt for jas and final salute i dont know where i would be right now. Reporter final salute was chiquitas only home before heading to war. So you deployed to serve america in afghanistan from a house for Homeless Veterans . I did. Reporter so you were homeless the evening before you deployed . Boots on the ground from here to training. Reporter boothe says the solution cannot just be left to the military. It wasnt the militarys job to teach me to be a civilian. American is supposed to welcome me with open arms and help me incorporate back into civilian society. Reporter in North Carolina that push to help Women Veterans succeed in the civilian world continues. For holley, who is feeling ready to tackle the challenge of growing her business. A new suit is just part of a new start. Now i just feel part of something bigger, part of something important, part of something that is motivating and supporting and nurturing and those are important things to me. Reporter for pbs the newshour im Gayle Tzemach lemmon in raleighdurham North Carolina. Woodruff stay with us well be back with the controversy surrounding Hillary Clintons emails while secretary of state. But first, its pledge week on pbs. This break allows your Public Television station to ask for your support. And that support helps keep programs like ours on the air. Woodruff for those stations not taking a pledge break, we take a second look at the remarkable move by china, an atheist country and the worlds number one polluter, to embrace buddhism in order to help persuade its citizens to care about the environment. Special correspondent fred de sam lazaro has that story. A version of his report appeared previously on religion and ethics newsweekly, and was produced in partnership with the Pulitzer Center on crisis reporting and face to face media. Chung, life long atheist and environmental journalist is becoming a buddhist. His first exposeee was on illegal dam construction on the upper river. Over the last ten years, its led to national attention, a job firing and now burnout. As an environmentalist, every day what we see is polluted air, polluted rivers and the slaughter of wild animals. This kind of negative Energy Attacks us every day. Where do we draw our strength from . Reporter hes one of millions of chinese returning to temples that have in times past been condemned by the government. A lilt over four decades ago during chinas revolution, many built temples like this one in central beijing were destroyed or defaced. Today these temples are alive with worshipers. By some account one out of every five chinese call themcist selves buddhists. Some scholars say it is linked to chinas massive environmental problems. In a world where capitalism and socialism and consumerism have created an industrial behemoth that is polluting the soil and air and the water, you have a heartless world. You mention i truncated both reporter martin palmer, shown in the chinese tv broadcast is based in the u. K. But has been working in china for nearly 20 years urging religious groups to respond to this crisis and encourage conservation. In 2006, he realized this message was also being heard by the communist party. I was called in for a meeting in 2006 with the minister for the environment minister for religion, and they were very frank. They said, the singlechild policy has created the most selfish generation in chinas history because each child is being brought up as the center of absolute devotion by the family, nothing is too much to give to them and these two communist Party Officials said we want religions help us bring compassion back. Reporter but what is it that finally persuades an individual like chung to cross the gap from atheism to buddhism . In his case the smaller tibetan branch which has about 5 million add heernts. This woman is a filmmaker, known lu more than ten years but still prized by his position. When i learned he was converted, i was really shocked. Our generations like we have been raised as atheists through childhood were taught that all religious beliefs are superstitious. So its very hard for me to believe in any religion. Thrifls a huge gap. So i was very curious. Reporter to satisfy her curiosity, she took a film crew to the highlands of western china, an area adjoining the autonomous region more commonly known as tibet. This is also home to the head waters of two rivers quite literally a lifeline to hundreds of millions of people downstream. A prominent perm in her documentary is a monk who explains how conservation and respect for all living things has long been an intrinsic part of life here. Momma and papa told me in secret that this is a sacred lake but they said dont ever talk about it openly because we couldnt talk about god. They do not exist in the communist partys eyes, they are superstitionings. If anyone talked about a god, they would be beaten, so we wouldnt dare to say it. Reporter but through thick and thin in a country thats seen to have political upheaval and social change, the fundamental values have endured he says. No matter if you are a newborn or an 80yearold you are all protectors, you are all responsible and you have responsibility. All life should be protected. Reporter back in chinas capitol, chung guide bid the tibetan mong, says his spiritual journey changed the way he sees the world and his whole approach to writing. Before i only wrote from a legal point of view. Its wrong. This is a national park. How can you destroy it . Now when i write, in my mind, what i thought is they are fish, they are millions of lives. I can clearly see my change. Reporter chinas omnipresent and officially Atheist Communist Party appears to be actively supporting traditional culture as a way to lead people back to a more environmentallyfriendly lifestyle. Party officials addressed the recent gathering. Traditional Chinese Culture promotes harmony between man and nature and encourages limited consumption and a simple life. We support this. We donto support taking from nation. We want Gold Mountain but also clear water and green mountain. My sense is the partnership between religion and the government around environment is only going to get stronger. Reporter partnership he hopes will help lower the heavy environmental price china is paying for economic progress