I think that the love a parent has for their child is the single greatest and most underutilized Natural Resource in education. Woodruff and its friday, ruth marcus and Michael Gerson are here, to analyze the weeks news. Those are just some of the stories were covering on tonights pbs newshour. Major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by moving our economy for 160 years. Bnsf, the engine that connects us. Ive been around long enough to recognize the people who are out there owning it. The ones getting involved, staying engaged. They are not afraid to question the path theyre on. Because the one question they never want to ask is, how did i end up here . I started schwab with those people. People who want to take ownership of their investments, like they do in every other aspect of their lives. And with the ongoing support of these institutions and. This program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. And by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Sreenivasan the tensions between ukraine and russia spiked today, when a convoy of russian trucks rolled across the frontier. The move drew widespread condemnation. Hari sreenivasan has the story. Sreenivasan after more than a week of waiting, a stream of white trucks crossed the Ukrainian Border without the kiev governments approval. Russian officials said the trucks carried only food, water, generators and sleeping bags. translated we cant tolerate this kind of outrageous situation, barefaced lie and all pretexts to postpone the aid delivery to the people in the area of humanitarian catastrophe are over. The russian side has decided to act. We warn of any attempts to disrupt the purely humanitarian mission that has been prepared long ago. Sreenivasan the Ukrainian Government said it would not use force to stop the trucks, but it condemned the russian move. translated we call it this way this is a direct invasion, these are military vehicles, these are military men with fake documents. These are military men who have been trained to convoy cargo, trained to drive combat vehicles, tanks and artillery. This is why this situation is so dangerous. Sreenivasan the convoy headed for luhansk, a rebelheld city under siege by Ukrainian Government forces. The first trucks arrived there by midday, and many appeared halfempty. Ukrainian Prime MinisterArseniy Yatsenyuk said that proved russia is lying about the real purpose of the convoy. translated here is their motivation they are now waiting for several trucks of the so called humanitarian aid convoy to be simply bombed, and bombed by the russians themselves so that they can tell the whole world, this is a junta which wages war on its own people. Sreenivasan the ukrainians further charged the trucks would transport weapons and carry away the bodies of russians killed in the fighting. International criticism also poured in. Rear admiral john kirby spoke at the pentagon. This is a violation of ukraines sovereignty and territorial integrity by russia. Russia must remove its vehicles and its personnel from the territory of ukraine immediately. Nato secretary general Anders Fogh Rasmussen added his voice, saying sreenivasan at the same time, russian president vladimir putin, in a phone call with german chancellor angela merkel, discussed possible steps for a ceasefire in ukraine. Merkel travels to kiev tomorrow. Woodruff in iraq, a deadly new assault today jeopardized efforts to form a new government. 64 people died when a suicide bomber and then, gunmen, attacked a sunni mosque northeast of baghdad, in diyala province. At least 60 others were wounded. It was unclear if shiite militias or sunni radicals from the Islamic StateGroup Carried out the attack. But it prompted sunni lawmakers to quit talks on creating an allinclusive cabinet. Woodruff the white house has signaled that the u. S. Military might go after Islamic State forces inside syria, as well as iraq. Yesterday, the chair of the joint chiefs, army general martin dempsey, said thats the only way to defeat the militants. Deputy National Security advisor ben rhodes addressed the issue today, at marthas vineyard, where the president is vacationing. Were actively considering whats going to be necessary to deal with that threat, and were not going to be restricted by borders. Weve shown time and again that if theres a counterterrorism threat, well take direct action against that threat if necessary. Woodruff overnight, u. S. Warplanes carried out more air strikes against Islamic State targets around mosul, in northern iraq. The u. S. Today accused chinas military of dangerous conduct in an aerial incident on tuesday. Pentagon officials said a chinese fighter jet repeatedly buzzed a u. S. Navy surveillance plane, coming within 30 feet at one point. It happened about 135 miles off Chinas Hainan island. Another u. S. Surveillance plane had to land there in 2001 after being hit by a chinese plane. To the middle east, and gaza, where gunmen executed 18 palestinians accused of spying for israel, a day after israeli air strikes killed three hamas commanders. Meanwhile, a mortar round killed a fouryearold israeli child. The Israeli Military said it was fired from next to a u. N. School sheltering gazans. Four palestinians died in the latest israeli air strikes. The u. N. Human Rights Office now estimates stunning numbers have died in syrias threeyearlong civil war, more than 191,000 people. That includes 62,000 in the last year alone. A spokesman for the u. N. s human rights commissioner spoke today in geneva. People are dying every single day. The rates of killing in syria, if you look at monthly averages, is extraordinarily high. Were talking, i think over the last year, around 5,000 to 6,000 per month. Woodruff u. N. Officials