of recent decades. For the newshour, this is fred de sam lazaro in beijing. Woodruff freds reporting is a partnership with the under told stories project at st. Marys university in minnesota. Ifill shes not officially in the president ial race yet, but Hillary Clinton is under tough new scrutiny this week after revelations that she relied exclusively on a private, not government, email account, operated from a personal server when she served as secretary of state. Today, a House Oversight committee is now moving to subpoena those emails for an ongoing benghazi investigation. The wall street journals Laura Meckler has been covering the story. Laura how unusual is it that any secretary of state would be using a personal email account exclusively . Well, it wasnt that unusual, frankly, because there havent been that many secretaries of state since email became the normal way to communicate in business. Secretary powell use add personal account his staff confirmed. Secretary rice didnt use email, then we had secretary clinton. Secretary kerry use as regular state Department Email address himself. Ifill exclusively without any other. Gov address involved . Secretary clinton just used her personal email address. Secretary powell did just use a personal email as well. Ifill to have your own personal server they call home brew which is connected to her home in chap chapa quo actually, how much does this keep public Business Private . Well, i think thats the real question here. I think you put the finger on it. The question is why does she have not only her own email address and not just get the one assigned you at work like the rest of us do, but why did she take the additional step to set up her own network . Jeb bush also use add personal email address and also owned his own servers as well but in his case he was regularly turning them over to the state, so there was a difference. In the case of Hillary Clinton she didnt turn any over for public examination until after she left office and received a request. Ifill thats the question. The benghazi investigation was going on for a while. Why are we now just hearing about the existence of the private account . I dont think people knew that was the case. It came out through the committees investigation when they requested the email. The state department requested the emails as a routine effort to require with federal records keeping requirements so they asked for all her emails then subsequently turned some over to the house committee. So some of this is sort of being done in the quasi normal course of events but does raise questions on why it took so long after she left office to turn these over. These are the public business and all sorts of people have interest not just the house, but knowing for historical and every day purposes and what she was doing and how she was conducting her job. Ifill when she was in communication with state Department Employees she assumed they would be archived on their accounts. So what are the rules and where is the bright line . That doesnt really seem to cover it because all of us email people both at our organization and outside our organization so yes, thats true but only a small part of the emails she would send on any given day, presumably. But the rules that were in place when she was secretary are different than the ones in place now. They said you can essentially have a personal email account but they have to be preserved. There werent specifications about when they were preserved and how they should be preserved. Theyve gotten more detailed about that now. Were told by other people who worked in the obama administration, it was made clear from the beginning this was not the way to do things, they should be using official government email for official government work. Combine with the foreign donors who gave money to the clinton foundation, now this, is she under more intense scrutiny as people are waiting for her to announce shes running for president . I think she is. I think both of the questions sort of feed into a longtime story line about the clintsens being a little too secretive playing a little against the rules too much or maybe skirting the rules is a better way to put it right alongside it, barely legal. I dont know if thats technically true in either of these cases but in both cases it does raise questions and its an interesting situation where shes not officially a candidate. In fact she hasnt even said shes in the running, so she doesnt have a campaign responding to this. A lot of democrats are frustrated. They feel like they dont have the information to defend her and some of them dont feel like defending some of these things. Its tough. Ifill well be watching. Laura meckler of the wall street journal. Thank you. Thank you. Woodruff again, the major story of the day. A divided Supreme Court considered whether tax subsidies in the Health Care Law will apply in all states, or only in those with their own exchanges. Ifill on the newshour online, a liberal arts college that has been educating women for nearly 114 years will close its doors this summer. Sweet briar college, located in the foothills of virginias blue ridge mountains, will offer its last class after this semester. See what led to the drastic decision. We have a report from inside higher ed, on our homepage. Thats at pbs. Org newshour. Woodruff and thats the newshour for tonight. Im judy woodruff. Ifill and im gwen ifill. Well see you online, and again here tomorrow evening. For all of us here at the pbs newshour, thank you and good night. Major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by lincoln financial committed to helping you take charge of your life and become youre own chief life officer. Supporting social entrepreneurs and their solutions to the worlds most pressing problems skollfoundation. Org. And with the ongoing support of these institutions and. This program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. And by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org this is bbc world news america. Funding of the presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation. The newmans own foundation, giving all profits to charity and pursuing the common good. Kovler foundation. And, mufg. 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