charged war crimes are also being committed on all sides in the syrian conflict. The death count in west africas Ebola Outbreak has surged past 1,400. The World Health Organization says nearly 300 more people died since the last count, a week ago. More than 2,600 cases are confirmed in four affected countries liberia, guinea, sierra leone and nigeria. More marches are planned tonight and through the weekend in ferguson, missouri, as street violence subsides. About a hundred people peacefully protested in the st. Louis suburb last night. They carried signs and chanted slogans calling for justice in the Police Shooting death of Michael Brown. The funeral for brown is scheduled for monday. The Obama Administration is trying again to end a fight over contraception coverage under health care reform. New rules they announced today say Church Groups and some companies dont have to pay for birth control, if they notify the government of religious objections. Instead, insurers will foot the bill. Supreme Court Decisions in june struck down previous requirements. Woodruff Federal Reserve board chair janet yellen gave little indication today of when the fed might raise interest rates. But, in a major speech, she suggested again it wont be any time soon. Wall streets reaction was muted, the Dow Jones Industrial average lost 38 points to close at 17,001. The nasdaq rose six points to close at 4,538. And the sandp 500 was down nearly four points, at 1,988. For the week, the dow gained 2 . The nasdaq and the sandp were up more than 1. 5 . Woodruff also ahead on the newshour. Why kurdish fighters lack the military might to thwart Islamic State militants in iraq. Orange is the new black author piper kerman on the emmy nominated netflix series. How parents and family can be the key to making sure kids keep learning during the summer break. Ruth marcus and Michael Gerson on the weeks news. And, how the a. L. S. Ice bucket challenge went viral. Woodruff now, to the frontline of the fight to save iraq. One element of the u. S. Effort to turn the situation around relies on arming Kurdish Security forces in their fight with militants from the Islamic State group. Chief Foreign Affairs correspondent Margaret Warner just spent the day with Kurdish Military leaders as they traveled to jalawla which is not that far from baghdad. Heres her report. Warner racing south on the highway between iraqs kurdish capital erbil and baghdad, miles of open desert unfold, dotted by villages and towns. But just a quarter of the way down, iraqs most vital commercial lifeline becomes the frontline. Islamic state group has advanced to within 650 yards of the road. Kurdish forces colonel wrya hasan took us to one of many wellmanned Kurdish Peshmerga outposts guarding the new frontier, to show us just how close the Islamic States forbidding flag flew. Warner what keeps them from coming right across this highway . If they came closer, we could stop them. And we could move their way , but there are a lot arabs living in that area and it would kill a lot of people. Warner so it would be a bloody encounter to retake . translated yes it would be bloody, and many civilians would die. Warner colonel hasan was escorting us in his armored suv to the town of jalawla, 100 miles northeast of baghdad, in southern diyala province. Its now partly controlled by the kurds since the iraqi army collapsed before the Islamic States onslaught in midjune. Wed come to explore why, over the past month, the famed peshmerga army, considered one of the best in the region, had also fallen back at several points along its internal frontier against the islamist group. General Mahmoud Sengawi commands this southern region, and on our way to the front, i asked him why he was now fighting to take back the strategically located town of jalawla. Warner how did you lose jalawla on august 11th . translated because there were civilians inside the town, and because we couldnt distinguish those who are isis with those who are not. There were snipers among them and our peshmerga were getting killed. This is why i decided to retreat from jawawla. Warner we continued talking behind the shelter of a peshmerga outpost overlooking a twomile stretch of nomans land east of jawawla. Warner how different are they from any force youve faced before . Isis is essentially fighting the way islamic fighters did in early centuries when they spilled a lot of blood to occupy other countries. Weve never fought anyone like that. Warner do you all need to change strategy . translated yes, of course we need to change strategy, these fighters came straight from the streets and we need to learn to fight them in the streets. Warner street fighting training is key, says military analyst michael stephens. Though he lives in erbil, i spoke with him today via skype from london. The general rank and file are not able to do this. Theyve almost been turned into a checkpoint army. Theyre basically responsible for static Security Protection and not the other kind of dynamic advance tactics that isis is using the ground. Warner but thats not the only change they need, stephens says. The other thing of course is that isis is fighting a new type of warfare that the kurds are not used to. A tank is no good versus mobile units of independently working armored humvees, that are very able to move quickly and that they simply arent trained for that sort of combat. Warner the Kurdish Forces blame their problems on the lack of the sort of advanced weaponry needed to combat the modern americanmade items captured by Islamic State forces from iraqi army bases in mosul and elsewhere. General hussein mansour, who runs the weapons supply unit for the south, took us to see just how Old Fashioned their weapons are this is from 1955. Warner 1955 . Warner the generals phone rang constantly, with requests from commanders in the field, demanding more weapons. This is what isis has, this is what we have exchange. Warner inside his operations center, mansour explained further. Unfortunately, our weapons are very old, left over from saddams regime, and we do not have sufficient ammunition. We are supporting our peshmerga fighters as much as we can. But we really need help to acquire modern weapons, because we think this fight is a long term war, and it will not end easily. Warner was that the problem in jalawla . There, we have problems larger than weapons. Arabs in those towns support isis, thats the bigger problem. Jalawla has always been a bastion of baathist support, there are 1,200 former high ranking baathist offices there. Its always been a bastion of terrorists, even when the americans were here. Warner to test that notion, we had mohamed mala hussein, mayor of khanequin where the peshmerga are based, take us in his convoy of heavily armed men to meet one of the many sunni arabs he said have fled to khanequin from jalawla. Amer yusef, a successful contractor, left with his family of 13 in june as Islamic State began infiltrating jalawla. He has a decidedly negative view of the islamist group. translated they are a terrorist organization that wants to harm us. They have harmed most of the families that have stayed in the town. Warner weve talked to a lot of people whove fled iraq who say, all the arabs are supporting isis translated i have a close friend who was member of the municipality, my neighbor, and he is a sunni arab. They killed him few days ago. Warner isis is saying theyre doing all of this in the name of pure islam. No they are enemy of everyone, they are everyones enemy. Who are they killing the most . Christians or muslims . They have killed mostly muslims, both sunnis and shiites. Warner to halt the Islamic States onslaught here and throughout iraq, the kurdish commanders were say they need more american help, including the weapons they say they have not yet received. Back at our spot overlooking jalawla, general sengawi had an ominous warning. They should help us. I tell you, if they succeed in occupying our country, they next will take the battle to america. Woodruff and margaret joins me now from irbil. That was quite a report, margaret. We are hearing there is fresh fighting today in the same place where you were yesterday between kurdish fighters and these shrank extremists. Jude y, certainly kurdish and british web sites are reporting the Peshmerga Forces launched a new assault against jalawla today and in fact took an Eastern District which is exactly where we were, i was in that crows nest outpost at the end with the generics and a senior kurdish official confirmed that to me tonight. The guardians are reporting this action was supported by u. S. Airstrikes and syncom said they had launched strikes in addition to near the dam. We dont know if they are related. Woodruff what can you tell us about whether the kurds are getting weapons from the u. S. . Oon the long drive home from the shoot yesterday i called a senior kurdish official and reported what the commanders said and he said take it with a grain of salt. Commanders always like to say if things arent going too well they didnt have the right weapons. He said u. S. And allied weapons are getting through, though many may be directed at areas of higher priority for the u. S. Like the Peshmerga Forces assaults to retake the mosul dam. Separately, a military analyst here told me that part of the problem is distribution among the two different political factions of the Kurdish Forces and that since the weapons are being funneled and they are being funneled but its through the Political Party of the president , president barzani, the socalled kdp, and that the other Political Party who makes up part of the goth called the p. U. K. Is getting the short end of the stuck and the forces we were with yesterday were with the p. U. K. So basically this country is not only divided among sunni arabs, shiite arabs and kurds, but, in fact, even within each ethnic or sectarian group which gives you an idea of how complicated it is, i think, to put this country back together. Woodruff a lot of complexity to pull apart. Margaret warner from erbil. Thank you and stay safe. Thank you, judy. Woodruff next, with the emmy awards ceremony coming up monday night, we take a look at one the most celebrated shows of the season. Hari is back with that. Did you ask that question . I read that youre not supposed to ask that. You read that . You do studies for prisons . Sreenivasan orange is the new black, netflixs most popular original show, follows the story of piper kerman, a white, middle class woman sentenced to 15 years in prison for a drug crime. Im here to surrender. Oh, okay. Did he look surprised to you . When i said i was here to surrender. Didnt he look surprised . I didnt notice. He did to me. Sreenivasan in 2004, in real life, piper kerman spend st prison in danbury connecticut ct and wrote a book called orange is the new black. It brought life behind bars for women to light. She advocates for prison reform. She testified at a Senate Judiciary hearing on solitaire confinement earlier this year. There are egregious examples of solitaire confinement used by prison officials to hide horrific systemic sexual abuse under their watch. The terrible threat of isolation makes women afraid to report abuse and serves as a powerful disincentive to ask for help or justice. Sreenivasan the series has already won three emmis and is nominated for nine more. Piper kerman joins me now mentd whaferred. Whats it like to seen of your life turned into a tv show and nominated for emmys . Its good to see the consequences of a mistake turn into something that has such farreaching impact and that is really thrilling. I think every writer probably fantasizes finding an audience and finding readers because you would never finish a book orthowise, but it is really humbling and gratifying to see such an amazing adaptation by jinji cohan and gain such claim and reach so many people. Sreenivasan what are the central ideas about a womans experience in prison you think people still dont get . I think people dont necessarily recognize that women are a crystallizing example of people we have put in prison over the last 30 years that we never used to put in prison. So people convicted of lowlevel, nonviolent offenses, that is an accurate description of most women in prison or jail today, and sometimes, you know, those women are sent to prison for really long times. You know, i was so fortunate to only go to prison for a year, for 13 months, but many of the women that are doing time i was with are doing a lot more time, again for nonviolent offenses. Sreenivasan youve testified regarding solitaire confinement but Mental Illness has come through in a couple of the characters in the story line as well. Its a very accurate depiction on the show. A huge percentage of prisoners and an even more significant percentage of female prisoners suffer from Mental Health problems and sometimes very acute Mental Illness. Its a big part of what drives their involve in crime, sometimes. The real issue is confinement, incarceration does not make mentally ill people better. In fact, it has terrible impacts. The most extreme example, being in school tear confinement. Sreenivasan people are interested because this character gives you a lens of how women of color are getting into the system, latino americans, frearns africanamer, and the chaplain is not seeing all the circumstances that brought them here off. When i chose to write my own story, i thought it was possible if i did a good job, i might get someone to pick up a book about prison who might not otherwise read a book about prison. That was my hope in tell my own story. We have the biggest prison population in the world and the biggest prison population in Human History in this country and the vast majority of people in our prisons and jails come from the poorest and most vulnerable communities. I think that anything that helps us recognize those folks as human beings and their lives as having meaning and value is really important. There can be no question that not all americans are policed equally, not all americans are prosecuted equally and not all americans are sentenced equally, and thats a real problem. Thats something that should concern everyone. One of the things many viewers ask me about is theres a tremendous amount of sex in the tv version of the program. How much of that is real and how much hollywood . For me, my 13 months in prison were celibate. That doesnt mine others werent having sex. My book will find lots of differences between the show and my own experience and one was my own experience was much more chaste. Human beings are sexual creatures and that the true even if you put them in a cage. Sreenivasan you had an infrastructure, a job to go to when you came out, things that are important when someone comes out of prison. I had a safe and tabl stablee to live, a job to start the week i came out of prison. The vast majority of the women i was in prison with didnt have many of those advantages. Many of the women i did time with have come home successfully. A small handful of the women i know have gone back to prison and thats really heartbreaking. For the people i know who have done the best since they came home in terms of turning their lives around, in terms of moving forward in a really positive way, their relationships with their families and the families readiness to sort of be there as a resource for those people was, i think, the number one predictor and thats why its so important if we choose to incarcerate a person that we make sure they stay connected to their community and family because thats the thing that will ult pli determine if they return home to the community safely. Sreenivasan piper kerman, thanks for joining us. Thank you. Woodruff as the new school year approaches, teachers have come to expect that many of their students will have forgotten some of what they learned earlier. Its called Summer Learning loss and some teachers believe its inevitable. Are they right . Special coespondent for education, john merrow of learning matters reports. Urn to page 3, please. He traditional educators remedy for Summer Learning loss is more of the same. More hours and more days of classes and, of course, summer school. Were on page 4 but suppose there is another solution. Good morning spring board families. When school enlists family members as partners to help teach the children. Thats whats happening here at Russell ByersCharter School in philadelphia. Darker and darker. Then what . For five weeks this summer, sarah helps six and sevenyearolds get better at reading. Well talk about our new reading tips which is making predictions. Theyre also teaching parents and other family members ways they could help. We are coaches. Im a coach when theyre here and youre the coach when theyre at home. The parents come in on wednesday mornings. Whatever schools we have been working on in class, i get to not only share that with the parents but then have them practice it with the child. Just to look at this one for an example reporter they pass along techniques parents can use to get their students interested in books. If i were to look at the picture, i would ask what do you see. Ask effective questions while youre reading with your child. Reporter taking what she calls picture walks is one technique. Before reading, look at the pictures and talk about them. Which one is the traffic light . Reporter she also teaches parents techniques for sounding out words. Can you practice the word sofa for me . Ready, go repeating again. Reporter ramadis father joined her every wednesday for the onehour workshop. They make you teachers . Its a partnership. It was a learning process for me and my daughter. The love a parent has for their child is the single greatest and most underutilized Natural Resource in education. Reporter alejandro gacartigas is the founder of springboard collaborative, the Nonprofit Organization that manages the Summer Reading program. Serves kindergarten through third graders in lowincome communities and this summer operated in 17 schools in philadelphia and camden, new jersey. The Program Inspired b by doc artizs discovery his first graders lost ground in the summer. I found i was unteaching and damaging these children and i ask other teachers why are they further behind . And everybody told me in this matter of fact way, thats just the summer slide. They spoke about it as if it were inevitable that growing up poor, for every two steps forward you take in the year you will take a step back. But doc, a 21yearold rookie unschooled in the conventional wisdom about summer slide didnt buy it. Ultimately, i began to realize Summer Learning loss is a symptom of a deeper problem which is lowincome parents have been left out of the process of educating their kids. We approached their families as liabilities rather than as assets. reading reporter determined to test his belief parents and teachers should be partners, doc quit teaching and raised enough money for a Pilot Program in 2012, the results were promising and spring board was launched. We had 94 parents attend every workshop, learned how to teach their kids to read at home. Kids not only avoided the threemonth regression but made two to threemonths progress in the summer. Reporter the second year was equally as positive results. By tracking the kids a full calendar year, weve more than doubled their annual reading progress. Reporter spring board collaborative finished its third summer. The School Select students and d assign teachers from the own class to teach the classes. Spring board manages and charges fees up to 550 a student. Making parents and teachers partners, giving parents reading strategies to use at home. This may be unconventional, but according to these families, it works. Do you find you actually use these strap strategies at home . Yes, always. It helps because we try to use our old strategies that we had. Theyre bad. We dont do that no more. Look at the picture. Look at the picture if you dont know it. Clouds . Yes. Ive never been in a Partnership Like this before. Its given me a lot to teach my grandchildren. Reporter after two years at spring board, addison is a much better reader. She was struggling a lot with letter sounds. What i noticed most about her, it was really hindering her confidence. She came back this year and it is a different kid. The confidence she has is unbelievable. Reporter in addition to reading together, the Program Encourages parents to let the kids see them reading thiern own their own. Right now im reading a book about obama. I havent read in a long time so it was fun for me to pick up a book and start reading, too. This is something fun we have been doing in class. Reporter doc hopes to expand springboard beyond the current number of schools and offer it as a yearround program but he face as tough challenges. A School Principal watching the program, they say, i can do most of this, i dont have to bother with spring board, would that with okay with you . It would be fine. I want our conversation around National Education to include families. The reality, though, is that we have been able to amass Institutional Knowledge about how to do this effectively in a way that most principals dont want to worry about at the end of a long school year. Nevertheless, Russell Byers new principle says they may be better served by dropping springboard and they may use their own programs to cover more subjects and reach more students. Not just reading. Woodruff now to the analysis of marcus and gerson. Thats Washington Post columnists ruth marcus and Michael Gerson. Both mark shields and david brooks are away. We welcome you both. So this has been a tough week for news both in this country and overseas, but lets start, michael, with ferguson, missouri, the aftermath of the shooting of this young teenage black man. Its only been two weeks since it happened. Are there already lessons that come to us from this . Well, were two weeks out but we still dont know some of the basic facts and we feed to take it seriously. Its hard to interpret events when you dont know all the facts. So put that aside. But there are some context issues that surround this that we do need to take seriously. One of them is really this was a police force that was in over its head, five different agencies trying to cooperate, not cooperating very well. We have serious questions about the militarization of police, and thats a serious set of issues. I think it also makes the point that that trust between a community and a police department, which is so essential, cant be summoned in an emergency if it hasnt been built up over years. And that contrast between the composition of the community and the composition of the police force added to the tensions when the strains came, and thats something you have to deal with over a long time. I have one more thing. It also points out there are some communities that really have been isolate from american prosperity, some communities like africanamerican males that feel disconnected from the promise of the country. Right now we deal with a lot of that through criminal justice, but we need other ways to deal with that and do outreach to communities in america rather than just police action. Theyre right before our eyes but we dont see them. I agree with everything michael said. I take two additional lessons here and theyre lessons in what not to do in situations like that. Number one, you make an important point, we still dont have really basic facts about what happened. One of the reasons for the ferocious, angry response of the community was the lack of information, the failure to get out really basic information, what happened, how many shots were fired, why was this body allowed to stay there for so long, get out some information quickly to tamp down some of the anger, even if the anger is justified, and number two which is related, its a lot harder to contain a wildfire once it erupts, if you have people speaking to the community in a way that can calm them down later on, its easier to contain the anger than when it starts to mushroom and spread. Should people in the community, nationally, michael, expect justice to be done in this situation . What should the expectation be . Especially now that you have the federal government, the attorney general eric holder there a day this week . I they should expect justice to be done. The problem in these cases, justice is not always done quickly. Sometimes it takes a long time. The primary actors as far as justice are concerned are an elected local prosecutor and a grand jury thats begun to receive information. Thats where the criminal case is take place. The Justice Department, i think eric holder played a good role in coming in, being reassuring in the community that the gerld government was focused in sending gibb agents. There were dozens on the ground to try to make sure that the information, the witnesses were all surveyed. All that was good. He cant be seen, though, in my view, as straight elbow out the local authorities. There may be a civil rights case here eventually but the primary action now is the local. How do you see the Justice Department in terms of the Justice Department question, the Justice Department traditionally have come in when local processes have failed. We dont want local processes to fail. The case people will most remember is after the rodney king beating, a state jury acquitted the officers, then the Justice Department, many years later, after the rioting that ensued, came in. That was an example of the state system failing. We would all be much better off if the state system worked here. That took years to work itself out. Out. But the question of whether justice was done really depends on what facts are brought forward. It is hard to imagine a situation in which an unarmed young man is shot justifiably by an officer, six or more times. However, we dont know exactly what happened there, and there are cases where officers are in reasonable fear for their safety, there have been allegations that he was charged at. Justice may be bringing the case, justice may potentially be not bringing the case, and thats where you really have questions about the trust of this community in its prosecution. We need to know more facts, but its obviously, thank goodness this week is a quieter week, but obviously a very volatile situation. The community has quieted down but youre right, so many questions still out there. Lets turn over to the story that dismayed everybody this week, and, michael, the terrible, horrible murder of the american journalist james foley by the Islamic State group, a man standing there with a black costume uniform on, british accent. What more do we now know about this group i. S. I. S. , i. S. I. L. , the Islamic State, based on this . I think we feel it more directly because of the images but we knew it. For months, i. S. I. L. Has been murdering people broadly wherever they gain control and sometimes even reportedly putting their heads on pikes. This is the most brutal and evil type of group that you could imagine. The british accent here, by the way, points to a reality there are horn hundreds of westn recruits to i. S. I. L. That have gone to syria and perhaps to iraq in this, and there are people who have western passports. Because of our visa system, they can get back in the United States. American intelligence is very, very concerned about this prospect. Thats right. Everyone knew this was a serious threat, but now its even more serious . I mean, how many more levels of serious is there . Its not a more serious threat, but in a sad, horrific way, perhaps its a threat we as a country and as the Obama Administration will now be taking more seriously, be empowered to take more seriously because this group is not going away. It is only getting bigger, getting stronger, getting fiercer. There is this strange Competition Among terrorists to show whos got the most street credit im actually stealing a line of mikes to show their bona fide in terms of terrorism, which incentivizes them, in fact, to be thinking about and plotting to send people look at all the attention that theyve gotten with this beheading. Imagine how much attention they would get with a terrorist incident in europe or, god forbid, in the United States . And we need to bring some good out of this horrible, savage act, which is to take it seriously and respond with appropriate seriou seriousness. Woodruff well, the administration and the president is certainly talking tougher. What does that mean . Are we hearing that the administration, that the president , that they now know how far they want to take the fight . Well, no. Theyve made serious tactical shifts. Weve got over 90 air attacks since the beginning of this campaign. Theyre defending erbil, baghdad, but we dont know if they have made a strategic shift. The strategic shift would be that were going to end the i. S. I. S. Safe haven which is now as large as new england across two countries and were going to build a Regional Coalition over many years in order to end this safe haven. We havent heard that. The high Level Administration people talked about containing the threat, talked about defeating the street, destroying the threat. These are all different things. Theyre not the same thing. There could be a serious internal argument happening right now in the administration about what the strategy should be. But you do see the shift. The president just a few months ago was talking about this group as a kind of j. V. Team. No ones talking about them as a j. V. Team anymore. The president just this week talked about extricating the cancer. As if you can just pluck it out. I dont think its going to be that easy. But i thought the most interesting commentary came from general dempsey, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff who was very clear that if you want to get rid of this group, it is going to require being in syria, a place that the president has not wanted to be. But you can see with both general dempseys comments and the comments of the policy makers and the political appointees about the dangers this group poses, theyre getting ready to prepare the American Public and congress to do way more than what we have been doing. Woodruff are you saying the president himself has shifted on this as a result of this one terrible murder of this journalist . No, i think that the shift from j. V. To, oh, my goodness, were in the big leagues now, happened before this murder. It happened as the state just metastasized to continue with that metaphor, and they were able to have such victories on the ground that it was clear this was going to be a big problem, and then came this horrible act. Well see where the policy goes, but right now theres a serious gap between the scale of the diagnosis of the problem which chuck hagel, for example, causes a problem like one weve never seen where eric holder says its the most frightening hes seen as attorney general, the terrorist threat, and the scale of response which is not equal to the threat but seems to be moving in that direction. But you still have an American Public who is war wary, by all counts, so how do you bring them along . I want to say it in a way that reflects the horror the foley family has had inflicted on them, but, in an odd way, having this quasi public beheading actually helped move the American People because were not going to tolerate and that it really underscores the seriousness of the threat. Woodruff do you see the public moving . I think the president , for example, did not act in syria because he said the public will oppose this. Weve now had a Bombing Campaign in iraq against a very serious threat and the public has not risen up in Public Opinion against this. In fact, the political class, republicans and democrats have been very supportive. Woodruff well, its been a terrible week and lets hope there arent many more like this. Ruth marcus, Michael Gerson, we thank you. Thank you. Woodruff finally tonight, a fundraising and internet phenomenon that is sweeping the country. The a. L. S. Ice bucket challenge. We start with a little background. Im Steven Spielberg and im accepting the ice bucket challenge. Woodruff from awardwinning movie directors, to lebron james and other allstar athletes. A. L. S. Challenge, ahh woodruff from former president george w. Bush and wife laura to you all who challenged me, i do not think its president ial for me to be splashed with ice water so im simply going to write you a check. That check is from me, i dont want to ruin my hairstyle. Woodruff to, even, kermit the frog. Three, two, one. Woodruff scores of celebrities and thousands of others have posted videos of ice water being dumped over their heads. Its all to raise money to battle a. L. S. , a disease that destroys nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord and generally proves fatal within three to five years. There is no cure. Credit for the idea goes to 29 year old pete frates, a former star athlete at boston college, who was diagnosed with a. L. S. In 2012. But not everyone approves. Officials in droughtstricken california are urging people to use good judgment on whether its a wise use of water. And one mass challenge event turned tragic yesterday. Two firefighters in campbellsville, kentucky, had just sprayed water on a college band when their ladder got too close to a highvoltage power line. The two were badly burned, with one in critical condition. Still, the social media craze has raised more than 53 Million Dollars for the a. L. S. Association since the end of july. Thats up from 2 million in the same period last year. Woodruff for a look at the challenge and the charity at its center, im joined by barbara newhouse, president and ceo of the a. L. S. Association. To the newshour. Thank you, judy. Woodruff to this has taken off hike a storm. Did you have any idea when pete and his family issued the challenge that it was going to lead to this . No, theres no way. I dont think anybody could have predicted what happened with this. Its a new age with social networking. Woodruff what do you think has made the difference . How do you explain it . You know, i believe with all my heart that what makes the difference is this started so organically because it started with families and people with a. L. S. And took off from there. I dont think you could come in and bring your Development Staff and your marketing staff and come up with something that is going to do what this did. It had to come from the heart and the families. Woodruff so how much has your association been pushing since it started or has it all been out there . Well, its all been out there. We did one email, and that was very early on. So back on august 6, we did one email woodruff just a few days ago, or seems like it. One email on august 6 to 60,000 people, and that was it, and we have had to do nothing since then. Iit has just had a life of its own. As you and i were discussing, its raised over 53 million. Yes. Woodruff what will this money go toward . How will it make a difference in the lives of people with a. L. S. . First of all, the mission of the a. L. S. Association is threepronged. So research is a part of our mission, care service is a part of our mission for quality of life while people are living with a. L. S. And then advocacy. So this money is going to make a big difference. We will be doing a lot on the Research Front, but we will also be recognizing that we have people who have needs every day, and we will be looking to meet those, too. Working through our 38 chapters across the country. Woodruff so prevention, the research that would lead down the line, down the road potentially to prevention, a cure, is part of it, but youre saying also to treat those who have a. L. S. And will have it. Right now, we dont have any good treatments, really, and we certainly dont have a cure. So we do want to make sure that we are being very thoughtful about how these dollars are spent on the Research Front as well, because whatever we do in Research Care services and even advocacy have to be sustainable. So we need to be very thoughtful about that. S woodruff so when you say you need money for treatment, that theres no good treatment, what would treatment consist of . Part of our research is around drug therapies, to see what kinds of drugs will be helpful to an individual with a. L. S. So those are the kinds of trements were talking about. Woodruff is there relief at this point for someone who is diagnosed with a. L. S. . Throughout the country, we have a. L. S. Certify clinics, and those are partnered with Large Research institutions, also very large hospitals, and individuals with a. L. S. Can come in and they have what i would call an integrated approach to their healthcare, including not only meeting with a neurologist, but a p. T. , o. T. , nutritionist, social worker. Woodruff so some of this money will go to improving all that. Yes aivment fire storm but in a good way. Barbara newhouse, president of the a. L. S. Association. Thank you. Thank you. Woodruff calculation congras on whats happened. Thank you. Woodruff one note before we leave the subject. Earlier today, gwen and i had our own encounter with the ice bucket challenge, heres a look. Ifill here to join us are other members of our pbs family who are too happy to do this. Our staff. Hats off. Here we go screaming woodruff it was cold but it was, as you heard, for a good cause. You can see the complete video of the dousing on our web site pbs. Org newshour. I will have to say our staff also posted it in slow motion because they enjoyed watching our reaction so much. Woodruff again, the major developments of the day. The u. S. , the u. N. And nato condemned russias move to send a humanitarian aid convoy into ukraine without kievs permission. Sunni lawmakers in iraq pulled out of crucial talks to form a new government after attackers killed 64 people at a sunni mosque. And the white house left open the possibility that military attacks on Islamic State forces might extend beyond iraq, and into syria. On the newshour online right now, Musical Artists respond to the killing of teenager Michael Brown in ferguson, missouri. See how contemporary songwriters have put their protests to music on art beat. All that and more is on our web site, newshour. Pbs. Org. And a reminder about some upcoming programs from our pbs colleagues. Gwen ifill is preparing for washington week. Tune in later this evening for a round up of the weeks political news. And tomorrows edition of pbs newshour weekend looks at the accuracy of background checks designed to keep the workplace safe, and how some errors can dramatically disrupt job candidates lives. And well be back, right here, on monday, to kick off a new series looking at changes in higher education. Join us all week for rethinking college. Thats the newshour for tonight, im judy woodruff. Have a nice weekend, thank you and good night. Major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by Carnegie Corporation of new york. Supporting innovations in education, democratic engagement, and the advancement of International Peace and security. At carnegie. Org. And with the ongoing support of these institutions and. Friends of the newshour. This program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. And by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Captioning sponsored by Macneil Lehrer productions captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org this is nightly Business Report with tyler mathisen, and susie gharib. Its getting better. Fed chair janet yellen says the u. S. Economy is improving, but not enough to worry the markets about moving up the rate hiking timetable. Slipping. Why buying and then quickly selling houses is back in vogue but this time the game has changed. And stripping. The vegas strip is back, as the first casino in five years opens its doors. We have all that and more, tonight on nightly Business Report for this friday, august 22nd. Good evening everyone and well company. Its billed as a kind of summer camp for 3407b tear policy superstars. The annual retreat for central bankers hosted by the kansas city Federal Reserve in jackson hole, wyoming. And today amidst the